Mount St. Michael Traditional Roman Catholic Parish St. Michael’s Academy (K - 12) 8500 N. St. Michael’s Rd., Spokane, WA 99217-9333 Parish & School Office - (509) 467-0986 ext. 100 Fax - (509) 467-2425 Rectory - (509) 467-2325 Homepage - Septuagesima Sunday February 1, 2015 SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Please fill out the form available in the vestibule and turn it in to the Pastor or to the parish office. Reminder: Novus Ordo & non-practicing Catholics cannot serve as godparents, since they lack the intention of seeing to the traditional Catholic upbringing of children. Please check the Baptismal Form to see the other requirements of the Church regarding godparents. Baptisms should take place within a month after birth. A grave reason is needed to delay it beyond then. PENANCE (Confessions): SUNDAY TUESDAY SATURDAY 1st FRIDAY 7:20-7:50 a.m., 9:50-10:20 a.m., 4:30-4:50 p.m. 7:00-8:30 p.m. 7:30-7:50 a.m., after 8:00 a.m. Mass, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Half-hour before morning Mass, 5:30-5:50 p.m. MATRIMONY: For practicing traditional Catholics only. Contact the pastor at least 6 months before the wedding date for marriage instructions. The best man and maid of honor of the marriage should be Catholics, since they are the official witnesses to the Sacrament of Matrimony. HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please arrange with Fr. Bernard. If anyone is in danger of death, please call either of the priests immediately! CONFIRMATION: Usually in late May/early June, but may be administered at other times when Bp. Pivarunas visits, in more urgent cases. WEEKLY DEVOTIONS OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP DEVOTIONS -Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., with Rosary and Benediction. ROSARY - Publicly recited daily at 7:30 a.m., with the special intention for World Peace. BLESSING OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES - Every Sunday at the Communion Rail after each Mass. BLESSING OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS- Last Sunday of the month in front of the Fatima Shrine, after the blessing of religious articles. CHILDREN’S SUNDAY CATECHISM - For students who do not attend St. Michael’s Academy. 9:30 -10:20 a.m. every Sunday. Consult bulletin board for all pertinent information. SCRIPTURE STUDY – 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evenings in Room 226. All adults and older high school students are welcome to attend. Bring your own Bible. We are currently studying the third book of Kings. CANDLES - You may have an eight-day candle lit at one of the beautiful side shrines. Minimum donation is $6. Please put in the Sunday collection. STIPENDS - Stipends are not payment for spiritual benefits received, but are an offering of support for the priest who performs a Sacramental rite or ceremony. The customary stipends are as follows: Weddings - $100, Baptisms - $25, Mass for your intentions - $20 The backlog for Masses is sometimes 3 months, so please be patient! If the backlog becomes too great, some of them will be sent to other traditional Catholic priests to offer. Please understand that sometimes this happens. BABYSITTING: During the 8 & 10:30 a.m. Masses on Sundays - Room 204 ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH Clergy: Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI Pastor Rev. Fr. Bernard Welp, CMRI Assistant Pastor cell: 868-5881 467-0986, x 114 cell: 868-5867 Parish Secretary Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel 467-0986, x 100 [email protected] Facility Manager & Volunteer Coordinator Sr. Renee Marie, CMRI 467-1077 Accountant & Cemetery Administrator Mr. Tim Drahman 462-4327 or [email protected] 467-0986, x 101 Library Mrs. Melissa Morgan 467-0986, x 115 Adult Catechism Instructor Sr. Maria Kazimiera, CMRI 467-0986, x 176 [email protected] ST. MICHAEL’S ACADEMY Principal - Pre-K - 6th Rev. Mother Mary Agnes, CMRI Principal - 7th - 12th Sr. Marie Vianney, CMRI School Registrar Mrs. Anne Marie Netzel [email protected] School Uniform Shop Mrs. Joanna Gilchrist 467-0986, x 118 467-0986, x 110 467-0986, x 100 828-2050 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Action Committee Mr. Bob Tarnowski 464-2332 Confraternity of Christian Mothers - meets on 1st Sat. of month Mrs. Lorrie Ochoa 467-8577 Confraternity of M.I.Q.