NPBA HOME RESOURCE 2015 Membership Directory GUIDE DO BUSINESS WITH A MEMBER SAVE THIS HANDY REFERENCE GUIDE FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS NPBA EXPO 2015 • 13 2015 member Directory Building Value and Community on The Olympic Peninsula Since 1976 The North Peninsula Building Association represents builders and associates of the building industry. We advocate constant improvement of building and business practices to provide quality construction in our community. North PENiNSulA BuilDiNg ASSociAtioN Executive Officer Diana Johnson diana@npba info Street Address 350 West Washington Street, Suite 3 Sequim, WA 98382 Phone / Fax 360-452-8160 / 360-452-8197 Website www npba info facebook com/NorthPeninsulaBuildingAssociation Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Built grEEN of clAllAm couNty info@builtgreenclallam org NAtioNAl ASSociAtioN of homE BuilDErS (NAhB) www nahb com 452-8160 800-368-5242 BuilDiNg iNDuStry ASSociAtioN of wA (BiAw) www biaw com 800-228-4229 BIAW Health Insurance Program Capital Benefit Services, Inc 800-545-7011 Return on Industrial Insurance (R.O.I.I.) Lara Hastings 800-228-4229 NPBA ExEcutivE committEE President Kevin Russell, MCGP, Kevin Russell Construction 1st Vice President Tracy Gudgel, Zenovic & Associates 2nd Vice President Dan Donovan, Allform Welding, Inc Treasurer Terri Wood, First Federal Secretary Derek Adamire, Adamire Concrete & Excavation, Inc Immediate Past President Garret DelaBarre, CGP, DelaBarre Construction NPBA Builder Directors Larry Hanna, L P Hanna Construction Scott Schwagler, J & J Construction Greg McCarry, Westerra Homes NPBA Associate Directors Dan Donovan, Allform Welding, Inc Roger Wheeler, RJ Services Justin Wilson, NTI Engineering & Surveying Life Director Bill Roberds, Excel Utility Constr Executive Officer Diana Johnson, NPBA BIAW State Director - Associate Kelly Fox, Angeles Millwork/Hartnagel BIAW State Director - Builders Greg McCarry, Westerra Homes futurE BuilDErS chAritABlE orgANizAtioN 501c3 President Steve Zenovic, Zenovic & Associates Treasurer Lonnie Linn, Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co Secretary Traci Konopaski, J & J Construction 142• NPBA EXPO 2015 Board Members Derek Adamire, Adamire Concrete & Excavation Inc Garret DelaBarre, DelaBarre Construction Tracy Gudgel, Zenovic & Associates Rick Gross, Estes Builders NPBA committEES 457-8247 417-0501 681-0584 417-3223 461-0738 452-4144 452-1572 457-1809 509-0633 681-0584 457-1420 452-8491 452-1110 452-8160 457-8581 509-0633 Budget and Finance Mark Smith Larry Hanna, LP Hanna Construction Greg McCarry, Westerra Homes Terri Wood, First Federal Community Support Roger Wheeler, RJ Services Directory Updates Libby Martucci, NPBA Donna Pacheco, Angeles Millwork/Hartnagel Education Kelly Fox, Angeles Millwork/Hartnagel EXPO Mike Howe, Clallam PUD Donna Pacheco, Angeles Millwork/Hartnagel Golf Tournament Mike Thomas, Lakeside Industries Government Affairs Greg McCarry, Westerra Homes Kevin Russell, MCGP, Kevin Russell Construction Holiday & Silent Auction Tami Brothers, NTI Engineering & Surveying Traci Konopaski, J & J Construction Membership / Awards Diana Johnson, NPBA Roger Wheeler, RJ Services Surplus Sale Scott Schwagler, J & J Construction NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Local, state and Federal Contacts Area codes are (360) unless otherwise indicated. LOCaL GOvernmenT anD OrGanizaTiOns Chambers OF COmmerCe Forks Chamber Port Angeles Chamber Port Townsend Chamber Sequim Chamber 374-2531 452-2363 385-2722 683-6197 CiTY OF pOrT anGeLes City Hall 321 E 5th St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Building Permits 417-4815 City Clerk 417-4634 City Manager 417-4500 Construction Permits 417-4815 Inspections 417-4815 Utility Permits 417-4807 Zoning 417-4750 CiTY OF sequim City Clerk’s Office 226 N Sequim Ave , Sequim, WA 98382 Meeting Location: Transit Center 190 W Cedar Street, Sequim City Clerk 683-4139 Utilities/Building/Planning 683-4908 CiTY OF FOrks City Hall 500 E Division St , Forks, WA 98331 City Hall 374-5412 Building Department Ext 241 City Clerk Ext 240 Utilities Superintendent Ext 242 Water Department 374-3124 CLaLLam COunTY COurThOuse 223 E 4th St , Port Angeles, WA 98362 washinGTOn sTaTe sTaTe GOvernmenT OFFiCiaLs L&i COnTraCTOr reGisTraTiOn Jay Inslee (D) LabOr & inDusTries, DepT. OF 1605 E Front St , Suite C, Port Angeles Administrative Electrical Inspection 24 Hour Request Line Questions about Electrical Inspections Employer Accounts Injury Claims Safety and Health Rick White, WISHA Safety Inspector Dan Fereira, Factory Assembled Structure / Construction Compliance Inspector washinGTOn sTaTe inFOrmaTiOn hOTLine General Information Washington State Website Hotline to Olympia during Legislative Session 800-647-0982 417-2700 417-2711 417-2722 417-2702 417-2703 417-2701 417-2732 417-2732 417-2737 800-562-6000 800-321-2808 access wa gov 800-562-6000 NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Brad Owen (D) Kim Wyman (NP) Jim McIntire (D) Troy Kelley (D) Bob Ferguson (D) Randy Dorn (NP) Mike Kreidler (D) Peter J Goldmark (D) 417-2222 auDiTOr COmmissiOners 417-2233 jmcentire@co clallam wa us Jim McEntire, Dist 1 Mike Chapman, Dist 2 mchapman@co clallam wa us Bill Peach, Dist 3 bpeach@co clallam wa us COmmuniTY DeveLOpmenT Administration 417-2321 Building Division Codes/Permits 417-2318 Inspection Request 417-2318 Addressing 417-2317 Building Official Fire Marshall 417-2314 Planning Division Long Range/Water Quality 417-2277 Plats/Zoning/Shorelines 417-2420 Treasurer 417-2247 Accounting 417-2251 Assessments 417-2344 Excise 417-2250 FeDeraL GOvernmenT OFFiCiaLs 360-902-4111 Fax 360-753-4110 360-786-7700 360-902-4151 360-902-9000 360-902-0370 360-753-6200 360-725-6000 360-725-7000 360-902-1004 sTaTe senaTOr 24Th DisTriCT Jim Hargrove (D) 360-786-7646 411 Legislative Building, PO Box 40424 Olympia, WA 98504 hargrove_ji@leg wa gov sTaTe represenTaTives 24Th DisTriCT Kevin Van De Wege (D) 360-786-7616 434A Legislative Building, PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 VanDeWege Kevin@leg wa gov sTaTe represenTaTives 24Th DisTriCT Steve Tharinger (D) 