Lista de proveedores
de la red
H0332_PROVDIR15SP Accepted
KelseyCare Advantage
Directorio de Proveedores
Este directorio proporciona una lista de los proveedores de la red de KelseyCare Advantage.
Este directorio se aplica para los condados de Fort Bend, Montgomery, Harris y partes del
condado de Galveston, para los siguientes códigos postales solamente: 77510, 77511, 77517,
77518, 77539, 77546, 77563, 77565, 77568, 77573, 77590, y 77591.
Este directorio es vigente al 16 de julio, 2014. Es posible que se hayan agregado o eliminado
algunos proveedores de nuestra red después de que se haya impreso este directorio. No
garantizamos que cada proveedor aun esté aceptando nuevos miembros. Para obtener la
información más actualizada acerca de los proveedores de la red de KelseyCare Advantage en su
área, usted puede visitar www.kelseycareadvantage.com o llamar a nuestro departamento de
Servicios para Miembros al 713-442-CARE (2273), o a la línea gratuita 1-866-535-8343 para
información adicional. (Los usuarios TTY deben llamar al 1-866-302-9336). Del 1 de octubre al
14 de febrero, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., siete días a la semana. Durante este período,
en el Día de Acción de Gracias y en el Día de Navidad, las llamadas son manejadas por nuestro
sistema de buzón de voz. Del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00
p.m., de lunes a viernes. Durante este período, los sábados, domingos y días festivos, las
llamadas son manejadas por nuestro sistema de buzón de voz.
KelseyCare Advantage es una organización de Medicare Advantage que tiene un contrato con
Esta información está disponible gratis en otros idiomas. Por favor póngase en contacto con
nuestro número de Servicios para Miembros al 1-866-535-8343 para obtener información
This information is available for free in other languages. Please contact our Member Services
number at 1-866-535-8343 for additional information.
También podemos proporcionarle información en braille, en tamaño de letra grande o en otros
formatos alternativos, si lo solicita.
Este directorio proporciona una lista de los proveedores de la red de KelseyCare Advantage.
Para obtener información detallada acerca de su cobertura de cuidado de salud, consulte su
Evidencia de Cobertura.
Cuando se inscribe en KelseyCare Advantage, usted puede elegir un proveedor de cuidado
primario (PCP, por sus siglas en inglés) de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold. Un PCP en KelseySeybold es un médico en Medicina Familiar o Medicina Interna. En este directorio, los PCP
aparecen bajo cada Clínica Kelsey-Seybold ya sean como médicos en Medicina Familiar o
Medicina Interna.
Su PCP lo ayudará a coordinar sus necesidades de cuidado de salud. Su PCP también puede
coordinar otros servicios cubiertos que usted podría necesitar, tales como:
Pruebas de laboratorio
Terapia física para pacientes ambulatorios
Referidos a especialistas que no pertenecen a la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Admisiones al hospital
Coordinar su cuidado incluye consultar con los proveedores de nuestra red acerca de su cuidado.
En algunos casos, usted podría necesitar determinados tipos de suministros o servicios cubiertos
que requieren autorización previa antes de recibir dichos servicios. Su PCP o especialista de la
Clínica Kelsey-Seybold le conseguirán esta autorización.
Usted puede decidir consultar a otro PCP o especialista de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold dentro de
la clínica, en cualquier momento y sin necesidad de un referido. Si decide cambiar de PCP no es
necesario que le notifique a Servicios para Miembros. Simplemente programe una cita con el
médico de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold de su elección. Sin embargo, usted puede comunicarse con
Servicios para Miembros si necesita ayuda.
Los “proveedores de la red” que aparecen en este directorio han acordado brindarle cobertura de
cuidado de salud. Usted puede acudir a cualquier proveedor de nuestra red incluido en este
directorio. Sin embargo, es posible que algunos servicios requieran un referido. Si ha estado
acudiendo a un proveedor de la red, usted no requiere seguir consultando ese mismo proveedor.
En algunos casos, usted podría recibir servicios cubiertos de proveedores fuera de la red.
A continuación se presentan algunos aspectos importantes para recordar acerca de la red de
proveedores de KelseyCare Advantage:
Usted puede consultar a cualquier proveedor dentro la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold sin
necesidad de un referido o autorización previa. Si ha estado consultando a un médico de
la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold, usted no requiere que continúe consultándolo, aun si dicho
médico es su médico de cuidado primario. Usted puede simplemente programar una cita
con el nuevo médico de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold de su elección.
En algunos casos, usted puede obtener servicios cubiertos de proveedores que no
pertenecen al plan si los servicios de salud necesarios no pueden ser proporcionados por
un proveedor del plan. Sin embargo, es posible que tales servicios requieran un
referido o autorización previa de KelseyCare Advantage. Los servicios de
emergencia no requieren autorización previa.
Si usted está inscrito en un plan KelseyCare Advantage que no ofrece el beneficio de
Punto de Servicio (POS, por sus siglas en inglés) y necesita cuidado fuera del área de
servicio, su cobertura de cuidado de salud es limitada. Los únicos servicios que cubrimos
bajo estos planes cuando usted está fuera de nuestra área de servicio son: diálisis fuera
del área, emergencias médicas o necesidad urgente de cuidado, incluyendo el cuidado
posterior a la estabilización, y cuidados que KelseyCare Advantage haya autorizado
previamente. Si no está seguro si un servicio está cubierto cuando usted viaja, por
favor comuníquese con Servicios para Miembros al 713-442-CARE (713-442-2273) o
a la línea gratuita 1-866-535-8343. Los usuarios TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-866-302­
9336. Del 1 de octubre al 14 de febrero, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., siete días a
la semana. Durante este período, en el Día de Acción de Gracias y en el Día de Navidad,
las llamadas son manejadas por nuestro sistema de buzón de voz. Del 15 de febrero al 30
de septiembre, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Durante este
período, los sábados, domingos y días festivos, las llamadas son manejadas por nuestro
sistema de buzón de voz.
Algunos de nuestros planes ofrecen un beneficio de Punto de Servicio (POS), que cubre
servicios cubiertos por Medicare, necesarios por razones médicas, de proveedores que no
pertenecen a la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold. Los beneficios de POS no se aplican a las visitas
a la sala de emergencias u hospitalizaciones por emergencias, las cuales están cubiertas
bajo los beneficios de la red. Consulte por favor su Evidencia de Cobertura para obtener
más información sobre otras exclusiones.
Cuando utiliza el beneficio de POS, usted asume una mayor parte del costo del
cuidado. El beneficio de POS (fuera de la red) para servicios cubiertos tiene un coseguro
o copago, que corresponde a un porcentaje o monto en dólares del valor aprobado por
Medicare para el servicio. Usted puede optar por consultar a cualquier proveedor de
Medicare que esté dispuesto a atenderlo sin autorización previa dentro de los EE.UU.
Usted también puede utilizar sus beneficios de POS para consultar a un médico de la red
sin necesidad de obtener autorización previa. El cuidado indicado por un médico al cual
usted está consultando bajo sus beneficios de POS, incluso cuando sea proporcionado en
un centro de la red, estará cubierto bajo el coseguro o los copagos de POS. A excepción
de las emergencias o la atención urgente, es posible que cueste más recibir cuidado
de proveedores fuera de la red. Su Evidencia de Cobertura proporciona más
información acerca de sus beneficios de POS.
KelseyCare Advantage cubre determinados servicios de cuidado de salud de proveedores
que no pertenecen a la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold. A excepción del cuidado por una
emergencia médica o necesidad urgente de cuidado, estos servicios deben ser aprobados
con antelación. Si un proveedor que no pertenece a la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold le pide
que pague por servicios cubiertos en estas situaciones, por favor comuníquese con
Servicios para Miembros al 713-442-CARE (713-442-2273) o a la línea gratuita 1-866­
535-8343. Los usuarios TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-866-302-9336. Del 1 de octubre al
14 de febrero, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., siete días a la semana. Durante este
período, en el Día de Acción de Gracias y en el Día de Navidad, las llamadas son
manejadas por nuestro sistema de buzón de voz. Del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, el
horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Durante este período, los sábados,
domingos y días festivos, las llamadas son manejadas por nuestro sistema de buzón de
voz. Usted nunca debería pagarle a un proveedor que no pertenezca a la Clínica KelseySeybold un monto superior al permitido por Medicare. El proveedor tiene derecho a
cobrar sus honorarios, pero no tiene derecho a obtenerlos a través de usted. Pídale al
proveedor que no pertenece a la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold que nos facture primero a
nosotros. Si usted ya pagó los servicios cubiertos, nosotros le reembolsaremos nuestra
parte del costo. Si recibe una factura por estos servicios, usted puede enviárnosla para que
realicemos el pago. Nosotros pagaremos a su proveedor que no pertenece a la Clínica
Kelsey-Seybold nuestra parte de la factura y le informaremos lo que usted debe pagar, si
le correspondiera algún monto.
Usted siempre podrá recibir cuidado de emergencia dentro o fuera del área de servicio,
por parte del proveedor disponible más cercano. Cuando esté dentro del área de servicio,
usted debe acudir a proveedores del plan para cuidado urgente. Cuando esté fuera del
área de servicio, usted puede obtener cuidado urgente del primer proveedor disponible.
Además, cuando esté fuera del área de servicio, usted puede obtener tratamiento de
diálisis de cualquier proveedor calificado para brindar este tratamiento. Usted debe
recurrir a proveedores del plan, salvo en situaciones de emergencia o cuidado
urgente o para diálisis renal fuera del área de servicio u otros servicios. Si usted
obtiene cuidado de rutina de proveedores fuera de la red, ni Medicare ni
KelseyCare Advantage asumirán los gastos.
