@ H Haryana State Pollution Control Board G-l1, Sector-6, Panchkula. I[ebslte - www.hsrcb.gov.ln E-Mail . [email protected] Iele llo. - 0112-25'17870.7? ilotice for Public Hearing It is{or the information of all concerned that Sand Mining at "Panipai Unrt3", Haryana with production capacity of 7,0 MillionTPAolSand (R0M) by M1S Jai Karan, S/0 Shri orn Parakash, located at Village(s)-Rakshera, Karkoli & Mahaoti, Tehsil-Samalkha Distrid-Panipat, Haryana (/80.80ha) The protect is covered under the amril 0f Environment lmpaci Assessment Notification No. S.0, 1 533 (Q dated 1 4th Sep. 2006 issued by Minisfy of Environment & Forest, Govt. of lndia, New Delhi and thus Environment Clearance is mandatory for the proposed project. Accordingly the project proporenl has applied to the concerned authority ior Environmental Clearance. and the public hearing has been fixed as per details given below : - Sr. Name ol Unit I Date Timeof ol Public Public uo.1 Venueol public Hearing Hearing Hearing SandMiningat'PanipatUnit-3', 22.12.2411 3:30Plf Aisie Haryana with production capacity of 7.0 MillionTPAof Sand (R0[4) by M/S Jai Karan. S,0. Shri 0m Parakash, located atVillageisiRakshera, Karkoil & Mahaoti. Tehsil-Samalkha, Diskict-Panitai Haryana (780.80ha)- regarding T0Rs issued by MOEF vide lJo. 1 1 01 5i59120 1 4-lA-!l (i'li dated gth Augusi. 201 4 J1 As a part of procedii-e io!' sseking 1hg Et-t::^^le^ta- :;ea'a'te. asl notified by the Ministry of Envii'cnnen: & F::est G:r: c' ,i: a. l":.1 Delhi I :'ir3:: :f.lclentl vide Noiificat:on tio S 0. i53iE). dated :.1.C9 2irE tr.: :ub ic I mentior-.ec above have apclied l',llining Pio;eii. ic:c': Heal-O tor:l'e erc,/." said rroject has been flxec -1" 22j2,m14a13S0 PM. I l' ttel lor the Pr-o1ec'l Siie nent:c.ec above. C0cies o' erecr';: project and EIA stucr reccl submitted arel available in the Heaci 0ffice cf the Board as ,,r,er as - i-. fo,rcr."ii! cfrces. I which can be perused during off rce hours. 0n ani ',r3+i1.. c:, r: r;'; sirlri^: 3:i:le:.r:::3''3;t,"e.: 1 . Deputy Commissioner, r- Panipat 2. Begional Officer, Panipat Haryana State Po;:rirc- Panipat. 3.0/oZilaParishad,Panipat Cc^:'i 31?': | I SC0-55 | Sec-25. HUDA, I 4.0/oMunicipalCouncil,Tehsil-Samalkha,DistrictPan:"rat Pan,:at 5. Joint Director, District lndustr es Cer:fe D strict Notice is hereby given to all cor3erned to iiE s-g!es::-s vrelvs, c0mments and objections, if any, or the Droposed o'oje.i :o:-. l-:'"nan, Haryana State Pollution Control Board, C- 1' Sec:c.t. Pa-c"(-ia 2:,.'ell as Regional Officer. Panipat Haryana Siale Pcl jtisr Con:rci Bc,a'c S-i:C-55 Sec-25, HUDA, Panipat. r,vithin 30 oays cf ihE tLl ca:o- .1:''s -ltice. Besides, a Public Hearing will aiso be le 0 cn lle Da1e, :,:.'? & !'enue can ce a:ended meniioned above at the proposed site o; tne pro ec: "'/hicl by any person including Environrnenla G'o.jps ca!:afrde :es,den:s and others, located at the project site:sttes o: i s3 a:3n?:i s,tes I ke io be affected.orallvvritten suggestions, if aily can alsc ce :ra'Je i Ji',trg:-: qn I i I I NoTA/DAwill be admissible f0r attendirg ihe Public HearinE. Prot. Surinder Deswal ChairmaR. Keep Haryana Glean And Pollution Free Frd I ?ublic Hearing. 6t,u I 04 *1@A:nh rbgir, f !, ar5 r,o4 !,.'. "r f't ;.1 i{ Y * A $ ;1 $ 1 A'i I r * i-L U T l* fi ** il T ft*1" S*rt,t l] *r !5*f &, qe6,'f i. ri )r1,!ii, I];lt*ej llrblrr l:*ilring {r:r prcjr:cl rdquiri*g clearan** ut}dar e*rlr$n;*s;ti irup;r*t .r5r.:sllts11t iiotifidlrtio:'r.,20-06 l&c it:ricndedi * reg*rding $anC )lrnllls Ji"1'-rr:ril,aq i'::r,. ]". !li-rry*rul rvith prr*durlisn etipilcity cf 7'S &tliliorr TPA of Sand ;{tot1; by -'.1 .: .j.rr H*r.ru, s.