360-786-7904 368 John L O’Brien Building, PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 steve tharinger@leg wa gov presiDenT Barack Obama (D) The White House Washington, D C 20500 president@whitehouse gov 202-456-1414 Fax 202-456-2461 us senaTOr 6Th DisTriCT Maria Cantwell (D) 311 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-3441 915 Second Ave Suite 3206 Fax 202-228-0514 Seattle, WA 98174 206-220-6400 cantwell senate gov Fax 206-220-6404 us senaTOr 6Th DisTriCT Patty Murray (D) 448 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D C 20510 202-224-2621 2988 Jackson Federal Building Fax 202-224-0238 915 2nd Avenue 206-553-5545 Seattle, WA 98174 Fax 206-553-0891 murray senate gov us represenTaTive 6Th DisTriCT Derek Kilmer (D) 1429 Longworth House Office Bldg 202-225-5916 Washington, DC 20515 Fax 202-226-3575 345 6th St , Suite 500 360-373-9725 Bremerton, WA 98337 Fax 360-373-9725 kilmer house gov 3 15 NPBA EXPO 2015 • buiLDer members a DepenDabLe COnTraCTOr Gene & Muriel Fulmer PO Box 1574 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-8770 dependable@olypen com adependablecontractor net aLDerGrOve COnsTruCTiOn inC Walter L. Dalrymple 336 Benson Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-2067 Fax: 457-6765 waltd@aldergroveci com aldergrovei com ameriCa’s hanDYman COnsTruCTiOn, inC. Dominic Cortez 2932 River Rd Sequim, WA 98382 670-3187 arTisan CabineTrY & renOvaTiOns, LLC / Dba aCr COnsTruCTiOn Chuck Daniel P O Box 602 Carlsborg, WA 98324 670-9156 artisan@olypen com acrbuilt com caleb@andersonhomesllc com andersonhomesllc com NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER 16 4• NPBA EXPO 2015 childers bill@gmail com cbconstruction net CLawsOn COnsTruCTiOn, LLC Dave Clawson PO Box 2683 Port Angeles, WA 98362 461-9295 clawson77@q com clawsonconstructionllc com bernekinG COnCreTe hOmes Rex or Daniel Berneking 340 Wright Rd Sequim, WA 98382 683-1566 / 460-7317 bernekingch@olympus net bernekingconcretehomes com facebook com/berneking-concretehomes americashandyman@rocketmail com anDersOn hOmes Caleb Anderson 618 S Peabody St #H Port Angeles, WA 98362-6244 452-1232 Fax: 452-6145 ChiLDers bukOvnik COnsTruCTiOn Bill Childers 13 Valhallas Dr Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-9136 Fax: 457-1268 bY DesiGn GrOup inC Jac E. Osborn, CAPS, LGC 11 E Runnion Rd Sequim, WA 98382-9403 582-1843 / 461-1843 Fax: 582-1943 info@cahomes build cahomes build facebook com/cahomes build rick@estesbuilders com estesbuilders com facebook com/pages/estes-builders/ 123841864359168 FeeLeY COnsTruCTiOn inC, Bill Feeley 1215 E Front St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-7559 feeley@olypen com feeleyconstruction com COrnersTOne buiLDers inC Lex Morgan / Noel Carey PO Box 1633 Sequim, WA 98382-1633 683-8477 homes@cornerstonebuilders com cornerstonebuilders com COzi hOmes Ken Zeigler 324 E 9th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-9906 / 460-0036 Fax: 452-1238 cozi@olypen com cozihomesconstruction com showroom@bydesigngroupinc net bydesigngroupinc net C. anDersOn hOmes & DeveLOpmenT, inC Christopher L. Anderson 495 W Spruce St Ste 3 Sequim, WA 98382 504-1198 Fax: 504-1199 esTes buiLDers LLC Rick Gross 259003 Highway 101 Sequim, WA 98382 683-8756 Fax: 681-7127 DeLabarre COnsTruCTiOn Garret S. DelaBarre, CGP 72 Wellman Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 452-4144 / 460-2855 Fax: 452-4144 garret@delabarreconstruction com delabarreconstruction com habiTaT FOr humaniTY OF CLaLLam COunTY Cyndi Hueth PO Box 1479 Port Angeles, WA 98362 681-6780 Fax: 681-6780 cjhueth@habitatclallam org habitatclallam org facebook com/HFHClallamCounty hines COnsTruCTiOn inC Andy Hines PO Box 3336 Sequim, WA 98382 681-6698 Fax: 681-8032 info@hinesconstructioninc com hinesconstructioninc com facebook com/hinesconstructioninc hOCh COnsTruCTiOn inC Richard Hoch 4201 Tumwater Truck Rt Port Angeles, WA 98363-2470 452-5381 Fax: 452-5382 hoch@olympus net hochconstructioninc com NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY npba pasT presiDenTs inTeGriTY prOperTY DeveLOpers Ron Robbins PO Box 935 Carlsborg, WA 98324-0935 460-0432 Fax: 683-5240 keD-Ter COnsTruCTiOn Rick Bradley 4304 Old Mill Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362-1908 683-9719 Fax: 457-2061 kedter@olypen com kedter com facebook com/ked-ter-construction robbins05@msn com integritypropertydevelopers com J & J COnsTruCTiOn OF pOrT anGeLes, inC Scott Schwagler PO Box 460 Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-1809 Fax: 452-5164 kevin russeLL COnsTruCTiOn Kevin Russell, MCGP PO Box 1509 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0185 457-8247 jass@olypen com J GriCe COnsTruCTiOn Jayson Grice 223 Marsden Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362-8998 457-1708 / 460-2673 Fax: 457-0894 jgriceconstruction@yahoo com JDG COnsTruCTiOn inC John Gieser PO Box 2073 Port Townsend, WA 98368 385-3287 / 381-5100 ajgieser@gmail com JDGConstructionPT com Jim pFaFF COnsTruCTiOn James W Pfaff PO Box 1 Joyce, WA 98343 928-3340 jspfaff146@msn com kanDu enTerprises Gregory R. Bondy 714 W 6th St Port Angeles, WA 98363 565-8383 Fax: 457-0602 kandu@olypen com kanduenterprise com facebook com/kanduenterprise 2014 2013 Garret DelaBarre Garret DelaBarre 1994 1993 Roger Wheeler Doug Arrington 2012 2011 2010 Rick Gross Tracy Gudgel Tracy Gudgel 1992 1991 1990 Jackie Schwagler Jackie Schwagler John Spiess 2009 2008 2007 2006 Kevin Russell Kevin Russell Kevin Russell Linda deBord 1989 1988 1987 1986 John Spiess Bill Thomas Bill Thomas Stu Keddish 2005 2004 Linda deBord Gary Haley 1985 1984 Bob Forshaw Bob Forshaw 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Gary Haley Mark Smith Bill Roberds Bill Roberds Tim Fraser Tim Fraser Roger Wheeler Jim Reed Jim Reed 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 Johnie Key George Cassidy Johnie Key George Durham George Durham Lloyd Gregory Lloyd Gregory Rod Nilsson, Chairman Protem kevin@krbldr com www KevinRussellConstruction com kreps COnsTruCTiOn LLC Shirley Mercer 398 Pierson Rd Sequim, WA 98382 681-3737 / 460-2781 Fax: 681-3737 krepsco@qwestoffice net krepsbuilder com facebook