Aviso importante acerca de los proveedores afiliados bajo contrato: Cuando la Clínica
Kelsey-Seybold no cuenta con el especialista que usted necesita dentro del personal en ninguna
de sus locaciones, usted puede ser referido a un proveedor afiliado bajo contrato que haya sido
seleccionado por los médicos de Kelsey-Seybold. Su médico en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
presentará una solicitud ante KelseyCare Advantage para que usted acuda a un proveedor
afiliado bajo contrato. Tanto usted como el especialista al cual usted fue referido recibirán una
confirmación por escrito si se aprueba el servicio. Si está inscrito en alguno de los planes de
POS de KelseyCare Advantage, usted puede utilizar su beneficio de POS para acudir a un
proveedor afiliado bajo contrato sin obtener autorización previa, y el cuidado estará cubierto por
el seguro de POS.
Aviso importante acerca de los proveedores de salud mental para pacientes ambulatorios:
El tratamiento confidencial de salud mental/abuso de sustancias se brinda a través de United
Behavioral Health. Todos los tratamientos de salud mental o de dependencia a sustancias
químicas deben estar autorizados por United Behavioral Health antes de que se presten los
servicios. Usted puede llamar a United Behavioral Health al 1-800-817-4808. Si está inscrito en
alguno de los planes de KelseyCare Advantage que tiene un beneficio de Punto de Servicio
(POS), KelseyCare Advantage cubre los servicios de cuidado de salud mental/abuso de
sustancias de proveedores que no pertenezcan a United Behavioral Health que participen en
Medicare. El cuidado proporcionado por proveedores que no pertenezcan a United Behavioral
Health estará cubierto bajo el coseguro o copagos de POS. Cuando utiliza el beneficio de POS,
usted asume una mayor parte del costo del cuidado.
Aviso importante acerca de los proveedores de servicios para la vista (VSP, por sus siglas
en inglés): Un VSP proporciona cuidado de rutina para la vista y posterior a la operación de
cataratas. Los médicos VSP que aparecen en este directorio de proveedores estaban activos en el
momento en que se creó el directorio. Le recomendamos que cuando programe su cita, verifique
con el médico VSP de su elección que esté actualmente participando con VSP y que brinde los
servicios que usted necesita. Usted puede comunicarse con VSP al 1-800-877-7195 o en Internet
www.vsp.com. Si está inscrito en alguno de los planes de KelseyCare Advantage que tiene un
beneficio de Punto de Servicio (POS), KelseyCare Advantage cubre los servicios de cuidado de
salud de proveedores que no pertenezcan a VSP que participen en Medicare. El cuidado
proporcionado por proveedores que no pertenezcan a VSP estará cubierto bajo el coseguro o
copagos de POS. Cuando utiliza el beneficio de POS, usted asume una mayor parte del costo
del cuidado. Consulte por favor su Evidencia de Cobertura para obtener más información sobre
la cobertura ocular.
¿Cuál es el área de servicio de KelseyCare Advantage?
Los condados y partes de condados en nuestra área de servicio se indican a continuación.
Condados de Fort Bend, Montgomery, Harris y partes de Galveston, solamente los siguientes
códigos postales: 77510, 77511, 77517, 77518, 77539, 77546, 77563, 77565, 77568, 77573,
77590, y 77591.
¿Cómo puede encontrar proveedores de KelseyCare Advantage en su área?
Utilice esta guía para encontrar un médico que le resulte conveniente y que satisfaga sus
necesidades médicas. Los proveedores en este directorio están agrupados según el tipo de
proveedor de la red, y luego están ordenados alfabéticamente por especialidad, condado, ciudad,
ubicación de clínica/hospital o nombre de proveedor.
Si usted tiene preguntas acerca de KelseyCare Advantage o si necesita ayuda para seleccionar a
un PCP, por favor comuníquese con Servicios para Miembros al 713-442-CARE (2273) a la
línea gratuita 1-866-535-8343. Los usuarios TTY/TDD deben llamar al 1-866-302-9336. Del 1
de octubre al 14 de febrero, el horario es de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., siete días a la semana. Durante
este período, en el Día de Acción de Gracias y en el Día de Navidad, las llamadas son manejadas
por nuestro sistema de buzón de voz. Del 15 de febrero al 30 de septiembre, el horario es de 8:00
a.m. a 8:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Durante este período, los sábados, domingos y días festivos,
las llamadas son manejadas por nuestro sistema de buzón de voz. O, visite
Tabla de Contenido
Medicina familiar en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold ...................................................................... 8
Medician interna en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold ..................................................................... 10
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold ............................................................................ 12
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato ...................................................................................... 29
Hospitalización aguda ............................................................................................................. 78
Transporte en ambulancia ...................................................................................................... 80
Servicios de cateterismo cardíaco .......................................................................................... 81
Radiología de diagnóstico .......................................................................................................82
Equipos médicos duraderos/Ortopedia y Prótesis ................................................................ 85
Atención médica en el hogar ................................................................................................... 87
Infusión en el hogar ................................................................................................................. 89
Servicious de laboratorio ........................................................................................................ 90
Cuidados agudos a largo plazo................................................................................................ 92
Terapia ocupacional ................................................................................................................ 93
Diálsis para pacientes ambulatorios ...................................................................................... 94
Infusión/Quimioterapia para pacientes ambulatorios .......................................................... 96
Fisioterapia .............................................................................................................................. 97
Laboratorio de función pulmonar........................................................................................... 99
Centros de radioterapia ........................................................................................................ 100
Terapia respiratoria .............................................................................................................. 101
Hospitales de rehabilitación ................................................................................................. 102
Centros de enfermeria especializada ................................................................................... 103
Centros del sueño .................................................................................................................. 106
Terapia del habla ................................................................................................................... 107
Servicios quirúrgicos ............................................................................................................. 108
Centros de cuidado urgente .................................................................................................. 111
Cuidado de heridas ................................................................................................................ 112
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente ........................................................ 114
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal ..................................................................... 130
Proveedores de servicious par la vista ................................................................................. 152
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B ............................................................ 183
Farmacias minoristat de cadena-Medicamentos Parte B .................................................... 211
Farmacias de infusión en el hogar-Medicamentos de la Parte B ....................................... 212
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B .................................................................................................................................... 214
Medicina familiar en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-4700
Chen, Amy Yee-Ru, DO‹
Kennedy, Kenneth, MD‹
Sehgal, Puja, MD‹
Silva, Anna, MD™‹
Brazoria Condado
Medicina familiar en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Li, Yong, MD‹
Morgan, Christine, MD‹
Ohia, Ekanem, MD‹
Peters, LeCresha, MD‹„
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Argao, Maria, MD‹
Espey, Donna, MD‹
Farhat, Fahim, MD‹
Gandhi, Manish, MD‹
Harris, Donyale, MD™‹
Hoang, Son, MD‹
Poonia, Disha, MD™‹
Harris Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Chen, Amy, MD‹
Garcia, Isabel, MD™‹
Huang, Kuangzoo, MD‹
Ly, Linda, MD‹
Solomos, Nicholas, MD™‹
Sutherland, Courtney, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Bell, Alfreda, MD‹
Belley, Daniel, MD‹
Hilliard, Harriet, MD‹
Nguyen, Chuong, MD‹
Nuruddin, Zakia, MD‹
Thomas, Stephen, MD‹
Turner, Robert, DO‹„
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Halvorson, Peter, MD‹
Irving, Sandra, MD‹
Szeto, Douglas, MD™‹
„Solo Pacientes Actuales
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Carter, Patrick, MD‹„
Fadulu, Sunday, MD‹„
Mier y Teran, Jose L, MD™‹
Sandoval, Lucia, MD™‹
Medicina familiar en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Baker, Tahirih, MD‹
Cajahuaringa, Kelly, MD™‹
Cuevo, Enrique, MD‹
Le, Christine, DO™‹
Toll, Julie, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Guzman, Nicizaki, MD™‹
Li, Shelly, MD‹
Meghji, Abdulrasul, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Mansuri, Irfan, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Brown, Dennis, MD™‹
Eswaran, Meena, MD‹
Hite, Jaesoon, MD‹
Holbert, Anthony, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Humble, TX 77396
(713) 442-2000
Cross-Shokes, Paula, MD‹
Kingcaid, Evette, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Montgomery Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Morris, David, MD‹
Yee, Lansing, MD‹
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Espitia, Leonardo, MD™‹„
Poindexter, Hugh, MD‹„
