Timberwood Park Owners Association, Inc. Vol. 15 Issue 2 A Neighborhood News ™ Publication FEBRUARY 2015 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello Fellow Timberwoodeans. Hopefully everyone had a Merry Christmas and safe and Happy New Year’s. It’s time to get back into the swing of things and start the New Year. A few quick updates of some new items in the park; the basketball court lights have been improved and no longer shine into the face of the players. The inlet on the west side of the lake was filled with silt so the area was cleaned and the silt removed. A new fence was installed around the new playground equipment. The clubhouse has been improved with new ceiling fans and some new furniture and the ping pong table has been repaired. Some additional upcoming maintenance projects for the park include replacing the old filtering system for the pool, and repairing the kiddie splash pad. We have put off replacing the filtering system for three years now by repairing as needed, but the filters are dated and in need of replacement. The new filtering system will have automatic chemical release equipment for more consistent performance. The splash pad formed a leak under it last summer, so this also needs repair. After the TPOA election in December, the newly elected HOA Board met in January and appointed the board officer positions for this year. The officers for this year are: President – Scott Myles, Vice-President – Doug Eberle, Treasurer – Craig Zenner, and Secretary – Greg Matula. One of the great things about Timberwood is our strong sense of community. Do you know your next door neighbors? How about the person across the street from you, or on the lot behind you? Hopefully you do know them. With the addition of over 50 new homes in the community last year and many new residents buying existing homes, we have many new folks in the neighborhood. Did you know that Timberwood Park has a Neighborhood Watch program? I want to share some information about this program. Timberwood Park has been fortunate in the past years with respect to our low crime rate and we want to keep it that way. One of the ways we do this is with a strong Neighborhood Watch Program. Neighborhood Watch is a program that enlists volunteer residents to keep watch on the community and enlists the help of residents that want to be hubs of their smaller area of the neighborhood. These folks are called Block Captains. Block Captains share information via E-mail with the residents in their area. The number of Block Captains will determine the size of the area that they cover; the more Captains, the smaller the area. Occasionally, they meet at the clubhouse to discuss aspects of the program and any crime information. The Block captains, then share this information with the folks in their area. The program also promotes residents knowing who their neighbors are and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Over the past several years, Herb Finmark has been the Neighborhood Watch chairperson. I’d like to thank Herb for his years of volunteer work for the community. Beginning this year, we have new chairpersons, Fanita and David Barkalow. I’d like to thank them in advance for taking on this role. The first order of business for them is to collect the info for any individuals that are currently Block Captain’s, and for anyone that wants to become a new Block Captain. The goal is to get as many block captains as possible. If you want to get involved in the community and join this group, please send your name, address, and e-mail address to [email protected]. Once they have the info, they will begin the process of establishing the coverage areas and contacting residents. There will be more information to come regarding Neighborhood Watch. If you decide to be a part of this group; Thank You! Have a great end of winter season. Scott Myles President TPOA 2015 Board Meeting Dates All Meetings are held at 7:00PM at the Clubhouse at the Park. February 3 April 7 June 2 August 4 October 6 Violation Letters Not Always Reason to Fret One of the more common issues brought up to TPOA Board members by homeowners is violation letters for deed restriction infractions. While this may not be the most pleasant piece of mail to open, it is not necessarily a reason to fret. our neighborhood clean, the process dictates that a letter is sent to the property owner. The letter states that the violation must be corrected within 10 days of receipt of the letter. If a resident receives a violation letter, it is up to the resident to notify Spectrum that the infraction has been corrected, or when it will be corrected. The Site Manger will do a follow-up inspection to see if the infraction has been resolved, and if it has not, a fine process commences. The authority for the Association to impose fines for deed restriction violations is in the TPOA’s Articles of Incorporation that was put in place by the Board members who oversaw the changeover from Timberwood Development Corp. to TPOA in October 2010. As a brief reminder of how the process works, TPOA contracts with Spectrum Association Management to have an inspector (Site Manager) drive the entire neighborhood twice a month. The Site Manger looks for violations of deed restrictions that are visible from the road – the Site Manager is not allowed to go onto anybody’s property and does not do so. If the Site Manager identifies a violation(s), it is documented, a picture is taken of the violation, and the specific deed restriction(s) is referenced, that is allegedly being violated. The information is compiled into a letter, which is sent to the property owner. Another important thing to keep in mind is that Timberwood Park has 64 different units, each of which has its own specific deed restrictions, so it is possible that a violation in one part of the neighborhood may not be a violation in another part of the neighborhood. With all of that said, the best course of action if you receive a violation letter is to rectify the issue(s) referenced in the letter and contact Spectrum within the designated timeframe to let them know that the issues have been resolved. There is absolutely no penalty or other consequence to the home or property owner at that point. If there are extenuating circumstances that might prevent you from rectifying the situation, or if you feel that you received the violation notice in error or dispute