com/kreps-construction LOpez COnsTruCTiOn Roberto Lopez 212 Sanford Ln Sequim, WA 98382 460-7029 lopezconstructioninc@live com Lp hanna COnsTruCTiOn Larry Hanna 332 Grouse Dr Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-1572 Fax: 417-0411 lhanna@olypen com mark smiTh Mark D. Smith PO Box 757 Sequim, WA 98382-0757 683-3737 DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY mark@sequimvc com sequimvc com miLL Creek COnsTruCTiOn inC James Schouten 4619 Old Mill Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362-1911 452-8281 millcreekconst@hotmail com millcreekconstruction us facebook com/mill-creek-construction nOrThwesT LOG hOmes Duane Baker 1865 W Washington PO Box 2414 Sequim, WA 98382-2414 461-9436 northwestloghomes@msn com nwloghomes net facebook com/northwestloghomes parrY COnsTruCTiOn Nicholas Parry 203 Sylvan Ridge Rd Sequim, WA 98382-8572 683-4453 / Fax: 681-7023 TOwn & COunTrY pOsT Frame buiLDinGs, DivisiOn OF permabiLT inDusTries Catherine Miller 16521 Hwy 99 Ste #C Lynnwood, WA 98037 (800) 824-9552 Fax: (425) 742-4378 generalm@permabilt com permabilt com facebook com/Permabilt wesTerra hOmes LLC Greg McCarry PO Box 891 Sequim, WA 98382 509-0633 Fax: 683-5724 greg@westerrahomes com westerrahomes com parryco@olypen com TLC exCavaTiOn & COnsTruCTiOn inC Tim Calwell 204803 Hwy 101 Port Angeles, WA 98363-6134 327-3797 Fax: 327-3819 NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER NPBA EXPO 2015 •5 17 assOCiaTe members 2 GraDe exCavaTiOn & DeveLOpmenT Greg Hopf PO Box 1570 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0191 461-3992 Fax: 457-1954 two_grade@hotmail com aawninGs & sunrOOms OF DisTinCTiOn Brad Buchser 141 Timberline Dr Sequim, WA 98382 681-2727 / Fax: 681-0707 asodinc@gmail com aawnings&sunrooms com aDamire COnCreTe & exCavaTiOn inC Derek Adamire 432 Herrick Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 461-0738 / Fax: 452-9800 advanceddoors@olypen com anGeLes OverheaD DOOrs Dan O’Keefe 70 Everett Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363 808-2052 dano@angelesoverheaddoors com dan@allformwelding com allformwelding com facebook com/allformwelding air FLO heaTinG COmpanY Joel Berson 221 W Cedar St Sequim, WA 98382 683-3901 Fax: 683-3971 jberson@airfloheating com airfloheating com facebook com/airflo aLex anDersOn COnCreTe Alex Anderson 1421 S Pacific Vista Port Angeles, WA 98363-1526 452-6659 Fax: 452-6659 alexandersonconcrete@hotmail com alexandersonconcrete com adamireconcrete@hotmail com aDvanCeD DOOr sYsTems, a DivisiOn OF DawsOn anD CasweLL inC. Jeff Dawson PO Box 1508 861 E Hammond St Sequim, WA 98382-1825 683-1850 / Fax: 683-0197 aLLFOrm weLDinG inC Dan Donovan 81 Hooker Rd #9 Sequim, WA 98382 681-0584 Fax: 681-4465 aLL weaTher heaTinG & COOLinG Jeanne Sparks 302 Kemp St Port Angeles, WA 98362-8989 452-9813 Fax: 452-5177 jsparks@allweatherhc com allweatherhc com facebook com/allweatherheating aLLen rOOFinG Karl Allen PO Box 1071 Sequim, WA 98382-1071 681-6528 anGeLes pLumbinG Bob Reandeau PO Box 1151 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-8525 anGeLes COmmuniCaTiOns inC Scott Jensen 102 Ross Ln Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-4375 Fax: 457-0212 angelesp@olypen com arOunD aGain Gavin Wuttken 22 Gilbert Rd Sequim, WA 98382 683-7862 scott@angelescommunications com angelescommunications com info@aroundagainstore org aroundagainstore org anGeLes COnCreTe prODuCTs Randy Adams PO Box 304 4410 S Airport Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-0443 Fax: 452-4744 baThFiTTer Kristin Glavin 6900 220th St SW, Ste A Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 (425) 712-8268 Fax: (425) 712-8269 kris-acp@hotmail com kglavin@bocobathsystems com bathfitternw com anGeLes eLeCTriC inC Ken Simpson 524 E 1st St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-9264 / Fax: 452-9265 biLL’s pLumbinG & heaTinG inC Judy Kimler PO Box 282 425 S 3rd Ave Sequim, WA 98382-0282 683-7996 Fax: 683-0969 angelelec@olympus net anGeLes FurniTure Jack Gray/Jon Gray PO Box 610 Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-9412 Fax: 457-4283 billplmb@olypen com billsplumbinginc com bLake TiLe & sTOne inC Jordan Pavlak 490 S Blake Ave Sequim, WA 98382 681-2877 Fax: 683-6267 jackg@angelesfurniture com jong@angelesfurniture com angelesfurniture com facebook com/AngelesFurniture sequim@blakeinc net blakeinc net facebook com/BlakeTileandStone kallen@olympus net NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER 186• NPBA EXPO 2015 anGeLes miLLwOrk & Lumber COmpanY Kelly Fox 1601 S C St Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-8581 Fax: 457-8896 bOb’s eLeCTriC inC Robert L. Gudgel 2293 Deer Park Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-6887 Fax: 452-9943 kellyf@lumbertradersinc com angelesmillwork com facebook com/AngelesMillwork Hartnagel NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY buDGeT bLinDs Rick or Wendy Timmons 489 W Washington St Sequim, WA 98382 582-9200 Fax: 683-5985 rwtimmons@budgetblinds com budgetblinds com/portangeles facebook com/budget-blinds CaLLis & assOCiaTes, inC. Andy Callis 806 South Vine St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2314 Fax: 452-1701 andy@callisinsurance com callisinsurance com facebook com/callis insurance buiLD a baTh LLC Linda Chamness PO Box 1083 Sequim, WA 98382 813-2813 buildabath@outlook com buildabathllc com facebook com/buildabathllc C&F insuLaTiOn Tom Foley PO Box 2197 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0286 681-0480 Fax: 681-0349 tom@candfinsulation com candfinsulation com C & J exCavaTinG inC Gary L. Schneider PO Box 430 Carlsborg, WA 98324 683-7741 Fax: 681-3165 CampbeLL rOOFinG Josh Campbell 638 Blue Ridge Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 683-8071 josh@campbellroofingllc com campbellroofingllc com CLaLLam COunTY puD Mattias Jarvegren PO Box 1090 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-9771 Fax: 452-9724 mattiasj@clallampud net clallampud net facebook com/clallampud CLaLLam TiTLe COmpanY Brenda Smith PO Box 248 204 S Lincoln St Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-2000 Fax: 457-9330 brenda@clallamtitle com clallamtitle com