MIDDLE SCHOOL Information Booklet Years 7, 8, 9 2015 1 CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1 Welcome Middle School School Promotion and First Day 2015 School Contact Details/ Key Staff School Hours & Bell Times School Map DaRe to excel Sample Timetable Student Guide Valuing School Student Medical Details/ Biometrics Curriculum/ Seminars Library and Technology in 2015 Extra Curricular Sport Safety at School Communications and Celebrations Bullying Uniform Shop Uniform Policy Footware Policy Book and Equipment Requirements Rights and Responsibilities School Contributions Middle School 2015 Canteen Price List 2015 WELCOME MIDDLE SCHOOL 2015 Welcome to our Middle School students for 2015. In this booklet we have tried to give as much information as possible so that when you start on your first day you will feel confident and happy. Rouse Hill High School offers an excellent academic program, highly qualified teachers and a safe and caring learning environment. We encourage students to take advantage of the exciting range of educational opportunities that are available and to always daRe to achieve your best. Rouse Hill High School is a modern, vibrant comprehensive high school with rich relationships with the primary schools of our learning community. In 2015, Rouse Hill High School will have Year 7, 8, 9, Senior 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 enrolments of approximately 750 students. You will be a valued part of the Rouse Hill High School culture of success and educational excellence. The first day of school for Year 8 and 9 is Tuesday 11th November 2014. Year 7 students will have their first day on Wednesday 28th January 2015. The first day back in the New Year for Years 8 and 9 will be Friday 30th January 2015. Exciting times are ahead and we look forward to seeing you next year as you continue your educational journey as a student of Rouse Hill High School. Ms Chapman Principal Mr Kelly Deputy Principal (R) 1 SCHOOL PROMOTION DAY Rouse Hill High will be starting the 2015 school year on Tuesday 11th November 2014. Students in Year 7 and Year 8 will be promoted to their following year in Week 6 of Term 4. Students will be issued with their new timetables and Assessment Booklets. Students will need to be equipped with books and stationery for the new year of study. THE FIRST DAY 2015 – Year 7 School commences for Year 7 on Wednesday 28th January 2015 at 8.45am and finishes at 2.57pm. During the day students will be issued with the 2015 school diary and timetables. Students will need to wear their full school uniform and bring their school bag, a book, pens and pencils, recess, lunch and a drink. The canteen will be open. Please contact Mr Duggan, the Transition Coordinator if you have any questions. Programme th Day 1 Wednesday 28 January 2015 8.00am Parents and Students are invited to a BBQ breakfast provided by the P&C 8.45am Students will be directed to assemble in the school hall. Parents are welcome to stay for the “Welcome to High School” assembly 9:30am Assembly will conclude and parents will be asked to leave. Students will then be organised into class groups and taken to a classroom where they will be participating in activities and given helpful tips on: How to find their way around – school tour How to use their school diary How to read their timetables General school procedures 10:42am RECESS 11:12am “Big Fish, Little Fish” presentation Activities based on getting to know our school 1:09 pm Lunch 1:39pm Activities based on getting to know our school and making friends 2:40pm Assembly in quadrangle Expectations of Day 2 Students will be directed on how to depart school grounds. 2:57pm End of Day 1 Day 2 Thursday 29 8.45am Students will attend normal timetabled classes for Thursday Week A and will be joined by our senior students. 1 th January 2015 THE FIRST DAY 2015 – Years 8 & 9 School commences for Years 8 and 9 on Friday 30th January 2015 at 8.45am and finishes at 2.57pm. During the day, students will be issued with the 2015 school diary. Programme Day 1 Friday 30th January 2015 8.45am Students are to go to their Period 1 lesson for Friday Week A 10.42am RECESS 11.12am Period 2 lesson for Friday Week A 11.51am Period 3 lesson for Friday Week A 12.30 pm Period 4 lesson for Friday Week A 1.09 pm LUNCH 1:38pm Period 5 lesson for Friday Week A 2:57pm END OF DAY Day 2 Monday 2nd February 2015 8.45am Students will attend normal timetabled classes for Monday Week B 2015 term dates for NSW Government Schools Term 1 Wednesday, 28 January 2015 - Thursday, 02 April 2015 Term 2 Monday, 20 April 2015 - Friday, 26 June 2015 Term 3 Tuesday, 14 July 2015 - Friday, 18 September 2015 Term 4 Tuesday, 06 October 2015 - Wednesday, 16 December 2015 1 CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 105 Withers Road, Rouse Hill 2155 P.O Box 6120, Rouse Hill 2155 Phone: Fax: 9836 1890 9629 2590 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rousehill-h.schools.nsw.edu.au School Code: 8291 Western Sydney Region; The Hills Office hours are from 8.00am – 3.45pm if you need to contact the school. KEY STAFF Principal: Ms K. Chapman Deputy Principal (R): Mr S. Kelly Head Teacher – Administration: Mr N. Cluness School Counsellor: Ms K. Rutherford The counsellor is able to assist students in solving problems that impact on their school life. School Careers Adviser : Ms K. Henson The Careers Adviser is able to assist senior students with all enquiries and assistance with work experience, subject selection, TAFE and University applications, resumes… Head Teachers Provide support for students and staff within their faculties. Any curriculum queries are to be directed to the subject Head Teachers. 