The Detroit Chemist Published by the Detroit Section, American Chemical Society January 2015 Vol. 104, No. 1 1560 Beaver St, Dearborn, MI 48128 Walter O. Siegl, interim-editor Detroit Section ACS Officers for 2015 Chair: Chair-Elect: Secretary: Treasurer: Dr. Charlene Hayden (Oakland U.) Dr. Matt Mio (U. of Detroit-Mercy) Ms. Denise Grimsley (BASF Corp.) Dr. Shannon Timmons (Lawrence Tech. University) Councilors & Alternate Councilors (3-year terms) Councilor: Councilor: Councilor: Walter O. Siegl (Ford Motor Co., retired) (term ends 2015) Jim Landis (Henkel Corp., retired) (term ends 2016) Mark Benvenuto (U. of Detroit-Mercy) (term ends 2017) Alt. Councilor: Mary K. Heidtke (Magni Industries)(term ends 2015) Alt. Councilor: Mark DeCamp (U. of Michigan-Dearborn)(term ends 2016) Alt. Councilor: Meghann Murray (U. of Detroit-Mercy) (term ends 2017) The Detroit Section ACS offers special thanks Prof. Anthony Sky (Lawrence Technical University) and Kevin Perry (General Motors Corp.) for their willingness to serve as candidates in the recent election. Thanks also go to all of the member who took the time to vote. Page 1 Meet the Incoming Chair If the name Charlene Hayden sounds familiar to longtime members of the Detroit Section, it should be. Charlene was one of our most active members, having served twice previously as Section Chair as well as holding a number of other offices. In 2007, Charlene left the Detroit area and her position at GM Research to teach chemistry full-time as an Associate Professor at Daytona Beach Community College in Daytona Beach, Florida. In 2010 she returned to this area and joined Oakland University (Rochester, MI) as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry where she currently teaches General Chemistry I & II and Analytical Chemistry courses. We are very pleased to have Prof. Hayden back as the head of our 2015 leadership team Needed: New Volunteer Editor for the Detroit Chemist The Detroit ACS is looking for a volunteer to take over as editor of the Detroit Chemist. The ideal candidate would be a person with high sense of personal responsibility, reasonably savvy computer skills and a willingness to take on the position for at least two years. We estimate that the time commitment would involve approximately 10-12 hours per month for 8 months of the year that the Chemist is published. The editor also serves as a key member of the Section Executive Committee. No prior editorial skills are required. Training would be provided and you would have a dedicated group of fellow volunteers to provide support and assistance. Inquiries should be directed to Charlene Hayden at [email protected]. January Program Meeting Co-Sponsored by ANACHEM The Chemists Behind the Chemistry: A Historical Perspective Prof. Mark Benvenuto Dept. of Chemistry, University of Detroit-Mercy Thursday, January 29, 2015 University of Detroit-Mercy, Chemistry Building 4001 West McNichols Road, Detroit, MI 6:30 pm: Reception 7:00 pm: Presentation Abstract We know their names from their works, but who were the chemists that became so famous? Why do Boyle, Charles, and Gay-Lussac get gas laws named after them? Why does Mendeleev get the title, “Father of the Periodic Table” but not have an element named after him until after Marie Curie does? Why is there a Priestley Medal, and why doesn’t Lavoisier have a theory named after him? If Moseley did such pioneering work, why is there no law or theory with his name? Come and enjoy a talk and discussion about these people and others who have so keenly shaped our science. Biographical Information Mark Benvenuto is a Professor of Chemistry and Department Chair at the University of Detroit Mercy, where he has been employed for 20 years. Prior to this he did postdoctoral research at Penn State from '91 - '93, received his PhD from the University of Virginia in late 1991, spent four years as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army from 1983-87, and graduated with a BS degree from the Virginia Military Institute in 1983. He has a wide range of interests and is seldom at a lack for words. Page 3 This event is free, all are welcome at attend! American Chemical Society – Detroit Local Section – Younger Chemists Committee Presents: Brewing Chemistry is a monthly lectures series. These informal talks are designed to make science fun and accessible for all. The lectures take place at 7 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month at: Traffic Jam & Snug, 511 West Canfield Street, Detroit, MI 48201 There is no admission charge, and free parking is available. Feel free to join us before the talk at 6:00 PM for a dutch-treat dinner. Tuesday, January 20, 2014 at 7 PM Program title not yet set at publication deadline, please check on-line at Well Done Ms. Klein, Thank