4:30-6:30pm Curbside Cuisine Pick-Up Office Closed 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets 28 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets GRAND OPENING! February 7 & 8 Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:45 & 10:45 AM Sunday Service Times 8:45 AM Adult Sunday School 23 Jr. & Sr. High School 5pm YAM - Young Adult Ministry 1:45pm Oakwood Village Service Children’s Program 8:45 & 10:45 am SUNDAY SERVICES 22 5pmYAM - Young Adult Ministry 10:45 Costa Rica Team Mtg 16 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:45 & 10:45AM 15 5PM YAM - Young Adult Ministry 8:45 & 10:45am 10:30am Takin' It To the Streets Sierra Ridge Memory Care 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30pm Jr & Sr. High Leaders Mtg 5:30pm WNL EV 9am Sewers & Rippers 9:30am Women’s Bible Study 10am Grief Share (Women) 27 26 25 24 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30pm Jr & Sr. High Leaders Mtg 9am Men’s Bible Stdy 9am Sewers & Rippers 5:30pm WNL 10am Grief Share (Women) 20 19 G N I H T Y R E Office Closed 17 18 9:30am Women's Bible Study 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30 Jr. & Sr. High Leader's Mtg 7pm Prayer Meeting for 5:30 NO WNL 6pm Life Skills - Phase 2 9:30am Women's Bible Study 9am Sewers & Rippers 9 GRAND OPENING SUNDAY SERVICES 8 5pmYAM - Young Adult Ministry Super Bowl Student Fundraiser– Party Tray pick-up after each Service 2 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:45 & 10:45AM 1 Sun 9am –PM MY BEST FRIEND'S CLOSET 21 Office Closed 10:15am Takin’ It to the Streets-Worship at Auburn Oaks Care Ctr MARRIAGE EVENT 2PM - 8PM Office Closed 13 10am Grief Share (Women) 3pm Gathering Inn 12 11 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30 Jr. & Sr. High Leader's Mtg 5:30 WNL 3 10 9am Sewers & Rippers 9am Men’s Bible Stdy 5 10am Grief Share (Women) 5:30pm Kairos Course 6 9:30am Women's Bible Study 4 Wed Tue AWAKEN LOVE 14 GRAND OPENING Saturday Service 4:30 PM 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets Office Closed 7 Sat Fri Thu 2 015 FE B RUA RY Mon 12 LOVE Changes & Nursery 10:45 AM Adult Sunday School Children’s Program & Nursery 3-22 1 : 1 my 1 no o r e t eu D Be a better Implementer! Have you ever been hurt because you didn’t know something? I remember when I was a kid and I was at my neighbor’s house and touched an electric fence he had put up around the pasture. I didn’t know how electric fences worked and the shock smacked me pretty good. I also remember when I opened my first checking account. I was in college and the first couple of months I bounced several checks because I didn’t know how the whole system worked. I took money out of the ATM because I didn’t know that it would take time for checks to clear my account. I remember the confusion and overdraft fees I had to pay (as a poor college student they really hurt). Our parents used to tell us, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” Well, sorry moms and dads, sometimes ignorance is not blissful. Sometimes it can be down right painful. My first trip to Africa really nailed the point home when I realized that there are simple things in life we really need to know! Kenya had a corrupt government for over 25 years. The corrupt President did not care for the needs of his people. When he stands before the Lord he is going to have to give an account for his neglect and abuse of the people entrusted to him. Educating his people was one of the areas of neglect. He made basic education costly. As a result the average Kenyan could not afford to send their children to school. The people remained ignorant of basic information, things we learned before the fifth grade—how to properly wash your hands and brush your teeth, how to not spread germs to our food or to others, how to figure out whether you had the flu or malaria. Basic information that if you do not know can hurt you. s e i r t s i n i M s ' en Auburn Grace Community Church Wom “ Bu ilding a fa m ily of be liev e r s th at kno w C hr ist and m ak e H im kn own. ” 3 1 2 6 O l ym p i c Wa y M A I L I N G : P. O . B o x 6 4 4 6 I'm not Wonder Woman. I know, you're shocked, but here's the thing, and I'll whisper it so no one else will hear: You're probably not Wonder Woman either. Or Superman. Or one of the Incredibles. But if you're anything like me, I'm guessing you already know that. Perhaps donning a Super suit has zapped your strength and focus, too? It's no mystery why we're tired, distracted, and confused. We reach for more than we can lift. We take on too much. We tell ourselves, "I can do this and that, and that . . . and that . . . " We twist and strain to make it work, so we can do it all, so we can fly. Well, I've decided to hang up my Super suit, boots, cape, and all. Here's how it began: I was offered a job with an organization I love. The proposed job was centered around tasks I enjoy and would utilize skills God has spent years honing and developing in me. To top it off, the job's focus was one I'm passionately tuned into--spiritual development--a perfect fit. Oh, how I wanted to clip on my Wonder Woman cape and take off with it! But I knew better, so instead I prayed. And prayed. I talked with friends about it and consulted my husband. I analyzed the job and charted the daily, monthly, and yearly responsibilities as well as the time it would take to fulfill each one. I worked hard to fit it in. I noted how well it complimented my existing ministry--and carefully ignored how it could serve me. For months I prayed and couldn't gain clarity on whether to take it or not. I had no peace to accept it, but was afraid to close the door and miss the opportunity. I strained to hear God's direction with one ear, while entertaining my desires with the other. Finally, God graciously spoke. "This will draw you away from what I've called you to do. Focus and finish what I've entrusted to you!" And a truth, previously submerged in the soupy mix of sincerity and secret hopes, bubbled up and broke free: God is sovereign and I am not. The sweet, familiar truth swept through my mind like a cleansing breeze. It anchored my heart and altered my perspective. It changed everything. Perhaps it will for you, too. things beyond planned for me. what God No. I want God's agenda, not mine. God’s plans eclipse more than what my puny brain can imagine and hold more promise than my polluted heart can hope for. Because God reigns as King, I will rest in the shade of His sovereign care. Because God is sovereign: I'm not Wonder Woman. And I no longer want to be. * We don't have to carve out a future for ourselves. Ephesians 2:10 What about you? * We don't have to act out of fear, insecurity, or ambition. A u b u r n · CA · 9 5 6 0 4 has We b s i t e : w ww. a u b u r n g r a c e . c o m Email: [email protected] PASTOR Phil Sparling Used by permission: Bethany Macklin Ministries STUDENT MINISTRIES PASTOR Steve West ASSOCIATE/WORSHIP PASTOR Lorin Miller * We don't have to try so hard, do so much, or suffer such disappointment. No, we don't have to do any of those awful, heavy, deadening things. ADMINISTRATIVE PASTOR Dave Wickstrom We don't have to be Wonder Woman, Superman, or one of the the Incredibles. PASTOR OF BODY LIFE Greg Hummel CHILDREN’S DIRECTOR Sue Smead ELDER BOARD Tom Bowen, Bob Churchwell, Lorin Miller, Kent Smead, Phil Sparling, Hal Wallace DEACONS: Greg Hummel - Head Deacon Steve and Becky Brown Melanie Felce Al and Pat French Mike and Lorraine Keeffe Rod and Donna Lee Gwen Smith Because God is sovereign: * We can rest knowing He's in control, ruling in every circumstance, every opportunity, every set back. Job 42:2 * We can trust that the plan God has mapped out for us is good, profitable, best. That His plan--and no other--will glorify Him, and satisfy us. Ephesians 3:20 * We can live the life He planned for us. Not the life others think we ought to live, nor the life dictated by ambition. No, we can live the life tailored