Embracing the worshipping communities of CHILDERS * BIGGENDEN * GIN GIN * MT.PERRY * WOODGATE Fr. Sunny Mathew CMI - CHILDERS 4126 1256 PO Box 45, CHILDERS QLD 4660 FAX 41263716 Parish Office 4126 1256; Secretary Jenny Faulkner; For urgent matters contact Fr Sunny 0428 235 783 St Joseph’s Primary School: Principal Mr John Hinton – Ph 4126 1866 St Vincent de Paul – Ph 4126 1822 PARISH WEBSITE: www.childerscatholic.com Email: [email protected] 1st February 2015 SACRED HEART CHILDERS WEEKDAY MASS – MON, WED, FRI 9am ADORATION & ROSARY WED 8-9am SATURDAY VIGIL 6.00 pm SUNDAY 6.30 am Reconciliation: Sat. 5.00 pm ST PATRICK’S MT. PERRY 1st SUNDAY OF MONTH 10.30 am 4th Sunday in ordinary time ST MICHAEL’S GIN GIN SUNDAY 8.30am TUESDAY 5pm Rosary 9am Fridays YEAR B ST PETER’S BIGGENDEN SUNDAY 10.30 am st (1 Sunday Liturgy of the Word and Communion) Rosary before Mass 10.05am Feast Days this week: Mon. 2nd Feb, 2015. The Presentation of The Lord. Thurs. 5th Feb. 2015 St. Agatha 5th February 2015 St. Agatha Please pray for those who are ill in our families and communities especiallyTHURS. Martyn Jones, Elizabeth Rayner, Ray D’Cruz, Please contact the Office and let them know if someone is well again and their name can be taken off the list. SAT 31 Jan. 2015 - St John Bosco Anniversaries – John Peter Byrne, Brian Rudolph, Pat Fuz MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK: WOODGATE BEACH SUNDAY 6.15pm He Needs Army In the ancient world and in Jesus time if a person had a message from God to give, the natural place to which he would turn would be the place where God’s people met together. That’s why in today’s gospel we see that Jesus began his teaching and campaign in the synagogue where the people come together to listen to the Holy Scripture. There are some basic differences between the synagogue of olden days and the church today. The synagogue was mainly a teaching place. The service consisted of three things; such as prayer, the reading of the Scriptures, and the interpretation and exposition of it. In Jesus’ time the Temple meant the Jerusalem temple, and that was the only place of worship and sacrifices. The synagogue was the place of teaching and giving the instructions of daily life based on the Mosaic Law. One of the laws laid down was, that wherever there were ten Jewish families there must be a synagogue, and if a man had a new message to preach the synagogue was the place in which to preach it; because, a synagogue only had officials as rulers for administration, but never had a permanent preacher or a teacher. When the community met at the synagogue service it was open to the official of the synagogue to call on any competent person to read and give the explanations of the Holy Scripture, as no music, singing, sacrifice or professional ministry were held there. Jesus was invited by the synagogue official to open his campaign and ministry in the synagogue. Jesus was known as the man with a new message; so every synagogue community provided him with the pulpit as they were there eager to listen to him. When Jesus was in the pulpit teaching and preaching, he explained the Scripture in a way that was like a new revelation, and his words and action amazed the people in the synagogue. In today’s gospel, a man in the synagogue was possessed by an unclean spirit, and it created many disturbances. Jesus healed him, to show him that he had the power and authority over evil spirits. The evil spirit; sometimes called the angel of death, is around the world so pervasively now, that we can almost hear the beating of its wings anywhere. The evil spirit can enter into individuals as he did into the man of today’s gospel, or in nations sowing the seeds of division and feeding on blood of the innocent victims as he now does around the world. The evil one can enter even some of the most modern discoveries such as the television, mobile phone and internet; so much so, that St John Paul II once said to his audience” simply shut off television and internet, if it glorifies sex and violence and threatens family life”. Jesus filled with the power the Holy Spirit and the authority of God, rebuked and cast out the evil spirit from that man and will continue to fight against the power of evil till it is finally wiped out. He needs an army to fight, and as followers of Jesus we are his army. He wants to use our tongues, our hands and feet as his own to overthrow the evil spirit and establish the kingdom of God; a kingdom of peace and healing. May God bless us all. Father Sunny THANK YOU MAUREEN Maureen McCarthy is retiring from her role as Parish Secretary, a role she held for several years. We thank Maureen for her commitment and dedication to all