Corner Izard Road and Everest Street Khandallah Fr Doug Shepherd Priests of the Parish Tel: 479 7777 Fr Peter Fitzgibbon Presbytery 3 Everest Street, Khandallah Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil 6pm Weekdays Monday 9am Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Mass Tuesday to Saturday at 9am Friday preceded by Exposition at 8.30am Reconciliation By appointment Parish Office St Benedict’s School Sunday 9am Monday, Thursday, Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm email [email protected] 50 Nicholson Road Tel: 479 6878 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 1 Feb First Reading Second Reading Gospel Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 8 Feb First Reading Second Reading Gospel Job 7:1-4.6-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-19.22-23 Mark 1:29-39 Tel: 479 7777 1 February 2015 Forthcoming events in the Parish in St Benedict’s Church Tuesday 3 February 7.30pm Liturgy Committee Meeting Presbytery Friday 6 February 8.30am Exposition and 9am First Friday Mass Followed by morning tea St Benedict’s Presbytery Dear Parishioners, I am writing to thank you for the very generous way that you have supported and cared for Jovanie, Cirilo and Ron during the past four months. Archbishop John has also asked me to pass on his deep gratitude for all that has been done for these three young men in St Benedict's parish and in the Wellington North Pastoral Area. Your friendly, supportive community has provided a wonderful welcome to Jovanie, Cirilo and Ron and this is very much appreciated. With sincere thanks and good wishes. Fr David Dowling, Vocations Director Archdiocese of Wellington 2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME If you have children who are in year 4 or above at school this year who are interested in preparing for any or all of the sacraments of First Reconciliation, Confirmation or First Communion, then please get your details to Mike Byrne or Clare Sinnott at [email protected], or the Parish at [email protected], by February 20th. If you have any questions you can talk to Fr Doug at the Parish or Mike or Clare on 479-8168 or 027-314 6141. The programme will commence with a Parents’ Meeting on February 25th at 7pm in the Church foyer, and the 1st session for children will be a group meeting on Sunday 8 March at 10.15am in the Church. First Friday Morning Tea All parishioners are warmly invited to morning tea in the Presbytery on Friday 6th February, following Exposition at 8.30am and Mass at 9am. Hospitality: volunteers would be appreciated. 2015 Caritas Lenten Reflection Programme LIGHT A FIRE IN THE HEART OF THE WORLD Would you offer yourself as a HOST, a GROUP LEADER or a PARTICIPANT? We are all warmly invited to take part in the annual Caritas Lenten Reflection Programme. The theme this year comes from Pope Francis : LIGHT A FIRE IN THE HEART OF THE WORLD. Each weekly session consists of shared reflection on the Lenten Sunday Gospels, followed by discussion on additional material prepared by Caritas. Each session is a little over an hour. We hope to have reflection groups in each of our 3 parishes – both in the evening and during the day. We are looking for participants, hosts and leaders. Caritas has provided booklets to guide us. This year Ash Wednesday is 18 February. If you are interested in joining, leading or hosting a group or have any questions, please contact either Father Peter or Sister Judith details below: Fr Peter: [email protected]; 478 7137 Sr Judith: mcginleydf@gmail 027 693 3552; 477 0751 Celebrate St Valentine’s Day You are all invited to the annual St Valentine’s Day Mass at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, on Saturday 14th February at 5.30pm Followed by a glass of SIDE BY SIDE MENTORING bubbly. A Practical Way to Help Families in Our Parish Book a romantic dinner out and begin by thankSide By Side Mentoring involves everyday people walking alongside couples and families who face challenges to let ing God for love, for intimacy, and for marriage. them know we love and care for them. Mentors know from CHILDREN’S LITURGY practical experience what it's like to deal with challenging We are in need of assistance with the organisation and runsituations that can sometimes feel daunting. They offer their ning of the Children’s Liturgy sessions at the 9am Masses on love, wisdom and understanding, and link them to other supSunday morning. If you are able to help in any way, please port, to help couples and families resolve the challenges they contact the Parish Office on 479 7777. face. They are a practical, loving face of the faith community. DOVE CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN Side By Side Mentoring is now being set up in the JohnsonDove invites all women to their first meeting of the ville, Newlands and Khandallah Catholic and Anglican Paryear on Saturday 21st February from 1.15ishes. There is a short training course starting in late Febru3.30pm at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace (off ary 2015. There will be other training courses available later Hill St), Thorndon. Speaker: Val Morrison – New in 2015. If you're interested in being part of this, please conbeginnings. Enquiries Sandra 475 5541 tact John Wilkinson on 477 4460 or 029 939 7730, or at [email protected]. Alternatively, you may contact Fr Peter Fitzgibbon, at 478 7137. 