facebook com/clallamtitle CherrY Creek mOrTGaGe CO, inC nmLs#3001 port angeles branch Kelly Raymond / NMLS# 646168 Vonnie McKnight / NMLS# 109043 Roger Rheinheimer / NMLS# 109795 711 East Front Street, Suite B Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-1200 cjexcav@gmail com candjexcavating com facebook com/c&jexcavatinginc kraymond@ccmclending com vmcknight@ccmclending com rrheinheimer@ccmclending com sequim branch Deon Kapetan / NMLS# 109229 Jennifer Sweeney / NMLS# 148012 Stephanie Sweet / NMLS# 1029920 564 N 5th Avenue Sequim, WA 98382 683-1515 dkapetan@ccmclending com jsweeney@ccmclending com ssweet@ccmclending com cherrycreekmortgage com/olympicpeninsula CLark LanD OFFiCe pLLC Scot Clark PO Box 2199 Sequim, WA 98382 681-2161 Fax: 683-5310 scot@clarkland com clarkland com facebook com/clark-land-office D & h enTerprises Darrel S. Gaydeski PO Box 631 Forks, WA 98331-0631 640-0434 Fax: 374-9070 bogiebob@centurytel net Dave’s heaTinG & COOLinG serviCe inC Dave & Jeanne Oldenkamp PO Box 413 1206 South C St Port Angeles, WA 98363 452-0939 Fax: 452-4376 davesheating@wavecable com davesheatingpa com facebook com/davesheatingpa DiamOnD rOOFinG enTerprises Cliff Fors PO Box 2963 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0336 452-9518 DraFTinG sOLuTiOns Annie O’Rourke PO Box 1246 Port Angeles, WA 98362 417-5615 / 808-3296 draftingsolutions@olypen com eaGLe hOme mOrTGaGe Riley Chase 1551 Piperberry Way Port Orchard, WA 98366 633-2403 Fax: (855) 473-2403 rileychase@eaglehm com rileychase com eDen exCavaTinG inC Kevin Rodman 4065 Eden Valley Rd Port Angeles, WA 98363-8833 457-3750 / 461-1275 Fax: 452-1422 edenexcavating@yahoo com edenexcavating com D & k painTinG inC Dan A. Huff 200 Mt Pleasant Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-7823 Fax: 457-7823 dkpainting@msn com NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER NPBA EXPO 2015 •7 19 assOCiaTe members emeraLD rOOFinG, inC. Travis Quent PO Box 879 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-4681 emerald2@olypen com emeraldroofing 20m com everwarm hearTh & hOme Terry McCartney, Owner 257151 Highway 101 E Port Angeles, WA 98362-8209 452-3366 Fax: 452-3367 everwarm@olypen com everwarmhh com facebook com/everwarmhearthhome exCeL uTiLiTY COnsTruCTiOn inC Cory Swanson 54 W Misty Ln Port Angeles, WA 98362-8119 452-1110 Fax: 452-5568 cory@excel-utilities com exTra miLe TeCh & eLeCTriCaL Scott Smasal 418 N Race St Port Angeles, WA 98362-3518 457-5222 extramile@olympus net FairChiLD FLOOrs Dave Fairchild 1404 E Front St #D Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-1411 Fax: 452-8775 ffloors@olypen com fairchildfloors com facebook com/fairchild-floors FerGusOn enTerprises Bryan Larson / Mike McNeill 73 Ruths Pl Sequim, WA 98382-8380 681-8417 Fax: 681-8472 bryan larson@ferguson com ferguson com FirsT FeDeraL Terri Wood / NMLS #413367 417-3223 Fax: 457-6892 terri wood@ourfirstfed com Kathi Larsen / NMLS #413364 452-1889 kathi larsen@ourfirstfed com Julie Myers / NMLS #162954 582-5204 julie myers@ourfirstfed com PO Box 351 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ourfirstfed com facebook com/ourfirstfed FOrks Fiber manaGemenT, inC Kevin Worley P O Box 854 Forks, WA 98331 374-2275 bomforks@centurytel net GarY priesT exCavaTinG Gary Priest PO Box 2181 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-1770 / 460-6807 Fax: 452-0906 gpe@montanasky net GeLLOr insuranCe inC Bill Gellor 214 E 1st St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2388 Fax: 452-1448 carriet@gellorinsurance com gellorinsurance com facebook com/gellor-insurance-inc NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED GLass serviCes COmpanY Ward S. Dunscomb PO Box 2559 255652 Highway 101 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-1155 Fax: 452-9637 info@glassservicesco com glassservicesco com GOOD man saniTaTiOn, inC Chuck Molisky 2495 Cape George Rd Port Townsend, WA 98368 457-4121 Fax: 385-1275 goodmansanitation@qwestoffice net goodmansanitationinc com facebook com/good man sanitation, inc Green CrOw prOperTies Dennis Yakovich PO Box 2439 Port Angeles, WA 98362 417-3667 h2O pLumbinG COnTraCTOrs Richard McDougal 216 Center Park Wy Sequim, WA 98382-3463 681-0379 Fax: 681-7188 plumber@h2oplumbing com h2oplumbing com haDLOCk buiLDinG suppLY inC Bill Kraut PO Box 869 Port Hadlock, WA 98339 385-1771 Fax: 385-1980 bill@hadlockbuildingsupply com hadlockbuildingsupply com facebook com/hadlockbuildingsupply harTnaGeL buiLDinG suppLY Kelly Fox 3111 E Hwy 101 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-8933 Fax: 452-8943 kellyf@lumbertradersinc com hartnagels com facebook com/AngelesMillwork Hartnagel hi TeCh Fire & seCuriTY, inC Gary Politika 723 E Front St Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2727 Fax: 452-8560 hitech@olypen com gotohitech com hOmer smiTh insuranCe inC Homer Smith PO Box 591 Port Townsend, WA 98368 683-4970 Fax: 683-2970 homer@homersmith com homersmith com facebook com/pages/Homer-SmithInsurance hOpe rOOFinG anD COnsTruCTiOn Jordan Eades 1240 Sims Way #143 Port Townsend, WA 98368 385-5653 Fax: 385-1111 info@hoperoofing com hoperoofing com facebook com/hoperoofing com hOrizOn exCavaTinG inC Kurt Bruch PO Box 3248 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0342 452-9976 Fax: 452-3364 horizonex@tfon com facebook com/horizon-excavating INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER 20 8 • NPBA EXPO 2015 NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY CaLenDar OF evenTs huGhes hOme COnCepTs LLC Nathan Hughes 435 W Bell St , Ste C-2 Sequim, WA 98382 461-6294 nathan@hugheshomeconcepts com hugheshomeconcepts com facebook com/hugheshomeconcepts in GraphiC DeTaiL LLC Lorenz Perry 577 W Washington St A & B Sequim, WA 98382 582-0002 Fax: 582-0004 info@ingraphicdetail com ingraphicdetail com JaCe The reaL esTaTe COmpanY Eileen Schmitz sequim 761 North Sequim Ave Sequim, WA 98382 683-9399 / 808-0338 Fax: 683-8627 port angeles PO Box 2437 / 1234 E Front St Port Angeles, WA 98382 452-1210 Fax: 452-4004 mrsjace@jacerealestate com jacerealestate com facebook com/alwayscalljace JarmuTh eLeCTriC inC Dale Jarmuth 349 W Washington St Sequim, WA 