February 2015 Pastor’s Perspective Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! As I begin this, I have just wriƩen my 140th tweet, following our spiritual exercise program. AdmiƩedly, for much of December, I simply forgot - I missed one day and then it was as if I never remembered having done it. Yet sƟll one hundred and forty encounters with scripture - that is a lot! Handled in small and manageable bits, it certainly doesn’t feel like that many. I’ve found that there are many passages I’d forgoƩen or never really noƟced. Some are beauƟful - expressions of love for the God of creaƟon. Some are simply shocking, filled with violence either aƩributed to God or asked of God. All of them speak to our very human relaƟonship to the God who created us. Recently, as part of our exercise, I re-read Isaiah 45 and verse 9 jumped out at me: “Does the clay say to the one who fashions it, ‘What are you making?’ or ‘Your work has no handles’?” The idea of being molded by God has stuck with me since I first heard the song Hands of the PoƩer, sung by Caedmon’s Call. The song closes with this lyric: Lord, if I’m the clay then lay me down / On your spinning wheel / Shape me into something you can fill / With something real / And I’ll be on my way back home / Yes, I’m on my way back home. Isaiah made me think beyond being molded by God, shaped by God. I’d never considered being created by God for a purpose I am not privy to. How oŌen do I desire to tell God how I am best used? How oŌen do I coax or cajole God to do something different with me, to let me define my purpose? What does it sound like when you ask God “What are you making?” What criƟque do you offer on God’s work in creaƟng you? I will always struggle to let myself be what God has created me to be, has created me for. Some days I will remember to work with God; some days it will be as if I never even penned this. Remind me, will you? And I’ll try to do the same for you. Nicole First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha 810 North East Avenue, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 (262) 542-4243 [email protected] www.firstpreswaukesha.org February Calendar February 1 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Communion Sunday 10:00 AM Children’s Sunday School [Oak Room] 10:00 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:00 AM Souper Bowl of Caring / Reverse Food Drive* 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM Adult EducaƟon* [Oak Room] February 4 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] 5:30 PM Session [office] February 8 - FiŌh Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:15 AM Children’s Sunday School [Oak Room] 10:15 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:00 AM Sundae Sunday [dining room] 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM Adult EducaƟon [Oak Room] February 9 10:00 AM Rebekah Circle* [Oak Room] February 11 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] 6:30 PM Deacons’ MeeƟng [Oak Room] February 15 - TransfiguraƟon of the Lord 10:15 AM Children’s Sunday School [Oak Room] 10:15 AM Middle School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM High School Sunday School [H.S. Room] 11:15 AM Chocolate Dessert Contest* [dining room] February 16 March newsleƩer submission deadline* February 18 - Ash Wednesday 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] 1:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service* 6:30 PM Ash Wednesday Service* February 19 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast [Dady-Oh’s] February 21 9:00 AM Presbytery MeeƟng and Discovery Day* [Mequon, Crossroads] February 22 - First Sunday in Lent 11:15 AM Adult Ed [Oak Room] 1:00 PM Pre-Oscar Party* [H.S. Room] February 25 11:30 AM Wednesday Bible Study [Oak Room] *see arƟcle Chocolate Dessert Contest Please join us in the dining room aŌer worship on February 15 for light lunch followed by chocolate dessert compeƟƟon. All are invited to submit an entry into the friendly compeƟƟon, with the top prize being bragging rights. Please come and cast your vote and enjoy fellowship, lunch, and the sweet treats., whether you submit an entry or not. The CongregaƟonal Life CommiƩee will provide all the paper products and a light lunch of salad, sandwiches, and