Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report Enterprise South Liverpool Academy SEN Information Report The sponsors’ mission is that the Enterprise South Liverpool Academy (ESLA) equips all members of its learning community with the values, skills and attributes they will need for personal success and well-being in a multi-cultural society and global economy Also to significantly contribute to community cohesion and regeneration as a centre of learning to provide support, training and business opportunities for the benefit of all local people. The Enjoyment of Learning, the opportunities provided through the Enterprise and Business and Languages for Business specialisms and a culture that reflects Christian Values and Principles are the core characteristics of the Academy. These complementary core elements are evident in everything the Academy does and represents. . APPROVED DATE 28th January 2015 REVIEW DATE 28th January 2016 SIGNED HEAD OF SCHOOL PRINT NAME KEVIN UNSWORTH SIGNED CHAIR OF GOVERNORS PRINT NAME KEITH SEXTON Version (1) Page 1 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report This is the SEN Information Report for Enterprise South Liverpool Academy. Welcome to our SEN information report. All governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN. This published information is updated annually. At Enterprise South Liverpool Academy we value and are committed to working together with all members of our school community. Our local offer has been produced with pupils, parents/carers, governors, and members of staff. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of our offer, so please do contact us. The best people to contact this year are: Mrs J Edge Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) email [email protected] Mr K Unsworth (Acting Head of School) Mrs C Chapman Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND Governor) If you have specific questions about the Liverpool Local Offer please look at: http://www.Liverpool.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-needs/about-the-local-offer Alternatively, if you think your child may have a SEN please speak to their Learning Managers in the first instance. The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at the school. Enterprise South Liverpool Academy caters for students with a wide range of special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities including physical disability, sensory impairment, dyslexia, speech language and communication difficulties, general learning difficulties and autism. We believe passionately in the limitless potential of all our students and we strive to ensure that every student, whatever his/her need, is successful in achieving their own personal goals. Currently 0.7% of our students have a Statement/Education Health Care Plan, 1.75% of our students are in Resourced Provision and a further 18% have a special need. Information about the school's policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with special educational needs. The school’s SEND policy is accessible on the website. Students transferring from primary school with SEN are identified through routine data collection, information from the Primary SENCO, class teacher, external agencies and parents / carers. Transition plans will be developed to meet the needs of individual students. On entry all students are screened for their reading & spelling ability and these results are used with existing information to inform support arrangements. Concerns about a student having SEN can be raised by any member of staff, any parent or the student themselves. Concerns should be referred to either: the SENCO, Learning Manager or Curriculum Leader in the first instance. A preliminary assessment will be made which may lead to further specialist testing before a decision regarding additional support is made. Student progress is closely monitored through 6 annual data collections as well as staff briefings and through the marking of work. Version (1) Page 2 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report Information about the school’s policies for making provision for students with special educational, including: (a) How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such students; Standardised testing to measure improvement in literacy skills Use of assessment data, lesson observations, drop ins, book scrutiny, staff liaison and marking to measure progress. Discussion with students Parental feedback Senior leadership monitoring & evaluation procedure. b) The school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of pupils with special educational needs; Vulnerable group progress is analysed by the SENCO, Curriculum Leaders and Senior Leadership Team after each set of assessment data and any students failing to make expected progress will be supported by intervention strategies which are agreed on an individual basis. All student progress is closely monitored by Curriculum Leaders, Learning Managers and SLT after each set of assessment data. Annual reviews take place for students with a statement of SEN /Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) An annual parent’s evening is held for each year group (c) The school’s approach to teaching students with special educational needs; Subject teachers are responsible for differentiating lessons to meet the needs of all the students in their class. Recommendations and strategies to remove barriers to learning and enable access to the curriculum will be discussed with the SENCO Information on individual students with SEN is held electronically in a secure system which is accessible to all classroom based staff and is regularly updated; it includes relevant information on student attainment levels, areas of weakness, recommended support strategies and advice and for staff to use in lessons. Additional literacy/numeracy intervention is provided to narrow the gap in the attainment of students with learning delays. Currently 153 students are receiving literacy interventions. (d) How the school adapts the curriculum and learning environment for students with special educational needs; Differentiation of resources and learning materials by the subject teacher with support from the SENCO A team of 19 teaching assistants (TAs) 2 Learning Mentors and a Speech Therapist work with identified students by providing support in both small group and classroom settings. Version (1) Page 3 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report Additional literacy & numeracy