February 2015 A Newsletter of Trinity On The Hill, Episcopal Church :: Los Alamos, NM Trinity Tidings Lent: It’s Not Just for Belly Buttons! In the life of our church: This month is the beginning of Lent. While Advent is that season when we prepare for the coming of Christ, Lent is that time when we choose how we will better take on the mission of Christ. Though it is a solemn season, it is also one that is easily misunderstood. Such is the case in the following story. A Roman Catholic priest was making his way down an alley to his parked car. A man suddenly emerged from the shadows, thrusting the muzzle of a revolver into his ribs. He then demanded, “Hand me your wallet!” Offering no word of protest, the priest immediately began to comply. As he reached into his inside pocket, his clerical collar became evident in the dim light, catching the robber off guard. “Are you a priest?!” he exclaimed. “Yes, I am,” the priest replied. “Oh, I don’t rob priests,” the thief responded, “I’m Catholic, too.” Greatly relieved, the priest withdrew a cigar from his inside pocket and offered it to the penitent thief. “Oh no! I can’t do that,” the thief exclaimed, “I’ve given them up for Lent!” P. 2 :: Sr. Warden’s Offering While many people in their quest to take more seriously the ministry that Christ desires to live through them, they choose to give something up for Lent, while others choose to take something on. Some do both, such as giving up an evening of television each week and using it to visit a shut-in. To assist us in going through Lent, Kathy and I are ordering Lenten Calendar Posters for the “Journey through Lent.” These will be available in the narthex of the church when they arrive. Each day on the path provides a Lenten suggestion. Each day can be colored in by the children to mark your progress. P. 11 :: Thank You ToTH Each year we join with the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, the United Church of Los Alamos, the First United Methodist Church, and the White Rock Presbyterian Church to put together a weekly ecumenical community Lenten gathering. This year it will be hosted by the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church each Thursday evening during Lent following the week of Ash Wednesday. The theme for this year is “the Community of the Beloved.” Each Thursday evening will consist of a number of special studies, a meal provided by a different congregation each week, and shared worship. Please make plans to attend. During the season of Lent I will present a study that focuses on Christian spirituality (Continued on page 4) P. 3 :: From the Jr. Warden P. 5 :: Mother’s Musings P. 5 :: For the Record P. 7 :: Christmas Time at ToTH P. 8 :: Annual Meeting Summary P. 9 :: Shop on the Corner Sale P. 9 :: Blessing the new sign P. 10 :: ToTH Women visit Bernal P. 10 :: Valentines Day Treats P. 11 :: Children’s Bazaar P. 12 :: Shrove Tuesday Pancakes P. 13 :: Tidings Tipsheet P. 14 :: Feb. Server Schedule P. 15 :: February Calendar Sunday Worship Schedule: 8:00am Rite I (Spoken) 10:30a Rite II (Choral Eucharist) 6:07p “Gener ations” Contemporary Service (2nd & 4th Sundays of the month) 6:00p Chor al Evensong (3r d Sunday of the month) 8:00pm Compline (weekly) Ash Wednesday 7am, Noon, 7pm ~ Come Worship With Us! ~ www.latoth.org 505-662-5107 TRINITY TIDINGS SENIOR WARDEN’S OFFERING Dear people of ToTH. This is my final report as Senior Warden for 2014. It has been an honor to serve you these past two years as we have gone through many challenges and changes. The last two years could not have been as smooth as they have been were it not for the wonderful help of our Junior Warden. The entire congregation must be commended on their tireless devotion to the ministries entrusted to them and staying the course that so demonstrates that ToTH is a strong, loving and devoted church family. Thank you. The article below can also be found in the Annual Report: We can look at the state of the parish through the eyes of strategic planning’s SWOT, i.e., Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths: Over all ToTH r emains a str ong par ish. Many of its strengths stem from its diversity. ToTH appeals to many people, regardless of their political points-of-view and ToTH strives to continue to keep politics out of the pulpit. Our ministries are diverse and are managed by dedicated, hard-working parishioners. ToTH is a very visible church occupying some of the most valuable and noticeable real estate in Los Alamos, on the corner of the County's busiest intersection. We now have a sign installed at that intersection that announces and promotes the church’s activities. ToTH’s parish hall with its ample space and big kitchen hosts ToTH and non-ToTH activities throughout the year. Activities span from music lessons to high tea, pancake suppers to recitals, receptions to educational opportunities, Kiwanis to former Ski Club meeting, and so many more. ToTH is recognized in the community as being a church that has a special place for youth and children with our support for Teens through the Teen Center, Friday Lunch, Youth Choir, and teen/tween activities both at TOTH and with other church organizations, and our