MINSTER CLUSTER ST. AUGUSTINE & ST. JOSEPH Served by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood February 1, 2015 ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 48 N. Hanover St., PO Box 93 02441 State Route 364 Minster, OH 45865 Minster, OH 45865 St Augustine Mass Schedule St Joseph Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 am Holyday Vigil: Holyday: Sunday: 8:45 am Holyday: 7:00 pm Communion Service 6:30 pm Wednesday: 8:00 am, 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Mission Statement The Mission of St Augustine/St Joseph Cluster is to provide a spiritual environment and resources where people may gather to hear the Word proclaimed. As a cluster, we celebrate the Eucharist, the sacraments, and provide the members of all ages the opportunity to grow in the practice of their faith, learning how to fully keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbors. Contact Us St. Joseph Staff Cluster Office 419-628-2614 Fax 419-628-1078 Parish Center Office 419-628-3434 Website www.staugie.com Pastor: Rev Rick Nieberding, C.PP.S. [email protected] Deacon: Hal Belcher [email protected] John Schmiesing Roger Klosterman [email protected] Administrators: Dan & Sue Wehrman 419-628-4081 Sacristan: Rose Schmiesing 419-628-2402 Parish Hall Rental: Roger Hoying 419-628-3204 Cemetery St. Augustine: Jim & Beth Hinker 419-628-2822 St. Joseph: Joe Dahlinghaus 419-628-2641 MaC Sommer 419-305-7238 Pastoral Assoc: Sr Marla Gipson [email protected] Director of Music: Amy Noykos [email protected] Admin Assistant: Cindy Wuebker [email protected] Business Manager: Leslie Tyler fi[email protected] Rel Ed Secretary: Carol McMaster Bulletin Please have announcements to the Cluster Office by 2:00 pm Monday. Announcements can be emailed to [email protected] [email protected] K-6th CRE: Therese Brown [email protected] 7th –12th CRE: Barb Blanco [email protected] Youth Minister: Alex Clune [email protected] Like us on Facebook St Augustine/St Joseph Cluster. Minster, OH St Augustine/St Joseph Youth Ministry. Minster, OH SACRAMENTS ST AUGUSTINE MINISTRIES Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated at the 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday or Sunday at 1:00 pm outside of Mass. Baptismal preparation class for parents is offered the fourth Tuesday during the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. You must register no later than the Monday before class. The class is held in the Parish Center at 7:30 pm and aCendance is required before a child can be baptized. Baptisms are not performed during Lent. Servers: Wed 2/4 8:00 am Isaac Heid, Andrew Heitkamp Sat 2/7 5:00 pm Isaac Dorsten, Owen Dorsten, Carly Barhorst Sun 2/8 Zoe Heid, Sam Dues, Jacob Dues 10:00 am Aaron Huwer, Cody Frericks, Jack Hietbrink Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays from 4:00–4:30 pm at St. Augustine Church Sacrament of Marriage Congratulations on your engagement! A premarital preparation program is required by the Archdiocese. It is important to contact the rectory office at least six months in advance of a wedding date. A tentative date can be set after the first appointment, but will become final only after marriage preparation is completed . 8:00 am 11:30 am Boy Scouts Eucharistic Ministers Sat 2/7 5:00 pm * Janet Beckman, Sandy Dorsten, Barb Conkle, Orval & Helen Homan, Don & Linda KiLmiller Sun 2/8 8:00 am Lindsey Bronhorst, Austin Dwenger, Gerry Dwenger, Dolores Fortman, Dave Grieshop, Rob & Lisa Albers MINISTRY 10:00 am Minister to the Sick Jim Saluke [email protected] Greg Meiring, Jackie Huwer, Danielle Dues, Sr Mary Ellen Andrisin 419-628-3753 11:30 am Caring Ministry A priest or another minister will be happy to bring Holy Communion to the ill or those confined to their homes. Communion is brought on the First Friday of the month. A Bereavement Minister is assigned soon after a death to offer prayerful support and to provide an opportunity for those grieving, and to do so in a supportive atmosphere Radio Maria—88.7 FM www.radiomaria.us Programs: Fr Rick Rich Stein & Susan Bernhold Boy/Girl Scouts Lector: Sat 2/7 5:00 pm Ken Wuebker Sun 2/8 8:00 am Jill Howe 10:00 am Paul Schumann 11:30 am Boy/Girl Scouts 5:00 pm Mary Will, Les & Sue Prenger, Aggie Anointing of the Sick: Those weakened by age, afflicted by a serious illness or preparing for a serious operation should receive this sacrament. Call the cluster office for arrangements. Prayer Line Requests Cindy Vondenhuevel [email protected] Deb Knapke [email protected] Shirley Olding [email protected] Tom & Becky Roetgerman, BeCy Eiting, Greeters: Sat 