HOPE HIGHLIGHTS FEBRUARY 2015 Issue No. 01-15 Inside this issue: Use Your Spiritual Gifts 2 LWML Bake Sale 2 Treasurer’s Report 2 Christian Education 3 Ash Wednesday 3 Mid-week Lenten 3 Lenten Soup Suppers 3 Youth News 4 Stephen Ministries 4 Blood Drive 4 Servant Event 5 Free Movie Night 5 Leisure Lutherans 5 Birthdays/Anniversaries 6 Just for Kids 6 Calendar 7 From Pastor Nieting We joke around a lot about New Year’s Resolutions, the ‘lose 20 pounds, eat better, get healthy’ things we know we should do anyway. We KNOW it is good to be healthy. We know we will be happier and live longer if we do the things we need to do to get, and stay healthy. The same applies to churches. There are healthy churches and there are churches that are not so healthy. Some, sadly, are even toxic. So what IS a healthy church? What are the symptoms, the marks of a healthy church? How do we, HOPE, take our own temperature and determine how healthy we are? Let’s list a few and see. Healthy churches: - teach the unchanging Word of God. They are not swayed by trends of culture and currents of popularity. (The recent “Duck Dynasty” flap should be a clear indication that many in our culture won’t willingly welcome Biblical teaching.) - are concerned about Personal Discipleship. A healthy church helps members deepen their relationships with Jesus Christ, while at the same time being clear about the expectations of what it means to live as a Christian. - are outwardly focused. Healthy churches do all they can to expand the Kingdom of God. They are not focused on institutional preservation. - engage their members in servant ministries and servant leadership. They exist to serve others. - practice good stewardship, wise administration and accountability. They practice internally what they preach to their members and the world. I could go on with ease, but you, dear reader, get the idea. A congregation has to work at its health, just as individuals do. What can you do? What am I asking of you? 1.Keep HOPE in your prayers; our pastors, teachers, council members, ministry team leaders, musicians, youth workers, kitchen krew, lawn cutters and all the rest of the servants who make HOPE what it is. Pray for them often. 2.Be in worship and in Bible class. Don’t take your personal discipleship lightly. It takes more than worship a few hours a month to be a healthy Christian. 3.Have your kids (grandkids?) in Sunday School. Take their discipleship seriously. They depend on you. (Remember their baptisms? You promised!) 4.Be a good financial Steward. People who are good stewards are blessed, and a church full of blessed people is a healthy church. Have a HEALTHY new year, HOPE! DID YOU KNOW? If you’re reading this newsletter in paper form, did you know that you can also access it on Hope’s website? Go to www.hopevabeach.org and click on “About” at the top of the page. Then click on Forms and Documents. For past issues, look at bottom of the home page. PAGE 2 HO P E HI G HLI G HT S WORSHIP SERVICE VOLUNTEERS—USING SPIRITUAL GIFTS By: Kathryn Wacker The 2015 January through April Worship Volunteer schedule is posted in the narthex on the bulletin board. Thank you to everyone who is already serving! Please check the schedule and confirm that you are available. Currently, we have about 130 folks filling all of the worship service volunteer positions. This may seem like "enough", but there are many needs. Ideally, volunteers are scheduled to assist once every other month, except for our audiovisual volunteers, who work the booth once a month. Realistically, 180 volunteers are needed for the bi-monthly rotation to work. At the end of this article you'll find current specific volunteer positions that need to be filled. We have all been called to Hope Lutheran Church as family members in Christ to worship, learn, serve and seek. Worship is an interactive experience, not only between us and God, but amongst us together. All Christians have been blessed with spiritual gifts, to be used for God's glory. I encourage you to take some time with God to acknowledge your spiritual gifts. If your spiritual gift is: leadership or teaching-consider serving as an Usher or Layreader; hospitalityconsider serving as a Greeter or *sanctuary