February 2015 Volume 46.02 Sunday Worship 8:00am Traditional Service Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays 10:30am Contemporary Service music by Olive Branch Communion on 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays Sunday Fellowship 9:00am Coffee Hour Sunday Education 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Sunday School during the school year Church Staff Jason Zobel Pastor [email protected] Linda Krueger Music Director [email protected] Laurel Zobel Preschool Director [email protected] Derek Handley Office Manager [email protected] Dan Anderson Vicar Calvary Lutheran Chapel [email protected] 255-7214 Prayer Requests Barb Koehler [email protected] Laurel Zobel [email protected] the view from the mount LENT 2015 I know February is normally reserved for thoughts like Valentine’s Day and love. Even though I still hope you consider the importance of both of these themes this month, I would like to turn our attention in this month’s Pastor’s Pen to our Lenten Journey which begins with our Ash Wednesday service on February 18th and continues on Wednesdays until Holy Week and Easter Sunday on April 5th. Our Lenten theme this year is titled “CrossWords” and is devoted to reflecting upon the seven words which Jesus uttered on the cross. Everything which Jesus spoke was beneficial to the world because, as Jesus Himself said, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63). It is appropriate during this season, therefore, to give attention to the words of life that Jesus spoke while in the very midst of death. These words from the cross are his “crosswords.” March 18: “I Thirst” March 25: “It is Finished!” Good Friday: “Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit” I pray that in these upcoming weeks we will be drawn closer to Jesus and His enduring love, even in the midst of great pain and anguish in going to the cross on our behalf. I also pray that we will be renewed in the grace given to us by faith in the only One who has given us eternal life. May we come on bended knee in repentance and stand in awe of our Savior and King! In His love and service, Pastor Jason Weekly themes for this year Ash Wednesday: “Father, Forgive Them” February 25: “You will be with Me in Paradise” March 4: “Behold Your Son; Behold Your Mother” March 11: My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?” February 2015 1 Office Hours 9:00am to 3:00pm Mon-Fri Contact Us P: 238-5656 E: [email protected]. For emergencies during non-office hours, Pastor Jason Zobel's cell phone is 228-4134. February View Deadline: Sunday Bulletin Deadline: Monday, February 23rd The Sunday Bulletin deadline is always Wednesday at NOON for the following Sunday. E-mail articles to Derek at [email protected]. Assembly: Wednesday, February 25th 11:30am Open Gym Small Group Bible Studies Mount Olive Small Groups meet all around the Madison area! If you would like to be placed in a group, please call the office or contact Jess Rosenwinkel at [email protected]. Card Shop News The New Year has rung in the renewal of Sunday afternoon open gym at Mount Olive. The gym will be open from 3:00-5:00pm each Sunday afternoon. Anyone interested in playing a few games of pick-up basketball are encouraged and welcome to attend. Please contact Greg Rademacher (279-1870 or [email protected]) with any questions. Correction from last month - ALL our profits are given to LWML for the mission work of Lutheran Women's Missionary League. The card shop is located next to the nursery room and shares the room with the library. We are open between the early and late service and all our cards have a Bible verse and cost 75 cents! We have the following categories: Sympathy, Get Well, Birthday, Wedding, Anniversary, Baby Congratulations, Baptism, Thank You, Thinking of You, Encouragement, and Pastor Appreciation. And Seasonal cards include: Valentine, Easter, Confirmation, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Graduation, Thanksgiving, and boxed Christmas cards. Thanks for supporting this ministry. Since we moved to Whitney Way in September of 2009, we have given $2,238.77 to LWML. Come see us! Email announcements to Derek at [email protected]. Scrip Order Dates Mark your calendars! February 8, March 8, April 12, May 3, June 7 L.O.S.T, But Now I’m Found Logos Musical Take a voyage with the Captain and his first mate, along with the crew of the S.S. Hope on a day cruise that gets caught up in a storm and becomes stranded on an island. Come see how the storms of life confront us to evaluate if our faith is built on the shifting sand, temporary things of life, or the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ. This dramatic musical is full of fun and adventure through songs, drama and most importantly–the Word of God which is the road map to salvation no matter what storms pass your way. Sunday, February 22nd 8:00 and 10:30am services February 2015 2 A View from Mount Olive Christian Preschool “For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” -Ephesians 2:10 Have you ever received a “hand-crafted, unique, madejust-for-you” item from someone whom you love