{J tihri Or:r Parakash, iocated at Villag*l$i.Il*k*herx, K*rk*li &. t,irl;r-.i.i. '1'rl:*il'$hlnirlkha, ni$trlct'Panipat; i{aryan& {?$0.*Ohq}' r*{}ar{rfnll 1*l{x ::.r,r,t:i] *i Lliiffr vrrjri l"l* J-1.1 t15/59/?014"1A'lli!1,1ldal*d 1g"',!"rjgust,:S1;1 .1 ''r,;itt i*laii ic i.rl* s'Ji]l€el nci** aI]*t* ir,,i::Sir 1t::C *i:CiuSsC reiev;rlh lhe pr$C**d]f;Silr ''-lieS Cl :r'e !",31r'; l*iirr"i .'-. ,...:::r ::.: :::t i? ?11.1 at 3 il.C pnI r€!3.*iil* 'r'ne Sr;b;eei *il** S3s',* f'11.!3r-l*;l ::.r vic* L*:ii;'i i'ii -: , .; i-,::i;*r f1.l:)iiilJ S:lle Pclitlior x*nl'*i *'';al* Par:l*ai -.,,: _ rl !,r;:i :;-1,r,,13I;y *t iJ1 *1 !s15 atans $ilrl iI18 0*?y CIi cI r.Ilh vli:l*l ',cJr'..r 'r'i .. ..:--: .:,,r1:; rl lir* pitrlt( Iearrng ailendAn{* Sneei5 ang ispy uf aeuetrsefie*i *l* ior . r ',, :1,'. ;:r iti li,ftie, ne ce sser!:sctten *.;.--'.-.,::i!'1f i, Sr. Screntist (HQt For Chairrnarr ; *r : Dated:- i l; :,, ,S,i bo BlSr Sci 20rsi 'nfc'r"al f1r !r &n* i"ther'' 1le, fuJlow'ng Is .r, .;sL1., *f lire slls\r* rS icnYardes ,. *i:iSf 'rr..* pr,],; l*'iar,/.:afia. [nvlf*nme1l Jeca*.rt':1 :c Ss\rern,o:rgnl Sr-.--.ciJ-! rl . j,rgr:.j lsiit: : 4 3 a a ur q 1n "iir* Dr;"*ei*r f;e::etai Invlronn:eni. fiaryana The ileputy Csnrmls$tQner. Pantpal GM DIC Par'):Pal PresidenllChalrman Munr*$el Ccur:c;l Fantpal Regnnai Cfficer i{spCf- Panrpat P,i io Chairman HSPCB i; S lc Menroer Seerelary' ljSPCE Districl Revenue efficer Panipat ftlir ;*i Karan. Sf* Srrri Cn:r'.,Fa;:akas*; R,O Vrliage-Balipur Saiocr Di$l*cl I:, SonePat for rnformatron i."I\j1., \ > 1 ,\'- * "N. , li \\21 ri\ Sr, Sci"eirtist (HQ) t'o For Charrman \ \ HARYANA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD SCO No.55, SECTOR-ZS, HUDA, PANIPAT P h. - (O 1 80 | 2672037, Telefax - 26649 51, E-mail: hspcbroi{@s{ngil€cl! Dated No.HSPCB/PRl2ot4/ To The Chairman, l{aryana State Pollution Control Board, Panchkula. Public hearing Sub: - for Project requiring clearance under Environmental Impact Sh. Assessment trtotificailon, 2006 (as amended) - Regarding Sh. lai Karan S/o Samalkha, Tehsil Mahaoti, Om Parkash, located at Village (s) Rakshera, Karkoti, Panipat. In this connection, it is intimated that this office had conducted the Public Hearing of the above said project as per the scheduled date, time & venue. This office had already copy as forwarded the copies o? Environmental Impact Assessment report and summary in Hard public general and of for suggestionslquarries officers well as in soft copy, to all the concerned in received been have suggestion/queries No hearing. of date before productivity of the'project writing. The proceedings of said Public Flearing alongwitlr attendance sheet, photographs action, and video CDs in tiiplicate ale enclosed for your kind information and further necessary please. ) DA/As above Regional Officer Panipal Region I A'copy of the above is forwarded to'the Deputy Commissioner, Panipat for Dated: Endst. No. HS PCB/ PRI 2014 information and further necessary action, please. DA/Copy of proceedings, ' video cDs photographs t - Regional Officer Panipat Region D-ated: I It l2{})---,L-'/--Endst.No.HSPCB/Pulzot4l33'l\ Sh. lai Kbrdn S/o Sh. Om Parkash, located at to iorwarded is aO6re e topy of the Vittage (s) Raksheia, Xarkoll, Mahaoti, Tehsil Samalkha. Panipat, Haryana for information. W DAlcapy bf proceedings, photographs Video CDs AA' L/t r GNI I n$L!.'\.nr\l)at. ]ul l-13'ih. :lll'l5Minrn8rldtr b Regional Officer Panipat Region i:-' Samatkha, Distt. Panioat, Hqrya,qa .