40 Days for Life Campaign From February18 to March 29: Join the worldwide movement FROM THE FUND RAISING TEAM to protect mothers and babies. Come and stand in solidarity The fund-raising team are appealing for donations for the with our unborn brothers and sisters; help save lives and next garage sale—to be held on March 14th—in aid of the change minds and hearts. Sign up for the peaceful vigil at maintenance appeal. They are happy to take anything For more information ph. 237 8343 which is saleable, but please no computer or electronic items. Mass will be celebrated at St Anne’s Church, Newtown, on Tuesday 17 February 2015 at 7pm to launch this time of ALTAR FLOWERS prayer and fasting for the promotion of a culture of life, and A very FEW ladies help out each year with organising an end to abortion throughout the world. and arranging flowers for the altar. It is a very satisfying and rewarding task to give glory to God with 40 Days for Life and Lent : an afternoon in preparation for flowers, however humble our talents may be. both! Sunday 15th February 2:30pm to 4:30pm at Connolly The variety of contributions great and small all have their Hall, Hill St (entrance off Guildford Tce) Thorndon. place in the church’s liturgical year and all are appreciated. Father Linus Clovis (Spiritual Director of Family Life InternaBuying flowers is reimbursed and assistance to get started is tional NZ) will speak of "The Seven Last Words of Christ readily offered. There is also a local floral club for anyone on the Cross" What is their significance in our lives and the who may wish to learn more. The club has a great group of campaign? Plus training for the 40 Days for Life Campaign. ladies and we would be happy to accompany you. Everyone is invited to attend. Organised by FLI NZ. tel: 237 There is a roster in the church foyer for you to add your 8343 name, or you could call Natalie on 973 5553 to talk over any questions you may have. She would love to hear from you, PRAYER INTENTIONS so please don’t hesitate. Please remember in your prayers those who are ill: Malia Lemalu, Pat Hobbs, Frieda Allardice, Sister Mary Gordon, Catholic Social Services would like to thank the parishionMary Cummins, Marie de Joux, Therese Walsh, Alex ers of St Benedict’s for the wonderful Christmas gifts they Lines, Jim Webber, and David Shroff. Prayers are donated to the agency in December. It was a privilege to also requested for those who have died recently, esshare this generosity with our client families. The children pecially Peter Lamont (the father of David Lamont, St and adults were most appreciative and on their behalf we Benedict’’s School principal), and for all those whose annithank you. versaries occur at this time Lesley Hooper, Director, CSS The Parish Prayer Group is always available to pray for your special intentions. See notice board for details. "What do you know about St Ignatius of Loyola?" Come and be informed and entertained with an illustrated Engaged Encounter is a weekend experience for coupresentation by Bridget Taumoepeau at Pa Maria, 78 ples intending to be married. The next weekend is on Hobson St, Thorndon, on Saturday 21 Feb, from 2.30 - 4 pm. Valentine’s Weekend - 14th and 15th February 2015. All welcome! Have a weekend away for Valentine’s weekend and RSVP to Patricia Kane Christian Life Community Aotearoa T. prepare for your marriage. Venue: Pa Maria, 78 475 8837 or [email protected] Hobson Street, Thorndon, Wellington. For more information, go to the website at or phone Kate & Simon Olsen Telephone 04 801 6192, or Clergy Support $427.87 email [email protected] Thank you PALMS FROM PALM SUNDAY 2014 Parishioners are invited to return their palms—given on Palm Sunday last year—to the basket in the foyer of the Church. These will then be burnt to provide ashes for this year’s celebration of Ash Wednesday on February 18th. Parish Collection $909.23 ROSTERS New rosters will soon be prepared for March, April & May. (and June 6/7). If you know that you will be away during that time, could you please let your roster co-ordinator