Sidhwani, Nisha, DO‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Katy
21660 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 442-4100
Alakayi-Nakyonyi, Molly, MD‹
Chaudhuri, Chandra, MD‹
Haikal, Rahim, MD‹
„Solo Pacientes Actuales
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Medicina familiar en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Koo, Hyunmo, MD‹
Scobercea, Sebastian, MD‹
Trinh, Quyen, DO‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Medician interna en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Aga, Donald W, MD„‹
Dickinson, Robert S, MD„‹
Gonzalez, Adrianna, MD‹
Kundi, Azam K, MD‹
Sobolevsky, Irene V, MD‹
Varas, Grace , DO‹
Walcott, Debbie E, MD‹
Wellinghoff, Vanessa T, MD‹
Brazoria Condado
Medician interna en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Cacciatore, Anh D, MD‹
Conley-Harvey, Cherice M, MD‹
Naik, Satish S, MD‹
Rochen, Shari D, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Berthelsen, Spencer R, MD„‹
Docrat, Hafiza K, MD‹
Lowder, Cecilia I, MD‹™
Pfister, Irma H., MD‹™
Poulose, Sheba , DO‹
Tam, John K, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Basaldua, Cynthia C, MD‹
Davidsohn, Carminia E, MD‹™
Estrada, Wilber A, MD‹™
Marrufo, Benito V, MD‹™
Yakoob, Tasneem P, MD‹
„Solo Pacientes Actuales
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Bowers, Eve N, MD‹
Chisolm, Olethia , MD‹
Nabbout, Lara A, MD‹
Rivera, Carlos R, MD‹™
Sarwar, Iftikar , MD‹
Williamson, Thomas J, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Buencamino, Lucy , MD„‹™
Hua, Frank Q, MD‹
Udayamurthy, Yasodara B, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Castillo, J. Xavier , MD‹™
Doneker, Thomas G, MD‹
Mouton, David E, MD‹™
Notta, Nasreen J, MD‹™
Ryan, Kathleen H, MD‹
Vincent, Toicha A, MD‹
Medician interna en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Abbara, Maher A, MD„‹
Carter, Tracy L, MD‹
Kaur, Gurjit , DO‹
Ciudad de Humble
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Humble, TX 77396
(713) 442-2000
Mitchell, Adam M, MD‹
Schempp, Rosemary , MD‹
Vassallo, Keith D, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
MacGregor, Mark G, MD‹
Meloche, Sara L, MD‹
Perez Stokes, Sara Marie, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Jordan, Felicia L, MD‹™
Ciudad de Kingwood
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
McAden, Bret A, MD‹
Nguyen, Tony Q., MD‹
Smith, Jeanene, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Coleman-Laster, Nichelle D, MD‹
Khalid, Bazgha , MD‹
Lothian, Amy C, MD‹™
O'Leary, Paul A, MD‹
„Solo Pacientes Actuales
‹Proveedor de
™Se Habla Español
Medician interna en la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Chavarria, Jaime , MD‹™
Isaac, Gerald W, MD‹
Simms, Victor A, MD‹
Udayamurthy, Anita , MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Especialistas de la Clínica Alergia
Fort Bend Condado
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Sandberg, Eric, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
White, Anne, MS‹
Harris Condado
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Harrison, Lyndall, MD‹
Sandberg, Eric, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Hatherill, Dennis, AuD MS‹
Kimberly, Jennifer, AuD‹
Listi, Patricia, MCD‹
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
White, Anne, MS
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Harrison, Lyndall, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Harrison, Lyndall, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Sommers, Shala, MCD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Sandberg, Eric, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Sommers, Shala, MCD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-St. Luke's Medical
6624 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 442-0000
Barnum, Bruce, MD‹
Lozano, Pablo, MD™‹
Mirzai-Tehrane, Madjid, MD‹
Mortazavi, Ali, MD‹
Nayak, Atasu, MD‹
Puttappa, Rupa, MD‹
Rashid, Haroonur, MD‹
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Mirzai-Tehrane, Madjid, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Ferguson, Angela, DO‹
Mirzai-Tehrane, Madjid, MD‹
Nayak, Atasu, MD‹
Puttappa, Rupa, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Rashid, Haroonur, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Humble, TX 77396
(713) 442-2000
Puttappa, Rupa, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Aliota, Jonathan, MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Lozano, Pablo, MD™‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Lozano, Pablo, MD™‹
Mirzai-Tehrane, Madjid, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Aliota, Jonathan, MD‹
Barnum, Bruce, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Ciudad de Webster
Harris Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Barnum, Bruce, MD‹
Lozano, Pablo, MD™‹
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-4700
Mullinax, Kimberly, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Ferguson, Angela, DO‹
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Dorsey, Kenneth, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Markham, Betty, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Mullinax, Kimberly, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Batres, Cecilio, MD™‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Mehta, Anita, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Collins, Riva, MD‹
Owens, Donald, MD‹
Parry, Rachel, MD‹
Shook, Brent, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Maurice, Marie, MD™‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Ciudad de Pasadena
Fort Bend Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Chi, Jia-Yen, MD™‹
Ciudad de Webster
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Kamble, Swarna, MD‹
Muhammad, Shahid, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Chi, Jia-Yen, MD™‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Douglas, Sue, MD‹
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Lee, Tri, MD‹
Rochen, Jeffrey, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Kamble, Swarna, MD‹
Lee, Tri, MD‹
Thomas, Tom, DO‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Ferrer, Dennis Roy, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Thomas, Tom, DO
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Muhammad, Shahid, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Montgomery Condado
Especialistas de la Clínica Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Ferrer, Dennis Roy, MD‹
Kamble, Swarna, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Humble, TX 77396
(713) 442-2000
Rochen, Jeffrey, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Lee, Tri, MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Ashe, Herbert, MD™‹
Borski, Thomas, MD‹
Daly, David, MD‹
Homs, Maritza, MD™‹
Xie, Chen, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Rochen, Jeffrey, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Daly, David, MD‹
Homs, Maritza, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Thomas, Tom, DO‹
Montgomery Condado
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Ferrer, Dennis Roy, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Prasad, Abhishek, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Homs, Maritza, MD™‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Galler, Greg, MD‹
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Nathani, Muhammed, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Snyder, Ned, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Cotton, Cynthia, MD‹
Dharia, Tushar, MD™‹
Galler, Greg, MD‹
Hughes, John, MD‹
Sidiq, Homayon, MD™‹
Snyder, Ned, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77494
(713) 442-2100
Sidiq, Homayon, MD™‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Dharia, Tushar, MD™‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Chandra, Sheela, MD‹
Nathani, Muhammed, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Cotton, Cynthia, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
McGee, Angela, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Katy
21660 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 442-4100
Cotton, Cynthia, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Especialistas de la Clínica Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Chandra, Sheela, MD‹
Ginecología, Obstetricia/
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Holz, Joyce, MD‹
Lombard, Earl, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Lombard, Earl, MD‹
Pollard, J. Andrew, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Clark, Chanelle, MD‹
Leung, Michael, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Adigun, Yetunde, MD‹
Khairah, Jagjit, DO™‹
Peterson, Eric, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Itam, Samuel, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-4700
Patni, Deepali, MD™‹
Smith, Frances, MD‹
Somaiya, Devanshi, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Benge, J. Patrick, MD‹
Collins, Carol, MD‹
Frome, Christina, MD™‹
Samaniego, Jesus, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Pollard, J. Andrew, MD‹
Rao, Purnima, MD‹
Somaiya, Devanshi, MD™‹
Turrentine, Mark, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Benge, J. Patrick, MD‹
Chen, Aeneid, MD‹
Itam, Samuel, MD‹
Rizzutto, Ashley, MD‹
Turner, Dwan, MD™‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Woman's Center
7900 Fannin Ste. 2100
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 442-7300
Burkhead, James, MD‹
Clark, Chanelle, MD‹
Leung, Michael, MD‹
Lombard, Earl, MD‹
Patni, Deepali, MD™‹
Rao, Purnima, MD‹
Salinas, Joseph, MD™‹
Sander, Kathy, MD™‹
Smith, Frances, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Davis-Townsend, Alecia, MD‹
Findley-Smith, Joi, MD‹
Hwang, Li-Min, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Findley-Smith, Joi, MD‹
Hwang, Li-Min, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Breazeale, Jennifer, MD‹
Chang, H. Alan, MD‹
Smith, Holli, MD‹
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands OB/
GYN Clinic
17198 St. Luke's Way Ste. 540
The Woodlands, TX 77385
(713) 442-1900
Breazeale, Jennifer, MD‹
Chang, H. Alan, MD‹
Collins, Carol, MD‹
Frome, Christina, MD™‹
Samaniego, Jesus, MD™‹
Smith, Holli, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Isom, Matthew, DO‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Montgomery Condado
Especialistas de la Clínica Enfermedades infecciosas
Harris Condado
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-St. Luke's Medical
6624 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 442-0000
Fainstein, Victor, MD™‹
Grimes, Kevin, MD‹
Samo, Tobias, MD‹
Tariq, Farheen, MD‹
Weinert, Mary, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Thomas, Desiree, MD‹
Harris Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Byrd, Shonte, MD‹
Garza, Jonathan, MD‹
Karpinos, Marianna, MD‹
Khare, Kamayani, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Karpinos, Marianna, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E.