for us by the Creator who knows our heart and mind. Psalm 139:16 We can be who God created us to be and find satisfaction in the things He created us to do. So this year is going to be different. I'm not going to let the misdirects of desire derail me. I won't allow this next year to be shackled by fear and insecurity. I refuse to expend another drop of energy donning a cape to reach for So I let it go. Women's Ministries will be hosting a free ladies clothing boutique at Auburn Grace on Saturday, February 21 for our AGCC ladies and our community. Bring a neighbor or friend and shop anytime between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Enjoy fellowship, a cup of tea, and pick out an outfit or two with not cost to you. Clean out your closet set aside your gently-used clothing and accessories to donate for the boutique. Specific days and times that donated clothing will be accepted the week of the event will be listed in the bulletin and communicated in other ways soon! Any clothing items remaining after the event will be gifted to Acres of Hope and Mercy Ministries. For more information contact Peggy McCray at 530-906-1751 or [email protected]. Ambassadors of Grace Hal and Mary Gail Wallace [email protected] Encouragers For Single Women/Grief Share Francis Talley Hale Wanda Peabody [email protected] [email protected] Facilities Gary Sparling [email protected] Family Ministries Kent Smead [email protected] Hospitality Wendi Milka Bridget Uhler Barb Weidemann [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Impact-Missions Lawrence Buren Aaron Klein Lorin Miller Mike Robinson Phil Sparling Bridget Uhler [email protected] Men’s Ministries Aaron Klein Danny Klein Dave Wickstrom Lynn Gomer Judy Jenness Rhoda Staurseth [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rhoda Staurseth 2 [email protected] Student Ministries Meredith Jordan [email protected] Wednesday Night Live-Food Jeff Grady [email protected] Women's Ministries [email protected] Audio Technology Lorin Miller [email protected] Visual Technology/Webmaster Kevin Kurtz [email protected] AGCC Administration Office Manager - Starla Miller Children‘s Director - Sue Smead Facilities Coordinator - Lori Halbert Creative Arts - Pamela Marich Receptionist - Barbara Sparling Bookkeeper - Kristin Davis Orphan Care/Adoption Support Aaron and Cacey Klein Danny and Bonnie Klein Lance and Tiffany Soderman [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sewers & Rippers Bethany Macklin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kitchen Keepers Diane Custer Prayer & Praise Ministry [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Continued on Page 10 Continued from Page 1 - Be A Better Implementer But what is so impressive about the Kenyans is that they change! Almost immediately we can see modifications being made in their life practices. This shows that they really do want to improve their lives. It shows that they may be ignorant, but not stupid. This is part of the reason making the trip around the world to spend time with them is so rewarding. They are terrific implementers! They see change is needed, they learn how to make the alterations, and then they actually apply the changes to their lives! This is where they teach us! We tend to be slow at change, slow at implementing new habits or attitudes into our lives even when we know they are good for us. We in America are blessed in so many ways but we tend to be weak, not in knowledge, but in implementation. I tend to be a slow implementer. I know I could improve my life if I tweaked a few things here and there. But I have difficulty implementing new disciplines in my life, and at times I suffer the consequences of my stupidity (remember, stupidity is defined as knowing the right thing to do and choosing not to do it). Africa challenged me to become a better implementer! This winter let’s all pick one area of our life and implement a change for the better. A change we know we should make. Maybe it will be in the area of a relationship, or in the area of our spiritual life, or in our finances. Maybe there is an attitude we know is not pleasing to God and has caused hurt; let’s change it! With the Holy Spirit’s help any change is possible. Go for it! We have taught the Kenyans much, now I see that they have also been my instructor as well. I love being your Pastor, See you Sunday! Pastor Phil Sewers & Rippers Home At Last! Home! Home at last! On January 6, we moved into our church Worship Center. As we have grown in numbers (42 ladies at our last meeting), we are so grateful to be in the Worship Center where we have plenty of room and can enjoy being all together in one room. Our concerns as to how we would have enough readily accessible storage space were taken care of in the most amazing ways! Jack Crowley built shelves in our closet on the second floor that hold our bolts and bolts of fabric upright, just as they are in a fabric store (see picture). How handy for the ones who make the kits for the quilt makers to take our new small cart (‘Little Girl’), ride the elevator up, shop for the fabric needed for the day, and ride the elevator down. How easy and what fun! Many thanks to Gary Sparling and his helpers who took an ordinary cart and created on extraordinary one that holds all our machines. Two cabinets, one on each end of the cart , contain much of our necessary supplies. ‘Big Girl’ as this cart is called by the ladies, is conveniently stored in the closet right off the Worship Center. ‘Built to order’ shelves in our shed provide additional storage. We praise the Lord for His wonderful provision. Getting the Worship Center ready for our Tuesday meetings is a major task. We are so grateful to the men who faithfully set up and take down each week. We are very happy to be together again. We welcome with open hearts the new ladies who have joined us. We praise the Lord for Marilyn Rose, Star Stephenson, Fran Nelson, Lisa Pierce, Juanita Stone, Margie Cruz, Bobbi Andrews, Sue Swaim, Rose Mockel, Deborah Janssen, and Ann Reeves. Any ladies interested in joining us are invited to be a part of our Tuesday mornings. We meet from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are unable to spend the whole time with us, come when you can and leave when you must. We love serving our awesome God! Rhoda Staurseth Summarizing Our Stewardship 2014/15 Year-To-Date Total Giving $734,349 Not to us Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory! Difference: +/- : $-86,241 / -10.51% Psalm 115:1 July 2014—June 2015 Budget As of 1/27/15 2014/15 Year-To-Date Total Need $820,590 Thank you for your generosity in the support of God’s work! 10 3 Gracetown Round Up The amazing construction of Gracetown is actually all done now and we’ve been paintin’ the town, fixin’ fer our Grand Opening on February 7 and 8! So, come on down and sit a spell, grab a ‘hoedown hot dog’ and check out the newest town in the region! If yer needin’ a bank, we got it; a hotel, general store, postal service, doc, feed or seed, we got ya’ covered! Even have a train to bring ya’ in and take ya’ back if your hoss is lame! Git yer ticket at the station outside a’ town for absolutely nothin’ but a few clicks on the town register, then ride on in on yer hoss or on the rail. Ya’ might even win the drawin’ for a prize! th We’er roundin’ up kids from Preschool to 6 Grade for a time of hootin’ and a hollerin’ praises to the Lord, a little prayer, goofy games, silly skits, missions moments, pioneer puppets on the Gracetown theatre stage, and more each week! From Gracetown, they will ride on out with the Gracetown Sheriffs Deputies to their respective ranches for a time of learnin’ ‘bout the Bible, our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and gettin’ to know Him even more. Their kin can find ‘em there right after the city folks’ church lets out. Jest check out the sign pointin’ the way! See ya’ll there! We're hollerin' a big thank you