2/7 Albers Sun 2/8 8:00 am Barb Wuebker. Elaine Brown, Lisa Wuebker, Diana Hausfeld, Carol McMaster 419-628-3528 10:00 am Building & Maintenance CommiCee 11:30 am Boy/Girl Scouts 419-628-2866 419-628-2879 Babysi>ers: Sun 2/8 Mondays 9:30 am second Monday 9:30 am 10:00 am Tessa McDermiC & Marge Eilerman Jackson Hogenkamp, Austin Larger, Hayley Prenger ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Fourth Sunday ~ Sunday, February 1, 2015 Daily Masses and Intentions MONDAY—Feb 2 FRIDAY—Feb 6 8:00 am Communion Service 8:00 am Raymond & Mathilda Rutschilling 1:30 pm TUESDAY—Feb 3 SATURDAY—Feb 7 8:00 am BernadeCe Hoying 5:00 pm For the Parish WEDNESDAY—Feb 4 SUNDAY—Feb 8 8:00 am Robert Brunswick 8:00 am Mary Ann, Vernon, & Jerry Seger THURSDAY—Feb 5 10:00 am Elmer Weaver 8:00 am Gregor & Anna Marie Eilerman Family 11:30 am All Souls Friday Morning Faith Series Fridays ST AUGUSTINE NEWS Feb 6, 13, 20th Collection – The Sunday, January 25th offerings were $7860. There was $6445 in 282 envelopes, $1398 loose and $17 in children’s envelopes. Thank you for your generosity! First Saturday Communion Service - Saturday, February 7 at 8:00 am. Aer the 8:00 am Mass Hanover Street Entrance th Scout Sunday Mass - Sunday, February 8th at 11:30 am. Please join us as we honor our Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts. Candlelit Mass - Saturday, February 14th at 5:00 pm. Join us as we celebrate of the unity of family and special blessing for couples after the homily. Reconciliation Services - Every Saturday from 4:00—4:30 pm. Ash Wednesday Services - Wednesday, February 18th at 8:00 am, Noon, 7:00 pm. Fr. Tom Brenberger will “break open the Word” on the Sunday scriptures much like he does in his homilies. Each session will last about an hour. Coffee & donuts are provided Did You Know ... Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) - This is an option for you to make contributions to the weekly Sunday collection through automatic withdraw. Funds are withdrawn on the 29th of each month. If interested please call Rectory Office at 419-628-2614. BabysiCing at the 10:00 Sunday Mass 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) - Every year the Catholic Ministries Appeal is part of our commitment to our faith, and asks every Catholic household to make a pledge. Thanks to the generosity of many families here at St. Augustine, we have been able to help six vital ministries in our Archdiocese. Our parish goal for 2015 is $32086.00. Your participation is vital to reaching our parish goal. Thank you! For more information, please visit CatholicAppeal.info. BabysiCing is available in the Rectory Basement Nursery every Sunday and is monitored by two adults and three students. For questions or if you are interested in helping call Therese Brown at 419-628-3434 St. Augustine offers ST. JOSEPH NEWS ST JOSEPH MASS ST JOSEPH MINISTRIES INTENTIONS 2/8 Albers - Schmitmeyer ST JOSEPH COLLECTION Sunday 1/25 $490.00 Membership $200.00 Gift Bearer Reader Ron Schmiesing Ted Brandewie Eucharistic Ministers Servers Deacon Hal Belcher Jonathon Albers Tony Albers Katie Dircksen Juanita Brandewie Marie Dircksen CHURCH CLEANING: February, 2015 - Jennifer Hoying*, Kay Hoying, Teresa Meyer and Marge KiLmiller EGYPT COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING - Monday, February 2nd at 8:00 pm in Egypt Schoolhouse. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA): This is Commitment Weekend for the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please join with Catholics in every parish throughout the 19 counties of our archdiocese who support these important local ministries which depend on our help each year. If you have already responded by mail or online, or if you brought your completed pledge card to place in the offertory today, thank you! To make a pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal.net. Our parish goal for 2015 is $2,507.00. BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline to submit anything on the Egypt section of the bulletin will be Mondayʹs by noon due to the new format. Please contact Dan or Sue Wehrman at 419-628-4081 or e-mail [email protected]. 