1 1 TUESDAY 8.45 – 10.03 10:03 – 10:42 10.42 – 11.12 11.12 – 11.51 11.51 – 12.30 12.30 – 1.09 1.09 – 1.39 1.39 – 2.57 MONDAY 8.45 – 10.03 10:03 – 10:42 10.42 – 11.12 11.12 – 11.51 11.51 – 12.30 12.30 – 1.09 1.09 – 1.39 1.39 – 2.57 1A 1B Recess 2 3 4 Lunch 5 10.42 – 11.12 11.12 – 11.51 11.51 – 12.30 12.30 – 1.09 1.09 – 1.39 1.39 – 2.57 Year 7 & 8 SPORT 10.33 – 11.12 Year 7 & 8 SPORT 11.12 – 11.51 Year 7 & 8 SPORT 11.51 – 12.30 LUNCH 12.30 – 1.00 Year 9 & 10 SPORT 1.00– 2.57 8.45 – 10.03 10:03 – 10:42 THURSDAY 10.03 – 10.33 8.45 – 9.24 9.24– 10.03 WEDNESDAY 1.39 – 2.57 1.09 – 1.39 12.30 – 1.09 11.51 – 12.30 11.12 – 11.51 10.42 – 11.12 8.45 – 10.03 10:03 – 10:42 FRIDAY SCHOOL HOURS School begins at 8.45am and concludes at 2.57pm. A bell sounds between periods. Supervision of students in the quad occurs from 8.15am. Seminar lessons are held during Period 1 on Wednesdays. Assemblies are held during Seminar in Weeks 5 and 10 each term. Please check the school calendar for the final dates. Sport is held after recess on Wednesdays. Students may elect to participate in grade sport. All students need to attend the Swimming and Athletics carnivals to meet mandatory sport requirements. Bell Times SCHOOL MAP Permitted Playground Areas for students During recess and lunch time: Area 1: Quad Area 2: Courts 5 Area 3: Oval Area 4: Grass Area 5: Canteen 4 KEY A B C D E F G H J K 1 Administration Office School Hall Art and TAS workshops General Learning General Learning General Learning Science Library Staff TAS and Kitchens DARE TO EXCEL Rouse Hill High School continues to grow in 2015 as an outstanding educational facility. Our aim is to develop students who are dynamic, accountable, resilient and engaged learners. We encourage students to live up to our school banner statement of DARE TO EXCEL. Dare incorporates our values platform and was developed with input from parents, students and staff. Dynamic. To be active, involved and energetic. If we are going to be dynamic we need to get involved in democratic processes, in decision making and by making the most of leadership opportunities. The school and the wider community will provide a dynamic environment both in the classroom and in co-curricular activities so that we have the opportunity to be active and involved in our learning and can achieve our potential. Accountable. To give an account for our actions. We need to take responsibility for our actions, good and bad, and we hope that we will be recognized for our achievements. We need to be behaving in a way that shows integrity and honesty. The school will provide learning, welfare and discipline procedures that hold all accountable and encourage us to do more while becoming good citizens. Resilient. To recover quickly after a problem and be adaptable. It is important for us to develop the skills to cope when things don’t always turn out the way we want. We can develop resilience by treating one another with respect and fairness. The school maintains a safe environment where we are encouraged to take risks by trying out new learning opportunities while feeling secure, safe, cared for and respected. Engaged. To be involved, occupied or working. To be engaged we have to cooperate and work with one another. The school needs to provide opportunities and experiences for us to become engaged, and achieve our best in not only school activities, but as a school community we need to look for ways to become involved or to give back to the wider community. 1 Year 7 Sample Timetable Rouse Hill High School Year 7 Week A Week B Monday Monday P1 Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P1B Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P2 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P3 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P4 TAS 07TECHM1A Mrs P Rai P5 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd 07ATRANSA Mr D Williams LLS 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P2 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 P3 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 C12 P4 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 D104 P5 Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 Tuesday P1 School Based P1 School Based P1B Mathematics Tuesday 07ATRANSA Mr D Williams LLS P1 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 07ALANGUA Ms K Wang F7 P1B English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P2 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P2 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P3 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P3 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P4 Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P4 Creative Arts 07VARTS1A Ms N Oates C28 P5 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 P5 TAS 07TECHM1A Mrs P Rai C12 P1 School Based 07SEMRX1A Ms N Parker E110 P1 School Based 07SEMRX1A Ms N Parker P2 Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P2 TAS 07TECHM1A Mrs P Rai P3 Sport 7/8 Sport Multiple Teachers P3 Sport 7/8 Sport Multiple Teachers P4 TAS 07TECHM1A Mrs P Rai P4 LOTE 07ALANGUA Ms K Wang F7 P1B LOTE Wednesday Wednesday C12 Thursday P1 Mathematics E110 C12 Thursday 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P1 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P1B HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P2 Creative Arts 07VARTS1A Ms N Oates C28 P2 Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P3 Creative Arts 07VARTS1A Ms N Oates C28 P3 Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P4 Creative Arts 07VARTS1A Ms N Oates C28 P4 TAS 07TECHM1A Mrs P Rai C12 P5 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 P5 LOTE 07ALANGUA Ms K Wang F7 P1 Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P1 Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P1B Science P1B English Friday Friday 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P1B Science 07ASCIENA Ms R Kaur G14 P2 Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P2 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P3 Mathematics 07AMATHSA Mr A Brien E10 P3 English 07AENGLIA Ms T Rodd D104 P4 PDHPE 07APDHPEA Mr R Claxton F104 P4 HSIE 07AHSIEXA Ms