PARISH CONNECTIONS FEBRUARY 2015 BIRDLIP, BRIMPSFIELD DAGLINGWORTH THE DUNTISBOURNES EDGEWORTH, MISERDEN SYDE and WINSTONE PARISH CONNECTIONS The Benefice of Brimpsfield with Birdlip, Daglingworth, The Duntisbournes, Edgeworth, Miserden, Syde and Winstone This month a letter from one of the Readers who ministers in the Benefice: A s I write this, we are all thinking of almost nothing but the atrocities in Paris of 9th January. We grieve for the victims and the bereaved; we are shocked by the merciless cruelty; we are alarmed by the mindless brutality. "Allah is revenged", was their blasphemous cry, taking the name of their God in vain, in the words of our third commandment. Is this Islam? Of course it's not. Are there different degrees of atrociousness? I think not. I think equally atrocious, no less, no more, are the brutalities of Isil, butchering thousands of Arabs in Iraq and Syria. Is it Islam? Again, surely not. Islam is an Arabic word, meaning "surrender to God". That is the reason for the Muslim practice of prostrating themselves twice daily in an act of surrender. The bible of the Muslim world is the Koran, a volume of injunctions, which, according to Mahommed, were dictated to him over many years, by the Angel Gabriel on the side of Mount Hira, in much the same way as Moses got his rules for his people on Mount Sinai. In the Koran, war is held to be abhorrent, and the only "just war" is a war of selfdefence. Mohammed had to defend himself against his own tribe, the Kuraishi, who raged against his dismissal of their tribal "junior" gods and goddesses. He won his battles with them, and then recaptured Mecca at the head of his followers without striking another blow. The origin of Islam was as a peaceful and peaceable religion. It claims descent from Abraham, and respects Moses and Isaiah and Jesus as prophets. It differs from us mainly because we hold Jesus to be divine, which to them is inconsistent with their central doctrine of One God (with which we, for our part, would not for a moment disagree). Allah is Al Lah, meaning The God. In the Koran, Mahommed's injunction to his followers concerning relations with Jews and Christians, was: 2 "Do not argue with the followers of earlier revelation otherwise than in the most kindly manner...but say: "We believe upon that which has been bestowed upon us, as well as that which has been bestowed upon you; for our God and your God is one and the same, and it is unto Him that we surrender ourselves." Fair enough, I'd say. Religion, I often think, can be a dangerous thing, because it means so much to us mortals. If we disagree in our interpretation of it, we may get all hot under the collar, and reach for our rifles. Furthermore, if we are in dispute about something else, we are all too inclined to make it a religious dispute. It is sometimes said that all wars are about religion. I disagree. Most wars, it seems to me, are about territory or the exercise of power. But that brings our tribal gods into the frame, and so we burn each other at the stake, or bomb each other's crowds or cut each other's heads off. Moses really had a point with that third commandment. God should never be an excuse for brutishness. Charles Keen, The Old Rectory, Duntisbourne Rous, GL7 7AP, 01285 650674 Monthly Diary 4th Feb 7th Feb 7th Feb 7, 8, 9, 16 & 23 Feb 13th Feb 14th Feb 15th Feb 18th Feb 19th Feb 21st Feb 28th Feb 28th Feb Duntisbourne Abbots Daglingworth Brimpsfield Duntisbourne Abbots DAMPS Rural Cinema Garden Society, Coffee Morning Snowdrops at Cotswold Farm. Duntisbourne Abbots Winstone Valentine Date Saturday@Six Magazine Copy Date W. I. W. I. Half Term, Family Entertainment Music Society - The Cotton Club Lesotho Lunch Birdlip/Brimpsfield Duntisbourne Abbots Daglingworth Brimpsfield Duntisbourne Abbots 3 Extracted from the Gloucester Diocese web site. For more information on any article, please visit (, The Revd Canon Philippa Brunt on National Marriage Week O ne of the joys of being a parish priest is working with couples to plan their weddings and to officiate on their special day. At this stage in their relationship they feel ready to commit themselves to each other in church, before God, in the presence of their family and friends. Couples put a lot of thought and effort into organising their celebrations and it is a privilege to spend time talking with them about their plans, while at the same time preparing them to enter into the sacrament of marriage. We talk not only about the wedding ceremony in the preparation meetings, however, but also about building a healthy marriage. Marriages can get better and better as each year passes, but it does take time and effort. In all the busyness of life this can so easily slip. National Marriage Week (7 – 14 February), with its focus on Valentine’s Day, is an annual seven day period to focus on the importance of the marriage relationship. Many churches hold special services during this period. These can be wonderful opportunities for couples to remember the love that brought them to their wedding day and to recall that ‘God is love, and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.’ (1 John 4.16). What's so special about marriage? M arriage is a very ancient idea. The Bible suggests it goes right back to Adam and Eve, who were 'made for each other'. Jesus' teaching on marriage, as exclusive, unbreakable and forging a new family unit, drew on this original blueprint. And Jesus loved a good wedding: he turned water into wine at a wedding reception, his first recorded miracle. Even today, marriage exists in practically every country and culture on earth. Christians believe that marriage is a gift from God. There is something in a public commitment of this magnitude that has a spiritual element to it and which can transform a relationship to a new and deeper level. God intended marriage to offer the right place to grow in love and support for each other, fulfil our sexuality and provide a stable and secure environment for bringing up children. Marriage can change us for the better, and as we change, our marriage grows along with us. Christians believe marriage is a gift from God and should mirror of the love God has for all of us – love that remains true, faithful, protective and respectful. To find out more about what Christians believe about marriage, visit the Church of England website: 4 Birdlip and Brimpsfield Birdlip Village Hall available for hire. Car parking. Local rates: Children’s party £16.00, Half day £20.00 (winter), £12.00 (summer), full day £60.00. Please contact Alice Townsend 01452 863231 To hire Brimpsfield Village Hall or any of the equipment or for further information please ring Jane Smith on 01452 863247 Brimpsfield & Mid-Cotswold Garden Society: Our winter programme resumes on Saturday 7th February with a coffee morning meeting including a talk by Pam Turner on 'Alpines Round the Garden' - a chance to find out which of these lovely plants will do well in your plot, and how to grow them! As usual, we meet at Brimpsfield Village Hall, 10.30 for 11am, with tea/coffee and a chance for a chat; come and go as you need to! Everyone is welcome - why not come and join us? For tickets ring 01452 864692, tickets include a glass of Wine and a Cheese Board CHILDREN'S SOCIETY BOX COLLECTION I will be collecting Children's Society Charity Boxes during the week commencing Monday 16th February 2015. Thank you to everyone who has a box, for your continued support of this worthwhile charity. If anyone would like a box or to give a donation please contact me on 01452 863247 or [email protected] Jane Smith 5 The Duntisbournes To hire Duntisbourne Abotts Village Hall please telephone Liz Widdows 01285 821105 between 6.00pm and 9.00pm Duntisbourne Abbots W.I. O ur next meeting will be a skittles evening in Daglingworth Village Hall (please note change of venue) with a curry/quiche supper. This will be held at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, 19th February. Do come and join in! Valentine DATE Duntisbourne Abbots Theatre Enterprises welcomes AIR in G back to the Village Hall with the Kepow Theatre Company’s show: Seven Ages on Friday 13th February – 7.30pm One of the UK’s leading (& funniest) touring theatre groups bring their comedy show which celebrates our passage through life – from infancy, through love & wisdom to disgraceful old age. Tickets: £15 or £25 for 2 inc. supper via Marian 821034 or Rupert 821445 From the Register Marriages 20th December 2014, St Michael’s Church, Duntisbourne Rous, wedding of Tosiek Brampton and Sophie Meredith PROOFREADING Any books/company brochures/ dissertations/ programmes/leaflets that need checking? FREDERICA FREER (Associate,The Society for Editors and Proofreaders) 01285 821300 [email protected]. 6 Daglingworth Daglingworth Village Hall Weddings-Parties-Activities. Bar Available: To book please ring 07796 918964 HALF TERM - FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY 21st FEBRUARY at 4 o’clock DAGLINGWORTH VILLAGE HALL There's A Monster in My Piano TICKETS IN ADVANCE: £7 Per Child * Parents - Free!! Phone: 07754 728044 E Mail: [email protected] What do you do when you hear a strange munching noise inside a piano? Call the Piano Doctor of course. He might be able to help with his bag full of ears and his collection of weird and wonderful tools. But when he looks inside the musical notes are packing their bags and running away. What are they scared of and who is hammering at the keys? Garlic Theatre delight children and adults with this off beat jazzy tale. Starring puppets, animation and a very highly strung monster indeed. Daglingworth Parish Council T he Parliamentary, District and Parish/Town Council elections will all take place on Thursday May 7th. While there have been some boundary changes in the area, Daglingworth Parish has not been affected. All Parish Council seats within the Cotswold District, whether filled by election or co-option will be contested on May 7th. Current councillors will remain in office until 4 days after May 7th, when the new councillors take office. If there are more nominations than seats in a Parish, a poll will take place on May 7th alongside the