Sect II Page 11_Layout 1 2/3/15 12:40 PM Page 1 7,000 Website Views Per Month Call 387-2211 Ad Deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday l l 1 - Announcements 2 - Notices 3 - Lost & Found 4 - To Give Away 5 - Employment ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY ADS are just $12! Call or stop in to place yours today! l NOTICES l CLASSIFIED COMBOS WORK! Your classified ad appears in the Dodge County Pionier, The Campbellsport News and on both websites! Dodge County Pionier 920-387-2211 Campbellsport News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l CLASSIFIED LINE AD POLICY Publisher reserves the right to refuse any ad. WE WILL NOT PUBLISH ADS THAT: -We believe to be untrue, misleading or inappropriate. -Get rich quick schemes and the like. -Not responsible for errors & omissions. l 11 - Lomira Area Rummage Sales 12 - Campbellsport Area Rummage Sales 13 - Lawn & Garden 14 - Farm 15 - Good Things To Eat 16 - Pets & Supplies 17 - Storage Space 18 - Real Estate For Sale 19 - Real Estate Wanted 20 - For Rent Mayville Area 21 - For Rent Horicon Area 22 - For Rent Lomira Area 23 - For Rent Campbellsport Area 24 - Wanted To Rent 25 - Wanted To Buy 26 - Transportation 27 - Recreational Classified Ad Non-Commercial Rates $5.75 For The First 3 Lines, .45¢ For Each Additional Line + ( / 3 : : $ 1 7 ( ' ± VXP PHUHPSOR\PHQWDW.HWWOH0R UDLQH1RUWKHUQ8QLW9LVLWRU6HU YLFH%XLOGLQJ&OHDQHUV$VVLVW DQW 1DWXUDOLVW DQG *HQHUDO 0DLQWHQDQFH &DOO RUHPDLOGHERUDKKDUGHU #ZLVFRQVLQJRYWRREWDLQPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQGDQDSSOLFDWLRQ EMPLOYMENT SDFNHW $ $ S S O L F D W L R Q GG H D G O L Q H WK 7KH'15 '5,9(56 9 9$16LJQ )HEUXDU\ RQ %RQXV *XDUDQWHHG LVDQ(TXDO(PSOR\PHQW$IILUP :HHNO\3D\1HZ3D\%HQH DWLYH$FWLRQ(PSOR\HU ILWV 3DFNDJH +RPH (YHU\ :HHNHQG&ODVV$&'/ Z\U LOOKING FOR H[S ZZZ&R[7UDQVIHUFRP WORK? &DOO %LOO 0HOWRQ Check out our + ( / 3 : : $ 1 7 ( ' ([SHUL employment section! HQFHG)DUP+HOS0LONLQJ &RZV)LHOG:RUN+RXVLQJ,Q FOXGHG/RPLUD$UHD&DOO l l 6 - Services Offered 7 - Miscellaneous Merchandise 8 - Household 9 - Mayville Area Rummage Sales 10 - Horicon Area Rummage Sales 10,955 Dodge County Pionier (Mayville, Horicon, Lomira) • Campbellsport News To Place, Correct or Cancel Your Ad, Readership per week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ettle Moraine Gardens DUHVLGHQWLDOFDUHIDFLOLW\DQGVHQLRUFLWL]HQ FRPSOH[LQ.HZDVNXPLVVHHNLQJ 0DLQWHQDQFH &DUHJLYHUV ,PPHGLDWHRSHQLQJSDUWWLPH $OOVKLIWVSDUWWLPH 6,*121%2186)2548$/,),(',1',9,'8$/6 :HZLOOWUDLQWKHULJKWFDQGLGDWH ,ILQWHUHVWHGLQWKLVJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\SOHDVHFDOO 7LQDDWRUHPDLONPJDUGHQV#JPDLOFRP :HDUHD&KULVWLDQEDVHGIDFLOLW\ l l 5,9(5 9,(: +,//6 7+(5(6$ $1' 6811< &5((. 5 5((6(9,//( / /$1' /($6( & &20081,7,(6)HD WXUHVWKHILQHVWRIPDQXIDFWXUHG KRPHOLYLQJUHDVRQDEOHSULFHV XSVFDOH KRPHV RQ ODUJH ORWV 7KHUHVD 5HH VHYLOOH<RXUNH\ WRWKHJRRGOLIHZZZULYHUYLH ZKLOOVFRP 727$//< 5 5(02'(/(' 7RS WR%RWWRP%HGURRP%DWK +RPH 0DSOH 6W -XQHDX RU %HVW 2IIHU $FUH+REE\)DUP8SGDWHG +RPH,PSURYHG2XWEXLOGLQJV MERCHANDISE +RUVHV $OORZHG : %R EROLQN5G5HHVHYLOOH2IIHUHG LQ V $FUHV 3ULPH +XQWLQJ Add a photo 7LOODEOH ,QFRPH )DUPLQJ %REROLQN 5G or logo to your ad! :: 5HHVHYLOOH &DOO IRU 'HWDLOV 6WDQ -RQHV 8QLWHG &RXQWU\ -RQHV $XFWLRQ 5HDOW\ MRQH 0,6&6 67((/VDOHVQHZROG VDXFWLRQVHUYLFHFRP $QJOHV &KDQV )ODW HWF - 0 0LQ] .HZDVNXP FOR RENT GET NOTICED! l STORAGE SPACE l l l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• $YDLODEOH1RZ OHDVH