- meets on 2nd Saturday of month Mr. Tom Drahman 487-4115 Handmaids of the Queen Sodality Sr. Michael Marie, CMRI 467-0986, x 119 Messengers of the Immaculate Heart (gr. 5-8) Sr. Mary Veronica, CMRI 467-0986, x 154 Children of Mary (gr. 2-4) Sr. Giovanna Marie, CMRI 467-0986, x 169 Holy Name Society (Ushers) Mr. Stephen Tarnoczy 922-6064 Knights of the Altar (Altar Servers) Mr. Paul Scherling 570-8994 Parish Choir Mr. John Netzel 953-0816 RELIGIOUS CONGREGATION OF MARY IMMACULATE QUEEN Priests, Brothers, Sisters Mary Immaculate Queen Center Mail Order Line www. (509) 467-1077 Mass Schedule Sun., February 1 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY (St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr) Pro Populo – High Mass for our children’s godparents (Sitzenstocks) private intention Mon., February 2 6:40 a.m. 10:30 a.m. PURIFICATION B.V.M. - CANDLEMAS R.I.P. Joseph F. Saulon (M. Immaculata) Blessing & Distribution of Candles, Procession, High Mass with incense – Pro Populo Mr. K. Bawden & P. Gilchrist D. Scherling & G. Sitzenstock T. Migala Bro. Sebastian MC: B. Pulliam, Thurifer: T. Netzel, Acolyte 1: D. Scherling, Acolyte 2: R. Sitzenstock, Torches: L. House, M. Sitzenstock, Kieran Strain and G. Sitzenstock Tue., February 3 Feria (St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr) – Blessing of Throats after both Masses & after Holy Hour 6:40 a.m. St. Francis of Assisi Missionary Guild intentions Mr. C. South 11:05 a.m. (Rectory) Purgatorian League intentions Mr. B. Magerl 7:30 p.m. Holy Hour Bro. Sebastian, Mr. K. Strain, M. Isakson Wed., February 4 6:40 a.m. St. Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor for the most abandoned soul in Purgatory (anon.) Mr. P. Sarquilla Thu., February 5 St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr (Martyrs of Japan) 6:40 a.m. in honor of the Holy Ghost (CMRI) 11:05 a.m. (Rectory) R.I.P. Dr. V. Patrick Hughes (Sitzenstock) 4:00 p.m. Wedding & Nuptial Mass for Nathan Forness & Maria Ochoa Fri., February 6 8:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Sat., February 7 8:00 a.m. Mr. C. South Mr. B. Magerl R. & M. Ochoa St. Titus, Bishop & Confessor (St. Dorothy, Virgin & Martyr) – FIRST FRIDAY COMPLETE ABSTINENCE FROM MEAT First Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the Sisters with feastdays in February (St. Michael’s Rectory) J. Muglia & J. Pulliam for Simon & Joanna Gilchrist (C. House), followed by Exposition Bro. Sebastian & Mr. K. Kosch of Blessed Sacrament, First Friday devotions, Rosary for Vocations, silent adoration Reposition of Blessed Sacrament Bro. Sebastian St. Romuald, Abbot – FIRST SATURDAY for the living & deceased members of Confraternity of Christian Mothers (CCM), followed by 15-minute meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary Sun., February 8 SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY (St. John of Matha, Confessor) 8:00 a.m. Pro Populo – High Mass 10:30 a.m. R.I.P. Tony House, Sr. (J. & S. Gilchrist family) 5:00 p.m. private intention 5:00 p.m. (Tri-Cities) private intention (Call 509-948-2559 for information) D. House & R. Cyr G. & G. Dinaro S. Welp & P Gilchrist M. Zver FEAST OF THE PURIFICATION Forty days after Christmas, the Church celebrates the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Candlemas. It commemorates the entry of Christ into the Temple when He filled Simeon and Anna with the gift of prophecy. He revealed to them His own salutary mission of being a “light of revelation to the Gentiles” and also made know to them the sorrowful destiny of His Mother. The chants of the procession, derived from the Greek liturgy, sing the praises of Christ as the Spouse of the Church, the King of Light; they extol Mary as the Gate of Heaven and virginal Mother of God. The use of lighted candles in the procession vividly represents what was stated by the aged Simeon, “Lumen ad revelationem gentium,” and earnestly admonishes all Christians to walk continually as “children of light.” Candlemas is one of only three times a year in which Catholics (and catechumens) may receive in public liturgical ceremony a blessed Sacramental, the other two times being ashes on Ash Wednesday and palms on Palm Sunday. Don’t miss it! Mothers who have given birth within the last few months are welcome to receive the special blessing, called Churching of Mothers, after Mass that day. It may be given at any time after birth, but Candlemas Day is a most beautiful opportunity to receive it, since it is the feast of Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. As Mary brought Jesus to the Temple in thanksgiving, so mothers, when they receive this blessing, come to church to offer their gratitude for their child’s safe delivery. HISTORICAL TRIVIA ABOUT MT. ST. MICHAEL It was on February 2, 1919, that Brother Joseph