Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 ST. PETER OF

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1, 2015
St. Peter of
Roman Catholic church,
Stanley, KY
United in Christ, to Love and to Serve
Donation Letters
St. Peter of Alcantara Parish
81 Church St., Owensboro, KY 42301
Parish Web Site
Parish Phone Number
Parish Fax Number
Pastor’s Cell Number
Fr. Jegin Puthenpurackal
[email protected]
Secretary / Bookkeeper
Lee Ann Schrecker
[email protected]
Church Wedding Contact & Planner
Monica Rice
Jerome Blair
Website Administrator
Mary Keller
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Your year end donation letters for 2014 tax purposes
have been placed in the back of church. Please pick
yours up as you leave church.
Donation Envelope
Some of you may have noticed a minor change to the
donation envelopes. Under the area for the donation
amount you now have space to record your check number. The Money Counters would greatly appreciate it if
everyone would start using this since it would speed
things up for them. Thank you.
Thank You
Heartfelt thanks to our church family for the wonderful
meal, the amazing Mass, your thoughts and prayers. Our
mother loved Stanley and St. Peter’s Church with all her
being. We deeply appreciate each and everyone of you,
no matter the task how large or small. We felt the love!
The Morris Family
Director of Religious Education Monica Rice
[email protected]
Parish Council President
Finance Committee Chair
St. Vincent de Paul Chair
St. Peter’s Auxiliary Chair
Music Ministers
Parish Hall Rental
Charlie Mullican
George Schrecker
Valerie Coomes
Terry Murphy
Anna Coon
Ken McKay
Star McKay
Parish Council Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting is Sunday, February 1st
after the 9:30am Mass. Come welcome our new council
Community Breakfast
The Stanley Masonic Lodge is hosting its quarterly breakfast on Saturday, February 7, from 6-9am. The cost is
$6.00 per person.
Senior Citizens Luncheon
The Senior Citizens will have their monthly luncheon on
Wednesday, February 4 at noon. Mark your calendars to
Please continue to pray for the following
Parishioners & Friends:
Jean Coomes, Stella Fogle, Delbert Fulkerson,
Shirley Fulkerson, Fr. Jegin, Anita Mitchell,
Marie Murphy, Juanita Spalding, Bill Young, *
Wilma Dowell, Vivian Fischer, Rick Goatee,
Julie Jackson, Terri Jeffers, Phillip Millay, Sam
Murphy, Fr. Pike Powell, Teresa Saalwaechter
Up Coming Events
Jan 31
Feb 1
Feb 7-8
Feb 21
Feb 27
Mar 13
Mar 27
Blessing of Throats
Blessing of Throats
Blessing of Married Couples
Reverse Raffle-Social Hour
Fish Fry
Fish Fry
Fish Fry
Welcome to St. Peter of Alcantara Parish!
We want to welcome our visitors and new parishioners! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Jegin. If you have not registered, we ask that
you pick up a form from the back of church, fill it out, and return it to us. You may bring it to the office, mail it, or place it in the collection baskets. We really are glad that you are here to share the Liturgy with our community.
St. Peter of Alcantara Ministries
Feb 7 - 8
is the month of the
Holy Family
4:00pm Brooke & Abby Cecil
9:30am JR & Warren Goetz
Jesus, Mary,
and Joseph,
enlighten us,
help us, and
save us.
4:00pm Melody Cecil
9:30am Lilly Goetz
Eucharistic Ministers:
4:00pm Marie Murphy & Leah Settles
9:30am Pat Coomes & Ken & Edie McKay
4:00pm George Schrecker Family
9:30am Tina Gerteisen Family
4:00pm Steve Murphy & George Schrecker
9:30am Charlie Mullican & Sammy Hall
Ken McKay & Steve Murphy
Happy Anniversary
Adam Mullican, 02/02
David Rice, 02/02
James Fogle, 02/05
Marvin Settles, 02/06
Michael & Gretchen Young, 02/01
Randall & Gail Murphy, 02/04
An Accounting of Your Stewardship of Treasure
Sunday Collection Weekly Budget
Actual Collection:
Sunday Collection,
Opportunities for Life
Jan 25
Readings for the Week
Monday ·················· Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40
Tuesday ································ Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43
Wednesday······················ Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6
Thursday ···················· Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13
Friday ··································· Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29
Saturday ·················· Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34
Sunday ·······Jb 7:1-4; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
To improve your lectoring skills, Google “Catholic daily audio readings for Mass”.