Humble, TX 77396
(713) 442-2000
Byrd, Shonte, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Newmark, Michael, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Fort Bend Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Byrd, Shonte, MD‹
Garza, Jonathan, MD‹
Karpinos, Marianna, MD‹
Khare, Kamayani, MD‹
Newmark, Michael, MD‹
Thomas, Desiree, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Chilakapati, Madhuri, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Harris Condado
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Chae, Teresa, MD‹
Chilakapati, Madhuri, MD‹
Soni, Ruhi, MD‹
Udoetuk, Joshua, MD‹
Webb, Nancy, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Albin, Leticia, OD™‹
Leif, Joshua, OD‹
Shahin, Roula, OD‹
Stern, Martha, OD‹
Wilkening, Matthew, OD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Chilakapati, Madhuri, MD‹
Soni, Ruhi, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Leif, Joshua, OD‹
Wilkening, Matthew, OD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Schatte, E. Denise, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Huynh, Ashley, OD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Leif, Joshua, OD‹
Lewis, April, OD‹
Wilkening, Matthew, OD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Patel, Amita, OD™‹
Zivley, Laura, OD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Patel, Amita, OD™‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Ciudad de Houston
Especialistas de la Clínica Cirugía ortopédica
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
Harris Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Edelstein, David, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Alade, Oladapo, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Alade, Oladapo, MD‹
Deutsch, Allen, MD‹
Edelstein, David, MD‹
Landon, Glenn, MD‹
Nolla, Jose, MD™‹
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Deutsch, Allen, MD‹
Nolla, Jose, MD™‹
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Deutsch, Allen, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Landon, Glenn, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Medician física y Rehabilitación
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Rumbaut, Edith, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Rana-Patel, Kiran, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Lai, Meiyu, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Rana-Patel, Kiran, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Khan, Zainab, MD™‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E. Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Gillala, Varsha, DO™‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Gillala, Varsha, DO™‹
Khan, Zainab, MD™‹
Rumbaut, Edith, MD™‹
Sewielam, Ahmed, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Gillala, Varsha, DO™‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Lai, Meiyu, MD‹
Sewielam, Ahmed, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Rana-Patel, Kiran, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Especialistas de la Clínica Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Dural, Ayse, MD‹
Cirugía Plástica
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Han, Myung Kyu, DPM‹
Jonas, Esther, DPM‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Han, Myung Kyu, DPM‹
Toole, Roxanne, DPM‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Bullocks, Jamal, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Jonas, Esther, DPM‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Toole, Roxanne, DPM‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-4700
Toole, Roxanne, DPM‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 442-0000
Han, Myung Kyu, DPM‹
Jonas, Esther, DPM‹
Toole, Roxanne, DPM‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Lamothe, Mario, MD™‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-4700
Johnston, Kirkwood, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Williams, Francis, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Albuquerque, Sheila, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Lamothe, Mario, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Williams, Francis, MD
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Johnston, Kirkwood, MD™‹
Medicina deportiva
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7200
Tabor, Stephen, DO‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Albuquerque, Sheila, MD‹
Johnston, Kirkwood, MD™‹
Lamothe, Mario, MD™‹
Williams, Francis, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1500
Albuquerque, Sheila, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Especialistas de la Clínica Ciudad de Katy
Harris Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Ciudad de Houston
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cypress
13114 FM 1960 West Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4000
Velez, Jorge, MD™‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Downtown at The
1200 McKinney, Ste. 473
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-0000
Walker, Christina, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Pasadena
5001 E Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7100
Tabor, Stephen, DO‹
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 442-0000
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
Tabor, Stephen, DO‹
Walker, Christina, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Meyerland Plaza
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3222
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
Tabor, Stephen, DO‹
Walker, Christina, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Shah, Anup, MD™‹
Stavinoha, Randal, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2100
Walker, Christina, MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Tabor, Stephen, DO‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Baird, James, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Fort Bend Condado
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Baird, James, MD‹
Baker, Treneth, MD‹
Jackson, Gilchrist, MD‹
Nelson, Jonathan, MD‹
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Cinco Ranch
23000 Highland Knolls Drive
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 442-4200
Nelson, Jonathan, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0000
Chon, Christopher, MD‹
Colen, John, MD‹
Dillon, Benjamin, MD‹
Hendin, Benjamin, MD‹
Renner, Robert, MD‹
Rumohr, Jon, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Chon, Christopher, MD‹
Colen, John, MD‹
Dillon, Benjamin, MD‹
Rumohr, Jon, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Baird, James, MD‹
Baker, Treneth, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(713) 442-1800
Cook, Robert, MD‹
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Tanglewood
1111 Augusta Drive
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2400
Colen, John, MD‹
Renner, Robert, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1700
Baker, Treneth, MD‹
Cook, Robert, MD‹
Javed, Fawzia, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Fort Bend Medical
and Diagnostic Center
11555 University Boulevard
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9100
Dillon, Benjamin, MD‹
Hendin, Benjamin, MD‹
Especialistas de la Clínica Especialistas de la Clínica Kelsey-Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Woman's Center
7900 Fannin Ste. 2100
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 442-7300
Dillon, Benjamin, MD‹
‹Provider de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4300
Rumohr, Jon, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6560 Fannin # 1824
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-4573
Howell, Jimmy, MD
6560 Fannin # 1860
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-3155
Loebe, Matthias, MD
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-9910
Bakaeen, Faisal, MD‹
LeMaire, Scott, MD
Letsou, George, MD‹
6770 Bertner Ave. Ste. C-350
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-9910
Mallidi, Hart, MD‹
Singh, Steve, MD‹
7501 Fannin St. #650
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 798-8412
West, Jr., Charles, MD‹
DeBakey Cardiology Associates
6550 Fannin Ste 1401
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5200
Suarez, Erik, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
13300 Hargrave Rd Ste 390
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-2918
O'Hara, Walter, MD
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste 400
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 441-9909
O'Hara, Walter, MD
6550 Fannin #1401
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5200
Peden, Eric, MD
Ramlawi, Basel, MD
Reardon, Michael, MD
Ren, Dewei, MD
Suarez, Eric, MD
6550 Fannin #1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5200
Ramchandani, Mahesh, MD
6550 Fannin Ste 1401
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5200
Bechara, Carlos, MD
Bruckner, Brian, MD
Lafuente, Javier, MD‹
Loebe, Matthias, MD‹
Lumsden, Alan, MD
Peden, Eric, MD
Ramchandani, Mahesh, MD
Ramlawi, Basel, MD
Reardon, Michael, MD
Ren, Dewei, MD
6560 Fannin #1750
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 756-5314
Scheinin, Scott, MD
Cirugía cardiovascular
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
Associates (continued)
6560 Fannin Ste 1750
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 756-5314
Scheinin, Scott, MD
6560 Fannin Ste 1842
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-2089
Lawrie, Gerald, MD
Ciudad de Webster
Surgical Associates of Texas, PA
1101 Bates # P514
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-4900
Cooley, Denton, MD‹
Cozart, Jennifer, MD‹™
Duncan, J Michael, MD‹™
Hallman, Charles, MD‹™
Livesay, James, MD‹™
Ott, David, MD‹™
Reul, George, MD‹
Reul, Ross, MD‹™
Ciudad de Pearland
Cesar Nahas, MD PA
450 Medical Center Blvd., #201
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 316-6003
Nahas, Cesar, MD
Brazoria Condado
DeBakey Cardiology Associates
2950 Cullen Parkway Ste 111
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 441-9909
Pratt, Craig, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Sugar Land Cardiology Associates
3527 Town Center Blvd., South
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 491-6808
Smith, Toussaint, MD
Tang, Sherman, MD‹
Texas Surgical Associates, LLP
7737 Southwest Freeway #201
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 776-0655
Alexander, Richard, MD‹
Baldwin, Robert, MD‹
Echeverri, Luis, MD‹™
Rea III, John, MD‹
Vargas, Gonzalo, MD‹™
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Texas City
TMHPO Surgery Department
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5141
Blackmon, Shanda, MD‹
Kim, Min, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Cardiovascular Specialists of Texas
6807 Emmett F. Lowery Expressway # 108
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 945-5444
Acharya, Sid, MD‹
Patel, Dipsu, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Cypress
Heart Care Center of Northwest Houston
21216 Northwest Frwy. Ste 330
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 955-7863
Baig, Mukarram, MD‹
Kadakia, Rupin, MD‹
Khan, Mohammed, MD
Sherwani, Kamran, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Amy L. Woodruff, MD, P.A.
6624 Fannin Ste 2720
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-5014
Woodruff, Amy, MD
Mahboob, Alam, MD‹
Makkar, Akash, MD‹
Misra, Arunima, MD‹
Nazeri, Alireza, MD
Paniagua, David, MD‹
Pritchett, Allison, MD‹
Shah, Tina, MD‹
Shields, Monica, MD‹
Zhang, Lily, MD‹
Cardiology Consultants of Houston, LLP
6624 Fannin, # 2310
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 796-2668
Garcia-Gregory, Jorge, MD‹
Massin, Edward, MD
Mihalick, Michael, MD‹
Schnee, Mark, MD‹
Andrew Civitello, MD PA
1200 Binz #1290
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 526-8900
Civitello, Andrew, MD‹
Simpson, Leo, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
1200 Binz St.
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 798-2759
Mahboob, Alam, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2545
Afshar-Kharaghan, Hamid, MD‹
Aguilar, David, MD‹
Arya, Basant, MD‹
Birnbaum, Yochai, MD‹
Bozkurt, Biykem, MD‹
Denktas, Ali, MD‹
Farmer, John, MD‹
Hamzeh, Ihab, MD‹
Lakkis, Nasser, MD‹
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates
6624 Fannin, # 2480
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 529-5530
Heinle, Shelia , MD‹
Massumi, Ali, MD‹
Mathur, Virendra, MD‹
Navarijo, Joseph, MD‹
Rasekh, Abdi, MD‹
Razavi, Mehdi, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
DeBakey Cardiology Associates
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste 400
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 441-9909
Kunapuli, Sanjay, MD
Nielsen, Anton, MD
6550 Fannin Ste 1901
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-1100
Pratt, Craig, MD‹
6565 Fannin #1003
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-1100
Bellera, Richardo, MD
Soliman, Ahmed, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates
6624 Fannin, # 2480 (continued)
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Saeed, Mohammad, MD‹
Stainback, III, Raymond, MD‹
Strickman, Neil, MD‹
Wilson, James, MD‹
Heart Care Center of Northwest Houston
13325 Hargrave #150
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 955-7863
Baig, Mukarram, MD‹
Kadakia, Rupin, MD‹
Khan, Mohammed, MD
Sherwani, Kamran, MD‹
837 FM 1960 Rd. W. #102
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 955-7863
Baig, Mukarram, MD‹
Kadakia, Rupin, MD‹
Khan, Mohammed, MD
Sherwani, Kamran, MD‹
Michele P. Sartori, MD, FACC
6624 Fannin, # 2250
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-1330
Sartori, Michele, MD‹
Leachman Cardiology Associates, PA
6624 Fannin # 2780
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-9401
Angelini, Paolo, MD‹
Coulter, Stephanie, MD‹
Hernandez, Eduardo, MD‹
Krajcer, Zvonimir, MD‹
Leachman, Dewitt, MD‹
Lopez, J. Alberto, MD‹
Lufschanowski, Roberto, MD‹
Sayed F. Faghali, MD Cardiology
6624 Fannin Ste 1720
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-0200
Feghali, Sayed, MD‹
Lieber and Moore Cardiology
4331 Brightwood #203
Houston, TX 77068
(281) 440-7373
Lieber, Ira, MD‹
Raza, Syed, Arman‹
Uddin, Shakeel, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Memorial Cardiology Associates
1631 N. Loop West #520
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 861-2424
Berman, Philip, MD‹
Jacobson, Stuart, MD‹
Mitschke, Michael, MD‹
Morris, Randall, MD‹
18400 Katy Freeway #620
Houston, TX 77094
(281) 398-4944
Berman, Philip, MD‹
Jacobson, Stuart, MD‹
Mitschke, Michael, MD‹
Morris, Randall, MD‹
915 Gessner #900
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 464-6006
Berman, Philip, MD‹
Jacobson, Stuart, MD‹
Mitschke, Michael, MD‹
Morris, Randall, MD‹
Southeast Cardiovascular Associates
11920 Astoria Blvd. #370
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 416-4442
Goel, Nisheeth, MD™
Kadakia, Rajan, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Woodlands North Houston Heart Center
411 Lantern Bend Dr., # 100
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 444-3278
Alexander, Chacko, MD‹
Aquino, Vincent, MD‹
Coleman, Gary, MD‹
De La Guardia, Bernardo, MD
Kantis, George , MD‹
La Vergne, Christopher, MD‹
Lachterman, Bruce, MD‹
Nemeth, Margit, MD‹
Nguyen, Christopher, MD‹
Peabody, Brenda, MD
Ciudad de Humble
Lieber and Moore Cardiology
2627 Chestnut Ridge #100
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-1950
Lieber, Ira, MD‹
Moore, Charles, MD‹
Raza, Syed, Arman‹
Uddin, Shakeel, MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Southeast Houston Cardiology
5010 Crenshaw Rd. #110
Pasadena, TX 77505
(832) 399-0400
Abreo, Gerardo, MD‹
Cayenne, Sathish, MD‹
Chaudhuri, Debasish, MD
Hamer, David, MD‹
Harkins, Anna, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Lieber and Moore Cardiology
9701 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 120
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 358-1950
Lieber, Ira, MD‹
Moore, Charles, MD‹
Raza, Syed, Arman‹
Uddin, Shakeel, MD‹
Harvey E. Slusky, MD, P.A.
