35 E. Mechanic Street Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 www.ourladyoftheangels.net Parish Center: All Offices 609-465-5432 Fax: 609-465-7647 St. Michael’s Learning Center: 609-536-2259 Rectory: 609-465-5245 Mass Schedule Our Mission Church: St. Elizabeth Rt. 47 in Goshen Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 Mass Schedule: Sunday 10:15 AM Rev. John O’Leary Pastor Rev. Cosme De La Pena, Parochial Vicar / Chaplain Monday Through Saturday 8:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM & Deacon George Ferland 11:00 AM Deacon Ralph Catanese Peace Mass: Mrs. Mary Joan Piechocki, DRE Wednesday at 6:15 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM and by appointment February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 1 Registration We welcome all new parishioners to our parish family. Please register at the Parish Center during the week. One must be registered in the parish in order to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage or to be granted letters of eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated during the weekend Liturgies. To arrange a Baptism, please call the Parish Center at 609-465-5432. Required Baptismal preparation session for parents are held in the Parish Center at 7:00 PM on the last Tuesday of the month preceding the Baptism. R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults We invite anyone, 15 years or older who would like to be Baptized or who has been Baptized but has never received Holy Communion or Confirmation to join the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Please contact the DRE at 536-2259 or the Parish Center at 465-5432 for more information. Sacrament of Marriage Necessary preparation requires that arrangements be made at least six months before the date of the wedding. All couples must attend an approved diocesan marriage preparation program. No wedding will be performed after 1:00 PM in the summer and 1:30 PM in the winter on Saturdays. It’s Monday January 26th, the Governor just declared a State of Emergency and the Bulletin company wants the bulletin ASAP so here’s a rerun about St. Blaise. This week we celebrate the Feast of St. Blasé and the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mother, better known as Candlemas Day. St. Blasé was a 4th C Bishop from Armenia now Croatia. Tradition tells us that he saved a small boy from choking on a fish bone. Because of this people through the ages have sought his help, especially those who are afflicted with ailments of the throat. On Feb. 3, the Feast of St. Blasé, the church continues its ministry to the sick through the blessing of throats. The blessing, which usually takes place after Mass, asks God’s healing and protection. Two blessed candles, joined in the form of a cross and usually tied with a red ribbon as a sign of his martyrdom, are placed around the throat of each person asking a blessing. The minister (because this is a sacramental, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are also commissioned to share this blessing) prays: “Through the intercession of St. Blasé, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” It has become so popular that in most Churches, the blessing is given at the Sunday masses closest to the Feast day. Candlemas Day: On Feb. 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, we bless candles in Church. They are made available to the Faithful to take and use at home. Light penetrates the darkness. Jesus is light. God’s word is a lamp and lights a path for our feet. At our baptism we received a candle, along with this charge, “Keep the flame of faith burning in your heart. When the Lord comes may you go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom. The wax, being spotless, represents Christ’s most spotless Body; the wick enclosed in it is an image of His soul, while the glowing flame typifies the Divine Nature united with the human in one Divine Person. On the day the Church celebrates the festival of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin, the day when Jesus was offered in the Temple by Mary, as the Victim who would reconcile God and humanity. This date was probably chosen because on or about that day the