the reasons for receiving it, please still contact Spectrum and explain whatever the issues may be. TPOA’s expectation of Spectrum is to be as accommodating as possible. Timberwood Park has approximately 2,800 properties, so it takes the Site Manager three trips on average to cover the entire neighborhood. And what the Site Manager sees on his drives is simply a moment in time. For instance, if there is a pile of construction debris, brush or other refuse in front of a home, he really has no idea if it has been in place one day, one week or one month. Erring on the side of caution to keep Please keep in mind that this is an important effort that benefits our neighborhood as a whole. Not only does it help keep our neighborhood clean and presentable and protect property values, it helps ensure safety of properties. For instance, there are documented cases where loose brush and debris has washed into drainage culverts during heavy rains, and the result has been flooded homes. The vast majority of Timberwood Park property owners do abide by the deed restrictions. And those who may be out of compliance probably do so unknowingly, so this process helps remind them of their responsibilities. New Construction • Remodel So, if you do receive a violation letter, please don’t take it personally and please do take whatever action is necessary to resolve the situation. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Room Additions Decks Windows & Doors Your Valentine Deserves It! No Project Too Small! JUST SAY . . . “GIMME A BREAK!” Let us know about any project you might be considering, we will be happy to provide a Free Estimate. Free Estimates Timberwood Park Resident HOUSE CLEANING 210-481-0822 Justin Morgan (210) 846-2544 *Insured and Bonded *Satisfaction Guaranteed 19179 Blanco Rd. Ste. 105 #408 • San Antonio, TX 78258 WWW.GABCLEANING.COM 2 GRAHAM PLUMBING SERVICE Kirk Graham Timberwood Park resident 210-313-8852 • Leaks • Clogs • Installation • Water Heaters, Repairs No Overtime Charges Evenings/Weekends Master License #18441 522 Solo 522 Solo New HomeNew Home 304 Midnights 304 Midnights New MetalNew RoofMetal Roof 1702 Singing 1702 Rain Singing Rain New HomeNew Home 514 Cactus514 Flower Cactus Flower Lot Clearing Lot Clearing 602 Butterfly 602Ridge Butterfly Ridge New HomeNew Home 249 Deer Cross 249 Deer Cross New HomeNew Home 26018 Choctaw 26018Trail Choctaw Trail New HomeNew Home 1703 Slumber 1703Pass Slumber Pass New HomeNew Home 25939 Timberline 25939 Timberline Drive Drive Home Repairs Home Repairs ADDRESS PROJECT ESS ADDRESS PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS PROJECT 25808 Echo 25808 Terrace Echo Terrace Landscaping Landscaping 26327 Shady Acres Shed Shady Acres 26327 Shady Acres Shed Shed 26327 Shady Acres Shed Painting 1710 Slumber 1710 Pass Slumber Pass House Painting House 26335 Shady Acres Home Repairs Shady Acres 26335 Shady Acres Home RepairsHome Repairs 26335 Shady Acres Home 324 Heavens 324Way Heavens Way Fence Fence Repairs 315 Fence,patio, sidewalk sidew arlight 315 Starlight Fence,patio, sidewalk Fence,patio, sidewalk 315Sky Starlight Sky Fence,patio, 302 Starlight Spacious 302 Spacious Fence Fence 314 Starlight Fence arlight 314 Starlight Fence Fence 314 Starlight Fence 27412 Timberline 27412 Timberline Drive Drive Door PaintDoor Paint Singing Rain New Home Singing25606 Rain Singing Rain New Home New25606 Home 25606 Singing Rain New 27023 Piccolo 27023 Place Piccolo Place Shed ShedHome 25635 Fence Gladiator 25635 Gladiator Fence Fence 25635 Gladiator FencePanels 26233 Gladiator Hight 26233 Timber Hight Pass Timber Pass Solar Panels Solar Solo New Home olo 522 Solo New Home New522 Home 522 Solo New 26606 Dancing 26606Bear Dancing Bear Fence FenceHome Midnights New RoofHome idnights 304 Midnights New Metal Roof New304 Metal Roof 304Meadows Midnights New Metal Roof 26103 Sunny 26103 Sunny Meadows New Metal HomeNew Singing Rain New Home Singing Rain 1702 Singing Rain New Home New1702 Home 1702 Singing Rain New Home 1023 Silent1023 Hollow Silent Hollow New HomeNew Home Cactus Flower Lot actus Flower 514 Cactus Flower Lot Clearing Lot 514 Clearing 514 Cactus Flower Lot Clearing 25215 Singing 25215 Rain Singing Rain NewClearing HomeNew Home 602 Butterfly Ridge New Home utterfly Ridge 602 Butterfly Ridge New Home New28007 HomeYodel 602 Butterfly Ridge New Home Home 28007 Hill Yodel Hill New HomeNew Deer Cross New Home eer Cross 249 Deer Cross New Home New249 Home 249 Deer Cross New Home 26717 South 26717 Glenrose South Glenrose House Painting House Painting Choctaw Trail New Choctaw 26018 Trail Choctaw Trail New Home New26018 Home 26018 Choctaw Trail New Home Home 108 Slumber 108 Pass Slumber Pass New Home HomeNew Slumber Pass New HomeNew Home Slumber 1703 Pass Slumber Pass New Home New Home Slumber Pass 1703 1703 25939 Timberline Drive Home Repairs Timberline 25939 Drive Timberline Drive Home RepairsHome Repairs 25939 Timberline Drive Home Repairs 25808 Echo Terrace Landscaping Echo Terrace 25808 Echo Terrace Landscaping Landscaping 25808 Echo Terrace Landscaping 1710 Slumber Pass House Painting Slumber 1710 Pass Slumber Pass House PaintingHouse Painting 1710 Slumber Pass House Painting 324 Heavens Fence eavens Way 324 Heavens Way Fence Fence 324Way Heavens Way Fence 302 Spacious Fence pacious 302 Sky Spacious Sky Fence Fence 302Sky Spacious Sky Fence 27412 Drive Door Paint Door Paint Timberline 27412 Drive Timberline Drive Door Paint Door PaintTimberline 27412 Timberline Drive 27023 Piccolo Place Shed Piccolo 27023 Place Piccolo Place Shed Shed 27023 Piccolo Place Shed 26233 Hight Timber Pass Solar Panels Hight Timber 26233Pass Hight Timber Pass Solar Panels Solar Panels 26233 Hight Timber Pass Solar Panels 26606 Dancing Bear Fence Dancing26606 Bear Dancing Bear Fence Fence 26606 Dancing Bear Fence Meadows New HomeNew Home Sunny Meadows 26103 Sunny Meadows New Home New26103 HomeSunny 26103 Sunny Meadows Silent1023 Hollow New HomeNew Home Silent Hollow 1023 Silent Hollow New Home New1023 Home Silent Hollow Rain New HomeNew Home Singing25215 Rain Singing Rain New Home New25215 HomeSinging 25215 Singing Rain 28007 Yodel Hill New HomeNew Home Yodel Hill 28007 Yodel Hill New Home New Home 28007 Yodel Hill 26717 South Glenrose House Painting South Glenrose 26717 South Glenrose Expert House PaintingHouse Painting 26717 South Glenrose House Painting Pruning Mowing/Edging/Trimming Slumber Pass