preparer (pew picker) or *decorator; service or mercy-consider serving as a Communion Assistant; faith or helps-consider serving as a communion preparer; administrationconsider serving as an Audiovisual operator; Prayer-consider *praying over our pastors, all volunteers, and all aspects of our worship services each week; Helps-*folding bulletins. All confirmation students are encouraged to serve as an acolyte: to minister (or assist) to our Pastors. Training and guidelines are offered. Layreaders are given the lessons several days in advance. Once you sign up to serve, I will send a reminder e-mail, phone call, text or Facebook message, or see you in person about a week prior to your date, to confirm your availability. Dates can be swapped and substitutes are available if something comes up on your scheduled date. Worship volunteer needs for an 8-week rotation: Traditional 8:15: 2 A/V Operators, 2 Ushers; Praise 11:00: 2 A/V operators, 6 ushers, 7 communion assistants. *Call the church office if you wish to serve in these areas. TREASURER’S REPORT Total Income: Total Expense: Income Less Expense: (January of Fiscal Year 2014-2015) January Actual $27,493.79 - 22,107.46 $ 5,386.33 Year-to-Date Actual $471,400.73 - 441,255.17 $ 30,144.56 CHURCH DIRECTORY Sweets for the Sweet LWML Bake Sale Sunday, February 8 (In the narthex between services) By: Linda Taylor Keeping the church directory up-to-date is a Daily Challenge due to our transient membership. Please keep the church office up-to-date on your address, phone number and e-mail changes. Also, we would like to recognize your birthday and wedding anniversary in the Highlights. Please contact the church office with any changes you have. It only takes a minute and it means so much. E-mail [email protected] or call 424-4848 with your updates. Current copies of the directory are in the wooden racks in the narthex. SICK OR IN THE HOSPITAL? Need a visit? Call the pastors to let them know. They care! (424-4848) PAGE 3 HO P E HI G HLI G HT S ASH WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2015 As we did last year, we will begin Lent with the Imposition of Ashes early on Wednesday morning, Feb. 18, from 6 to 8am. What a wonderful witness we can make as we go to work or school with the “mark of the ash” upon us. And what do you say when someone calls attention to it? Simply this: The ashes remind us that today is the beginning of Lent, the 6 weeks when we remember that Jesus suffered and died for our sins and for yours as well. Our Ash Wednesday services will be at Noon & 6:30pm. A CHILD’S GREATEST TREASURE By: Carolyn Powell What kind of life will your child have? What kind of person will he become? What can you give her and what will she need to earn for herself? What would you wish for your child? Ask any new mother or father and they can tell you that even their newborn infant has its own personality and temperament! Studies prove that the earliest experiences can help form attitudes that will make a difference later in life. Parents, of course, bear a great deal of responsibility, but parenting also brings a lot of joy! Children will more than likely imitate the adults in their lives, so we parents need to be sure to lay a good foundation. The world can be cruel by passing judgment as to whether or not your child measures up. In fact, the world may even consider a child’s worthiness based on achievement. That is why it’s so important for parents to be reminded that there is Someone who loves their children, not for what they can or cannot do, but because God is love. And parents can take comfort in knowing that God takes an active part in their everyday lives, as well, by supporting them and forgiving them and making sure that everything works out in the way He knows is best! Each child has received a great treasure from God, their heavenly Father. By loving, teaching and sharing with our children that life in our Father’s world is good, we can raise confident and caring children who will blossom and grow into wonderful adults who, one day soon, will imitate to their children what they experienced when they were little. Our dear little ones may never know the good life according the world’s standards (power, riches, fame), but