17500 Hwy 3 Ste. B
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-2098
Slusky, Harvey, MD‹
Southeast Houston Cardiology
530 Orchard St.
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-4004
Abreo, Gerardo, MD‹
Cayenne, Sathish, MD‹
Chaudhuri, Debasish, MD
Hamer, David, MD‹
Harkins, Anna, MD‹
Mercado, Mary, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Cardiac Intervention Specialists
20903 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 646-9911
Iftikhar, Irfan, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine
18648 McKay Dr. #100
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-0148
Aguilar, David, MD‹
Hamzeh, Ihab, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Matagorda Condado
Ciudad de Bay City
Cardiology Consultants of Houston, LLP
1120 Avenue G
Bay City, TX 77414
(979) 245-5721
Schnee, Mark, MD‹
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Fort Bend Condado
Montgomery Condado
Woodlands North Houston Heart Center
17350 St. Luke's Way Ste 400
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 444-2378
Alexander, Chacko, MD‹
Aquino, Vincent, MD‹
Coleman, Gary, MD‹
De La Guardia, Bernardo, MD
Kantis, George , MD‹
La Vergne, Christopher, MD‹
Lachterman, Bruce, MD‹
Nemeth, Margit, MD‹
Nguyen, Christopher, MD
Vaidya, Kedarnath, MD‹
Cirugía de cuidados intensivos
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
6550 Fannin #1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5141
Punch, Laurie, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
TMHPO Surgery Department
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5141
Hai, Shaikh, MD
Punch, Laurie, MD‹
Fort Bend Skin Cancer Center
15400 Southwest Frwy, Ste 150
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 980-6647
Schulze, Keith, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Dermatologic Surgery Center of Houston
6655 Travis, Ste 840
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 745-6647
Nelson, Bruce, MD‹
DermSurgery Associates
7515 S. Main #240
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9966
Goldberg, Leonard, MD
Jih, Ming, MD
Kimyai-Asadi, Arash, MD
Skin Surgery Center of Houston
915 Gessner Rd. #640
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 984-0010
Wright, Libyette, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
The Woodlands Skin Surgery Center
13325 Hargrave Rd. Ste 130
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 364-8844
Conner, Christopher, MD
Norris, Robert, MD
Shook, Brent, MD‹
Diálisis únicamente
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Cypress
Houston Nephrology Group
21216 Northwest Fwy Ste 410
Cypress, TX 77429
(713) 468-5440
Chatha, Rupi, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
The Woodlands Skin Surgery Center
19701 Kingwood Dr. Bldg 6
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 364-8844
Conner, Christopher, MD
Norris, Robert, MD
Shook, Brent, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Dermatologic Surgery Center of Houston
920 Medical Plaza Dr. #490
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(713) 745-6647
Nelson, Bruce, MD‹
Ciudad de The Woodlands
The Woodlands Skin Surgery Center
8850 Six Pines Dr. Ste 290
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 364-8844
Conner, Christopher, MD
Norris, Robert, MD
Shook, Brent, MD‹
Nephrology Physicians of Houston
1140 Westmont Dr. Ste 350
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 637-6320
Esquenazi, Rafael, MD‹
Khokhar, Ather, MD
Washington, Mary Ann, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Houston Nephrology Group
21216 Northwest Fwy Ste 410
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 468-5440
Roy, Redentor, MD‹
Sheth, Anil, MD
Sreenarasimhaiah, Vijayaprakash, MD
915 Gessner Ste. 360
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 468-5440
Chatha, Rupi, MD‹
Munikrishnappa, Devaraj, MD
Roy, Redentor, MD‹
Sereatan, Washington, MD‹
Sheth, Anil, MD
Sreenarasimhaiah, Vijayaprakash, MD
Velasco, Ariel, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
North Houston Nephrology & Diagnostic
Associates, PA
607 Timberdale Ln. #201
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-3005
Foley, Richard J., MD‹
Forrester, Gene, MD‹
Lee, Helen, MD‹
Ramirez, Roberto, MD‹
Younas, Nizar, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Southwest Nephrology Associates
7777 Southwest Freeway # 736
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 270-4545
Bernardo, Marializa, MD‹
Brink, Russell, DO‹
Chen, Caleb, MD‹
Dichoso, Carmelo, MD‹
Porter, Robert, MD‹
North Houston Nephrology & Diagnostic
Associates, PA
2300 Green Oak Dr. #500
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-8180
Foley, Richard J., MD‹
Forrester, Gene, MD‹
Lee, Helen, MD‹
Ramirez, Roberto, MD‹
Younas, Nizar, MD‹
The Kidney Institute
1415 La Concha Lane
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-9080
Brennan, Stephen, MD
Campbell, Joslyn, MD
Gonzales, Juan, MD
Khan, Abdul-Jabbar, MD‹
Kharish, Gina, MD
Nguyen, Binh, MD
Rhee, Edward, MD
Soltero-Reyes, Liliana, MD
1700 Romano Park Lane
Houston, TX 77090
(713) 790-9080
Desai, Ulka, MD
Khan, Faraz, MD
Kwoh, Christopher, MD
Nassar, George, MD
Soltero-Reyes, Liliana, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Renal Clinic of Houston, P.A
21720 Kingsland Blvd. # 308
Katy, TX 77065
(281) 890-9944
Lal, Rajiv, MD
Prakash, Rahul, MD
Raman, Krishna, MD
Ciudad de Kingwood
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Renal Physicians of Montgomery County,
200 River Pointe Drive, #120
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 756-2555
Neeland, Barry, MD‹
Tolat, Darshan V, MD‹
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Kidney Specialists of North Houston
17198 St. Luke's Way #620
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 273-0836
Basford, Amanda, MD‹
Frome, Adam, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Harris Condado
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de Pearland
Baylor College of Medicine
6501 Fannin # NA-102
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-3200
Alford, Bobby, MD
Vrabec, Jeffrey, MD
Williamson, Robert, MD
6550 Fannin St. Ste 1701
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-5464
Appling, Walter, MD‹
Brissett, Anthony, MD
Donovan, Donald, MD
Eicher, Susan, MD
Gallagher, Kathleen, MD‹
Mohyuddin, Nadia, MD
Olson, Krista, MD
Ongkasuwan, Julina, MD‹
Parke, Robert, MD
Takashima, Masayoshi, MD
Liver Associates of Texas, PA
2813 Smith Ranch Rd.
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 799-8300
Ankoma-Sey, Victor, MD‹
Egwin, Chukwuma, MD
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Fort Bend Gastroenterology Associates
17510 W Grand Parkway South, Ste 350
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 762-6300
Stein, Stanley, MD‹
Houston ENT Clinic
7789 Southwest Fwy. Ste 470
Houston, TX 77074
(281) 649-7000
McReynolds, G. , MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. #1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8100
Hollinger, F., MD
Hussain, Khozema, MD
Jalal, Prasun, MD
Stribling, Rise, MD
Sussman, Norman, MD‹
Vierling, John, MD
The Center for ENT
6624 Fannin #1480
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-5343
Powitzky, Eric, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine
16659 Southwest Freeway #175
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 277-2213
Phan, Charles, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine (continued)
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
El-Serag, Hashem, MD, MPH‹
Hou , Jason , MD‹
Patel, Kalpesh, MD‹
Schwartz, Jim, MD‹
Sellin, Joseph, MD‹
Shaib, Yasser, MD, MPH‹
Vela Aquino, Marcelo, MD‹
Vela, Stacie, MD‹
Digestive and Liver Disease Consultants
275 Lantern Bend Ste 200
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-0101
Hamat, Howard, MD‹
Kodali, Dhartri, MD
Reddy, Guru, MD‹
Thurman, Douglas, MD
Gastroenterology Consultants, PA
2060 Space Park Dr. Ste. 409
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 481-9400
Bala, Natarajan, MD
Darmadi, Daniel, MD
Ojeas, Harry, MD
Rajendran, Suresh, MD
Rao, Jyoti, MD
Schneider, Franz, MD
Gastroenterology Consultants, PA
444 FM 1959 Rd Ste A
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 481-9400
Bala, Natarajan, MD
Darmadi, Daniel, MD
Kafrouni, Michel, MD
Ojeas, Harry, MD
Rajendran, Suresh, MD
Rao, Jyoti, MD
Schiesser, Rachel, MD
Schneider, Franz, MD
Shah, Jignesh, MD
Zafar, Muhammad, MD
Digestive Associates of Houston PA
4100 Shepherd Dr.
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 795-7444
Amaratunge, Harshine, MD‹
Nguyen, Dang, MD‹
Raijman, Isaac, MD‹™
Digestive Health Associates
18400 Katy Fwy. #440
Houston, TX 77094
(713) 468-2030
Ramesh, Gowrappala, MD‹
Sun, Jacki, MD
915 Gessner #650
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 468-2030
Ramesh, Gowrappala, MD‹
Sun, Jacki, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Digestive Specialists of North Harris
County, P.A.