98382 683-4104 kinGsTOn Lumber Joe Hurtt PO Box 169 Kingston, WA 98346 297-3600 joe@kingstonlumber com kingstonlumber com kirsCh eLeCTriC, inC. Terri L Kirsch PO Box 3396 Sequim, WA 98382 683-6819 Fax: 683-0869 kirschelectric@gmail com kirschelectricinc com kiTsap bank Harbir Bower 716 Front St Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-8189 Fax: 457-8471 jeanne@jeannemartincpa com 14-15 Building, Remodeling, and Energy Expo 5 NPBA Board Meeting 26 NPBA General Membership Meeting marCh 2-4 BIAW Winter Board Meeting at Red Lion in Olympia, WA 12 NPBA Board Meeting 14 Annual NPBA Surplus Sale at Clallam County Fairgrounds 19 NPBA General Membership Meeting apriL 2 NPBA Board Meeting 16 NPBA General Membership Meeting 24 First Aid Class hbower@kitsapbank com www kitsapbank com maY LakesiDe inDusTries George Peabody PO Box 728 Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-7803 Fax: 457-7932 June georgep@lakesideind com lakesideind com facebook com/lakesideindustries LanGsTOn prOFessiOnaL serviCes Phil Langston 118 Texas Valley Rd Sequim, WA 98382 582-0714 Fax: 582-0715 phil@olypen com facebook com/langston-professionalservices dalej@olympus net Jeanne marTin Cpa Jeanne Martin 120 W Maple St PO Box 3400 Sequim, WA 98382 683-1125 Fax: 683-1126 FebruarY LinCOLn inDusTriaL COrpOraTiOn inC Wilmer Possinger, Jr 4130 Tumwater Trk Rt Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-6122 Fax: 452-4773 lincoln@olypen com lincolnindustrialcorp com DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 7 NPBA Board Meeting 21 NPBA General Membership Meeting 4 NPBA Board Meeting 24-26 BIAW Summer Board Meeting in Yakima, WA TBD NPBA Fishing Derby 16 NPBA General Membership Meeting Summer Hiatus 17 NPBA Burgers and Brats Membership Appreciation auGusT 6 NPBA Board Meeting 20 NPBA General Membership Meeting Summer Hiatus 28 NPBA Golf Tournament sepTember 3 NPBA Board Meeting 17 NPBA General Membership Meeting 25 First Aid Class OCTOber 1 NPBA Board Meeting 15 NPBA General Membership Meeting nOvember 4-6 BIAW Fall Board Meeting in Bellevue, WA 12 NPBA Board Meeting 19 NPBA General Membership Meeting DeCember 3 NPBA Board Meeting 10 NPBA Holiday Gala & Silent Auction JuLY 2 NPBA Board Meeting mCCLanahan Lumber inC Judi McClanahan PO Box 1483 Forks, WA 98331 374-5887 Fax: 374-5800 For an updated list, visit npba info mODern DrYwaLL Brian Reifenstahl 96 Bluff View Dr Port Angeles, WA 98363 452-2907 Fax: 457-1026 pattireif@olympus net hawa@olypen com mclanahanlumber com mCCrOrie CarpeT One John McCrorie 547 N Oakridge Dr Port Angeles, WA 98362 457-7500 / Fax: 457-7596 john@mccrorie com mccrorie com NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER NPBA EXPO 2015 •9 21 assOCiaTe members mOunTain prOpane Ken Mount 265 Chimacum Rd Port Hadlock, WA 98339-9790 683-1881 Fax: 385-6914 ken mount@amerigas com mountainpropane com nOrThwesT asbesTOs COnsuLTanTs Chad Witheridge / Bob Witheridge 406 Reed St Port Townsend, WA 98368 385-0584 / 301-1022 Fax: 385-0584 northwestasbestosconsultants@ cablespeed com facebook com/northwestasbestosconsultants Oasis weLL DriLLinG inC Keith Winter 164 Spring Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362-9125 683-4773 Fax: 683-4774 winterkeith@hotmail com oasiswelldrilling com OLYmpiC eLeCTriC COmpanY inC Chuck Burkhardt 4230 Tumwater Truck Rt Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-5303 Fax: 452-3498 olympicelectric@att net olympicelectric net facebook com/olympic-electric OLYmpiC GaraGe DOOr John Ramer 7745 El Dorado Blvd NW Bremerton, WA 98312 452-3859 / 775-2311 Fax: 452-9168 kitsapgaragedoorco@msn com olympicgaragedoor com nTi enGineerinG & surveYinG Justin Wilson 717 S Peabody St Port Angeles, WA 98362-6233 452-8491 Fax: 452-8498 info@nti4u com nti4u com facebook com/pages/NorthwesternTerritories-Inc nw insiDe OuT painTinG inC Pamela Boyd Taylor 31 Shamrock Ln Port Angeles, WA 98362-8738 460-0392 Fax: 452-3348 boyd_pamela@yahoo com OLYmpiC peninsuLa TiTLe COmpanY Maureen Pfaff 319-A S Peabody St Port Angeles, WA 98362-3221 457-4451 Fax: 457-4525 maureen@olypentitle com olypentitle com OLYmpiC sprinGs Doug/Ed Temple PO Box 880 Carlsborg, WA 98324 683-4285 Fax: 683-4580 OsTerberG LanDsCapinG Kent Osterberg 1521 S O Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 452-9511 Fax: 457-3756 kari osterberg@soundcb com NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER 22 10 • NPBA EXPO 2015 panTrY anD LaTCh LLC Andrew Thomas 105 Oso Vista Ct Sequim, WA 98382 460-1403 andrew@pantryandlatch com pantryandlatch com facebook com/PantryandLatch pLans bY miChaeL haLL Michael Hall 2204 Happy Valley Rd Sequim, WA 98382 504-0189 plans@hvalley net pOrT anGeLes pOwer equipmenT inC Mike Traband 2624 Hwy 101 E Port Angeles, WA 98362-0376 452-4652 Fax: 457-5824 papower@olypen com papowerequipment com facebook com/pages/Port-AngelesPower-Equipment pOrT anGeLes reGiOnaL Chamber OF COmmerCe Russ Veenema 121 E Railroad Ave Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2363 Fax: 457-5380 russ@portangeles org portangeles org facebook com/PortAngelesChamber pOwer Trip enerGY COrpOraTiOn Andy Cochrane 83 Denny Ave Port Townsend, WA 98368 643-3080 Fax: 539-1857 andy@powertripenergy com powertripenergy com facebook com/powertripenergy prOpane nOrThwesT David Pregartner PO Box 949 Kingston, WA 98346 881-0404 / 535-3206 Fax: 881-0148 quaLiTY in COunTers Rob Schmidt 175-5 S Bayview Ave Port Angeles, WA 98362 417-5447 chris@tfon com qualityincounters com rainbOw sweepers, inC Jeremy Daggett PO Box 231 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0037 452-1621 / 797-4117 Fax: 452-2405 rainbowswp@olypen com rainbowsweepersinc com facebook com/rainbow-sweepers-inc raLph’s DrYwaLL Jim Barth 92 Alice Park Ln Sequim, WA 98382-8213 683-7636 Fax: 683-5186 ralphsdrywall@yahoo com raLsTOn & raLsTOn an ehL insuranCe COmpanY Deana Mcintyre PO Box 1405 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0259 452-8415 Fax: 452-8418 deana@ehlinsurance com ehlinsurance com facebook com/ehlinsurance riCherTs marbLe & GraniTe inC John Richerts PO Box 337 Carlsborg, WA 98324 683-5844 Fax: 683-5848 richerts@olypen com richertsmarble com facebook