GHSRVLW UHTXLUHG 1R $OVR6HDVRQDO SHWV<DUGPDLQWHQDQFHVQRZ UHPRYDOLQFOXGHG REAL ESTATE 0$,1 6 675((7 HIILFLHQF\DSW FOR SALE DYDLOSDUNLQJ6:IXUQLVKHG 0 2 % , / ( + + 2 0 ( IRU VDOH LQ FRLQODXQGU\1R3HWVSOXV &RXQWU\ $FUHV PRELOH KRPH 6' SDUNRQ&RXQWU\6+RULFRQ 0$<9,//( EHGURRPDSSOL DQG ROGHU VPDOO GRJV RN 1R DQFHV ZDVKHUGU\HU KRRNXS FKLOGUHQ/DUJHORWTXLHW JDUDJHRU l l DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER CITY OF HORICON The City of Horicon is seeking an individual to fill the full-time position of Deputy Clerk-Treasurer. Duties include payroll, accounts payable, election administration, licensing, and other functions of the Clerk-Treasurer office. The individual to fill this position should possess good communication skills, be detail oriented, and have data processing experience in the use of spreadsheets and word processing. Minimum qualifications include an Associate Degree in Accounting, or a minimum of three yearsʼ experience in the municipal field or an accounting/financial office setting. This position requires the learning of computerized systems used by the City of Horicon. Please submit an application along with your resume to: Kristen M. Jacobson, City Clerk-Treasurer, 404 E. Lake Street, Horicon, WI 53032 by February 27, 2015. Residency is not required but encouraged. For additional information please contact the City Clerkʼs office at 920-485-3500. FULL-TIME FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Seneca Foods Corporation of Mayville, WI, a seasonal vegetable processor, currently has an opening for a FULLTIME FIELD REPRESENTATIVE within the Mayville Agricultural Department. Field Representative responsibilities include assisting in the development of contract proposals, management of an assigned growing area including acreage contracting, planning and crop maintenance, planting and harvest operations of pea, sweet corn, and lima bean crops, and appropriate budget planning and cost control. Also, Field Representatives encourage good grower and community relationships and promote safety and function as a regional leader within their growing area. Qualified individuals will possess the following: A four-year college degree (agricultural preferred) and/or Supervisory experience in an agricultural setting. Knowledge of crops, cropping systems, IPM strategies, and good cultivar practices are a plus. A qualified candidate must demonstrate the ability to manage multiple priorities, be self-motivated, capable of working with minimal supervision, be highly organized, possess strong leadership and communication skills, and be able to function in a team environment. Computer skills including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are necessary for the job. Seneca offers a competitive salary and excellent benefit package including medical, dental, life insurance, and 401(k). For consideration please submit a cover letter and resume to: Seneca Foods Corporation Attn: HR PO Box 27, Mayville, WI 53050 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Application deadline is February 20, 2015. Seneca Foods is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or veteran status. 