M Castle D10 P5 LOTE 07ALANGUA Ms K Wang F7 P5 LOTE 07ALANGUA Ms K Wang F7 Points to Note: Recess is after Period 1 Lunch is after Period 4 Wednesday is different – Period 2, 3 & 4 are sport Seminar is held during Period 1 on Wednesday HELPFUL HINT: it is a good idea to colour code your subjects on the timetable 1 STUDENT GUIDE – What to do if I need to leave school early Bring a note, written and signed by a parent/guardian explaining the reason and stating your name and class. Take this note to the Administration Office as soon as you arrive at school. You will then attend class until the time noted on your pass. Before you leave the school you must return to the Administration Office to receive your pass. I arrive late to school You must go to the Administration Office to sign in. You should have a note from your parent/guardian explaining the reason for your lateness. I’m absent from school On the day you return after an absence, you must bring a note stating your name, days absent and reasons for that absence. Place the note in the box provided in the Administration Office. If you are expecting to be away from school for an extended period of time, your parent/guardian should ring the school. Parents may email or fax in absent notes. I ride my bike/skateboard to school I need to go to the toilet during class time On arrival, walk your bike to the bike racks near the Administration Office. Secure your bike with a lock and chain. You must wear a safety helmet on arrival and departure from school. Ask your teacher for permission and bring a note and go to the Administration Office. I feel sick at school Report to the Administration Office during recess or lunch. Someone will arrange for your parent/guardian to take you home. If you feel ill during class time your teacher will give you a note sending you to the Administration Office. I am injured at school Report to the Administration Office for First Aid. I need to bring my mobile phone/iPod to school Keep your mobile phone/ iPod with you at all times. You are responsible for its safety and the school takes no responsibility for theft or damage. All phones must be switched off when you enter the school grounds and be kept safe and out of sight. All other electronic devices must be used appropriately at school. I have a personal problem or am having some hassles Tell a teacher and/or report the matter to the Transition or Resilience Coordinator I am out of uniform Report to the Deputy Principal before school. You will be provided with a uniform to wear for the day or issued a Uniform Pass. Teachers will be checking and reporting uniform breaches each morning. Leaving school grounds in the afternoon Walkers are to leave via the Administration Office and exit through the top gate to Withers Road or the back gate. If you are being picked up by car, you are to leave via the Science Block or the back gate. If you ride a bike/skateboard you are to walk your bike/skateboard on a pathway and may leave via any gate. I am late to school Students who arrive late without a note will be given a recess detention. **If your child is late or absent to school you can email, fax or call the Administration office on: Email: [email protected] Fax: 9629 2590 Phone: 9836 1890 1 VALUING SCHOOL Rouse Hill High School is committed towards developing and implementing strategies to encourage successful student participation in school life through a growth mindset approach. FIXED MINDSET Leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency to: - avoid challenges gives up easily due to obstacles see effort as fruitless ignore useful feedback Be threatened by other’ success GROWTH MINDSET Leads to a desire to learn and therefore a tendency to: - embrace challenges persist despite challenges see effort as a path to mastery learn from criticism be inspired by others success In Year 7 the students will be introduced to and taught how to understand and apply what they learn from participating in the Mindset Works Brainology Program. Brainology is designed as an online, challenge-based, interactive multimedia instructional program. Students will learn about: • • • • • the basic structure and function of the brain how thinking occurs how learning and memory work how to develop and change the brain how to improve their study habits and skills in light of this information. The goal of the Brainology program is to raise student achievement by helping students develop a growth mindset whereby they think of their intelligence as something they develop through study and learning rather than as something fixed. 1 STUDENT MEDICAL DETAILS & HEALTH CONCERNS It is essential that the school is informed of any medical conditions. This includes allergies. We ask that you also contact the school if there are any newly diagnosed allergies, medical conditions or changes to an existing condition. This will enable the school to support the safety and wellbeing of your child. Allergies can include insect stings, drugs, latex, food (eg. nuts, peanuts, eggs). The school needs to be informed of severe allergies such as anaphylaxis, including the need for an ASCIA (Australian Society Clinical Immunology & Allergy Inc) plan and an adrenaline auto-injector. The school also needs to be notified of medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes and epilepsy. Completion of a health care plan or ASCIA Action plans may be required. BIOMETRICS: ATTENDANCE RECORDING Rouse Hill High School has implemented an automated sign in process for students to help us streamline our attendance recording practices. This system is particularly useful for senior students who have a flexible timetable and will be starting and finishing school at alternative times. The system will also enable those students that arrive late to be processed quickly enabling them to go to class as soon as possible. This process will include the scanning of each students thumb to record their unique measurements