support of Girl and Boy Scouts through the use of our space. ToTH continues to be the chartering organization for Cub Scout Pack 229. We are recognized as assisting the community locally and beyond. Shop on the Corner distributed over $20,000 to charities and missions, provided clothing and household goods for needy families, provided a fantastic shopping experience for children at the annual Christmas Bazaar, and spread the Gospel to its volunteers and customers. Parishioners led two house builds in Juarez to provide shelter for two families. We have numerous opportunities for prayer and Bible study for all types of people, ranging from Noon Bible Study, Sunday school for all ages, Contemplative Prayer, Women Alive, the Prayer Shawl ministry, etc. Our oneon-one support to our congregants is provided by our clergy who offer counseling to many people and support to those who are in need. Due to countless hours of many, many people, a key strength is the wonderful worship opportunities we provide through its variety of styles. We owe our thanks to the Chancel Choir and youth choirs who provide beautiful music to our worship experience. Much thanks also to the many volunteers that enable the Sunday services, Evensong, and the festive and high church services throughout the church year. The Altar Guild, ushers, lay Eucharistic ministers, acolytes, nursery workers, the Generations band and the volunteers, our parish administrator and all those who assist the parish administrator and of course our very talented clergy provide the support for our worship at ToTH. We wouldn’t be able to do all we do without them. ToTH has a very talented and strong Vestry that represents a wide cross-section of the parish. Our Finance Committee is particularly robust thanks to past and present Finance Chairs who are providing good guidance for future vestries and are doing an excellent job of being stewards of God's gifts. Our ministry chairs contribute many, many hours to their ministries which is evident by their fruits both within and outside of ToTH. Our ministry talent is obvious and is a blessing for a medium-sized parish like ours. That is particularly noticeable during the Holy (Continued on page 4) 2 TRINITY TIDINGS FROM THE JUNIOR WARDEN This month’s “Things Hopefully Not Breaking “ News: January saw the resolution of several facilities issues. Early in the month we dealt with a nasty sewer backup in the downstairs bathrooms and a related issue with one of our hot water heaters. Roto -Rooter Fred came to our rescue with his timely response and thanks are also due to Waller’s Plumbing for resolving the hot water issue. Later in the month Mark Hartman and Brad Wright were finally able to resolve our lingering issue with the fire alarm system (the beeping panel across from the little kitchen). I will not attempt to explain all of the troubleshooting they had to go through, but suffice it to say the process was very complex. Thanks to both for their tireless diligence. B&G Staff News LAHS student Gabby Ortiz continues as our Sexton with occasional assistance from Marie Schmidt as a substitute. Please be aware that our custodial services are, and will remain, fairly limited due to budget constraints. If you see a mess or make a mess, especially on weekends please make your best efforts to clean up after yourself or ask a fellow parishioner to help you. If you are thinking the next person will take care of it, know that you are that next person. Passing the Torch As my time on the Vestry has come to an end I find myself passing on my duties to our new Junior Warden – Mark Hartman. He brings to the job a depth of knowledge about facilities that far surpasses mine. His many years of experience as an electrician and familiarity with the TOTH physical plant will give him a big jump-start into his new position. I look forward to assisting Mark in the transition and hope you will prayerfully consider how you might be involved with the Buildings & Grounds Ministry over the coming year. (Snow shoveling, anyone?) Experience has shown that for every complicated maintenance issue requiring specialized skills, there are dozens of small projects that require little more than some time and a desire to serve (and perhaps some duct tape). If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call me at 412-1003. In Christ, George Marsden Junior Warden (emeritus) Mitten Tree for 2014-2015 Many thanks to all who contributed gloves, hats, scarves, mittens, and ear warmers to the Mitten Tree this year. There was a wonderful variety and it looked as though some were selected by children of the parish - good job! There were 150 items in all, compared to 90 last year! All the items were blessed at the Epiphany service January 6, as well as the recipients, the people in "The Episcopal Church of Navajoland," Companion Diocese of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. 