0$<9,//(5 5(17EDVHG RQLQFRPH6SDFLRXV EHGURRPDSDUWPHQWVZLWKQHZ NLWFKHQDQGEDWK$OOXWLOLWLHV LQFOXGHG/DXQGU\RQVLWH $FURVVIURPKLJKVFKRRO &ODUN*DUGHQV$SDUWPHQWV (TXDO+RXVLQJ2SSRUWXQLW\ l l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l ll WANTED TO BUY l RECREATIONAL : $ 1 7 ( ' 7 7 2 %X\ *DV RLO VLJQV 2OG EHHU ERWWOHV VLJQV 6 $ / ( +DUOH\ 'DYLGVRQ WUD\VHWF2OGSRVWFDUGVDGYHUW ) 2 5 6 LVLQJVLJQVROGWR\VFURFNVRWK %0: 7ULXPSK 0LVFKOHU V &\FOH6DOHV6HUYLFH+Z\ HUDQWLTXHV 1RUWK %HDYHU 'DP 3KRQH LOMIRA AMERICAN LEGION Post # 347 l l CHURCH SECRETARY Position Available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l '($' 75((6 :DQWHG ,Q &DPSEHOOVSRUW $ $UHDORFDOILUH ZRRGFXWWHULVORRNLQJIRUGHDG WUHHVWRFXWGRZQIRUILUHZRRG :LOOSD\E\WKHVWDQGLQJFRUGRU VXSSO\DVKDUHRIWKHZRRGWRWKH SURSHUW\RZQHU3OHDVHFDOO Kitchen Help/MANAGER Hours vary. FOR RENT LOMIRA AREA l /2:(5 %HGURRP&DPSEHOO VSRUW $YDLODEOH LPPHGLDWHO\ 4XLHW 6PDOO <DUG SULYDWH HQ WUDQFH$SSOLDQFHVDQGZDWHULQ FOXGHGPRQWK&DOO IRUDQDSSRLQWPHQW '83/(;) )255 5(17 ,QFOXGHV VHZHU DQG ZDWHU VHF GHS UHTXLUHG &DOO D. Whitty send resume with experience to N2911 Hwy. 175, Brownsville, WI 53006 or call for info 920-979-1109 Gateway Community Church, Mayville Part-time, flexible hours. General office skills required including computer, Microsoft Word, Excel, website assistance. Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, and/or Photoshop would be a plus. Good communication skills and a high degree of integrity are a must. Send resume, three references and a letter of intent to Pastor Chip Parmer: [email protected] MY CAREER STARTED HERE Nursing Assistant Training Program /$5*( EHGURRPGXSOH[JDU 7 : 2 % ( ' 5 2 2 0 D DJH\DUGODXQGU\KRRNXSV PRQWK6WRYHUHIULJHUDWRUZD SOXVXWLOLWLHV WHULQFOXGHG Training dates: March 16 – April 24 Monday thru Friday, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Every other Saturday & Sunday, 2:30 pm - 9:00 pm If you are a TEAM PLAYER who is caring • compassionate • patient Attention Welders !!! Are you tired of doing production welding? Need something more challenging? Weʼre a growing manufacturing company that specializes in custom made LARGE Heat exchangers. We are looking for welders with Flux Core and GTAW experience with the ability to do layouts, fit-up and build vessels within TEMA tolerances. Apply in person or send resume to: American Exchanger Services 709 W. Wisconsin St. Hartford, WI 53027 Email: [email protected] Start a rewarding new career with PAID class and clinical time! Candidates who successfully complete the training will be eligible to become certified through the State of WI. Successful candidates will commit to a year of employment in our Five-Star Rated Skilled Nursing Facility working 3-5 shifts per week including weekends and alternate holidays on our PM (2:30 pm - 10:30 pm) or NOC (10:30 pm - 6:30 am) shift. Apply online at: Position: NA Training PLANT MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Seneca Foods Corporation of Mayville is currently accepting applications for a FULL TIME PLANT MAINTENANCE MECHANIC. Job responsibilities include the maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment in accordance with diagrams, operation manuals and manufacturer’s specifications. This position is also responsible for the supervision of seasonal employees in designated areas during seasonal production periods. Overtime is required during the summer processing season and the candidate must be able to work day or night shift. Work hours and days will vary depending on the time of year. Candidate must have tools of the trade or secure tools within a reasonable period of time. Experience in the production of canned vegetables preferred. Related education or training is helpful. Must be able to