JANUARY 25, 2014 The Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners of St. Wenceslaus, “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service” This coming week is Catholic Schools week! National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2015 is January 25 – 31; Catholic Schools Week began in 1974. There will be activities celebrating the schools at St. Wenceslaus, St. John Nepomucene, and Bishop Neumann. We have been so blessed in this community and our entire county to have affordable Catholic Schools available to our families. There are probably only a handful of parishes in the state, in fact, in the country that have the opportunity for Catholic Schools available that we do. Our cost per child is a fraction of other schools and tuition is lower than probably most every school in the country. When people inquire about our school they are amazed at what we are able to provide to our young people and our parishioners. We, who have devoted our lives to the Catholic schools, are very grateful for the support we receive for the schools and the energy that the schools and their efforts provide to the life of the parish. Every parish is stronger when the life a Catholic School depends on it. Please pray for the efforts that are underway by all three Catholic Schools in Saunders County to develop a strategic plan with the help of many parents and community members. The plan should yield great promise for our future to provide a strong Catholic School system in our area. May God reward our efforts with faithful students who will lead the church into the future to help save souls! The Parish Council met last Saturday morning and approved the plan to begin the project construction in 2015. This building is contingent upon a balanced operations budget, continued support through increasing adult stewardship and e-tithing, and continued work to cultivate additional pledges to cover total project costs. This is exciting news, and I think the parish council and the finance council have great insight into the future of this parish and school community. Also, we are indeed blessed with several bequests that have been received by the parish over the past month which will help greatly with operations and other specific capital needs. Bequests and estate gifts are important contributions to the parish and gratitude to our parishioners who have the insight to think of the parish and schools when making estate plans. Please remember to pray for our benefactors who recently include Richard Breunig, Ann (and Tony) Divis, Martha and Lad Cihal, Emily Bouc, and Juilius and Isabel Tvrdy. May they, and all of our past parishioners and benefactors, rest in peace. May you have a blessed week and continue to welcome Father Bourek to the parish as he settles into his routine as our new senior priest in residence. He is a great pleasure to have with us. Mass Ministry Schedule ~ January 31/February 1 If you are unable to serve at the scheduled time, it’s your responsibility to find a replacement. ALTAR SERVERS: Devon Engel, Tyler Engel, Trevor Dailey Jake Unger, Jared Dailey, Isaac Albin 7:30am Colin McGuigan, Cadin McGuigan, Jacob Sommerfeld, Silas Monger 9:00am Kobey Simons, Ben Simons, Jaxson Simons, Kolten Cada, Jarrett Kmiecik 10:30am Max Spangler, Jack Schenk, Michael Lynch David Lilly, Thomas Lilly, Dawson Sabataka, Jaydon Kreifel 5:30pm USHERS: 5:30 Jim Cooney, David Privett, Kelly Dailey 7:30 Rich Bohaty, Bill Kremlacek, Greg Chapek, Nick Bohaty 9:00 Tony Moravec, Greg Kavan, Alex Shada, John Virgl 10:30 Phil Vandevoorde, Larry Pospisil, Pat Sabatka, Jason Sabatka CHURCH CLEANING / January 31 GREETERS: Rachel Woita, Melissa Rappl, 5:30 Chris Rappl Family Renee Stuhr, Julie Swanson, 7:30 Terrell Raabe Family Donna Sabatka, Carmel Most 9:00 Mike Lindley Family 10:30 Bruce Coufal Family LECTOR/READER: OFFERTORY GIFTS: 5:30 Craig Breunig, Steven Sladky 5:30 7:30 Daryl Braunsroth 7:30 Tim Turman Family 9:00 Ken Neff, Sally Gerdes 9:00 Kevin Scheef Family 10:30 Tom Cherovsky, Missy Chvatal 10:30 Michael Weiss Family ACOLYTES: 5:30 Dave Engel, Curt Bromm, Nick Milliken 7:30 Bob Bartek, Chris Lautenschlager 9:00 Paul Johnson, Tom Gerdes, John Peterson 10:30 Adrian Bartek, Michael Lilly EMC (After 9am Mass): Joe Spicka Glen Baumert Ron Sladky Craig Breunig ~Seminarians of the Week~ Rev. Mr. Morris Denton from St. Peters Catholic Church in Gary SD Allan Phan from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Lincoln NE Please pray for them and for an increase in vocations TACKLE HUNGER The Souper Bowl of Caring Collection– February 1, 2015 For the Benefit of The Matt Talbot Kitchen~ MTKO serves two hot nutritious meals every