to our pardner's who have donated hours and hours of time for our Gracetown buildin' project! Marco & April Cardelli and Stelian Vilceanu. They are Gracetown heroes! To round out the townsfolk buildin' pardners were Kris & Tony Brissey, Sharon & Jim Ludwigsen and Pamela Marich Pictured below: L-R Stelian Vilceanu, Sue Smead, April Cardelli, Marco Cardelli, Chris Brissey, Tony Brissey Hospitality Ministry Meet Kathe Beadle I've been attending AGCC for...8 years. I came to AGCC because...I was hungry for spiritual truth. One thing I love about AGCC is...Fellowship with people who are devoted to loving and serving Christ Jesus. I love that the pastors not only teach the truth of the Bible, but are living examples of obedience to the Word and an encouragement to each of us. The ministries I'm involved in are...Ushers and Greeters, Women's Ministries, Prayer Ministry. I find a lot of joy in...greeting newcomers and helping them to feel welcome. Also encouraging women in their walks of faith. If my life was a book, the title would be..."One Day at a Time". I have found that the best way I can follow Jesus is DAILY. Starting my day in the Word and prayer, then trusting Him to guide me. Once upon a time...I tried to live according to my own ways. Then Jesus found me and showed me "The Way". Now I am filled with His joy and peace. It's not fashionable, but...I love reading my Bible. The more I read and learn, the more I desire to seek and follow Him. I feel like the woman at the well—filling up on Living Water. 4 Our Missionaries on the Front Line 1st of a series Auburn Grace supports many missionaries, some are in the US and many are in other countries. It is my desire to inform you about who we are supporting and provide you with information on them and their ministry. This is the first in the series. Ed Lewis, CE National Ed Lewis has served as Executive Director of CE National since 1985. CE National is a church effectiveness ministry. Prior to the role he now has, he served as a National Director of Youth Ministries for the Grace Brethren Fellowship of Churches. Ed desires to be a catalyst to help believers see the need for moving beyond the norm to reach people for Christ. His passion is for seeing churches make “outreach” the engine that drives ministry. He began on the staff of CE National as National Youth Director in September of 1973. Ed also serves as Executive Director of Urban Hope, a ministry that CE National oversees in Philadelphia, PA. He works at locations, the main office in Winona Lake and the East office in Philadelphia. they meet him. Like Jesus, Ed meets people where they are in life and proceeds to love and minister to them from that point. The inner-city part of Philadelphia that Ed works in [Kensington], is about 71% Spanish-speaking or from a Spanishspeaking background. The average income for a family of 4 is about $17,000/ year. Small apartments rent for $600-700/ month. Often there are 6 or more people in an apartment. Many single moms live in the neighborhood. Ed started the UH ministry with a church building and two children. He basically ran a children’s program for about five years and then added a youth program. After about another five years they started Sunday morning worship services for adults. All three parts of the ministry are growing. The church is now running two services with a total Sunday morning attendance of about 200. They have converts essentially every week. Tuesday evening they have something like our WNL, but then the women and men go to different buildings and have their Bible studies/program. At CE National Ed oversees the following ministries: Momentum—an annual weeklong youth convention, Operation Barnabas—an annual ministry that sends out over 100 people to minister in churches inside and outside the USA. He also has oversight of Urban Hope Training Center, an inner-city Philadelphia ministry that trains people in outreach and leadership development. He is a catalyst for seeing people involved in ministries to others. He is especially concerned about the poor and the overlooked. I first met Ed Lewis last November when Audrey and I visited him at Urban Hope in intercity Philadelphia. He now spends 50-75% of his time in Philadelphia with Urban Hope Ministry. He launched the Urban Hope ministry nearly 15 years ago. People just naturally love Ed the moment With the generous donation from a family, they have purchased another 2-story brick building on the block and this will be Ed baptizing in the Atlantic Ocean Ed starts each day at Urban Hope with the staff praying for the people. It was obvious that the staff know many of the people they serve very well and pray for them with passion. 9 Ed with staff & volunteers at Urban Hope used for the SUM [Student Urban Ministry]. The building will be able to house 40 students, dormitory style. This ministry will start in the Fall. Initially with students from Grace College in Winona Lake, IN, but they are trying to get other Christian colleges to have a urban study curriculum in their Cultural Studies Dept. and have the students live and work at Urban Hope for the senior year. With this building being vacant during the summer, UH will be able to house up to 100 people at a time who may want to come and serve at UH for a weekend, a week or two, or all summer. One story from Urban Hope: Orlando and his wife have been active in the UH church for about two years. They have three sons. The oldest two have gotten into separate fights and killed someone and are now in prison. The third son, who is now in the 11th grade, found Jesus through the UH youth ministry. He is now getting straight A’s in school and was invited to speak to the student body about his experience and what made the difference. He attributes his success to knowing Jesus Christ. Orlando was also invited to speak to the School Board. We praise the Lord for missionaries like Ed and our privilege to be one of his supporters here at AGCC. Lawrence Buren ons i t a s r s e t v c Con FastFa ologetic e Ap r u t c i P Big Conversing with Agnostics and Pluralists has become quite a challenge for a Biblical Christian these days. Having said that...the following "Big Picture" questions can provide a helpful framework for your future apologetic conversations. By keeping your discussions centered on these questions you can more readily direct your conversations to the ultimate goal of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a rational, logical, reasonable manner. Remember that Romans 1 informs us that "men know the truth about the existence of God...they choose to suppress that truth." Everyone has a worldview and most are anxious to share it if they feel safe to do so. Is there a God? This is the foundational question. Is there a Creator or are men and women simply accidents evolved out of the slimy algae? This question can open the doors to highlighting the significant differences between a Theistic and Atheistic worldview. Has God spoken? If there is a Creator, has this God revealed anything to us about His nature, human nature, His plans and purposes for creation, etc.? This second question can open up some good opportunities to discuss the many reasons for believing that God has revealed truth, both in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ. If there is a God, and if He's spoken, will we trust Him and obey? This third question is really the heart of the matter. If we have good reasons for believing in a God who has revealed truth, then we can point out for people that our only appropriate response is to trust and obey. Where did I come from? If there is a Creator, our existence is a result of His thoughtful action. We are not accidents, we did not evolve from nothing to be what we are. What is my purpose? If there is a Creator and we are a result of His thoughtful actions then by default our lives have value and purpose. We exist for a purpose because we were created on purpose. If