bend/stoop, lift, carry, push and pull varying weights sometimes exceeding 50 lbs, sit and stand for long periods of time and work in hot, cold and humid environments. Job requires extensive standing, walking, climbing and crawling. Employee MUST work safely, use all required PPE’s and follow all safety policies with minimal supervision. Pre-employment physical, drug screen and background check are required. PO Box 27, 500 S Clark Street, Mayville, WI 53050 Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Seneca Foods is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability or veteran status. NOON TO 8:00P.M. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 NOON TO 8:00 P.M. Application deadline is February 20, 2015. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Seneca Foods Corp. Road W3167 County S Iron Ridge, WI 53035 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Seneca Foods Corporation also offers a full benefits package including medical, dental, disability, and life insurances along with flex spending, 401k and a pension plan. Qualified candidates should mail resume or apply in person at: Menards Distribution Center Our job fair will be heldat: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 8:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. NOW HIRING!!! the job fair Those planning to visit prepared to complete should be applications, drop off resumes & and conduct quick introductory interviews onsite. Contact Harland Bender at 920.644.6246 for more information on how to participate!! FULL-TIME, PART-TIME, WEEKEND ONLY POSITIONS • Warehouse/Forklift • Concrete Production • Truss Production • Bagging • Manager Trainees Apply online at CAXCA Dodge County Pionier • Section II Page 11 • Thursday, February 5, 2015 Approx. Dodge County Pionier • Section II Page 12 • Thursday, February 5, 2015 Sect II Page 12_Layout 1 2/3/15 2:05 PM Page 1 Our Statistics Speak For Themselves. HELP WANTED LOMIRA SWIMMING POOL The Village of Lomira is accepting applications for a POOL MANAGER, LIFEGUARDS, INSTRUCTORS, AND AIDES Applications are available at the clerkʼs office located at 425 Water Street, Lomira or online at Please remit applications by March 2, 2015 to the clerk. We’re a family oriented heath care facility COOK PART TIME DAYS & PMs We’re just a short 15 min. drive south of Fond du Lac Make more than a living... make a difference Hope Health and Rehabilitation Center 438 Ashford Ave. Lomira, WI 53048 (920) 269-4386 Call or apply online at JOIN OUR HEALTH CARE TEAM! We’re a family oriented heath care facility CNA’s 1ST & 2ND SHIFTS FULL TIME & PART TIME We’re just a short 15 min. drive south of Fond du Lac Highly competitive New Wage Scale!! Hope Health and Rehabilitation Center 438 Ashford Ave. Lomira, WI 53048 (920) 269-4386 Call or apply online at TOWN & COUNTRY UNDERGROUND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, INC. located in Mayville, Wisconsin is currently looking to fill the following positions: Mechanic - Heavy Equipment and Trucks Operators - All equipment Dump Truck Drivers - Must have current CDL Laborers - General Laborers and Pipe Layers Sewer Supervisor/Estimator If you are interested in any of these positions please come to our office and fill out an application or send your resume to [email protected] Our office is located at W2899 Dunn Road, Mayville, WI Please apply Moday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer Save Money. Live Better. WALMART IN