and care about? Things that are made by hand are often treasured because of the time and thought that goes into designing that particular piece of art or handiwork. In my living room, I have a wooden , handcarved cross from a member in our former church; a quilt rack made for my birthday one year by my Grandpa Harold; and a wooden sleigh that is a part of my Christmas decorations, made by my Grandpa Carl. Though these items may not be worth much in monetary terms, they are priceless to me because I appreciate the love behind the craftsmanship. They are also very sentimental to me because these people are no longer here with me. Each time I look at these items, I am reminded of their lives and the joy they brought to mine. The reading from Ephesians reminds us that we are “God’s handiwork” (workmanship in other versions). That means that we were designed and made by God for a special purpose. The items I hold near and dear to my heart, were made with love and made especially for me. How much more God loves and designs us for His purpose. Just like my quilt rack, cross and wooden sleigh bring me joy, it is an even greater purpose for us to share the love and joy of Jesus with others. God tells us to be “His workmanship” so that we can be a living witness for Him. God’s love is unique and “made-just-for-us.” What a blessing to be able to share in that love not only during Valentine’s and our upcoming Lenten season, but each day, knowing that He has designed and hand-crafted us for His purpose. Registration for Fall is now underway! If you would like information about our preschool, please see Laurel or call her at the office (238-5656). We are accepting registrations for children who will be 3 years old by September 1st and are toilet-trained. We also have openings for 4 and 5-year-olds in September as well. Please take a preschool brochure to a family who is considering our program. These brochures are available at the Visitor Information Center in the Narthex or in the preschool hallway. Thanks to all of you who supported our Butter Braid Fundraiser this past fall. We were blessed to be able to purchase a new kitchen set for our dramatic play area as well as some stepping/balancing stones for gym time. Your support for the preschool is very much appreciated! During this next month, we will be able to start using these new items in the gym and classroom. As you think about Spring Cleaning (it will be here soon), please keep the preschool in mind. We are always in need of buttons, dress-up clothes, magazines for projects, etc. If you have an item that you think we could use, please let me know. We are so blessed to be able to use your “treasures” especially for projects and art activities. Be sure to keep saving your Campbell’s Labels for Education. We ARE NOT able to use the Box Tops for Education. That is reserved for schools serving Kindergarten-8th grade. If you do turn in Box Tops, I will save them for the school at the Children’s Hospital. Also, we are still collecting tabs from soda cans for the Ronald McDonald House. There are collection bins/boxes on the table in the preschool hallway for these items. Thanks! God’s peace as you ponder the depth of His love… you were designed and created for His purpose! In His love and service, Laurel February 2015 3 A View from Calvary Lutheran Chapel Calvary Mission Trip to New Orleans Over Winter Break, a team of 15 people from Calvary traveled to New Orleans to share God’s love through service. We stayed at Camp Restore during our time in Louisiana. Camp Restore hosts students and adults on mission trips and assigns them to projects with the most need. Our first glimpse of immense faith was through the employees there that had endured Katrina and still felt called to stay in New Orleans to serve God. Camp Restore set us up with many experiences during the week to serve. A group of us were blessed to work at Audubon Louisiana Nature Center on Monday. The nature center is working to restore its property to the enormous educational center it once was. Katrina had destroyed almost all of their structures, and blocked most paths in 2005, and they are still working slowly to bring back native plant species. Tuesday brought us to a different opportunity at the Lower 9th Ward Senior Center. The seniors there were very inspiring and full of life. We enjoyed playing games, singing songs, and a short Bible study with them. On Wednesday some of us volunteered at St. Paul’s Lutheran School. We had many jobs, including working with the students, supporting teachers, beautifying the school bulletin boards, and the daunting task of organizing their library. It was a lot of fun to see the kids full of energy, and the persistence and faith of the over-worked teachers. We were all together at the Arc Community Urban Garden on Thursday. The garden employs adults with Down’s syndrome, to support them both mentally and financially. It was a great day working with the employees and helping spruce up the property for future events and expand the workable land. On our last day, some of us volunteered at the Rescue Ranch, where the owner rehabilitates