800 Peakwood Dr. Ste 714
Houston, TX 77090
(936) 321-0033
Copeland, Lynn, MD‹
Dural, Ali, MD‹
Gonzales, Anna, MD‹
Winkelstein, Abraham, MD‹
Xavier, Edward, MD‹
Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants
1631 North Loop West #510
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 880-8707
Ball, Daniel, MD
Shivshanker, Krishnamurthy, MD
Yang, Victor, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants
6550 Fannin #2301
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 796-8627
Ball, Daniel, MD
Shivshanker, Krishnamurthy, MD
Yang, Victor, MD
7737 Southwest Freeway # 840
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 777-2555
Ball, Daniel, MD
Shivshanker, Krishnamurthy, MD
Yang, Victor, MD
Ciudad de Pasadena
Liver Associates of Texas, PA
6410 Fannin #225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-8300
Ankoma-Sey, Victor, MD‹
Egwin, Chukwuma, MD
6833 West Sam Houston Parkway S Ste 107
Houston, TX 77072
(713) 799-8300
Ankoma-Sey, Victor, MD‹
Egwin, Chukwuma, MD
Ciudad de Pearland
Gastroenterology Consultants, PA
15015 Kirby Dr. Ste 200
Pearland, TX 77047
(281) 481-9400
Bala, Natarajan, MD
Darmadi, Daniel, MD
Kafrouni, Michel, MD
Ojeas, Harry, MD
Rajendran, Suresh, MD
Rao, Jyoti, MD
Schiesser, Rachel, MD
Schneider, Franz, MD
Shah, Jignesh, MD
Zafar, Muhammad, MD
Ciudad de Tomball
Ciudad de Humble
Digestive and Liver Disease Consultants
18955 Memorial North Ste. 500
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 440-0101
Hamat, Howard, MD‹
Kodali, Dhartri, MD
Reddy, Guru, MD‹
Thurman, Douglas, MD
Shabbir Jamali, MD PA
421 School Street, Ste 110
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 357-1977
Jamali, Shabbir, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Liver Specialists of Texas, PA
6624 Fannin Ste. 1990
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 794-0700
Galati, Joseph, MD‹
Gastroenterology Consultants, PA
3801 Vista Ste 490
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 481-9400
Bala, Natarajan, MD
Darmadi, Daniel, MD
Kafrouni, Michel, MD
Ojeas, Harry, MD
Rajendran, Suresh, MD
Rao, Jyoti, MD
Schiesser, Rachel, MD
Schneider, Franz, MD
Shah, Jignesh, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Webster
Cirugía general
Digestive and Liver Disease Consultants
501 Medical Center Blvd.
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-7505
Kodali, Dhartri, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Gastroenterology Consultants, PA
250 Blossom Ste. 210
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 481-9400
Bala, Natarajan, MD
Darmadi, Daniel, MD
Ojeas, Harry, MD
Rajendran, Suresh, MD
Rao, Jyoti, MD
Schneider, Franz, MD
Zafar, Muhammad, MD
Ciudad de Sugar Land
TMHPO Surgery Department
16605 Southwest Fwy Ste 450
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 275-0860
Yaakovian, Michael, MD
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Baylor College of Medicine
2800 Garth Road Ste. Q
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 837-5966
Albo, Daniel, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Ciudad de Houston
Digestive Specialists of North Harris
County, P.A.
111 Vision Park Blvd Ste 150
Shenandoah, TX 77384
(936) 321-0033
Copeland, Lynn, MD‹
Dural, Ali, MD‹
Gonzales, Anna, MD‹
Winkelstein, Abraham, MD‹
Xavier, Edward, MD‹
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Digestive and Liver Disease Consultants
920 Medical Plaza Dr. Ste 550
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 440-0101
Hamat, Howard, MD‹
Kodali, Dhartri, MD
Reddy, Guru, MD‹
Thurman, Douglas, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Fort Bend Condado
Baylor College of Medicine
1200 Binz St. #1470
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 798-2759
Albo, Daniel, MD‹
Holder-Haynes, Juliet, MD‹
6620 Main St. #1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8100
Albo, Daniel, MD‹
Berger, David, MD
Cotton, Ronald, MD‹
Gilani, Ramyar, MD
Guiteau, Jacfrancz, MD‹
Khaderi, Saira, MD‹
O'Mahony, Christine, MD
Rana, Abbas, MD
Sood, Gagan, MD
Suliburk, James, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5141
Ochoa, Robert, MD
TMHPO Surgery Department
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste 400
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 441-5151
Lugo, Rafael, MD‹
Worley, Todd, MD‹
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5141
Asham, Emad, MD‹
Bass, Barbara, MD‹
Dunkin, Brian, MD
Gaber, Ahmed, MD‹
Gordon Burroughs, Sherilyn, MD
Knight, Richard, MD
Martinez, Sylvia, MD‹
Mobley, Constance, MD
Oppermann, Timothy, MD
Podder, Hemangshu, MD
Saharia, Ashish, MD
Sherman, Vadim, MD
Tariq, Nabil, MD‹
6550 Fannin Ste 1750
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3140
Morris, Lee, MD‹
6550 Fannin Ste 2435
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-3140
Hill, Charles, MD‹
Reardon, Patrick, MD‹
Stephens, Kyle, MD‹
6560 Fannin Ste 1750
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-4830
Lim, Sherry, MD‹
Reader, Michael, MD
Rosenberg, Wade, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine (continued)
6620 Main St. Ste 1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-5700
Van Buren, II, George, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8100
Cotton, Ronald, MD‹
Guiteau, Jacfrancz, MD‹
6624 Fannin St. #1610
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-7220
Katz, Stephen, MD‹
Pliszcynski, Jacek, MD‹
6624 Fannin St. #2260
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8355
Van Buren, Charles, MD
7501 Fannin St. #650
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 798-8412
Lin, Peter, MD
Poi, Mun Jye, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Oncología ginecológica
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Katy
MD Anderson Regional Care Center in
19770 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77469
(713) 745-9940
Bevers, Michael, MD‹
Burzawa, Jennifer, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Sugar Land
MD Anderson Regional Care Center in
Sugar Land
1327 Lake Point Parkway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 745-9940
Fleming, Nicole, MD‹
TMHPO Obstetrics & Gynecology
16605 Southwest Fwy Ste 450
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 275-0860
Zaid, Tarrik, MD‹
TMHPO Obstetrics & Gynecology
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste 280
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 890-4448
Alaniz, Anne, DO
6550 Fannin Ste 901
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-1026
Kamat, Aparna, MD
Kaplan, Alan, MD
Suri, Anuj, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Texas Oncology
501 Medical Center Blvd.
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 335-7505
Pustilnik, Terri, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Montgomery Condado
GYN Oncology of Houston
7580 Fannin #335
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 665-0404
Fromm, Geri-Lynn, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Texas Oncology
13300 Hargrave Rd. Ste 190
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 894-8822
Drake, Richard, MD
7515 S. Main St. Ste 740
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-0202
Pustilnik, Terri, MD‹
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Texas Oncology
9200 Pine Croft Dr. Ste 450
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 296-0365
Drake, Richard, MD
Lee, Christine, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ramos, Carlos, MD‹
Rosenstock, Jessica, MD
Schenk, Leah, MD‹
Shelton, Gregory, MD
Smith, Ivonne, MD‹
Ginecología, Obstetricia/
Harris Condado
Primary Health Network of South Texas
7400 Fannin # 1160
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 799-8994
Hammill, Hunter, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Constance Faro, MD
7400 Fannin Ste 840
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-9091
Faro, Constance, MD‹
Cirugía de manos
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
13802 Centerfield Dr Ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-0999
Jafarnia, Kourosh, MD
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Liver Associates of Texas, PA
6410 Fannin #225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-8300
Tran, Ky-Dieu, MD
6833 West Sam Houston Parkway S Ste 107
Houston, TX 77094
(713) 799-8300
Tran, Ky-Dieu, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates,
7900 Fannin # 4000
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 512-7000
Anding, Robert, MD‹
Baird, Maryam, MD‹™
Ball, Carrie, MD‹
Black, Dawn, MD‹
Bruce, Tara, MD‹
Cathey, Ginger, MD‹
Chauhan, Subodhsingh, MD‹
Cone, Stephen, MD‹
Cooper, Jason, MD‹
Dereska, Nina, MD
Dunn, Randall, MD‹
Fung-Yip, Katie, MD
Grunert, George, MD‹
Gullett, James, MD‹
Gunn, Debra, MD‹
Hurtado, Sandra, MD‹
Irwin, John, MD‹
Klein, Geffrey, MD‹
LeBlanc, Joy, MD‹
Leeds, Leroy, MD‹
Leeds-Richter, Shelly, MD‹
Lotze, Peter, MD‹
Miller-Miles, Kimberly, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Infectious Disease Associates of Houston,
6560 Fannin, # 1540
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-9997
Cahuayme-Zuniga, Lizbeth, MD‹
Fainstein, Victor, MD‹
Grimes, Kevin, MD‹
Samo, Tobias, MD‹
Tariq, Farheen, MD‹
Weinert, Mary, MD‹
Enfermedades infecciosas
Harris Condado
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. #1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Bradshaw, Major, MD‹
Greenberg, Stephen, MD‹
Koo, Hoonmo, MD‹
Serpa Alvarez, Jose, MD‹
Tweardy, David, MD‹
Woc-Colburn, Laila, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1290
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-0136
Restrepo, Alejandro, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Hemmige, Vagish, MD‹
Mejia, Rojelio, MD‹
Mindru, Cezarina, MD‹
Inpatient Infectious Disease Consultants,
6624 Fannin # 2180
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-1020
Burgert, Susan, MD‹
Kielhofner, Marcia, MD‹
Zeluff, Barry, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Southeast Houston Cardiology