know by no later than Feb 16th. The co-ordinators are: Communion to the Homebound – Eugene Crosby on 479 2441 [email protected] ; Readers – Paul Davis on 479 7821 [email protected] ; all other rosters – Margie Crook on 479 7777 [email protected] RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL If there are any parishioners who would like to add their names to the list of those who receive the newsletter each by email, please drop a note to the Parish Office; [email protected] Taizé brothers Alois, Matthew and Ghishlan will lead a Taizé Pilgrimage on February 9 -10. Young people are invited to stay in tents at Ngatiawa on the night of February 9th, following a welcome and service in Rangiatea Church, Otaki. Tuesday 10th has a workshop at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Wellington, from 7pm. A pilgrimage to St Paul’s Cathedral starts at 8pm, followed by Evening Prayer with a reflection from Brother Alois. There will also be an extra gathering on the Wednesday afternoon at Sacred Heart Cathedral aimed at high school students. If you are interested in staying the night at Ngatiawa, please contact Dan Siave. If you would like to go up to Otaki and come back to Wellington and need transport or can offer transport, please contact Dan Siave at [email protected] or on 04 496 5181 The 1st International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking will be celebrated in all dioceses and parishes around the world on 8 February 2015. Pope Francis has strongly denounced the trafficking of human beings, calling it ‘a crime against humanity’. He says, ‘We must join forces to free the victims and stop this crime, which is increasingly aggressive; that threatens, in addition to individuals, the founding values of society and also security and international justice, as well as the economy, the family structure and social life.’ Please keep this important matter in your prayers. The Annual Mission Fair of the Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver will be held on Saturday 21 February 2015 from 10am to 1pm at St Francis de Sales Church Hall and grounds (173 Clyde Street, Island Bay). Goods (for Rapid Raffle and stalls such as toys, fancy and knitted goods, jewellery, jams, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Goods can be posted to Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver, 1 Mersey Street, P O Box 7312, Wellington. Seeing your life through the lens of the gospel Mark 1:21-28 In this first chapter, Mark familiarises his readers with the type of things Jesus did to proclaim the kingdom, the Reign of God. Our passage today touches on two of these, the first being that ‘he taught as one having authority’. It makes a difference when you listen to someone who is clearly speaking from experience and personal knowledge. Remember people who impressed you in this way. Jesus combined teaching with healing, and he drove the evil spirit out of the man. The power of God that worked this wonder through Jesus is also at work in and through us today. When have you been freed from some bad habit? The evil spirit convulsed the man before it left him. The path to liberation can be a painful struggle. If you have found it so, who was the Jesus person that helped you through the struggle to freedom? It is not only individuals but also groups that can be struggling with an evil spirit — jealousy, rivalry, malicious gossiping, abuse of power, etc. Sometimes a Jesus person comes into the group and rives out that evil spirit. Have you experienced this? Perhaps you yourself have been this person on some occasion? John Byrne OSA The Deep End • A teaching that is new A friend once told me a story about his favourite lecturer in college. He met him while crossing the campus one day, stopped and asked the lecturer how he was. The lecturer paused for a long moment, thinking about it, before eventually replying, “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” At the time my friend wasn’t sure what to make of it, though the unusual encounter stuck in his mind for years afterwards. On reflection, he appreciated that the lecturer had though about his question, and to this day it has made him stop and think every time he asks someCaritas Aotearoa New Zealand is looking for one, or is asked, ‘how are you?’