You will be on the USCCB website where you can listen to the readings of the day. Hear
how the words are pronounced, how the phrases are spaced, the pace of the reading.
It’s a great way to listen, learn, and improve your skill at proclaiming the Word of God.
Bulletin Information
Information for the Bulletin needs to be submitted to the
Office by the Tuesday before it is to be placed in the bulletin.
Dear friends in Jesus Christ,
There was an Indian prince who was a lover of knowledge. He collected thousands of books in his large library,
and it happened that he was appointed the right hand of
the king. This position demanded him to travel a lot to all
over the kingdom and neighboring kingdoms to represent
the king. Where ever he traveled, he used thirty camels to
carry his books along with him. Realizing the impracticality
of loading all the books, he said to his chancellor, “read all
the books and then give to me the only book that is most
important for my journey. After sometime, the chancellor
gave to the prince the book that summarized all the wisdom of the world – it was a Bible. The prince asked, “What
authority does this book have that I should carry it with
me?” the chancellor replied, “It is the authority of the Son
of God,” and later the prince was baptized.
The philosopher Karl Marx says that the aim of philosophy should not be just to explain the world but to change
it. The same can be said about today’s Gospel. The people of Capernaum used to get instruction in their synagogue on every Sabbath. One Sabbath they had a different teacher, Jesus, whose teaching and preaching were
really different than the scribes. The Gospel states that
“They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught
them as one having authority, and not as the scribes”.
Yes, Jesus taught with authority, the scribes did not. What
can we find special in Jesus’ teaching and preaching that
is different from that of the scribes?
First of all we need to admit the fact that, Jesus taught
from His heart. He teaches with absolute conviction because His messages are in accordance with the will of
God. This we can certify while reading the Gospel of John,
when trying to persuade His unbelieving audience, Jesus
says “Very truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know
and testify to what we have seen; yet you do not receive our testimony” (John 3:11). His preaching is a personal testimony of His intimate relationship with His Heavenly Father. The scribes, on the other hand get their
knowledge not from their personal communion with God
but from their long study of commentaries on the Law. As
a result, most of their teachings are from the head and not
from the heart.
A second specialty we can find in Jesus’ teaching and
preaching is on the content of the message. The scribes
seek to apply the prescription of the Law to the letter; Jesus goes deeper to find out the spirit, the original intent of
the law. Consequently Jesus is able to discover the positive value that the law seeks to protect whereas the
scribes are busy with words and their minutest applications. For example, the law of Sabbath. The scribes are
trying to determine precisely when the Sabbath begins
and ends, and what should be and should not be done on
the Sabbath. Jesus would rather seek the mind of God
and His fatherly care and love. Jesus concluded saying
that, the Sabbath is a day to serve God and do God’s work
(John 5:17). On account of this positive accent of His message, people perceive the teaching of Jesus as liberating
Good News in contrast to that of the heavy burden.
The final quality of Jesus’ teaching is that, He always intended to bring a positive change in the hearts of the people, instead of making the people feel bad. The scribes
teach whatever makes sense in terms of their understanding
February 1 - 8
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
-9:30am Mass & Blessing of Throats - People of
the Parishes
-10:30am Rosary
-10:30am Parish Council Meeting
The Presentation of the Lord
Office Closed
-8am Mass - Mary Francis Mullen
St. Blaise; St. Ansgar
-8am Mass - Stan Embrey
-8am Mass - Robert Head
-Noon Senior Citizen Luncheon
St. Agatha
-8am Mass - Dot Schartung
St. Paul Miki and Companions
First Friday
-7:30am Confession
-7:45am Adoration
-8am Mass - Joseph Wathen
Blessed Virgin Mary
First Saturday
-8am Communion Service
-3:30pm Confession
-4pm Mass - Milton Wimsatt
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
-9:30am Mass - People of the Parishes
-10:30am Rosary
-10:30am CCD Classes
ing of the Law and Traditions. Presented with a man
born blind the scribes seek to explain why he is blind -whether it was he who sinned or his parents. Jesus, on
the other hand is only interested in curing the blindness. For this reason Jesus performed healings and
exorcisms together with His teaching, to show that His
primary concern is to change the human situation not
just to explain it.