beverages. They are counƟng on you for the desserts! Future fellowship events: March 15: Chili cook-off April 5: Easter breakfast May 3: AŌernoon of appeƟzers Mark your calendars! Souper Bowl of Caring The day of the big game, February 1, our kids will join with youth across the country in collecƟng coins aŌer worship as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring, in order to help reduce hunger in our area. In addiƟon to collecƟng coins, they’ll also be hosƟng a Reverse Food Drive, where they bring the food for you to “buy” to donate. You are welcome to bring non-perishable foods as well! (Many thanks to the deacons for their support already!) Sermons up to Ash Wednesday January 4 - Second Sunday aŌer Christmas / Epiphany Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; MaƩhew 2:1-12 King of Kings January 11 - BapƟsm of the Lord Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 Into What Were You BapƟzed? January 18 - Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Samuel 3:1-20; John 1:43-51 Then the Lord Called March 15 - Fourth Sunday in Lent Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-21 Look and Live March 22 - FiŌh Sunday in Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12 WriƩen on Your Heart March 29 - Palm / Passion Sunday John 12:12-16; Mark 14:1-15:47 April 2 - Maundy Thursday April 9 - Easter Isaiah 25:6-9; John 20:1-18 Rejoice in SalvaƟon January 25 - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 This World Is Passing Away February 1 - Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Mark 1:21-28 Raise up a Prophet February 8 - FiŌh Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 40:21-31; Mark 1:29-39 And He Went Throughout February 15 - TransfiguraƟon of the Lord 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 The Face of Christ Sermons during Lent February 18 - Ash Wednesday Isaiah 58:1-12 Why Do We Fast? February 22 - First Sunday in Lent Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22 To Bring You to God March 1 - Second Sunday in Lent Mark 8:31-38 Follow Me March 8 - Third Sunday in Lent John 2:13-22 I Will Raise It Up Sundae Sunday Sundae Sunday is February 8. Sundae Sunday is a chance for Pastor Nicole and the kids to enjoy casual conversaƟon over ice cream. We gather in the dining room, shortly aŌer worship ends, over mint chocolate chip and vanilla. All kids are welcome! Military Care Package During the month of February we’ll be collecƟng items to send in a care package to our member of the military, Shane Sura. Please drop off notes and items by Sunday, March 1. February Birthdays 2/6 2/10 2/11 2/11 2/16 2/18 2/24 2/28 PaƩy Dallmann Ian Radcliff Bob Illing Helen Pugh Betsy Ballmann Maryeon Panton Edith Granatella Gladys Manke Adult Education Deacons’ Closet Beginning this month, we’ll gather in the Oak Room aŌer worship to watch a porƟon of the PBS special From Jesus to Christ and have conversaƟon aŌerwards. Please feel free to bring a sack lunch. Class will run from about 11:15 12:45 and will gather around the television. (Class dates: 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1) The following items are available for use from the Deacons’ “Closet.” If you or someone close to you has need of something, please contact any Deacon, the church office, or Patrick Price. DonaƟons of items are also accepted. • Ash Wednesday Services • Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18. Ash Wednesday is a fast day, a day of mourning for our sin and the sin of all humanity before God, a recogniƟon of our mortality save for the grace of God and a request that the Lord remember our creaƟon and breathe new life into our burnedout, dusty lives once more. (pcusa.org) • First Presbyterian Church will have two services: 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Please consider taking part in a service to help prepare each of us for our Lenten journey, intenƟonally traveling through sin and sorrow, despair and doubt, unƟl we reach again the joy of resurrecƟon on Easter Sunday. Rebekah Circle This month, Rebekah Circle meets on Monday, February 9 at 10:00 AM in the Oak Room. PresenƟng: Ella Holberg. • • • • • • • • • • 2 bath benches with backs 1 bath bench without back 1 extended bath bench 1 bath rail for tub 4 elevated toilet