CAMINO REAL REGIONAL MOBILITY AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/INDUSTRY REVIEW REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF AND PROCUREMENT PROCESS FOR THE EL PASO STREETCAR PROJECT The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (“CRRMA”) hereby invites interested parties to respond to this Request for Information (“RFI”) to provide industry input in the delivery of an urban streetcar system (“Project”), consisting of infrastructure, maintenance facilities, operational testing services, and vehicles. The CRRMA is seeking the industry’s perspective and feedback on the Project. This RFI is an inquiry only. It does not constitute a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”), a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) or other solicitation document nor does it represent a commitment to issue any type of solicitation in the future. This RFI is part of an informational process and does not obligate the CRRMA to enter into any contract or agreement related to the Project. Responses to this RFI are due by 2:00 p.m., MST, November 7, 2014. A. Project Overview The streetcar system will link the International Bridges, downtown, the Cincinnati Entertainment District and University of Texas at El Paso, among other area attractions. A project map is attached to this RFI. Construction will consist of approximately 4.8 miles of track, 27 streetcar stops, related street improvements, traction power system (including overhead power lines), and a vehicle maintenance & storage facility near the existing Sun Metro Downtown Transfer Center. The anticipated procurement will also include streetcar vehicles (reconstruction of existing cars and/or delivery of replicas). B. Purpose of RFI This RFI is intended to solicit information from individual firms, teams, or others with experience or an interest in delivering an urban streetcar system and/or components of that system to be incorporated in the Project. Specifically, the RFI seeks to: • Provide general background information related to the Project; • Communicate to potential private sector partners the objectives for the development of the Project; • Provide an opportunity for potential respondents to articulate their interest in participating; • Solicit input from industry on a variety of issues, including innovation in project delivery and cost reduction, addition or reduction of Project scope, and best practices concerning the delivery method that would have the greatest potential to satisfy the objectives for the Project. Page 1 of 10 The information gathered from the RFI process will be used to assist CRRMA, in cooperation with other stakeholders, with the preparation of any resulting procurement documents. Submissions will be reviewed to assist in refining the approach to Project development, including the scope and structure of any agreement(s). By responding to this RFI, participants can provide valuable input and help shape the framework for the development of the Project. Please note that a response to this RFI is not a prerequisite to participating in any future procurement process. C. Submission Requirements The CRRMA welcomes responses to this RFI from organizations meeting the following eligibility criteria: 1. lead transportation infrastructure contractors (including major systems integrators) experienced in the delivery of transit systems of similar size, complexity and scale; 2. rolling stock suppliers with manufacturing experience and capabilities relevant to the Project; 3. contractors and subcontractors with experience in delivering components of the system required for the Project; 4. transit operators of systems of similar size, complexity and scale; 5. other potential members of a bidding team; or 6. any parties interested in the delivery of the Project and the process by which delivery may be procured. Organizations other than lead transportation infrastructure contractors interested in providing services related to the delivery of the Project are encouraged to participate in an RFI submission as part of a team that includes a lead transportation infrastructure contractor. Respondents to this RFI are requested to comply with the page limits set forth in Appendix A (Questionnaire) and to restrict their submissions to a short cover letter together with the information specifically requested in the questionnaire. Additional information regarding the Project will be posted on the Projects Page of the CRRMA website at Interested parties are therefore encouraged to monitor this site for any changes that may impact submissions, as well as for any future solicitation information related to the Project. D. Submissions, Questions, and Comments Respondents shall submit one (1) electronic copy of the completed