New HomeNew Home umber Pass 108 Slumber Pass New Home New108 Home 108 Slumber Pass Demossing Aeration, Weed Control Timberwood Park Approved ACC Request Richter Tree and Lawn Service Compost NOW w/ Alamo Grow Tree Care Lawn Care Tree & Stump Removal Fertilizing Programs Shrub Care We deliver & spread a variety of topsoils, One-time clean ups. mulches, grass/sod compost, variety of rocks. Contract Optional • Residential/Commercial • 20 Years Experience Professional, Dependable, Quality Workmanship (210) 663-2303 References Available Upon Request • Fully Insured 3 Licensed & Insured #10L916468 Important Fitness Center Rule Reminder: stay clear of all of the equipment, and they cannot gather in the fitness center or spend time in the center, beyond the time it takes for them to use the restroom. If you witness any kids in the gym on or around the equipment, please remind them of the policy and ask them to leave, or alert one of the park caretakers so that they can do so. And if you witness a youth or anybody else causing damage to the equipment, it is especially important that you alert park personnel, and that somebody gets the names of the culprits so that they can be held accountable. The fitness center also has cameras in place that can help in that effort. Must be 16 or older to use gym equipment This is a reminder that the equipment in the fitness center is for use by individuals 16 years old and older. While the park and clubhouse are a great place for kids to gather and play, the fitness center is simply not one of them. The primary concern is for the safety of the kids as the weight and cardio equipment can present a significant injury risk. The secondary concern is for the safety of the equipment. There have been unfortunate instances where gym equipment has been damaged by youth who should not have been in the gym in the first place, and repairing this equipment can be quite costly to TPOA. Thank you for your cooperation and support in this effort! Based on the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment, this is a strict policy, and violation of this policy can lead to suspension of park privileges. So if you have kids under age 16 who spend time at the park, please remind them to keep out of the fitness center. They are allowed to use the restrooms, but they must APPLE PEST CONTROL COME JOIN US FOR DINNER Initial home pest control service with this ad. Try our signature dishes and we will take $10.00 off your bill. Reservations are recommended. 10 $ OFF Present this coupon to your server and enjoy $10 off your bill when you purchase two dinner entrees. Limit one offer per table. Not valid with any other offers. Offer valid until 3/31/15. • VA & FHA Termite Inspection Reports • Lawn & Tree Spraying 695-8946 Quotes By Phone! 2355 -3 Bulverde Rd. • Behind The Ex xon w w w.mikesinthevillage.com • 830.438.2747 Toll Free: 800-371-0131 www.ApplePestControl.com HOURS: Wed-Sat 5pm-9pm Dinner • Sunday Brunch Buffet 10am-2pm 4 TERMITES Scorpions Rodents Ants Fleas Roaches Animal Trapping Family Owned & Operated Since 1984 Pancake Breakfast and Photos with Santa! SUSANA BAIRD Timberwood Realty Selling Homes in Timberwood Park FROM Timberwood Park since 1999! DO NOT PAY 6% TO SELL YOUR HOME! Come By or Call for a Free Market Analysis and Learn How I Can Save You $$ !! Cell: 210-218-2364 Timberwood Park Sales Office 25120 Blanco Rd. (across from Valero Station) San Antonio, TX 78260 Email: [email protected] Hire a True Neighborhood Specialist Today !! 5 210-525-0013 31 Years of Experience Blended with the Latest Dental Technologies Father & Son Dental Team Austin J. Garrison, D.D.S. Gary J. Garrison, D.D.S. • Interior/Exterior Lighting • Troubleshooting & Repair *We are in network providers for Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, CompBenefits, Delta Dental, Dentemax, Guardian, Humana, TriCare and United Concordia • Fuse & Circuit Breaker Box Upgrades A division of John Jones Electric Co., Inc. All PPO plans welcome. n-insu new, naotie p nts Sunday 1 8 15 210.494.7222 Monday Monday Monday 2 2 9 8 $20 Off Service Work over $200 Offer expires February 28, 2015 www.garrisonfamilydental.com Sunday Sunday 1 We now accept all credit cards. 22100 Bulverde Road, Suite 114 San Antonio, TX 78259 FF 10% Ontal e d all ices red ser v 9 February 2015 Calendar February 2015 Calendar Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday 4 3 4 3 Meeting Board Board Meeting 7pm 7pm Clubhouse Clubhouse 10 11 10 11 Thursday Thursday Thursday 5 5 TECL #17504 Friday Friday Friday 6 6 Saturday Saturday Saturday 7 7 12 12 13 13 14 14 Valentine’s Valentine’s Day Day 16 17 16 17 President’s Day President’s Day 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 Bingo Bingo 7-9:30pm 7-9:30pm Clubhouse Clubhouse 22 22 23 23 24 24 2525 2626 27 27 28 28 March 1 1 March 2 2 3 3 4 4 55 66 77 15 Wallpaper Hanging Professional Wallpaper OF0F 10v% 5 Hanging o er $2 Quality Craftsmanship Since 1978 Satisfaction Guaranteed 210-478-1181 Senior & Military Discounts Free Estimates Ronnie O’Mealey FREE UP YOUR TIME, let Mister Clean do the clean up for you. 14 years of experience We Offer: • Residential Cleaning • Weekly, bi-weekly, or just one-time cleaning • Move-ins, Move-outs & Make readys • Get $10 off your first cleaning! 210-216-4464 Free Estimates Licensed, Insured and Bonded 6 NEIGHBORHOOD LAWN CARE AND DESIGN Discount with yearly contract Lawn Maintenance Landscaping Mulch Fertilizing Christmas Light Hanging One Time Jobs to Year Round Service! Call Now for Free Estimate Rob Hankosky 481-2399 [email protected] Future Event – in the clubhouse! Join us for our final FUN Family Fitness night this year at Timberwood Park Pavilion and Park on April 9th, 2015 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm. The Timberwood Park Elementary school PTA Healthy Lifestyles committee and the TPOA will host this event. The goal of our healthy lifestyles committee is to offer events and information that will increase the physical activity and overall health/well-being of our students, school, and community. This event is open to all TWP residents and families. We will have music, healthy vendors, and fitness demonstrations throughout the evening. Feel free to come out and play at the park, walk, jog, bike, play tennis, volleyball, or basketball with your family and neighbors. Bring a blanket and a picnic dinner or something to