Giraudi, S.J., was miraculously cured by Our Blessed Mother of the cancer in his hip. Hospital staff had fully expected him to die, but he was found walking the hallways of the hospital! He had made a promise to Mary that he would build a special shrine to her if he was cured, and so the Lourdes Grotto here at the Mount stands to this day as the fulfillment of that promise. The Grotto was dedicated by Bishop Schinner on September 29, 1920. Brother Joseph lived 34 years after his cure, passing away on August 1, 1953, at 88 years of age. You may visit his grave in the Jesuit cemetery. DRESS CODE Out of respect for the Blessed Sacrament, and in keeping with Christian modesty, please observe the following standards of dr ess: Women and girls—A suitable hat or veil should be used, that covers at least the crown of the head (I Cor. 11:5, 6, 10). No slacks, no sleeveless, revealing, or low-cut clothing (the Marylike Crusade’s standard is that a dress be not cut more than two fingers’ width below pit of throat). Dresses & skirts should cover knees when you are standing or sitting, and not have long slits in them. Strapless or spaghetti-strap clothing is always sinfully immodest and should never be worn. Please avoid “straight skirts” as well, since they are usually form-fitting and tight. Men and boys—Suit coat and tie, dress slacks, or other formal attire. Jeans, shorts, “flip-flops,” and other casual attire are inappropriate for church! Be sure to also avoid clothing with logos and/or large lettering, as these can be quite distracting. We welcome all our guests and visitors, and encourage you to read the blue pamphlet “Welcome to the Traditional Latin Mass” (available in the vestibule). It explains why we must completely avoid the modern Mass and liturgies introduced since Vatican II. HOLY ANGELS CHURCH CLEANING GUILD Date Mary’s Side Holy Family Side Dusting Choir Loft Left Choir Loft Right Sanctuary 02/07 Dolores South Rita Dinaro Sodality Suzie Vila Mariah Vila Lori Boyer 02/14 JoAnn Edwards Jennifer Migala Susan Bush Betty Cons Eileen Urann Tracy Lewis Septuagesimas Sunday — February 1, 2015 SECOND COLLECTION – Today, it will be for the support of St. Michael’s Academy. Next Sunday, February 8, it will be the 1st of 3 collections we take up annually for the support of our beautiful Lourdes Grotto. R.I.P. FAITHFUL DEPARTED – Please continue to pray for the repose of the soul of Dr. V. Patrick Hughes, who was laid to rest here at our cemetery on Friday, and for Mr. Davey Baca, who was laid to rest here also on Saturday. Please continue to pray for Mr. Alan Port, one of our housebound parishioners, who is near death. BANNS OF MARRIAGE – The Banns of Marriage are announced for the third time for Nathan Forness and Miss Maria Ochoa, both members of our parish. If you are aware of any impediments to this marriage, you are bound in conscience to notify the pastor as soon as possible. Please pray for this couple as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. BLESSING OF THROATS – On Thurs., Feb. 3, feast of St. Blaise, the special blessing of throats will be given after both Masses and after the Holy Hour (also the following Sunday for those unable to come that day). MEN’S CHORAL GROUP – Open to all men, young and old, that can sing reasonably well. Meets on Thursdays at 7 p.m. in Room 300. Director is Mr. Tim Duff (509) 280-5495. MONTHLY DAY OF PRAYER AND PENANCE – Let’s devote our First Friday every month to pray and offer up sacrifices for vocations and for the perseverance of our priests and religious in their holy vocation. Also, please include the sick and housebound of the parish in this special remembrance as well. MONTHLY MEETINGS – The usual meetings for the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, Knights of the Altar, Handmaids of the Queen, and Messengers of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will take place on First Saturday, after the 8 a.m. Mass and 15-minute meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary. PRIEST TRAVELS – Fr. Casimir is taking Fr. Gerard McKee’s place in southern California, while Fr. Gerard goes on Mass circuit to Guadalajara, Mexico. Next weekend, Fr. Bernard will be on Mass circuit to Oregon and Tri-Cities. SAVE THE DATE, ST. VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER FOR MARRIED AND ENGAGED COUPLES — Saturday, February 14th at 5 p.m. pray the Rosary, hear a short sermon and renew your marriage vows and enjoy a sumptuous dinner with your spouse at 6 p.m. The cost is $60 per couple and more information will follow soon. For reservations, please