You The Detroit Section of the American Chemical Society has been most fortunate these past two years to have a leader with the skills, dedication and conscientiousness that Megan Klein brought to the position of Section Chair. In December, Megan, who has been with Ash Stevens, Inc as an Analytical Chemist for the last 10 plus years, completed her second one-year term as Chair of the Detroit ACS. Under her leadership the Detroit Section continued its award-winning ways. The Detroit Section has in recent years been consistently ranked as one of the top three sections nationally in its size category, and under Megan’s leadership that tradition continued. As the Section Chair, Megan was responsible for chairing the Executive Committee meetings, planning monthly programs, maintaining communication with the national office, and providing overall leadership for the Detroit Section. Megan did all of these with competence and confidence. While, albeit she had a good support team, Ms. Klein was responsible for bringing it all together. As Chair, she encouraged public outreach and the Section greatly expanded its interaction with the student chapters at area colleges and universities. During her terms, Detroit ACS continued the very successful Brewing Chemistry Series and began an outreach program at Detroit Zoo events that brought hands-on chemistry experiments to thousands of youngsters. In one of the highlights of her tenure, she championed the recognition by the American Chemical Society of the Thomas Edison Menlo Park Complex (now housed at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan) as a Historic National Chemical Landmark. This effort culminated with a multifaceted, family-friendly commemoration ceremony event on September 20, 2014 at Greenfield Village Despite her busy schedule she continued to volunteer at various Detroit Section public outreach events and to keep the Section's Career Program effort on track. Page 5 Finding good leadership candidates is a challenge for most volunteer organizations and it is true for the Detroit ACS. We are most fortunate and grateful for the excellent leadership that Megan provided in her two terms – Thank you Megan. Conversion to Electronic Delivery in March 2015 Beginning with the March 2015 issue of the Detroit Chemist, our predominant mode of deliver will be electronic. We will for a period of at least two years, continue to provide delivery to those who specifically request a paper copy. Please note, to request continued delivery of a paper copy after the February 2015 issue, you must submit a request that includes your mailing address to: Editor, 1560 Beaver Street, Dearborn, MI 48128. Also remember that the Detroit Chemist can always be accessed on the Detroit Section Web site: http:// (Sharon and Ray, we received your requests) The electronic version will be delivered to the e-mail address that is on file with the National ACS. Conversion to electronic delivery will enable us to deliver information in a more timely manner and will offer a considerable saving in costs. It is anticipated that there will continue to be an annual mailing of the November issue which will include the ballot material. Have you misplaced your latest issue of the Detroit Chemist? Not sure you received it yet? Please bookmark our website at and you will always have access to the latest issue of the Detroit Chemist. It will usually be posted on the website a few days after it is released. A Call for Nominations Every year the Detroit Local Section of the American Chemical Society honors people that have gone above and beyond the call of duty. These volunteers have taken time and energy out of their busy schedules to provide assistance and resources to the field of chemistry in various roles. We like to recognize their efforts with a Salutes to Excellence award (description below). The awardees are honored at our awards banquet. Salutes to Excellence: Salutes to Excellence is an award program that gives ACS members an opportunity to conduct an event within their communities that recognizes the positive impact on everyday life made by a product of chemistry, a practitioner of chemistry, or a place of importance in chemistry. A central part of the event is the presentation of a commemorative plaque, furnished by Office of Community Activities, for the honorees for the chemistry achievement being honored. If you know of an individual (or business) that deserves this recognition, please submit their name(s) to Mary Kay Heidtke, Recognition Chair, Detroit Local Section. Her email address is [email protected] Please submit your nominations no later than February 28, 2015. ________________ Science Fair Judges Sought The 58th Annual Science and Engineering Fair of Metro Detroit is around the