grill. Some healthy food trucks are coming with food for purchase (truck names will be announced closer to the event) if you would rather not worry about dinner. The healthy lifestyles committee will have some fresh fruit available for your family that evening. As always, we’ll have some fun door prizes to giveaway! Don’t forget your gate card to access the event. Saturday 2/21/2015 from 7-9:30 pm Bring an appetizer or dessert to share, & eat dinner first! We will have sodas and water, or bring your own beverage of choice! Try to win prizes - to include 2 (two) family season pool passes, gift cards to restaurants and movies, and much more! Volunteers are needed for set-up and cleanup after. Volunteer vouchers will be given. Family fitness spirit sticks will be given out on Monday, April 13th for all TPES students that attend and use the signup sheet. If you have any questions or would like to offer a door prize for the event to promote your business-please contact Sissy Maroney, 210-240-9133, [email protected]. February 16 METRO PAINTING & HOME IMPROVEMENTS Carpentry • Tile • Dry Wall • Pressure Washing Painting • Interior • Exterior Call for Free Estimates David Espinoza, Owner EXPIRES - MARCH 31ST 2015 210-749-9434 7 GUY PETERSON, DDS • Invisalign® Braces • Sedation Dentistry • Dental Implants • Cosmetic Dentistry • Superior Dentures and Partials Caring, Gentle, Personalized, and Attentive Dental Care • Latest Techniques and Technology 2395 Bulverde Rd. • Bulverde, TX 78163 www.bulverdedental.com 830.980.2869 $100.00 Off In Office Teeth Whitening or Free Take Home Teeth Whitening when you come in for a new patient exam and x-rays and mention this ad. 8 ONE MAN SHOW 35 years of construction experience m s.co new n es@ od rho bo h eig Painting Decks Laminate Flooring Sheds & Seesaws • LANDSCAPING $300 OFF Any Landscaping or Masonry Work -Grass, soils, plants, spring clean-ups, mulch, fencing Any Landscaping or Masonry Work PRIVACY FENCES BUILT BETTER FOR LESS : : : : OFFERING AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING Gettheword out (of (of $2000 $2000 or or more) more) (See more before & after pictures on our website TexasJC.com) BEFORE AFTER • MASONRY -Patios, retaining walls pathways, mail boxes • XERISCAPE -Low maintenance garden boulders, rio rock, plants low water, gravel sal No Job Too Small Call Les ∙ 452-8844 Jesse R. San Antonio [email protected] Timberwood Park Resident Since 1985 TexasJC .com 210-823-8038 ACCREDITED BUSINESS ® LICENSED & INSURED Neighborhood Watch Program Needs Volunteers Timberwood Park has decided to re-start and re-organize our Neighborhood Watch program. An effective neighborhood watch program can be an excellent deterrent to crime, it keeps neighbors informed on any criminal activity that may be occurring that they should be aware of, and it helps neighbors get to know each other better. The Neighborhood Watch program will now be directed by Fanita and David Barkalow, who generously volunteered to lead the effort. But we need watch captains for this program to be a success. As a watch captain for your block you will receive information going on around Timberwood, disperse it out to neighbors on your block, and periodically check in with neighbors to make sure all is well. So if you have been a watch captain in the past and are interested in continuing your participation, or if you are interested in signing up as a new watch captain, or if you would like to support the program in some other way to assist with keeping crime out of Timberwood, please e-mail Spectrum at [email protected] and include the words “Neighborhood Watch” in the subject line, or call them at 210.494.0659. Thank you! ASHLEY S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR TACLB49055E MAX DEIKE, OWNER 210-710-6219 AIR-MAX COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SALES & SERVICE * AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION LARGE PARTS INVENTORY *Residential / Commercial *27 years experience *Service all makes and models *FREE second opinions *Resident of Timberwood Park 29750 HWY 281 N BULVERDE (830) 980-8520 HONEST SERVICE & QUALITY INSTALLATIONS www.ashleyssmallengine.com 9 Good Life Pet Sitting • House Sitting 901 N.E. Loop 410 - Suite 800 San Antonio, TX 78209 • • • • • • No-cost consultation • Create a stress-free environment for your pet while you are away. • In-home care - several times a day, pet massage, other duties as needed. • Medication administration - and/or injections as needed. • Transportation to vet/groomer. • Overnight stays as needed, 10pm-8am (additional fees apply). Family Law Military Divorce Attorney Jim Cramp Federal Civil Service Divorce Colonel, USAF (Ret.) Timberwood Park Resident Estate Plans—Wills & Trusts Probate Guardianship 15% discount for fellow Entrepreneur-Dog Rescue, Feral Cat Coalition Business Owner @ Body N Balance Massage & Day Spa Inside Omni Hotels and Wyndham Hotel Riverwalk Timberwood Park residents (210) 832-8064 www.cramplawfirm.com Available Days, Nights, Holidays, Weekends or 24/7 References Available • No Criminal Record Monique Wellesley TIMBERWOOD PARK RESIDENT 361.215.8911 [email protected] Choosing a Tree Care Professional Properly pruned and maintained trees add value to our properties. In fact, recent studies indicate that trees add at least 7% to a property’s value. In San Antonio, a mature and properly maintained pecan or live oak tree, for instance, will have an appraisal value of $10,000 or more! Service”, company may advertise that they are insured and even state in their advertisement “Insured For Your Protection”. Verify that they have a general liability policy and not just a property liability policy. Here’s the difference: A property liability policy only covers damage to the home or other property, such as a car or fence. However, improper maintenance can impact our trees’ But what happens if a person is injured? The property health, creating a safety hazard. To ensure that your trees owner could be liable. Only a general liability policy remain assets and not liabilities, carefully choose a tree care protects the homeowner from such a mishap. Ask to professional. Here are several sample questions to ask. see the policy. Is it current? Does it have the company’s name on it? 1. Do you have a City of San Antonio Tree Mainte- 3. Will a Certified Arborist be supervising the crew or nance License? In San Antonio, all