(78,O.99 ha) hPlS .qn dat-gcl ??nd The above project is required to obtain the Environment Clearance as this' project is covered undlr amended EIA Notification dated 3.4th September, 2006 of ths f4inistry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The project proponents have applied for the Environmental Clearance to MoEF, G*vernment of India and requested to conduct a public hearing. In lh'is regard, an advertisement regar:ding public hearing notice for publication in leading English & i-lindi News paper was published. The public hearing was conducted an dated ZZf tZl?AL4 under the chairmanship of Shri Sujan Singh, Additicnal Deputy Commissioner, Panipat at village Rakshera, Distt. Panipat and was attended by various other officers frorn District Administration & General Fublic. The ,attendance sheets of the cfficers and participants who attended are enclosed as Annexure-A & B. The CDs of videography of the entire public hearing are enclosed as Annexure-e. No representation was submitted by, tl're public at the time of Hearing" The followingrofficers were present in the';public hearing meeting. 1. Sh. Sujan Singh, Additional,Deputy Commissioner, Panipat 2. Sh. Pardeep Kaushik, Sub Divisional Megistrate, Panipat 3. Sh. Bhupinder:'Singh,.Regional Officer, |'{SPCB, Panipat tH.R}, 4. Sh. S.N. Singh, Joint Director, DIC, Panipat. 5. Dr. Madhvi Gupta, A.M.E:, Mining Deptt., Panipat. 6. Ms. Poonam Babbar, Tehsildar, pam.alkha, Panipat. 7. Smt. PoonamrChanda,iglotk,.Delv. & Pancl'layat'Officer, Samalkha.,Panipat. 8. Sh. Nitin Mehtai A.E,E., HSPCB,iPanipat. 9. Sh. Satpal Singh, Assiitant, HSirCB, Panipat, Sh. Bhupender Singh.,' Regional',Offiier,,,.Haryana State pollution Control Board, Panipat :welcomedr'$e Adlltionat De'pUty,.Commissioner, Panipat and all other officers'&:general public and there,,aftei. ought the permission fram the Chairman to start the Public Heaiing. He briefed.about the EIA notification dated 14.09.2006 and process of Public,Hlaring. He also requested the public to speak one by one and put up their question after the presentation and assured the public that their questions;wili.$ti,tanswered'by,th'b:rPrgject Prcponehts, The pr,oceeding, and video recording of this public hearing wil!;[s.5r6mitted to the MoEF, New Delhi. Thereafter lre askEd the iroject Propo-nentl,torgive presentaiion of project .The project is propos.ed,,fof,tligjqxcavation of Sand'f1pm the bed of River. Yarnun?,Brtd: outside river bed; rThe,lease area is 780.80 hai in river bed of Yamuna river & outside riverbed.:M/S:ai.firan'Sio Sh. orn Parkaih, Village ei;itpui Saboli, District Sonepat, Haryana is the applicant of the proposed Project. Area of mining is greater \ than 50 Ha. Thus the environment clearance approvai will have lo be accorded by MoEF, Govt. of India Dr. Vivek Narayan Singh from l*iantec Consultants (!'] Ltd, New Delhi, explained about this mining project, as per the details glven belarr'r: The proposed project is for mining of Sand fr*m the Yar*una river bed & outside the river.bed in a total area of igo.so ha located in Villages Rakshera, along its river The l{aryana. Pgnipat, Karkoli, Mahaoti Tehsil --samalkha, District every'monsoon' during .ourr. brings large quaitity of material consisting of sand This materiit naJto Le re*oued every year in order to channelize the river course [and. and to prevent it from widening & thus'causing cutting of nearby.agriculture bed rnaterial river TpA 70,0s,000 production of The mining is proposed for a t6tal by opencast manual method in the river bed- &.semi-mechanized rnethod fram outside riverbed respectively. Lease area is private land rvhich is allotted thaugh auction to.shri lai Karan S/o Onr Prakash for,the mining of sand forthe period of I years. Letter of intent has been issued for allotment of this lease in favour of MIS ,Sh. lai