against their student number in a secure, encrypted database. This is NOT a finger print, rather a set of measurements of the contours of the thumb known as a template. When a student arrives late to school they will simply scan their thumb and the system will record their arrival time and print a docket for them to show to their teacher when they reach class. This docket is also a record for parents/carers. Senior students with a flexible timetable will scan their thumb on arrival at school and when leaving the school. Questions often arise about privacy and biometrics. Biometric devices never capture or use optical images. Instead, unique data is extracted from the live sample to create a template (a mathematical representation of a student’s biometric data that is used by a biometric system for comparison against a database). The template basically contains point to point or vector measurement data. This automated system has been discussed and supported by the Rouse Hill High School P&C Association. 1 CURRICULUM Courses of Study: Middle School All students in Middle School undertake a mandatory core curriculum. This includes: English Visual Arts (Years 7 and 8) Mathematics Music (Year 8 only) Science Human Society and its Environment Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE) Languages Other Than English (LOTE) – Mandarin (Year 7 only ) Sport Seminar lessons 3 elective subjects (Year 9 only) Transition (Year 7 only) Technology and Applied Studies (Years 7 and 8) Assessment Booklets will be issued to all students on Tuesday 11 November 2014. Booklets will be available on the school’s website. SEMINARS Every Wednesday during Period 1A we have Seminar. This time is an opportunity for you to work in small groups with your Seminar teacher to develop our DARE attributes being - Dynamic, Accountable, Resilient, Engaged students. Your seminar teacher will guide you through a number of topics such as: Creating connections through Friendship and Belonging Working within and contributing to the community Promoting a safe and supportive school environment Managing Change and Stress Study and time management skills. A number of formal assemblies and year meetings will also take place during this time slot. It is a time for you to have the opportunity to develop your potential and celebrate your progress. Your Seminar teacher will also be checking the use of your school diary. 1 LIBRARY Welcome to the Rouse Hill High School Library. The Library is a communal space with its primary function being to support students and staff by providing the resources, equipment and space to facilitate teaching and learning and the love of reading. What the Teacher Librarian can do for you: Provide a space for individual and group learning Provide a variety of resources e.g. o Fiction: novels, short stories, picture books, graphic novels and spoken word. o Non-fiction: books, journals, spoken word and reference resources e.g. atlases and dictionaries. Teach information and research skills e.g. decoding an assignment, research skills, essay writing, note taking and writing a bibliography. Provide “How to” sheets, for example writing a bibliography or using specific text types. Provide Subject Resource Lists: lists of books and other resources on specific subjects such as Ancient Egypt. Help students find relevant information sources. Provide board games. There are regular chess competitions plus we have the following games - Connect Four, Checkers and Yatze. TECHNOLOGY IN 2015 As a result of evaluations of Chromebook and BYOD (Bring your Own Device), 1:1 technology models, Rouse Hill High School will introduce Chromebooks in 2015. A Chromebook is a device that functions as a standard laptop but does not have an operating system. Instead it utilises web based applications. These devices have been utilised in a pilot class throughout 2014 and have proven to be an effective teaching and learning tool. Students and teachers have required minimal technical support integrating this technology into the classroom. As an alternative to students bringing their own devices, Chromebook has offered a unified platform that helps students and teachers use these devices effectively to collaborate in the classroom. Recommendations will be made for students in Years 9 and 1.0 who may elect to purchase devices with higher specifications to meet the requirements of their elective subjects. More information about the technical requirements and ways of purchasing Chromebooks will provided in the near future. 1 EXTRA CURRICULAR MUSIC The Rouse Hill High School Ensemble Program is designed to provide extension activities in music for your child in a stimulating and enjoyable environment. Participation in a musical ensemble is a valuable way to develop skills as a musician and interact with like-minded peers. CONCERT BAND This group is made up of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. The band performs at school assemblies and play arrangements of popular music and film themes scored for beginners. VOCAL ENSEMBLE This group frequently performs at school events singing a range of repertoire from pop culture. STAGE BAND This specialist group is a smaller ensemble which focuses on playing Motown, soul, jazz and other repertoire for small ensemble. DEBATING Rouse Hill High School is pleased to offer debating as an extra-curricular activity. Early next year students will be given the opportunity to try out for the Debating Team. This is open to both experienced debaters as well as those who have never competed before. Throughout the year students will receive on-going training and our teams will be entered into regional competitions. Debating gives students the opportunity to gain confidence in speaking in front of an audience, as well as honing their skills in constructing a logical argument. CHESS Library hosts regular chess competitions. These may be knockout or round robin. SPORT Zone and Regional competitions as they arise. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP Students in all years are offered Leadership opportunities by representing their year group, PROGRAM becoming Sports Leaders and applying to be School Captains in Year 1.2. DANCE ENSEMBLES There are numerous Dance Ensembles that operate at Rouse Hill High School. Students in the ensembles compete in Dance Eisteddfods. Other extra-curricular activities are also available. 1 SPORT Sport for Middle School is timetabled on Wednesdays. Years 7 and 8 undertake their activities between recess and lunch. During this time Years 7 and 8 students participate in grade sport or are divided into house groups where they are able to compete against other houses. Years 9 and 1.0 undertake their sport activities in the afternoon, some students from Years 9 and 1.0 may participate in grade sport. Students wear their PE/SPORTS uniform to school on Wednesdays. Students can earn points for their house by displaying good sportsmanship or participation as well as winning games each week. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports, some of which include: Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Badminton, Volleyball, Cricket, Touch Football and Austag. HOUSES Students will participate in sports representing their houses. Our houses are: Walton (Blue) named after Nancy Bird-Walton, aviation pioneer and founder of the Australian Women’s Pilots’ Association. The colour blue represents the skies through which she flew. Irwin (Green) named after Steve Irwin, wildlife expert and conservationist. The green represents the environment he campaigned to protect and his iconic khaki clothing. Dunlop (Red) named after Sir Edward (Weary) Dunlop, a military leader and surgeon who was highly decorated for the bravery shown in the care of the men under his command. The red represents the bloody bandages that were a trademark of his position. Goolagong (Yellow) named after Evonne Goolagong Cawley, member of the Wiradjuri people and the first female indigenous Australian to win a Wimbledon Tennis Championship. The yellow represents the Sun on the Aboriginal flag and the colour of tennis balls. House points can be awarded for: Outstanding teamwork, encouragement and participation displayed on sports days Representing the school at Zone, Regional and State level Performing well in the Athletics, Swimming or Cross Country Carnivals Team performance during Wednesday sport Dynamic House chants during competitions The winning house will be awarded the House Trophy at the end of year Celebration Assembly. 1 SAFETY AT SCHOOL At Rouse Hill High School we hope to ensure the safety of all students, staff and visitors to our school. For students this involves safe travel to school, thinking and acting safely while at school and safe behaviour when travelling home through our community. We can be accountable for our safety by: Ensuring we follow road rules when travelling to and from school Arriving at school on time – students are to remain in the quadrangle before school Being equipped for lessons Correctly wearing the school uniform including appropriate footwear for protection Exhibiting responsible and sensible behaviour at all times Showing respect for property and for other people Keeping hands off to solve problems peacefully Telling a teacher if something is wrong Following directions to participate positively Accepting the consequences of my actions Wearing the school hat and following sun safe procedures Using the Bruce Purser car park for drop off and pick up of students. Parents should not use the school car park. Caballo Avenue is also available for students to be picked up. By working together we can promote the safety of ourselves, our peers and teachers to help maintain our positive, healthy and safe environment. 1 COMMUNICATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS Newsletter Twice a Term Formal Assembly Twice a Term Reports Interim Term 1 Semester 1 Term 2 Interim Term 3 Semester 2 Term 4 Meet the Teacher – Year 7 Semester 1 Term 1, Week 8 Parent Teacher Semester 1 Term 2, Week 3 Semester 2 Term 3, Week 3 Interviews 1 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES This policy covers the rights and responsibilities expected from students attending Rouse Hill High School. Rights and responsibilities At the foundation of our rights and responsibilities is the ideal of being a dynamic, accountable, resilient and engaged learner. Within each ideal our core values are embedded. This platform forms the basis of our work at Rouse Hill High School. The rights and responsibilities are based on the belief that we must respect the rights of all to learn and take responsibility for our own learning and behaviour. By practicing the responsibilities shown below, students achieve success and recognition. daRe D Rights Responsibilities We have the right to: We have the responsibility to: Dynamic A Accountable R Resilient E Engaged learn in a challenging and productive environment contribute to RHHS and the wider community feel safe achieve and be recognised for our efforts assistance and support with our learning respectful and fair treatment in an environment free from harassment and bullying seek help when needed learn in a co-operative and supportive environment participate in a wide variety of activities participate in provided opportunities achieve through leadership model good behaviour actively participate in the school community represent the school in a positive way account for our actions achieve our personal best demonstrate safe behaviour display resilience and flexibility respect others through inclusive and tolerant behaviour report bullying behaviour contribute as a productive member of a team demonstrate pride, cooperation and enthusiasm in our work help, support and care for one another strive for excellence in all activities listen and communicate in an effective manner At Rouse Hill High School, our learners are dynamic, accountable, resilient and engaged. 