St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Feb. 1, 2015 A CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP In reading the scriptures we reflect more on how God invites various people before his time during his time and even after his time into fellowship with him and better still becoming his disciples. In many of these calls one realizes that God is unselective and called people from all angles: fishermen, shepherds carpenters, educated and uneducated, men and women; children as well as adults. The church invites us to understand today that as individuals he has called each and every one of us into existence, and faith in Christ with a very definite purpose which is unique to each person’s. This calling which is unique for me is a proof of God’s love for me which began even before my conception, “before I formed you in your mother’s womb I know you” (Jeremiah 1:4-5). Therefore, person has the responsibility in carrying out that task entrusted him or her. This must be done with all our might and with all our souls and means to carry this task out successfully. This response to God’s call and search for the will of God for me is what Matthew Kelly define in his book as ‘Authentic life’; He continues, to say that “God doesn’t call you to live an authentic life in order to stifle or control you. He invites you to live an authentic life so that, from an infinite number of possibilities, you can become the best-version-of yourself. In a very beautiful way God wants you be yourself… be all (God) created” (Mathew Kelly, Discovering Catholicism Pg. 66) you to be. This will come without escaping opposition but God has promised; “I am with you till the end of time”. All I have to do is to keep close contact with him. Let us do the best we can in responding to his call as though today is your last day on the earth. HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEK TAKE TEN & CONNECT With God & With Others Your Faith & Daily Life Spend 10 minutes reflecting on God’s Word Next Sunday’s scripture: Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23; Mark 1: 29-39 When have you felt boxed in by someone else's expectations and image of you? Where do you find strength for your call in life? Name an event in your life when God's intervention had a more far-reaching effect than you imagined. View this bulletin online at REGION ONE LITURGICAL SCHEDULE [SA] = St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict [SM] = St. Mary Fri. Feb 6 8am [SM] SM Parishioners Sat. Feb 7 4:30pm [SB] SB Parishioners 4:30pm [SM] Bob & Anna Harris 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sun. Feb 8 8:15am [SA] Irene Boullie 9:45am [SM] Special Intentions for Kay Wolff 11am [SB] SB Parishioners 1:15pm [SM] Spanish Mass THIS WEEK'S EVENTS PASTORAL REGION ONE: [SA] St. Augustine [SB] = St. Benedict; [SM] = St. Mary Mon. 2/2 Prayer mtg. 11am [SB] Fellowship of Work 7pm [SM] Tues. 2/3 Choir practice 7pm [SM] Thurs 2/5 Bible Study 10am [SMC] Jubilee Club 1pm [SMC] Fri 2/6 Fish Fry 6-11pm [SMHall] Sun. 2/8 Bible Study 10:45am [SM] Coffee & Donuts 10:45am [SMC] WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Jan 25, 2015 St. Mary Weekly Goal: $4116.00 Weekly $2628.06 envelopes used: 77 SVDP $10 Building Fund $50 TOTAL: $2688.06 YTD collection $109,346.60 SHORTFALL ($17,679.32) St. Benedict Jan. 24 $527 Weekly Goal $5,200.00 Jan 25 $2350 Maintenance $447.02 St. Augustine Jan. 25: $834 A&E: $30 Capitol Imp.: $150 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAY FOR OUR PARISH MILITARY MEMBERS TSgt Timothy Scott Marcum, USAF; SSgt Justin Bentley, USAF; SrA Matthew Bauer, USAF; CPT Brian Hargis, US Army; SSG Lynn Jones, US Army; Saundra Ann Morrell, USN; Ronald Morrell Pruitt, US Army, Capt. Andrew J. Konicki, USMC.; SSgt Christopher DeWitt, USAF, Sgt Alex Zavakas, US Army, SSG Bill Himes US Army; PFC Michael V. Jackson, US Army, PVT Corey Taylor, US Army, Lt. Com. Ryan Jonathan Logan, USN, SGT Stephanie Lewis, US Army, PFC Solomon A. Smith, US Army, SrA Candice Smith, USAF, EOD3 Aaron R. Gorby, USN; Davion A. Redd, USCG, Pvt Jacob Deis, USMC, SSgt Jennifer Wagner, USAF, LCpl Jacob Deis, USMC. PRAY FOR OUR BELOVED SICK of SB In our prayers, let us remember those in need of the Lord’s healing mercy, especially: Andrew Lewis, Jackie Bristow, Brenda Lewis, Mae Wilkerson, Kenneth Bronston, Zadie Buckner, Mary Helen Spanish, Ruby Hobbs, Chuck Dewitt, Valerie Smith, Phyllis Coley, Lora Singleton, Mark Wells, Gloria Patton, Jessie Campbell, Betty Jones, Pat Bell, Janis