Karan S/o Sh. Om Praka.f,;-Viffug* Bajipur Saboli, Sub Tehsil Rai- Distrilt Sonepat, Haryana by Director of Mines & Geo]ogy Department, Har-vana Chandigarh vide'le*er *o.ocfri/Hy/panap unit-3120131L27 dared Mining plan along with progrur=io"'mine closure plan for carrylng out nrining in a.scientific & eco-iiiendly minner is approved by Department of lnlines & Gecfogy, Harya*a on AUa!L4. The proponent has initiated the Environment Clearance process as per the EIA notincJiio;- u;J subsequent amendments,. and tut e.ngaged ivlantec Consultants pvt. Ltd. (QCI-NABET Accredited consultancy Organization) for this The details of Environrnental,setting of the proiect in study area {10 Kmi was briefed as follows: EanAxtnorlmineral mines/ quarries of 'Panipat Project name unit-3 Haryana mine Lease areq.78!.Bq:Raksheia, Karkoli, Mahaoti, Tehsil .qiiEgt mine Location of Sama lkha. : Eistrict, - Pan i p at, ft alyarc--.----_-Tt'T 10.97 to 29" 13'B.3BllN Latitude Longitude Topo sheet number Land use Minerals of mine Life of mine Proposed annual production of mine Method of mining No of working days in a Year Water demand: Sources of water Man power \ ETT679=tr'7i" SOI'1:50;00O 53G/4 ffiitureland 8' 16'eCI' E Sand 9 years 7!,00,000 Tonnes 6Ein,Castmanual {in the riverbed} ,Semi, mechanized{ Outside riverbed } 300 15 KLD Tanker supply water 1803 Ganaur Railway stati*n 11.59 Km W NH-1{s.42 km W} Nearest railway station Nearest state hiqhwavlnational hiqhway Nearest air port Seismic zone IGI Airport N" Delhi-58.66 km S Zone-tll (As per IS 1893:2002) Soil is removed by using ICB/Poclain {1.0 m3 capacity} back hoe type excavators, loaded into trucks and stacked nearby for back filling. This leaves a top bench of 2.0 m depth and at least 20 m width. The sand which is occurring belor,v 2m OB is then excavated up to the thickness of 7m by backhoe type excavators directly loading into large trucks for dispatch to cCInsumers situated in and arou*d Delhi/NCR. Water is sprinkled in the area frcm where the sand is to be removed before the operation starts and thereafter at regular intervals to keep the dust allayed at the source itself. Removal of soil (overburden) precedes the winnlng of sand. Total production envisaged is 15,667 TPD. The method of mining will be manual in river bed, a loading gro:up of 6:S persons are deputed to load sand with the help of spade and basket to the waiting tractor trolley. There will be no OB or waste generation as the:sand is,exposed in the river bed. Bench will'advance parallel to the banks of lhe riyer:. Fteight of bench will be 3.0 m intwo sub'benches of 1.5m each. Width of the.benchwill-be.around 20.0 m. Total production envisaged is 6667 TPD from River bed for which about 270 tractor- trolleys will be needed,i Each tractor can make five tripslday. The river along its course brings large quantity of material consisting of sand every monsoon. Removal,of sand h.elps to contain the river within its channel and prevent its flooding thereby destroying adjoining agricultural land. The proposed mining project shall be undertaken in the river bed of the flowing river as well as the dried up,bed Curingthf-.non-flqod seasons.