com/richerts-marble-granite rineharT COnsuLTinG Bill Rinehart 603 E 8th St #C Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2132 Fax: 452-7964 billr@olypen com rinehartconsulting@olypen com paul@propanenorthwest com propanenorthwest com NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY rJ serviCes, inC Roger & Dena Wheeler 514 Erving Jacobs Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362-9240 457-1420 / 461-1677 Fax: 457-9724 serviCemasTer OF The OLYmpiC peninsuLa Evelyn Brown PO Box 69 Carlsborg, WA 98324 23 Valley Center Place Sequim, WA 98382 681-0722 Fax: 683-7146 evelyn@smolypen com roger@rj-services com sanFOrD irriGaTiOn, inC. David Cowan/Travis Cowan PO Box 2246 Sequim, WA 98382-2246 683-9807 dhcowan@olypen com seCuriTY serviCes nOrThwesT John Alden PO Box 660 Port Townsend, WA 98368 (800) 859-3463 Fax: 797-8482 john@ssnwhq com ssnwhq com facebook com/security-servicesnorthwest-inc sequim DunGeness Chamber OF COmmerCe Shelli Robb-Kahler PO Box 907 Sequim, WA 98382-0907 683-6197 Fax: 683-6349 Shelli@sequimchamber com sequimchamber com facebook com/pages/Sequim-DungenessValley-Chamber-Of-Commerce sequim GazeTTe Sound Publishing Inc 11323 Commando Rd W Unit Main Everett, WA 98204-3532 683-3311 publisher@sequimgazette com sequimgazette com facebook com/sequimgazette DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! sherwin-wiLLiams Brian Estrada 1400 W Washington St #109 Sequim, WA 98382 681-8675 Fax: 681-8721 sw8266@sherwin com sherwin-williams com facebook com/sherwinwilliamssequim simpsOn eLeCTriC LLC Andy Simpson 243036 Hwy 101 W Port Angeles, WA 98363 457-9270 Fax: 457-9270 dlsimpson51@gmail com sOunD COmmuniTY bank Kirsten Pavlak 541 N 5th Ave Sequim, WA 98382 683-2818 Fax: (866) 721-3238 kirsten pavlak@soundcb com soundcb com spa shOp/peLLeT heaT COmpanY Michael Derousie 230-C E 1st St Port Angeles, WA 98362-2905 457-4406 Fax: 452-0503 miked@spashop com spashop com facebook com/spashop/pelletheatcompany sTraiTs eLeCTriC John/Christie Tucker PO Box 2914 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0335 452-9104 Fax: 452-0741 NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY straits@olypen com facebook com/straitselectric sTruCsure hOme warranTY Diana Hamblin 6825 E Tennessee Ave #410 Denver, CO 80224 (877) 806-8777 Fax: (877) 906-0222 dhamblin@strucsure com strucsure com sunseT wire rOpe Wayne Brown 518 Marine Dr Port Angeles, WA 98363-2230 457-3369 / Fax: 457-7968 wayne@sunsetdoitbest com sunset doitbest com ThOmas buiLDinG CenTer Tony Steinman 301 W Washington St Sequim, WA 98382-3341 683-3393 / Fax: 683-8447 tony@thomasbuildingcenter com thomasbuildingcenter com Thurman suppLY Bill Hoagland 1807 E Front St Port Angeles, WA 98362-4930 457-8591 / Fax: 452-1425 billh@thurmansupply com thurmansupply com Tim’s CusTOm CabineTs, inC Tony Cortani 5231 Woodcock Rd Sequim, WA 98382 683-7648 / Fax: 681-8515 washinGTOn FeDeraL Liz Klippert PO Box 2848 191 W Washington St Sequim, WA 98382-2848 681-7485 Fax: 681-7618 sequim office@wafd com facebook com/washington-federal wave Joe Francis 725 E 1st St Port Angeles,WA 98362 wavebroadband com 621-4933 jfrancis@wavebroadband com we prOmOTe YOu Debbie Mangano 1937 E Maddock Rd Port Angeles, WA 98362 452-2082 / 460-3050 wepromoteyou@olypen com www wepromote-you com www facebook com/ WePromoteYouMarketing wiLDer auTO & rv Dan Wilder, Jr 53 Jetta Way Port Angeles, WA 98362-7484 452-9268 Fax: 452-8679 timscabinets@msn com timscabinets com danjr@wilderauto com wilderauto com facebook com/wilderauto TraCY’s insuLaTiOn inC Tracy Bloom PO Box 970 Carlsborg, WA 98324-0970 582-9600 Fax: 582-9602 zenOviC & assOCiaTes inC Tracy Gudgel 301 E 6th St #1 Port Angeles, WA 98362 417-0501 Fax: 417-0514 office@tracysinsulation net tracysinsulation net tracy@zenovic net zenovic net uLins COnCreTe pumpinG COmpanY inC Brad ulin 19044 5th Ave NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 775-5107 bradulin@hotmail com facebook com/Ulins-Concrete-Pumping NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED INDICATES BUILT GREEN MEMBER NPBA EXPO 2015 11 • 23 prODuCTs & serviCes aCCOunTinG serviCes Jeanne Martin CPA Rinehart Consulting 683-1125 452-2132 aDverTisinG/markeTinG/meDia Not sure who to call for your project? Sequim Gazette Wave We Promote You This handy reference guide makes it easy to find NPBA members who specialize in the products and services you need. 683-3311 621-4933 452-2082 aGinG in pLaCe by Design Group Inc 582-1843 appraisers Langston Professional Services buiLDer serviCes buiLDers: COmmerCiaL Cornerstone Builders Hoch Construction Inc 683-8477 452-5381 buiLDers: iCF/sips Berneking Concrete Homes Hines Construction Inc 683-1566 681-6698 buiLDers: pOsT & beam Town & Country Post Frame Buildings, division of Permabilt Industries (800) 824-9552 582-0714 asbesTOs COnsuLTinG Feeley Construction Inc Hines Construction Inc J & J Construction of Port Angeles, Inc Jim Pfaff Construction Kandu Enterprises Ked-Ter Construction Kevin Russell Construction Kreps Construction LLC Lopez Construction Mill Creek Construction Inc Northwest Log Homes Parry Construction Westerra Homes LLC 452-7559 681-6698 457-1809 928-3340 565-8383 683-9719 457-8247 681-3737 460-7029 452-8281 461-9436 683-4453 509-0633 remODeLers Northwest Asbestos Consultants 385-0584 asphaLT Lakeside Industries 452-7803 auTO & rv DeaLership Wilder Auto & RV 452-9268 awninGs/sunrOOms Aawnings & Sunrooms of Distinction 681-2727 bLinDs & winDOw TreaTmenTs Budget Blinds 582-9200 buiLDers: resiDenTiaL Anderson Homes 452-1232 Artisan Cabinetry & Renovations, LLC / dba ACR Construction 670-9156 C Anderson Homes & Development, Inc 504-1198 Childers Bukovnik Construction 452-9136 Clawson Construction, LLC 461-9295 Cornerstone Builders 683-8477 Cozi Homes 452-9906 DelaBarre Construction 452-4144 Estes Builders LLC 683-8756 A Dependable Contractor 452-8770 Artisan Cabinetry & Renovations, LLC / dba ACR Construction 670-9156 America’s Handyman Construction, Inc 670-3187 Bathfitter (425) 712-8268 by Design Group Inc 582-1843 Hughes Home Concepts LLC 683-2318 JDG Construction Inc 385-3287 Kreps Construction LLC 681-3737 LP Hanna Construction 452-1572 Mill Creek Construction Inc 452-8281 buiLDinG maTeriaL suppLiers Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co Around Again Hadlock Building Supply Inc Hartnagel Building Supply Kingston Lumber McClanahan Lumber Inc Sunset Wire Rope Thomas Building Center 457-8581 683-7862 385-1771 452-8933 297-3600 374-5887 457-3369 683-3393 DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! 