they will possess a priceless gift from God….salvation, immeasurable love, forgiveness, and the joy of knowing Who they belong to… Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior! God is so good! By: Kathryn Wacker Lent is a time of repentance, a time to reflect on renewal of our faith and on life eternal through the resurrection of Christ. The period of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and ends Saturday before Easter Sunday. Calculating this by calendar days will figure at 45 days, but the 5 Sundays in Lent are excluded, giving a total of 40 days. These 40 days represent the Temptation of Jesus during the 40 days of fasting Christ spent in the desert. (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:9-12; Luke 4:1-13) Lent is the time of year to think of our own sinful temptations and of Christ’s saving grace. Join us on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18, to receive the mark of ashes and to humbly reflect how our time here on earth is short "For dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19), but with Christ we have eternal life. Then beginning Feb. 25 return each Wednesday at Noon or 6:30pm for our Mid-Week Lenten services. Ash Wednesday Service Schedule 6—8am Imposition of Ashes 12noon & 6:30pm Worship Services Mid-Week Lenten Service Schedule Feb. 25 thru March 25 12noon & 6:30pm Worship Services LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS Soup & bread will be served every Wednesday during Lent from 5:45 to 6:15pm. Dates are Feb. 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25. Each Wednesday will need a sponsor. Church staff has adopted Feb. 25. Would your group or family like to adopt a Wednesday? Call the church office for more info. PAGE 4 HO P E HI G HLI G HT S YOUTH GROUP NEWS By: Linda Muth Construction Zone for TRUTH is March 6-8 at the Sheraton VB Oceanfront. If you would still like to go and have not registered, please contact Linda Muth ASAP. We will meet at Hope at 5:45pm on Friday and return to Hope at 12:30pm on Sunday. You should eat dinner before coming on Friday. Please remember to bring your Bible, appropriate clothing, and money for lunch and dinner on Saturday and also for offering. We look forward to a great weekend praising God with other youth from around the East Coast. BODY will go to Charlotte, NC for Quake on April 10-12. Costs for this event are $145 for Early Bird registration or $160 for regular registration. To take advantage of the Early Bird price, a $60 nonrefundable deposit must be turned in to a confirmation teacher or Linda Muth by Sunday, Feb. 8. Regular registration deadline is March 8 at which time the total registration cost is due. If you would like to see what the weekend is all about please visit www.youthencounter.org. This weekend will be a great time for our group to grow and bond. Hope’s own Sam White will be there with his Captive Free team. Hope you can go! Please watch the bulletin for information about a TRUTH activity on Feb. 20 and a BODY activity on Feb. 27. Mark your calendars. Details will be coming soon. Please keep our hire committee in your prayers as they start the search for a full-time youth director at Hope. We thank God for the support of our congregation and also that we know He already has just the right person prepared for us. Activities at a Glance Feb. 8 Quake Early Bird registration due (BODY) Feb. 20 TRUTH activity (TBA) Feb. 27 BODY activity (TBA) Mar. 6-8 Zone (TRUTH) Many, Many Thanks SAVE THE DATE! March 4 1 to 6pm RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Hope Lutheran Fellowship Hall Sign-ups coming soon! I was so blessed by the outpouring of love and appreciation that I received at my retirement celebration. Words cannot express how much that day meant to me. I especially want to thank Bob and Rivers Brauer, Shawn and Sarah White, our pastors and all those who volunteered to prepare my special day. Having a congregation who loves and supports our youth as Hope does is a great example of the importance we place on proclaiming Christ to all generations, including those still to come. With love and thanksgiving, Linda Muth WANTED: PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE! By: Pastor Nieting Our Stephen Ministry program has openings for several men and women who feel the desire to make a difference in the lives of others on a one-to-one basis. Training will begin soon. Please talk with Pastor Nieting immediately! HO P E HI G HLI G HT S ADULT SERVANT EVENT FOR HOPE By: Pastor Nieting Remember Hurricane Sandy? Folks in Crisfield, MD sure do! Over 500 homes were severely damaged. Recovery work is still going on. Pastor Nieting will lead a team of Hope members to Crisfield to aid in rebuilding. We will leave Sunday afternoon, May 3, and return Friday evening, May 8. Whether you have construction skills or not, there is work to be done. We need you! Our team (max of 15 people) will stay in a former Navy facility (now owned by the American Legion) that has become the recovery effort’s “Kamp Kairos.” There is a small cost ($100) to participate. Can’t go? Can’t build? Perhaps you can contribute and pray! See pastor for more info. VALENTINE’S DAY MOVIE & POPCORN FREE SHOWING OF “THE SONG” You’re invited to the fellowship hall for a free showing of “The Song” on Saturday, Feb. 14. Doors will open at 7:15pm. Movie begins at 7:30. Popcorn and other refreshments will be available. The movie is about the relationship between an upcoming musician star, following in his famous fathers footsteps, and the love that builds between the musician and the girl of his dreams. He finds he must change his ways and turn to God for everything in his life. The movie demonstrates what happens when he forgets to include God in his life and how easy that slippery slope begins. It's a sweet and beautiful movie. Bring a friend and enjoy a free evening on Valentine’s Day. PAGE 5 By: Carroll Bains About 40 seniors gathered at the Honey Bee Golf Course Club House for our annual Christmas luncheon on Dec. 15. A beautifully decorated room was provided and a good buffet of turkey, beef and fixins was enjoyed by all. We brought an assortment of our own desserts. Paula Friedmann's chocolate pudding recipe was a hands-down favorite! Pastor Nieting, with his guitar, led us in Christmas carols after lunch. Leisure Lutherans choral ensemble is now contemplating a road tour....maybe to Chesapeake? The fun really started when we began the annual "Chinese Auction" of choosing gifts and trading them away from time to time. With this great turnout, we welcomed three new couples to our group; the Koons, Chipchaks and Erbers, as first timers for our Christmas celebration. We look forward to a wonderful Christmas, and as we proceed to the New Year, we hope to have more seniors join us for a year of good Christian fellowship, good food, and good fun! January 19 ushered in another Leisure Lutherans year of luncheons and Christian fellowship activities. Twenty-four members met at Y’not Pizza on Volvo Parkway in Chesapeake and enjoyed a variety of delicious Italian foods. Several took advantage of the scrumptious homemade dessert array! (All No-Cal, of course!). Pastor Nieting provided us with a good update on congregational happenings and upcoming plans before Church Council. It really pays to have the pastor in our age group, so we get the straight word from the "Head Shed." BREAKING NEWS!! Hello, I am Linda Chappell and have accepted the position as organizer for the monthly Leisure Lutheran luncheons. Just as it takes a village to rear a child, I will be pleased to accept any suggestions to assist in achieving the scheduling of successful events. I will be open to any and all input. My cell is 757589-4167 and email is [email protected]. On Monday, Feb. 16, we will meet at the Olive Garden (Greenbrier, 1631 Ring Rd, Chesapeake) in The 50's Room. Sign-up sheet is in the narthex. I look forward to seeing you all. PAGE 6 HO P E HI G HLI G HT S Articles for the March issue of Hope Highlights are due Sunday, Feb. 15. E-mail your article to: [email protected] or leave a copy in Martha’s box in the church office. February Birthdays 23 Lonnie Baird 1 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 Taylor Guillory Brennan Werner Mary Dugroo Shannon Coburn Millie Gennaro Michael Plummer David Hernandez Jon Lee Sam White Misu Brown Bill Cashman Liliava Hartje Melanie Oswald Bill Riley Caroline White