there is a God, is He loving? If our Creator is by nature loving and desires the best for us evil can be difficult to explain. Keep in mind that every religious construction must answer this same question. (Everyone does, but other than Christianity, their answers leave much to be desired). What happens when you die? If our Creator has a thoughtful purpose for our existence He certainly has ac- s e i r t s i n i M t n e Stud A lot has been happening in Student Ministries here at Auburn Grace! Last month, 57 students went to Truckee for our annual High School Winter Camp. We were blessed to get to know our guest speaker Coach Joey Montoya from Placer High School and his wife Megan and daughter. Joey shared his life stories and challenged us through the Gospels to know that Jesus pursues us and is always with us, even in the storms of life. We are praising God that a student gave his life to Christ and many others renewed their commitment to Him. We had incredible student-led worship and of course, tons of fun! Even without snow! We didn't get a lot of sleep, but we made a lot of memories. Our Young Adult Ministry went to Soda Springs for its annual YAM Winter Retreat. Over 20 people enjoyed building friendships, hiking, hanging out and worshiping together. Guest speaker Peter Nelson taught on the idea of being exiles in this world. It was another great weekend of being spiritually challenged and refreshed. counted for your eternal state. For more helpful tips on engaging in apologetic conversations, I encourage you to explore the Christian Ministries International and Stand to Reason websites. Pastor Dave CHECK OUT WHAT'S COMING UP! A Special Note from Acres of Hope I wanted to touch base with you on a couple things. First of all, God has blessed me with a new job! I am now the Interim Development Director for Acres of Hope. So excited to be working with such a wonderful organization. That being said, I wanted to make sure the church knew how much the gift cards were appreciated by the Acres’ moms. The cards provided them the opportunity to personally shop for their kids (a learning experience for them) and provide special gifts from their mom. We might have missed our “Christmas Thank You” window of opportunity. However, I just had to share those pictures. They really touched my heart. Again, just wanted to make sure that those that contributed the gifts cards realize how much their generosity was appreciated. Have a great day! Regards, Diane Maze 8 Curbside Cuisine Fundraiser Want a hot, delicious BBQ tri-tip or chicken dinner with all the fixins? Student Ministries will be selling meals to feed 2-3 people for $30. Pre-orders required. Meals are cooked from scratch by master chef’s Mike Papera and Pastor Steve West, with the students' help. Meals will be ready for you to pick up at the church on Saturday, February 28. All proceeds go towards students' cost of events (such as Hume Lake Christian Camp) or mission trips (such as Costa Rica). Help support our young people! Look for an order form at church on Sundays or contact Meredith Jordan (Student Ministries Admin) at 530-823-8330 or [email protected]. 5 Back by popular demand! Rent-a-Kid will be available in March and April! Do you have any jobs around the house or yard that need to get done during March and April? Responsible, hardworking students will be available for you to hire for the job! Look for more details coming soon... Auburn Grace Community Church Grand Opening! A Valentine’s Day Marriage Event Some thoughts on the Grand Opening: Awaken Love -The Song of Solomon I just sat down at my desk having watching a concrete pumper truck dispatch the last of many yards of concrete to finish our Atrium patio. Anchoring the patio is a stunning three tiered fountain which I suspect will entice families to its sound and ambiance for many years to come. – Saturday, February 14 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM When you get right down to it, the Bible is the world’s greatest love story. Every page is rooted in the story of God’s love for the people he created. But God not only longs for us to experience His love but for us to experience deep and genuine love in our marriages. In fact, the intimacy and committed love in a marriage should be a reflection of God’s love in our lives. One entire book of the Bible is devoted to romantic love between and man and woman. This is the Song of Solomon. God cares deeply about the love in your life. Whatever people believe or don’t believe about the Bible, God has a plan for relationships. We invite you to come and spend the day with Auburn Grace Family Ministries as we explore what the Bible has to say about this subject. Not what we assume it says, not what we want it to say, but what it actually says. We will begin our time together with a fantastic movie from City on A Hill entitled “The Song”. This compelling feature film will be unpacked in a fantastic DVD study by Pastor Kyle Idleman. Couples will be challenged to examine specific areas of their relationship. A wonderful catered meal and couples photos taken in the Atrium by a professional photographer will round out our time together. Register on line at auburngrace.com. Follow the link from the Home Page. As is true with any "HOME", the Auburn Grace Community Church Facility will always have maintenance projects to keep us busy, but as of this writing, the remodel of our physical plant is nearly complete. As I reflect upon the difference that one year makes in any life, I most admit I am amazed at how wonderful our project turned out. The Lord certainly receives all the glory. We have said all along that the whole point of the remodel was to create an environment that could be used to make the name of Jesus Christ more famous in our community and around the world. My prayer is that the Lord will use this "place" to do just that for many years to come. We left the building the first Sunday in June to spend the summer at our temporary home across the highway returning in early October to a building that was perhaps eighty percent remodeled. Lots of work remained for Wells Construction to complete, but much more needed to be finished by our church community. I long ago lost track of the countless volunteers who contributed their time, talent and treasure to complete this project. On behalf of the Elders, Pastors and Staff, I simply wanted to say thank you! Your generosity in innumerable ways allowed this project to stay within its financial boundaries and we now have a physical plant that can be used to equip the saints for Kingdom work for many years to come. Please join us for a Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday the 7th and Sunday the 8th of February as we give pause to thank the Lord for His abundant blessings. The Saturday and Sunday services will mirror one another, offering the exact same music and message. Nursery through 6th grade will offer the same programs and teachers both days. Beginning on the 7th you may drop off your Nursery—6th graders at the new Atrium kiosk using Kid Check. They will then engage in their own worship component as a corporate group in their new children's room before dividing into age appropriate classes. Junior High through Adults will meet in the Worship Center on Saturday, but will have Sunday School options on Sunday the 8th. One last thing...plan to join us in the Atrium after the service on Saturday afternoon for FREE FOOD! INVITE A FRIEND! Pastor Dave Increase Intimacy Fight Fair Psalm 139:1-5 James 1:2-4 O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thoughts from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Rediscover Romance Cultivate Commitment Psalm 51:12 Joshua 24:15 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Looking Back... Finishing the courtyard ew fountain 6 The week of our return! Amazing! The Courtyard in process Kent Smead in charge 7 Our first Sunday back in our church Auburn Grace