Parliamentary and District elections. If there are less nominations than seats and a quorum is reached i.e. at least 3 nominations, the Parish Council will be able to co-opt to fill the remaining seats. This usually happens at the first meeting after May 7th. If there are none, or less than 3 nominations, any candidates nominated will be elected but a new election will be run to seek further nominations. Nomination packs for potential candidates will be available from Cotswold District Council from February 23rd and the formal notice of Parish Council elections is published on March 23rd. The deadline for delivery of nominations is April 9th, with the publication of a statement of persons nominated on April 10th. Anyone interested in becoming a councillor will be able to obtain the relevant nomination forms from the Parish Clerk, who can be contacted on [email protected]. Or telephone 07733232576. Furthermore anyone interested in becoming a councillor can speak to any of the present councillors if they wish to learn more about the roles, responsibilities and commitments of a parish councillor. Miserden Miserden Village Hall Parties-Functions-Meetings, Kitchen Available. To hire please ring 01285 821829 Farm Africa Charity Coffee Morning. A massive Thank You to all of those who came and donated to the Farm Africa Charity Coffee Morning at Miserden Village Hall on the 29th November. It was a great success and in total a fantastic £561.91 was raised which will directly benefit small scale farmers in East Africa. The coffee morning was hosted as part of ‘The Bee Team’s’ fundraising, to find out more about the ‘Bee Team’ and Farm Africa and their work please visit: FOR SALE SMALL OR LARGE BALE HAY/HAYLAGE & STRAW ALL QUANTITIES CATERED FOR QUALITY GUARANTEED PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD BLISS 07973 836797 OR 01285 885169 J. T Vehicle Services Mobile vehicle service and repair that comes to you Vehicle diagnostics with latest equipment Vehicle inspection All makes and models done Dealer trained since 1978 Competitive prices, NO VAT Jonathan Taylor LCG AAE MIMI 01242675650/07850686847 TALLY HO TRAILERS HORSE TRAILERS VANS FAUTRAS CHEVAL LIBERTE – IFOR WILLIAMS NEW and USED SALES – SERVICE – HIRE 01452 814152 TERRY BECKERSON HOUSE AND GARDEN HANDYMAN Tel : 07767 495362 Electrical Work, Plumbing, Carpentry, Painting and Decorating Concreting, Hedging, Fencing, Lawn Cutting, Gardening, Patios. NO JOB TOO SMALL. For all your Renewable Energy requirements including: Solar Biomass Heat pumps Want to reduce your bills or take advantage of government incentives? Please call Steve Brady your Regional Director on 01285 688009 WL Est. 1980 Whitaker Landscapes Excavation Works - Driveways Riding Arenas Drystone Walling - Patios and Paving Garden Design Services Joe: 07973518032 Olly: 07919253036 Winstone To hire Winstone Village Hall please telephone Joan Nie 01285 821574 Saturday @ Six: 'Drive the cold winter away'. F ollowing the successful first “Saturday@Six” style service on 15th November last year, we’ve have had another on the 17th January (just a bit too late to report on). The next is on: 6pm on Saturday 14th February at Winstone Church. This one is a Ceilidh! But not a dance type of ceilidh - it is a gathering to share together. Our theme is 'Drive the cold winter away' and we invite you to bring a story, a poem, a memory, a song, a joke...anything on the theme of 'Drive the cold winter away'. The team will provide a structure, a microphone and some songs to sing together and a compère but the rest is up to you - if no-one brings anything, it will be a very short evening! Do come, bring a friend and if you can, bring a contribution - but if you can't find anything to share or don't like speaking in front of people, still come and enjoy everyone else's contributions. Perhaps you could bring something you like, for someone else to read. It would also be good if you can bring a plate of something to share – finger food for a “pot luck” supper; we’ll provide the hot drinks. Looking forward to an informal evening to drive the cold winter away (Last night, as I write this, it snowed. If the weather is appalling listen to Radio Gloucestershire, and we’ll let you know if this service has been cancelled). Peter Broome Christingle / Nativity Pageant at Winstone. M ary came into Bethlehem on a donkey, the Inn Keeper said there was only the stable (which Mary said would do nicely), and Christ was placed into a real manger. The shepherds brought real sheep (two actually), and the whole Christingle & Nativity Pageant on Christmas Eve at Winstone Church was magical. The atmosphere was quite inspirational. Canon Andrew Bowden provided the livestock, which were perfectly led by the older children. Karen Hughes directed the production, the children made the Christingles, and Meg Broome made most of the costumes. It was a very special service, and I’m wondering how we’ll improve on it for next year (but I’m sure we will) ! Ps: I have a few clips of video of it, but not enough to make a worthwhile DVD. If anyone has their