Sadie Bagwell John Gebhardt Connie Plemmons Gannon Connor Linda Santoro Sophia Johnson Rosanna Mulske Abby Sneath Michael Leveskas Benjamin Martin Nicholas Payne Alisha Cofer Alyssa Vargas James Johnson Ashley Seron Zahkaiah Brickhouse Jonathon Crissman Jackson Hartje Derek Lane Chris Speckman Shannon Frederick Luke Frye Neil Slinde Paul Strait Aimee Dohner Tara Johnson Nathan Lane Jemma Stewart Nathan Barry 24 26 27 28 29 Serena Hohnsbehn Deborah Johnson Nicholas Woods Josh Sneath Rollie Soderholm George Jones Luke Riccio George Schaefer Diana Stancy Joanne Graebner Ryan Mulske Gedion Teklegiorgis Audra Motley ANNIVERSARY 11 Matt & Nancy Harrell MISSING? If your birthday/anniversary is missing or incorrect, please contact the church office: (424-4848) or [email protected] ALTAR FLOWERS AND ETERNAL LIGHT There are many opportunities still available in 2015 to sign up for altar flowers or Eternal Light. Payment is due at sign-up. Cost of flowers is $40 per week. Cost of Eternal Light is $40 per month. Please see Kathryn Wacker in the church office (424-4848) or e-mail [email protected] Lily orders coming soon! Watch your bulletin Announcements for details. The Story: Chapter 21 “Nehemiah” 8:15am:Worship Service 11am: Worship (HC) 22 1st Sunday in Lent Articles for March issue of Highlights due today! The Story: Chap 20 “Queen Esther” 8:15am:Worship (HC) 11am: Worship Service 15 Transfiguration Sunday 12:15pm Stamp Camp LWML Bake Sale after each service GROW ONE SUNDAY Mite Sunday The Story: Chap 19 “The Exiles Return” 8:15am: Worship Service 11am: Worship (HC) 8 5thSunday after Epiphany The Story: Chap 18 “Daniel” 8:15am: Worship (HC) 11am: Worship Service 1 4thSunday after Epiphany SUNDAY MONDAY 7:30pm Stephen Ministry Meeting 23 Hope School 11:30am Leisure Lutherans Luncheon (Olive GardenGreenbrier) Hope School Closed 16 Presidents’ Day 9 Hope School 2 Hope School February 2015 4:30pm Arabic Language Class 9:30am-Noon Staff Devotions & Meeting 24 Hope School 4:30pm Arabic Language Class 9:30am-Noon Staff Devotions & Meeting 17 Hope School 6:30pm Council Meeting 4:30pm Arabic Language Class 10 Hope School 7pm Worship Committee Meeting 4:30pm Arabic Language Class 9:30am-12:30pm Staff Devotions & Meeting 3 Hope School TUESDAY 6 – 8am Imposition of Ashes 7:30pm Adult Choir Lenten Worship Services Noon & 6:30pm 6-7:30pm Food pantry 10:30am Luther Manor Visit 10am Arabic Language Class 9:15am MOPS Meeting 25 Hope School 7:30pm Adult Choir Ash Wednesday Services Noon & 6:30pm 10am Arabic Language Class 10:30am Bible Study Hope School 18 6:30pm OASIS Worship & Bible Study 7:30pm Adult Choir 6-7:30pm Food pantry 10am Arabic Language Class 10am Bible Study 9:15am MOPS Meeting 11 Hope School 7:30pm Adult Choir 6:30pm OASIS Worship & Bible Study 10am Arabic Language Class 10am Bible Study 4 Hope School WEDNESDAY 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7pm Adult Bell Choir 6pm French Language Class 26 Hope School 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7pm Adult Bell Choir 6pm French Language Class 19 Hope School 7pm Adult Bell Choir 6pm French Language Class 12 Hope School 7pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7pm Adult Bell Choir 6pm French Language Class 5 Hope School THURSDAY 10:30am French Language Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 27 Hope School 10:30am French Language Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 20 Hope School 10:30am French Language Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 13 Hope School 10:30am French Language Class 9:15am Bulletin Folding Crew 6 Hope School FRIDAY 8am Knights of Hope 10am Arabic Language Class 28 10am Arabic Language Class 21 7:15pm Free Movie & Popcorn: “The Song” Happy Valentine’s Day! 10 – 11:30am Food Pantry 10am Arabic Language Class 14 10am Arabic Language Class 7 SATURDAY HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL Missouri Synod 5350 Providence Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464 February Highlights We’re on the web! Hopevabeach.org HOPE HIGHLIGHTS NEWSLETTER February 2015 No. 01-15 Published Monthly Hope Lutheran Church 5350 Providence Road Virginia Beach, VA 23464
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