1 BULLYING This document provides a summary of Rouse Hill High School’s anti-bullying policy. Bullying is not acceptable. Students at Rouse Hill High School have a safe and happy environment in which to work and socialise. Bullying is not accepted. DARE to say ‘NO’ to bullying and harassment. The schools anti-bullying policy is based on our DARE approach where students are dynamic, accountable, resilient and engaged when participating in positive interactions with peers, staff and the community. At Rouse Hill High School all students, teachers and parents/guardians have a shared responsibility to create a safe and happy environment. What is bullying? Bullying is when the following things happen again and again to someone and it is hard for the student being bullied to stop these things from happening: being ignored, left out on purpose or not allowed to join in; being made fun of and teased in a mean and hurtful way; lies or nasty stories are told about someone to make other children not like them; being made afraid of getting hurt; staring or giving someone mean looks or gestures; forcing someone to do things they don’t want to; being kicked, hit or pushed around. Bullying can occur face-to-face, indirectly through others or via the use of technology e.g. mobile phone, internet. Bullying is used by a more powerful person to cause fear, distress and/or harm against a less powerful person unable to stop the bullying from occurring. What can you do about it? If you are being bullied…. Be confident. Use strong, assertive ‘I’ statements in a positive way. e.g. ‘I don’t like that. Please stop.’ Be around your friends, they can support and help you. Report the bullying behaviour to a teacher. Let your parents know what is happening. Ignore bullies where possible. Walk away from people who are harassing you. Be careful with your internet password, what you put on the internet and how you use your mobile phone. If you see someone being bullied…. Support the person being bullied. Be a good, caring friend. Stick up for your friend; let the person being bullied know they are not alone. Ask a teacher for help and report the bullying behaviour. Don’t be a spectator - do something to help – if you do nothing you are part of the problem. Don’t join in bullying behaviour. It’s OK to talk! It’s OK to ask for help! Dare to say ‘NO’ to bullies. Talk to a teacher or one of the Middle School Team including the Resilience Co-ordinator or Transition Coordinator. A copy of the full policy is available from the school. 1 UNIFORM POLICY This policy covers the wearing of school uniform to school, on excursions and for special events. Rouse Hill High School is a uniform school. The uniform has been designed and endorsed by the P & C Association. It is the school community expectation that all students will wear the uniform without variation. School uniform builds a sense of community and ownership in the student body, ensuring pride in the school and its attainments as well as forming a lasting impression of the school in the wider community. It contributes to the development of student self discipline and self esteem, allowing clear identification within the school and community. The dress code The school uniform must be worn at all times without individual variation. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday the school uniform must be worn. On Wednesday, students may wear their school uniform or sport uniform. If students have a timetabled practical Technology or Science lesson on Wednesday, leather shoes must be worn. (See over page). Students are expected to be neat, tidy and well groomed at all times. Jewellery is to be small and unobtrusive and of a safe design. Students will be required to remove unsafe and inappropriate jewellery. If worn, makeup is to be minimal and appropriate for school. Students representing the school are required to wear full school uniform. If undershirts are worn, they should be white only. The school hat is the only hat worn at school, on school excursions or for sporting events. For formal events students must be in school uniform, especially if presenting items, performing or receiving awards. Students are expected to wear school uniform on school excursions unless otherwise notified. Girls school uniform White blouse with burgundy piping and school logo Tartan skirt (charcoal, burgundy, citrus) with pleats, knee length Slacks, charcoal (optional) White socks that cover the ankles Black tights during terms 2 – 3 Black V-neck jumper with logo (cotton or wool) Black leather shoes, traditional style Black scarf with school logo daRe hat Black school blazer, optional Burgundy tie bow, optional Boys school uniform White pinstripe shirt with school logo Charcoal shorts or trousers Grey socks that cover the ankles Black V-neck jumper with logo (cotton or wool) Black leather shoes, traditional style Black scarf with school logo daRe hat Black school blazer, optional Tie – burgundy with school logo, optional Sport & PE uniform The sport uniform may be worn to school on Wednesdays only. Students will change into the sport uniform for timetabled PE practical lessons. Charcoal and citrus sport shirt Sports socks Charcoal sport short Charcoal tracksuit jacket, optional Joggers Charcoal tracksuit trousers, optional Technology uniform. White apron – Food Technology Blue apron – workshop rooms School backpack Black Rouse Hill High School backpack with school logo/acceptable school backpack If a student is unable to wear their uniform, they need to report to the Deputy Principal before the start of Lesson 1. If a student is continually out of uniform, consequences will be given. 