The Weekly Word February 1, 2015 – February 8, 2015 THE CHURCH OFFERS NURTURING AND EXPERIENCED CHILDCARE EVERY SUNDAY MORNING: Childcare is available from 7:45 - 9:00 in Huffman Hall for children 0-4 years old Childcare is available from 9:00 - Noon in Huffman Nursery for children under 3 Childcare / Sunday School is available from 9:00 - Noon in B-16 for children 3 & 4 years old Personal prayer teams are available during communion at Prayer Stations on either side of the Sanctuary during the 10:30 service. One is located on the east side by the windows, and the other one is on the west side in the gallery. All prayer requests and discussions are completely confidential. Home delivery of communion is available if you are unable to come to church and would like Holy Communion brought to you on Sunday, please call the church office at 512-345-8314. If you attend church but are unable to walk to the altar for holy communion, please notify an usher and the communion elements will be brought to you where you are seated. BE IN THE KNOW! Subscribe to the St. Matthew’s e-mail list so you’ll stay informed about all the important events happening in our parish. You can subscribe by visiting our website at: and typing your e-mail into the “Subscribe” field on our homepage. All submissions, including prayer requests, for the Weekly Word must be received by the church office by Wednesday at noon in order to appear in the upcoming Sunday’s edition. Good Faith Sunday Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not. ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax Through Good Faith, our congregation can help families in our community who are going through a difficult time. The loose offering that is collected on the first Sunday of each month, both cash and designated checks, is used to assist applicants with rent and utility bills. The Good Faith Committee receives the applications, contacts the applicants and talks to them about their situation. The committee then makes a decision about the extent to which we can help. Each situation is unique. Sometimes it is long-term; often it is temporary. Usually, the Good Faith Fund cannot cover an applicant’s total bill, but it can make a significant difference. Today is Good Faith Sunday. It is an opportunity to show that we care a whole awful lot. Submitted by Jane Michael Our Spring 2015 series begins on February 8 at our new location, Iron Cactus Restaurant, on Stonelake Blvd just off Capital of Texas—a beautiful new setting for our gatherings with a wonderful partner in Iron Cactus. In the spring, our shows will begin at 6:30 pm. You are encouraged to come early and enjoy the fine food and drink of Iron Cactus at 10001 Stonelake! Submitted by Merrill Wade Here is our lineup for the first few weeks of the Spring 2015 Season: Feb 8 - Erin Ivey Feb 15 - Michael Fracasso Feb 22 – no gathering Final Plenary Session on Revelation: The Transfiguration Then and Now Merrill and Christian will co-facilitate this class exploring theophanies (technical theological term for an appearance of God to humans). In the first half of the class, Merrill will discuss theophanies from the Old and New Testaments, while in the second half, Christian talks about everything that came after from Constantine to Azusa St. Submitted by Christian Hawley Annual Women’s Retreat, “Anchored by Sisterhood”, Registration Now Open All women of St. Matthew’s are invited to attend our annual women’s retreat, "Anchored by Sisterhood”, February 27-March 1, 2015, at The Retreat at Balcones Springs, located just 45 minutes from here toward Marble Falls. This will be a wonderfully relaxing and reflective weekend with lots of laughs and opportunities for building friendship. Registration forms are available in the Commons or Huffman Hall (Family Service) after the 10:30 am services or you can register online at: We are now able to take credit cards when you register in the Commons. *Note: Full payment is due upon registration. Please see Anne Webster or Kristin Braun to register or feel free to contact them with any questions. This year we only have 50 spaces available, you won't want to miss this amazing weekend! Submitted by Anne Webster Seminary to discuss "The New Jim Crow" during Black History Month The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander will be the focus of a community-wide conversation on