Lowery, Myrtle Truitt, Robert Armstrong, and Susie Roberts. ST. BENEDICT LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE TH FEB 8 – FIFTH SUN IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Reader – Janet Harden; 2nd Reader – Kathy Garrison Petitions – Tom Hall Extraordinary Ministers– Sharon Hairston, Maxine Brooks, Rita Ellicott, Carolyn Day (R) Kim Brown, Annette Young, Victor O’Basuyi, Mary O’Basuyi, (L) St. Benedict Call to Worship February 15 Christopher Williams ST. AUGUSTINE MINISTRY SCHEDULE Feb 8 Lectors: Ron Fetzer, Frank Kozarec Eucharistic Ministers: Ken & Susie Stewart, Patrick Barnett, Jean Evanchuck, Sylvia Hess, Tim & Betty Stueve, Frank Kozarec Ushers: Richard Dillon, Matthew Valenti, Tim Rennecker Servers: Sabrina Steser, Elisabeth Fischer, Mackenzie Hoog ST. MARY LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Feb 7 - 4:30pm [S] Julie Himes [L] Julie Himes, Tresa Duffy [E] Dolora Michel, Debbie Hoover, Mary Ann Faulstick Feb 8- 9:45am [S] Julie Himes [L] Jack Dempsey, Russ Willoughby [E] Mark Bertolo, Lois DeShayes, Sandy Moritz, Rodie Brun, Mary Jo DuPree, Peggy Falkowski, Luella McQuality IN THE NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING FROM ST. BENEDICT AND ST. MARY PARISHES Eddie Weaver Ralph Reid Mary Paschal Artie Oliver Mary Scott Mary Scott Livingston Care Center Mercy Sienna PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THE SHUT INS OF ST. AUGUSTINE. Joe Szaruga, Kathy Schindler, June Helmers and Fran Chroniak MARDI GRAS BALL 2015 Mardi Gras Ball 2015 - Presented by Knights of Peter Claver & Ladies Auxiliary Unit 353 on Saturday, February 14, 2015 at St. Benedict the Moor Multi-Purpose Room. Tickets can be purchased from any Knights or Lady or the Parish office. Ticket cost $20.00 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you would like your 2014 income tax statement of your contributions, please fill out the following and drop it in the collection. We can also email your statement to you. NAME:_______________________________ _____________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ EMAIL:____________________________ View this bulletin online at St. Augustine, St. Benedict the Moor & St. Mary Churches: Pastoral Region One Feb. 1, 2015 SM FISH FRY TIME You bet!!! The St. Mary Spring Fish Fry is ONLY THIS FRIDAY February 6, 6-10:30pm. Tickets will are available now - $15 per person (21and older only) from the ushers at St. Mary or during the week in the parish office. Carry-outs are $8 per person from 5-6pm that evening and the kitchen will be serving until 9pm. We have THE BEST fish, fries, Cole slaw, baked beans and sausage. There are plenty of frosty adult beverages for everyone. We are also asking for Baked Good donations to be sold at the event. Cakes and pies seem to be a real hit!! Baked good donations can be dropped off at the office during the day on the 6th or brought down to the fish fry at 6. HOLY TRINITY FISH FRY THE SECOND BEST FISH FRY IN TOWN is gearing up. The Holy Trinity Church Fish and Sausage Fry is Sat., Feb 21 in Trinity Center, 272 Bainbridge St., Dayton. Meals served 6-8pm, with games & silent auction running 7-10:30pm. Advanced tickets available Feb 119th, at the Parish Office (Judi Trick, ph 228-1223) $12 each. Tickets at the door are $15. Ticket price includes all you can eat and 3 beverage tickets. Must be at least 21 yrs old to attend. We hope you can join the fun! Questions, please call Jimmy Keys (604-6063), Sam Eckhart (9029711), or Judi Trick (228-1223. ST. AUGUSTINE NEWS SPIRITUAL ADOPTION OF SEMINARIANS Saint Augustine has been assigned Mr. Andrew Hess, son of Sacred Heart Parish in St. Paris, OH. He is currently in his first year of theology at Mount St. Mary's Seminary of the West here in Cincinnati and his birthday is 2/4/1996. Feel free to send him a birthday card: Mr. Andrew Hess Athenaeum of Ohio 6616 Beechmont Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45230 ROSARY Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary. View this bulletin online at 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Parishioners of St. Augustine your end of the year statements are ready. They are on the table at the bottom of the stairs by the parking lot door. Please pick them up. This is Commitment Weekend for the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please join with Catholics in every parish throughout the 19 counties of our archdiocese who support these important local ministries which depend on our help each year. If