3 TRINITY TIDINGS (Continued from page 1) during the Adult Forum on Sunday mornings. Different styles of prayer will be presented that are matched with personality types as identified through the Myers-Briggs [Personality Type Indicator]. Each of these presentations will be didactic, as well as experiential. The goal is to assist each of us in learning other ways of being in the presence of God, ways that promote more effective two way communications with the Divine. Our liturgy for worship will change as well to reflect this solemn season. Purple hangings will be used to reflect our journey during this season on the royal road to the Divine. Flowers will disappear from the altar, reflecting that this is a special season of prayer, fasting, and sacrificial living. Our services will use the traditional language of Rite One to promote a sense of intentional reverence and penitence. So let us make this a special and holy season. Let us prepare our hearts to be enriched and discover the Lord in new and special ways. Faithfully, (Continued from page 2) Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, and Easter. Weaknesses: The most significant weakness we faced in 2014 was r econciling our budget with contr ibutions that we expected to receive. Contributions have diminished slightly while costs have rose slightly over the last couple of years, creating a negative delta that had to be addressed. A number of our long-term congregants have passed away over the last 2 years which lowered the expected contributions. Bringing the cost down resulted in cuts to ministry and support budgets. Some of the support services and ministry expenditures will have to be borne by volunteers and private contributions. Continuing to keep the budget in line with the contribution will be an ongoing effort for calendar year 2015. Opportunities: Ther e ar e the significant oppor tunities I see for ToTH in 2015: 1. In 2014, TOTH renewed its effort to call a new long-term Rector. The renewed support of the Diocese is this regard creates an opportunity to work together to discern who God had called to our parish. The Search Committee was established, a church survey was developed and administered, a revised church profile (which is lovely) was developed and posted nationally. A few candidates have responded and it will be the responsibility of the Search Committee to evaluate the candidates and submit to the Vestry and the Bishop up to three qualified candidates. In 2014 ToTH participated in a Congregational Retreat which offered a constructive process to begin the evaluation of our ministries. This process allowed us to explore what we want to be and do as a church, what programs we want to emphasize, what new programs we may wish to explore and put our energies into and overall to take a good look at who we are and what we want to do and become. People of ToTH are active, involved people who put their non-working time into programs at the church as well as in community. This has always been the underlying opportunity and strength of this congregation. They put their time and talent toward ministries they believe in. One lovely parishioner commented on how wonderful it is to see how much can change and how much can remain the same without conflict. That captured for me the underlying essence of Trinity-on-the-Hill. As we move forward in 2015 this essence will become ever more a reality as we witness what is to come. 2. Finding a new renter for the space currently occupied by the Y-teen center is both an opportunity and a challenge. ToTH has been recently zoned by the county as a C-1 or loosely translated ‘light commercial’. This is an opportunity for ToTH to attract potential renters and not be restricted by the requirement for the renter to be a non -profit, as was previously the case. The Y-teen Center has been a wonderful tenant. The interior set up at the Yteen Center is a blessing as it allows and accommodates the ToTH tweens & teens use of the facility on Sundays for their meetings and Bible study. The challenge that needs to be addressed is that a new tenant may not enable (Continued on page 6) 4 TRINITY TIDINGS The Mother’s Musings—Thankful for Christmas We finished a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship. The youth did a fantastic job on the play. I thank everyone who was involved in the play. I was excited that my brother and his family as well as Paul's brother's family came to spend Christmas with us. It was wonderful to see them all at the service. The service was wonderful, reminding me of the miracle that God the Word came into our world as a tiny human baby. He gave up so much to become one of us out of his great love for us. While I know this season can be joyful for some and painful for others (due to loss of loved ones or other hard times), I pray we remember that in our joy or suffering, Christ is with us. He cares about us, loves us, and is walking with us through all seasons of our life. It was a blessing to celebrate Christmas with all of you. Bless you all. Mother Alicia Pope For the Record… Dec. 12, 2014 -- Transferred from Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas TX: Kevin Powers, Cristin Haake (Children: Clancy, Desmond and Amelia Powers) 12/31/14--Removed fr om Ledger : 105 Communicants (+ inactives with no r ecor ded baptism date) Result: Active Communicants (193) + Baptized children (47); TOTAL = 240 Baptized Members Trinity Tidings Trinity on the Hill’s Vision A newsletter of Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church The Rev. Dr. Gary Baldwin, Priest In Charge, cell phone: (251)363-0463 The Rev. Alicia Pope The Very Rev. Louise Weiss We are called to be a Christ-centered community, gathered in love and forgiveness, growing in faith and sent forth to serve. 