200th Anniversary of the Precious Blood ∗ The Missionaries of the Precious Blood were founded in 1815 by St. Gaspar del Bufalo, a Roman-born priest who was a renowned preacher. St. Gaspar was a high-energy organizer who was on a mission: he wanted to renew the Church and heal the world with the power of the Precious Blood of Jesus. Two hundred years later, his Missionaries— priests, brothers and lay associates—help carry his message, that the Blood of Jesus can energize, unite and save us. ∗ St. Gaspar del Bufalo, founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, was born on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, 1786, in Rome. His birthday explains his unique name: Gaspar Melchoir Balthazar del Bufalo was named aer the three Magi who visited the Christ child. It was an apt name for a man who would spend his life on a quest to fulfill the will of God, constantly on the move as a missionary. ∗ St. Gaspar del Bufalo, founder of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood, was born of humble parents. His father was a cook in a palace, and was also something of a showman. He was an entrepreneur whose efforts at organizing entertainment events were not always successful. It is thought that Gaspar may have go=en some of his abili>es to a=ract crowds from his father. Gaspar’s mother was a pious woman who had a great influence on his life. MARCHING TO THE BEAT OF THE BLOOD By Rev Rick Nieberding, C.PP.S. My path with the precious blood has entailed change and continuity, drum banging and song singing. I fell in with the men of the Precious Blood by virtue of geography and upbringing. I remain with the men of the Precious Blood because they are family. With them I am happy. We may not beat our drums in perfect Chinese unison, but we have all heard the call of the master drummer. We all want to be in that number when the saints go marching in. We all march to the beat of the blood. CLUSTER ANNOUNCEMENTS A Time to Heal…Please pray for our parish members who are sick, especially, Sue Kremer, Merlin Bernard, Frank Heitkamp Jr. A Time to Die … Please pray for Elmer Weaver and Leona Mescher who died recently. Eucharistic Adoration— Monday, February 2nd at St. Augustine Church. Opening begins at 9:00 am. SchoenstaC will lead rosary at 8:00 pm with benediction concluding by 9:00 pm. For more information please call Brenda Spieles at 419-305-5894. Mission Fund Breakfast—Sunday, February 1st from 9 am—Noon at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Montezuma. Free will offering. All are welcome! Theology on Tap—Sunday, February 1st at 7:00 pm; Spiritual Center, Maria Stein. The panel consists of a cradle catholic, a convert, a revert, and a priest and will speak on why they chose to be Catholic. Snacks provided, BYOB/drinks, all are welcome! If you have any questions please contact Samantha Kremer at [email protected]. Armchair Pilgrimage to the Holy Land—Tuesday, February 3rd at 2:00pm and again at 7:00pm, Shrine of the Holy Relics. Unique pilgrimage to the land of scripture; Prayer, artifacts, and refreshments will complete your Journey. For more information: 419-925-4532. VFW Meeting - Tuesday, February 3rd; 6:30 pm lunch with meeting to follow. Mission Commission Meeting - Wednesday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center. Reminder—In case of bad weather and there is no school on Wednesday the mission commission meeting is cancelled.. Winter Book Swap - February 4th thru 11th at the Pilgrim Gift Shop, Maria Stein Shrine. Bring in your pre-priced gently read Catholic and Christian books, videos, and audio tapes pre-marked for sale by the 3rd. Then “shop” the selection until the 11th. Return after the 12th to pick up unsold books and money collected. First Saturday Devotions - February 7th, at 2:00 pm at St. Charles Center main chapel . Adoration, the rosary & other devotions followed by Benediction. Father Richard Riedel will officiate. All are welcome to aCend. Catholic Adult Singles— Sunday, February 7th, Winery, Versailles. For more information, call Eileen Lamm at 419-678-8691. Reflections and Book Signing - Sunday, February 8th, 3:00-4:00pm, Shrine of the Holy Relics with Ben Hartings, from St. Henry, whose book Return to the Altar chronicles his family’s faith-filled journey through the birth and death of their son and brother, James Thomas. St. Henry Mission Commission Basket Bingo — Sunday, February 22nd at 1:00 pm in the St. Henry High School. Doors Open at 11:00 am. Lunch stand available. For tickets call 419-678-4403 or 419-305-8510. Open Gym for Adults - every Sunday night (not on Superbowl Sunday) at 7pm and Tuesdays at 8pm at the Gymnasium next to the church. Games of 4 on 4 are played full court. Anyone out of high school is encouraged to get out and play. Average age of current players is 35-45 years old with varying skill levels. Games are played mostly for exercise in a semi-competitive manner. The Mercer County Right to Lifeʹs Sweetheart Dance - Saturday, February 28th at the Fort Recovery American Legion hall from 9 -12 PM, music by F1 