you have already responded by mail or online, or if you brought your completed pledge card to place in the offertory today, thank you! To make a pledge securely online, please visit ST. BENEDICT NEWS BLACK HISTORY MONTH Diversity Sunday Celebration Our Diversity Sunday marking the end of the Black History Month is on Sunday February 22, 2015. It begins with Prelude at 10am followed by the mass at St. Benedict the Moor Church. Come and witness the beauty of multi cultures. Youth Quiz Bowl The youth at St. Benedict will compete with St. Augustine and the Spanish ministry on February 7, 2015 beginning at 6pm at the multipurpose room in St. Benedict. We are hoping that we will get some youth to join them from St. Mary’s this time. Please come and support them. They are the future of our parishes and community. Lenten Fish Fry at St Benedict There will be a Fish Fry every Friday during Lent beginning February 20, 2015. We are asking parishioners to spread the news around and also sign up to participate in the preparation of the meal sometime during Lent. There is a sign-up sheet at the gathering area of St. Benedict church. Thank you for your cooperation. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2015 GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The 2015 Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary will be on Sat. May 2, 2pm at Immaculate Conception Church. Archbishop Schnurr will be the principal celebrant. If you are celebrating your 50th anniversary in 2015 and would like to participate in this Mass, we need you to call the parish office NO LATER THAN MARCH 2. TRUE DEVOTION STUDY GROUP True Devotion Study Group -- Tuesdays, 7-8:15 p.m., Feb 3-March 24, at Our Lady of Good Hope Parish Center, 6 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH. Grow closer to Jesus and Mary while enjoying good conversation and making new friends with the Knights of Columbus and the Legion of Mary. Register by February 1st to buy True Devotion to Mary, and Preparation for Total Consecration books for $13, or use free online version of one and buy the other for $7. For more information, contact Gloria Dodd at 229-1431. 2015 SCHOLARSHIPS Dayton Catholic Women's Club will again award four $1000 scholarships at our Spring Luncheon, May 2, 2015. The scholarships will be awarded to graduating Catholic female high school students, one from Alter H.S., Carroll H.S., Chaminade-Julienne H.S., and a public high school in our Dayton Deanery. The scholarships are managed by the Dayton Foundation. For application information, contact or the appropriate high school counselor. Applications must be received between Jan 5, 2015 - Mar 13, 2015. CELEBRATING 10 YEARS – ST BENEDICT THE MOOR CATHOLIC CHURCH Celebrating 10 years – St Benedict the Moor Catholic Church - “We’ve come this far by faith” - 2005 – 2015. This is the theme of St Benedict the Moor’s 10th Anniversary Celebration. St Benedict is sponsoring multiple events during the months leading up its 10th Anniversary Banquet on Saturday, May 9th, 2015 from 6 – 9 p.m. Guest speaker for the banquet is Father Freddy Washington, CSSp., Pastor St Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, Harlem, NY. Tickets for the banquet are $50 per person and will go on sale in February. Contact Rita Ellicott (937.263.8846) or Juanita Newell (937.277.8159) for ticket information. Look for upcoming events in the bulletin and flyers and please come out and celebrate with us. HOW CAN I PREPARE FOR LENT? Anything worth doing is worth preparing for. Just imagine that this Lent is going to be different from every other Lent we've experienced. Imagine that there will be many graces offered me this year. Let's even imagine that God is going to help transform our lives, with greater freedom, greater joy, deeper desires for love and service. If we want it, we will choose it. Lent will be this wonderful season of grace for us if we give ourselves to it. And, we will give ourselves to it to the degree we really want it badly. So, in these days before Lent, we need to prepare our hearts. We need to prepare by realizing how much we want to grow in freedom, how much we need to lighten our spirits and experience some real joy, and how much some parts of our lives really need changing. So, preparing our hearts is a process of preparing our desires. This means practicing our sense of anticipation. If I imagine Lent as an "ordeal" or a time I dread in some way, then I've already pre-disposed myself to not get very much out of it. These days