own snatches of it, and would like to let me have copies, I’d be very grateful (and will obviously let you have a copy of as much as I can put together). If so, please email it to me at [email protected] . Many thanks. Peter Broome Local Information Cirencester’s Abbey of St Mary. C irencester was the site of the largest yet–known Anglo-Saxon church in Britain. It was served by a College of Canons – priests living together but not under one of the monastic rules. Under Henry 1st an abbey was founded under the new Rule of St Augustine with a good endowment of royal land and dues. Royal patronage continued through many reigns giving the Abbey great power locally and enhancing its influence nationally, the Abbot being given a seat in the House of Lords. At the time of the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIIIth in the 1530’s, Cirencester was amongst the richest in the land. However, virtually nothing remains of the Abbey, save some sections of the wall, a water-gate and a Norman gate-way. Thirty or more manuscripts survived the destructions following the surrender of the Abbey to the King’s Commissioner. These can be found at Hereford Cathedral library, libraries in Oxford University and in the British Library. Alan Welsford LESOTHO LUNCH Saturday, 28th February 12 - 2 p.m. in Duntisbourne Abbots Village Hall Come along and enjoy a Hot Lunch and a glass of cider and support Prince Harry's charity, Sentebale, which helps Lesotho's vulnerable children, many orphaned and ill. Donations in advance or at the door. ALL WELCOME 11 VISIT TO WICK COURT ‘FARM FOR CITY CHILDREN’. T here are still places available on the visit, planned for Wednesday, 18th March. If you are interested please call Nanette Randall on 01285 831261. PARISH CONNECTIONS W e are delighted to now be able to offer Parish Connections to the whole Benefice free of charge and hope that this will help contribute to community life and ease communication for village events. SNOWDROPS AT COTSWOLD FARM Off the A417, Nr. Duntisbourne Abbots, GL7 7JS Mrs Mark Birchall - 012850821857 Saturday 7 February & Sunday 8 February 2015 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Soup Lunches, Teas and Bulbs for Sale, In Aid of COBALT Also open on the following Mondays in February 9, 16 & 23, 2015 11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Refreshments Available The garden at Cotswold Farm contains a large collection of named varieties of snowdrops. £ 5.00 Entrance Children FREE 12 GARDEN Solutions Garden Design,Turfing & Lawns Paving/Driveways, Water Features Decking, Planting & Drystone Walling Please call Phillip Hazlerigg on Tel: 01453 767 149 Mob: 07725 609 945 [email protected] Laura Delport ITEC Qualified Massage & Beauty Therapist Deep tissue Massage, Relaxing Massage, Facials, Waxing, Sugaring, Manicure, Pedicure, Shellac Nail, Eyelash Tinting Based in Cowley Over 13 years experience Mobile available Please phone for prices and appointments Tel: 01242 870065, Mob: 07803755600 COUNTRY CABS Fully Licensed Hackney Carriage Short Distance, Long Distance, ANY DISTANCE Level 2 NVQ in Road & Passenger Travel Safety Safe, Reliable, Punctual, 12 Years Experience Tel: 01452 812134, 07854100522 Duntisbourne Abbots Daglingworth 11am CW Holy Communion Archdeacon Robert 10am Family Service Lay team or join Duntisbourne Abbots Christopher Hall Evening Prayer 5.00 pm 1662 BCP Birdlip Brimpsfield st 1 February Presentation of Christ in the Temple Malachi 3:1-5 Psalm 24 Heb. 2:14-18 Luke 2:22-40 Gold or White 9.30am CW Holy Communion Archdeacon Robert 2015 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth Robert George to Preside Joan Hobbs to Preach 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth th 8 February nd 2 Sunday before Lent Prov. 8:1,22-31 Ps. 104:26-37 Coloss. 1:15-20 John 1:1-14 Green 10am CW Morning Prayer Lay Team th 18 February Ash Wednesday 10am CW Holy 10.30am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon Val Bexon Evening Prayer 5pm 1662 BCP 9.30am CW Morning Prayer Robert George th 15 February Sunday next before Lent 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Cor. 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 Green Services February 2015 11am Creative Worship Lay Team. 10.30am Morning Prayer Charles Keen 10am CW Holy Communion Robert George 11am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon 10am Family Service Lay team or join Duntisbourne Abbots Christopher Hall Evening Prayer 5.00 pm 1662 BCP 9.30am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon Genesis 17:1-7,15-16 Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 Purple Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-9 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Purple Join Brimpsfield 1 March 2015 22nd February Miserden Charles Keen Morning Prayer 10am 1662 BCP Saturday 14 February 6pm Saturday @ Six Celtic Worship Team 9.30am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon Lay Led Morning Prayer 10am 1662 BCP 11am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon 10am CW Morning Prayer Lay