24 12 • NPBA EXPO 2015 NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY built green of Clallam County steering Committee Cabinets Artisan Cabinetry & Renovations, LLC / dba ACR Construction 670-9156 Hughes Home Concepts LLC 683-2318 Pantry and Latch LLC 460-1403 Thurman Supply 457-8591 Tim’s Custom Cabinets, Inc 683-7648 Carpet sales and serviCe Service Master of the Olympic Peninsula 681-0722 ConCrete Adamire Concrete & Excavation Inc Alex Anderson Concrete Angeles Concrete Products Berneking Concrete Homes Ulins Concrete Pumping Company Inc 461-0738 452-6659 457-0443 683-1566 775-5107 Countertops by Design Group Inc Hughes Home Concepts LLC Pantry and Latch LLC Richarts Marble & Granite Inc Quality In Counters Tim’s Custom Cabinets, Inc 582-1843 683-2318 460-1403 683-5844 417-5447 683-7648 demolition Northwest Asbestos Consultants (360) 452-8160 350 W Washington St , Suite 3 Sequim, WA 98382 info@builtgreenclallam org built green of Clallam County is a community network working to promote and encourage the construction of quality, healthy homes in environmentally sustainable communities and encouraging the use of local resources while recognizing innovative new ideas Built Green of Clallam County is proud to be a Charter Member of Built Green of Washington: www builtgreenwashington org NPBA members who are also Built Green members are listed in this directory with a leaf icon next to their company name Garret DelaBarre, CGP, Chair, DelaBarre Construction John Cambalik Gary Dougherty Jennifer Garcelon, Clallam County Environmental Health Dept Planner Michael Gentry, Gentry Architecture Collaborative Mattias Järvegren, Clallam County PUD, Utility Services Advisor Diana Johnson, NPBA, Executive Officer Nathan West, City of Port Angeles, Senior Planner Steve Zenovic, Zenovic and Associates, Civil Engineer builder members Childers Bukovnik DelaBarre Construction-CGP Estes Builders LLC Hines Construction-CGP Kandu Enterprises Kevin Russell Construction-MCGP assoCiate members All Weather Heating & Cooling Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co , Inc C&F Insulation City of Port Angeles* Clallam County PUD # 1 Dave’s Heating & Cooling Service Inc Fairchild Floors Glass Services Hartnagel Building Supply McCrorie Carpet One BGCC members *who Power Trip Energy Corp are not NPBA members Thomas Building Center, Inc Tracy’s Insulation CGP - Certified Green Zenovic & Associates, Inc Professional 385-0584 designers C Anderson Homes & Development, Inc Drafting Solutions Mill Creek Construction Inc Plans By Michael Hall Sherry Grimes Designs dump truCks for Hire 504-1198 417-5615 452-8281 504-0189 460-5303 developers Green Crow Properties Mark Smith 417-3667 683-3737 drywall Modern Drywall Ralph’s Drywall Lakeside Industries energy effiCienCy programs 452-7803 eleCtriCal Angeles Electric Inc Bob’s Electric Inc Extra Mile Tech & Electrical Jarmuth Electric Inc Kirsch Electric, Inc Olympic Electric Company Inc Simpson Electric LLC Straits Electric 452-9264 457-6887 457-5222 683-4104 683-6819 457-5303 457-9270 452-9104 Air Flo Heating Company All Weather Heating & Cooling Clallam County PUD 683-3901 452-9813 452-9771 engineering serviCes NTI Engineering & Surveying Zenovic & Associates Inc 452-8491 417-0501 452-2907 683-7636 NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY NPBA EXPO 201513 • 25 prODuCTs & serviCes exCavaTiOn 2 Grade Excavation & Development Adamire Concrete & Excavation Inc C & J Excavating Inc D & H Enterprises Eden Excavating Inc Gary Priest Excavating Horizon Excavating Inc RJ Services, Inc TLC Excavation & Construction Inc GaraGe DOOrs 461-3992 461-0738 683-7741 640-0434 457-3750 452-1770 452-9976 457-1420 327-3797 FiberOpTiCs/TeLeCOmmuniCaTiOns Angeles Communications Inc 457-4375 FinanCiaL/LenDinG serviCes Cherry Creek Mortgage Co, Inc 452-1200 / 683-1515 Eagle Home Mortgage 633-2403 First Federal 457-0461 Kitsap Bank 457-8189 Sound Community Bank 683-2818 Washington Federal 681-7485 452-3366 457-4406 FLOOrinG Fairchild Floors McCrorie Carpet One 457-1411 457-7500 FOunDaTiOns Berneking Concrete Homes J Grice Construction 683-1566 457-1708 FurniTure Hughes Home Concepts LLC 683-2318 FurniTure & maTTresses Angeles Furniture Advanced Door Systems, A Division of Dawson and Caswell Inc 683-1850 Angeles Overhead Doors 808-2052 Olympic Garage Door 452-3859 GuTTers Tracy’s Insulation Inc/ Gutter Division 582-9600 hOT Tubs/spas/pOOLs/saunas Spa Shop/Pellet Heat Company 457-4406 hvaC Air Flo Heating Company All Weather Heating & Cooling Dave’s Heating & Cooling Service Inc 683-3901 452-9813 452-0939 C & F Insulation Tracy’s Insulation Inc 457-9412 Callis & Associates, Inc Gellor Insurance Inc Homer Smith Insurance Inc Olympic Peninsula Title Company Ralston & Ralston an EHL Insurance Company 681-0480 582-9600 452-2314 452-2388 683-4970 457-4451 452-8415 LanD surveYinG Clark Land Office PLLC NTI Engineering & Surveying Zenovic & Associates Inc 681-2161 452-8491 417-0501 LanD CLearinG/LOGGinG Forks Fiber Management, Inc 374-2275 LanDsCape sYsTems & serviCes Blake Tile & Stone Inc Osterberg Landscaping Sanford Irrigation Inc Northwest Asbestos Consultants 681-2877 452-9511 683-9807 385-0584 nOn-prOFiT Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County Port Angeles Regional Chamber Of Commerce Sequim Dungeness Chamber of Commerce 681-6780 452-2363 683-6197 painT D & K Painting Inc Kreps Construction LLC NW Inside Out Painting Inc Sherwin-Williams 457-7823 681-3737 460-0392 681-8675 pavemenT mainTenanCe COnTraCTOrs Rainbow Sweepers, Inc insuLaTiOn insuranCe & bOnDs FirepLaCe & sTOves Everwarm Hearth & Home Spa Shop/Pellet Heat Company mOLD & LeaD COnsuLTinG 452-1621 pLumbinG Angeles Plumbing Bill’s Plumbing & Heating Inc Build a Bath LLC Ferguson Enterprises H2O Plumbing Contractors Thurman