Appendix A to [email protected] in a format that does not prevent the CRRMA from cutting and pasting content. The deadline for submission of responses is 2:00 p.m., MST, November 7, 2014. The subject of the e-mail must be “El Paso Streetcar RFI – [NAME OF SUBMITTING ENTITY]”. Page 2 of 10 Questions or comments concerning this RFI should be directed to [email protected] with a subject of “Questions: El Paso Streetcar RFI – [NAME OF SUBMITTING ENTITY]”. Questions must be submitted by 2:00 p.m., MST, October 28, 2014. Responses to these inquiries may be posted on the Projects Page of the CRRMA website at for the benefit of all potential respondents. For the benefit of entities interested in teaming arrangements, a list of firms interested in participating in the delivery of the Project will be posted on the Projects Page of the CRRMA website at The CRRMA will attempt to publish this list prior to the date that an RFQ, or other document initiating a procurement process, if any, is issued. To be included in this list, interested parties must provide their contact information to the project email address, [email protected], with a subject line of “Contact List: El Paso Streetcar – [NAME OF SUBMITTING ENTITY]”. Only those entities requesting to be included in the contact list will be shown, and the CRRMA bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the information shown or for the capabilities of the firms requesting to be included. Inclusion in the contact list is not a pre-requisite for participation in any subsequent procurement process. E. Industry Meetings After receipt and analysis of the responses to the RFI, the CRRMA intends to hold one-on-one meetings with qualifying participants that requested such a meeting. During the one-on-one meetings, industry participants will be able to provide their input as to the optimal project development approach for achieving the objectives for the Project. The one-on-one meetings will be held in El Paso, TX on November 10 - 12, 2014. Respondents to this RFI who are interested in participating in Industry Review One-on-one Meetings with the CRRMA’s project team must request a meeting using the information in Appendix B. The meeting request must be submitted by 2:00 p.m., MST, October 28, 2014. These meetings may be limited to firms (and teams) that may be principle participants in the potential delivery of the Project, and firms that may be contractors or subcontractors for major elements of the Project. The CRRMA reserves the right to accept as many or as few participants for these meetings as it deems appropriate, as determined in the sole discretion of the CRRMA. The intent of the meetings is to meet with firms that are interested in discussion in a confidential setting that will allow for open dialogue on the Project and the potential process for the delivery thereof. Information exchanged during these meetings will be considered confidential to the extent permitted by law, and participants are discouraged from submitting extensive presentations about their firm or team members. The CRRMA reserves the right to decline to receive any written materials that it determines, in its sole discretion, are not beneficial to the objectives of the RFI process. Each one-on-one meeting will be subject to a time limit determined by the CRRMA that is equivalent across each firm. F. Reference Information Page 3 of 10 As part of this RFI, reference information documents are provided on the Projects Page of the CRRMA website at These include: June 2013 plans that were submitted to the City of El Paso, including February 2014 revisions to the plans; Technical Specifications; Drainage, Geotechnical, and SW3P Reports; PCC Vehicle Refurbishment Specifications;* Potential Contractor Staging Areas; Implementation & Operations Draft Manuals; Initial Key Staff List and Qualifications Descriptions; and Environmental Approval Documents Note that the documents represent submissions to the City of El Paso when the City was the primary administrator of the project. The project has been re-assigned to the CRRMA and the final documents will generally remove City notations where necessary. *Additionally, the vehicle procurement component will be revised to include the option of reconstructing existing available PCC vehicles owned by the City of El Paso and the purchase of Replica Streetcars. G. Objectives for the Project Delivery Process CRRMA and local stakeholders have developed the following objectives for the Project: • Deliver as much of the Project as is possible with the available public funds; • Structure a procurement to generate robust competition and the most effective use of the available public funds; • Promote fairness in subcontracting that facilitates small business and DBE/HUB