,rry scHooL FOR YOUTH OEI,ELOPiiEI'ff FOR SOSAL NESPONSIBILITY BREAK FUN CLUB ROCKIAND COUNT YMCA Available to all students in grades K-5. NYS licensed. Carefully planned indoor and outdoor activities, supervised by trained YMCA staff . . Crafts, sports, daily swimming $55 per day YMCA member WHEN: TIME: February / $70 per day general public l5-20th 8:00 to 6:00pm For more information contact: Alyssa at [email protected] Kasey at [email protected] @ FORHEALTHY LMN6 FUN CLUB WH EN? February Break 2/t6, 2/L7, 2/LB, 2/L9 and 2/20 The hours of operation are B:00am to 6:00pm. wHo? Students in Grades K through 5 WHERE? Rockland County YMCA 35 South Broadway Nyack, NY 10960 WHAT? Our Fun Club is a carefully planned, flexible program in a supervised environment to care for children of working parents. licensed and have a professionally trained staff. York State We are New We provide indoor and outdoor activities, weather permitting. and activities' we provid" ' 'fi'J"otl";t'J*i;'ff1,L: TUITION The cost of the program is $65 per day for members and $70 per day for non-members. Full payment is due by February 9, 2015. first come, first serve basis. A minimum of 12 children per day will be is on a Club The Fun required to operate Fun CIub. If the enrollment is not sufficient (by 2/2) and we decide to cancel, we will refund your full tuition. (MEMBERSHIP IN THE YMCA IS OPEN TO ALL WITHOUT REGARD TO ETHNIC ANd/OT RELIGIOUS STANDING) We reserve the right to cancel the program due to an emergency situation. A decision will be made by 7:30 AM. We will make every effort to contact parents. Our utmost concern is for the safety of all the children, parents and staff. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS. FURTHER INFORMATION (Ba5)-643-3056, email: [email protected] Please contact Alyssa at or Kasey at (845)-727-0L65, email : [email protected] Thank you! w ehe#m %Y 2OL5 Rockland County YMCA eh-Gm February Fun Club School Child Attends Child's Name Days Attending 2 / t6 2014-20L5 School Year Home Address _2 / L7 _2 / LB _2 / le _2 Grade_Age_Birthdate Gender State Street Home phone / 20 Zip Email Address Mother's Name Cell Phone: Work Phone: Father's Name Cell Phone: Work Phone: If parents are separated, please provide the following information of the non-custodial parent. Name Address City State ZiO Work Phone: Cell Phone: Website How did you hear about us? (please circle one) Email Flyer Other Need further information? PIease contact Alyssa at (Ba5)-643-3056, email: [email protected] or Kasey at (845)-727-0L65, email : kedwards@rocklandymca,org %t" =||ii&V tlte Xffi_ ffi-f PrcK uP AUTHoRTZATToN YMCA POLICY: Your child will not be released into the custody of any person that you have not specified below as an authorized pick-up person, including other family members. Telephone approval is not acceptable, Below please print the full names of any and all persons you authorize to pick-up your child/children. Please list your and your spouse's names first. My child/children may be picked up only by the following: Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number Name Phone Number and agree that once my child/children are released into the custody of any of the above individuals, the YMCA and its staff no Ionger have any responsibility for my child/children. I understand Parent/Guardia n Sig nature PERMISSIONS and REMINDERS PERMISSIONS Yes, I give the Rockland County YMCA permission to take photographs or videos of my -child/children participating in programs and activities. These photographs and/or videos may appear in newspapers/ magazines, brochures, the Rockland County YMCA After School Facebook page or other publicity matters. Photographs and/or videos of your child/children will be used without compensation. _ If Yes, I give permission for my child to participate in the daily swim provided by the program. known, please provide your child/children's swim levels below: Child's name Level Child's narne Level Child's name Level Parent/ Guardian Signature: Date: REMINDERS . extreme nature of allergic reactions to nuts, peanuts and tree nuts (and any products containing these nut products) in some children, the Rockland County YMCA Fun Club PROHIBITS nuts and/or foods containing nut products on property. . Please complete all of the information regarding allergies and emergency information on the following page of this registration packet. Due to the NEWYORK STATE OFFICE OF CHILDREN ANP FAMILY SERVICES PHOTO OF GHILD (Optional) Does your child have anY allergies? lf Y'es, what is your child allergic to? Children who have special health care needs are those who have chronic physical, developmental' Uenavioral or emotional condition* expected to last '12 months or more and who also require health'and ... of a type beyond thai required by children generally. lf your child does have special health *f ^t"O please discuss these with your child'care provider. care needs ii*i."s Child's Source of Medical Care/Primary'Care Physician's Name: Child's Source of Dental Care/Dentist's Name: Name of Medical Care Facility/Hospiial: Would you like information on Chitd Health Plus? E Yes E No TELEPHONE NUMBER DURING CHILD CARE OTHER TELEPHONE NUMBER (check tvpe) DATE OF DISCHARGE: DATE OF ACCEPTANCET E Parent NAME OF PERSON APPLY1NG FOR CHILD: ! Guardian n Garetaker X Rehtive n otneror pEnsoN LlsrED ABovE: (lF DIFFERENT FRoM GHILD'S): aiong-ss o a E 6 e E 6 o 6 o 6 tL o 6 o E o ,'lJ AGREEMENTS facility and have been advised of the policies re-gardinqadminislration of I consent to the enrollmeni of the child listed above in this iacilrtv, and the office of children and Familv senrices reEulations medicarions, fees, transportati;;;;;ih;;;;i;.r proriu*o uy i"tre under which it operaies, (i'e' library, park and playground) away from the facility under proper I give consent for my child to take part in neighborhood kips supervision. child. EUo EYes Et'to special ohild's5 rpEurer prov:ded infonnation sn mv Gllrrs lnlormallon on I have provided ;;;;iL;;#;.rnj tJ.Jri.t tt,i I aoree to review and update ihis sTcNATURE e o- ocrs-Loss-uzgz EYes and /or surgical care and hospitalization advised ln case of accident or injury, I authorize any and all emergency medical, dental, for the proper health and well-being of my card) necessary of this other side by the physicians, surgeon or hospital (llsted on the (1/2005) REVERSE - FARENT oRFrnsot't(s) needs-(All:fi11: rlqeqr \nnErurver * - - Plil Piti:1qt*"t:liTMedical facitity in properry carins for my chitd tn case of an emersr ;nar. info*"tion *henuver leeellv a "h"'g" ot' lnforHatl:l tr ved to the provider' il No
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