interventions Personalised learning programmes/timetables Disabled facilities (e) Additional support for learning that is available to students with special educational needs; Provision is allocated according to need and follows the “Access, Plan, Do & Review” process laid down in the revised Code of Practice 2014. Additional literacy and numeracy support is provided in a variety of ways: Testing of reading & spelling skills identifies the students who attend interventions. Literacy Booster Groups – a student is withdrawn from another lesson to receive additional literacy tuition. Daily reading and spelling interventions run over the registration period; after which progress would be reviewed and support adjusted. Key Stage 3 Post School Literacy Club. Exam concessions – testing at the end of Y9 determines who qualifies for access arrangements for external examinations; parents are informed by letter. Sixth form exam concessions – student’s concessions will be reassessed if they are to continue at A level. (f) Activities that are available for students with special educational needs in addition to those available in accordance with the curriculum; A daily Meet & Greet service provided by the Resource Base Team Homework Club and quiet room every lunch time in SLC Games Club every lunchtime in SSC Chill or Chat at break time in SSC (g) Support that is available for improving the emotional and social development of students with special educational needs. Pastoral teams –Director of Learning, Learning Managers & Form Tutors Learning Mentors. School’s Educational Psychologist Family Support Service Counselling Social Skills groups Version (1) Page 4 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report Information about the staff that support the children and young people with special educational needs and about how specialist expertise will be secured. Director of Bridge to Learning- Mrs J Edge School Improvement Team –Liverpool Education Support Service The following colleagues are based in school on either a full or part time basis: AWO’s - Mrs E Maddocks, Ms C Wolstenholme (school) School nurse - Mrs K Devine Speech Therapist - Miss R Wainwright Careers Advisor - Ms C Byrne EMTAS Support - Mr S Ruscoe. Referrals can be made to the following agencies for additional support: Educational Psychology Service Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Sensory Support Team Physiotherapy/Occupational Health Team SENISS Careline All staff annually complete Safeguarding & Child Protection training. The Bridge to Learning Support Team have an on-going programme of training, most recently including: literacy support (Catch Up Literacy) Lexia Training, numeracy support (Catch Up Numeracy), providing access arrangement, Differentiation workshop, ASD training (TEACCH) For new students with previously unprecedented needs we follow the advice of the professionals involved, in consultation with the student and their family. Information about how equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs will be secured. All main buildings have flat/ramped access, lifts and disabled toilet facilities. All classrooms are carpeted and most are fitted with blinds to reduce glare. Personal care/treatment rooms are located on the ground floor in the main building and Sports Barn, one of which is used for physiotherapy sessions and to house additional equipment e.g. standing frames. Specialist equipment is accessed through the relevant agency. There are disabled parking bays in the school car park. Version (1) Page 5 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report The arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs about, and involving such parents in, the education of their child. Enterprise South Liverpool Academy encourages the input of parents and carers in supporting their child’s education, Parents are routinely invited to: An annual parents’ evening Year 7 form tutor evening (in the first term) Open evenings for Y6/7 transition Drop in sessions for Resource Base Students Annual review meetings Parents are encouraged to complete Feedback Sheets The arrangements for consulting young people with special educational needs about, and involving them in, their education. All students with a statement / EHCP attend and participate in their annual review Students accessing interventions are routinely consulted at the start and end of an intervention. Students work with class teachers to review progress and set targets following each data collection Arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of students with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school. A first point of contact would normally be the student’s Learning Manager. Alternatively, parents/carers are encouraged to discuss their concerns with either the SENCO or Assistant Vice Principal, Mr J Houghton. Information about the school’s complaints procedure is available on the school’s website The contact details of support services for the parents of pupils with special educational needs, including those for arrangements made in accordance with clause 32. Details of the Local Authority’s “Local Offer” see page 1 First point of contact in school to discuss prospective students with SEN is the SENCO, Mrs J Edge: Other relevant school professionals would be: Director of Learning, Learning Manager or form tutor if the student is already attending school. Parent Partnership Version (1) Page 6 of 7 Enterprise South Liverpool Academy ESLAP SEN Information Report The school’s arrangements for supporting students with special educational needs in transferring between phases of education or in preparing for adulthood and independent living. KS2/3 Transition – well established and routine links with all feeder primary schools ensures appropriate support arrangements. In addition to the standard induction day transition arrangements the following may be included: Transitional annual review (if a statement / EHCP in place) Additional visits Enterprise South Liverpool Academy staff visiting the primary school Photograph album of the school KS3/4 Transition Transitional annual review (if a statement / EHCP in place) Staff guidance re appropriate option choices Exam concession testing (if appropriate) Careers guidance Open evenings Post 16 Transition Transitional annual review (if a statement / EHCP in place) Guidance on subject choice Liaison with college / sixth form Taster days Exam concession testing (if appropriate) Version (1) Page 7 of 7
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