What is our attitude to the word of God we hear? Do
we allow it to challenge us and bring about a positive
difference in our lives? If we claim to have faith in
Christ, it is essential that we must listen to Him. We
need to open ourselves to His wisdom and authority.
Confirmation Candidates:
Knights of Columbus - Sausage Sale
Please plan on arriving to work at the Reverse Raffle and
Steak Dinner on by 5:30pm on Saturday, February 21.
This is your next service project. You will assist in serving,
washing dishes, and cleaning up. Thanks!
The Knights of Columbus are taking orders for sausage.
The price is $3.75/pound, choices are smoked (bag or
link) or fresh (bag or link). The sausage will be made Friday, February 6th. To place an order contact Gilbert Connor 270-764-1039.
February Meetings
February 1
February 9
10:30am Parish Council
Auxiliary Meeting
Special Collection
February 18
CCD Classes
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
Campaign for Mandeville, Jamaica
St. Peter’s Fish Fries
Newman Ladies Club
The Newman Ladies Club invites all senior citizens to
their Valentine’s Day Luncheon on Friday, February 13,
2015 at 11:30am at the St. Augustine Parish Hall. Any
questions please call Martha Miller (270-764-1003) or
Doris Purgeason (270-827-9018).
Ash Wednesday is February 18th this year. During Lent
the Men’s Club will be having Fish Fries on the following
Friday February 27
Friday March 13
Friday March 27
Serving will begin at 6pm. You will have a choice of catfish or cod.
Support Our Advertisers
Who Help Support our Parish
Kuntry Kutter
Handmade Art, Gifts & Antiques
since 1992
Brenda & Carl Millay
122 E. 18th Street - Owensboro, KY 42303
Haley McGinnis and
Owensboro Funeral Home
519 Locust Street
Owensboro, KY 42301
Phone: 270-684-9891
Mike Everly
Kay Everly
Paula McFadden
Serenity Place Hair & Nail Salon
1115 Tamarack Road
Owensboro, KY 42301
Phone: 270-926-0052
Sacrament of Marriage
A couple wishing to marry must contact the priest at least six months before the
desired wedding date. According to the guidelines of our diocese, you should not
make absolute plans for a specific wedding date until after meeting with the pastor.
The couple will be required to attend a marriage preparation course which will include at least one formal program such as an Engaged Encounter weekend or the
Sponsor Couple Program.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is celebrated upon request, and at least four
times a year during the weekend Masses. Please notify the pastor or call the parish
office if you know of anyone who might need this sacrament, but may not be able to
notify the pastor personally. Please inform the pastor or someone in the parish office
if you or any of your family is in the hospital or going into the hospital. If your doctor
is willing we can also have a blessing for him/her at the time of your anointing.
Mischel Monuments, Inc.
Monuments * Markers * Mausoleums
1504 West 2nd Street
Owensboro, KY
Monday-Friday 8:00am—5:00pm * Sat. 8am-12pm
A Family Tradition For 5 Generations
Owensboro Therapeutic Massage
Melody Cecil, LMT, NCTM
5000 Back Square Drive, Building A
Owensboro, KY 42301
Office: 270-903-2231
Cell: 270-314-8456
Sacrament of Baptism
The Sacrament of Baptism for infants is administered upon request. Parents and
Godparents must attend an evening class on Baptism in the Catholic Church.
Please contact the pastor and set up an appointment for this class at least a month
in advance. At least one parent must be a practicing Catholic for their child to be
baptized in the Catholic Church. Godparents must be at least 16 years of age, and
at least one must be a practicing Catholic.
Sacraments to the Home-Bound
Please inform the pastor or the parish office if you know of anyone who is homebound, so that we can insure that they are afforded ample opportunities to receive
the Sacraments. We would rather be notified by several people than to not be notified at all, so please don’t presume that someone else has already notified us.
Catholic Bishops Town Hall Meetings
Job Opening
In preparation for the October 2015 Synod of Bishops,
Pope Francis is encouraging widespread consultation in
dioceses around the world on questions concerning marriage and family life. Please make plans to attend a Town
Hall Meeting listed below. Your input will be conveyed to
the Synod of Bishops in a report submitted by Bishop
Medley at the conclusion of the listening sessions.