seats 2 foldable toilet safety rails 1 4-point cane 1 sets of forearm crutches 3 sets of regular crutches 5 walkers with wheels 1 walker without wheels 2 walker extensions for height 1 wheelchair with leg rests Safe Harbor Campaign The Safe Harbor Campaign Kick-Off for trafficked youth in Wisconsin will be held on Saturday, February 7 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Christ Lutheran Church in Menomonie (1306 Wilcox Street). Church Library Books This three-hour conference will include a discussion with local police officers and representaƟves from Cherish All Children and the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin, with local resources provided. Ella Holberg would like to remind you that books are waiƟng to be checked out and read from the Library book case in the Oak Room. Please browse through them and see what Eben Alexander MD has to say in Proof of Heaven or see if you agree with Wayne W. Dyer’s There’s a Spiritual SoluƟon to Every Problem. Please register by February 3 by calling 612-2801259. The cost to aƩend this event is $10.00 per person. The fee for this event covers lunch and a giŌ to the Menomonie Police Department to create a "soŌ room" for abused children who come to the Police Department. This event is jointly hosted by Cherish All Children and LOPPW. Pre-Oscar Party Southminster Presbyterian Our February youth event will be a pre-Oscar party on Sunday, February 22. Kids of all ages are invited to come watch an Oscar-nominee film and fill out your own Academy Award ballot for the fun of it. We’ll gather in the Oak Room from 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM with snacks. Friends are always welcome! Celebrates 50 Years Have something for the March newsleƩer? Please send it to [email protected] or drop it in Jody’s mailbox by Monday, Feb. 16 to have it included. Any items received aŌer the 16th will be included in the April newsleƩer. Presbytery Meeting and Discovery Day Experience new ways of communicaƟng your faith, parƟcipate in meaningful workshops, share ideas, hear from giŌed author Rev. Carol HowardMerriƩ, and enjoy fellowship with members from throughout the Milwaukee Presbytery! The Milwaukee Presbytery's 2015 Discovery Day will be held in conjuncƟon with the February Presbytery MeeƟng on Saturday, February 21st at Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Mequon from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The theme for the day will be "CommunicaƟng Faith in the 21st Century." The day will start with the meeƟng, followed by a morning workshop and an aŌernoon workshop of your choice. Lunch will also be served. Please see the yellow brochure in the Oak Room for more details. Please turn in your registraƟon form to the office no later than Wednesday, February 18 or register online at www.pbymilwaukee.org. “Rooted and Reaching” The New Year, 2015, marks the 50th anniversary of Southminster Presbyterian Church, and they are celebraƟng with a variety of acƟviƟes across the year. The first major event is a dinner birthday party and program on Saturday, February 28, the date back in 1965 when the “South Side Church” was officially organized as Southminster United Presbyterian Church (USA). The program is called “Through the Eyes of a Child” and runs from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM. They are also looking for any Southminster memorabilia and memories that you care to share with them. They invite you to aƩend these anniversary events: February 28: A Saturday Dinner Party celebraƟng the February 28, 1965 organizaƟon of SPC. Program: “Through the Eyes of a Child” adults $25, children $13 June 28: A CelebraƟon of the June 19, 1966 Building DedicaƟon and party with their annual church picnic: a FREE pig roast! July 5: SPC celebrates with their mother church, Waukesha First Presbyterian, commissions their youth mission workers, and recalls their mission history. September 6: Rally Day – A New Vision of Southmister’s Mission. To RSVP for the February 28 (by February 13) and/or June 28 events, contact Southminster’s church secretary, Susanne Koehne: (262) 5475100 or [email protected]. Class of 2015 Andrew Byshenk Barb Klemp The Session Nicole Farley, Moderator Class of 2016 Steve Margis* Sara Winkelmann* Class of 2017 