before Lent are a time to start anticipating something wonderful that is about to happen. Our Focus: On what God wants to give us. Our sense of excitement and anticipation will grow more easily if we begin to imagine what God wants to give us. There is really something coming that we can truly look forward to. If we get too focused on ourselves, and what we are going to do or not do, we could risk missing the gift God wants to give us. We have to keep aware of the fact that grace comes from God. This is about God's great desire to bless us. Then, it is easier for us to imagine that what we really want to do is place ourselves in a space to receive what God wants to give us. Not starting from a dead stop. Taking some time to get ready for Lent will ensure that we aren't going to miss the first week or two of Lent, because we are just getting started. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, but we want to be ready to really take off on that day, rather than just beginning to think about Lent on that day. Part of what makes a vacation or a special anniversary so special is the build-up to it. Before we get to Ash Wednesday, we should start asking ourselves some questions and we should start with some preparations. "What does God want to give me this year?" This question may require that I slow down a bit and listen to my inner spirit. For example, even if I'm very busy, I realize I'm hungry when I hear my stomach start "growling." "What am I going to be doing on Ash Wednesday?" Too often, Ash Wednesday is like every other day, except that I manage to get to church and get ashes on my forehead. Is there anything else I can do on Ash Wednesday? How will fasting and abstaining happen for me, for my family on that special day? (TO BE CONTINUED) View this bulletin online at View these Sponsors and more @ Rambo-Westendorf Plumbing HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEATING SERVICE 1853 Wayne Ave. OH Lic. # 15225 256-1661 24 Hour Emergency Service Lic.# 27849 FaLke & Dunphy, LLC fAx 253-9181 FRIDAY-ALL THE FISH YOU CAN EAT Hours: 5am-10pm Every Day John Ferneding Dan Ferneding St. anthony aLum 545 Linden • Parishioner PANCAKE HOUSE COMMERCIAL EXCAVATING 233-3081 Call for a quote! • Wills & EstatEs • MEdical MalpracticE BREAKFAST SPECIAL CARRYOUT AVAILABLE DAILY SPECIALS 1280 Brandt Pike Elsa’s Restaurants 3509 LINDEN AVE. 254-8431 Centerville • Dayton • Kettering Open 7 Days • Lunch & Dinner This Ad in Memory of & Gratitude to My Parents, Francis & Frances Hemmert Owned and Operated By William Hemmert Family 252-0351 Joe Dittenhofer 5980 Bigger Rd., Kettering Owner 1712 Wayne Ave., Dayton Our Funeral Home is proud to be family owned and operated. 937-848-6898 [email protected] JOSEPH’S 3624 Ridgeway Rd. Bellbrook Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. St. Lic. #26886 253-6161 St. Mary’s 937/253-9154 For Over 44 Years Excellence in Automotive Services 937-222-1414 “Our Professional Staff Has 130 Years Combined Experience” MICK KRAFT 7 Mackoil Ave. 1112 Springfield St. Locally Owned & Operated - Service, Installation, Scheduled Maintenance Bill Montgomery, CIC, OPHP For You! Meetings - 2nd Wed. of Each Month Fellowship of Work, Mondays at 7pm Insurance Works LLC 2810 Wayne Ave. 937-424-5633 KETTERING IMAGING CENTER 936 Brown St. LINCOLN PARK 424-1784 Serving the Dayton, Kettering and surrounding areas for 20+ years. Our patients never call and get recorded Residential Commercial 254-1010 4406 Linden Ave. 24 Hour Towing Maintenance Detail ...And MUCH More! 24 Hour Hour Towing Towing Maintenance Maintenance Detail 24 Detail 937-293-1221 Wayne Avenue Heating • Air Conditioning • Sheetmetal 1120 1120 Wayne Wayne Avenue 1120 Dayton, OhioAvenue 45410 Dayton, Ohio Ohio 45410 45410 Dayton, Sales - Service - Installation 879-2373 937-253-5166 937-253-5166 937-253-5166 Rick & Toni’s Banquet Hall and Juke Joint St. Augustine Parishioner 836 Waterveliet Ave. 258-1222 937-299-0900 Lic # 26615 REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE HEATING & COOLING WATER CONDITIONING RENTALS For Service Call 426-6959 937-253-2197 Established 1926 Roofing and Sheet Metal The Enterprise Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. 1021-25 Irving Ave. • Dayton, OH 45419 P.O. 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(937) 254-RIBS (7427) Eat In • Carryout Catering We’ve Got What You’re Lookin’ For! 252-5000 2205 Smithville Rd. 2049 • Appliances • Heating & Air • Sales & Service
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