Roman people, when pagan, had been accustomed to carry lights in procession in honor of one of their gods. The Church, rather than trying to blot out entirely the memory of this pagan festival, changed it into a Christian solemnity honoring Mary the Mother of God by including on one of her feast days the solemn blessing of candles. Candles used in church services have to be 51% beeswax. Today, it is very appropriate to gather the family, light a candle and rededicate yourselves to the Lord and to be a light to the world. Just say this prayer: “May the flame of faith in our hearts burn undimmed. When the Lord comes may we go out to meet him with all the Saints in the Heavenly Kingdom. Amen!” Thanks for sharing your ‘light’ with your OLA family. God Bless!! 564 Page 2 Week at OLA... Sunday Nicolas Dzury Bob McGowan Joseph Malloy Ron Jost Charlie Redolfi Bill Ravenkamp Cathy Cornell Theresa Capuz- Jeremy Craig zi Jared Kerr Helen Pulaski Jeanine Aylmer Owen O’Neill John Adams Ed Levering John Tomlin Marian Fields Bob Schekel Robert Burns Paul Roller Klara Pedersen Bob Jones Jos. Stella, Sr. Eleanor Oelkers Elsie Swartz Michele Dzury Hannah McStay Adriana Dzury Keira Dzury Bill Hollingsworth Peter Linkewicz Steve Dzury Meg Dougherty Macy Scanlon Mary Kelly Ray O’Donnell Jacque Young Eliz Callahan Pat Hartzell Mary Jane Tyrrell Jim Hulme Robert Pavese Albert Burns, Jr. Ingrid Tornari Barb Schuman Kanen Keating Wears Elaine Toth Join Father John and fellow parishioners for Bob White Mickey Balzell Jay Bunting a winter getaway in 2016 aboard Royal Car- Jayla Hillegass Baby Worman staterooms for the 1/23/16 departure from Ft. Doris & JohnRuppel John Dorricott Stephanie Macloud Lauderdale for a 7 day Eastern Caribbean Bob Behl Dominick Dematteo Ray Edwards Larry Gadeleta Rich & Dottie Brys Monday Bridge Club-Hall Tuesday Prayer Meeting-7PM RCIA– 7:00PM St. Michael’s Wednesday Bible Study 9AM –12 Noon & 7PM-9PM Hall Peace Mass-6:15PM Thursday Bridge Club- Hall Social Committee-7PM PC Friday Saturday Confession-4:00-4:30PM Kathleen Ferguson Parish Cruise-1/23/2016 ibbean’s Oasis of the Seas. We’ve reserved itinerary. Book early for best selection. For more information call Michelle & Bob Dooley at 609-287-9205 or Trudy & Don Trappler at Marie Fenton Helen Murray 609-465-0054 (or send an email to trap- Jimmy Sweitzer John Davis John Hee [email protected]). Shirley McVey Wm. J Maher David Tack Remember Our Sick List If anyone’s name is on the sick list longer than 30 days we remove them. Please call us if they need to stay on longer and we will keep them on prayer list. 564 Dominic Gaeta- Mary Janice no Fenton Kathryn & Berney Brill Joanne Preston Robt. Waulkner Rita Christensen Ray O’Donnell Winnie Williamson Page 3 From the Office of Faith Formation Religious Ed sessions: Gr. 6, 7 & 8 Sunday, 2/1 and Monday, 2/2 Gr. 1 & 2 Tuesday, 2/3-3:45-5:00PM. Gr. 3-5 Wednesday, 2/4-3:45-5:00PM. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) will meet each Tuesday at 7PM in St. Michael’s. All are welcome to come to share faith and to learn what it means to be Catholic. If you have any questions, please call Mary Joan at 536-2259. Hope and Help Outreach The food pantry is open every Thursday from 10:00AM-12:00PM (Noon). We are open on an emergency basis, please call our hotline at 536-8331. Thank to all who made casseroles and helped serve the needy at the Baptist Church in Wildwood last Thursday. We are in need of ketchup, mayo, mustard, pancake mix and syrup. Thank you for your continued support, if you know of anyone who is in need, please contact our food pantry. Social Justice “Poverty is an unnatural condition caused by strategical global injustice in world economics.” OLA Parish Sunday calendar for 2015 includes three (3) 11:00AM Liturgies welcoming our disabled and there caregivers. Dates are: The 1st Sunday in Lent February 22, June 28, and October 25. Our Social Justice Committee will arrange a welcome coffee at Gabriel Hall following the Mass. All Parish Parishioners are welcome to join us. 564 Parish Council We are looking for a better way to inform our community about the happenings and events going on in our parish on a timely basis. We are actually seeking a more effective way