February 2, 2015, the first event in the seminary's observance of Black History Month. The event will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a 30-minute presentation, "The Cruel Hand, the Birdcage, and the Fire this Time: A Theological Reflection on The New Jim Crow" by Asante Todd, instructor in Christian ethics at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Asante, himself African-American, will introduce the book and participate in a question and answer period. The discussion will then move to table groups where participants can share thoughts, stories, insights, and questions arising from the book and the presentation. Members of the local community interested in participating are invited to join the discussion on the seminary campus. If you plan on attending the event at the seminary, please take a minute to RSVP for the event. All participants are strongly encouraged to read The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander before the discussion. Submitted by Christine Havens Lost and Found We have several lost items in our lost and found, which is located in the copier room of the church office. The following are just a few of the items waiting to go home: *Insulated Lunch Gag (dark blue w/ purple polka dots) *Stainless Water Bottle *Glasses (reading, prescription, sun) *Various Jackets and Gloves *1 Little Boys Shoe (size 9, blue & yellow Tsuhihoshi) *2 Sets of Keys (1 Toyota & misc. others, and 1 w/keys for a Volvo, 2 CAT keys and 2 John Deer keys) All clothing items will be taken to a drop point for donation after February 4 and glasses will be given to the Lions Club for redistribution. Submitted by Mickie Dunn 2 Spiritual Formation Opportunities It’s that time of the year when we announce our Spring Adult Formation opportunities. As always, we have a wonderful group of facilitators who have stepped up to offer us a class of their own design. These classes aren’t “repeats” of anyone else’s material. They are designed and developed for YOU – our parishioners. They require many, many hours of preparation and practice. Classes begin February 8. Deciding on the Collect for the semester, within the Spiritual Formation Council, is actually the last prayerful decision we make. We will have spent weeks poring over scriptures related to our theme. This semester our theme is connecting with the community around us. As you think about our community, please pray with us the Collect chosen for this semester. Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son came not to be served but to serve: Bless all who, following in his steps, give themselves to the service of others; that with wisdom, patience, and courage, they may minister in his Name to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy; for the love of him who laid down his life for us, your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Our Adult Formation classes give you an opportunity to belong to a small group and get to know a few fellow parishioners at a level you haven’t known them before. If you’ve never tried an adult class, why not let February 8th be the Sunday you drop off your children and find your way to one of our offerings. Our class offerings, from children through adults are also a great way to introduce your friends and neighbors to St. Matthew’s! All classes are designed to be intergenerational. All are welcome! Watch for the posters going up across the campus – probably this week! As always, please let me ([email protected]) know if you have an idea for a course that you would like to attend or teach. We’re already starting a list of ideas for next fall! Submitted by Laurie Brown Connecting Our Community Spring 2015, February 8 – March 15 Practical Lessons in Rational Bible Study This interactive class will expose attendees to the analytical tools they need for rational study of the Bible, giving them hands-on experience in reading texts, evaluating third party commentary, and organizing and expressing their own thoughts about the texts. Advanced reading required. Facilitated by Marty Novak Location: B-18-19 Story Bridge This class of guided storytelling is designed to create intentional connections among participants and, along the way, see God’s story in each other’s stories. Facilitated by Nan Harrison and Kristin Braun Location: B-14 The Gift of the Good Earth The Gift of the Good Earth: Creation, Community, and Redemption. This class is an introduction to eco-theology covering the major schools of thought, their scriptural grounding, and their practical applications in Austin. Sessions will be a combination of lecture, discussion, and hands on activities, so bring a Bible and a trowel. Facilitated by Rev. Christian Hawley Location: B-13 The Gospel’s Message Each week, the class is led in a discussion of the Gospel lesson found in the weekly Synthesis. Synthesis is sent out weekly via email on Fridays. Facilitated by Chuck Naeve Location: B-6 (Bride’s Room) 3 Outreach Commission Meeting February 11, 5:30 - 7:00 pm, Room B-13 Want to see how money is budgeted for the Outreach ministries of St. Matthew’s? Do you have an Outreach ministry that you would like to have the commission explore? Do you want to hear some wonderful reports from such ministries as The Storybook Project or Foundation for the Homeless? If, so come to Outreach Commission Meeting on February 11. If you have questions contact Jane Michael at [email protected]. Submitted by Jane Michael Brotherhood of St. Andrew Breakfast 8:00 am Saturday February 14 All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly breakfast meeting of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew on Saturday, February 14, in Huffman Hall. Our speaker will be Cliff Harrison. The subject of Cliff Harrison's talk will be: "Since I was a child, God has had a guiding hand on me, not to make my life choices, but to help me through the rough times and the good times. I just did not know it until now." Cliff will share his life journey, as much as he can in the time allowed. He will talk about how it is still unfolding, and how he doesn't know where it will lead. St. Matthew's and the Episcopal Church have been a big part of his journey, even though they did not find each other until 1986. Since 2000, Nan and Cliff have been through some very stressful, as well as wonderful, times. Their church family has been God's guiding hand in helping them through these times. Please email ([email protected]) or call / text (512-963-6051) Len Winter if you are planning to attend. We would like to get an accurate count for food preparation. Submitted by Len Winter February 15: Scout Sunday/Combined Service Please join us on Sunday, February 15, at 10:30 am, for a combined service in the sanctuary, honoring the Cub and Boy Scouts of Troop 511, who will participate in the service and host a simple reception afterward in Huffman Hall. The troop’s cabinet will be opened for display and Scouting information will be available. Submitted by Christine Havens Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: February 17, 5:30 pm We look forward to the next season in our church year—Lent. But first, we celebrate with our traditional Pancake Supper, at 5:30 pm on February 17. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and Boy Scout Troop 511 will be cooking for us. We’ll have children’s activities and gluten-free pancakes will be available. Martha Galie and Letha Crouch will provide dinner music. Cost: $4 per person; $11 for family of three; $14 for family of four or more. Submitted by Len Winter 4 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES 7:00 am Eucharist & Ashes, Sanctuary Noon Eucharist & Ashes, Sanctuary 6:00 pm Family-friendly Service, Huffman Hall 7:00 pm Eucharist & Ashes, Sanctuary “…as we forgive those who trespass against us.” St. Matthew's Lenten Speaker Series on Forgiveness Wednesday evenings, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary February 25 Michael Morton An innocent man Michael Morton was found guilty of a crime he did not commit and witnessed by his 3-year old child. A District Attorney, sworn to ensure that justice is done, hides evidence from the accused and his attorney. Twenty-five years imprisoned on a life sentence. Hear his story. March 4 Paul Reed Trained to be angry, trained to be hostile, trained to be mean, this Vietnam veteran, who assumed he had killed a Vietnamese man, brought home the man's diary as a souvenir and had it translated. The "poetry" of this book brought him to the realization of what he'd done and become. This was poetry written by an enemy he had learned to hate and kill. He didn't know but assumed that Nguyen van Nghia had been killed in their battle. Paul went back to Vietnam to return the diary to the