opportunities and opportunities for local business participation; • Capture private sector innovation to maximize mobility, capacity, safety and aesthetics and reduce existing transportation system deficiencies in order to accommodate both local and regional traffic; and • Maintain and enhance accessibility to commercial centers, employment sites and other activity areas during construction; H. Current Anticipated Schedule The CRRMA, currently anticipates procuring any agreement for the Project in accordance with the milestones in the following table: Milestone Anticipated Date 1. RFI Issuance October 13, 2014 2. Schedule One-on-One Meetings By October 28, 2014 3. Response to RFI Due November 7, 2014 Page 4 of 10 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Industry Review One-on-one Meetings Issue RFQ Submission of Qualification Statements in response to RFQ CRRMA host one-on-one Interviews (if needed) CRRMA approves short-list of bidders CRRMA issues bid/proposal solicitation documents Submission of responses CRRMA Selects Contractor & issues NTP November 10-12, 2014 Nov./Dec. 2014 January 2015 January 2015 February 2015 February 2015 March 2015 March 2015 CRRMA reserves the right to modify the above anticipated schedule milestones at any time and for any reason. I. Anticipated Project Procurement Process Should the CRRMA decide to proceed with procurement for the Project, such procurement will be subject to all CRRMA contracting regulations and policies. The CRRMA intends to short-list potential bidders through a RFQ. The objective of the RFQ phase will be to short-list the most qualified bidders that demonstrate they have the financial ability and the qualifications and experience necessary to successfully complete the Project. The short-list will be approved by the CRRMA Board of Directors. The RFQ would be followed by a solicitation of bids and proposals. Only those entities short-listed by the CRRMA through the RFQ process will be authorized to participate in the second phase of the process. The short-listed bidders will be required to make management, technical and financial submissions that are compliant with and demonstrate full acceptance of project agreement terms that will be incorporated in the solicitation documents. J. Inquiry Only – No Contract This RFI is an inquiry only and no contract or agreement will be entered into as a result of this process. Neither the CRRMA nor any other agency guarantees that the Project will advance to the procurement phase, or that the subsequent procurement, if any, will follow the approach described herein. No submissions received or information provided in this RFI process will have any impact, or be given any consideration, in the evaluation of eventual proposers or team members in any subsequent procurement process. K. Changes to this RFI At any time, in its sole discretion, the CRRMA may by written addenda modify, amend, cancel and/or reissue this RFI. If an addendum is issued prior to the date information is due, it will be made available on the Projects Page of the CRRMA website at L. Information Preparation Costs All costs directly or indirectly related to preparation of a response to this RFI, including any one-on-one meetings or oral presentations, shall be the sole responsibility of, and shall be borne by, the respondent. Page 5 of 10 M. Release of Information and Open Records All information submitted to the CRRMA in connection with this RFI, including any exhibits, correspondence, printed materials, CDs or DVDs, is the property of the CRRMA and may be subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act (“PIA”). Any material deemed by a respondent to be proprietary, confidential, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under the PIA should be clearly marked as such. The CRRMA will use reasonable efforts to notify a respondent if a request for public information is received which may require the CRRMA to disclose any material that the respondent has marked as proprietary, confidential, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under the PIA. The CRRMA is not obligated to assert or argue on behalf of the respondent that any information provided to the CRRMA is exempt from required disclosure and shall not be liable for the disclosure of any information submitted in connection with this RFI. In the event that a respondent participates in a one-on-one meeting with the CRRMA, participants will be asked to sign confidentiality agreements to prevent disclosure of the content of those discussions. In the event documents are presented or notes are created during such meetings, disclosure of such documents will be governed by the preceding paragraph concerning the PIA. N. Ownership of Submitted Materials The CRRMA will retain