neglected horses. We supported her by taking care of duties around the ranch. By far, one of the most faithful people we met in New Orleans was Betty. A small group of about five people went to Betty’s house every day. After Katrina, Betty’s contractor ran off with her money in exchange for a gutted home. Our group spent the week dry-walling the house. On one of our last days, Betty told us that she had prayed to God to send her angels to help finish her house. She explained that we were her angels and she could never thank us enough for our work. Everyone on the trip would agree that our experiences in New Orleans have helped shape our faith. Personally, I felt myself grow closer to God through witnessing the faith of others. I hope everyone at both Calvary and Mount Olive has the opportunity to grow in faith and serve God, as we did this January. Caitlin Scherbert Calvary student and Junior at UW-Madison February 2015 4 A View from the Executive Director South Wisconsin District’s 2015 Convention December 2014 Voters Meeting Report Planning is well underway for the South Wisconsin District’s 2015 Convention to be held June 7th through 9th. The Convention has the theme “Walk humbly with our God” and will be located at Concordia University Wisconsin campus in Mequon. Each church is asked to send a Pastor and lay representative to this convention to hear committee reports, vote to fill district offices and Concordia Board of Regents, review and vote on resolutions, and grow as Christians through devotions and worship together! Our representatives will be Pastor Jason Zobel and Geoffrey Feil (see accompanying bio). Pastor Jason and Geoffrey will be getting more information soon on specific agenda items and resolutions, so feel free to check in with them if you are wondering what topics will be covered. After they attend this convention, they will both also be representing Mount Olive for 2016 Synodical Elections. The ultimate power and decision-making ability of Mount Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church is held by the Voters of Mount Olive. An opportunity to share the good work of our church and approve motions occurred on Sunday, December 14, 2014 from 12:30 to 2:30pm. The actual draft minutes from this meeting will be posted soon, but here is a highlight version of that meeting! Pastor Jason shared his joy in serving Mount Olive and his sense we are ready for branching out, starting with a congregational retreat. Current growth areas include bible studies, adding a traditional Vicar to our staff in 2015, and improving sanctuary equipment. Kathy Luecke, Congregational Treasurer, shared an unprecedented report of strong giving and reduced spending that was heading for a $74,000 surplus by the end of 2014! The Mount Olive Foundation reviewed their charter as an independent corporation that works to build capital, so interest income can be used to support Mount Olive Ministries. Three directors were voted in to serve two- or one-year teams. The Finance Committee reported on the refinancing of Mount Olive’s mortgage debt with a 5-year lock of 3.5% on an adjustable mortgage. The current plan is to pay the mortgage debt down significantly quicker than the 22-year remaining amortization. A report on the Mount Olive/Calvary Joint Board reviewed successes and plans for coordinated mission activities for our two congregations. The Property Sale Committee update included approved voter’s action to sell the house at 4016 Mineral Point Road for $173,000. As a side note, this was completed on Thursday, January 15th with net proceeds of about $167,000 paying down about 13% of our remaining mortgage debt! Board Reports included updates on recent activities and plans for our eight operational boards: Christian Education, Christian Health and Wellness, Christian Outreach, Church Properties, Elders, Parish Fellowship, Stewardship, and Youth Ministry. Laurel Zobel, Preschool Director, gave an update on that important ministry of our congregation. Linda Krueger, Music Ministry Director, gave an update on all the music groups of the church, thanked the congregation for all its support including new Choir Robes and Stoles in August, and shared the frustration of ongoing technical problems in our electronic organ, which will be removed from the sanctuary in January for more diagnosis work. More Property for Mount Olive? A property is for sale located adjacent to Mt. Olive at 102 N. Whitney Way, south of the building. This is a wooded lot 72 feet wide by 196 feet deep (0.33 acres) adjacent to our education wing. There is currently an 18-foot wide Preschool playground fenced area adjacent to the property. The property was originally for sale by owner, but recently was listed with Stark Company Realtors under the listing “14 & 102 N Whitney Way, Madison”. They are asking $355,000 for both properties, with the hope that the lot, if sold separately, would sell for $100,000. I am gathering input from congregation members to see if this property has strategic, missional, or other value that would make it worth raising money and/or adding to our mortgage to purchase the