individuals or tree do you have a Certified Arborist on your staff? An care companies must be licensed. And to maintain their arborist is a professional trained in the art and science license, they must obtain continuing education credits of properly managing and maintaining individual trees, insuring that that they are receiving up-to-date informaand in some cases woody shrubs and vines. To be contion on tree care and diseases for the San Antonio area. sidered an arborist, a tree care professional must be certiYou can ask to see a valid Tree Maintenance license or fied by a recognized tree care professional organization. verify status by visiting the website at www.sanantonio. One such organization, and perhaps the most widely gov/dsd/licensing.asp known, is the International Society of Arboriculture. To 2. Do you have General Liability Insurance? A “Tree (Continued on page 11) go green MACHO’S A C We are proud to announce we are now offering YOU to “opt-in” to having your Neighborhood Newsletter delivered electronically! PL HOW? 1 Visit www.NeighborhoodNews.com C UM IN , S BING SERVICE . LET’S DO OUR PART IN HELPING THE ENVIRONMENT! ty N o Gi mmicks, Just Quali 2 Click on: “Let’s do our part” and follow the instructions. What will change? Well... nothing! Your address will be removed from the mailing list and a digital copy will be emailed to you within the next couple of issues. We are so pleased to be offering this new service! Patrick Camacho Master Plumber Lic.#M-18234 Questions? Feel free to contact Albert Prieto at (210) 558-3160 with any website-related questions. 10 210-699-0818 HEART WOOD I COME TO YOU! T REE SERVICE & SOLUT IONS WINTER CHECKLIST FREE Need oil change? Wiper blades skipping? Battery not working? ESTIMATES! TX-3836A TX-3836A Full or Partial Detailing/Washing • ALL OF YOUR TREE NEEDS • CERTIFIED ARBORIST • PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE • COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL D.A.’s VEHICLE DETAILING GEORGE POTTER ~ 210-560-7688 210.378.9079 Timberwood Park Resident 15 Years Experience Timberwood Park Resident WWW.HEARTWOODTREESA.COM (Continued from page 10) 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 miles north of 1604 210.251.4838 www.twlube.com Family owned & operated Timberwood Park Residents of your trees. Your tree care person should adhere to these standards. What Personal Protective Equipment do your crews use and do you provide safety training for your crews? Tree maintenance workers are to follow the national ANSI Z.133 Safety Standards Tree maintenance can be very hazardous work. Verify your tree company has a safety program in place, and that they require the use of basic personal protective equipment, such as hardhat and safety glasses and if a chain saw is in operation, ear protection and chainsaw chaps. Do you have any references? Most reputable tree companies will gladly refer you to several addresses in your neighborhood and/or greater community where they have completed work. Does the individual who is providing the quote have a professional appearance? The person you are dealing with should be prompt, courteous, knowledgeable about your trees, and should provide you with a detailed written estimate outlining the work. Is the quote specific, clear and well written? Often the quality and specificity of the quote itself is an indication of professionalism. (Continued on page 12) s es sin rs Bu ea In 20 Y Es Fr tim ee at es find a list of ISA Certified Arborists in your area, visit www.isa-arbor.com The San Antonio Arborists Association is another organization dedicated to improving the quality of tree care, the health of San Antonio’s trees and the level of professionalism in the San Antonio tree care industry. The SAAA encourages its members to become certified with the ISA. Membership in such professional organizations is often a good indicator of skill on the part of your tree care individual or company. 4. Will the work be performed in accordance with the ANSI-A300 Standard? Just like electricians and plumbers, tree care professionals have a set of published standards that outline the right and wrong ways to conduct tree pruning and removals. These standards also include specifications for cabling, lightning protection, fertilization and more. In the San Antonio area, trees are often improperly pruned. Several of the most common improper pruning techniques are topping, stripping interior foliage, stubbing and “de-mossing”. These practices are in violation to the City of San Antonio’s Tree Preservation ordinance as they severely damage trees and in addition, often create a liability. The ANSI-A300 Standards are designed to protect the health and beauty LUBE 24920 Blanco Rd • San Antonio, TX 78260 Kevin & Kathy Kelly • Painting • Small or Large Repairs • Drywall Repair & Installation • Remodeling • Electrical • Deck Construction • Ceramic Work • Rotted Wood Replacement • Window & Door Replacement • We do it all–large or small Irwin Dreyfus Angie’s 830-438-3336 or 210-885-8465 List Email at [email protected] A+ Rating www.diversifiedremodeling.net VACATION SPECIALISTS Timberwood Park Residents 1110 Slumber Pass San Antonio, TX 78260-5369 [email protected] (830) 714-4420 (Business) (844) 223-5574 (Toll Free) www.cruiseone.com/kkelly INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED 11 (Continued from page 11) Storms and Emergencies Have a tree company picked out well in advance, so that in the unfortunate event of storm damage to your trees, you are much less likely to fall prey to the countless “storm chasers”. Ask for the same insurance certificates and qualifications as if it were routine work. Oak Wilt Most communities including the City of San Antonio have an ordinance that all oak wounds including those from pruning, require painting within 30 minutes. This provision is the community’s primary tool in preventing the spread of the oak wilt disease. For more information, visit this website: http://www.texasoakwilt.org/ Vale n tine's Day Saturday, February 14 St. Valentine's Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. Very few facts are known about St. Valentine. He was a priest in Rome who was martyred about AD 269 and buried on the Via Flaminia (road leading from Rome over the Apennine Mountains). The most popular martyrology states that he was a priest near Rome in about the year 270 AD, a time when