3900 Trinity Dr., Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544 (505) 662-5107 FAX: 662-5498 Editor: TK Thompson (672-9498) Calendars and schedules: Cynthia Biddlecomb and Claire Singleton March Issue deadline is February 20th! Distribution: Marybeth Stephens, Cathy Walters, Jane Sherwood, Renee Roybal Kathy Baldwin and the Thursday Men's Fellowship Submit electronically to: [email protected] 5 TRINITY TIDINGS (Continued from page 4) the same use of the facility by the youth. Consequently, alternative space at ToTH would have to be worked out. This will take some brain storming by the various ToTH stakeholders. I suspect that this will turn out to be a good opportunity even though the process of getting there may be a bit stressful and tense. On the other hand, the ‘opportunity’ certainly rest with the fact that we are far less expensive than many properties in the downtown area and the opportunity to attract a renter that can pay a higher rate and consider it a good deal increases significantly. These rents have been used to pay down the principle on Kelly Hall and in 2014 to cover some operating expenses. 3. Ministry to Youth - we are making strides and building momentum in our ongoing ministry to children and Youth. We have a good Sunday School program that has been enhanced by a Sunday School Shuttle. We have a high-quality children's and youth choir that draws families to Trinity on the Hill. We have a healthy Tween program and have a revitalized our Teen program. We have begun to reach out to other church youth programs to explore how to participate. We have the Friday Lunch program which brings in thousands of kids a year to our church for a warm meal and Christ-like love and could expand to other high school opportunities. We need to continue to push these programs and look for break-through opportunities with children and youth. In the future I would like use to plan and fundraise for a future trip to Israel. Threats: The biggest thr eats I see to our par ish ar e: The Future of the Lab: The Lab has continued to downsize somewhat while bringing in new, younger, scientist and engineers. Our church population has remained statistically high on the Lab employment side. The uncertainty of the current management team at lab seems to indicate that a new bid for a laboratory contractor will occur in the next couple of years. Unfortunately, there is little we can do except recognize the threat, pray for God’s hand in the next chapter, and try to plan for the disruption and stress a new bid will have on the congregation. As always in times of transition, the finances of the church become strained. This church has ridden the tide of ups and downs many times in its history and it is only through the dedication of the members that a path has been forged that the church can afford and as an outcome, new beginnings emerge that were unseen before. New members, new ministries, new opportunities are before us, along with the duty to keep us operating in the black. The Finance Committee has done some great work toward that task in the past 6 months. We have tightened the budget and will need to keep a close eye on things as we go forward. Summary: TOTH has done a fantastic job of keeping focused on our mission, despite distr actions, of which each year brings a new crop. The thing that has kept me at ToTH for the last few years is my commitment as Senior Warden, the unwritten policy of avoiding politics in our local Parish, and the relationships we have forged at Trinity on the Hill. ToTH must continue with that policy, hire a rector who will support our open-heartedness, strengthen our parish through our Outreach to potentially new members and those in need, and provide the atmosphere at ToTH to develop long, healthy relationships with each other and a personal relationship with God. The stress the congregation has gone through brought about by the retirement of a long term rector, getting use to an interim rector and going through the process of calling a new rector can be tremendous. We are doing well. The walls are still standing and we are still here ready to go forward. It is my firm conviction that through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit the next steps in this process will be as smooth as possible given that we are only human. J Let us not lose sight of the purpose of our church, the strength in our relationships, and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Let us be the instruments of God’s will and seek his guidance in all that we undertake. Amen” Respectfully submitted, Susan Sprake Senior Warden ASH WEDNESDAY is February 18th. TOTH offers three Services of Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes: at 7:00 am, 12:00 Noon, and 7:00 pm — You are invited to attend one of these services. 