Community Church Grand Opening! A Valentine’s Day Marriage Event Some thoughts on the Grand Opening: Awaken Love -The Song of Solomon I just sat down at my desk having watching a concrete pumper truck dispatch the last of many yards of concrete to finish our Atrium patio. Anchoring the patio is a stunning three tiered fountain which I suspect will entice families to its sound and ambiance for many years to come. – Saturday, February 14 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM When you get right down to it, the Bible is the world’s greatest love story. Every page is rooted in the story of God’s love for the people he created. But God not only longs for us to experience His love but for us to experience deep and genuine love in our marriages. In fact, the intimacy and committed love in a marriage should be a reflection of God’s love in our lives. One entire book of the Bible is devoted to romantic love between and man and woman. This is the Song of Solomon. God cares deeply about the love in your life. Whatever people believe or don’t believe about the Bible, God has a plan for relationships. We invite you to come and spend the day with Auburn Grace Family Ministries as we explore what the Bible has to say about this subject. Not what we assume it says, not what we want it to say, but what it actually says. We will begin our time together with a fantastic movie from City on A Hill entitled “The Song”. This compelling feature film will be unpacked in a fantastic DVD study by Pastor Kyle Idleman. Couples will be challenged to examine specific areas of their relationship. A wonderful catered meal and couples photos taken in the Atrium by a professional photographer will round out our time together. Register on line at auburngrace.com. Follow the link from the Home Page. As is true with any "HOME", the Auburn Grace Community Church Facility will always have maintenance projects to keep us busy, but as of this writing, the remodel of our physical plant is nearly complete. As I reflect upon the difference that one year makes in any life, I most admit I am amazed at how wonderful our project turned out. The Lord certainly receives all the glory. We have said all along that the whole point of the remodel was to create an environment that could be used to make the name of Jesus Christ more famous in our community and around the world. My prayer is that the Lord will use this "place" to do just that for many years to come. We left the building the first Sunday in June to spend the summer at our temporary home across the highway returning in early October to a building that was perhaps eighty percent remodeled. Lots of work remained for Wells Construction to complete, but much more needed to be finished by our church community. I long ago lost track of the countless volunteers who contributed their time, talent and treasure to complete this project. On behalf of the Elders, Pastors and Staff, I simply wanted to say thank you! Your generosity in innumerable ways allowed this project to stay within its financial boundaries and we now have a physical plant that can be used to equip the saints for Kingdom work for many years to come. Please join us for a Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday the 7th and Sunday the 8th of February as we give pause to thank the Lord for His abundant blessings. The Saturday and Sunday services will mirror one another, offering the exact same music and message. Nursery through 6th grade will offer the same programs and teachers both days. Beginning on the 7th you may drop off your Nursery—6th graders at the new Atrium kiosk using Kid Check. They will then engage in their own worship component as a corporate group in their new children's room before dividing into age appropriate classes. Junior High through Adults will meet in the Worship Center on Saturday, but will have Sunday School options on Sunday the 8th. One last thing...plan to join us in the Atrium after the service on Saturday afternoon for FREE FOOD! INVITE A FRIEND! Pastor Dave Increase Intimacy Fight Fair Psalm 139:1-5 James 1:2-4 O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thoughts from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Rediscover Romance Cultivate Commitment Psalm 51:12 Joshua 24:15 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Looking Back... Finishing the courtyard ew fountain 6 The week of our return! Amazing! The Courtyard in process Kent Smead in charge 7 Our first Sunday back in our church ons i t a s r s e t v c Con FastFa ologetic e Ap r u t c i P Big Conversing with Agnostics and Pluralists has become quite a challenge for a Biblical Christian these days. Having said that...the following "Big Picture" questions can provide a helpful framework for your future apologetic conversations. By keeping your discussions centered on these questions you can more readily direct your conversations to the ultimate goal of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a rational, logical, reasonable manner. Remember that Romans 1 informs us that "men know the truth about the existence of God...they choose to suppress that truth." Everyone has a worldview and most are anxious to share it if they feel safe to do so. Is there a God? This is the foundational question. Is there a Creator or are men and women simply accidents evolved out of the slimy algae? This question can open the doors to highlighting the significant differences between a Theistic and Atheistic worldview. Has God spoken? If there is a Creator, has this God revealed anything to us about His nature, human nature, His plans and purposes for creation, etc.? This second question can open up some good opportunities to discuss the many reasons for believing that God has revealed truth, both in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ. If there is a God, and if He's spoken, will we trust Him and obey? This third question is really the heart of the matter. If we have good reasons for believing in a God who has revealed truth, then we can point out for people that our only appropriate response is to trust and obey. Where did I come from? If there is a Creator, our existence is a result of His thoughtful action. We are not accidents, we did not evolve from nothing to be what we are. What is my purpose? If there is a Creator and we are a result of His thoughtful actions then by default our lives have value and purpose. We exist for a purpose because we were created on purpose. If there is a God, is He loving? If our Creator is by nature loving and desires the best for us evil can be difficult to explain. Keep in mind that every religious construction must answer this same question. (Everyone does, but other than Christianity, their answers leave much to be desired). What happens when you die? If our Creator has a thoughtful purpose for our existence He certainly has ac- s e i r t s i n i M t n e Stud A lot has been happening in Student Ministries here at Auburn Grace! Last month, 57 students went to Truckee for our annual High School Winter Camp. We were blessed to get to know our guest speaker Coach Joey Montoya from Placer High School and his wife Megan and daughter. Joey shared his life stories and challenged us through the Gospels to know that Jesus pursues us and is always with us, even in the storms of life. We are praising God that a student gave his life to Christ and many others renewed their commitment to Him. We had incredible student-led worship and of course, tons of fun! Even without snow! We didn't get a lot of sleep, but we made a lot of memories. Our Young Adult Ministry went to Soda Springs for its annual YAM Winter Retreat. Over 20 people enjoyed building friendships, hiking, hanging out and worshiping together. Guest speaker Peter Nelson taught on the idea of being exiles in this world. It was another great weekend of being spiritually challenged and refreshed. counted for your eternal state. For more helpful tips on