corner. Volunteer scientists and engineers are needed for a mentoring event on Saturday, January 10, 2015 (you may not receive this in time) at Sam’s Club, 27300 Wixom Road, Novi, MI 48374 from 10 am to 2 pm to help middle school and high school students with their science fair projects. Mentors will mingle at tables for different topics such as air, water, land, energy, etc and answer questions. Volunteers can sign up at the Science & Engineering Fair of Metro Detroit Website: RegisterVolunteer.asp. Please mark your calendars, volunteers are needed to judge the Science and Engineering Fair on Wed, March 11, 2015. Sign up online Page 7 at: Planning for 2017 CERM Meeting in Detroit Has Begun In June of 2012, the Detroit Section ACS held a very successful regional ACS meeting at The Henry hotel in Dearborn. Fired up by this success, the volunteer organizers signed up to host the 2017 Central Regional Meeting, and planning meetings have begun. Prof. Mark Benvenuto (U. of Detroit-Mercy), general chair of the 2012 meeting, has again assumed responsibility as general chair. The planning committee is taking form and has held its first two meetings but there is still a need for volunteers. In particular, the group still needs a program chair. This position is the one that guides programming topics for the meeting. While some of the programming is standard -- organic, inorganic, analytical, biochem, p-chem, chem ed, as both poster sessions and oral sessions -- some is built and nurtured by the program chair. Anyone who has an interest in this position or who has questions about it should contact Mark at [email protected]. Other spots on the committee are also open. The planning group meets most months on the 4th Tuesday at the University of Detroit-Mercy Chemistry Building, room C117 at 6:30 pm; Pizza and pop are provided. This month the group may be making a walk-through at the Henry hotel. Verify location with Mark before planning to attend. To get on the distribution list for e-mails regarding the planning, e-mail Mark at the address above. NOMINEE SELECTION for the U.S. NATIONAL CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD Detroit Local Section Examination Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:00 ‑ 8:30 pm University of Michigan ‑ Dearborn The 47th International Chemistry Olympiad will be held in July 2015 at in Baku, Azerbaijan. This event brings together high school students from about seventy countries to compete in both theoretical and laboratory exercises. The four-member U.S. Team is organized and sponsored by the American Chemical Society. The results of a national exam will be used to select twenty students from around the country to attend a ten-day study camp at the U.S. Air Force Academy in June. Four of these Study Camp participants will be selected to represent the United States in the international competition in Baku, Azerbaijan. The ACS Detroit Section will nominate twelve high school students from the Detroit area to take the national examination. The initial step in the selection process is the local section examination to be administered by the Detroit Section on March 19 at the University of Michigan‑Dearborn. This examination will consist of a seventy question multiple-choice examination with one free-response question in a two hour time period. The free-response question will be used to break tie scores. A copy of last year's exam and further details about this year's competition will be found at the Detroit Section Olympiad website (currently undergoing extensive remodeling). Based on the results of the local section exam twelve students (the Nominees) will be nominated by the Section to sit for the National Examination. Another eight students will be recognized as Runners‑up. Through the generosity of the General Motors Corporation we expect to award cash prizes in the amount of $150 and $50 respectively to the Nominees and Runners-up. The Nominees will return to the University of Michigan‑Dearborn on April 16 for the National Examination. This will be followed by an Awards Dinner to honor the nominees and their teachers. On-line registration for the 2015 Chemistry Olympiad will open on February 2. Paper registration (form enclosed) will also be accepted. To ensure participation by your students, registration materials must be received by March 13, 2014. Page 9 Calendar of Upcoming Events Second Tuesday of the Month: Detroit Section Executive Committee Meeting - from September through May. The meetings will start at 7:00 PM and are currently held at Lawrence Technical University. For additional information contact Prof. Shannon Timmons, [email protected] . Third Tuesday of Every Month: Brewing Chemistry. For latest information, please see . Fourth Tuesday most months, planning