-Sand mining shall be carriedrout up to the depth of 3.0 m in'ttjF'flqy.ving,river bed,area. i j; The overburden 1sh.atl be stacked at designated locations outside the work area but within tfre,,qrlning: lease. Water r"quirem"nt for,human consurnption, planrarion and dust;sbppi6'$iion,ir 1s rln, wrriitr Chail be *et'itli6uii{ianker *itei supply from the,fi€tsrbyitilfage. ifotal employment generation will be of 1803 including skilled and, unskilled persons. There will be no wastewater generation from sand mining activities;,howeVer, marginal quantities of domestic vrastewater will be generatedi$cn_*$f isposeO in ioak nits. The Erlvir.onmfntalptu$y of fhe study area was for thr€errrlonths. Air, water, Soil, Noise, Ecologyl&lBiodiversity,'socio.economic studies were conducted. The values of Air were found weil,,withiri the standards. Waier quality was found suitable for drinking as per-rls:,.f0500. The study l'area harbors mostly tropical deciduous vegetation. Tree, slijeCieq.rvii; Acacia ',;nilotica, putea mono$permat Eucalyptus umbellata, Oroxy{um;,'jiaicg4, Populus" deltaids,,.Melia azadeibch, etc.. are iound planted along the rbbundaiy:of the agriculturit: ianOs and aking the road iiaes. There is neither anyiwlldlife,,sensitiie',arealnoi ahy corridor for the movement of , , : ..,., Regular rnonitoring programme of the environmental parameters is proposed to take into account the changes in the environmental quality. An amount af Rs 15, 00,0001- per annum will be kept for Environmental rnanagement programme. An same amount of Rs 15,00,000/- will be kept for CSR activities. After the presentation RO, HSPCB asked the general public to raise their querieslsuggestions given as below: . Name & Address Issues/ Suggestions Raised Sh. Bhupinder What is the planning of Singh, Regional plantation by Project Officer, HSPCB, Proponent and what will be Panipat total area of plantation? 1 R.eply by Project Proponentl Consultant -very year 1000 plants will be planted in village panchayat areas, scirools and alcng the roads. As per rule 33Yc of total area should be green belt. But this is a river bed project so plantation has been fixed in No. of trees and planatati*n will be done on ihe Panchayat land er any ather vacant Iand in the village. aftelconsultation with Panchavat. Consultants replied, that locat native species tike Shisum, Neem, Mango trees, .Arjun etc will be' planted. PP agreed to plant more plants based on ': Sh. Bhupinder Singh, Regional Officer, HSPCB, Panipat availabilitv of areas of olantation. Sh. Bhupinder Singh, Regional Officer, HSPCB, Panipat Sh. Which species of plant will be planted? And also asked to increase the no. of plants to 5000/- per year? How much amount, will;be Cons$ltant replied that it wilt,be expended. bY : Project total project per year. Proponent under activities? What are thd criteri 7a/* of CSR Projeqt Proponent replied that it is LYo 2o;ru we have taken.2Yo i.e. Rs.l-acs Officer, HSPCB, per year.for. CSR,and Rs.15 Lacs per Panipat year for Environment Manaqement. ahearing'iis fie per Sh. ke;it,,3s Sujan Pro]ect-'', Proponent ,replied that they the directions of MoEF. The ,,have.B their machines in the Villages Singh, proceedings ' : and during sampling of Ambient Air. Additional vidbog6aphy will be sent to ?eputy MoEF: The MoEF has directed LOmmtsstonerr that befor:e commissioning of suqfr;p.1oject:sf: mihing and Bhupinder Singh, 'Regional of CSR? to ': othe,r, llsimilal,:projictsr,the effect, en.,the,..,nearby areas should be observed and a study 'shoufd, b€, carried ,out in this regprd by ;involving local, public . and asked yhelher: they have: involved Sh. Nawab loefiPublic. ' Ali,. Sarpanch, Village ,r,1 !el!!ng,,,'!ha! Regiopal Officer, have, Rakshera never time? ' tomeifor replitid that ' HSPCB, Panipat samples have been collected by the Ccinsultant and they 6uu6;:;'dbne study that what is the quality, of Environment before start of Mining end what will be the effect on nearby envircnrnent after commissioning of mining and its remedies. They have told about remedial measures to he taken and now general public is invited to ask iheir questions which are