all property rights, including publication rights and intellectual property rights, to work products developed by respondents and submitted in response to this RFI or presented in any oneon-one meetings. Respondents must ensure that the CRRMA has duplication and distribution rights for all work products. O. Rights of the CRRMA The CRRMA reserves all its rights at law and equity with respect to this RFI including, but not limited to, the unqualified right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to change or modify this RFI, to reject any and all information submitted, to seek clarification of information, and to request additional information. No respondent shall have any rights against the CRRMA arising from the contents of this RFI, the receipt of information, or the incorporation in or rejection of information contained in any response or in any other document. The CRRMA makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees that the information contained herein, or in any addenda hereto, is accurate, complete, or timely or that such information accurately represents the conditions that would be encountered during the performance of any subsequent contract issued from a separate procurement document. The furnishing of such information by the CRRMA shall not create or be deemed to create any obligation or liability upon it for any reason whatsoever; and each respondent, by submitting its information, expressly agrees that it has not relied upon the foregoing information, and that it shall not hold the CRRMA liable or responsible therefore in any manner whatsoever. P. No Personal Liability Page 6 of 10 No CRRMA officer, agent or employee shall be charged personally with any liability by a respondent or another or held liable to a respondent or another under any term or provision of this RFI or any statements made herein or because of the submission or attempted submission of information or other response hereto or otherwise. [END OF RFI] Page 7 of 10 APPENDIX A – QUESTIONNAIRE Please submit this information to: [email protected], with a subject line of: “El Paso Streetcar RFI – [NAME OF SUBMITTING ENTITY]”. Respondents are invited to return the following questionnaire together with a short cover letter to the CRRMA. Total page count for the questionnaire must not exceed 15 pages, exclusive of the covers, and a one page cover letter, and use a minimum of 12 size font. Please follow the general format outlined below. Optional company marketing materials may be provided outside of the page count. General Information 1. Please provide the following descriptive information: a) Name(s) of company (or team members, if multiple companies); b) Description of company (or team members); c) If you anticipate participating in a subsequent procurement, do you intend to do so as a prime contractor or subcontractor; and d) Previous experience in transit projects, if any, including bus/rail. Overview of Approach 2. Please provide a brief overview of your understanding and approach to the Project. Schedule 3. We anticipate revenue service to start no more than 30 months after construction notice to proceed. Please provide comments on this project delivery schedule. Design and Construction 4. Given the location and nature of the Project, where do you foresee significant opportunities to employ innovative design, construction methods, operation and maintenance regimes and/or materials to acquire efficiencies in cost and schedule? 5. The streetcar system incorporates a number of defined segments. The CRRMA would like Respondents’ feedback on the optimal construction phasing of segments. In particular, which segments should be prioritized and which may present greater challenges? 6. With regard to the streetcar vehicles, what considerations would allow competition to be maximized while assuring the option of either refurbishing existing vehicles or furnishing new replica vehicles? 7. What are the most important additional surveys and investigations the CRRMA should consider initiating prior to the start of a procurement process? 8. Basement locations that protrude under the sidewalk in portions of this project are currently being identified. In your view, or based on lessons learned from previous projects, what is the Page 8 of 10 best way to minimize or mitigate risk associated with unknown basements within the street ROW, particularly as it affects OCS pole installations? 9. What lead times are appropriate for procuring rail, systems components, vehicles? 10. Please comment on the proposed contractor staging areas. Are other locations feasible? 11. Please comment on the plans and specifications. Are there gaps that need to be evaluated? Implementation & Operations 12. Please comment on the draft Implementation & Operations Draft Manuals. What elements are necessary to achieve a safe and secure system? 