family—to find the man was alive and wanted to meet him. March 11 Frank Cooksey Former Austin mayor Frank Cooksey will be speaking about forgiveness in the public forum and business life. A lawyer in the public and private spheres for 40 years, and a man deeply rooted in his faith, Frank managed to come out of heated political races with no rancor. March 18 No program. March 25 The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan, Episcopal Bishop of Alabama Bishop Sloan has written a book, Jabbok, about the unlikely and profound decades-long friendship between a white boy in the Mississippi Delta and an old black preacher who'd lost his faith and his family and lives in a cave in the graveyard. This novel reveals much about racism and ageism, the sins of "the church," and redemption. Light refreshments will be served after each talk. Childcare will be available with a reservation; please contact Susan Goodman at [email protected] Submitted by the Lenten Speaker Series Steering Committee 5 Our Lenten Tradition at St. Matthew’s Continues in 2015. On Shrove Tuesday at the Pancake Supper the Outreach Commission will kick off our annual drive to support Heifer International. Heifer has helped millions of struggling families become more self-reliant by providing food and income producing animals and training in their care. Those families that receive the animal then pass on one or more of their animal’s offspring to other families in need. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. During each Sunday in Lent, you will have an opportunity to buy a cow, a goat or a trio of rabbits to help fill an Ark. The cost to fill one Ark with pairs of animals is $5000.00. How many Arks can we fill in 2015? Make a donation to Heifer in Honor of that Special Someone, send them a Heifer Gift Card letting them know a “sheep” was given in their name. It’s the perfect gift for that someone who has everything and the best part is, the gift continues to give. Make a Lenten Rule to benefit Heifer. Give up that daily Starbucks habit and donate the money to buy a trio of chicks or even a hive of bees. In Sunday School, the children will learn about Heifer and the difference their giving can make. Ark banks will be given to each child and can be used to collect change. The banks will be accompanied by a calendar that gives kids ideas on how to earn money to help purchase animals for needy families around the world. By supporting Heifer International, YOU are enabling others to feed themselves! Please join us in our efforts. Together we CAN help end world hunger. If you would like more information on Heifer, please visit our table in the Commons on Sunday mornings. We would love to have your help during our Lenten Project. To volunteer, please contact Lisa Hobbs at [email protected] or 512-297-7792. Submitted by Lisa Hobbs Thank You to Blue Team! Our kitchen volunteer teams are growing! The Blue team (16) showed up large and strong for the Annual Meeting Luncheon on Jan. 18. They are a great bunch of fun people and they really did a fantastic job working with Chef Robert. In April, there will be a TEAM meeting after Easter to train and discuss kitchen details for the future. Chef Robert will provide a free lunch for you! Look for the announcement in an upcoming Weekly Word! Thank you to… Joyce Statz Patty O’Hara Lee Gresham Maria Harp Gladys Valles Madelaine Kirchem Milly Heasley Alexis Bagshaw Rosalind Stephens Sherry Smith Rogene Tesar Lisa Ottenbacher Kay Ballard Jose Prado Blythe Wilson Sandra Brown Submitted by Jean Fuller 6 Senior Activity Center News St. Matthew's Senior Activity Center is offering AARP Safe Driver Course for persons 50 years of age or older on Tuesday,December 9,2014. The class will be held in B-21 from 8:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.The fee for AARP members is $15.00 and $20.00 for non-members. Checks should be made out to AARP and given to the instructor in class. To register for the class,please call Lucy Boyea at (512) 345-8314 not later than December 2,2014. Please do not remove any card tables from the closet in B-18 without informing Lucy Boyea, (512) 3458314,ext 226).These tables are the property of the Senior Activity Center and are in use for its activities. Submitted by Lucy Boyea ConneXions Dinner Groups Now is the time to add your name to the ConneXions list—or try out a dinner group