#2015151405 (AM) #2015151406 (PM) ENTRIES CLOSE : 12:00 NOON , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 AT SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted EXCEPT as Provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. ENTRIES ARE LIMITED TO 75 EACH SESSION SPECIALTY SHOW and SWEEPSTAKES BACK-TO-BACK SPECIALTY SHOWS For German Shorthaired Pointers Only - Unbenched - Indoors LONG ISLAND GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB, INC. (Licensed by the American Kennel Club) SHOW HOURS: 7:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. DOG WORKS 780-2 Broadway Avenue Holbrook, NY 11741 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 LlGSPC reserves the right to ask any exhibitor to remove a dog exhibiting symptons of a communicable disease from the premises Oogs in Cars - Please do not leave your dogs in the car unless you are SURE they will be comfortable and warm. Show Secretary Bonnie Lane clo Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. P. O. Box 6898 Reading, PA 19610 (610) 376-1880 American Kennel Club Certification Permission is granted by the Amencan kennel club for the holding 01 Ihis event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Cro'Nley, Secretary ROUTES TO THE SHOW Dog Warns, 780-2 Broadway Avenue, Holbrook, NY 11741 From the West via the Long Island Expressway: LIE East to Exit 61 for Patchogue-Halbrook Road toward PatchoguelHolbrookiCounty Road 19. Merge onto Expressway D rive SA..ong Island Expressway South SelVice Road. Tum right onlo County Road 191PatChogue Road/Patchogue-Holbrok Road. Tum right onto Main Street. Slight right onto Broadway Avenue. Dog Warns will be on the right. From the West via the Southern State Parkway: Southern State Parnway west to Exit 44E toward MontaukINY-27 E. Merge onto Sunrise Hwy South Service Road. Take the ramp onto NY-27E. Take exit 50 for Lincoln Avenue toward Ronkonkoma/Sayville. Merge onto Sunrise Hwy South Service Road. Tum left onto Broadway Avenue. Dog Works will be on the left. From the East via the Long Island Expressway: Take LIE exit 62 toward County 97INicolis Rd/Stony BrookIBlur Point. Merge onto Expressway Dr N. Take the County Rd 97INicholis Road S ramp to Blue PoinVlnterstate 495. Merge onlo County Rd 97 S/Nicholls Rd. Take the New Yom 27 W Exit. Take the lsi right onlo B roadway Ave. Dog Works will be on the left. From the East via the Southern State Parkway: Take Exit 51 for NY-454 toward County 97/Nicolls Rd/Stony BrookIBlue Point. Conlinue straight. Make slight right onto NY-454W. Take the 1s1right onto Broadway Ave. Dog Worns will be on the left. ACCOMMODATIONS Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 3845 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma, N'(Ell177~1-0426 Call Kelsey Gordon for the lIGSPC rate at 631-471-0426 See their website at http://wwN.clarionholel.com/hotel-ronkonkoma -new yorn-NY578?source-99Iocalin 1 for amenities and directions Room rate: $85.OOInight plus applicable taxes. Rate available until January 8, 2014 then later if room availability allows. There is a $50.00 pet deposit on your credit card at checkin which is refunded when room is checked before leaving. II is the guest's responsibility to make sure this is done before them leave to get the refund. Holiday Inn, 3845 Veterans Memorial Hwy (Rt 454) Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 .... (631) 585-9500 Dogs welcome in crates. $50.00 Refundable cleaning deposit · Rate $85.00 with code XD6 before 1/25/ 13 Sheraton Long Island Hotel, 110 Vanderbilt Motor Pa rkway, Smithtown, NY 11 787 Dogs welcome in crates. (631) 231-1100 Entry Fees (including $.50 AKC Recording Fee and $3.00 AKC Event Fee Rrst Entry of Each Dog (each Day) .......... _................... . Puppy Classes (6-9 & 9-1 2 mos) ..... .. ............................ . Bred-by-Exhib~or Class . . . . . . . . . . . .... . _• •••.• . •... Each Additional entry of same dog ................................. . Sweepstakes (Puppy must be entered in another class) ............... . Veteran Sweepstakes .......................... . ........ . $30.00 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $15.00 $15.00 THIS CLUB DOES NOT AGREE TO ARBITRATE CLAIMS AS SET FORTH ON THE OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS FOR THIS EVENT. 2 OFFICERS OF THE LONG ISLAND GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB President . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ............. Cathy lacopelli Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. Steve Anker Treasurer. . ................................................ Joel Budnick Secretary. . . . . . . . . ................... ......... Jan Budnick 28 Tacoma Lane, Syosset, NY 11791 E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: (516) 496-4855 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Craig Lynch Christine Kleeman SHOW COMMITTEE Bonnie Lane .. SHOW CHAIRMAN .......... 19 Pimlico Drive, Commack, NY 11725 (631) 864-2776 E-Mail: HiBoume @aol.com and all Board Members of the Club Show Secretary Bonnie Lane c/o Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. P. O. Box 6898 Reading, PA 19610 (610) 376-1880 Trophies .... Cathy lacopelii, Jan Budnick, Chris Kleeman VETERINARIAN (ON CALL) PHOTOGRAPHER Faryl Loew Photography Veterinary Medical Center 75 Sunrise Highway 808 Van Buren Avenue West Islip, NY 11795 (631) 587-0800 East Meadow, NY 11554 516-204-3108 JUDGING PANEL - AM Guy Jeavons 4194 Darkwood Road, Moffat. Ontario, Canada LOP 1JO CONFORMATION CLASSES Mr. Kristofer A. Kelso ............ .. .. . ... 52 Barnum Road, Danbury, CT 06811·2937 PUPPY & VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Mr. Mark Houston-McMillan Mr. Dominic DiBalsi JUDGING PANEL - PM .. ... 4194 Darkwood Road, Moffat, Ontario, Canada LOP 1JO CONFORMATION CLASSES ..................... 141 Andover Place, Robbinsville, NJ 08619 PUPPY & VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES RIBBON PRIZES NON-REGULAR and SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES First Prize Blue Ribbon First Prize ... . ....... Rose Ribbon Second Prize . . . . . . . . . .. Red Ribbon Second Prize . . ... .... Brown Ribbon Third Prize ....... ..... ... . ... Yellow Ribbon Third Prize .............. . Light Green Ribbon Fourth Prize. White Ribbon . .. ... . Grey Ribbon Fourth Prize. . .. Reserve Winners .. Purple & White Rosette Best in Sweepstakes . ... Lt. Green/Pink Rosette Winners .... Purple Rosette Best of OppOSite Sex to Best of Select .... Light Blue & White Rosette in Sweepstakes . . . . . . . .. Lavender Rosette Best of Winners . . Blue & White Rosette Best in Vetem Sweepstakes ..... Purple & Gold Rosette Best of Breed ........ Lt. Green/Pink Rosette Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed or Variety. . . Red & While Rosette in Veteran Sweepstakes .. Lavender Rosette Judge's Awards of Merit ..... . Rosette REGULAR CLASSES 3 CLASSES FOR GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTERS REGULAR CLASSES PUppy Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months Dogs, 12 months and under 18 months Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs American-Bred Dogs Open Dogs Winners Dog Veteran Dogs (Eligible for Best of Breed) (Same Classes for Bitches) Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Oog Entries Spayed or neutered German Shorthaired Pointers may be entered in non-regular classes. Veteran Classes, For any dog or bitch which is 7 years old & under 9, and 9 years & over. Sexes divided. Veteran Class Winners may compete lor Best of Breed il othef"Nise undefeated at this event. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION Awards of Merit. The Judge may select one for every 10 entered in Best of Breed of the superior quality specimen in additon to the Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed from the Intersex Competition. Bred-by-Exhibitor Class eligibility: All dogs entered in the Bred·by-Exhibitor Class must be individually registered with the AKC. The Person handling the dog must be a breeder of record of the dog and an owner of re<Xlrd of the dog . To exhibit in this class, family members must be a breeder and owner of record. SWEEPSTAKES AM Judge : Mr. Kristofer A. Kelso PM Judge: Mr. Dominic DiBalsi Eligi bility: Any purebre d German Shorthai red Pointer 6 months and up to 18 months of age entered in any of the regular classes at the speciality show in which these Sweepstakes are held. Winners will compete for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Must be entered in a regular class. Classes (Divided by sex) 6 months and under 9 months 12 months and under 15 months 9 months and under 12 months 15 months and under 18 months Best in Sweepstakes DIVISION OF PRIZE MONEY FOR SWEEPSTAKES The Club 'Nill retain 35% to cover expenses. The remainder 01 entry fees will be divided as follows: In each 01 the Classes, the remaining 65% will be divided as follows: First in each class .. . ........... . 40% of entry fees of that class Second in each class. 30% of entry fees of that class Third in each class .. 20% of entry fees of that class Fourth in each class 10% of entry fees of that class AM Session Prizes The Long tsland Gennan Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Best in Sweepstakes, 6' Mendota Lead. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, 6' Mendota Lead. PM Session Prizes The Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of OpPOsite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Best in Sweepstakes, Bed in a Bag. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Bed in a Bag. 4 Veteran Sweepstakes AM Judge: Mr. Kristofer A. Kelso PM Judge: Mr. Dominic OiBalsi Veteran Sweepstakes Elig ibility .... Any purebred German Shorthaired Pointer7 years and over registered with AKC. Dogs need not have any titles. Spayed or neutered dogs may be entered. Winners will compete for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Need not be entered in a regular class. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES CLASS DIVISION Dogs, 7 years and under 9 years old Dogs, 9 years and over (Same classes for bitches) Best in Veteran Sweepstakes DIVISION OF PRIZE MONEY FOR SWEEPSTAKES The Club will retain 35% to cover expenses. The remainder of entry fees will be divided as follom: In each at the Classes, the remaining 65% will be divided as follows: First in each class .......... . 40% of entry tees of that Second in each class . ... . . . ..... .......... ... . 30% at entry tees of that Third in each class 20% at entry tees of that Fourth in each class 10% at entry tees of that class class class class AM Session Prizes The l ong Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best in Veteran Sweepstakes and Best of OppoSite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, 6' Mendota l ead. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, 6' Mendota l ead. PM Session Prizes The l ong Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best in SWeepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Bed In a Bag. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Bed in a 8ag. AM Session Conformation Prizes All trophies offered through the generosity of friends of the UGSPC. Best of Breed. Sara England Print "Good Dog". Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Sara England Print "Sunset". Select Dog, 6' Mendota l ead. Select Bitch, 6' Mendola lead. Best of Winners, Sara England Print 'Starry Night". Winners Dog, Sara England Suncatcher. Winners Bitch, Sara England Suncatcher. Reserve Winners Oog, Sara England Coaster. Reserve Winners Bitch, Sa ra England Coaster. Awards of Merit, - 1 Award of Merit tor every 10 BOB - Quilted Crate Pad. Arst in Puppy Classes, Plush Toy. Arst in American-Bred, Bred by Exhlbrtor, Open and Veterans Classes, 6' Mendota l ead. Second through Fourth In Classes (Regular and Non-Regular), Plush Toy. Rosettes offered for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog , Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch and Award of Merits, Best in Puppy Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes, Best in Veteran Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in SWeepstakes. Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club reserves the right to substitute advertised trophies for one of equal value should there be an unforeseen circumstance which prevents us from awarding the advertised trophy. 5 PM Session Conformation Prizes All trophies offered through the generosity of fn'ends of the LlGSPC. Best of Breed, Sara England Print ' Sunset". The Long island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, offers at its Winter Specialty Show, THE ROBERT MORRISEAU CHALLENGE TROPHY for Best of Breed. This lrophy is a beautiful Dannyquest Statue mounted on a wooden base and is donated by the friends of Robert Morisseau. Forpermanent possession of this trophy, it must be won three times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog or at consecutive shows. Until retired, this trophy will remain in the possession of the LlGSPC Secretary. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Sara England Print ' Good Dog". Select Dog, Bed in a Bag. Select Bitch, Bed in a Bag . Best of Winners, Sara England Print "Best Friend' . Winners Dog, Sara England Star Ornament. Winners Bitch, Sara England Star Ornament. Reserve Winners Dog, Sara England Coaster. Reserve Winners Bitch, Sara England Coaster. Awards of Merit, • 1 Award of Merit for every 10 BOB - Crate Pad. First in Puppy Classes, Plush Toy. First In American-Bred, Bred by Exhibitor, Open and Veterans Classes, 6' Mendota Lead. Second through Fourth in Classes (Regular and Non-Regular), Plush Toy. Rosettes offered for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog , Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch and Award of Merits, Best in Puppy Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes, Best in Veteran Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes. Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club reserves the right to SUbstitute advertised trophies for one of equal value should there be an unforeseen circumstance which prevents us from awarding the advertised trophy. We look fOlWard to a wonderful show for all exhibitors and spectators and appreciate your support! Here is some important information. Please feel free to cross post this information on any list or fOlWard it to any interested party. 1. Entry to the facility We will not be collecting admission fees. 2. Building information Dogs MAY NOT be left in the building overnight. All dogs must be removed from the building on Saturday night within 2 hours after the close of the show. NO Foley Boys will be on hand to assist with unloading; please be prepared to handle your own equipment. Access to the building begins on Friday evening for 3 hours only. Friday 7PM to 9PM - No dogs will be allowed in the building. Saturday - 7 AM to aPM 3. Crating area Please cooperate and help to conserve space. Every exhibitor must follow the directions of the show committee regarding crating. Anyone refusing to follow directions will be subject to a bench show hearing. There will be NO GROOMiNG TABLES or chairs in the main building NO soft-sIded crates allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS! Anyone WIth soft SIded crates will be told to remove them by the show committee so please don't bring them. Chairs, Mats or rugs are not allowed in the crating area. CRATES MUST BE STACKED within a reasonable amount of time after arrival and unloading. Those who do not stack will have crates stacked and consolidated by the show committee. No saving of spaces by ANY means including tape/electric cords/rope/signs on floor or CONES, either in the building or in the parking lot. If you want to crate together, or park together, please arrive together! 4. Unentered Dogs There is no space available for dogs that are not entered at one of the speciaNies. Anyone bringing an unentered dog will be fined $100 per unentered dog. Refusal to pay the fine will result in a bench show hearing. 5. Dogs in Cars Please do not leave your dogs in the car unless you are SURE they will be comfortable and warm. 6. Grounds Please help us to retain this site by picking up after yourselves and your dogs. 6 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENmY FORM 112015151405 (AM Session) 12015151406 (PM Session) Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. DOG WORKS, 780-2 Broadway Avenue, Holbrook, NY 1174 1 PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR SESSION! o 0 AM SESSION-FEB 14, 2015 PM SESSION· FEB 14, 2015 ENTRY FEE: $30.00 for first entry of each dog in each show (including $.50 A.K.C. recording fee & $3. A.K.C. Event Service Fee). $30.00 each additional entry of same dog. Puppy Classes. $25.00. Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes, $15.00. See Page 2 for additional fees and information. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 NOOfl, Wednesday, JANUARY 28, 2015 (at Show Secretary's Office) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of Dog Show Rules. MAIL ALL ENTRIES with fees to: Bonnie lane, Show Secretary, 'YoAau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to: Long Island German Shorthaired POinter Club, Inc. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. for entry fees. I Enclose S IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instruction s relevant to the information needed in that box . (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). BREED VARIETY [!J I GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER DOG SHOW CLASS I~Hei9ht ADDIT10NAL I CLASS DMSION (Color, Weight, etc.) I~HeI~1 OBEDIENCE CLASS RAlLY NAME Of' JUNIOR HANDlER (If any) I"""w. Junior I Clan JR. HANDLER NUMBER (_back) RJlJ. NAME O'DOG Enter number here. DATE OF BIRTH o AKC REG. NO. o o PAl. NO. FOREIGN REG . NO. & COUNTRY PLACE OF (liS1 COU'Itry) BIRTH Do not print abol>e In Catalog BREEDER SIRE DAM AClUAl. OWNB>~ ________________________ ~~~~ _____________________ (PleaN PrInt) OWNER 'S ~'-------------------------------------------------STATE CITY 2IP NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANY) AT THE SHOW'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ I CERTlFY IRaI I am hi act\AIIl 0>IIMr 0/ Ihe dog. or IRaI I am hi duti iMhorized aoenI 0/ hi actual owner whose name I have enlefed above. In consid&ralO1 0/ !he accepcance 0I1hi$ M*y. I (We) agree b abide tJt !he rules ald ~tions 01 The American KemeI CIttl in eIIecl at !he lime 01 Ihi$ evenI. ar.:I tJt a~ ac:kf1iOnall\lles and fegulallons ~ In !he preri.Jm list lor . . even~ and tuRhef agree 10 be bou'lcI by !he 'Ageernenr' preinlad on Ihe f61JeNe side o/!his entry Iorm. I (we) certify and represent lhal!he 00g enIefed Is not a tw:ard b persons or 0Iher dogs. ll*I entry is stbnitted br accepunce on Ihe foregoIno representation and Agreement. I (we) ~ee b eono:lJcI: mvseH (~) In accordance "";111 aI such Rules 00 Aegdalions (1ncWIng 8lI pIOI>bions 8PPt1ing 10 disdplioo) and 10 abide by any cIec::IsioI\s made in accord wi1l11hem . SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE ' ______________ E-Mail Address· (Must be signed here) Are you 8 new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AEN999 (1 /10) 7 AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are available on the American Kennel Club Website, www,akc.org AGREEMENT t (we) agree lhat lheclub holding this event has the rigllt to refuselhis entlY for cause which thectub siIaI deem sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and 01 ttle holding 01 this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies. I (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members, directors, govemors, officers agents, superintendents or event secretary and the owner andlor lessor of the premiSes and any provider 01 5eMces lhat are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforemenlioned parties, and any AKC approved judge. Judging at this event, harmless from any claim lor loss or injury which may be aIeged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog wh~e in or about the event premises or grwnds or near any entrance thereto, and I( (we) personalty assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we)fllrther agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim lor loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionally, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibiity lor and agree to indemnify, defend and save the alorementioned parties harmless from any and aU loss and el(pense (including leoal fees) by reason of the Iiabi~ty imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties tor dama~ because 01 bodily lnjunes, including death at any time resulting there from, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), oron account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence ormy (our) participation in this event, however such. Injuries. death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not th e same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE THAT AN Y CAUSE OF ACTION, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARIStNG OUT OF OR RELATED TOTHE ENTRY, EXHIBmON OR ATTENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC AN10R THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABl£ RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPUCABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST ARST BE FOLLOEO AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBUSHED POUCIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) 1\ you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please deslgrl8te the parficular variety you are entering, I.e.. Cocker Spaniels (Black. ASCOB, Parti-color), Beagles (not eltCeeding 13 In.; over 13 in. but not el(Ceeding 15 In ,), Dachshunds (Longhaired, Smooth, Wirehaired), Bul( Terriers (Colored, 'Nhlte), Manchester Terriers (Standard, Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coa t, Long Coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth). 2. The following categories of dogs may be ef1tered and shown in Best of Breed Compe~tlon: Dogs thaI are Champions of Record and dogs which, ilICCOfding to their owner's records. have completed the requirements for a championship, but....nose championships are unconflrmed. The shoWIng of unconlirmed Champion s in Best of Breed «mpetilion Is Umlled to a period 0190 days from the date of the show where the <fog completed the requirements for a championship. 3. (Dog Snow Class) Consult the classifiCation in this premium ~sl, if the dog show class in whiCh YOIJ are entering your dog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of !he class In which YOIJ are entering your dog, i,e., age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the lime entries lor a soowclosed. II a registered dog has been acquired by a new QVmer it must be entered in the name of (Is new owner In any show lor which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless 01 whether the new owner has received the registration certilicate indicating lhat the dog Is recorded in his name. State on the entry lorm whether transfer application has been mailed to A.K.C. (For complete rule reler to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mil(ed Breed dogs entering classes lor Agmly, Obedience and Rally trials should marl( Breed as AKC canine Partners Usted Dog "All-American ~il(ed Breed." Variety. Breeder, Sire, Dam information shall remain blank lor milled breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939· $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL credit card entries regardless of method submitted. A $10.00 ServJce Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. _____________________________ VisalMastercard #, ~ . Expiration _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dal a ~ ' Cardholde rs Nam e' ~ · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature ' If this antI)' is for Jr. Showmanship please give the follov...ing information: Jr. Handler ID#·_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ JR'S. DATE OF BJRTH, _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ADDAESS________________________________________________ CITY______________________________~STATE_ _ _ __'ZIP·_ _ _ ___ " Jr. Handler Is nee the owner dlhe dog identified on the face 0( this form, what is the relationship 0( the Jr. Handler to the owner? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "By signing the entry form , we certify that the Junior Showman does nee now, and wiN not at any time, act as an agent I handler for pay while continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 8 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENmy FORM t2015151406 (PM Session) Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. DOG WORK S, 78()..2 Broadway Avenue, Holbrook, NY 11741 PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR SESSIONI /;2015151405 (AM Session) o 0 AM SESSION-FEB 14, 2015 PM SESSION - FEB 14, 2015 ENTRY FEE: $30.00 lor first entry of each dog in each show (includ ing $ .50 A.K.C. recording fee & $3. AK.C. Event Service Fee). $30.00 each additional entry of same dog. Puppy Classes, $25.00. Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes, $15.00. See Page 2 for additional fees and infonnation. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wednesd ay, JANUARY 28, 2015 (at Show Secretary's Oflice) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 01 Dog Show Rules. MAIL ALL ENTRIES with l ees to: Bonnie Lane, Show Secretary, "IoRau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to: Long [sland German Shorthaired Pointer C lub, Inc. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS, I Enclose $ for entry fees. IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the information needed in that box. (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER COG SHOW I CLASS ClASS AIlO!11OMA1. VARIETY IClASS~ (Color, W-.;tt, etc.) I OBEDIENCE RAlLY CLASS CLASS Jump HeIght Jump Height NAME OF JUNIOR HANDLER (if any) I [!] I J unlO( Show. Cia .. JR. HANDLER NUMBER (_back, FULL NAME O'COG Enter IlUmber here. o DATE OF mOTH a AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. FOREIGN REG. NO. & COUNTRY PLACE OF ~isl lXllX1try) BIRTH Do IDI prill! aoo-e in Catalog BREEDER SIRE DAM ACTUAL OWN~~ __________________________ ~~~~ _______________________ (Please Print) OWNER'S ~'--------------------------------------------STATE CITY ZIP NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANV, AT THE SHOWI_______________________________________________________ _ I CERTIFY thatlsm the IICIuaII owner oIlhe dog. c.- thai I am the duly" autho!ized agerll 01 f'8;,ctua1 owner whose name I nave efllered above. In IXlOSideration of the accepIanoe of INs enIry, I ('Ne) agree tl abide by the Mas and f8QtUb"Is of lhe Arnerbn Kennel Cittl in ellect al the time 01 fois 1Went. and by fIl'1 aodi\iOnaI rUes al'd regWlions appearing in Ihe premium list lor Ihis event and fIII"Ihef 1IQIe8 tl be botftj by the 'Pqeemenl" preinted on It1e --.e $ide oIltIls entry bm. I (we) certify and represent !hath dog M1I8nId is not II hazard tl peI"SIOIlS c.- oIhefdogs.. TNs 8l'Ity is SIJ:lmitted lor ac:ceptaoCe on the Iofegoirlg representation and Agreemenll (we) agree 10 conduct myself (cuselves) In aooordanoII with ill such Rules I'd Aegl.jations [1IlCIuc!ing al provisions ~ tl discipine) and tl abide by any decSsions rn!I(Ie in socon:I wi'tlttw.n. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized 10 make this entry TELEPHONE t ______________ E-Mail Address - (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AEN999 (1 / 10) 9 AKC Rules, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines are availabte on the American Kennel Club Website. WVYW.akc .org AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause which the club shall deem sufficient. In considemtion of the acx:eptance 01 this entry and of the holding of this event and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prizes, ribbons, or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the AKC, the event-giving club, their members. dire<:tors, govemors, offiCers agents, supenntendents or eVe!1\ secretary and the owner and/or lessor Of the premises and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this event and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned parties. and any AKC approved judge, judging at this event, harmless from any claim for loss or Injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectiy to any person or thing by the acl of this dog whi le in or about the eVe!1t premises orgrounds or near any entrance thereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless lrom any claim lor toss, injury or damage to this dog. Add itionally, I {we} hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all 1055 and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, Including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, Including myself {ourselves}, oron account of damage to property, arising out of orin consequence or my (our) participation in this event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may have been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence of the aforementiooed parties or any of their employees, agents. or any other persons. I {WE} AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACll0N, CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUTOFOR RELATEOTOTHE ENTRY, EXHIBmON OR ATTENOANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE AKC ANIOR THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRAll0N PURSUANT TO THEAPPUCABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBfTRAll0N ALL APPUCABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULAll0NS AND PROCEDURES MUST FIRST BE FOLLOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBUSHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varieties for show purposes, please designate Ihe particular variety you are entering. i.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCOB. Parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding 13 in.; over 13 in. but not exceeding 15 in.), Dachshunds (Longhaired, Smooth, Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (Colored, White), Manchester Terriers (Standard, Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat, Long Coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth). 2. The following categories 01 dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which, according IOtheir O'Mler's records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but whose championships are uncon!!rmed. The showing 01 unconfirmed Champions in Best of Breed competition is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of the ShOw where the dog completed the reqlliremenls for a championship. 3. (Dog Show Class) Consult the classifica~on in this premium list, if the dog show class in which you are entering yourdog is divided, then, in addition to designating the class, specify the particular division of the class In which you are entering your dog, i.e., age division, color division, weight division. 4. A dog must be entered In the name 01 the person who actually owned it at the ti me entries for a show closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of Its new owner in any show for which entries closed after the date of acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certificate indicating that Ihe dog is recorded In his name. State on the entry form whether transler application has been mailed to A.K .C. (For complete rule refer to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility, Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine Partners listed Dog 'AIl·American DoglMixed Breed.' Variety, Breeder. Sire, Dam information shal l remain blank lor mixed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939· $4,00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL credit card entries regardless of method submitted, A $10,00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card, Visa/Mastercard #0-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration DateO-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Name'"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature' If this ently is for Jr. Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. HandlerlD #,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JR'S. DATE OF BIRTHI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________ STATE_______.ZIP,_ _ _ ___ If Jr. Handler is not the owner of the dOg identified on the face of this form, what is the relationship of the Jr. Handler to the o wner ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 'By signing the entry f orm, we certify that the Junior Showman does not now, and will not agent I handler for pay whlle continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 10 at any time, act as an OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM 12015151406 (PM Session) 112015151405 (AM Session) Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. DOG WORKS, 780-2 Broadway Avenue, Holbrook, NY 11741 PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR SESSION! o 0 AM SESSION·FEB 14, 2015 PM SESSION· FEB 14, 2015 ENTRY FEE: $30.00 tor first entry o f each dog in each show (induding $.50 AX.C. recording fee & $3. A.K.C. Event SelVice Fee). $30.00 each additional entry of same dog. Puppy Classes, $25.00. Sweepstakes & Veteran Sweepstakes, $ 15.00. See Page 2 for additional lees and information. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 Noon, Wednesday. JANUARY 26, 2015 (at Show Secretary's Office) After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted. Cancelled or SubstiMed except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of Dog Show Rules. MAIL ALL ENTRIES with fees to: Bonnie Lane . Show Secretary, % Rau Dog Shows, Ltd .. P. O. Box 6898. Reading. PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to: Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS must make tees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enclose S for entry fees. IMPORTANT- Read Carefully instructioos on Reverse Side Before F illing Oul. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the Information needed in that box. (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER COG SHOW CLASS VARIETY I CLASS wejght, DMSION (Co6or, etc.) I ADDmONAl. ClASS I~Y OBEDIENCE CLASS Jump Height ~Helght NAME OF JUNIOR HANDLER (if sny) (see back) I [!] I Jool~ Show. Clas. JR. HANDLER NUMBER FULL NAME OFCOG Ent8f m..mber heftl. DATE OF BIRTH o MC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o PLACE OF FOREJGN REG. NO. & COUNTRY BlRTlt (li:SI 00U1"y) 00 not print above In CatalOg BREEDER SIRE CAM --;;;===___________ AClUAL OWNER(S)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Please Print) OWNER 'S ~.----------------------------------~---------STATE ZIP NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT (IF ANY) AT TltE SHOW'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I CERTIFY ihall am the actu!Il owner of tha dog, 01 !hat I am lie dot{ allhoriZsd agent 01 !he actual owner wl'iOM name J have enl6recl abcIve. In of !he ar::Q!Iltance 01 hs et*y. I (We) agree 10 abide by the ndes and regoAllions 01 The AmericCIn Kennel CIttIIn ellect at the tme 04 'flis eY8nl and by aIPI additiOI'IaI ndes ancI regulaions appearing in !he pren-Oum list b' 1his went. ancI f\.R1her agree I:) bebotnl by Ihe "Agreement" preinted on the resecvs slcle041t11s enly form. I (we) cefIify ancI represent IIlat the dog entefed is rot a hazard I:) persons or oIhef dogs. This enIry is SIJ:mitI8d lor acceptance on !he b'egoIng tepfeserU.1ion and Agreement I (we) agree I:) oondud myseIt (0U'SeIvesI1n IOCOI'dance with alsl.Ch Rules ncI ReQIAatiOnS rord.lding at! ~ ~ tl d~) and t:l abide by any dE!c:isions made In accord wittl ~. ~Iion SIGNATURE of owner or his agenl duty authorized to make this entry TELEPHONE ' ______________ E-Mail Address - (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 AEN999 (1 /10) 11 AKC Rules, Regula~ons , Policies and Guidelines are available on the Americat1 Kennel Club Website, www_akc.org AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to refuse this entry for cause whiCh the club shall deem suffiCient In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of Ihe holding of this event and of the opportunity 10 have Ihe dog jud ged and 10 win prizes, ribbons , or trophies, I (we) agree 10 hold the AKC, the evenl-glviflg club, Iheir members, directors, governors, officers agents, supenntendents or event secretary and the owner and/or lessor of the premises and any provider of services that are necessary to hold this evenl and any employees or volunteers of the aforementioned parties. and any AKC approved Judge, iudging alltlis eVEffiI, harmless from any claim for loss or iniury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirecUy to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or about the event premises or grounds or near any Effitrance Ihereto, and I( (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim; and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additionalty.1 (we) hereby assume th e sole responsibility for and agree to indemnity, defend and save the aforementiooed parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of Ihe aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injllri es, Including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, inclu ding myself (ou rselves), oron account 01 damage to property, arising out of or in consequence or my (our) partiCipation in this event, however such, injUries, death or property damage may be caused, and whether or not the same may nave been caused or may be alleged 10 have been caused by the negligence of the aforementioned parties Of any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AGREE "THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUTOF OR RELATED TOTHE ENTRY, EXHIBmON OR AITENDANCE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN "THE AKC ANK>R THE EVENT-GJVING CL.UB AND MYSEL.F (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRUCTION, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPUCABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLICABLE AKC BYLAWS, RUL.ES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST ARST BE FOL.LOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBUSHED POUCIES AND GUIDEUNES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in whiCh there are va rieties for show purposes. please designate the particular variety you are entering, i.