meetings for 2017 CERM meeting at U. of Detroit-Mercy. See p 8 January 20: Brewing Chemistry at Traffic Jam & Snug, 7:00 PM, topic: tbd: http:// January 29: Detroit ACS January Section meeting (co-sponsored by ANACHEM) at University of Detroit-Mercy, 6:30 PM, speaker Prof. Mark Benvenuto; see p 3. February 17: Brewing Chemistry at Traffic Jam & Snug, 7:00 PM, topic: tbd: http:// March 11: Science and Engineering Fair, judges wanted, p 7/8 March 19: Detroit Local Section Examination for USNCO at U. of Mich-Dearborn; see p 9. May 2015: Joint CERM and Great Lakes Regional Meeting Detroit ACS and Facebook Please "like" our Facebook page. You can do this one of two ways, you can either go to our web site at . and click the "like" button on the right hand side of the home page, or you can find us on Face-book directly. Our page is called Detroit Section of the American Chemical Society. Once the page comes up, please click the "like" button to receive innovative scientific findings provided by the National ACS and also to hear what's going on locally in the Detroit Area with the Detroit Section of the ACS. Sincerely, Kevin Perry 10th Annual Chemistry Day Called a Huge Success by Local Girl Scouts On Saturday, November 8, 240 junior Girl Scouts and their leaders participated in the tenth annual Chemistry Day and learned about the role of chemistry in everyday lives. The event was a great success, mostly due to the support of our volunteers and sponsors. Crucial donations were received from First United Methodist Church of Troy and the U. of Detroit Mercy. The Girl Scouts were enthusiastic as they took part in activities including a service project, a craft project, career session, and hands-on experiments. The service project was a can food drive. The craft project, organized by Liz Roberts-Kirchhoff (UD-Mercy), had the Girl Scouts using their creative talents to decorate holiday ornaments using elements from the Periodic Table. In a second craft project, the girls used C&E News magazines and colored paper to make science career collages. In the career phase of the program, the Girl Scouts were exposed to various careers available in the field of chemistry. Meghann Murray (UD-Mercy) was the lead coordinator for this activity. Four great speakers shared information about their careers and the impact that science has had on their professional lives. The speakers met with each group of Girl Scouts to answer questions regarding their careers. A poster session accompanied this activity. The Scouts were given a list of questions that they had to answer about the posters. This elicited further discussions about careers available in science. The posters were created as a servicelearning project by students from the University of Detroit Mercy. Sspeakers for the career program were: Victoria Hornick-Rosinski, Chemistry Teacher, Cabrini HS Hulya Ahmed, Chemist, BASF Corporation Denise Glassmeyer, Patent Attorney , Young & Basile, P.C. Barbara Radecki, Adjunct Faculty, Wayne County CC The last activity for the day was hands-on experiments which emphasized the importance of chemistry to our quality of life. While the girls are having fun creating substances like Gluep and Slime, they were also learning about the importance of polymers. An experiment that used dry ice helped to explain properties of matter. In all, ten experiments were organized by Denise Grimsley (BASF Corp) and Megan Klein (Ash Stevens Corp). Page 11 Special thanks go to Mary Kay Heidtke (Magni Industries, Inc.), and Caroline Feathers (Girl Scouts of Southeastern Michigan) for acting as the lead organizers to bring the two groups together. Third Tuesday of Every Month: Brewing Chemistry. Please see for information on upcoming events. Permit No. 27 Second Tuesday of the Month: Detroit Section Exec. Committee Mtg – held at Lawrence Tech 7:00 PM. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Royal Oak, MI Calendar of Upcoming Events January 13: January Exec. Committee mtg January 20: Brewing Chemistry at TJ &S January 22: CERM planning meeting, p 8 January 29: Talk by M. Benvenuto, p 3 February 10: February Exec. Comm. mtg February 17: Brewing Chemistry at TJ &S March 10: March Exec. Committee mtg March 11: Science & Engineering Fair, p 7/8 March 19: USNCO Exam, p 9 Section Officers for 2015 1 Meet the new Chair/Search for Editor 2 January Section Meeting 3 Brewing Chemistry Science Cafe 4 Megan Klein, Thank You 5 Getting involved; electronic delivery 6 Request for nominations/Sci. Fair 7 Planning for 2017 Regional Meeting 8 Chemistry Olympiad Exam 9 Calendar of Events 10 Chemistry Day - Girl Scouts 11 Attn: Dated Material Page Detroit Section ACS 1560 Beaver St. Dearborn, MI 48128-1475 Table of Contents
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