1 FOOTWEAR POLICY This policy covers the wearing of acceptable and unacceptable school footwear. All students are required to wear plain black, leather shoes to school. Acceptable school uniform shoes should have full leather uppers with no breather holes or fabric, and have a reasonable sole thickness. In practical Science and Technology lessons, it is an Occupational Health and Safety requirement and a Department of Education and Communities regulation, that appropriate, safe leather shoes are worn. Shoes are required to be plain black with no other colour present. Plain black shoe laces should also be worn. On Wednesdays, students have the option of wearing their sport uniform to school with runner/jogger style of shoes appropriate for participation in sporting activities. If students have a practical lesson (Science or Technology) on Wednesdays they need to bring their regular school shoes for those lessons. Acceptable examples of plain black leather shoes Unacceptable examples of shoes for normal school wear * * * * * 1 This style of shoe is acceptable for wearing during sporting activities ROUSE HILL HIGH SCHOOL UNIFORMS COWAN & LEWIS PTY LTD ABN 76 000 412 779 1 ROUSE HILL HIGH SCHOOL UNIFORMS PRICES EFFECTIVE 22/02/2012~ SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE - INCLUDES 10% GST PRODUCT PRICE BOYS SHIRT GIRLS BLOUSE GREY SHORTS GREY BOYS TROUSERS SKIRT GREY SLACKS KNITTED JUMPER (10-16) KNITTED JUMPER (18-22) SPORTS POLO SPORTS SHORTS MICROFIBRE SPORTS JACKET MICROFIBRE TRACKPANTS HAT WHITE OR GREY SOCKS (3pk) SPORT SOCKS (3pk) TIGHTS APRONS SCARF BOYS TIE GIRLS TIE BLAZER BAG SPORTS BAG $30.00 $30.00 $35.00 $50.00 $50.00 $45.00 $68.00 $70.00 $30.00 $25.00 $70.00 $40.00 $12.00 $16.00 $13.00 $12.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $12.00 $120.00 $68.00 $8.00 QTY SIZE JR/SR TOTAL The Uniform Shop will be open in December 2014/ January & February 2015. The shop will be open on: Saturday 17th January: 10.00am – 1.00pm APPOINTMENTS ONLY. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL Wednesday 21st January: 9.00am – 12.00noon Friday 23rd January: 1.30pm – 3.30pm Tuesday 27th January: 8.00am – 11.00am Wednesday 28th January: 8.00am – 11.00am The normal opening hours are: Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 8.00am – 10.00am, Thursdays: 2.00pm – 4.00pm 1 YEAR 7 BOOK AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS This policy covers equipment required at school. A book pack has been organised for students in Year 7 2015. These packs will be available for purchase on Orientation Day for a cost of $31.90. Calculators are mandatory and used in Years 7–1.2. The Casio FX82 AU scientific calculator will be available for $20.00. Aprons (1 blue) are mandatory for Technology. These are available from the uniform shop at a cost of $10 each. The book pack is a basic starter pack as we have endeavoured to keep the cost to a minimum. Throughout the year, additional books and pens may be required. A list of inclusions, or requirements, is shown below if you wish to purchase the books personally. English 1 x 8mm 240 page exercise book 1 x display folder A4 20 pocket Mathematics 2 x 5mm 160 page grid book HSIE 2 x 8mm 160 page exercise book Technology 1 x display folder A4 20 pocket Apron –white 1 x 2GB (min) USB Science 1 x 8mm 240 page exercise book Language 1 x 8mm 128 page exercise book PD/H/PE 1 x 8mm 128 page exercise book Transition 1 x 64 page exercise book 1 x A4 display folder Visual Arts 1 x Visual Arts diary (11 x 44) 120 page 1 x 2B lead pencil Computing 1 x display folder A4 20 pocket 1 x 40 page exercise book General 1x pack of coloured pencils 1 x pencil sharpener 2 x highlighters 1 x 21 g glue stick 2 x blue pens 2 x black pens 2 x red pens 1 x clear plastic 30cm ruler 1 Additional items you may wish to purchase include: Pencil case Craft scissors Correction tape NOT correction fluid Eraser Small paper stapler Books are to be covered in plastic or contact and clearly labeled. Texta markers e.g. Artline markers are not permitted at school. Correction fluid is not permitted at school. YEAR 8 BOOK AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS The following books and equipment will be required for Year 8 2015. Calculators are mandatory and used in Years 7–1.2. The Casio fx-82AU scientific calculator will be available for $20 from the school Administration Office. This list of books and equipment is the minimum requirement to start the year which begins on Tuesday 11 November 2014. Throughout the year, additional books and pens may be required. A list of inclusions, or requirements, is shown below. English 1 x 8mm 240 page exercise book 1 x display folder A4 20 pocket Mathematics Geometry set (compass, protractor, ruler) Casio fx82Au calculator 1 x 240 page grid book HSIE 2 x 8mm 160 page exercise book Technology 1 x display folder A4 20 pocket 1 x Blue Apron 1 x White Apron 1 x 2GB (min) USB Science 1 x 8mm 240 page exercise book PD/H/PE 1 x 8mm 128 page exercise book Visual Arts 1 x Visual Arts diary (11 x 14) 120 page 1 x 2B lead pencil Music 1 x 8mm 128 page exercise book General 1x pack of coloured pencils 1 x pencil sharpener 2 x highlighters 1 x 21 g glue stick 2 x blue pens 2 x black pens 2 x red pens 1 x clear plastic 30cm ruler Additional items you may wish to purchase include: Pencil case Craft scissors Correction tape NOT correction fluid Eraser Small paper stapler • Books are to be covered in plastic or contact and clearly labeled • Texta markers e.g. Artline markers are not permitted at school • Correction fluid is not permitted at school. 