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black. ASCOB, Parti-color), Beagles (not exceeding 13 in.; over 13 in. bul not exceedillg 15 in.), Oachshunds (Lollghai red, Smooth, Wirehaired), Bull Terriers (Colored, 'WhIte), Manchester Terriers (Standard. Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat, Long Coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Charles and Ruby, Blenheim and Prince Charles), Poodles (Toy, Miniature, Standard), Collies (Rough, Smooth). 2. The following categories of dogs may be entered and shown in Best of Breed Competition: Dogs that are Champions of Record and dogs which, according totheirowner's records, have completed the requirements for a championship, but Whose championships are unconfirmed. The showing of unconfirmed Champions in Best 01 Breed competition is Umited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requiremellts for a champIonship. (Dog Show Oass) Consult the classification in this premium list, if the dog show class ill which you are entering yourdog is divided, then, in additioo to designating the class, specify the particular division ollhe class in which you are entering your dog. i. e" age division, color dwlsion, weight division. 3, 4. A dog mllst be entered in the name of the person who actually owned it at the lime entries for a show closed. If a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner It must be entered In the name of its new O'M1er in any show lor which entries closed after the date of acqllirement, regardless of whethe r the new owner has received the registration certilicate indicating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on the entry form whether transfer application has been mailed 10 A.K.C. (For complele rule refer to Chapter 14, Section 3.). 5. Mixed Breed dogs entering classes for Agility. Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine PaMers USled Dog ' AlI-Americat1 DogfMixed Breed.' Variety, Breeder, Sire. Dam information shall remain blank lor mixed breed elfants, FAX NUMBER - (610) 3764939 - $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL credit card entries regardless of method sllbmitled. A $10.00 SelVice Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card. Visa/Mastercard #'C"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Date'c"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CardhoJders Namec " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Sig nature ' )f this entry is for Jr. Showmanship please give the follo'Ning information: Jr. HandlerlD # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JR'S. DATE OF BIRTH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ STATE _ _ _ZIP_ _ __ If Jr. Handler is not the owner of tile dog identified on the face of this form, what is the relationship 01 the Jr. Handler to the owner? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 'By signing the entlY fonn, we certify tIlat the Junior Showman does not now, and will not agent I handler for pay while continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship.' Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 12 at any time, ad as an PARKING RESERVATION FORM FOR MOTOR HOMES I TRAILERS Make Check payable to Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club Make your reservations early Mail payment and reservation fonn to: Cathy lacopelli 2424 7th Street East Meadow, NY 11554 (516) 414-2306 Name: ..... . . ............. ....... .. .... Phone: ( ) . . .. .. . . .. ..... . Address: .. ....... .. .... . .• •.......... City: .. . No. of Dogs .. . Siale: ....... . Zip: .. Type of Vehicle (circle one) Make: . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. Slale: . . .. Motor Home or Trailer Plale No ............ .. . Tolal Length .... . .... . Please indicale which nighl(s) you will be parking: (circle) Friday. February 131h Saturday, February 14th Fee Enclosed: ($25.00 per nighl) ..... • •.. ... NO hookups are available. Signature . .. ..... .... ............. .... . . Date: . . . Payment must accompany reservation form. Both are due by January 28, 2015 (no refunds after this dale). Signature on this form signifies agreement and affirmation by the applicant(s} to the terms and conditions stated in this premium list. 13 * * NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS ENTRY FEE: $30.oofOrthe first entry of eactl dog in eadl show induding $.50 A.K.C. recording fee & $3.00 A.K.C. Event Service Fee. Puppy Classes (6-9 & 9- 12 moo) $25.00. Each additional entry 01 the same dog, $30.00. Puppy Sweepstakes is $15.00 and must be entered in a regular dass. Veteran Sweepstakes is $15.00. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 NOON, WeOOesday, JANUARY 28, 2015 (al Show Secretary's Office) after whidl entries cannoI be accep!ed, cancelled or subStituted except as provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 OIlhe Dog Show Rules. THE SHOW will be open Irom 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. A RECORDING FEE OF $.50 & $3.00 A.K.C. Event Service Fee witl be required for each dog entered al any Ucensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Tesl If a dog is entered in more than one dass in one 01 these evenlS. the AKC Recording Fee and Service Fee is to be collected on the first entry only. (AKC Rules Applying 10 Dog Shows. Chapter 11 . Section 2). All Recording Fees aTe paid to the American Kemel Club. RETURNED CHECKS cIonoC constitute a valid enlry fee. Adlarge 01 S20.00 will be made for eadl retumedcheck. Stbsequent retumed checkS from the same exhibitors may resull in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis. An administrative Fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entries cancelled prior to the closing 01 entries. TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE and UNSIGNED ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. ENTRIES NOT ON OFACIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS AND PHOTOCOPIES OF ENTRY FORMS without the Agreement and Rules on the reverse side of the Official AKe Entry Form are NOT ACCEPTABLE. MAIL ALL ENTRIES WITH FEES TO Bonnie lane, Show Secretary, % Rau Dog ShOWS, ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610, (6 10) 376-1880. ENTRIES RECEIVED WITHOUT FEES will not be accepted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ENTRIES will be made as soon as practicable with tickets an&or