HARTFORD is now hiring. Enjoy a sense of pride in working for the worldʼs largest retailer. We are hiring for the following full time and part time positions: • Cashiers • Deli • Lawn & Garden • Overnight Stocking • Produce • Carts/Stock Person We offer competitive wages, flexible schedules, employee discounts, stock purchase and a team oriented approach. Apply in-store at our hiring kiosk or online at • 262-670-5803 SOME NIGHTS AND WEEKENDS ARE REQUIRED Oops! Your ad is missing. Call 387-2211 to get it in next week’s paper! Open 10:00-11:00 Sat. 2/7 Open 10:00-11:00 Sat. 2/7 Open 10:00-11:00 Sat. 2/7 303 N. Vine St., Horicon. $109,900. 5 br, 2 ba 2-Story 102 S. Wind Trail, Horicon. $99,900. 3 br, 1 ba Ranch. 325 Midland Ave., Mayville $124,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba Ranch. Open 11:15-12:15 Sat. 2/7 NEW LISTING Open 11:15-12:15 Sat. 2/7 102 Benjamin Ct., Beaver Dam. 404 E. Walnut St., Horicon. 220 Birchcrest Rd., Horicon. $344,900. 6 br, 2 ba-Mar Ranch $114,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba Cape Cod $125,900. 3br, 1.5 ba Ranch. CROSSING GUARD The Village of Lomira is currently taking applications for the position of crossing guard. Applicants will need to work on all days Lomira school is in session, unless other arrangements are made. Applicants must be available before school (7:00-8:00 a.m.) and after school (3:004:00 p.m.) Applications are available at the clerkʼs office located at 425 Water Street or online at Please return completed applications to the clerkʼs office. All applicants will be required to complete an application, participate in an interview process and pass a background investigation. Open 11:15-12:15 Sat. 2/7 Open 12:30-1:30 Sat. 2/7 244 S. John St., Mayville $104,900. 4 br, ba 2-Story. 932 Hillcrest Dr., Horicon 213 Huron St., Horicon $124,900. 3 br, 2 ba Ranch. $129,900. 4 br, 1.5 ba Bi-level. Open 12:30-1:30 Sat. 2/7 540 N. German St., Mayville $179,900. 5 br, 1.5 ba. Cape Cod. NEW PRICE NOW HIRING CNA’S!! OFFERING A SIGN ON BONUS!! $2,000 for Full Time and $1,000.00 for Part Time! Mayville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is currently seeking qualified Certified Nursing Assistants to join our caring team. All shifts are available. WI Certification is required; prior experience is preferred. 718 Neitzel St., Horicon $169,900 4 br, 2.5 ba Colonial. EOE CAMELOT APARTMENTS -Mayville - FREE HEAT & CABLE TV Open 12:30-1:30 Sat. 2/7 413 N. University, Beaver Dam $102,500 3 br, 1.5 ba 2-Story VACANT LAND: 267 N. Main, Juneau $89,000 Duplex. LOT 3, River Dr., Mayville $74,000 7795 N. Marsh Ln., Williamstown $59,000 NEW LISTING LOT 1 CSM 5598 Main St., Rd., Oak Grove $39,900 FEATURED LISTINGS: 237 S. School St., Mayville $89,900. 2 br, 1 ba Ranch. 314 Krieser Dr., Mayville $94,900. 2 br, 1.5 ba 1.5-Story 103 S. Walnut St., Mayville $99,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba, 2-Story. 407 Larabee St., Horicon $108,500. 3 br, 2 ba Ranch. 405 Washington St., Horicon $114,900. 3 br, 1 ba Ranch. 106 Norris St., Beaver Dam $114,900. 4 br, 1.5 ba 2-Story. 254 N. Henninger St., Mayville $117,900. 4 br, 2 ba Cape Cod. 411 N. Cedar St., Horicon $118,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba Ranch. 11 N. John St., Mayville $119,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba 1.5-Story. 454 N. Henninger St., Mayville $119,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba Ranch. 3 N. High St., Mayville $129,900. 