6 TRINITY TIDINGS Christmas Time at ToTH 7 TRINITY TIDINGS 2015 Annual Meeting Summary At our January 25th Annual Parish Meeting, the new vestry members elected to three-year terms were Judy Crocker, Michelle Carr, Nancy Coombs and Kevin Powers. Connor Bailey was elected as the youth rep to the vestry. Terri Moore was elected to a three-year term as delegate to convention. ToTH did not end 2014 with a deficit but was $3K in the black. Thanks to everyone for their contributions and for making adjustments for budgetary limitations. The 2015 budget was passed as presented in the Annual Report ($410K operating expenses). . Susan Sprake has completed her second 1-year term as Senior Warden. Steven Younger was elected by the Vestry to serve as our 2015 Senior Warden. George Marsden completed his second 1-year term as junior Warden. Mark Hartman was elected as our 2015 Junior Warden. 8 TRINITY TIDINGS Shop on the Corner Christmas Sale brings in $3,061.25 Blessing of the Church Sign — December 21st Send out your light and your truth, that they may lead me, and bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling. (Psalm 43:3) Officiant: Seek the Lord while he may be found; People: Call upon him while he is near. Let us pray. O God, the sign of all that is holy, all that is true, all that is life; Bless this church sign, that it may be a beacon of hospitality. Welcome all who pass by and for all who enter Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church. May you always be our companion on the way; bless us on our departure and our returning, so that in both coming and going we may be sustained by your presence, and know that you are God, through Jesus Christ our Savior. A men. 9 TRINITY TIDINGS ToTH Women visit Bernal January 15th It was a beautiful day for a jaunt to Bernal Community Center in the Pecos Valley near Las Vegas NM to take the saved clothing items from Shop on the Corner to the Center, and to tour the facility. Five of the Shop’s volunteers, Ruth Cox, Sally Cassil, Cathy Walters, Nancy Wurden and Karen Humphrey traveled in the TOTH van, after an uncertain departure date due to weather, but all was clear and the trip was on. The group then toured the game room, meeting room/library, thrift shop, kitchen and gymnasium where the food distribution also takes place as well as the two transportables used for office space and additional storage, and enjoyed a wonderful northern NM traditional lunch at the Center. Valentine’s Day Not Only for Romantic Love! (And the Youth Choir Can Help!) The Feast of St. Valentine was first established in 496 by Pope Gelasius I, who included Valentine among those "... whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God." There are several guesses as to who Valentine might have been. He may have been a Roman priest or Terni bishop who was arrested and martyred around 269 because he was marrying Christian couples. He may then have been beheaded because he tried to convert the Emperor. He may have been a priest from Viterbo (unknown date), or a perhaps bishop from Raetia who died about 450. It wasn’t until the 14thcentury in England that Geoffrey Chaucer associated St. Valentine with the modern day view of romantic love. There are many people around the church and community who serve God in the way that St. Valentine seemed to, in a way that people around them recognize them as saints, but perhaps no one writes it down or even talks about it. So this Valentine’s Day, in addition to celebrating romantic love, let’s also celebrate by letting someone know that using their gifts and talents in God’s ser vice has touched our lives. If you are looking for a way to express your love or appreciation, consider sending someone a package that will be delivered by the Youth Choir as a fund r aiser for their tr ip to Wilkes Barre. Several members of the choir will choose their favorite recipe and we will all gather together to create “prayer treats” (meaning they will be cooked and delivered in the same vein as people in the prayer shawl ministry create and deliver prayer shawls. Only this will be done by people who cook but don’t knit!). If you would like the Youth Choir to deliver your “Valentine” please sign up by Sunday, Feb. 8th by signing up in the Narthex, calling the chur ch office, or contacting John Singleton or Andrea Schmidt. Suggested donation is $15. 10 TRINITY TIDINGS 12th ANNUAL CHILDREN'S BAZAAR A SUCCESS; HELP NEEDED FOR FUTURE EVENTS Thanks to the over 63 volunteers for this ministry, the TOTH Children’s Christmas Bazaar, held on December 6th, was again a resounding success! We had 160 shoppers, from throughout the community. We generated enough proceeds to send $795 to the Episcopal Relief & Development Fund for medical clinics in remote parts of Africa. A like amount will go to the Youth Choir Scholarship Fund, enabling choir members of any means to attend the Royal School of Church Music camp in Wilkes-Barre, PA this summer. We are giving the congregation, as well as your friends outside of church, an opportunity to see what happens behind the scenes. We will be doing business a little differently beginning with the 2015 Bazaar, which will be held on Saturday, December 5. The leaders of this event (Beth Pattillo and Cathy Walters) are unable to commit the