that she undertook in her many roles not only as Parish Secretary but also for her valuable assistance to the other Committees she served on. We pray that Maureen will have good health and happiness in all her future endeavours. Maureen we will miss you as Secretary, but we hope to see you around. CHILDRENS LITURGY & BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARIES Saturday – 7th February 2015 The first Childers Liturgy for the 2015 year will be held next Saturday 7th February at the 6pm Mass. Other commemorative celebrations to be included during this Mass will include; Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries, of Parish Parishioners Following the conclusion of Mass, you are invited to come together as families and friends of the Parish, and join in the fun of celebrating these special occasions, by partaking in refreshments provided FOREST VIEW MASS – MON. 9th February 2015 Mass will be celebrated at Forest View 9.30am Monday. All are welcome. There is no 9.00am Mass in the Church. CHILDERS LITURGY MEETING – This Monday 5.OOpm All Liturgy Committee Members are reminded to attend the Liturgy Meeting being held this Monday, 2nd February 5.00pm at the Presbytery LENTEN PROGRAM Lent starts with Ash Wednesday on 18th February. We are offering the Lenten Program, Please put your name on the clipboard or contact the parish office, as we will need to order resources this week. PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING – 12th Feb. Combined Finance Committee Meeting will be held at The Presbytery, 12noon on 11th February. ST JOSEPH’S SCHOOL NEWS We hope that all our School Students, Teachers and Staff enjoyed their holidays and festive celebrations. Thank you to those people who have again offered to be a part of the ‘Reading to Joey’s’ Kids’ program. A reminder that if you are interested in being a part of the ‘Reading to Joey’s Kids’ program, please contact the School Office. Opening Mass – Friday 13th Feb. 9.00am.All welcome. SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN TRAINING HERVEY BAY The archdiocese is asking that all those who work with, or visit, children and ‘vulnerable’ adults, to attend training. If you missed this Session last year, this is your chance to find out about the Policy. Michele Vuleta (Policy Officer) from The Archdiocese will be presenting the Workshop. So please come along to the Hervey Bay Partish (the Sr Scholly Room), Saturday 21st February, 9 am to 12.30pm (LUNCH will then be provided if you wish to stay). RSVP’s by Friday 13th Feb. please COPYRIGHT WORKSHOP – Saturday 14th February The Australian Pastoral Ministers Network has put together a session on copyright which local network member and well-known musician and composer Michael Mangan has offered to present on Saturday 14 February 10am – 12noon: Stella Maris Parish, 37 Baden Powell St, Maroochydore. Please contact The Parish Office if you are interested in attending It would be great if Musicians, Liturgy Committee Members, or any other interested people from all our Centres could attend this very important workshop. CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME FOR EASTER Are you interested in renewing your Catholic faith? Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church as it is today? We invite you to renew your relationship with the Catholic Church. Information evening 17th February 2015, 7pm St Joseph’s School Meeting Room Contact Denise 0409721865 or Trish 41262006 Sacred Heart Catholic Parish, Childers If you know someone who may be interested in this program, please pass this message on to them and encourage them to come along. PRIVACY ACT – PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY Thank you to all who have returned the new Privacy Forms for the Parish records. Please continue to fill out a form and return it to the pink box at the back of the Church or to Fr Sunny, as the Parish requires written permission to print names for the sick, recently deceased, anniversaries and rosters. NEW ROSTER CHILDERS - March 2015 We invite our Parishioners from Childers to consider putting their names on the new Church roster which commences 7th March. ROSTERS FOR NEXT WEEK 7th /8th Feb 2015 CHILDERS: Offertory/Greeters: I. Reilly, T Mammino Readers: D Rapkins, N Fresta, M Davis Ministers of Communion: P Russo, ? Monitor: T Clutterbuck Sunday: Greeters/Offertory: S & D Jones Readers: N Kingston, G Peters, D French Ministers of Communion: A Bonanno, B McKenzie Monitor: H Bonanno Linen: FEB. Small & Large: Sonia GIN GIN: Greeters: Schulke Family Min of Comm: Jim & Tegan Flowers: Petra Readers: Toni & Robyn & Sony Music – Margaret
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