Led Val Bexon Winstone Baptist Chapel Evening Service 6.00pm every Sunday 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth th 9am CW Holy Communion Val Bexon Lay Led Prayer 11am BCP Morning 8.00 CW Holy Communion Traditional Language Robert George Holy Communion 8am 1662 BCP Peter Keslake Morning Prayer 10am 1662 BCP Andrew Bowden Holy Communion 10am 1662 BCP Mike Mogg Prayer Morning 11am BCP 8.00 CW Holy Communion Traditional Language Val Bexon Join Duntisbourne Abbots If you would like to get married in one of our churches or would like to learn more about the Christian faith, Baptism or Confirmation please contact the Rector Rev Val Bexon on 01285 821040 or [email protected] or at ‘The Rectory, Duntisbourne Leer, GL7 7AS. Winstone Andrew Bowden Holy Communion 10am 1662 BCP Mike Mogg Prayer 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth 11am BCP Edgeworth Syde 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth 8.00 CW Holy Communion Traditional Language Robert George Morning 10am Benefice Service Daglingworth Join Duntisbourne Abbots Duntisbourne Rous Communion Val Bexon & Charles Keen Join Duntisbourne Abbots November 2014 The Society Newsletter I t is exactly twelve months to the day since the establshment of our fledgling Society. What a fantastic year it has been. We held our first Concert at Syde Manor Barn in May, the event was a sellout, and resounding financial success providing a net profit of £733.67. Our next event was "The Car Boot Sale" at Longdole Polo Club in September and again luck was onour side,a wonderful sunny day, a great turnout gave us another profitable day, with earnings of £2263.34. We shared the proceeds with Brimpsfield & Birdlip Churches and we each received £1131.17 for our respective charities. We held our AGM on November 9th and the following officers were elected Patrick Daly Chairman, Sue Phillips Treasurer, Emma Ryan Secretary, Patricia McGill Schools liaison, Hiary Daly Events Organiser. Our Treasurer reported that we have £2400 in our account, the additional revenue being raised from sponsorship and member donations for which we most grateful. We are already planning 2015. "The Cotton Club" comes to Brimpsfield Village Hall, Saturday 28th Feburary, The John Beckinham Quartet, with special guest vocalist Louise Johnson. The Concert at Syde Manor Barn takes place on Saturday May 2nd. This takes us to the "Posh Car Boot Sale" at Longdole Polo Club on Sunday 13th September 2015. We have already have thirty odd sales spaces sold, which is just marvelous.We would like to thank you all for your support in the past twelve months, and wish each and every one of you, a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. 16 For beautifully bespoke soft furnishings, textile art and tailor-made sewing workshops for adults and children. Alterations and repairs to clothes and soft furnishings. Christine Bass 01285 652681 [email protected] No hot water or heating? Boiler faulty ? Updating your radiators? Need a gas safe plumber to install your new cooker? Bought a new appliance that needs plumbing in? Landlord requiring a gas safe certificate ? Need a new shower/bathroom installe d? If you are looking for a local plumber, advice or a quotation please feel free to call or email me. David Lansdowne Waratah, Brimpsfield, GL4 8LD M: 07984 882016 or E: [email protected] “thoughttt fooo for everr occcioo” FIREWOOD Delivered seasoned hardwood logs; 1 Cubic Meter Load £60.00 1.3 Cubic Meter Load £80.00 07919 180951/01285 239032 [email protected] Guitar, Mandolin, Mandola, Tenor banjo, lessons All styles : rock, folk, classical. Tel: 01285 831460 V. reasonable rates . Rural Cinema Daglingworth Village Hall Friday 6th February Film starts 7.30pm Bar open 7.00pm Admission £4 on the door WHAT WE DID ON OUR HOLIDAY" (12A) Rosamund Pike, David Tennant, Billy Connolly, Celia Imrie Doug and Abi are taking their three children on a trip to Scotland for a big family gathering. They are in the midst of a difficult divorce and have asked the children to keep it a secret from their extended family. Unforeseen events, both hilarious and emotional in equal measures, force the family to put aside their differences and work together or else risk losing what they hold most dear. DAMPS Duntisbourne Abbots Village Hall Wednesday, 4th February 2015, 7pm for 7.30pm ‘BELLE’ (2013 - 12) A beautifully set and told historical romance – with a moral and intellectual message. Penelope Wilton, Tom Wilkinson, Emily Watson et al star in this classy, enthralling tale from Georgian England. Your Magazine Please make sure that all copy for the March edition of Parish Connections reaches the Editor Liz Keen no later than 15th February. Contributions can be dealt with more efficiently if they are sent as an e-mail to [email protected] but manuscripts are also very welcome. Copy that cannot be sent by e-mail may either be sent by post, or delivered to Wellingtons, Church Lane, Daglingworth, Cirencester, GL7 7AG, Tel : 01285 655953. Copy does not need to be typed but should bear the same, address and telephone number of the contributor and an indication on the envelope that the contents are for the magazine. We do enjoy receiving your contributions, without them we would not have a magazine. However, we would like to remind everyone that we are volunteers and the telephone details are our home numbers, we would appreciate it if you could confine telephone calls to between 9.30am and 6.30pm. Many Thanks. We are sorry but the Editors may need to shorten or edit any contribution. If this is a problem please make it clear on items you send and we will contact you before changes are made. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Editor. Any views expressed are not necessarily the views of the Magazine Committee or the Editor. 18 RURAL COMMUNITY ENERGY FUND Rural Community Energy Fund and your Parish Council What is the Rural Community Energy Fund? The Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF) is a £15 million programme jointly funded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC). It supports rural communities in England to develop renewable energy projects which provide economic and social benefits to the community. Funding is available in the form of grants and loans. What type of Technologies are included in the Scheme? Wind Turbines, Hydro Power, Solar Photo Voltaic, Solar Thermal, Ground and Air Source Heat Pumps, Anaerobic digestion, biomass, bioliquids, biogas and bioCHP (combined heat and power), Low Carbon/renewable heat networks, Gas combined heat and power (CHP) units. What size must the projects be? Require planning permission, Large enough to pay back loans, Generate energy for multiple buildings or export equivalent to the grid. What kind of schemes might benefit the community of Daglingworth? Solar farm or roof top scheme, Wind turbine, Biomass District heating scheme How would such a scheme operate? A company would need to be formed and shares allocated, The Parish council and members of the community would become shareholders. How do the community as a whole and individuals benefit? The parish council can benefit from profits made by the company and invest in community projects e.g. better broadband, Individuals can benefit from profits made by the company, Individual households can benefit from reduced energy bills Below are some links to websites showing examples of successful schemes: producing_power_for_600_homes/ Do you want to know more, or would you be interested in working with the parish council to set up a community scheme? Please contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected]. Private dinner parties jonathan’s cooking lessons healthy eating solutions chef for hire bespoke catering celebration cakes pig roast Tel: 07876773902 E-mail:[email protected] CEDAR MOTOR HOUSE LTD. Tel : 01452 617240 Mobile : 07976322735 Grove Court, Upton Hill, Upton St Leonards, Gloucester GL4 8DA We are a family run business. We specialise in vehicle servicing, mechanical repairs and MOTs. We will collect your car and deliver it back to you. Competetive prices with fully trained and qualified staff. A fast, friendly and dedicated service. ROSE TWINNING Lawn Mowing, Strimming, Hedge Cutting & Planting TEL: 01452 812086 MOBILE: 07780640677 Graham Fisher Carpenter All internal/external carpentry work Doors, skirting, fascias and guttering Fire doors and intumescent strips 30 years’ experience Call 01452 615280 or 07950 962035 Firewood Merchant Stump Grinding Forestry Contracting MARK HANNIS Tree Surgeon Blacklanes House Birdlip, Glos, GL4 8LH Mobile : 07836 324825 Telephone : 01452 863230 General Building Work Natural Stone Work a Speciality Pointing Driveways Mini Digger and Dumper Hire Foundations Drainage Driveways Patios For more information contact; Alfie Stebbings 01285 821097 or 07767640696 Dry Stone Walling Farm and Garden Walling Landscaping For competitive rates and an efficient service call Gareth Hopkins 07969 962102 With over 25 years experience Richard Twinning & Partner General Builders and Garden Maintenance Garden Landscaping Richard’s Mobile: 07899 791659 Patios, Fencing, Lawn Mowing Tel: 01452 812086 Dry Stone Walling, Garden Walls Rose’s Mobile: 07780 640677 SEASONED HARDWOOD LOGS Delivered Split & Cut to Size Required Phone for Prices Nigel Edwards 01285 821181 or 07968 054472 Rainbow Valeting Mobile Car Valeting Service We come to you! Superior Service! CompetitivePrices! Based just outside Cirencester Please call or e-mail for details/bookings Tel - 07827 259290 E-mail - [email protected] PHILIP DICKENSON LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PAVING - WALLING - FENCING - LAWNS - DRIVEWAYS WATER FEATURES MINI EXCAVATOR FOR DIGGING - LEVELLING - PONDS DITCHES - ETC. TEL: 01285 644701 MOBILE: 07976 239383 OVER 20 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE IN COTSWOLD GARDENS SHAWN HINDON Architectural Design Architectural Design & Drawing Services For Planning & Building Regulation Applications, for Large & small extensions, Listed buildings, Structural alterations, Loft conversions, New houses, Housing developments & Commercial developments. Professionally