engaging in apologetic conversations, I encourage you to explore the Christian Ministries International and Stand to Reason websites. Pastor Dave CHECK OUT WHAT'S COMING UP! A Special Note from Acres of Hope I wanted to touch base with you on a couple things. First of all, God has blessed me with a new job! I am now the Interim Development Director for Acres of Hope. So excited to be working with such a wonderful organization. That being said, I wanted to make sure the church knew how much the gift cards were appreciated by the Acres’ moms. The cards provided them the opportunity to personally shop for their kids (a learning experience for them) and provide special gifts from their mom. We might have missed our “Christmas Thank You” window of opportunity. However, I just had to share those pictures. They really touched my heart. Again, just wanted to make sure that those that contributed the gifts cards realize how much their generosity was appreciated. Have a great day! Regards, Diane Maze 8 Curbside Cuisine Fundraiser Want a hot, delicious BBQ tri-tip or chicken dinner with all the fixins? Student Ministries will be selling meals to feed 2-3 people for $30. Pre-orders required. Meals are cooked from scratch by master chef’s Mike Papera and Pastor Steve West, with the students' help. Meals will be ready for you to pick up at the church on Saturday, February 28. All proceeds go towards students' cost of events (such as Hume Lake Christian Camp) or mission trips (such as Costa Rica). Help support our young people! Look for an order form at church on Sundays or contact Meredith Jordan (Student Ministries Admin) at 530-823-8330 or [email protected]. 5 Back by popular demand! Rent-a-Kid will be available in March and April! Do you have any jobs around the house or yard that need to get done during March and April? Responsible, hardworking students will be available for you to hire for the job! Look for more details coming soon... Gracetown Round Up The amazing construction of Gracetown is actually all done now and we’ve been paintin’ the town, fixin’ fer our Grand Opening on February 7 and 8! So, come on down and sit a spell, grab a ‘hoedown hot dog’ and check out the newest town in the region! If yer needin’ a bank, we got it; a hotel, general store, postal service, doc, feed or seed, we got ya’ covered! Even have a train to bring ya’ in and take ya’ back if your hoss is lame! Git yer ticket at the station outside a’ town for absolutely nothin’ but a few clicks on the town register, then ride on in on yer hoss or on the rail. Ya’ might even win the drawin’ for a prize! th We’er roundin’ up kids from Preschool to 6 Grade for a time of hootin’ and a hollerin’ praises to the Lord, a little prayer, goofy games, silly skits, missions moments, pioneer puppets on the Gracetown theatre stage, and more each week! From Gracetown, they will ride on out with the Gracetown Sheriffs Deputies to their respective ranches for a time of learnin’ ‘bout the Bible, our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and gettin’ to know Him even more. Their kin can find ‘em there right after the city folks’ church lets out. Jest check out the sign pointin’ the way! See ya’ll there! We're hollerin' a big thank you to our pardner's who have donated hours and hours of time for our Gracetown buildin' project! Marco & April Cardelli and Stelian Vilceanu. They are Gracetown heroes! To round out the townsfolk buildin' pardners were Kris & Tony Brissey, Sharon & Jim Ludwigsen and Pamela Marich Pictured below: L-R Stelian Vilceanu, Sue Smead, April Cardelli, Marco Cardelli, Chris Brissey, Tony Brissey Hospitality Ministry Meet Kathe Beadle I've been attending AGCC for...8 years. I came to AGCC because...I was hungry for spiritual truth. One thing I love about AGCC is...Fellowship with people who are devoted to loving and serving Christ Jesus. I love that the pastors not only teach the truth of the Bible, but are living examples of obedience to the Word and an encouragement to each of us. The ministries I'm involved in are...Ushers and Greeters, Women's Ministries, Prayer Ministry. I find a lot of joy in...greeting newcomers and helping them to feel welcome. Also encouraging women in their walks of faith. If my life was a book, the title would be..."One Day at a Time". I have found that the best way I can follow Jesus is DAILY. Starting my day in the Word and prayer, then trusting Him to guide me. Once upon a time...I tried to live according to my own ways. Then Jesus found me and showed me "The Way". Now I am filled with His joy and peace. It's not fashionable, but...I love reading my Bible. The more I read and learn, the more I desire to seek and follow Him. I feel like the woman at the well—filling up on Living Water. 4 Our Missionaries on the Front Line 1st of a series Auburn Grace supports many missionaries, some are in the US and many are in other countries. It is my desire to inform you about who we are supporting and provide you with information on them and their ministry. This is the first in the series. Ed Lewis, CE National Ed Lewis has served as Executive Director of CE National since 1985. CE National is a church effectiveness ministry. Prior to the role he now has, he served as a National Director of Youth Ministries for the Grace Brethren Fellowship of Churches. Ed desires to be a catalyst to help believers see the need for moving beyond the norm to reach people for Christ. His passion is for seeing churches make “outreach” the engine that drives ministry. He began on the staff of CE National as National Youth Director in September of 1973. Ed also serves as Executive Director of Urban Hope, a ministry that CE National oversees in Philadelphia, PA. He works at locations, the main office in Winona Lake and the East office in Philadelphia. they meet him. Like Jesus, Ed meets people where they are in life and proceeds to love and minister to them from that point. The inner-city part of Philadelphia that Ed works in [Kensington], is about 71% Spanish-speaking or from a Spanishspeaking background. The average income for a family of 4 is about $17,000/ year. Small apartments rent for $600-700/ month. Often there are 6 or more people in an apartment. Many single moms live in the neighborhood. Ed started the UH ministry with a church building and two children. He basically ran a children’s program for about five years and then added a youth program. After about another five years they started Sunday morning worship services for adults. All three parts of the ministry are growing. The church is now running two services with a total Sunday morning attendance of about 200. They have converts essentially every week. Tuesday evening they have something like our WNL, but then the women and men go to different buildings and have their Bible studies/program. At CE National Ed oversees the following ministries: Momentum—an annual weeklong youth convention, Operation Barnabas—an annual ministry that sends out over 100 people to minister in churches inside and outside the USA. He also has oversight of Urban Hope Training Center, an inner-city Philadelphia ministry that trains people in outreach and leadership development. He is a catalyst for seeing people involved in ministries to others. He is especially concerned about the poor and the overlooked. I first met Ed Lewis last November when Audrey and I visited him at Urban Hope in intercity Philadelphia. He now spends 50-75% of his time in Philadelphia with Urban Hope Ministry. He launched the Urban Hope ministry nearly 15 years ago. People just naturally love Ed the moment With the generous donation from a family, they have purchased another 2-story brick building on the block and this will be Ed baptizing in the Atlantic Ocean Ed starts each day at Urban Hope with the staff praying for the people. It was obvious that the staff know many of the people they serve very well and pray for them with passion. 