1 YEAR 9 BOOK AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS The following books and equipment will be required for Year 9 2015. Calculators are mandatory and used in Years 7–1.2. The Casio fx-82AU scientific calculator will be available for $20 from the school Administration Office. th Please purchase the following requirements for your subjects for Tuesday 11 November 2014. Where possible have books covered and labelled with name, year and subject. All students are required to bring daily for every subject: At least one blue, black and red pen A pencil and sharpener A ruler and eraser A glue stick and small pair of scissors Coloured pencils Fully enclosed leather school shoes are required for practical subjects (school requires them to be black) The school diary COMPULSORY SUBJECTS English 240 page exercise book Plastic A4 display folder Mathematics 256 page grid book, CASIO fx82Au calculator, geometry set (compass, protractor, ruler) Science 240 page exercise book History 240 page exercise book Geography 240 page exercise book Health 96 page exercise book PE Change into RHHS PE uniform and joggers ELECTIVES 1 Information and Software Technology A4 display folder 2GB USB 300 page A4 lined book Food Technology 128 page lined exercise book A4 display folder, dish cloth, tea towel, container, Industrial Technology – Timber 96 page A4 book A4 Display folder Visual Arts Visual Arts diary supplied (once fees are paid) Photography Photography portfolio and diary supplied At least 2GB USB Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) 96 page exercise book A change of clothes into school PE uniform and joggers Drama A4 Visual Arts Diary Dance A4 5 subject book Industrial Technology – Engineering 96 page lined exercise book Apron (blue) Industrial Technology – Multimedia A4 Lecture book A4 Display folder 8GB USB Textiles A4 Visual Arts Diary 2GB USB Commerce 240 page exercise book USB 2G min. Music 96 page lined exercise book apron (white) apron (blue) 120 page exercise book A4 Display folder A4 Display Folder Plastic A4 display folder A4 Display folder SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS 2015 – Year 7 This information provides details on contributions to be paid for Year 7 students. Student Name: Course Name Date: Dissection code General School Contribution 046-001 Visual Arts Technology Swimming/Athletics Carnivals (entry & transport costs) Motivational Media Brainstorm Production Book Packs Calculators Camp P&C Levy 043-001 043-002 Cost Child 1 $100.00 Child 2 $ 90.00 Child 3 $ 80.00 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 052-001 $ 25.00 $ 044-161 044-193 051-620 051-621 044-150 063-001 $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 31.90 $ 20.00 $ 253.00 $ 25.00 $ $ $ $ TOTAL Students Name: Amount being paid $ $ $ $ __________________________________________________________ Year: _____________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode: _______________ Phone: ____________________ Payment for: ______________________________________________Total Payment: $____________________________ Method of Payment: (Please tick one.) Cash Type of Card (Please circle.) Cheque (payable to Rouse Hill High School) Credit Card (Eftpos, Visa, (Please complete below.) VISA EFTPOS CARD HOLDER’S NAME: (PLEASE print) Mr / Mrs / Ms Amount: $ Please charge my card number: Expiry Date: / CCV Number Cardholder’s Signature: Date: Office use: Book Pack Taken: Yes Calculator taken: Yes □ □ No No □ □ Payment processed by: ______________________________________ This form must be stamped “PAID” & initialed for receipt to be processed 1 SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS 2015 – Year 8 Student Name: Course Name Date: Dissection code Cost Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Amount being paid General School Contribution 046-002 Visual Arts Technology Music Motivational Media Brainstorm Production Swimming/Athletics Carnivals (entry & transport costs) Calculators P&C Levy TOTAL 043-001 043-002 043-003 044-161 044-193 052-001 $100.00 $ 90.00 $ 80.00 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 25.00 051-621 063-001 $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Students Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Cash (Please tick one.) Type of Card (Please circle.) Year: _______ Total Payment: $ _____________ Cheque (payable to Rouse Hill High School) Credit Card (Eftpos,Visa, Mastercard,) (Please complete below.) VISA MASTERCARD EFTPOS CARD HOLDER’S NAME: (PLEASE print) Mr / Mrs / Ms Amount: $ Please charge my card number: Expiry Date: / CCV Number Cardholder’s Signature: Date: Office use: □ □ Calculator taken: Yes No Payment processed by:______________________________________ This form must be stamped “PAID” & initialed for receipt to be processed 1 $ $ $ Postcode: ________ Phone: _____________ Payment for: _____________________________________________ Method of Payment: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS 2015 – Year 9 Student Name: Course Name General School Contribution Date: Dissection code 046-003 Cost Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Amount being paid Visual Arts Music Food Technology 043-001 043-003 043-004 $100.00 $ 90.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ 20.00 $ 85.00 Photographic & Digital Media Information Software & Technology Ind Tech - Timber Ind Tech - Engineering Ind Tech - Multimedia Physical Activity & Sporting Studies Motivational Media Swimming/Athletics Carnivals (entry & transport costs) Calculators P&C Levy TOTAL 043-001 $110.00 $ 043-005 $ 15.00 $ 043-007 043-007 043-007 043-009 $ $ $ $ 60.00 60.00 25.00 45.00 $ $ 044-161 052-001 $ $ 5.00 25.00 $ $ 051-621 063-001 $ $ 20.00 25.00 $ $ $ Students Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ Cash Year: _______ Postcode: ________ Phone: _____________ Payment for: _____________________________________________ Method of Payment: Total Payment: $ _____________ Cheque (payable to Rouse Hill High School) Credit Card (Eftpos,Visa, Mastercard,) (Please complete below.) (Please tick one.) Type of Card (Please circle.) VISA MASTERCARD EFTPOS CARD HOLDER’S NAME: (PLEASE print) Mr / Mrs / Ms Amount: $ Please charge my card number: Expiry Date: / CCV Number Cardholder’s Signature: Date: Office use: □ □ Calculator taken: Yes No Payment processed by:______________________________________ This form must be stamped “PAID” & initialed for receipt to be processed 1 $ $ $ $
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