532 Orchard St.
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-7202
Onorato, Michelle, MD‹
561 Medical Center Blvd. Ste C
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-4004
Rudy, Robert, MD‹
Infectious Disease Associated
2457 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-7100
Gentry, Clare, MD‹
6624 Fannin, #1450
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 383-6882
Caeiro, Juan, MD‹
Gentry, Clare, MD‹
Gentry, Layne, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Charles R. Sims, MD
101 Vision Park Blvd. Ste 100
Shenandoah, TX 77384
(936) 273-5214
Sims, Charles, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Alvin
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
2625 S. Loop 35 # 154
Alvin, TX 77511
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Kurian, Debbie, MD
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Ciudad de Pearland
Fort Bend Condado
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
10905 Memorial Hermann Dr. # 211
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
16126 Southwest Freeway # 230
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Kurian, Debbie, MD
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
10970 Shadow Creek Parkway
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Nefrología y diálisis
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
16126 Southwest Freeway # 230
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
North Houston Nephrology & Diagnostic
Associates, PA
607 Timberdale Ln. #201
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-3005
Foley, Richard J., MD‹
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
11914 Astoria Blvd. # 530
Houston, TX 77089
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
4407 Yoakum # B
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Harris Condado
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Baytown
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
1609 West Baker Ste A
Baytown, TX 77521
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Kurian, Debbie, MD
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Kurian, Debbie, MD
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
4407 Yoakum # B (continued)
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
5435 Aldine Mail Road
Houston, TX 77039
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Kurian, Debbie, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
6624 Fannin, # 2200
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
North Houston Nephrology & Diagnostic
Associates, PA
2300 Green Oak Dr. #500
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-8180
Foley, Richard J., MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
3333 Bayshore Blvd #270
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Kurian, Debbie, MD
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Webster
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
250 Blossom # 275
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Chaudhary, Humaria, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Gilbert, II, Billy, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
Uyeda, Jesse, MD‹
Yao, June, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Methodist Sugar Land Neurology
16659 Southwest Fwy. Ste 131
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 494-6387
Tran, Larry, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
1977 Butler Blvd. #101
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4734
Dang, Minh-Ngoc, MD‹
6501 Fannin NB 336
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-5795
Killian, James, MD
6501 Fannin St., NB 100
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8170
Dragan, Elizabeth, MD‹
Hutton, George, MD
6550 Fannin St., Ste 1801
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-7416
Albo, Zimbul, MD
Bershad, Eric, MD
Chen, David, MD
Cooper, Edward, MD‹
Das, Rituparna, MD
Doody, Rachelle, MD, PhD
Georgiadis, Alexandros, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Spring
Renal Specialists of Houston, P.A.
9449 Grogan's Mill
Spring, TX 77380
(713) 791-2648
Ahmed, Mohammed, MD‹
Ali, Sibtain, MD‹
Barcenas, Camilo, MD‹
Ethridge, Whitson, MD‹
Faust, Eric, MD‹
Finch, Jennifer, MD‹
Khan, Salman, MD‹
Koka, Vijay K, MD‹
Leggington, Robert, MD‹
Moukaddem, Bilal, MD‹
Muniz, Henry, MD‹
Pandya, Aashish, MD‹
Shearer, Sarah Ann, MD‹
Timmins-Vollmers, Katherine, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine (continued)
6550 Fannin St., Ste 1801 (continued)
Goldman, Alica, MD
Goldsmith, Ian, MD‹
Haneef, Zulfi, MD‹
Hrachovy, Richard, MD
Kass, Joseph, MD
Kung, Doris, DO
Lazaridis, Christos, MD‹
Maheshwari, Atul, MD‹
Moretti, Paolo, MD‹
Ondo, William, MD
Patel, Neepa, MD‹
Phan, Cecile, MD
Rao, Chethan, MD‹
Rountree, Susan, MD
Shulman, Joshua, MD‹
Smirnakis, Stelios, MD, PhD
Suarez, Jose, MD
Thenganatt, Mary Ann, MD‹
Ubogu, Eroboghene, MD
Wain, Olga, MD‹
Yu, Melissa, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Moretti, Paolo, MD‹
Pacheco, Victor, MD
Pinky S. Tiwari, MD, P.A.
6624 Fannin Ste 290
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-1775
Tiwari, Pinky, MD‹
Suresh M. Roongta, MD
6624 Fannin, # 1440
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9119
Roongta, Suresh, MD‹
Houston NeuroCare, P.A.
6624 Fannin, # 1670
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-0033
Shaibani, Aziz, MD‹
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
6560 Fannin Ste 802
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3780
Kawai, Makoto, MD‹
Mischer Neurosurgical Associates
6400 Fannin Ste 2800
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 704-7100
Hsu, Sigmund, MD
William S. Gilmer MD, PA
1200 Binz, Ste 1490
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 520-5155
Gilmer, William, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
TMHPO Neurology Department
6560 Fannin Ste 802
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-2889
Al-Baeer, Mohammad, MD‹
Appel, Stanley, MD‹
Chiu, David, MD
Derman, Howard, MD
Fisher, Stanley, MD
Lai, Eugene, MD
Masdeu, Joseph, MD
Pleitez, Miliva, MD
Roman, Gustavo, MD
Rosefield, David, MD
Simpson, Erika, MD
Thomas, Abraham, MD
Tintner, Ron, MD‹
Verma, Aparajitha, MD
Volpi, John, MD
Waln, Olga, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Yvonne Kew, MD PLLC
6560 Fannin, #1726
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 534-1300
Kew, Yvonne, MD
Brain and Spine Clinic PA
6624 Fannin Ste 1740
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 335-3600
Ghosh, Subrata, MD
Evergreen Neurosurgery Center, PLLC
17115 Red Oak Dr. Ste 211
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 719-9681
Sebastian, Cyril, MD
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Texas Spine and Neurosurgery Center, PA
16605 Southwest Fwy. #285
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 313-0031
Bindal, Rajesh, MD‹
Park, John, MD
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Mischer Neurosurgical Associates
6400 Fannin Ste 2800
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 704-1796
Al-Hafez, Baraa, MD
Cardenas, Raul, MD
Chen, Peng, MD‹
Day, Arthur, MD
Fenoy, Albert, MD‹
Hsieh, Joseph, MD‹
Johnson, Michele, MD‹
Kim, Daniel, MD
Kim, Dong, MD‹
Kitagawa, Ryan, MD
Shepard, Scott, MD‹
Tandon, Nitin, MD‹
Zhu, Jay-Jiguang, MD‹
7777 SW Frwy #724
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 456-6864
Shepard, Scott, MD‹
Amir S. Malik, MD PA
7500 Beechnut Ste 150
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 773-2273
Malik, Amir, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. Ste 1350
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4696
Duckworth, Edward, MD
Ehni, Bruce, MD
Fuentes, Alfonso, MD‹
Omeis, Ibrahim, MD
Patil, Shashikant, MD‹
Sawaya, Raymond, MD
Viswanathan, Ashwin, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A.