9 Ed with staff & volunteers at Urban Hope used for the SUM [Student Urban Ministry]. The building will be able to house 40 students, dormitory style. This ministry will start in the Fall. Initially with students from Grace College in Winona Lake, IN, but they are trying to get other Christian colleges to have a urban study curriculum in their Cultural Studies Dept. and have the students live and work at Urban Hope for the senior year. With this building being vacant during the summer, UH will be able to house up to 100 people at a time who may want to come and serve at UH for a weekend, a week or two, or all summer. One story from Urban Hope: Orlando and his wife have been active in the UH church for about two years. They have three sons. The oldest two have gotten into separate fights and killed someone and are now in prison. The third son, who is now in the 11th grade, found Jesus through the UH youth ministry. He is now getting straight A’s in school and was invited to speak to the student body about his experience and what made the difference. He attributes his success to knowing Jesus Christ. Orlando was also invited to speak to the School Board. We praise the Lord for missionaries like Ed and our privilege to be one of his supporters here at AGCC. Lawrence Buren Continued on Page 10 Continued from Page 1 - Be A Better Implementer But what is so impressive about the Kenyans is that they change! Almost immediately we can see modifications being made in their life practices. This shows that they really do want to improve their lives. It shows that they may be ignorant, but not stupid. This is part of the reason making the trip around the world to spend time with them is so rewarding. They are terrific implementers! They see change is needed, they learn how to make the alterations, and then they actually apply the changes to their lives! This is where they teach us! We tend to be slow at change, slow at implementing new habits or attitudes into our lives even when we know they are good for us. We in America are blessed in so many ways but we tend to be weak, not in knowledge, but in implementation. I tend to be a slow implementer. I know I could improve my life if I tweaked a few things here and there. But I have difficulty implementing new disciplines in my life, and at times I suffer the consequences of my stupidity (remember, stupidity is defined as knowing the right thing to do and choosing not to do it). Africa challenged me to become a better implementer! This winter let’s all pick one area of our life and implement a change for the better. A change we know we should make. Maybe it will be in the area of a relationship, or in the area of our spiritual life, or in our finances. Maybe there is an attitude we know is not pleasing to God and has caused hurt; let’s change it! With the Holy Spirit’s help any change is possible. Go for it! We have taught the Kenyans much, now I see that they have also been my instructor as well. I love being your Pastor, See you Sunday! Pastor Phil Sewers & Rippers Home At Last! Home! Home at last! On January 6, we moved into our church Worship Center. As we have grown in numbers (42 ladies at our last meeting), we are so grateful to be in the Worship Center where we have plenty of room and can enjoy being all together in one room. Our concerns as to how we would have enough readily accessible storage space were taken care of in the most amazing ways! Jack Crowley built shelves in our closet on the second floor that hold our bolts and bolts of fabric upright, just as they are in a fabric store (see picture). How handy for the ones who make the kits for the quilt makers to take our new small cart (‘Little Girl’), ride the elevator up, shop for the fabric needed for the day, and ride the elevator down. How easy and what fun! Many thanks to Gary Sparling and his helpers who took an ordinary cart and created on extraordinary one that holds all our machines. Two cabinets, one on each end of the cart , contain much of our necessary supplies. ‘Big Girl’ as this cart is called by the ladies, is conveniently stored in the closet right off the Worship Center. ‘Built to order’ shelves in our shed provide additional storage. We praise the Lord for His wonderful provision. Getting the Worship Center ready for our Tuesday meetings is a major task. We are so grateful to the men who faithfully set up and take down each week. We are very happy to be together again. We welcome with open hearts the new ladies who have joined us. We praise the Lord for Marilyn Rose, Star Stephenson, Fran Nelson, Lisa Pierce, Juanita Stone, Margie Cruz, Bobbi Andrews, Sue Swaim, Rose Mockel, Deborah Janssen, and Ann Reeves. Any ladies interested in joining us are invited to be a part of our Tuesday mornings. We meet from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are unable to spend the whole time with us, come when you can and leave when you must. We love serving our awesome God! Rhoda Staurseth Summarizing Our Stewardship 2014/15 Year-To-Date Total Giving $734,349 Not to us Lord, not to us but to Your name be the glory! Difference: +/- : $-86,241 / -10.51% Psalm 115:1 July 2014—June 2015 Budget As of 1/27/15 2014/15 Year-To-Date Total Need $820,590 Thank you for your generosity in the support of God’s work! 10 3 s e i r t s i n i M s ' en Auburn Grace Community Church Wom “ Bu ilding a fa m ily of be liev e r s th at kno w C hr ist and m ak e H im kn own. ” 3 1 2 6 O l ym p i c Wa y M A I L I N G : P. O . B o x 6 4 4 6 I'm not Wonder Woman. I know, you're shocked, but here's the thing, and I'll whisper it so no one else will hear: You're probably not Wonder Woman either. Or Superman. Or one of the Incredibles. But if you're anything like me, I'm guessing you already know that. Perhaps donning a Super suit has zapped your strength and focus, too? It's no mystery why we're tired, distracted, and confused. We reach for more than we can lift. We take on too much. We tell ourselves, "I can do this and that, and that . . . and that . . . " We twist and strain to make it work, so we can do it all, so we can fly. Well, I've decided to hang up my Super suit, boots, cape, and all. Here's how it began: I was offered a job with an organization I love. The proposed job was centered around tasks I enjoy and would utilize skills God has spent years honing and developing in me. To top it off, the job's focus was one I'm passionately tuned into--spiritual development--a perfect fit. Oh, how I wanted to clip on my Wonder Woman cape and take off with it! But I knew better, so instead I prayed. And prayed. I talked with friends about it and consulted my husband. I analyzed the job and charted the daily, monthly, and yearly responsibilities as well as the time it would take to fulfill each one. I worked hard to fit it in. I noted how well it complimented my existing ministry--and carefully ignored how it could serve me. For months I prayed and couldn't gain clarity on whether to take it or not. I had no peace to accept it, but was afraid to close the door and miss the opportunity. I strained to hear God's direction with one ear, while entertaining my desires with the other. Finally, God graciously spoke. "This will draw you away from what I've called you to do. Focus and finish what I've entrusted to you!" And a truth, previously submerged in the soupy mix of sincerity and secret hopes, bubbled up and broke free: God is sovereign and I am not. The sweet, familiar truth swept through my mind like a cleansing breeze. It anchored my heart and altered my perspective. It changed everything. Perhaps it will for you, too. things beyond planned for me. what God No. I want God's agenda, not mine. God’s plans eclipse more than what my puny brain can imagine and hold more promise than my polluted heart can hope for. Because God reigns as King, I will rest in the shade of His sovereign care. Because God is sovereign: I'm not Wonder Woman. And I no longer want to be. * We don't have to carve out a