the church was enduring great persecution. His ministry was to help the Christians to escape this persecution, and to provide them the sacraments, such as marriage. The Roman Emperor Claudius II supposedly forbade marriages of soldiers in order to grow his army, believing that married men did not make for good soldiers. Bulk Trash Notification. You may have the contractor place the material at the curb if you have received notification via the yellow door hanger stating “ it’s your turn” for brush collection or you may re- Contemporary the Valentine's Day is connected mainly with roquest a quote and schedule a brush pick-up by calling 311 mantic love. The modern Valentine's Day customs developed in early modern England and spread in the 19th century. The cusinside the City of San Antonio. toms include sending cards, flowers, chocolates to one's beloved. Paper Valentine cards became so popular in England in the early 19th century that they were assembled in factories. This information is sponsored by the San Antonio Arborists Association and the City of San Antonio. TAX AND BOOKKEEPING BAROS AND COMPANY, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS David L. Baros, CPA Travis J. Baros, CPA (210) Tax Service Bookkeeping Service 366-9444 1314 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 401 San Antonio, TX 78258 12 Individual Partnership / Corp / LLC Trust and Estate (830) 660-8463 www.1luckydogmobile.com SUSAN BRAND, Realtor® “A Brand You Can Trust” Timberwood Park resident for over 6 years! Native Texan Proud Military Spouse & Daughter 12+ years Sales Experience Certified Spanish Teacher *ALL MOBILE* Grooming • Pet Sitting • Dog Walking Waste Management (Lawn & Litter Box) 210.422.3606 | [email protected] Want to see your house on TV? I can show you how! www.whylistwithus.com/635039 Small Animal/Reptile/Aquarium Maintenance Regional and Local Transportation Email: [email protected] • www.facebook.com/1luckydogmobile Spring is a very active time for a gardener and there are many different things you need do to prep your yard and flowerbeds. It’s best to get a lot of the gardening tasks done this time of year before the blistering heat of summer sets in. Here is a handy list of tasks that will help you grow a lush lawn and beautiful flowers this time of year: 1. Fertilize the lawn. Fertilizer bags will have three numbers on them. The three numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the bag. Get a fertilizer that has mostly or nothing but nitrogen (the first of the three numbers), as it is what our lawns need most here in Texas. 20-5-10 or 24-6-12 or 15-0-0 are all good formulations to look for, but there are a lot of good options on the market these days. 2. Fertilize trees and shrubs. Don’t forget to fertilize existing trees and shrubs. These plants need a spring snack too! Don’t use weed and feed around them as the weed component can damage your plants. 3. Perfect time to plant. Spring is for planting! It’s time to plant annuals like zinnias, petunias and begonias. Perennials like Daylilies, Salvia and Coneflower should be planted now. Any trees and shrubs that you didn’t get planted this fall and winter can still be planted now, as well. Last but not least, it’s time to start warm season veggies like tomatoes and peppers. 4. Mulch, mulch, mulch. After you get all your planting done, put down a one-to-two inch layer of mulch over your flower beds and veggie gardens. This will help keep weeds out and conserve water by keeping your soil moist. 5. Water smart. Put your plants and lawn on a regular watering schedule this month. Remember, our lawns need about an inch of water a week, either from us watering or from rain, to perform their best. An easy trick to make sure you’re watering enough is to make a mark one inch from the bottom of the inside of an empty tin can. Bury the tin can in the yard and water as you usually do. At the end of the week, check the can. If the water is at the one inch mark, you know you are watering the right amount. Many people think they must water every day or every other day to have green and healthy turf. This is a common misconception that wastes water and actually weakens your lawn. Horticulturalists recommend watering your lawn deeply and infrequently to promote a strong root system. 6. Prune flowering shrubs. Begin to prune any spring flowering shrubs like Spirea, Azalea or Chinese Fringe Flower after they finish blooming. Shaping them shortly after they finish blooming will ensure they set lots of blooms for next year, as well. by WMG Interior & E Interior & Exterior Painting • Affordable and Profe 2014 is coming to•an end... Remodeling • Sheetrock - Texturin What’s Your Fitness Goal?Rotted Woo • Replace Meets on• References provided • Pressure Washing Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:15 a.m. @ TPES Bond First class is always FREE! Call for Free Estim by WMG Services Inc. • • • • • • Servi Affordable and Professional Remodeling Sheetrock - Texturing Replace Rotted Wood References provided Pressure Washing 20% OFF 1st session to all residents Stephayne Gibson, Bonded and Insured CPT-ISSA Lead Trainer Call for Free Estimates (210) 845-8757 Timberwood Park resident 13 918-868-7858 www.TBCfitness.com Prominent Properties BUYING SELLING FRIENDLY ADVICE JoDee Gilmore Realtor® Direct ~ Fax ~ Web ~ Email ~ P (210) 695-8663 210.887.5885 210.957.7171 www.JoDeeGilmore.com [email protected] FAX (210) 695-8661 [email protected] 15761 Tamaron Pass San Antonio, TX 78253 Thinking of Selling YOUR Home??? EMAIL ME TODAY for a FREE, Helpful Guide “PREPARING YOUR HOME FOR SALE”. Commercial & Residential Landscape Maintenance & Construction Irrigation Installation & Repairs Tree Trimming Specializing in... Residential Home & Land Sales Owner Finance Properties Luxury Home Marketing & Sales VA & Tx Vet Programs VISIT www.JoDeeGilmore.com FOR A FULL LIST of HOMES FOR SALE in YOUR AREA PROUD TIMBERWOOD PARK RESIDENT SINCE 1996 14 Chocolate Covered Strawberries Grilled Shrimp Scampi Dinner for Two! Ingredients 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 1 tablespoon minced garlic Ground black pepper to taste Crushed red pepper flakes to taste (optional) 1 1/2 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined Ingredients 16 ounces milk chocolate chips 2 tablespoons shortening 1 pound fresh strawberries with leaves PREP and READY IN 15 mins Directions In a large, non-reactive bowl, stir together the olive oil, lemon juice, parsley, garlic, and black pepper. Season with crushed red pepper, if desired. Add shrimp, and toss to coat. Marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Directions In a double boiler, melt the chocolate and shortening, stirring occasionally until smooth. Holding them by the toothpicks, dip the strawberries into the chocolate mixture. Preheat grill for high heat. Thread shrimp onto skewers, piercing once near the tail and once near the head. Discard any remaining marinade. Insert toothpicks into the tops of the strawberries. Turn the strawberries upside down and insert the toothpick Lightly oil grill grate. Grill for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or into styrofoam for the chocolate to cool. until opaque. SEPTIC Residential & Commercial Proudly Serving South Texas for over 10 Years! 