3 br, 1.5 ba Ranch. 345 S. School St, Mayville $129,900 3 br, 1.5 ba Ranch 1240 Dayton St., Mayville $154,900. 4 br, 2 ba Ranch. 105 Mill St., Theresa $139,900. 3 br, 2 ba 2-Story. 204 N. German St., Mayville $149,000. 3 br, 2.5 ba 2-Story. 1679 Pineridge Ct., Mayville $149,900. 3 br 2 ba Ranch. 769 Green Bay Dr., #2 Mayville $149,900. 3 br2.5 ba Condo. W3877 Decora Rd., Horicon $249,900. 3 br, 2 ba Ranch. 1105 S. Watertown St., Waupun $289,900. 5 br, 3 ba 2-story. Horicon Office 102 Main Street • 920-485-0722 West Bend Office 870 E. Paradise Drive • 262-334-5589 Interested candidates can apply at the center and get a tour visit us at to apply online or please call for more information at 920-387-0354 We are located at 305 Clark St., Mayville, WI 53050 Top 1% Nationally! “LOCALLY KNOWN…NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED” Open 10:00-11:30 Sat. 2/7 for the 2015 summer season. JOIN OUR HEALTH CARE TEAM! #1 Realtor and Office in Dodge County (Per SCW and Metro MLS). Operated by Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate, LLC BRENDA COURTNEY KRISTIN JEANNE BRUYETTE VOGEL-BASTIAN BARTZ GRIEP 920-382-0779 920-763-5335 920-212-0654 920-382-5291 Serving Dodge County • Certified Stager available, proven to sell homes faster for more money. • Professional Buyer Agency Service available. Also Includes water, sewer, & attached garage w/remote. 1 or 2 bedrooms. Small Family Pets Now Welcome. Call today for more information. 800-589-8812 Your Winning Retirement Game Plan AGRICULTURAL/FARMINGSERVICES WISCONSIN HUNTING LAND WANTED! Earn Left: Get ready, get set, Social Security account to thousands on your land by leasing the hunting rights. go. It’s finally time to toss the By Bob Trotter see how your hard work is Free evaluation & info stuffed animals at the targets Social Security Public paying off. You can create packet. Liability coverage w during the Teddy Bear Toss Affairs Specialist in or access your account at included. The experts at on Friday, Jan. 30. Horicon’s Milwaukee H Y P E R L I N K Base Camp Leasing have St. Stephen Lutheran School "http://www.socialsecuri- been bringing landowners was the scene of the This month, a driver will" % event, % ! " $# together since & hunters and the school partnered take the checkered flag at c i a l s e c u r i t y. g o v / m y a c 1999. Email: info@basewith Mayville’s St. John’s the Daytona 500, skiers count. You can use it to Call: Lutheran School. The ani- will stand atop the podium verify your earnings histo- 8 6 6 - 3 0 9 - 1 5 0 7 mals will benefit children in at the World Alpine Ski ry, get estimates of your stressful situations. (Gayle Championships in Vail, future Social Security ben- (CNOW) Rydstrom | Dodge County Colo., and a football team efits, and more. It’s the W Pionier) will win Super Bowl XLIX in place to get the information ANTIQUES Glendale, Ariz. The sports you need to put together are different, but the win- your own winning game RUMMAGE-A-RAMA! WI share a common plan. State Fair Park, Milwaukee Get All The ners trait—years of commitment A good NASCAR pit February 21-22. Vintage, Local News to their plans. crew keeps its driver on the Collectibles, Gifts, To win the retirement track, and our Retirement Closeouts, Crafts, Jewelry, game, you also need com- Estimator can do the same Antiques, Household, and mitment and a plan. For for your retirement plan. MORE! 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