identification cards. The person accompanying a dog must show tickets of admission and identification be fore the dog will be rece ived. SHOULD SUCH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOTSE RECEIVED BYTHE EXHIBITOR within a reasonab le time, please notify Bonnie Lane, Show Secretary, %Rau Dog Shows at (61 0) 376-1 saO. MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. Please mail checks or money orders with entries. Show Secretary assumes no responsibility for cash sent through the mail. ALL CREDIT CARD ENTRIES, REGARDLESS OF METHOD SUBMITTED. are processed throught the FAX program and will be charged a $4.00 per dog per show processing fee . CANADIAN EXHIBITORS make fees payable in U.S. FUNDS. NO ENTRY SHALL BE MADE AND NO ENTRY SHALL BE ACCEPTED WHICH SPECIFIES ANY CONDITIONS AS TO ITS ACCEPTANCE. ENTRY FEES shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absen t, disqualified. excused by Veterinarian or Judge, ()( barred from competition by action o f Show Committee. If because of riots, civit disturbances or other acts beyond the con trol of the management it is impossible to open ()( to cc:>Tll)!ete the show, no refund of entry fee will be made. Extreme weather conditions. such as. but not limited 10 snow s torms, hurricanes, 6ghlning, extreme heat, mosl be oonsidered for the health and sa fety oftha dogs, exhibit()(s and spectat()(s. The well·being of dogs, exhibitors and spectators is of paramount importance and, in the event it is necessary to cancel or slop the show before completion, no refund of entry fee will be made. ERRORS ON ENTRY BLANKS. Owners are responsible for errors in making out entry forms, whoever may make such errOl"S, and no entry fee will be refunded in event of such errors or cancellation of entries after the published closing date. NO REFUND FOR DUPLICATE ENTRtES. We wIll make every effort to find all dupiicate entries, but if a dog has been processed, no relund will be made. CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM FOR TIME OF JUDGtNG. DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time 01 judging. DOGS NOT REQUIRED for lunher judging will be excused. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDtNG UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are respon·sible lor the presence of their dogs in the Judging ri ng when their dasses are called to be judged. The show-giving dub and the Superintendent have no obligation or responsibility for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being Judged or when in the exerdsing ring. THE SHOW COMMITTEEISUPERINTENDENT wiH use due care and diligence for the welfare 01 dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, nor assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfonune to either dogS or exhibitors partidpating in this show. CANINE COURTESY All dogs shall be kept under OOfltrol a t all times. You are responsible for picking up after the animals in your care. PlEASE EXERCISE DOGS IN DE~GNATEO AREAS ONLY There wil1 be pooper scoopers and OOfltainers placed around the grounds. PLEASE USE THEM. All regulations will be enforced by the Grounds Committee. No dogs will be allowed on the show grounds except those entered In the show. Parents must be responsible for children. Children must be kept under supervision at all times. Park at your own risk. In tile event of inclement weather the grounds may become soft and vehicles can get stuck. Tawning w~1 be a t the expense of the vehicles owner. All person attending this dog show hereby waive any claim for damages against Long Island German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc. or its members, in the event a motor vehicle must be entered to rescue a dog from overheating or suffocation due to improper ventilalion. Effective January 1, 2009 - Refund and Cash award checks are void after 180 days and wiH !!Q! be re-Issued. 14 LONG ISLAND ~. GERMAN SHORTHAIRED ~ POINTER CLUB , INC. The UGSPC is pleased to again offer DNA and Health Testing opportunities at our upcoming back to back Specialty Shows on February 4, 20 15 in Holbrook, NY, We are grateful to Optigen and VetGen extending these savings <:x:71 CD (eone Degeneration through Optigenl $120 OPT/GEN"u.c (you must sign up online first - Clinic ID fo, Ih . g . n.lI , .d"." r.'1 ' lIGSHP15 between 1/25/ 15 and 2/ 14/15 for this rate) . This is a 25% discount off the regular price of $160 that is only available if you sign up online first at Optiqen,com, If you want to fill out the paperwork at the show, the discount is 20% and the cost will be $128. Please note if BOTH parents have been individually tested through Optigen for CD, the cost to test offspring for CD is $75, and no additional discount is offered to that low price. vetGen Coat Color testing : $55 (normally $65) for first color, $15 (normally $20) for each additional color for the same dog. Von Willebra nd Disease: $75 This is a 46% discount off of the regu lar price of $140 There will be a fee of $2.00 per test payable to the UGSPC to offset the cost of supplies and handling the submission <postage), paperwork and supplies. Please contact cathy Iacopelli at [email protected] for the form s you will need. We are happy to accept swabs mailed in from those who can not attend as long as they are received before the show date. We can not accept any submiSSions after February 14, 2015. Also, these tests are open to other breeds, and any other Optigen test done by swab can be submitted as well. We hope you will take advantage of our DNA / Health testing Clinic! ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• LONG ISLAND • )fJ( :• i f To our 2015 GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER CLUB, INC. • •• ~ • • • • • ~ Westminster Weekend •• Back To Back • Specialty Shows! ~. !,'.... . •: • ; • • · • • • .. • • • • • • •: (and New York Pizza Party!) Saturday, February 14,2015 In Holbrook, New York ~; I[: t::. Ii; t; t) .; .; 'f'; t'}: t"; ~ t"; a:; .:: t:: t:; tic If; t} Ii; a:; a:; Judges for our Saturday Specialty # I: Breed: Mr, Guy Jeavons Sweepstakes: Kristofer Kelso - ---------Judges for our Saturday Specialty # 2: Breed: Mark Houston-McMillan Sweepstakes: Domini.c DiBalsi Superintendant: RAU Dog Shows For more info contact our Show Secretary Bonnie Lane at: [email protected] t'}: • ; t",;..,.: t"; .', • r... ~ • . • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••
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