Supply 452-8525 683-7996 813 2813 681-8417 681-0379 457-8591 pOrTabLe baThrOOms Good Man Sanitation, Inc 457-4121 pOwer equipmenT Port Angeles Power Equipment Inc 452-4652 prinTinG serviCes In Graphic Detail LLC 582-0002 prOpane Mountain Propane Propane Northwest 683-1881 881-0404 meTaL FabriCaTOrs/weLDinG NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED 26 14 • NPBA EXPO 2015 Allform Welding Inc Lincoln Industrial Corporation Inc 681-0584 457-6122 DO BuSiNESS WiTH A MEMBER! NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Spike credits are earned by recruiting and retaining members A Spike is an individual who has earned at least 6 credits within a two year period A Spike Candidate is an individual who has earned between 1 and 5 Spike credits reaL esTaTe Clallam Title Company 457-2000 JACE The Real Estate Company 683-9399 / 452-1210 resTOraTiOn anD repair serviCes America’s Handyman Construction, Inc ServiceMaster of the Olympic Peninsula 670-3187 681-0722 rOaD COnsTruCTiOn Lakeside Industries RJ Services, Inc 452-7803 457-1420 rOOFinG Allen Roofing Campbell Roofing Diamond Roofing Enterprises Emerald Roofing, Inc Hope Roofing and Construction 681-6528 683-8071 452-9218 452-4681 385-5653 sanD & GraveL Blake Tile & Stone Inc 681-2877 LiFe spikes Roger & Dena Wheeler Jackie Schwagler Arnold Schouten Thomas McKeown Larry Hanna Mark D Smith Bill Roberts Lex Morgan Lonnie Linn David G Lamon 414 5 260 0 151 5 124 0 114 0 103 0 94 5 82 5 82 5 61 5 spikes Kim Beus Kevin Russell Garret DelaBarre Jeff Dawson Brooke Nelson Rick Gross Kevin Estes Jim Strong Dan Huff Tracy Gudgel Dave Blake Vonnie McKnight FaLeana Wech 52 0 45 0 42 5 33 5 31 5 30 5 28 5 26 0 21 0 23 0 18 5 17 5 14 5 Scott Schwagler Bill Feeley John Locke 10 0 85 65 spike CanDiDaTes Jeanne Martin Art Dunker Bryan Larson Andrew Hines Joseph E Melton Debbie Rutherford Rick Anderson Dennis Yakovich Chris Anderson Bill Rinehart Jerry Scott Schwagler Jeanne Sparks Donna Knifesend Annie O’Rourke John Gieser Jim Reed Carrie Sue Treider Deon Kapetan Dan Donovan Richard McDougal John Richerts 55 45 45 40 40 40 35 35 30 30 30 30 25 20 20 20 20 15 10 10 10 seCuriTY sYsTems/Fire aLarms Hi Tech Fire & Security, Inc 452-2727 Security Services Northwest (800) 859-3463 sepTiC/sewer RJ Services, Inc 457-1420 shOwer DOOrs Everwarm Hearth & Home Glass Services Company 452-3366 452-1155 snOwpLOwinG/sanDinG/De-iCinG Rainbow Sweepers, Inc 452-1621 sOiL/COnCreTe TesTinG NTI Engineering & Surveying 452-8491 sOLar Power Trip Energy Corporation speCiaLTY Lumber McClanahan Lumber Inc waTer sYsTems/bOTTLeD waTer 374-5887 sprinkLer/suppressiOn sYsTems Sanford Irrigation Inc 683-9807 TiLe & sTOne Richerts Marble & Granite Inc 683-4285 weaTherizaTiOn All Weather Heating & Cooling Glass Services Company 452-9813 452-1155 weLL DriLLinG/pump insTaLLinG 683-5844 uTiLiTies Clallam County PUD Excel Utility Construction Inc Olympic Springs Oasis Well Drilling Inc 683-4773 winDOws & GLass serviCes 452-9771 452-1110 Glass Services Company 452-1155 warranTY StrucSure Home Warranty (877) 806-8777 643-3080 NOTE: ALL AREA CODES ARE (360) UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED NPBA 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY NPBA EXPO 201515 • 27 IT PAYS TO BE A MEMBER There are many ways you can save by being a member, here are just a few CONSISTENT SAVINGS Personalized safety plan & on-site assistance for your company ...................................... $ 500 Member Discount for NPBA Expo ............................................................................. 400 Business Listing in Membership Directory .................................................................... 200 Listing on NPBA online Membership Directory & website ............................................... 50 TOTAL ................................................................................................................. $ 1150 AFFINITY PROGRAM DISCOUNTS Verizon Wireless 1 ................................................................................................. $ 726 60 Office Supplies from Staples or Office Depot 2 ......................................................... UPS 3 .................................................................................................................. 180 BIAW Member Rebate Program for Building Supplies & Materials 4 ............................ 410 TOTAL ................................................................................................................. $1376 Other discounts are available for companies such as GM, Hertz, APP Fueling Service, Dell, Wyndham Hotels, Avis, FTD, Airgas & more! Visit NPBA Website at & click on Member Benefits for more information. The consistent savings & affinity program discounts add up to annual savings of $2526. Not to mention the savings to be found with our other benefits. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS L&I Claims Assistance - priceless! Health Insurance, save an average of 10-25% Referrals Networking Opportunities Member to Member only advertising Opportunities Discounts on education programs, members save big! Advanced training: Designation & Certification programs for trade professionals Retro select for eligible companies Representation & advocacy at local, state & federal levels Your NPBA membership also includes membership in the National Association of Home Builders and the Building Industry Association of Washington & all related benefits & programs. 1. Company owners and company paid phone lines save 22%, private plans are eleigble for an 18% discount. Contact Kevin Kroll [email protected] for more information. Example is based on five lines at $54.99 per month with 22% applied discount. 2. Based on $600 of annual purchases at 10% savings. 3. Based on five packages shipped per week at 36% savings; price reflects weekly savings. 4. Over 70% of the builders and remodelers who participated received rebates valued at more than their annual association dues. Do the math! It pays to be an NPBA Member! North Peninsula Building Association • 360.452.8160 28 • NPBA EXPO 2015
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