contact the parish secretary at 467-0986 x 100 or Sr. Marie Vianney at 4670986 x 110. MARDI GRAS MUSICAL TALENT SHOW – To have some fun for the parish before Lent begins, we will have a parish-wide talent show on February 15, the Sunday before Lent begins, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass, in the parish hall. All presentations must be approved by Fr. Casimir in advance. Only musical or spoken pieces, please. Contact him or fill out the form available in the vestibule. Deadline for submissions is Noon on Friday, February 13 – no exceptions! THRIFT STORE BIG SALE— will be on Saturday, February 7th from 9 to 3 p.m. in the parish hall. All are welcome to come and shop, everything you can put in a bag for $1.00. Please call Susan Murry at 509-869-7773 if you would like to help. She needs help setting up and cleaning up as well as workers for the sale. SENIOR MONTHLY RAFFLE—the class of 2015 is sponsoring a 50/50 raffle. The winner will receive half the proceeds! This fundraiser will occur every month and the winning ticket will be drawn after the 10:30 Mass on the last Sunday of each month. Thank you for helping us fund our trip to England! This last months winner was Ines Wagner who won $35.50. Special Daily Prayers to St. Joseph to help with the costly restoration and maintenance of Mt. St. Michael Novena Prayer to St. Joseph O glorious St. Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, to thee do we raise our hearts and hands to implore thy powerful intercession in obtaining from the benign Heart of Jesus all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special favor we now implore – the means to restore and maintain our buildings at Mt. St. Michael. O Guardian of the Word Incarnate, we feel animated with confidence that thy prayers in our behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. O glorious St. Joseph, through the love thou dost bear to Jesus Christ, and for the glory of His name, hear our prayers and obtain our petitions. Memorare to St. Joseph Remember, O most pure Spouse of the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, that never hath it been heard that anyone invoked thy patronage and sought thine aid without being comforted. Inspired by this confidence, I come to thee and fervently commend myself to thee. Ah, despise not my petition, dear foster-father of our Redeemer, but accept it graciously. Amen. UPCOMING EVENTS Online Parish Calendar link – or Hear from us by Twitter @MSMParish 2015 – Mt. St. Michael’s Centennial! February 11 February 14 February 15 February 18 March 10 Our Lady of Lourdes (100th Day of the School Year!) Valentine’s Day Dinner for Married & Engaged Couples, sponsored by the Senior Class of St. Michael’s Academy. Quinquagesima Sunday – annual pre-Lenten parish-wide Musical Talent Show after 10:30 a.m. Mass in Parish Hall Ash Wednesday Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI, Silver Jubilee of Ordination at Mt. St. Michael Closing Hymn after Mass Praise To The Lord (B-32) 1) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is your health and salvation. All you who hear, now to His altar draw near, Join in profound adoration. 2) Praise to the Lord, let us offer our gifts at the altar; Let not our sins and transgressions now cause us to falter. Christ, the High Priest, bids us all join in His feast, Victims with Him on the altar. 3) Praise to the Lord, oh, let all that is in us adore Him! All that has life and breath, come now in praises before Him. Let the Amen sound from His people again, Now as we worship before Him. ************ February is the Month of the Passion of Our Lord. PARISH SICK – These parishioners are greatly ailing and are in special need of your prayers: Al Bevacqua, Patricia Callon, Leon Carpenter, Mario Chodorowski, Irene Cram, Nichole Drahman, Tony Engleton, Dan Feldkamp, Brian Green, John Griffen, Teresa Magerl, Frank Medina, Vince & Alice Mellaci, Alan & Karen Port, Theresa Scherling, Virginia Scherling, Sharon Seale, Bob Tarnowski, Anna Turney, Mike Wagner, Dan Welp, Larry Walker, David Womochil, Michelle Woods. ST. IGNATIUS LIBRARY SCHEDULE Open every M-W-F from 8:30 to 3 p.m. Call 467-0986 x 115 for an appointment. “In every gift show a cheerful countenance, and sanctify thy tithes with joy. Give to the Most High according to what he hath given to thee, and with a good eye do according to the ability of thy hands: for the Lord maketh recompense, and will give thee seven times as much.” (Ecclesiasticus 35:11-13) REMEMBER MT. ST. MICHAEL IN YOUR WILL – The following wording is suggested, but do clarify it with an