25 OFF $ • Conventional Septic & • Aerobic Maintenance Contracts Aerobic Installations • Drain Field Repairs • Septic Tank Cleaning Any Service • Real Estate Inspections (210) 889-4606 [email protected] Licensed & Insured #0S0028816 #0S0023596 #MP0001294 15 TWP Residents Hablamos Español Senior Citizen & Military Discounts To update your teen services or to be included on the list please email [email protected]. Must be 19 years of age or under. Be sure to place Timberwood Park in the subject line so your information is placed in the correct publication. Thank you! Teen Services Directory Bair, Aura (baby/pet/house & ref. available) 210-859-5104 Bermea, Nick (lawn mowing) 210-687-8916 Covino, Aubrey -13 (pet sit/plant watering) 210-255-7149 Cueto, Mackenzie (baby/pet/house sit) 210-701-9666 DeLeon, Katy Joseph (sitter/CPR/1st Aide) 210-462-6700 Etscheid, Racquelle (baby/pet sit/CPR/water plants) 210-872-5808 Gale, Braden (pet sit) 210-846-5492 Services Information Hernandez, DanaTeen (baby/pet/house sit/dog walk) 210-464-7898 Holbrook, Eleise (baby/pet/house sit/ dog walk) 210-954-2354 Hosey, Anna (babysit pet sit, tutor K-4) 678-216-8366 Howell, Jacquelyne (swim instructor/baby sit) 210-714-3124 Howell, Valerie (swim instructor) 210-714-3124 Kingery, Hannah (baby sit) 210-687-2103 Marburger, Sydney (baby/pet/house/plant sit) 512-577-6888 Prieto, Cortez (car inter/exter cleaning) 210-303-2000 Prieto, Estrella (Senior-family photos) 210-630-0972 Amber Statham-18 (baby/pet/house sit) 770.362.2644 Sarah-Gayle Statham- 15 (baby/house sit) 770.828.9894 Happy Valentine's Day Saturday, February 14 Published and distributed by: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax Not available online. [email protected] www.NeighborhoodNews.com For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to [email protected] Articles that appear in the Timberwood Park newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Timberwood Park newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. TPOA does not represent, warrant or establish this babysitter list. SURGICAL | MEDICAL | COSMETIC Serving Bulverde, Spring Branch, Kerrville and the surrounding areas: Dr. Daniel Ladd, D.O., Mohs Surgeon and Board-Certified Dermatologist and Dr. Matthew Lambiase, D.O., Board-Certified Dermatologist. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS CALL US TODAY 830.980.1838 TRU-SKIN.COM AUSTIN BASTROP BULVERDE/SPRING BRANCH CEDAR PARK KERRVILLE LA GRANGE 16 TPOA does not establish or warrant any advertiser in the Timberwood Park Owners Association (TPOA) Newsletter and does not receive any remuneration from any advertiser in the newsletter. TPOA does not represent, warrant, or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advertisement in the TPOA Newsletter. TPOA encourages property owners to use due diligence to determine the quality and validity of any advertiser in the TPOA newsletter. HOW TO PLACE A Classified AD To place a free classified ad, call 558-3160 or email [email protected]. Keep ad to 2 lines of email text and please place TP Resident in the subject line. One ad per resident. (NO services or home/lot listings). Ads will run for ONE month. Pending space available. Deadline FEBRUARY 10th for MARCH publication. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE: Queen size EZ bed. Looks like luggage; inflates in seconds. Go to frontgate.com/ezbed to see it. Too large for our space. $150 830980-9188. FOR SALE: Wurlitzer Spinet Piano with original bench. Circa 1940/50. Good student piano. Fair condition. Asking $150. 210/4977826. “FREE to good home. A-TEX Dream HP (Dimension One) Spa. Seats FOR SALE: Pro-Form Cardio Pro Exercise Machine. Works both upsix. New cover and steps, Everything works.” Must provide own labor per/lower body; has electronic console to tailor intensity to your perClassified Ad Information for moving. 210-200-8747. sonal fitness needs. Excellent condition., $100. 210-497-7826. Not available online. Looking for reliable AID (a teacher to help my daughter with reading FOR SALE: Brown leather electric lift chair. Call: 210-326-5543. Mom needs help! M-TH 545pm to 815pm, and SAT 6a-8p. Must have car, valid license, be reliable $250/week starting end of January. Call or text 210.232.4411. FOR SALE: Wurlitzer, Americana II Juke Box/Records, $850.; Six (6 or9 pane) wooden framed windows-from 1950. $37. each; Antique Children’s rocker with cane seat, $40. (713)530-0302. and spelling) to help with a few hours in the morning and few hours and the afternoon. Please call 210-834-3160. FOR SALE: Black iPhone 4s 16 GB, SPECK case included for $120. White iPhone 4s 8 GB with cracked screen for $60. Black iPhone 3GS 8 GB for $25. All of them for AT&T network. Call (210) 416-2055. Nationally Recognized, Award Winning Free Heating or A/C Tune-up for Military, Fire Fighters, Police Dept. and EMS! As a company made up of people just like you, we understand the stress and risk that is involved when in need of air conditioning repair, installation or service. Our primary goal is to offer our clients a safe and easy, No-Risk way of doing business. 