lot. We are not considering the vacant house, only the lot next to our property. I received some good feedback from a listening session held 11:45am January 25th in the Fireplace room. About 16 people attended that meeting, and thoughts about uses (clear the land, added visibility to our church building, playground area) and value (probably less than $100k) were discussed. Please email me at [email protected] with any ideas or thoughts you have. The Parish Planning Council will consider all feedback and decide if this is something worth scheduling a Voters Meeting to make an offer to purchase this land. (Continued on next page) February 2015 5 (Cont. from P.5) Nominations were approved to have Pastor Jason Zobel and Geoffrey Feil represent Mount Olive at the South Wisconsin District Convention held June 2015. Voters also approved a motion to nominate Pastor Jason as Vice -President for the West Region of the LCMS South Wisconsin District. Vicar Dan Anderson gave an update and the great activity and building community of believers at Calvary Lutheran Chapel, including an upcoming January mission trip to New Orleans and weekend winter retreat at LuWiSoMo. The Executive Director of MOLC is Steve Luecke. Hi. I’m Geoffrey Feil and I’m honored that the congregation has asked me to join Pastor Zobel and represent Mount Olive at the South Wisconsin District Convention on June 7-9th. My wife, Megan, and I live in Waunakee and the Lord has blessed us with two precious daughters, Samantha (9) and Emma (5). We moved to Wisconsin eleven years ago for me to take a job at Oscar Mayer and I am currently the Director of Marketing for Lunchables. Megan is a Physician Assistant in UW’s Neurology department. Prior to moving to Wisconsin, we lived in Chicago, Ann Arbor and New York City. I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Business Administration from the University of Michigan. I am originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan where I was baptized and attended St. Paul Lutheran Church and School (LCMS). A View from the Outreach Board Calvary Lunch Once a month, Mt. Olive provides a meal for the students who worship at Calvary Lutheran Chapel on the University of Wisconsin Campus. There are 4 dates available this spring where we have this opportunity. February 1 - Filled March 1 - Lead - Jeremy Bluhm - support people welcome April 12 - Lead - Jordan Sands - support people welcome May 3 - Open - Need lead and support people This is an opportunity to serve elderly or disabled people who are easily forgotten or unseen. If you have an interest in becoming one of these volunteers contact Beth Bray or any member of the Outreach Board who can pass your information along to Diane Stumpf. Family/Adult Mission Trips The Outreach Board is presenting opportunities for families (from preschoolers to grandparents) and adults to put their faith into action. Through YOUTHWORKS, you may sign up for a four-day family trip (think about making it part of your vacation time or meeting up with far flung family members for a faithThe meal begins at 1:00pm following the 12:00 filled get-together) or as adult members for a 5-day service. Consider this a service opportunity for your bible study, board, friends, or family. Sign-up sheets are mission trip. There are many opportunities available to "GO" as we are commanded in the Great Commission. available at the information center. Take a look at the Outreach Board brochure or talk with Connie LaRowe for more information. Coming in March Meals On Wheels - gift cards will once again be for sale at America's Best Did you know our congregation delivers Meals on Flowers. Thanks for your support last year and for Wheels to members of the Madison community every making these mission trips possible. Sunday in January and July? Diane Stumpf is the current organizer of this event. We cover two routes one For more info on YOUTH-WORKS, visit their website: that delivers meals to the near west side of Madison and www.youthworks.org. the other to downtown Madison. Thanks to Diane for The director of the Outreach Board is Beth Bray. faithfully organizing this. February 2015 6 A View from the Health & Wellness Board You are a new creation in Christ. All of you – mind, body and spirit. But until you go to heaven to be with your Creator, you’re still a work-in-progress. Martin Luther said, “This life, therefore, is not godliness, but the process of becoming godly, not health, but getting well, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not now what we shall be, but we are on the way.” those fall under a few portions of this wheel – social, emotional and intellectual as well as, of course, spiritual well-being. The fellowship board through the coffee hours on Sundays as well as the various activities throughout the year help to fulfill social and emotional well-being. Currently our congregation is taking on a healthier eating challenge. That, along with open gym basketball falls under the physical well-being portion. We’ve been blessed to have bible studies on financial stewardship helping people to get on the path of financial well-being. So