Sound. Doors open at 8PM. Tickets available at the door . PARISH CENTER NEWS Liturgy Feb 4 4B Laura Becker Feb 11 3B Karla Larger Feb 18 All School Ash Wednesday Hello student pro-lifers!! and your parents! I want to sincerely thank all of you for giving of your time in standing up for the unborn, being their voice, making your presence known on behalf of the innocent! Thank you for being a great group of people. Please...never, ever forget that you can make a difference. Keep living your life as a defender of life! “FOR LIFE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE” Needed - Kindergarten Religion Teacher to finish the school year on Thursdays from 2:15-2:55 pm. If interested please email or call Therese, [email protected] or 419-628-3434. Junior High Bible Study – Sunday, February 1st from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Parish Center. Church History Class - Tuesday, February 3rd from 12:30—3:00 pm in the Parish Center. Freshman Class Fieldtrip - Sunday, February 8th. Remember to arrive at 9:20 am. Busses will depart at 9:30am for the Relic Chapel. Eucharistic Minister Training - Sunday, February 8th immediately after 11:00 am Mass. Students who signed up for Eucharistic Ministry Training should aCend and will be added to the rotation beginning in March. High School Bible Study - Sunday, February 8th at 7:00—9:00 pm in the Parish Center. Edge Youth Group Grades 4-6 – Wednesday, February 11th at the Parish Center. Church bus will transport at 3:15 with parent pick up at 5:00 pm. Introduction to Scripture Class - Tuesday, February 17 & 24 at 12:30 to 3pm in the Religious Education Center. We are hosting this class and can be used to fill Basic Certification requirements. Those interested please call or email Therese at 419-628-3434, [email protected]. Cast Your Nets: Mary’s Fiat - March 8th at the Spiritual Center 5-9pm. A vocations youth event that will be focusing on Mary and her yes to God. We are all called to some vocation. By commiCing to our vocation, we respond with a generous Fiat, or Yes, to God! This is an opportunity to meet other area youth and further explore our own vocations. Minster Elementary Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016 - All children turning 5 years old before August 1, 2015 are eligible to aCend kindergarten next fall. Parents of prospective kindergarteners are asked to call the elementary school office at 419-628-4174 or email [email protected]. Screening dates are March 24 & 25. PARISH MISSION Embark upon a Lenten journey of personal and Parish renewal as we prepare for Easter. Father Andy O'Reilly, C.PP.S. will share in a three night series how to confront the difficulties and challenges we face during the ordinary seasons of life. His mission will enhance your celebration of the new life of Christ during the Easter season. Fr. Andy O'Reilly, C.PP.S. is a member of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH 48 N HANOVER STREET MINSTER, OH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 7:00— 7:00—8:00 PM 7:00— 7:00—8:00 PM 7:00— 7:00—8:00 PM Living with God's Compassionate and Living with the challenges and Living with the people of God Unconditional Love pain of life Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time ~ Jan 31– Feb 1 Reading I : Deuteronomy 18:15-20 I will put my words into your mouth. • In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses conveys Godʹs word to the people. • The promise of God delivered by Moses is that God will raise up another prophet. • The true prophet will deliver Godʹs word. Reading II : 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 I want you to be free of all worries. • Some of the early Christian communities found Paul to be a true prophet. • The Christians at Corinth apparently wrote to Paul, asking him a series of practical questions about how to live the Christian life. • The First LeCer to the Corinthians is Paulʹs answer to their questions. Gospel : Mark 1:21-28 He has authority over all creation. • The Gospels reveal Jesus to be the true prophet, the one who not only brings the word of God but who is the Word of God. • In the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark, there are several stories illustrating Jesusʹ authority. • Todayʹs passage tells of Jesus casting out a demon. The people are amazed because the demon obeys Jesus. Question for Children: Name some bad things that you want to pray that Jesus will take away from our world. Question for Adults: What are the evils in todayʹs world that you pray God will free us from?
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