59 $ Heating/AC Combo both systems tune-up Not valid with any other offer or coupon. Offer expires 2/28/15. We understand that most air conditioning companies make the same claim, but when experiencing their service, you can feel misled. So we have focused our energy on old fashioned customer satisfaction. Not only does our staff have to be air conditioning experts, they must have “above and beyond” attitudes in order to work at Texas Air Masters. Our staff, armed with these traits, are then trained to be crazy about customer service. The proof is in the pudding, read what people say about us. If you are looking for a HVAC contractor you can really count on, then you would be wasting your time looking any further… Let us earn your Trust. www.TexasAirMasters.com TACLB28228E 210.693.7651 17 4197 Stahl Rd. San Antonio TX 78217 Are you getting eblasts? If you aren’t getting eblasts, that means you haven’t yet registered on Spectrum’s website. To receive eblasts, you must do a one time registration following these steps: 1. Go to the Spectrum website at www.spectrumam.com 2. Under homeowner login, click the register button 3. Fill out the account information, if you do not have your contract/account number just call Spectrum and ask for account services, they will be able to provide it. 4. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, if you do not receive this email, contact the Spectrum offices at 210.494.0659. The site will give you access to governing documents, meeting dates and information on events happening in your community or the surrounding area. It will also allow you to make your assessment payments online. Don’t delay, sign up today!!! Timberwood Park! We live in an amazing neighborhood; let's make it even more amazing together. Key charges for the TPOA Board of Directors are to identify, develop and implement initiatives that protect and improve the quality of life we enjoy in Timberwood Park, as well as enhance the value of investment for each and every property owner. We cannot complete these charges alone! We need your input in our continued planning process for capital investments, and for other matters that impact our community. Please join us at the upcoming TPOA Board Meetings to share your insights and ideas to make Timberwood Park an even greater place to live! Complimentary meals will be served to all in attendance. GVTC is Going All-Digital Good News for GVTC Cable TV Customers GVTC Cable Television is in the process of transitioning to an all-digital system to enhance the total viewing experience with: High Quality Picture and Sound, Increased Cable Broadband Speeds, and The Addition of More HD Channels For more information, visit gvtc.com or tune to GVTC cable channel 14. 800-367-4882 GVTC.com Services described will be provided by either Guadalupe Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc., (“Cooperative”) d/b/a GVTC or its wholly owned subsidiary, Guadalupe Valley Communications Systems LP d/b/a GVCS. License # B03287 18 INFORMATION CENTRAL Timberwood Park Owners Association (TPOA) Superintendents (Park Office) Board President Email-news/social events, general Email-property improvements, new construction, property complaints, concerns, deed violations Neighborhood Watch Chair 830- 980-3349 Scott Myles [email protected] [email protected] Herb Finmark [email protected] Spectrum Association Management -park, gate cards, pool information, all general info Spectrum Main Phone Spectrum Website Email for Community Manager - Kristine Spirt 210-494-0659 or 1-877-269-9092 www.spectrumam.com [email protected] LOCAL LAW, FIRE AND CODE AGENCIES SHERIFF-Bexar County, non-Emergencies CONSTABLE-Bexar County FIRE DEPARTMENT (BBVD) Bulverde/Bexar Volunteer Fire Department, non-emergencies FIRE MARSHALL-Bexar County Animal Control-Bexar County Dead Animal Removal Wildlife Rescue Bexar County- Nuisance Complaints, reporting damaged road signs, missing signs, environmental services Home Security Inspection House Alarm Permit City of San Antonio Planning and Dev-city permits Website to check Sex Offenders in Area 210-335-6000 210-246-2263 EMERGENCIES DIAL 911 24-hour on call supervisor 830-980-4733 EMERGENCIES DIAL 911 210-335-0300 CONTROLLED BURNING INFO 210-335-9000 210-631-0240 (Bexar County Public Works) 830-336-2725 210-335-6700 210-226-0303 ext 239 210-547-0172 www.co.bexar.tx.us/BCsherriff/ alarmpermit 210-207-1111 www.sanantonio.gov.dsd http://records.txdps/state.tx.us TPOA Newsletter Newsletter Editor-news, events, not receiving Business advertising Classified Ads-TWP residents only, no services [email protected] 210-558-3160 Neighborhood News Sales Dept. Email to [email protected] Better Built Home Improvements Chlorine Tablets 10lb.- $50 Quality Work at Affordable Prices Repairs • Remodeling Improvements Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Painting • Carpentry Stephen Salyer and much more! Annual Maintenance Contract $240 NO JOB TOO SMALL! Insured (830) 968-4202 210.685.0805 Brandon Younts Ko Anderson 19 Residential & Commercial Plumbing Services • Hot Water Heaters • Faucets • Disposals • Sewers/Drains • Water Softener M-36230 : CLARK PLUMBING CO. FEATURING BRANDS Moen, Kohler, Grohe, Delta, American Standard, A.O. Smith “Where Quality Still Counts” For Installation & Repair, call Dustin Clark (210) 590-4993 | (210) 912-3291 P.O. Box 700114 • San Antonio, TX 78270 Timberwood Park Owners Association, Inc c/o Spectrum Association Management, LP 17319 San Pedro, Suite 318 San Antonio, TX 78232 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO,TX PERMIT NO. 1568 Time Dated 6 Try our Southern-Fried Catfish with fresh Coleslaw and our new Lotta Zing Sauce, wrapped in a Southwest Tortilla. $ 99 Light & Fresh Plate – Golden Roast Breast & Leg – GREEN BEANS, SIDE SALAD Valid only at participating locations with coupon. No subsitutions allowed. One coupon per person per visit. EXP. 4-5-15 5 $ 29 Chicken Snack Pack – 1 Chicken Breast – Fried or Roasted. 1 SINGLE SIDE, 1 HOT YEAST ROLL, 20oz DRINK Valid only at participating locations with coupon. No subsitutions allowed. One coupon per person per visit. 6 EXP. 4-5-15 $ 49 Fin and Feather – 1 Piece of Catfish and 2 Golden Tenders™ & Gravy – SINGLE FRIES, 1 HOT YEAST ROLL, 20oz DRINK Valid only at participating locations with coupon. No subsitutions allowed. One coupon per person per visit. EXP. 4-5-15 $ 26210 Canyon Golf Road • San Antonio, Texas (210) 481-9098 16 Sweet 16 99 – 16 Golden Tenders™ – FAMILY GRAVY Valid only at participating locations with coupon. No subsitutions allowed. One coupon per person per visit. EXP. 4-5-15 Retail Space Leasing Information Contact Satheesh Mammen 210-387-7673 Next to Canyon Golf Market on 26180 Canyon Golf Road, S.A. TX 78260
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