many of you offer your time and talents gained through your jobs to help this congregation, thus supporting the vocational well-being. Finally, our focus on excellence in worship helps to support the spiritual well-being of all who enter. As the wheel above shows, spiritual well-being encompasses all. If we are not spiritually well, the rest of the wheel does not come together. I know I could go on mentioning all the wonderful things happening in this congregation that help support the well-being of all; these are just a few examples. It’s important for all of us to think about these different aspects of wellness and to make sure we give time to each of them. Blessings to you in 2015 as you pursue wholeness in your life. The above wholeness wheel and passage is taken from the Wheatridge Ministries website. I encourage all of “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the you to take a look at it further at www.wheatridge.org. old has gone, the new has come.” -2 Corinthians 5:17 When I looked at this wheel, it was interesting to think about what we do as a congregation to support this idea The director of the Health & Wellness Board is of wholeness. Take for example our multiple bible studJenelle Rademacher ies on Sunday mornings. I think it can be agreed that February 2015 7 Book Club News The Book Club always meets on the 2nd Monday in the Fireplace Room at Mount Olive. This month - February 9th, the Book Club will be discussing Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick. Why not join us? In March, we will be discussing A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki. We welcome new members as well as anyone who just wants to drop in. If you have any questions, please call Diane Stumpf at 833-0625. Coffee Hour Hosts February 1: Mt Olive Karen’s February 8: Care Team February 15: Wettsteins February 22: (OPEN) Sign up at the Coffee Hour table! Altar Flower Sponsors February 1: Koehlers February 8: (OPEN) February 15: (OPEN) February 22: Amanda & Josh Duley Sign up in the office! Today’s Light Bible Study Treasure God’s Word in your heart as a guide for life, that you might not sin against the Lord. February 1 Jer. 1 2 2-3 3 4-6 4 7-8 5 9-10 6 11-13 7 14-15 9 16-17 10 18-20 11 21-22 12 23-24 13 25-26 14 27-28 16 29-30 17 31-33 18 34-35 19 36-38 20 39 21 40-42 23 43-44 24 45-46 25 47-48 26 49-50 27,28 51-52 Psalm Prov. 119:129-136 6:16-19 95 6:20-26 61 6:27-35 59 7:1-5 115 7:6-23 56 7:24-27 44 8:1-11 102 8:12-13 96 8:14-26 98 8:27-32 81 8:33-36 145 9:1-6 125 9:7-10 54 9:11-12 101 9:13-18 82 10:1-2 119:137-152 10:3-4 79 10:5 119:153-168 10:6-7 138 10:8-10 104 10:11-12 70 10:15-17 60 10:18 129 10:19 Today’s Light Bible Class meets on Wednesdays at 10:30am in the Fireplace Room. Come and join our conversation! Denny’s Meet-Up Who? Mount Olive members and friends What? Late lunch or coffee break When? 1st Wednesday of month (Feb. 4) at 1pm Where? Denny’s at 433 S. Gammon Road Why? To have a good time with friends! Hope to see you there! February 2015 8 Fruit & Veggie Challenge Thank you to those of you who have decided to take on the fruit and vegetable challenge! If you haven't started, don't worry, it's not too late! Stop by the table to pick up your tracker as well as to get tips for building a healthier diet. Information can also be found on the church's website. Questions? Contact Jenelle Rademacher at 203-8482 or [email protected]. Emergency Preparedness The Board of Health and Wellness is looking to update some emergency preparedness information. If you are a health professional and would be willing to be known as someone to help out in a medical or other emergency, please contact Jenelle Rademacher at 203-8482 or [email protected]. We would also like to compile a list of those members who are CPR certified. If you are CPR trained and are willing, please let us know. Thank you. Home Chore Volunteer - Senior Center Do you want to make a difference in an older adult’s life? Become a home chore volunteer with the West Madison Senior Center! As a volunteer, you can help seniors age 60 and over, to remain independent in their homes by assisting with home tasks. We have many volunteer opportunities that range from one-time projects, seasonal help or weekly visits to help with household chores, and simply visiting and chitchatting. To learn more about this awesome opportunity, please contact Tiffany Schafer at 238-7368 x18 or [email protected]. ... to all the Mount Olive families that were so kind to send Christmas and New Year’s Greetings to me. I’m sending everyone at Mount Olive a Blessed New Year’s Greeting. In Appreciation, Marguerite Bulgrin February 2015 9 Designed by Jess Rosenwinkel February 2015 10 the view from the mount Newsletter of: Mount Olive Lutheran Church, LCMS 110 Whitney Way Madison, WI 53705 January 2015 Address Service Requested OUR MISSION STATEMENT At Mount Olive, we come to know Jesus Christ in God’s Word and Sacraments; praising God, strengthening our individual lives, supporting fellow Christians, and sharing God’s love wherever we go. February 2015 11
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