Eighth Annual National SAM Conference Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Wednesday, January 28, 2015 NSIP Board of Directors Meeting, 10:00 AM Registration Desk: Lobby, adjacent to hotel registration Noon until 9:00 PM Thursday, January 29, 2015 9:00 9:00 Registration Desk, materials pick-up: Lobby 7:00 8:15 Breakfast: Ocean View Terrace 8:15 8:30 Pre-conference Sessions: Ocean Ballroom Welcome: Mark Shellinger 8:30 12:00 12:00 1:15 Time Change Coaches Sandra Stein, Mike Rutherford SAM Academy Rick Delagardelle, Diane Collier, Jim Mercer Productive Cultures Joe Murphy Top 20 SAMs Paul Bernabei Fierce SAMs Deli Moussavi-Bock Ocean Salon I & II Caribbean III Ocean Salon III Ocean Salon IV Caribbean I & II Lunch for pre-conference attendees: Ocean View Terrace 1:15 4:15 Time Change Coaches Sandra Stein, Mike Rutherford Ocean Salon I & II SAM Academy Rick Delagardelle, Diane Collier, Jim Mercer Productive Cultures Joe Murphy Top 20 SAMs Paul Bernabei Fierce SAMs Deli Moussavi-Bock Caribbean III Ocean Salon III Ocean Salon IV Caribbean I & II NSIP Welcome Reception Hosted Reception & Dinner: Ocean View Terrace 6:00 10:00 Music by: Project Soul 1|P a g e Eighth Annual National SAM Conference Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Friday, January 30, 2015 7:00 Breakfast: Ocean View Terrace 8:25 Welcome and First General Session: Grand Ballroom 8:30 10:30 Welcome: Mark Shellinger Keynote Presenter: Paul Bambrick-Santoyo Leverage Leadership Break 10:30 10:45 10:45 Noon Noon Breakout 1: Breakout 2: Breakout 3: Breakout 4: Breakout 5: Paul Bernabei SAMs Above the Line Mike Rutherford Artisan Themes 1 Jodi Noble How to be a Super SAM Kevin Ballard Habits, Inhibitions and Change, Oh My! Angela Richardson Continued Commitment Ocean Salon I Ocean Salon II Caribbean I, II, & III Caribbean IV Clearwater/Orlando Breakout 6: Breakout 7: Breakout 8: Breakout 9: Breakout 10: Kim Marshall Three Crucial Aspects Tonja Williams Stop in the Name of Love Maryanne Grimes Reflective SAM Teams Deli-Moussavi-Bock Fierce SAMs Katie Mulholland Iowa First: The Journey to Success Ocean Salon III Caribbean VI, VII, & VIII Key West/Palm Beach Ocean Salon IV Caribbean V 1:15 Lunch: Ocean View Terrace Second General Session: Grand Ballroom 1:15 2:45 2:45 3:00 3:00 6:00 4:15 10:00 Keynote Presenter: Joe Murphy Creating Academic Press and Positive Cultures in Schools Break Breakout 1: Breakout 2: Breakout 3: Breakout 4: Breakout 5: Mike Rutherford Artisan Themes 2 Michael Miliote SMART SAM Teams Carol Lensing Love and Profit Lloyd Kilmer Davenport SAM Study Kendra Bass The Power of Protocols Ocean Salon II Caribbean I, II, & III Caribbean IV Caribbean V Ocean Salon I Breakout 6: Breakout 7: Breakout 8: Breakout 9: Breakout 10: Terri Brown Growing Achievement Paul Bernabei Why Students Disengage Willow Sweeney Thought Tornados Deli-Moussavi-Bock Fierce SAMs Joe Murphy Laws of Improvement Caribbean VI, VII, & VIII Key West/Palm Beach Ocean Salon III Ocean Salon IV Clearwater/Orlando Hosted Reception and Dinner Dance: Ocean View Terrace Music by: LA All Stars 2|P a g e Eighth Annual National SAM Conference Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Saturday, January 31, 2015 7:00 8:25 Breakfast: Ocean View Terrace Third General Session: Grand Ballroom Welcome: Mark Shellinger, NSIP Director Keynote Presenter: Kim Marshall Ten Things I Know Now 8:30 10:00 10:00 10:15 Break 10:15 11:30 Breakout 1: Breakout 2: Breakout 3: Breakout 4: Breakout 5: Paul Bernabei SAMs Above the Line Mike Rutherford Artisan Themes 3 Asia Gurney Getting to the Green Francine Lazarus Completing the Puzzle Kathleen Knudson It Takes a Lollipop Ocean Salon I Ocean Salon II Caribbean I, II, & III Caribbean IV Caribbean V Breakout 6: Breakout 7: Breakout 8: Breakout 9: Breakout 10: Nathan Roberts Sex, Social Media and Salvation Mojdeh Henderson Systematic Coaching Framework Andrew Bratspis M&Ms for your Principal J Roth Now That I’m Free, What Should I See? Sundy Chazares Distributed Leadership Ocean Salon III Ocean Salon IV Caribbean VI, VII, & VIII Key West/Palm Beach Clearwater/Orlando Lunch and 4th General Session: Grand Ballroom 11:45 1:15 1:15 1:30 Luncheon Presenter: LaVonna Roth The Power of Connection Transition to last General Session Fifth General Session: Ocean Ballroom 1:30 3:00 3:00 4:00 State and District Meetings (optional) 6:00 10:00 Reception, Dinner and Dance: North Beach and Ocean View Terrace Music by: LA All-Stars Keynote Presenter: Dan Thurmon Off Balance on Purpose 3|P a g e
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