attorney or financial planner: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, Inc., the sum of _______ dollars (or ____________ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate), to be used by said Washington corporation for religious, charitable, or educational purposes.” Sunday Collection for Jan. 25, 2015 Weekly Tithe $3,468.57 Weekly Budgeted Needs $5,611.00 2015 Total Tithe Collected $13,098.73 YTD Budgeted Needs $19,639.51 St. Anthony’s Poor Box $37.33 Rosary & Scapular Guild $ 25.00 Russian Parish $ 20.00 AED Challenge $1050.00 Thank you for your support! MARY IMMACULATE QUEEN PARISH PARISH GUILDS 15384 North Church Road Rathdrum, Idaho 83858 Fr. Benedict Hughes, Pastor (208) 687-0290 Secretary - Mrs. Tiffany Longo - 474-9619 [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE DIVINE WORSHIP GUILDS: Sunday, February 1: Septuagesima Sunday 7:00 am MIQ – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (Gregorian #7) 9:00 am MIQ – Pro Populo Monday, February 2: 6:30 am MIQ – Pro Populo 10:30 am MIQ – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#8) Tuesday, February 3: 7:00 am SJS – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#9) 11:00 am MIQ – RIP deceased of CMRI Wednesday, February 4: 7:00 am SJS – For the Holy Souls in purgatory (Victoria Vaillancourt) 11:00 am OMPH – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#10) Thursday, February 5: 6:30 am MIQ – For Bill Bunch and the Holy Souls(Norells) 11:00 am MIQ – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#11) Friday, February 6: 7:00 am SJS – Distribution of Holy Communion only 11:00 am MIQ – For Nancy Gallagher, Rosalinda Salgado, Bonnie Freddi & Mary Antonia Boston – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#12) Saturday, February 7: 8:00 am MIQ – RIP Holy Souls (O’Hara family) Boston – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#13) Sunday, February 8: 7:00 am MIQ 9:00 am MIQ Boston Sexagesima Sunday – RIP Holy Souls (O’Hara family) – Pro Populo – RIP V. Patrick Hughes, MD (#14) URANN’S HOME REPAIR Michael Urann General Contractor 509-362-6646 [email protected] Looking to buy a new home? CALL: Lic #URANNHR912R8 Bonded & Insured Steve Blue Specializing In: (509) 216-6309 Realtor Rental Repair Basement Remodel Door & Window Installation Nature’s Sunshine Products Over 600 Nutrition Supplements @ 30% to 45% off with FREE member sign-up. Members receive up to 3 Bonuses with their 1st order & can earn rebates on purchases. For more details, Call (509) 892-1243 [email protected] Herbalife Nutrition Products Now Get 15% Off a $40.00 order @ Coupon Code: SPECIAL For All Your Nutrition Needs Herbalife Distributors Theresa Drahman 467-2525 Sheila Strain 892-1243 Holy Angels Guild (Church cleaning) Mrs. Lori Boyer 487-3541 Our Lady of Fatima Guild (Apostolic Works) Mr. Dave Fuire 482-9000 Our Lady of Lourdes Guild (Grotto) Mrs. Eileen Urann 465-4920 Our Lady of the Rosary Guild (Rosary/Scapular making) Mrs. Shelly Johnson 844-7936 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Guild (Visit the dying) Mrs. Mary Tarrell 270-6278 Sacred Heart Guild Mrs. Andrea Green 924-3074 St. Anne’s Guild (Vestment Repair) Mrs. Ann Parent 465-0403 St. Joseph Guild (Altar Flowers) Call Parish Office 467-0986 St. Therese Guild (Altar Linens) Mrs. Ines Wagner 496-2999 St. Wenceslaus Guild (Host baking) Mrs. Amy Gilchrist 467-0986 x 111 WORKS OF MERCY GUILDS: Holy Souls Guild (Cemetery) Mr. Tim Drahman 462-4327 Mater Dolorosa Guild (Wakes) Mrs. Rachael Lentes 993-3956 Our Lady of Good Counsel (Phone Committee) Mrs. Delia Vila 467-2945 St. Francis Guild (Grounds) Bro. Sebastian 467-2325 St. Gerard’s Guild (Dinners for Families of Newborns) Mrs. Ronette Lodgard 466-4772 St. Isidore’s Community Garden Mr. Ed Knoll 467-0986 St. Philomena Guild (Parish Socials) Vacant, needs a chairman St. Zita Guild (Sunday meals for Rectory) Mrs. Judy Farrell 464-3052 Santa Maria Purisima Ranch Grain Fed (non GMO) Beef Sold Whole, 1/2 or 1/4 $3.50 per lb. hanging weight 41 years in business City of Mary Location For information call: John Freddi (208) 687-0099 Looking for a Home? Call To Change or enroll in the “ACA Individual Open Enrollment” BEEF Call me: Phil Sarquilla, RHU (509) 688-9597 Fidelity Associates & Financial Services An Independent All-Lines Insurance Specialist Health - Life - Auto - Home [email protected] Larry Urann Realtor with Windermere Real Estate Cell: (509) 499-7320 [email protected] It’s What’s for Dinner! Call Bill Magerl To place orders or leave a message, Call: (509) 251-6111
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