. The lecturer had taken two people with the following attributes to an everyday questions, and everyday language, and inwork full-time as Lent Donation Processors fused it with new meaning. from February 23 until April 17, 2015: trustThe people who listen to Jesus’ teaching is today’s Gospel are used to hearing scribes and teachers in the synaworthy - hard working - computer-literate gogue. But with Jesus they witness something new. We attentive to detail. Please email Crispin Anderlini (Communications, Market- don’t know what Jesus was teaching that day, or what kind of language he was using, but what struck the peoing & Fundraising Advisor for Caritas) at ple was that he taught with authority. He had drawn [email protected] for expressions of interest and for them in, but they couldn't ‘quite put their finger on it. more information. “What does it all mean?”, they asked each other. He had made them think, and they recognised that he was Welcome to our Parish Triona Doherty You are important and the St Benedict’s Parish would offering something different. like to get to know you better. By registering, you establish a home in the parish for yourselves and your chil- PROLIFE FACTS dren to grow in grace, holiness and faith. Seasonal pa- In January this year, a report summary entitled Teen Births: rishioners too are encouraged to register, even if you Current Trends was released by the Social Policy Evaluation and belong to another parish back home. Research Unit (Superu). It provides an update on the 2012 reYou can complete a registration form available at the port, and highlights the declining birth-rates for teenaged back of the church; just place it in the collection basket once completed or drop it in to the Presbytery mailbox at mothers. Although the teenage birth rate in New Zealand might be considered high internationally, teen births comprise a 3 Everest Street, just along from St Benedict’s Church. “relatively small proportion of all births”, at 5.9%. In 2013, 2.4% of women in the 15 – 19 age bracket gave birth and 71% of the total number of ‘teen births’ were to women aged 18 or 19 years old. Superu was formerly known as the Families Commission. The summary and the full University of Waikato report, as well as information on a range of other important topics, can be accessed at Phone Voice for Life on (09)4430995 for more information. of the Holy Trinity Parish, Father Ephrem Tigga. If you are interested in this valuable role, please send your CV and reference contacts to Parish Secretary, Holy Trinity Parish, [email protected] or PO Box 15256 Miramar, Wellington. The closing date for applications is 21st February, 2015. YOUTH PASTORAL WORKER for HOLY TRINITY PARISH – Wellington East The newly formed Holy Trinity Parish (Holy Cross, Miramar; St Anthony’s, Seatoun; and St Patrick’s, Kilbirnie) is seeking applicants with time, energy, motivation and good communication skills to fill the role of Youth Pastoral Worker in the Wellington East area. The incumbent, who is completing her term in the role, has created a great platform which can now be built upon. The role is to work with the Catholic youth in the Wellington East area (which includes St Patrick’s and St Catherine’s Colleges) to increase their participation in Catholic and parish life in a way that meets the needs of young people and of the Catholic community (in relation to the youth). The role is part time (20 to 30 hours per week) and is remunerated. The role reports to the Parish Priest When: February Saturday 14 & Sunday 15; Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 at 3pm and 5pm plus Friday 20 at 6pm Where: Khandallah Park on the green behind the swimming pool. (Alternative venue if the weather is damp or windy is the Cochran Hall at Cashmere Ave School. To check ring 499 4444 two hours before the start.) How long: just under an hour Cost: A gold coin donation from everyone would be appreciated. Bring something to sit on, a sunhat, something to eat maybe. Mass Time Greeters Children’s Liturgy Proclaimers of the Word Prayers of the faithful Offertory Procession Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Malvina Major/Homebound Hospitality Counters Linen Church Cleaning Khandallah Arts Theatre is presenting ‘Tommy and the Jabberwock’: There will be a concert featuring Music from France at the Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hill Street, Wellington, on Sunday 8 February at 3pm. The concert is in aid of the Maxwell Fernie Trust and features Christopher Hainsworth (a former pupil of Maxwell Fernie) playing the organ and Nicolas Planchon playing the trumpet. Cost is $20 on the door. Roster for February 7/8 6pm Dermot & Keri Byrne Ra Ratia, Mary Corry one of the readers Byrne Family Dermot & Keri Byrne May Ratia 9am Terry Leamy John & Gabrielle Lawson Aisling Lawson Lawson Family Terry Leamy, Terry & Judith Marks, Vivienne Soldera Allan Cockburn Grace and Caoimhe Tulloch Henry McIntyre, Caitlin & Catherine Ramoo Terry Leamy, Lily Lau, Terry Marks, Terry Quirke Greene Family Frank Szpetnar, Eugene Crosby Anne Morrish Lawson Family
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