day of the year and serve over 100,000 meals annually. MTKO offers homeless prevention services such as life skills training, drug & alcohol counseling, case management, and transitional housing, plus help with basic and emergency needs such as showers and laundry services. Please participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring and in supporting MTKO’s hunger relief and homeless prevention services. There will be St. Wenceslaus parishioners collecting donations at each church door after all Masses. Please be a generous as you are able. Saunders County Catholic Schools GALA Pre-Super Bowl Squares Party: Everyone join us Saturday January 31 from 8:00pm to12:00am at the Hilltop Country Club in Wahoo. Enjoy pork sandCatholic Schools Week: We are blessed to have Catholic Schools in Saunders wiches, potatoes, munchies and adult beverages. Try County where many of our young people learn to deepen their Catholic faith and your luck on the Super Bowl score board. One hundred grow academically, physically and socially. Bishop Conley has recently highlighted squares are being sold for $50 each. You will the value Catholic Schools have in our diocese, noting many of the priests who have receive a number that will be randomly put into the served our parishes had their priestly vocations fostered in Catholic Schools as well 100 square grid. Proceeds will be used to buy gifts for as the many faithful lay people and families who have been formed to serve the this year’s GALA dinner auction. The score of the game Lord Jesus with their lives. Catholic schools are a place where our faith and prayer determines the winners. There is a winner each quarcan be included in every aspect of the education of young people. We are grateful ter: $250 Gift Certificates from: Nebraska Furniture for the generous support of our community and supporting parishes to help main- Mart, Target, Cabelas, Menards or Wahoo Super, tain our Catholic Schools for current generations and for generations to come. On winner’s choice. Join us at the Country Club to see what behalf of the students and families of Bishop Neumann, St. Wenceslaus and St. John number was drawn for you or see your numbers online Nepomucene schools, thanks to all who have helped make our schools an important at bishopneumann.com the next day. part of our faith community. We invite you to look for the special insert in the WaEmail [email protected] if you are interested hoo Newspaper this week or pick one up at the store to get a copy of the 50 th anniin buying a ticket or contact the school office versary commemorative edition booklet highlighting Bishop Neumann’s 50 years. 402-443-4151. Happy Catholic Schools Week! Yours Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Charles Townsend Mass Intentions THE WEEK AT A GLANCE: Mon/January 26: Sunday January 25: 7:00am Mary Ann Johnson + 8:00am-Noon: St. Wenceslaus School Annual Pancake Feed in the Neumann cafeteria 8:05am Bob Hohl + 3:00pm Knights of Columbus Council #1833 Free Throw Contest—at Neumann High 9:30am (Care Center) Duane Kantor + School Tue/January 27: Monday January 26: 7:00am Rosemary Shanahan + 6:00pm Catholic Daughters of the Americas– Mass with Meeting to follow in church 8:05am Don Bartek + basement. 10:00am (Funeral) Frances Zaloudek + 7:00pm RCIA/Adult Faith Formation The PACE Dinner Wed/January 28: Tuesday January 27: tentatively scheduled for this 6:45am (at Convent) Adolph Furasek + 7:00pm The Most Holy Rosary in the Church Sunday, Jan. 25th has been 7:00am Poor Souls Int Joe & Donna Sensibaugh Wednesday January 28: postponed. Thanks so much for 8:05am Alex Divis + 1:00pm Sewing for the Missions your support of your Catholic Thur/January 29: 6:00pm CCD Schools! When rescheduled, 7:00am Rich Breunig + 6:00pm Godteens invitations will be mailed 8:05am Jackie Polacek + Thursday January 29: directly to PACE Donors. 9:00am (South Haven) Poor Souls Intention of Friday January 30: Juanita Shanahan 5:30am That Man is You: Steve will prepare us to focus on the spiritual side of our Fri/January 30: fatherhood and focus on our future Lenten Journey. Please invite someone to join us. 6:40am Andy Kavan + Every man in the parish is invited! Contact Les Mach for more information 402-443-3866 Emily Bouc + Saturday January 31: Eugene Breunig + 8:00pm-12:00am Saunders County Catholic Schools GALA Pre-Super Bowl Squares Sat/January 31: Party~ at the Hilltop Country Club in Wahoo. 8:00am Joseph & Frances Callaghan + Sunday February 1: Harold Ruzicka + Super Bowl of Caring Collection to aid Matt Talbot Kitchen following all Masses. 