Thursday, February 12 – Holy Spirit Parish, Bowling
Green, 6:00-8:00 pm
Thursday, February 19 – Blessed Mother Parish,
Owensboro, 6:00-8:00 pm
For those who are unable to attend one of the Town Hall
meetings, you may submit your input by completing one
or both of the surveys from the Diocesan website.
Please submit your responses by February 20, 2015.
To access the survey(s), please use the link below:
Mary Carrico Catholic School has a job opening for
school secretary for the 2015-16 school year. Applicants
must have outstanding communication skills and be proficient in clerical skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, and
Print Master. If interested please send a resume and letter of application to: Chuck Green, Mary Carrico Catholic
School Principal, 9546 KY Hwy 144, Philpot, KY 42366.
For additional information about the position, please contact the school principal at 270-281-5526 or e-mail at
[email protected]
Youth 2000 Eucharistic Retreat
The Annual Youth 2000 Retreat will be held March 13-15
at Brescia University for ages 13-30. For information contact Robin Tomes (270-683-1545). For registration forms,
go to and look for the Youth 2000.
The deadline for registration is February 27.
5 Year Episcopal Ordination Anniversary
“God who is mighty has done great things for me, Holy is
God’s Name” – Luke 1:49
Bishop William Medley invites you to join him as he celebrates his 5 year Episcopal Ordination Anniversary as the
4th Bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro with Mass at St.
Stephen Cathedral on Tuesday, February 10, at 12:05pm.
Cathedral Preschool Registration
Cathedral Preschool registration for the 2015-2016 school
year begins in February. Families with children currently
attending will automatically receive information and may
register beginning Monday, February 2nd. Open registration for families new to the preschool will begin on Monday, February 9th at 7:30am.
Families are welcome to visit at 600 Locust Street or request information and forms by calling 270-926-1652 or
check the website at:
Philadelphia World Meeting of Families
September 21-27, 2015, Monday-Sunday, 7 days/6nights
Pilgrimage to Philadelphia to the World Meeting of Families and a concluding Mass with Pope Francis. Pilgrimage
price including hotel accommodations and motorcoach
transportation from Owensboro, KY: $841 - $899. Prices
based on quad occupancy.
World Meeting of Families Registration ranging from $125
-$325 for adults and $95-$199 for children under 18. Tips
to long-distance motorcoach driver(s) and meals not mentioned in the itinerary.
For more information contact Joe Bland at Family Life
Office at [email protected] or 270-852-8377
Diocese of Owensboro - Job Opportunity
The Diocese of Owensboro has a job opportunity for a
Coordinator of Information Technology. This position is
located at the McRaith Catholic Center in Owensboro.
Contact Details: All interested applicants may submit a
resume and cover letter to: Diocese of Owensboro, Human Resource Department, 600 Locust Street, Owensboro, KY 42301 Or Email - [email protected] Applications will be accepted until position is filled.
Diocese of Owensboro - Job Opportunity
The Diocese of Owensboro has an opening for a Director
of Archives and Records position at the McRaith Catholic
Center. Resumes may be submitted to: Diocese of
Owensboro, Human Resource Department, 600 Locust
Street, Owensboro, KY 42301 or Email [email protected] Applications will be accepted
until position is filled.
Owensboro Catholic Schools Tuition Assistance
Owensboro Catholic Schools in partnership with our local parishes provides $900,000 in needs-based tuition
assistance. If you would like a tuition assistance packet –
contact the Owensboro Catholic Schools - 270-686-8896.
Applying for tuition assistance does not commit you to
enroll – it simply gives you additional data in order for you
to make an informed decision.
Tuition assistance forms that are turned in by February
13, 2015, will participate in the initial aid pool. This is
when the majority of tuition assistance will be awarded.
The Year of Consecrated Life
Ursuline Sisters are hosting a tour of Maple Mount to
celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life, at 1:30 p.m. on
Sunday, Feb. 8. The Sisters will give a tour of the property and provide a chance to meet with some of the sisters to talk about their lives. This open house is part of a
global celebration of 2015 being designated the “Year of
Consecrated Life” by Pope Francis.
This day is open to everyone. An inside tour, beginning in
the Chapel, will be followed by a question and answer
session with some sisters. Refreshments will be available,
as well as a chance to visit the Gift Shop. Guests are welcome to stay for Eucharistic Adoration that begins at 4pm
in the Chapel. For more information, contact Dan Heckel
at 270 229-2007 or [email protected]