St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Fr. Mark Sarniewicz , SDS DEACON: Donald Boland PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr. Yvonne, Roscoe, SND CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil:……5:00 p.m. Sunday:……………7:30 a.m., 9:30AM & 11:30 am Weekdays (Monday through Friday): 7:00 am. & 8:30 a.m. Saturday:……….....8:30 am Spanish Mass (last Sunday of the month at 6pm) RECONCILIATION: Daily (Mon.-Fri.):…… 7:45-8:15 a.m. Saturdays:…… 3:45-4:45 p.m. First Friday:….. 3:30-4:30 p.m. And by Appointment Administrative Assistant & Liturgy Sr. Yvonne Roscoe, SND, 268-3441 Faith Formation (Religious Education, Adults, RCIA, Sacramental Preparation) Vicki Shoemaker 268-0440 School Principal Mrs. Jacqueline Zackel, 267-1643 Director Of Music Barbara Bradley, 267-9256 Youth Ministry 268-3441 Receptionist, Anna Mae Smoller Bookkeeper, Marge Wolf Bulletin Editor, Kathleen Weldon Director Facilities/ Maintenance Matt Horner PARISH ADDRESS: 203 Ojibway Street Titusville, FL 32780 PARISH OFFICE: 321-268-3441 PARISH FAX: 321-268-3270 Visit our Website at — February 1, 2015 St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School February 1, 2015 Mass Intentions for the week of February 1st to February 8th Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 7:00 AM Josiane Payet by 9:30 AM Diane Halpin † by Caroline Feola 8:30 AM Special Intention for 8:30 AM Jeanne Bouguennec † by Jimmie Price Sill by Drew Guerrero Family & Kelly 11:30 AM Special Intention for Pat Tobin(80th b’day) by her children friends 7:00 AM Morten Eriksen † by Ray & Jean Erikson 7:00 AM 8:30 AM Special Intention for Kathy Glaze & family by Alvarez-Ruiz family “Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed; I am your God. I will strengthen you, and help you, and uphold you with my right hand of justice “ LITURGY OF THE WORD Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thinking about the Readings 1. Have I ever been disabled or had a physical illness that was apparent to others? What did I learn from this illness? 2. Are there any illnesses that I find difficult to deal with , for example AIDS? 3. Who would I call if I had some good news? What would I say is the best thing that has happened in my life? Readings for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 I am filled with restlessness until the dawn. Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19 Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases. Isiah 41:10 DEVOTIONS Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) at 8:10am (before the 8:30 mass), Mon.-Thu. (unless no school on Fri.) Recitation of the Rosary: Mon. – Sat., 9am in the Chapel. Novena – Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesday, after the 8:30am Mass. Spanish Adoration & Prayer Group, Thursdays 6:00pm Holy Hour 9-10 – Thurs. (except holidays) after the 8:30 Mass, Divine Mercy, Rosary, Silent Prayer, Benediction. Holy Days — Same as Sundays (7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am) Holy Day Vigil — 7:00pm Litany of Loreto in honor of Mary: Mon.—Sat. during May Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Mon.—Sat. during June Litanies—After the 8:30am Mass For Reflection: In what ways have I experienced Jesus’s authority? Have I ever experienced God’s liberating power in my life or in the life of another? Today’s good news In Jesus’s first visit to a synagogue in Mark’s Gospel, we encounter a key theme in this evangelist’s writing: Jesus’s authority. This is evidenced both in his words- “the people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority” - and in the exorcism of the unclean spirit . Unlike other exorcists of his day, who used many words while performing exorcisms, Jesus commands the unclean spirit with just two words in the Greek text, and it leaves. The brevity of his command illustrates his power of the spirit. In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses promises the people that in the future God will send “a prophet like me” to lead the people. This desire for an intermediary between the Lord and the people is based on their experience of god’s great power on Mount Sinai, mediated through Moses. The people believe that to experience God face to face is to risk death. God promises to “raise up for them a prophet… who shall tell them all that I command”. Over the centuries, this prophetic figure came to be understood as the longed-for Messiah. Paul continues to advise the Corinthians with the expectation of Christ’s imminent second coming, as we heard last week. His advice to the unmarried, that they should refrain from marrying, is based on the idea that one who is unmarried can dedicate more time in serving the Lord. If the Lord’s return is near, then focusing on the things of God is advisable. Though we do not expect Jesus’s return soon, we can still follow Paul’s advice by making sure our lives have a sense of balance between worldly affairs and the things of God. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the week of February 1st to February 8th Thursday Friday 7:00 AM Special Intention for Anthony R. Fandrey & family by the family 7:00 AM Special Intention for 8:30 AM Deceased members of Altman & Greene Families by Rousey family 8:30 AM Marion Masa † by Johnny Romans by Helen Maher Dottie & Greg Clouser Saturday 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 5:00 PM Joseph Russo † by the Georganne family 9:30 AM Robert & Isabel Harvey † by Mary & Walter Cerrato 11:30 AM Melquiades Agbalog † by Miriam Seymour “If today you hear His voice, harden not your heart” Psalm 95 STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Thought: Moses told the people, “The Lord will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? Parish Sacrificial Giving: (Regular Sunday Offering) In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, the parishioners and visitors gave $11,993.00 for the ministries of St. Teresa. Second collection for the School amounted to $3,369.00. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. God bless. QUESTION OF THE WEEK? What message does this parish preach to the community by its actions? Sunday 8:30 AM Special Intention in Thanksgiving to St. Jude, St. Anthony & St. Peregrine by Josiane Payet SCHOOL NEWS Please visit our website at for information regarding St. Teresa Catholic School. Save the Date The St. Teresa Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, March 7, 2015. Please save the date. The Sponsorship forms and Golf Team forms are available on the school website or can be picked up in the school office. Viet River Restaurant St. Teresa Night at Viet River Restaurant is Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 4p.m. – 8 p.m. Second Collection The second collection next weekend will be for the school. Thank you for your generosity. Quilt Drawing The winner of the Quilt drawing is Kathleen Tulley. Congratulations! Thank you to Becky Baynes for the beautiful quilt. The school raised $304.00. Thank you for your support of your school. Shiloh’s Calling all golfers .... calling all golfers ... Join us for the 9th annual St. Teresa Golf Tournament to be held on Saturday, March 7, at La Cita Country Club in Titusville. Registration begins at 11:30 am with a putting contest. The Shotgun Start-Scramble Format begins at 1 pm. Sign-up today. For more information, contact the school office at 267-1643 or We look forward to seeing you there Bring the church bulletin to Shiloh’s on any Sunday and the school will receive 10% of the bill. Eucharistic Adoration We will have an all day Eucharistic Adoration each Thursday in the Chapel. Please come and not leave our Lord in the Eucharist unattended during this time. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the main church entrance. There will be the Spanish Holy Hour and Exposition from 6 – 7:15 PM and all are invited. St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church and School February 1, 2015 FAITH FORMATION The Southern Deanery of the Council of Catholic Women Scholarship Offer Faith Formation Rite to Welcome for our Confirmandi’s will be today at 9:30 a.m. mass. Please pray for our Confirmandi’s as they take the journey to confirmation. First Communion Our next prep session will be February 16, at 6:15 p.m., please keep us in your prayers. The Southern Deanery of the Council of Catholic Women are offering a $500 scholarship to an active Catholic student who will be a graduate of any Brevard High School, Catholic, public or private, at the end of the 2015 school year. Eligibility criteria: must be a resident of Brevard County and must be a practicing Catholic in Brevard County Parish. RCIA class We will be discussing this week the Dignity of Life and consistent life ethic. See you at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday. CCD Classes We are learning a lot, and having fun while we learn on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. See you there. BIBLE Study The new Bible Study has begun lead by Jeanine Zolfaghari, in Avila Hall, at 9:15 am Anticipation We anticipate so many things with happy thoughts in mind, But often expectantly, changes we may find. We cannot plan the future, but we can surely pray, For God is truly listening every hour, and every day. We can hope, and strive and try according to God’s will, And have anticipation, God’s wishes to fulfill. The Faith of Formation office has the requirements for this scholarship and application. If you are interested please contact the Faith of Formation office at 321-2680440. The materials need to be submitted and post marked by March 15. SENIOR SOCIAL The Senior Social will be held on Wednesday, February 11, at 9:30 a.m. Terry Galvin of the Sound Hearing Centers will present a hearing demonstration. Donation of finger foods would be welcome. Contact Jean at 267-7589. Come and bring a friend Bulletin Information 2004 Honda Accord LX for Sale Bulletin information is also available on the St. Teresa website. Should you need to refer to dates, times or events, you can access the website to find at least 6 weeks worth of older bulletins. Car driven by Sister Hilda and Sister Kathleen. 4door– 91,000 miles– AC, power windows, PL, cruise control, PS, CD– excellent condition. Attention to: Marge Wolf– Bookkeeper Place bids in a sealed envelope to the rectory by January 25th. Starting bid is $5,500. Have you Noticed New parishioners and visitors to our church may ask—what or why or who are the pictures carefully hung on the wall above the tabernacle. This past year we celebrated and learned about the observance of Divine Mercy Sunday. In 1930, Jesus appeared to Sister Faustina and commanded her to write down what he wanted his people to know about God’s love and mercy. In 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized Sister Faustina and designated that Divine Mercy Sunday be observed each year on the Second Sunday of Easter. Pope Francis determined that St. John Paul II would be canonized that same day. Relics have been obtained of St. Faustina and St. Teresa, our patroness and we will soon have a relic of St. John Paul II. They will be displayed in a beautiful reliquary. The images were obtained along with the relics to continually remind us of the role that Saint Faustina and St. John Paul II have in connection with St. Teresa of Avila parish and our devotion to the Divine Mercy. Saint Faustina Divine Mercy Saint John Paul II Saint Teresa Reliquary Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION DINNER/DANCE KC COUNCIL #5667 You don’t want to miss the BIG 50TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER/ DANCE PARTY CELEBRATION to be held on Saturday, February 21st, 2015.Council #5667 was founded on February 21, 1965 and this year on it’s on a Saturday, no better way to celebrate with a fabulous party on the actual day. We have Renaissance Catering handling the entire elegant affair Cocktails: 6:00 pm HOT HORS D’OEUVRES will also be offered during the cocktail hour . Dinner: 7:00 pm Dancing: 8:00 to 11:00 pm Music by Three’s Company Great meals are planned either BEEF or CHICKEN COME TO CELEBRATE THE PAST, PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. Dress: Semi Formal Coat & Tie Donation: $30.00 per person Tickets available in St Teresa Gift Shop and Church Office KC Hall 321-268-2764 or Rick Fugaro 321-258-4497 Feast of The Presentation of the Lord February 2nd Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today's liturgy. According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is referred to as the "Purification of Mary." This is known as a "Christmas feast" since it points back to the Solemnity of Christmas. Many Catholics practice the tradition of keeping out the Nativity creche or other Christmas decorations until this feast. The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple is the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. It was also reflected in the practice of the churching of new mothers, forty days after the birth of a child. A blessing is given to mothers after recovery from childbirth. The ceremony includes thanksgiving for the woman's survival of childbirth, and is performed even when the child is stillborn, or has died unbaptized. Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission 5 Steps to Winning the War within In December, each family was offered a book by John R. Wood. If you have not yet started to read, try to do so—even a few pages at a time. He states in the Prologue: “We are all teachers by the way we live and the people we become. When others see how you live your life and your faith, you will bring forth questions from them. Therefore this book is a guide to living the Catholic faith in the job you do, the sports you play, the hobbies you enjoy, the families you raise, and in the way you influence people every day”. That statement makes this book a significantly important reading. He ends his statement with: You must put God first in all the things of the world”. St. Blaise Feast Day February 3rd Many Catholics might remember Saint Blaise's feast day because of the th Blessing of the Throats that took place on this day. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessingis said. Saint Blaise's protection of those with throat troubles apparently comes from a legend that a boy was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. The boy was about to die when Saint Blaise healed him. Very few facts are known about Saint Blaise. We believe he was a bishop of Sebastea in Armenia who was martyred under the reign of Licinius in the early fourth century. lif that sprang up in the eighth century tell The legend of his life yywho raised us that he was born in to a rich and noble familywho him as a Christian. After becoming a bishop, a new persecution of Christians began. He received a message from God to go into the hills to escape persecution. Men hunting in the mountains discovered a cave surrounded by wild animals who were sick. Among them Blaise walked unafraid, curing them of their illnesses. Recognizing Blaise as a bishop, they captured him to take him back for trial. On the way back, he talked a wolf into releasing a pig that belonged to a poor woman. When Blaise was sentenced to be starved to death, the woman, in gratitude, sneaked into the prison with food and candles. Finally Blaise was killed by the governor. Blaise is the patron saint of wild animals because of his care for them and of those with throat maladies. We will have the Blessing of Throats on the weekend of Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st after all of the weekend Masses. We are planning a trip to Ireland September 6th—15th (Please note change in Date) Brochures can be picked up in the Gift Shop if you are interested. The down payment of $250 and the Travel Insurance of $260 is due by March for an early bird special of $400 off the total price. The total price is $2,999 per person for double plus the Travel Insurance of $260. We will have a presentation by the Tour Company on Feb. 19th at 6:30 PM in the Church. Plan to join us to ask any questions. While there you will be visiting Sr. Hilda and Sr. Kathleen. You may see a unique presentation by going to: and click on “trip to Ireland” for more details. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Singles Club Being single usually means being available. In our culture, singles are those who are not yet hooked up—as if the partnering is inevitable. Family and friends often put pressure on singles to find someone and get married. But some people choose to be single. They are concentrating on another vocation, for example, and cannot give marriage and family life the attention it deserves. A dedicated student will devote free time to study. Some people developing a talent in sports or the arts remain single because of the demands of their craft. And some religious figures are single in order to devote their whole lives to God. In the New Testament tradition, several prominent figures were single, including Jesus, John the Baptist, the apostle John, and the apostle Paul. Paul explains the virtues of being single in a letter to the Corinthians. “An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and he is divided.” Paul oversimplifies the case; many married people devote themselves to the things of the Lord, and many singles are trying to please a friend. But his point is that unmarried people have a unique opportunity to devote their attention to God. Being single need not mean being available. It can also mean being taken—by study, art, sport or faith. Written by Paul Turner. Copyright © 2008, Resource Publications, Inc., 888-273-7782, All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Lectionary Bulletin Inserts, Year B: First and Second Readings. Now Accepting New Students Grades PreK3 to 8 321-267-1643 Knows Joe Harris Mortgage Consultant, Morgan Financial Phone: (321) 757-3570 x201 Fax: (321) 757-9730 [email protected] Parts & Labor Additional $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ IN YOUR NAME, TO ST. TERESA’S $ $ ON ANY CAR PURCHASE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 321-267-9200 $ FORD HONDA BUICK • GMC $ $ “CASH DONATION” RON NORRIS CatholicMatch Florida
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