to communicate with all of you. We request that you read and fill out one of our ‘WE NEED YOU’ flyers in the gathering space and place into the collection basket if you have not yet done so. Even if you think the parish already has this information, please fill out the form. There is a mailbox in the gathering space with a communication form under it. If you have any questions, suggestions, thoughts to share, please fill out one of the forms and place in mailbox.. If you complete your name and phone number, we will respond. The members of Pastoral Council are: Clare Herm, Steve Mendel, Ann Herron, Beth Denham, Steve Atzert, Rita Sicilia, Gene Sicilia, Nancy Condran, Jaime Loftus; Ted Roman and Jerry Adamzcyk from St. Elizabeth and Fr. John, Fr. Cosme, Mary Joan Piechocki. We are available if you wish to speak with any of us. God bless you all! Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic Schools Mothers’ Prayer Group at Bishop McHugh All Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers and Caregivers are invited to come and pray every Friday morning at 8 am in the Bishop McHugh School Chapel. Please join us as we come together to pray for our biggest blessing...our children! This is a confidential and caring environment where children are also welcome. For more information, please contact Nadine Marks Dempsey at 486-5336 or [email protected]. “For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 Page 4 Masses for the Week Saturday, January 31, 2015 8:00 AM: 5:00 PM: Samuel Mancuso, Sr. by Mary Durkin Frank & Constance Feraro by Chris & Carla Leusner & Family St Elizabeth Church established 1879 We have Masses at St. Elizabeth every Sunday at 10:15AM. Sunday, February 01, 2015 10:15AM: Sunday, February 01, 2015 8:00 AM: John McCarron by Jim, Rita, & Megan Burlaga 9:30 AM: 11:00 AM: Brian Morrell by David & Denise Watson Betty Vinci by Catherine Grove Betty Vinci by Catherine Grove Wednesday, February 04, 2015 8:00AM: Paul Lengyel, Jr. by Mary Thursday, February 05, 2015 8:00AM: Betty Vinci by Catherine Grove Friday, February 06, 2015 8:00 AM: 1st Friday Masses Saturday, February 07, 2015 8:00 AM: 5:00 PM: Connie Vallese by Ron & Sandy Jost Robt. DeRusso by Mr. & Mrs. Garish Sunday, February 08, 2015 8:00 AM: Geo. Cattabiani by Wendy Hoffman 9:30 AM: John Freemnan by David & Denise 11:00 AM: Fred Corazo by Douglas Penkethmana & Charlotte Sadler 564 Blood Pressure screenings will be the 1st Sunday of every month. Rosaries are available in the vestibule provided by our Rosary makers . Scripture Study Tuesday, February 03, 2015 8:00AM: DeLanzo Andrew Coakley by Eileen & Jack Moffit Monday, February 02, 2015 8:00 AM: Ralph DeLanzo, Sr. by Susan We are very excited to begin another Scripture study program in the parish. This time, we will study the Book of Exodus through a study developed by Ascension Press, the same company who brought us the bible timeline. It will be held on five Wednesdays beginning January 21st at a morning session at 10am or at the 7pm evening session. Exodus, Called to Freedom will be a five week study that will end just as Lent begins. We will hear about Moses and how God revealed Himself and His will, the plagues that rained down on the Egyptians because Pharoah’s heart was hardened, how Moses led the Israelites to freedom from slavery and how they celebrated the Passover. All of these aspects of the Exodus story help us contemplate our Lenten journey as Jesus leads us to freedom from sin and death. Registration forms in Gathering Space. Pray the Rosary After Peace Mass on Wednesdays Legion of Mary Presidium “OLA” members will pray the Rosary in the Chapel. All are welcome! Please remember Our Lady of the Angels in your Will. Page 5 OLA Council #12184 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Men, 18 or older, consider joining Council #12184. To learn more about the council, call Grand Knight Bob Podolski at 609-408-0291 or 609 889-1489. Need the perfect gift for your spouse this Valentine’s Day? Give your spouse the gift of your time and your love by taking your spouse on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Call Frank Angelone at 463-0939 for crab cakes made by members of Council #12184. The price is $5.00 per crab cake. You get a great tasting start for a meal and you help the Knights charitable efforts. Upcoming Weekend: February 6-8, 2015 call: 609-742-4035email:applications@wwme southjersy.org visit:wwme-southjersey.org The Senior Club All seniors are encouraged to join our group! Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 PM. For information call Frank Angelone 4630939. “Senior Group” of OLA is looking for New Members. They have a speaker or a singing group, a short meeting and play Bingo after. Come on out for an afternoon of fun. Refreshments served. Scrip Gift Card Women’s Prayer Group and Scripture Study On Mondays at 4PM the women will continue to meet for a scripture study of the following Sunday’s readings and to pray for our Families, our Parish and our World. Sunday Mass Preview Readings “Neighborhood prayer and preview of following Sunday liturgy readings. No books, no fees. Tuesday 4PM to 5PM or 6PM to 7PM in my home in CMCH. Call Betty at 463-0063. Thank You parishioners for purchasing scrip. Your continued support makes this effort a success. Special thanks to the scrip team for volunteering their time to sell scrip, and of course, the office staff. Checks are most welcome. Your continued support is appreciated and an easy way to ensure our parish’s financial health. Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Chapel there is a meeting of a new prayer group led by the Holy Spirit and Carlos and Debbie Rodriquez. Come and join us as we pray for our needs, Healing of the Sick and Peace in the world. Rosary begins at 7:00 PM followed by the Prayer Group Meeting. Parish Nurse January Topic: HEALING MASS 30 Things Everyone Should Know About HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Dedicated to Fr. Michael J. McGivney at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, St. Lawrence Church on Thursday, March 5, 7:30pm. Sponsored by the Fr. McGivney Guild, Knights of Columbus. Further info call:Phil Pfaffman 609652-3057 or 609-335-7829. Get your pamphlet on the wall in vestibule. For further information or confidential assistance call Barbara Dix 465-2658. 564 CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING PROFESSIONAL STEAM CLEANING Jane M. Hoy Attorney at Law Wills • Estates Probate • Real Estate General Practice 212 98th Street Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 (609) 368-1314 SERVING LUNCH & DINNER www.bellevuetavern.com 609-463-1738 Restaurant Style Food TO GO 609-463-8900 www.totallytake-out.com CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, TILE & GROUT Residential & Commercial 24 Hr. Emer. Service • Water & Flood Damage Pet Stain Removal • Free Deodorizing Free Estimates / Fully Insured Owned & Operated by the Bossuyt Family 465-4700 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto 800.964.5584 www.jppc.net UP TO 1/2 ACRE. CANNOT BE USED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. LICENSE NUMBER 90056B conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. 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If you are interested in advertising, please contact John Patrick Publishing Company for more information. 800-333-3166 564 Our Lady of Angels, Cape May Court House Rt. U (I) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net OFFICE Hrs: 8:00am - 3:30pm EVES. BY APPOINTMENT DOUGLASS MONUMENTS, INC. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Committed to Diabetic Foot Specialist Personal Service 116 CHURCH STREET CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, 1078 Route 47 South N.J. 08210 www.sturdyonline.com Rio Grande BUS. 465-7307 PAUL HAND RADZIETA James E. Walsh D.P.M. MICHAEL TOMLIN 886-3737 Robert K. Fitzpatrick, DVM BRI NIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. 38 Route 47 South Cape May Court House Office Hours By Appointment 609-465-1368 Paolini Med Spa Facials, Body Treatments, Waxing & More! 609-465-8788, Ext. 16 www.paoliniskincare.com BRING IN THIS AD FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL SPA SERVICES FUNERAL HOME John J. Radzieta, Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 4175 Martin A. Radzieta, Director - N.J. Lic. No. 4755 John L. 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