by adding your name to a substitute list. The ConneXion’s goal is for adults to gather together to share a meal in Christian fellowship, to HAVE FUN, and get to know each other. This is a great way for both new and longtime members of St. Matthew’s to gather. The new ConneXions group lists will go out late January and the dinners will start in February. If you have considered joining before, but are concerned about the commitment, let us add your name to the substitute list. You will only be called occasionally to fill in with no obligation. Please contact Gary or Christy Wittie now at [email protected] or [email protected] to add your name to the roster. Submitted by Gary Wittie The 2015 Altar Flower Chart is Ready for You The volunteers in the St. Matthew’s Flower Guild lovingly create an arrangement of flowers for the altar each week. The flowers are sponsored by members of the congregation, who recognize friends and loved ones on their special days, celebrate important events, or just give thanks! The Flower Chart for 2015 is now posted in the Commons, on the right wall as you leave the sanctuary. Look it over and pick a Sunday you’d like to make yours. There are plenty of dates open. Bless you! Submitted by Joyce Statz and Christine Havens 7 LAST CALL to Sign up for Annual Laity Lodge Adult Retreat, April 10-12, 2015 Our speaker will be Mary C. Earle, an Episcopal priest, writer, spiritual director, and retreat leader. Now retired from active parish ministry, her newest book is Julian of Norwich: Selections from Revelations of Divine Love–Annotated and Explained. For more info, please visit her web site: Our musician will be BettySoo from Austin. For more info, please visit her web site: Rates per person are $260 for the Lodge and $310 for Black Bluff. The easiest way to sign up is to click the link to Steve’s email on our home page: 2015 Laity Lodge Sign Up. This will “save your place”. You will get a reply from Steve when he receives your email. By signing up you are not registering, and no deposit is required at this time. In late February, those who have signed up will receive an email invitation from Laity Lodge, with instructions for registering with Laity Lodge. Payment is made as part of the registration process. Submitted by Steve Ryder EDOT Retreats for Diocesan Older Elementary Kiddos and Youth Several St. Matthew’s Children & Youth are already signed up. Don’t miss out…..carpooling is available! The Division of Youth has two upcoming winter retreats designed to give diocesan youth a chance to take a break and draw nearer to God for a weekend of relaxation, fun, and worship. Think of it as a weeklong camp crammed into two-and-a-half days! Each retreat is directed by a youth or children’s minister in the diocese and staffed with a team of adult sponsors and college counselors. We hope that you sign up! Space is limited. Intermediate Retreat (4th, 5th, 6th graders) February 20 - 22 Camp Allen, Campsite II Jr High Retreat (6th, 7th, 8th graders) February 20 -22 Camp Allen, Campsite III Please visit the Diocesan website for further detailed information and registration… Questions, contact Matt Blank at [email protected]. Submitted by the Family, Youth, and Children’s Ministers 8 Children’s Ministry News GRACE: We had a great first day back from the holidays in Sunday School last week. We made our Secret Agent badges and a delicious snack. Due to the annual meeting we will not meet this week, but will resume GRACE 1/25 at 9:15 in the basement. Help Wanted: If you attended the Pick Up Pageant Christmas Eve you witnessed a wonderful telling of the birth of Jesus. We love that any and all children get to participate in this special event. In preparing for next year some of the costumes, that allow the children to participate, need a little love. We need hems on many of them. It would be a simple job and if split between many, a quick one. If you have the gift of sewing, and the desire, we would love to have your assistance with this. Please email Gloria Bankler at [email protected]. Submitted by Gloria Bankler Family Service Dates in the New Year *Feb. 1, 8, 22 St. Matt’s Youth News Subscribe to weekly email updates Follow Us! @stmattsyouthatx on Twitter & Instagram All Youth Invited! February 1 Super Bowl Sunday Party!! Bring a can of food (to donate) and a friend! We will start at 5:15ish so we can get settled before the first kick at 5:30! Pick up will be in the Youth Center at half time! There will be queso! **Please note we will not have all youth lunch come at 5:30!!