5:30pm Rita Bouc Mueller + Sun/February 1: St. Wenceslaus School Annual Pancake Feed: The St. Wenceslaus School 7:30am People of St. Wenceslaus Parish Pancake Feed will be held on Sat- January 24th 5:30-8:00pm & Sun- January 9:00am Family of Bob Meduna 25th 8:00am–Noon at Neumann High School. Serving Pancakes, Eggs, Sau10:30am Intentions of Rich & Lisa Buse We Remember in Prayer: Donna Bach, Eleanor Bartek, Annie Braun, Ann Eilers, Colton Hagemann, Sally Hakel, Samuel Johnson, Pam Kotera, Peter Meyer, Godfrey Lanik, Msgr. Pleskac, Adriana Poulson, Janet Prochaska, Matthew Rohman, Gwenth Rohrid, Derek Ruth, Mary Ann Schense, Gene Styskal The early apostles inspire us to eagerly respond to God’s call to a life of stewardship sage, Coffee and Juice. Featuring Games, a Bake Sale and Silent Auction. Adults (7th grade & older)$6.00, Children (kindergarten to 6th grade) $4.00, Preschool Children-Free! Sponsored by the St. Wenceslaus School Family Association. Knights of Columbus Council #1833 Free Throw Contest is on Sunday, January 25 at 3p.m. All boys and girls, ages 9-14 are eligible to participate to compete in their respective age divisions. Please come to Neumann Cafeteria entrance to register. Winners will move on to the District Contest, also at Neumann on Sun. Feb. 8th at 1p.m Theology of the Body class begins February 4 Fr Sean Kilcawley will offer a 12 week seminar on John Paul II’s teaching on Human Love in the Divine plan in order to deepen St. Wenceslaus Church is grateful for our faithful our understanding of what it means to be created in God’s image. This seminar is giving of time, talent & treasure. for single people who are looking for tools to help them to deepen their understanding of Parish Gifts for January 18, 2015 their identity as children of God, married couples who want to deepen their own relationSunday Envelopes & Etithe: $ 23,656.46 ship and learn how to pass on the truth about sex and sexuality to their children, teachers, Campaign: $ 15,795.00 catechists, and anyone involved in marriage ministries. To register, call 402-488-2040, or Second Collection donated to Knights of Columbus email [email protected]. Cost is $50. Adult Educations Classes/RCIA: Mondays MARDI GRAS: Join the Plasi Parish for a Mardi Gras at the Prague Parish Hall on Feb. 7th 7:00-8:30pm at Neumann High School-call (snow date-Feb. 14th)! Social hour from 6pm–7pm followed by a New Orleans style buffet Fr. Sparling 443-4235 or Fr. Kane 443-4151 & dessert bar. Black Jack, Chuck-A- Luck, King’s Cake, Karaoke, Wine& Shine raffle, auction Adult Education in the Faith – Wednesdays & more! Adult only event. Tickets available now -$20/person. Advanced tickets only, St. Josephs Rectory basement– Colon, NE don’t miss out! Contact Jo (402)663-5242, Pat (402)663-5137, Linda (402)642-5457, or Call Monsignor Seiker 402-647-4901 Tara (402)642-5824. Pre-School Sunday School in the church basement during 9am & 10:30am Masses. Bible Study for High School Girls~ Open to all High School girls (grades 9-12) Meets on Sundays at 7pm-Parish Office meeting room. Bible Study led Lexi Woita & Makenzie Fujan. For info call Lexi at 443-6947 Women's Bible Study meets every other Thursday morning- 9:00am . Young children welcome. Call Marnie Toline, 277-5346. Rosary at Planned Parenthood: Pray the Rosary for an end to abortion 9:30am~ Tuesdays at facility 48th & Old Cheney Columbian Squires Paper Drive: Every 2nd Sun. Trailer is on A St., East of Virgl Impl. AA Meetings Tues–8:30am & Friday11:00am/Methodist Church-714 N. Beech Thur-8:00pm Bethlehem Lutheran St. Vitus Parish Annual Soup Dinner~ Sunday February 8th ~ St. John’s School Gym in Weston. Serving 11:00am-1:30pm– Chili, Chicken Noodle, Ham & Bean Soups, Sandwiches, Desserts, & Drinks. Silent Auction 12:30pm, Live Auction 12:45pm, Live Polka Music 10:45am-12:30pm. Games, Raffle, Cake Walk, Baked Goods. Fun for all! Natural Family Planning Creighton Model Introductory Sessions for January, 2015: Monday, February 2, Thursday, February 12 and Tuesday, February 24 at 7pm. Preregistration is required. For more information call 488-2040. Marketing Assistant/Intern Position Announcement: Bishop Neumann and the Saunders Catholic Schools have a job opening for a Marketing Internship or Marketing Assistant , working with the three Catholic Schools in Saunders County. The individual will have the opportunity to work with a wide variety of marketing programs, including website development, e-newsletters, marketing campaigns, the Donor Management System, athletic marketing programs and implementing various communication strategies for the Saunders Catholic Schools. Interested persons can contact Eva Fujan at [email protected] or by calling her 402-672-8913.
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