being recorded. Sh. Jot Singh, Due to the transport of the Regional Officer, HSPCS, Panipat Panch, Village vehicle dust will be replied that fugitive dust emissicn will Raksheran generated and will effect be controlled by sprinkling of water at nearby house holders and least twice of a day and any darnage to the raad will be repaired by the Project Samalkha also on roads. Proponenl. Rs,30 Lacs ro*ill be spent on CSR and Environrnent Manageme*t. Sh. Bhupinder What will be mode of water Water.rarill be sprayed by water tankers Singh, Regional for sprinkling? Record of and water will be out sourced from_ Officer, HSPCB, tractors, trucks is to be private parties. Trucks will be ccvered. Panipat kept? Sh. Tara Chand, Due to the mining,the roads Regional Officer, HSPCB, Panipat Ex. Sarpanch, of villages will be badly replied that any damage to the road Vill. Karkoli affected, Who will ,take care will be repaired by Project Propanent. Sh. Singh, Jageer Village Rakshera, Samalkha, Panipat Sh. lai My :land: is. near , to road. Regional Officer, HSPCBT Panipat There will be dust on my replied that Project Proponent will take agriculture yields? Parkash, Village Rakshera Asked about detail of area of mining due to mining activity the flood of Yamuna river comes to our villages and causing loss of a-griculture and village all the, Villagers are asking not :to grant permission for mining. Sh. Bhim Singh, Village Mahoati, Samalkha, Panipat Sh. Suresh, Samalkha, Panipat care of sprinkling of water on roads, Cansultants replied,that mining wili Ue done. in Yamuna river bed to maintain lhe rfver channel. It will help control of flsod,:of Yamuna river and prevent us frgm danger of any loss from flood. 'Regienel Officer, i HSPCB,I Panipat ,ieplied,lhat the miirig will ',be rdone,as -,fer ,tfre area given by rnining Department and as per the approved mining, plan and proper procedure of mininq. The' Additional Deputy Comrnissioner, Panipat replied that this suggestion has been noted and will be submitted to iitoEF. Vilt., He..ii:','AltOl.,,:.'. ggke6,' ,'t6at rProjegt'',Proponent lreplied. that they hale:noted the same and opportunities will be given to local Villageis. employrnent such as tractors etc. :5hsti16 be given toithe local public? .1 Regional Officer, HSPCB, Panipat again urged the general public to raise queries und sugg"stions. He also asked that in case of anY complaint they can come. Sh. Surender Panchal, Ex. Chairman, Block Sarnalkha, Pa*ipat on the behalf of Project Proponent assured that they will provide facilities to children like schoal dress, scholarship and any other help free of cost. The Additional Deputy Cornmissioner, Fanipat requested that the general public to give their suggestion in the upcoming project. He then asked that permission will be given by MoEF after considering the suggestions of pu.blic. Mining will be done as per the project procedure. He thanked the public for taking part in the Public Hearing. Project Proponent informed that they have noted all the suggestions and the same will be complied. In the end, Sh. Bhupender Singh, ReEional Officer, Haryana State pollution Control Board, Panipat thanked all the officers of various Departments, .general public for attending public,hearing andconcluded,the Public hearing with permission of the Chair and declared the hearing as closed. /'] . t'. 'lL{\J1 YV/ Regional OffiCer, HSPCB, Panipat. Shri SulpdSingh, Additiohal Deputy Commissioner, { Panipat. : ri \ i- clt - t t_lt_ .S ,-Qqr-rr,l,'r.l (-)r..-rlL*,r-'Ile-.f, |4A34-s14.6^* * (c-,'r-.-c*L-i.,r.*) O --3CI-E93r-fl.J"k".-.. iq.-r-),"-'r. .
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