Lora Collins* Jim Ziegler Class of 2015 Arleen Burdick* Kathryn Herman Bob Winchell The Board of Deacons Vicki Sulsberger, Moderator Class of 2016 Sue Root Beƫe Stevens* Vicki Sulsberger* Class of 2017 Marion Davison** Lois Jacobson** Jen Van Essen *indicates a second consecuƟve term of office **Lois Jacobson: summer; Marion Davison: winter Result s of the Soup “Showdown” Thank you to all those who brought and shared their wonderful soups for our luncheon and compeƟƟon as we sent KaƟe Ebel off to seminary with our blessings. KaƟe also thanks everyone who gave soup to Jim so he won’t starve while she’s away. Our soup winners: 1st Place: Karen Minson 2nd Place: Marion Davison 3rd Place - Tie: Joan Schmidt & Bob Winchell Karen’s winning “Chicken Rice Soup” recipe This recipe was given to her by a neighbor 25-30 years ago. Ingredients: 8-10 lb. roasƟng chicken 1 large onion 5-6 celery stalks 1 C. regular rice (NOT Minute Rice), DirecƟons: Boil chicken in a pot covered with water unƟl chicken is tender. (Karen adds salt, pepper, and garlic powder to the water as she boils the chicken.) Remove from liquid and keep the liquid to use as stock. Allow chicken to cool; then remove skin and bones. Cut chicken into small pieces. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and celery. Add the cut onions, celery, chicken, and the rice to the stock. Cook to boiling and then reduce heat to medium low. ConƟnue cooking unƟl rice is tender. If you want more broth, add a can or two of chicken broth (NOT water). Then add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. Enjoy! Taste of Hope Dinner & a Movie The 5th annual Taste of Hope event is fast approaching and promises to be the best yet! It will be held on Saturday, February 7, from 6:00 PM 10:00 PM at Thunder Bay Grille in Pewaukee. This year’s event includes a live musician, along with ample appeƟzers, interesƟng beer and fabulous wine. The cost is $50 per person. Sign up today by visiƟng the Hope Center, mailing in your registraƟon to: 502 N. East Ave (53186), or visiƟng their website www.hopecenterwi.org. You’re invited to aƩend the Dinner & a Movie event at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 470 Oak Crest Drive in Wales on Sunday, February 15. Proceeds will go to the Hope Center of Waukesha. They’ll be showing God’s NOT Dead at 3:30 PM followed by a Spagheƫ Dinner from 5:30 PM 7:00 PM. The dinner will include spagheƫ with meatballs, salad & bread. Tickets are $7 and children under 5 are free. Sponsored by Bethlehem Lutheran’s High School Youth Group. To reserve your Ɵckets please call 262-968-2194 or contact [email protected]. The 1,256 Hope Center volunteers, the Hope Center staff, and the thousands of people helped by Hope Center every year thank you in advance for your support! Wisconsin Council of Churches Winter Forum 2015 Winter Forum - Looking for a weekend of spiritual renewal in the midst of winter? Join the Wisconsin Council of Churches Winter Forum, February 27-28 at the Wisconsin Dells with presenter Shane Claiborne. The Wisconsin Dells provides a wealth of winter recreaƟonal opportuniƟes for you and your family. For more informaƟon and registraƟon details visit www.wichurches.org. Mission Prayer List Please consider praying for the mission sites, including presbyteries and synods across the naƟon, associated with the dates for this month. Should you want more informaƟon on any of the mission sites, you can: • look at the office copy of the book, located in the rack in the Oak Room, or • go to presbyterianmission.org/yearbook February 1: Souper Bowl of Caring 2: Synod of So. California & Hawaii 3: Hanmi Presbytery 4: Presbytery of Los Ranchos 5: Presbytery of the Pacific 6: Presbytery of Riverside 7: Presbytery of San Diego 8: Camp and Conference Ministries 11: Presbytery of Santa Barbara 12: LaƟn America and Caribbean 13:LaƟn America and Caribbean 14: ArgenƟna / Paraguay / Uruguay 15:Health Awareness / Healing 16: Brazil 17:Brazil 18: Ash Wednesday 21: Peru 22:Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico 23:Colombia 24:Venezuela 25: Caribbean Islands 26:Dominican Republic 27:Dominican Republic 28:HaiƟ Thank You! From Derek Noska: I would like to thank everyone who sent me snacks, candy and cards. Everything is going well here and I