future for ourselves. Ephesians 2:10 What about you? * We don't have to act out of fear, insecurity, or ambition. A u b u r n · CA · 9 5 6 0 4 has We b s i t e : w ww. a u b u r n g r a c e . c o m Email: [email protected] PASTOR Phil Sparling Used by permission: Bethany Macklin Ministries STUDENT MINISTRIES PASTOR Steve West ASSOCIATE/WORSHIP PASTOR Lorin Miller * We don't have to try so hard, do so much, or suffer such disappointment. No, we don't have to do any of those awful, heavy, deadening things. ADMINISTRATIVE PASTOR Dave Wickstrom We don't have to be Wonder Woman, Superman, or one of the the Incredibles. PASTOR OF BODY LIFE Greg Hummel CHILDREN’S DIRECTOR Sue Smead ELDER BOARD Tom Bowen, Bob Churchwell, Lorin Miller, Kent Smead, Phil Sparling, Hal Wallace DEACONS: Greg Hummel - Head Deacon Steve and Becky Brown Melanie Felce Al and Pat French Mike and Lorraine Keeffe Rod and Donna Lee Gwen Smith Because God is sovereign: * We can rest knowing He's in control, ruling in every circumstance, every opportunity, every set back. Job 42:2 * We can trust that the plan God has mapped out for us is good, profitable, best. That His plan--and no other--will glorify Him, and satisfy us. Ephesians 3:20 * We can live the life He planned for us. Not the life others think we ought to live, nor the life dictated by ambition. No, we can live the life tailored for us by the Creator who knows our heart and mind. Psalm 139:16 We can be who God created us to be and find satisfaction in the things He created us to do. So this year is going to be different. I'm not going to let the misdirects of desire derail me. I won't allow this next year to be shackled by fear and insecurity. I refuse to expend another drop of energy donning a cape to reach for So I let it go. Women's Ministries will be hosting a free ladies clothing boutique at Auburn Grace on Saturday, February 21 for our AGCC ladies and our community. Bring a neighbor or friend and shop anytime between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. Enjoy fellowship, a cup of tea, and pick out an outfit or two with not cost to you. Clean out your closet set aside your gently-used clothing and accessories to donate for the boutique. Specific days and times that donated clothing will be accepted the week of the event will be listed in the bulletin and communicated in other ways soon! Any clothing items remaining after the event will be gifted to Acres of Hope and Mercy Ministries. For more information contact Peggy McCray at 530-906-1751 or [email protected]. Ambassadors of Grace Hal and Mary Gail Wallace [email protected] Encouragers For Single Women/Grief Share Francis Talley Hale Wanda Peabody [email protected] [email protected] Facilities Gary Sparling [email protected] Family Ministries Kent Smead [email protected] Hospitality Wendi Milka Bridget Uhler Barb Weidemann [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Impact-Missions Lawrence Buren Aaron Klein Lorin Miller Mike Robinson Phil Sparling Bridget Uhler [email protected] Men’s Ministries Aaron Klein Danny Klein Dave Wickstrom Lynn Gomer Judy Jenness Rhoda Staurseth [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rhoda Staurseth 2 [email protected] Student Ministries Meredith Jordan [email protected] Wednesday Night Live-Food Jeff Grady [email protected] Women's Ministries [email protected] Audio Technology Lorin Miller [email protected] Visual Technology/Webmaster Kevin Kurtz [email protected] AGCC Administration Office Manager - Starla Miller Children‘s Director - Sue Smead Facilities Coordinator - Lori Halbert Creative Arts - Pamela Marich Receptionist - Barbara Sparling Bookkeeper - Kristin Davis Orphan Care/Adoption Support Aaron and Cacey Klein Danny and Bonnie Klein Lance and Tiffany Soderman [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sewers & Rippers Bethany Macklin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kitchen Keepers Diane Custer Prayer & Praise Ministry [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 4:30-6:30pm Curbside Cuisine Pick-Up Office Closed 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets 28 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets GRAND OPENING! February 7 & 8 Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:45 & 10:45 AM Sunday Service Times 8:45 AM Adult Sunday School 23 Jr. & Sr. High School 5pm YAM - Young Adult Ministry 1:45pm Oakwood Village Service Children’s Program 8:45 & 10:45 am SUNDAY SERVICES 22 5pmYAM - Young Adult Ministry 10:45 Costa Rica Team Mtg 16 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:45 & 10:45AM 15 5PM YAM - Young Adult Ministry 8:45 & 10:45am 10:30am Takin' It To the Streets Sierra Ridge Memory Care 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30pm Jr & Sr. High Leaders Mtg 5:30pm WNL EV 9am Sewers & Rippers 9:30am Women’s Bible Study 10am Grief Share (Women) 27 26 25 24 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30pm Jr & Sr. High Leaders Mtg 9am Men’s Bible Stdy 9am Sewers & Rippers 5:30pm WNL 10am Grief Share (Women) 20 19 G N I H T Y R E Office Closed 17 18 9:30am Women's Bible Study 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30 Jr. & Sr. High Leader's Mtg 7pm Prayer Meeting for 5:30 NO WNL 6pm Life Skills - Phase 2 9:30am Women's Bible Study 9am Sewers & Rippers 9 GRAND OPENING SUNDAY SERVICES 8 5pmYAM - Young Adult Ministry Super Bowl Student Fundraiser– Party Tray pick-up after each Service 2 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:45 & 10:45AM 1 Sun 9am –PM MY BEST FRIEND'S CLOSET 21 Office Closed 10:15am Takin’ It to the Streets-Worship at Auburn Oaks Care Ctr MARRIAGE EVENT 2PM - 8PM Office Closed 13 10am Grief Share (Women) 3pm Gathering Inn 12 11 6:30pm Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp 5:30 Jr. & Sr. High Leader's Mtg 5:30 WNL 3 10 9am Sewers & Rippers 9am Men’s Bible Stdy 5 10am Grief Share (Women) 5:30pm Kairos Course 6 9:30am Women's Bible Study 4 Wed Tue AWAKEN LOVE 14 GRAND OPENING Saturday Service 4:30 PM 9:30am Takin’ It to the Streets Office Closed 7 Sat Fri Thu 2 015 FE B RUA RY Mon 12 LOVE Changes & Nursery 10:45 AM Adult Sunday School Children’s Program & Nursery 3-22 1 : 1 my 1 no o r e t eu D Be a better Implementer! Have you ever been hurt because you didn’t know something? I remember when I was a kid and I was at my neighbor’s house and touched an electric fence he had put up around the pasture. I didn’t know how electric fences worked and the shock smacked me pretty good. I also remember when I opened my first checking account. I was in college and the first couple of months I bounced several checks because I didn’t know how the whole system worked. I took money out of the ATM because I didn’t know that it would take time for checks to clear my account. I remember the confusion and overdraft fees I had to pay (as a poor college student they really hurt). Our parents used to tell us, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” Well, sorry moms and dads, sometimes ignorance is not blissful. Sometimes it can be down right painful. My first trip to Africa really nailed the point home when I realized that there are simple things in life we really need to know! Kenya had a corrupt government for over 25 years. The corrupt President did not care for the needs of his people. When he stands before the Lord he is going to have to give an account for his neglect and abuse of the people entrusted to him. Educating his people was one of the areas of neglect. He made basic education costly. As a result the average Kenyan could not afford to send their children to school. The people remained ignorant of basic information, things we learned before the fifth grade—how to properly wash your hands and brush your teeth, how to not spread germs to our food or to others, how to figure out whether you had the flu or malaria. Basic information that if you do not know can hurt you.
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