13. In your view, what are the main issues that typically create schedule delays when it comes to testing and startup? 14. What systems integration and start-up tests are necessary to achieve a successful project? 15. What are some lessons learned and best practices that you have seen related to testing and start-up? 16. Since this project is essentially a new system for El Paso, what recommendations do you have to achieve a successful streetcar system? Project Delivery 17. What are some of the key issues and constraints you anticipate in establishing a desired system that integrates the rail/infrastructure, the overhead contact system, the maintenance and storage facility, and the vehicles? 18. What are the key positions you will use to assure successful integration? 19. How should the CRRMA assure a single contractor point of accountability? 20. Please comment on the advantages or disadvantages of single procurement that combines the vehicle procurement with the infrastructure procurement. 21. What do you consider to be the main risks to timely achievement of revenue service and the main risks for the successful completion of the complete streetcar system? Other 22. Do you have any comments on the procurement process based on your experience with other procurements for streetcar projects? What are key lessons learned or case studies that the CRRMA should consider to help ensure a successful outcome? 23. Are there any items that you would like CRRMA to consider? 24. Bidding: The CRRMA is considering requiring a base bid costs for bid alternates in the bid. What are lessons learned in your experience with bid alternates? Page 9 of 10 APPENDIX B – Request for One-On-One Industry Review Meeting Please submit this information to: [email protected], with a subject line of: “Meeting Request: El Paso Streetcar RFI – [NAME OF SUBMITTING ENTITY]”. Role Your Company Anticipates Providing to the CRRMA (e.g., Prime, Specialty Area, etc.): Our company, or the firms on our team, intend to provide the following services: Reason to Request a meeting time: The reason we would like to request a meeting is to: Appointment Preference: Our preferred meeting date/time would be__________________________, 2014. (Meetings will only be held November 10-12, 2014). Contact: My contact information is: Firm: _____________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City, State ZIP: _____________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Page 10 of 10 St Dr Ave Ave 4th Dr 5th Delt a å St Par k Alle y 8th Ave 6th St Me sa Stanton St. International Bridge St . ! D · ² Ave H er H wy å 9th t !! . . Ave gon 7th Ore t Bor d as S Alle y St St Ave Ave Ave er R Fat h ans ahm Alle y P Flo ren ce St Alle yJ · ² er R Fat h æ aS Del Centro Baptist Church I . ! ! %% Ave Och o ← ton ! ← eS Proposed Maintenance & Storage Facility t e Charl a Can l Rd CHIHUAHUITA HISTORIC DISTRICT Ave h 9t El Paso St. International Bridge Ct aF ros Bert Williams Downtown Santa Fe Transfer Center estr San t uc C t ! 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Bus Stop Location ! / " å School Government District Parking Garage 1,000 500 0 1,000 Feet 100-Year Floodplain •••••• •••••• •••••• Bus Route æ Place of Worship Historic District RTS Stop Location Ü Place of Worship C " Clinic National Register Historic District RTS Route F " Fire Station v ® Hospital Historic Streetcar Route Ü Path: L:\AGE\Projects\TRAN\Transportation\COEP Streetcar\GIS\MXD\COEP_StreetCar_20140212.mxd Mills Ave California Ave ! . ! N Mesa St %% ! . C " Los Angeles Dr Hawthorne S Campbell St Bataan Memorial Trainway El Paso Museum of History Las Palmas Medical Center UTEP 10 ← v ® § ¨ ¦ Saint Clements Church æ Virg in Ochoa St 62 Co t Second Baptist Church IH-10 Overpasses %% River Ave . ! Cliff Dr ! . !! . . . !! . . ! ! ! N Oregon St . ! ! %% ! . . ! " / C ® " v %% . ! N Stanton St . ! . ! . ! ← Crosby Ave %% Hague Rd Blacker Ave Blanchard Ave University Ave Kerbey Ave ! . !! . . !! . Boston Ave %% . ! C " ! ! %% V U ry Glo Glory Road Transfer Center ! ← / " %% ! % .% ! . ! ! %% . ! . ! Cincinnati Entertainment District RIO GRANDE AVENUE HISTORIC DISTRICT Campbell St 20 %% ! . . ! Robinson Ave Baltimore Dr Cincinnati Ave Av e Co ffin · ² Wyoming Ave Wellesley Rd nD r el l i go Mc K or yA ve Dr Gr eg ← ← Mississippi Ave F " N Kansas St Florence St ← Ker n Florence St ← V U 20 Ochoa St Ochoa St £ ¤ Sai n Virginia St Montellano æ · ² ² · F " ← University Church Virginia St Saint Vrain St MAGOFFIN HISTORIC DISTRICT ← Mesita School å " / / " Virginia St Ochoa St Saint Vrain St ← å Saint Vrain St Hills S t 2/12/14 El Paso Streetcar Project Route
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