hope to be back someƟme in December. Thanks, Derek Noska From Christ Presbyterian Church: On behalf of Christ Presbyterian Church I would like to thank you for your donaƟon of hats, scarves, and blankets to our annual Christmas toy store. Your financial support helps us conƟnue in our mission and to assist those in our community. We are indeed grateful to you for your enthusiasƟc support. Blessings, Rev. Larry Nunley, Pastor From St Joseph’s Medial Clinic: Thank you for your generous donaƟon. Your donaƟon allows us to conƟnue to serve people who live in Waukesha County and do not have health insurance and are low income. Through our clinic and support services and in collaboraƟon with our partners, we are dedicated to helping all individuals obtain access to health care. Thank you for your generosity, Peggy Brown BSN RN, ExecuƟve Director From Hope Center: Thank you very much for your gracious donaƟon. We are dedicated to prevenƟng homelessness by providing basic needs - food, clothing, and shelter. With your conƟnued support we are making a difference in Waukesha County. Sincerely, Ralph Zick, ExecuƟve Director From The Caring Place: Thank you for your support. Your contribuƟons make a posiƟve difference in our community, and enhance the lives of adults who require assistance in the acƟviƟes of daily living. We greatly appreciate your donaƟon and thoughƞulness in helping our organizaƟon. You are providing our parƟcipants with wonderful opportuniƟes and experiences. Sincerely, Lori Wetzel, ExecuƟve Director From Food Pantry of Waukesha County: Thank you for your generous donaƟon. Your giŌs will be used to help with the increased need for food through Waukesha County. Because of your generosity and willingness to help, we have been able to provide free food and groceries 7 Ɵmes per week for 35 years to our registered clients. Thank you again so much for the wonderful support! My best, Karen L. Tredwell, ExecuƟve Director From Interfaith Senior Programs - Waukesha: In December, 417 low-income and isolated seniors and adults with disabiliƟes received a holiday giŌ that your generosity helped make possible. We were also able to give 40 care packages and personal care items to residents of senior living communiƟes. Thank you so much for donaƟng to our Holiday Giving program. You captured the true spirit of the holiday season, and shared it with neighbors who have no one else. Thank you for helping seniors and adults with disabiliƟes remain independent and engaged in the Waukesha County community! Gratefully Kris Lombardi, Community Outreach Coordinator Kathleen S. Gale, ExecuƟve Director Waukesha Community Resource Guides Needed The Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services’ CHIPP (Community Health Improvement Plan and Process) idenƟfied several needs in our county. Among them was defining a way to beƩer link/ educate people about resources already available in Waukesha County. A mulƟ-agency team has worked on this iniƟaƟve, developed a curriculum, lined up expert speakers, and are now accepƟng reservaƟons for the one-day free training programs for folks willing to serve as a volunteer “Community Resource Guide.” Lunch and materials are provided. Two opƟons are available for this free day-long educaƟonal training session: • Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at Waukesha Memorial Hospital • Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at Community Memorial Hospital Space is limited and RSVPs are being accepted now. RSVP by email to [email protected] or call 262.548.7675. An RSVP is required and must contain the aƩendee’s name, email address, phone number and affiliated organizaƟon. This is a new sort of volunteer role in our community, so it might be helpful to define at bit more about what we are trying to accomplish and who we are targeƟng with the training. Individuals who are trained will conƟnue to work/volunteer in their ‘home’ organizaƟon. However, aŌer training, they will have new knowledge that may be very beneficial to those you serve. What does a “Community Resource Guide” do? • Links people in need with the resources that may help them Prerequisite skills: • Comfortable speaking with people, able to establish a trusƟng relaƟonship • Ability to read, use basic communicaƟon