** SR. HIGH YOUTH, JOIN A SMALL GROUP!! Email [email protected]. Each group meets around their schedule and have discussions they choose. GRACE 9:15-10:15 Join us in B-21 (basement below sanctuary) We are secret agents and have to figure out how to stop the asteroid! We have a blast leading our future youth group kids! Submitted by Christy Orman, St. Matt’s Youth Minister, [email protected] 9 Evening Prayer Ministry Annual Report to the Parish of St. Matthew’s – January, 2015 The Evening Prayer Ministry exemplifies the strong Lay, Spiritual, and Prayerful leadership that St. Matthew’s is known for. This ministry, open to all members, is a wonderful way for the team to intentionally commit to leading the Daily 6:00 pm Evening Prayer service, culminating in lifting up, through prayer and by name, each and every person and ministry published weekly on St. Matthew’s Prayer List. Although not a highly attended service, parish members take comfort to know that their loved ones, or things important to them, are indeed lifted up, at least daily, in prayer. A group of 28 spiritual leaders are scheduled daily, individually or in teams of two, to serve this wonderful ministry in the quaint and peaceful Charlotte Cauley Gray Bell Tower Chapel at the base of the campus’ Bell Tower. Five new leaders joined the team in 2014 while two discontinued serving including Sally Miller and our dear friend, the late Dyke Miller. Serving as Evening Prayer leaders during 2014 were Beth Billman*, Tom & Kate Canby, John Chilstrom, Babs Clendenin, Jim Dettmann, Betty DiPaola, Jean Fuller, Tony Hatheway, Christian Hawley*, Bert & Marjorie Hooper, Richard Sutch & Ellen Legett, Tom LeMond, Will Lutz, Katherine Marion, Joe McLean, Sally Miller, Scott Murphy, Don Neely, Ann O'Connell*, Larry* & Nancy Richards, Steve Ryder, Denman Smith, Merrill Wade*, Doug Webster. (* New Leaders in 2014) A sincere Thank You to those wonderful members who are or have so reverently served in this important parish ministry. The Evening Prayer team joyfully serves God and the parishioners of St. Matthew’s. Anyone interested in joining this ministry should contact Scott Murphy. Respectfully submitted, Scott Murphy SAVE THE DATE: Join Bishop Doyle at UT to re-dedicate the Episcopal Student Center at UT! Friday, February 27: Welcome Reception Saturday, February 28: Dinner & Auction Sunday, March 1: Eucharist & Re-dedication of Ministry by Bishop Doyle, followed by BBQ Learn more at: They Want to Hear from UT Alumni! Celebrating 115 Years of Ministry at the Episcopal Student Center at UT The Episcopal Student Center (ESC) at the University of Texas in Austin is a mission of the Diocese of Texas. Local parishes like St. Matthew’s are a critical part of the extended network that makes this ministry possible as well as being home to many past graduates continuing their life-long spiritual journey in the Episcopal Church. This anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate the relationships, memories and events from throughout the years at ESC (formerly known as UT Canterbury). They would love to see your pictures, hear your stories, and know what made this ministry important to you. Contact Hannah Pommersheim at [email protected] or at 512-477-6839 with any questions, 10 or to share your stories! Submitted by Lise Harding IN OUR PRAYERS February 1 – February 8, 2015 This list is read aloud at daily Evening Prayer (6 pm, Charlotte Cauley Gray Bell Tower Chapel) and is included on the Intercessory Prayer Network. Clergy: Justin of Canterbury; Archbishop; Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Andy, Dena, and Jeff, our Bishops; Merrill, Christian, Chuck, Jerry, Jim, Dorothy, and Brin, and Christian; Brian, our seminarian intern. Lay Leadership: The Wardens, the Staff, and the Vestry of St. Matthew’s. Our Outreach Partners and Ministries: Kairos, Habitat for Humanity, El Buen Samaritano, Good Faith Ministry, MPAC, Job Support, Care for the Caregiver, Heifer Project, Casa Marianella, Caritas, Capital Area Food Bank, Trinity Center, Women’s Story Book Project, Hope House, Honduras Good Works, Interfaith Action of Central Texas (IACT), Prayer Shawl Ministry, Threads of Love, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Daughters