time required throughout the year that we have for the past 12 years. We are seeking to build a "leadership team" with specific individuals responsible for the various tasks. We will be most willing to mentor and provide resources for any person, couple, or group taking on any of these jobs: Advertising; Donation collections/sorting/pricing/storage; Volunteer Recruitment; Bazaar Set up (Kelly Hall, wrapping stations, greeting area, downstairs parents’ café); Greeting; Clean up; Snacks; Thank Yous; and Cashiers. We will be calling a meeting later in the spring of all those who feel called to take a little larger role in the Children's Bazaar, or who just want to find out more about what is involved. For the event to continue, more help is desperately needed. Thank you for your prayerful consideration - please watch for further notice! In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments about this year's event, please contact one of us. Thanks once again to all our elves AND angels. A personal note from Cathy: "Since I did not have the physical energy to devote during the bazaar weekend, I was able to observe the kids and volunteers more closely, and it is truly a fun and meaningful event for all participants! I fervently pray that enough people are called to allow the event to continue." Cathy Walters, 662-5266 [email protected] Beth Pattillo, 662-3433 [email protected] Thank you Trinity on the Hill Jon and I want to thank your church for keeping Ethan in your prayers over the past 2 year battle with brain cancer. We were blessed with 34 years with an amazing son and witnessed an amazing love story when Sonja entered his life. Your prayers were much appreciated! Diane & Jon Johnson 11 TRINITY TIDINGS Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17th 5:30-7:00 p.m. Trinity on the Hill Kelly Hall 3900 Trinity Drive Fun for Everyone! Tickets sold at the door: $4 Children (10 and under) $8 Adults or $20 per Family Proceeds go to the House of Hope Women’s Mission & Trinity Builders (House builds for needy families in Juarez) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The House of Hope and Trinity Builders mission teams, hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, need volunteers to help with all aspects of putting together this wonderful event (see above flyer). If you’re able to help in any capacity, please contact Vicky Hypes ([email protected] 505-231-8918) or Allie Thompson ([email protected] 672-9498). 12 TRINITY TIDINGS Tidings Tipsheet SOUPER BOWL of CARING—FEBRUARY 1st! This years marks the 25th anniversary of this movement which was founded by a church youth group in South Carolina. TOTH parishioners teamed up in 1993 and have primarily supported LA Cares through monetary gifts dropped in the Souper Bowl pot on their way to Communion, and through food donations, since the event often falls on First Sunday Food Sunday. Please come prepared to join our team to tackle hunger that day. Bring dollars and food donations. Especially needed by LA Cares currently are: canned items (soup, chili, beef stew, pasta), peanut butter, boxed "helpers," and rice. Thank you for your generosity in caring for those less fortunate in our community. LOST KEYS! If anyone has found a set of keys with a Toyota key, several other keys, and a very small blue flashlight, please bring to the church office. This set of keys disappeared from Kelly Hall or Taylor Kitchen after church services on Sunday, December 28. FREE AUTO LICENCE PLATE OFFER EXTENDED! In November I made an offer to anyone in the congregation to pay the one-time $12 fee for a special "Donate Life" vehicle license plate. A sample is on the Stewardship bulletin board in the hallway to the Narthex. Since I only had one taker, I'm extending this deal until April, National Organ Donation Awareness month. All you have to do is complete the form and mail it in with the check. Your regular registration renewal date will stay the same, and you will continue to use the special plate. If you are not already supporting one of the many other "causes" offered by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles, please help to bring about more awareness for this potentially life-saving act. Any questions, please contact me. Thank you for consideration! Cathy Walters (662-5266 or [email protected]) MARK YOUR CALENDARS! YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID CLASS – Friday, April 24th Mental Health First Aider Newsletter December 18, 2014 wrote “Mental Health First Aid is a tool to help start the conversation with those who need early intervention.” Mental Health First Aid teaches you: Signs of addictions and mental illnesses; Five-step action plan to assess a situation and help; Impact of mental and substance use disorder; Local resources and where to turn for help 13 TRINITY TIDINGS February 2015 Server Schedule 14 TRINITY TIDINGS February 2015 Calendar 15 U.S. Postage Paid IDINGS Return Service Requested Los Alamos, NM 87544 T Los Alamos, NM 87544 Postal Permit #41 February 2015 3900 Trinity Drive Non-Profit Organization RINITY Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church
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