tools, navigate the web • Comfortable with seƫng boundaries • PaƟent demeanor, shows discreƟon, maintains confidenƟality Why aƩend? • Have you ever been curious about the array of health and human services resources available in Waukesha County? • Has anyone ever asked for your assistance or advice on how to access services? • Do you know about how to access/update the 211 informaƟon database? • Once this training is completed, you will receive a cerƟficate from Waukesha County and kept updated on significant changes impacƟng health and human services resources. What the role is not • The guide does not make contacts to resource agencies on behalf of the individual seeking assistance • The guide does not provide advice on how to solve a specific problem or issue • The guide does not accompany, advocate or intervene in/during any communicaƟons or interacƟons with referral agencies • An all-knowing guru of community resources for all age and demographic types Spiritual Exercise Program 2/1/15 AEROBIC John 7:14-31 memorize a verse 2/8/15 AEROBIC John 7:37-46 memorize a verse 2/15/15 AEROBIC John 12:27-36a memorize a verse 2/22/15 AEROBIC Mark 2:18-22 memorize a verse 2/2/15 BALANCE Psalm 62 meditate 2/9/15 BALANCE Psalm 82 meditate 2/16/15 BALANCE Psalm 103 meditate 2/23/15 BALANCE Psalm 119:73-80 meditate 2/3/15 STRENGTH Galatians 4:12-20 Lectio Divina 2/10/15 STRENGTH 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Lectio Divina 2/17/15 STRENGTH Hebrews 2:1-10 Lectio Divina 2/24/15 STRENGTH Hebrews 3:1-11 Lectio Divina 2/4/15 REST Psalm 12 journal 2/11/15 REST Psalm 147:1-11 journal 2/18/15 REST Psalm 27 journal 2/25/15 REST Psalm 74 journal 2/5/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 54:1-17 Mark 8:27-9:1 look for similarities & differences in readings 2/12/15 FLEXIBILITY Isaiah 60:1-22 Mark 10:17-31 look for similarities & differences in readings 2/19/15 FLEXIBILITY Deut. 7:6-11 John 1:29-34 look for similarities & differences in readings 2/26/15 FLEXIBILITY Deut. 9:23-10:5 John 3:16-21 look for similarities & differences in readings 2/6/15 AEROBIC Isaiah 55:1-13 memorize a verse 2/13/15 AEROBIC Isaiah 61:1-9 memorize a verse 2/20/15 AEROBIC Deut. 7:12-16 memorize a verse 2/27/15 AEROBIC Deut. 10:12-22 memorize a verse 2/7/15 FREESTYLE Galatians 5:25-6:10 your preferred exercise 2/14/15 FREESTYLE 2 Timothy 4:1-8 your preferred exercise 2/21/15 FREESTYLE Titus 3:1-15 your preferred exercise 2/28/15 FREESTYLE John 4:1-26 your preferred exercise Notice - Corrections There was an error made on the last page of the Annual Report in the 2014 Total Budget column. The correct amounts for Total Budgeted Income is $211,528.44 and Total Budgeted Expense is $211,697.68 for a Total Difference of ($169.24). Please know that final 2014 giving statements were mailed out on Friday, January 30, 2015. This statement will probably differ from the reminder statement that you received in midDecember. Also, statement correcƟons have been made for those who received checks from the church for Easter flowers that were never ordered. Please contact Jody in the office if you have any quesƟons. Four Presbyteries Meeting Please mark your calendars for a special event that will involve the 4 Wisconsin presbyteries (John Knox, Northern Waters, Winnebago, and Milwaukee) on May 3 & 4 at the Kalahari Resort and ConvenƟon Center in Wisconsin Dells. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Ken McFayden, author of "Strategic Leadership For a Change - Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future." We will have opportuniƟes to meet, worship and dine with other Presbyterians from around the state, gather as individual presbyteries for individual presbytery meeƟngs, and enjoy the Kalahari Resort. Watch for registraƟon details in the coming weeks. You won't want to miss it! Session Recap The session met on Sunday, January 18, and discussed allocaƟon of a number of mission donaƟons as well as new property items, including the replacement of the door at the boƩom of the ramp to the Caring Place and the installaƟon of a new projecƟon system, uƟlizing the generous funds from the Taylor family, previously set aside for broadcasƟng and other purposes but released for use as we see fit.
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