qualified, accredited agent & fully insured. For an initial free consultation call me on Tel/Fax 01793 771621 or Mobile 07734 943212 Email [email protected] RYAN DIX STUDIOS OF CIRENCESTER Professional photographers Wedding photography from only £350.00 Portraiture reprints from only £2.50 Events, Proms etc. no attendance fee all images on website 24 hrs after event to view and purchase [email protected] day 01285 659949 evening 01285 821845 mob 07539 553894 D W DUNN PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Unit 3 Purlieus Barn, Ewen, Cirencester, GL7 6BY Central Heating Installation - Gas and Oil Servicing and Breakdowns - Landlord Safety Certificates - Agas - Rayburns - Underfloor Heating - Water Softeners - Toilets Boiler Replacements - Taps - General Plumbing - Free no Obligation Quotes Highly Qualified and Friendly Staff - No Job Too Small! Tel: 01285 771001 We are agents for Aga-Rayburn, Boulter, Grant, Trianco and Alpha-Ocean HASSLE FREE WEEKENDS Do you ever wish you could arrive home to a clean house, full fridge, supper waiting, fresh flowers and fire laid? Would you like the hassle taken out of your party planning? Catering, equipment hire, staff etc? If so ring us on 07941 672296 For Sale Quality Hay Straw & Haylage, Large & Small Bales, Delivered or Collected Paddock Maintenance Topping, Harrowing, Rolling, Fert Spreading, Spraying Contact Nick Ripley, Bridge Farm, Daglingworth Tel. 01285 653581/654085 Mobile 07973 103474 Muddy Paws Dog groomer Call Victoria ‘Queen’ of dog grooming Mobile: 07581 197040 Email: [email protected] HOLIDAY LET – KELSO, Scottish Borders A well-appointed, comfortable second-floor flat overlooking Kelso Abbey and churchyard and very close to town centre. Two double bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen plus a light, pleasant living area, most modern appliances. All linen and cleaning included. Kelso is an attractive market town convenient for sightseeing, walking, cycling and fishing. £245-£280 per week or minimum 4 nights at £45 per night. Contact: Jane Bell 01452 862558 or [email protected] Honeysuckle Catering Elizabeth Whitaker Hot & Cold Buffets, Canapés, Finger Buffets Catering for celebrations, Corporate Functions,Drinks Parties. Complete service or deliver only service available Fresh local produce used where possible Menus created to suit your requirements Email:honeysucklecatering.whitaker@gmail. com 01285 650941 AYS Executive Chauffeur BED & BREAKFAST Daglingworth 10 years with the Tourist Board 3 Diamonds Louise Wigfield 01285 652917 [email protected] AYS Executive Chauffeur Hire are proud Road to Highclere, Cirencester AYS Executive Chauffeur Birdlip, Gloucester Hire are proud to provide provide reliability and comfort to all of our clients. Gloucestershire GL4 8JL reliability and comfort to Business & personal trips. Corporate & sporting events. all of our clients. Telephone. Airport transfers. 05602 753311 Mobile. 07767 236797 Business and personal trips. Highclere, Cirencester Rd. Birdlip, Gloucester,GL4 8JL [email protected] Corporate and sporting events. Telephone. Airport transfers.01452 864726 Mobile. 07767 236797 [email protected] HARRIET SAUNDERS 07831 664616 Alexander Technique Teacher MSTAT Learning to use the Alexander Technique can improve your breathing, clarity of thought, and your ability to handle life’s stresses, so that you can be more relaxed, confident and maintain your health. You gain an understanding of the body's fundamental design, and a way to move that can help you feel better, on your own. You become more attuned to your body's warning signs of tension and compression, giving you a chance to change your habits that cause unnecessary tightness. An improvement in poise and general vitality is a bonus! For all ages and outlooks. SUNNYSIDE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ‘Toby’s Top Notch’ Home produced Beef, Pork, Lamb and Venison from Middle Duntisbourne. Fabulous pork joints and excellent sausages available now! Enquiries: [email protected] mob: 0777 302 2619 Wayside Farm, The Camp, Stroud, Glos, GL6 7EW Steve Berry 01285 821193 / 07585 553559 [email protected] The following services can be offered: -Minor & Full Services -Cambelts -Mechanical Repairs (Brakes, Exhausts etc) -MOT Preparation and Repair Work -Arrangement of MOT’s -Diagnostics and Fault-finding -Air Con Servicing and Re-charge Having worked for Northfield Volkswagen as a Technician for the last seven years, Steve is specialised in VW’s but all makes and models will be catered for. Cotswold Window Cleaners Tuition for the 11+ (Cirencester area) Using pure water technology Contact Steve, 07733 180856 Friendly service with free quotes Any area in the Cotswolds covered Discounts given for recommendations PROBLEM WITH MOLES? Traditional mole control, No gas, chemicals or poisions used. Completley safe to pets & children. Fully insured Member of The Guild of British Molecatachers & British Traditional Molecatachers Register. Level 3 advance qualified with NPTA. Contact Graham: 01452 615280 / 07950962035 Small classes, regular