of the King, and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Our men and women in the Armed Forces and others who serve our country at home and overseas. Our brothers and sisters in Christ who are actively being persecuted for your name, and all of God’s children who know suffering at the hands of war, disease, injustice, and oppression. Remembering especially the churches in Syria, Egypt, and Iraq, and the people of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Holy Land and the survivors of Auschwitz. The students, families and staff of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Day School and other schools and seminaries: General Theological Seminary, Seminary of the Southwest, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, and St. James’ Episcopal School. Those on our prayer list: Carol Stolz Jim Sparks Kelley Meyer Margaret & Jim Myers Michael Day Terry Winters Tom Hudson Alex Acosta Connie Statz Judy Hogan Barbara Borden Jim Street Leah Wilson family of Conny Boyea Iley Larry Nichols Judy DeWitt Father of Michael Walters Luke Robertson family of Roland Timberlake family of Margaret Canby Stephanie Norment & family Muhich family John & Deanna Laura & family Peggy S. Sarah Bartalerio family Chase Morris Kamerman family Hartman family Miller family Nick Bursk Paula Ramsay family Carter family Colt Rowland Nancy Richards Family of Don Potter Boral family Scott Smith Trevor Webb Sue DuMond Brian Clark Jane Cornell & baby Caleb Bravo family family of Samuel Fishman Phillip and family Ingrid Matthew Hauser Jane Bray Terry Wilson Glen Ellis Stephen Biles Shirley Murphy Toungate family Camilla Garrett Renne family Price family Seaver family Lynn Durrenberger family of Tommy Slade Those who have died Don Potter, grandfather of Scott Murphy’s daughter-in-law Altar Flowers Dedications for this Week The flowers on the altar this week are given to the glory of God. Please see the Altar Flowers Chart in the Sanctuary Commons, where you can sign up for one of the available Sundays that best fits your honorees. 11 This Week In the Life of the Parish February 1 – February 8, 2015 Evening Prayer Daily at 6:00 p.m. in the Cauley Bell Tower Chapel Sunday, February 1 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Brigid of Ireland 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite I, Sanctuary 9:15 AM Plenary session for adults/Sunday School for youth & children 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist: Rite II, Sanctuary 10:30 11:30 5:00 5:15 6:00 AM AM PM PM PM Family Eucharist, Huffman Hall Women’s Story Circle Youth Super Bowl Party, Youth Center Main Room Contemplative Holy Eucharist, B-14 NA, B-21 Monday, February 2 The Presentation Groundhog’s Day Candlemas 9:00 AM Senior Activity Center, Board Games, B-18/19 9:00 AM Senior Activity Center, Tai Chi, Huffman Hall 12:00 PM Job Support Group, B-14 Tuesday, February 3 10:00 10:00 12:00 2:30 6:30 7:00 AM AM PM PM PM PM Senior Activity Center, Art Class, B-13 (New location) Staff Meeting, B-06 Men’s Study Group, B-06 Al-Anon, B-21 Bible Study, B-13 Boy Scouts Meeting, Huffman Hall Wednesday, February 4 7:00 9:00 9:30 12:00 7:00 AM AM AM PM PM Holy Eucharist: Rite II, B-14 Senior Activity Center, Tai Chi, Huffman Hall Prayer Shawl Ministry, B-14 Healing Service, B-14 Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room Thursday, February 5 6:30 9:00 6:00 AM AM PM Men’s Breakfast, Huffman Hall Senior Activity Center, Board Games, B-18/19 Cub Scouts, Huffman Hall Friday, February 6 Saturday, February 7 9:00 AM Order of St. Luke, B-14 Sunday, February 8 Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany 8:00 9:15 10:30 10:30 12:00 5:15 6:00 6:30 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM Holy Eucharist: Rite I, Sanctuary Sunday School for all ages Holy Eucharist: Rite II, Sanctuary Family Eucharist and Baptism, Huffman Hall Daughters of the King Monthly Luncheon Contemplative Holy Eucharist, B-14 NA, B-21 Soul of a Musician Series: Erin Ivey, Iron Cactus Sunday, January 25, 2015: 8:00 am HE I, 28; 10:30 am HE II, 219; Family Service, 118; Emeritus, 23; 5:15 pm Contemplative HE, 3; Total: 391 Wednesday, January 28, 2015: 7:00 am HE, 10; noon Healing Service, 5; Total: 15 12 Janice Watkins & Jim Michael Vestry of the Month for February:
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