feedback,work packs for holidays, mocks provided Contact: Jane Beckett Telephone: 01285 821577 E- mail: [email protected] Tuition to start early September for year 5 To advertise in this space Email: [email protected] Home Style By Mary Bennion Offering a complete fresh look to your home Made to measure curtains and all styles of blinds Loose covers, upholstery, bedheads, bed covers and cushions A large range of contemporary and traditional fabrics Tracks and Poles professionally fitted A free and sympathetic home consultation service to help you choose the right fabrics and materials to suit your home and lifestyle Mobile 07900 890946 Email : [email protected] CRAIG RICHARDS GARDEN + GROUNDS MAINTENANCE BIRDLIP 01452862455, 07968737160 LAWNS CUT FROM £10, FENCING & DECKING, LAWN TREATMENT, WATER FEATURES VEGETABLE GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, SPORTS GROUND MAINTENACE, TREE MAINTENACE, HEDGE CUTTING CRB CHECKED, FULLY INSURANCED UPTO £5,000,000 CERTIFIED INSTALLER FOR STRATOS NATURAL STONE, HANDYMAN SERVICES AVALIABLE CELLO LESSONS PRIVATE CELLO LESSONS IN BIRDLIP 12 YEARS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE ROYAL NORTHERN COLLEGE OF MUSIC CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY MUSIC SCHOLAR ALL LEVELS, ALL AGES PATRICIA MCGILL TEL: 07779 012933 EMAIL: [email protected] Do you have a mole problem? With over 30 years experience in traditional mole control I can effectively, discreetly and humanely remove the culprits! No gas, chemicals or poisons used and completely safe to children and pets. SUCCESS GUARANTEED OR NO CHARGE Fully insured and references available TEL: 07766 132934 (Day) 01285 770968 (Eve) Member of the British Traditional Molecatchers. Register Member of the Guild of British Molecatchers BPCA/RSPH level 2 certificate in pest control Call Charlie for a free, no obligation site survey and quote 26 Local Services Village Miserden Birdlip Duntisbourne Abbots Winstone Brimpsfield Mobile Police Station February 10th Time 14.30 - 15.00 Bus Service - Operator Pulham Coaches - Service Number 852. Monday to Saturday (excluding Public Holidays) M–F Cirencester, Market Place, Corn Hall 0730 0945 1300 1700 Stratton, Gloucester Rd, Plough 0734 0949 1304 1704 Daglingworth, opp Village Hall | 0954 1309 1709 Duntisbourne Leer turn 0740 | | | Duntisbourne Abbots, opp Church | 1004 1319 1719 Winstone, opp Foss Field 0746 1009 1324 1724 Elkstone, Westerleigh crossroads | 1014 1329 1729 Brimpsfield, War Memorial | 1021 1336 1736 Birdlip, Village stores | 1026 1341 1741 Gloucestershire Royal Hospital | 1106 | | Gloucester, Bus Station [E] 0815 1111 1409 1759 Gloucester, Bus Station [E] 08301 1145 1410 1605 Gloucestershire Royal Hospital | 1415 | Birdlip, opp Village stores 09021 1215 | 1623 Brimpsfield, opp War Memorial 09071 1220 | 1628 Elkstone, Westerleigh crossroads 09141 1227 | 1635 Winstone, Foss Field 09191 1232 | 1640 Duntisbourne Abbots, Church 09241 1237 | | Duntisbourne Leer turn | | 1646 Daglingworth, Village Hall 0934 1247 | | Stratton, Gloucester Rd, opp Plough 0939 1252 | 1652 Cirencester, Market Place, Corn Hall 0943 1256 | 1656 M–F 1810 | 1828 1833 1840 1845 1850 | 1900 1905 1909 M-F Runs on Mondays to Fridays 1 Concessionary bus passes can be used on this journey Don't forget that much of the information in parish connections, such as church services, what's happening and local information, can be found on our website The Benefice of Brimpsfield with Birdlip, Syde, Daglingworth, The Duntisbournes, Winstone, Miserden & Edgeworth Rector The Reverend Val Bexon The Rectory Duntisbourne Leer GL7 7AS 01285 821040 email: [email protected] Associate Priest The Reverend Robert George 01285 860973 Readers Mr Geoffrey Gibbens 01452 813666; Mr Christopher Hall 01285 831460; Mr Charles Keen 01285 650674 Mr Michael Mogg 01285 821728; Mr Philip Ling 01285 821500 Churchwardens Brimpsfield with Birdlip St Michael’s, Brimpsfield, GL4 8LD; St Mary’s, Birdlip, GL4 8JH Martin Smith 01452 863247 Alison Ward 01285 821903 David Partridge 01452 863837 Daglingworth The Church of the Holy Rood, GL7 7AQ Mrs Susan Bishop 01285 655991; Mrs Dorothy Anderson 01285 643383. The Duntisbournes St Peter’s, Duntisbourne Abbots, GL7 7JN; St Michael’s, Duntisbourne Rous, GL7 7AP Mr. Rupert Lane 01285 821445; Mrs Jocelyn Carver 01285 821457 Mrs. Jean Merrett 01285 651031; Mr Julian Weston 01285 821226 Edgeworth St Mary’s, GL6 7JQ Mr Roger Eldridge 01285 821578; Mr William Cadbury 01285 821248 Miserden St Andrew’s GL6 7JA Major Nick Musgrave 07714 707310; Mrs Emma Hardyment 01285 821598 Syde St Mary’s GL53 9PN Mrs Rosemary Blakeway 01452 862355; Dr Penny Wright 01285 821413 Winstone St Bartholomew, GL7 7JU Peter Broome 01285 821234 Mrs Susie Parsons 01285 821451 The Diocesan Office Church House, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY 01452 410022 The Archdeacon of Cheltenham The Venerable Robert Springett, 2 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR 01452 835581 The Area Dean Canon Leonard Doolan, 01285 659317
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