17270 Red Oak Drive # 200
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-6960
Sepulveda, Raul, MD
18220 State Highway 249, Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77070
(832) 912-7804
Sepulveda, Raul, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Mischer Neurosurgical Associates
929 Gessner Ste 2410
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 242-4410
Boone, Paul, MD‹
Dannenbaum, Mark, MD
Fenoy, Albert, MD‹
Shepard, Scott, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Texas Spine and Neurosurgery Center, PA
23920 Katy Fwy. #300
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 313-0031
Bindal, Rajesh, MD‹
Park, John, MD
Montgomery Condado
Stuart M. Weil, MD, PA
6624 Fannin, # 2360
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 794-0500
Weil, Stuart, MD‹
Ciudad de Conroe
Evergreen Neurosurgery Center, PLLC
17350 St. Luke's Way Ste 370
Conroe, TX 77384
(281) 719-9681
Sebastian, Cyril, MD
Thomas J. Mims, MD
6624 Fannin, # 2340
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-8893
Mims, Jr, T Jefferson, MD‹
Ciudad de Shenandoah
TMHPO Neurosurgery Department
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 520
Houston, TX 77094
(713) 441-3800
West, George, MD
6560 Fannin Ste 900
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3800
Baskin, David, MD
Blacklock, Jerry, MD
Grossman, Robert, MD
Holmon, Paul, MD
New, Pamela, MD
Parrish, Rob, MD
Simpson, Richard, MD
Trask, Todd, MD
Zhang, Yi Johnathan, MD
Oncología - Médica/Quirúrgica
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Texas Oncology
10970 Shadow Creek Parkway Ste 280
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 436-7500
Rodney, Alan, MD
Sethi, Sonal, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Mischer Neurosurgical Associates
9200 Pinecroft #130
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(713) 897-5900
Fenoy, Albert, MD‹
Zubay, Geoffrey, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Fort Bend Condado
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Katy
Ciudad de Texas City
MD Anderson Regional Care Center in
19770 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77469
(713) 745-9940
Colen, Jessica, MD‹
Jasani, Nikesh, MD‹
Papadopoulos, John, MD‹
Patel, Sunil, MD‹
Pytynia, Kristen, MD‹
Theriault, Rachel, MD‹
Zafereo, Mark, MD‹
Texas Oncology
6807 Emmett F. Lowery Expressway Ste 304
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 935-2863
Sreshta, Joseph, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Sugar Land
MD Anderson Regional Care Center in
Sugar Land
1327 Lake Point Parkway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 745-9940
Lewis, Mark, MD‹
Papadopoulos, John, MD‹
Tu, Janet, MD‹
Zafereo, Mark, MD‹
Texas Oncology
1350 First Colony Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 277-5200
Bhandari, Arvind, MD
Bhandari, Meghana, MD
Furse, Robert, MD
Sethi, Sanjay, MD
Tin-U, Caesar, MD
17510 W. Grand Parkway Ste 420
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(832) 449-5700
Smith, Paul, MD
Terry, Jaime, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor Breast Center
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Udden, Mark, MD
6620 Main St. Ste 1350
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-1999
Osborne, C. Kent, MD
Rimawi, Mothaffar, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
6565 Fannin # 800
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-1450
Brenner, Malcolm, MD
Heslop, Helen, MD
Kamble, Rammurti, MD
6620 Main St. #1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Lynch, Garrett, MD
Mims, Martha, MD, PhD
Mitsaides, Nicholas, MD‹
Musher, Benjamin, MD
Ramos, Carlos, MD
Sada, Yvonne, MD‹
Todd, Robert, MD‹
Zhang, Jun, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Academic Medicine Associates
18220 Tomball Pkwy Ste 280
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-0435
Rodriguez, Angel, MD‹
6445 Main St Ste OPC 21
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-9948
Bernicker, Eric, MD
Heyne, Kirk, MD
Iyer, Swaminathan, MD‹
Lehane, Daniel, MD
Patel, Tejal, MD
Phan, Alexandria, MD
Rodriguez, Angel, MD‹
Singh, Monisha, MD
6550 Fannin Ste 1101
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-0006
Rodriguez, Angel, MD‹
Oncology Consultants, PA
2130 W. Holcombe Blvd. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 600-0900
Holoye, Paul, MD‹
Texas Oncology
1213 Hermann Dr. # 330
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 552-8905
Terry, Jaime, MD
13300 Hargrave Rd. Ste 190
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 894-8822
Kapadia, Zehra, MD
Thachil, John, MD‹
7515 S. Main St. Ste 740
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-0202
Cairo, Michelina, MD‹
Escudier, Susan , MD
Foote, Lawrence, MD
915 Gessner Ste 720
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 830-9100
Smith, Paul, MD
925 Gessner Ste 310
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 467-1630
Abramowitz, Joel, MD
Morkas, Muffaddel, MD
925 Gessner Ste 550
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 467-1722
Cimo, Phillip, MD
Holmes, Frankie, MD
Hsu, Branden, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine (continued)
6620 Main St. #1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8100
Silberfein, Eric, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Corry, David, MD
Curley, Steven, MD‹
Nangia, Julie , MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1350
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-1999
Jiralerspong, Sao, MD‹
Niravath, Polly Ann, MD
Yen, Ai-hua Edward, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Sada, Yvonne, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Katy
Montgomery Condado
Texas Oncology
1331 W. Grand Parkway N. Ste 340
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 392-2757
Doshi, Gurjyot, MD
Hsu, Branden, MD
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Ciudad de Nassau Bay
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
MD Anderson Bay Area Regional Care
18100 St. John Dr.
Nassau Bay, TX 77058
(713) 745-9940
Bueno Hume, Celyne, MD‹
Ehlers, Richard, MD‹
Hassan, Amy, MD‹
MD Anderson Regional Care Center in
The Woodlands
17198 St. Luke's Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(713) 745-9940
Chai, Thomas, MD‹
Coscio, Angela, MD‹
Drucker, Carol, MD‹
Nelson, Douglas, MD‹
Pozadzides, Jenny, MD‹
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Webster
Ciudad de Pearland
Texas Oncology
17099 North Texas Ave #400
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-1668
Sreshta, Joseph, MD
450 Blossom
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-7608
Mahmood, Khalid, MD
501 Medical Center Blvd.
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-7505
Gill, David, MD
Kodali, Dhatri, MD
McClure, Suzanne, MD
Mehta, Divyang, MD
Rodney, Alan, MD
Sethi, Sonal, MD
Weiss, Gary, MD
Houston Eye Associates, PA
8619 W. Broadway, #101
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 668-9118
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Katy
Retina Consultants of Houston
23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd #G205
Katy, TX 77479
(281) 394-7959
Major, James, MD
Schefler, Amy, MD™
Wong, Tien, MD‹
Wykoff, Charles, MD™
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Richmond
Ciudad de League City
Houston Eye Associates, PA
1601 Main St. #408
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 341-0405
Dhir, Prajay, MD‹
Houston Eye Associates, PA
1100 Gulf Frwy Ste 114
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-3937
Fradkin, Allan, MD
Milstein, Bernard, MD
Van, Da-Thuy T., DO™
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Houston Eye Associates, PA
1429 Hwy. 6 #102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Dhir, Prajay, MD‹
Harris, Lindsey, MD‹
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Lai, James, MD‹
Lee, Bailey, MD‹
Ou, Richard, MD‹™
Urso, Richard, MD‹
Ciudad de Texas City
Retina Consultants of Houston
16605 SW Freeway #305
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 494-5995
Chen, Eric, MD™
Kim, Rosa, MD
Major, James, MD™
Ciudad de Bellaire
Houston Eye Associates, PA
7111 Medical Center Dr. Ste 110
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 938-8437
Fradkin, Allan, MD
Milstein, Bernard, MD
Van, Da-Thuy T., DO™
Retina Consultants of Houston
6750 West Loop South #1060
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 521-0555
Fish, Richard, MD‹™
O'Malley, Ronan, MD‹
Wong, Tien, MD‹
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Galveston
Ciudad de Cypress
Houston Eye Associates, PA
2302 Avenue P
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 765-6324
Fradkin, Allan, MD
Milstein, Bernard, MD
Van, Da-Thuy T., DO™
Retina Consultants of Houston
21216 NW Freeway #630
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 970-9660
Benz, Matthew, MD‹™
Chen, Eric, MD™
Vance, Sushma, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Harris Condado
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Phillips, Paula, MD
Stewart, William, MD‹
1250 Cypress Station Dr. Ste A
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 444-1677
Allam, Belu, MD‹
Chang, Victor, MD‹
Chen, Carolyn, MD‹
Dunn, Steven, MD‹
Lee, Bailey, MD‹
Miller, Aaron, MD‹
Thung, Elaine, MD
Verstringhe, III, Louis, MD
Wilkins, Robert, MD‹™
Zaman, Faiz, MD‹
1415 N. Loop West #400
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 869-6400
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
Thung, Elaine, MD
1631 North Loop West, #500
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 869-6400
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
Stewart, William, MD‹
1919 North Loop West, #220
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 426-1339
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
2424 West Holcombe #203
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 665-7600
Banks, III, William, MD
Kopel, Andrew, MD‹
Lin, Alison, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Community Retina Group PA
6550 Fannin St. #2317
Houston, TX 77030
(281) 407-3033
Li, Helen, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Diagnostic Eye Center
1213 Hermann Dr. Ste 110
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 522-8304
Sanders, Marc, MD
3405 Edloe Street, # 300
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-1500
Sanders, Marc, MD
Eye Excellence
6624 Fannin Ste 2105
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9494
Green, Mary, MD‹
Houston Eye Associates, PA
12121 Richmond Ave. #407
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 556-5483
Ou, Richard, MD‹™
1229 Campbell Rd.
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 467-6600
Bloome, Michael, MD‹
Chang, Victor, MD‹
Dunn, Steven, MD‹
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Kopel, Andrew, MD‹
Kovoor, Timmy, MD‹
Lim, John, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
2855 Grammercy
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 668-6828
Fish, Susan, MD™
427 W 20th St Ste 100
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 862-6631
Watkins, L, MD‹
5420 Dashwood, #101
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 668-9118
Kovoor, Timmy, MD‹
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
5614 E. Sam Houston Pkwy N.
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 678-8288
Diaz, Maria, MD‹™
Harris, Lindsey, MD‹
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
590 Chimney Rock
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 782-4406
Arnoult, Jeffrey, MD‹
Elchahal, Samih, MD‹™
Kovoor, Timmy, MD‹
Lai, James, MD‹
Mazow, Malcolm, MD‹
Quayle, William, MD‹
Stewart, William, MD‹
Zaman, Faiz, MD‹
7438 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 928-3375
Jenkins, III, Daniel, MD‹™
Moorhead, Louise, MD‹™
7777 Southwest Fwy. #804
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 777-6123
Banks, III, William, MD
Lin, Alison, MD‹
Ou, Richard, MD‹™
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Houston Eye Associates, PA (continued)
2855 Gramercy
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 668-6828
Arnoult, Jeffrey, MD‹
Bloome, Michael, MD‹
Chang, Victor, MD‹
Chen, Carolyn, MD
Dhir, Prajay, MD‹
Diaz, Maria, MD‹™
Dunn, Steven, MD‹
Elchahal, Samih, MD‹™
Gonzales, Carlos, MD‹™
Goosey, John, MD‹
Harris, Lindsey, MD‹
Hyde, Kenneth, MD‹
Jong, Kevin, MD‹™
Khalil, Sherif, MD
Kimbrough, Richard, MD‹
Kopel, Andrew, MD‹
Kovoor, Timmy, MD‹
Lai, James, MD‹
Lanier, Jeffrey, MD‹™
Larkin, Kelly, MD
Lee, Bailey, MD‹
Lim, John, MD‹
Lin, Alison, MD‹
Mazow, Malcolm, MD‹
Miller, Aaron, MD‹
Musgrove, Kathryn, MD‹
Ou, Richard, MD‹™
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
Quayle, William, MD‹
Salmonsen, Paul, MD‹™
Stewart, William, MD‹
Thomas, Justus, MD™
Urso, Richard, MD‹
Verstringhe, III, Louis, MD
Vital, Mark, MD‹
Watkins, L, MD‹
Wilkins, Robert, MD‹™
Wittenberg, Susan, MD‹™
Zaman, Faiz, MD‹
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Houston Eye Associates, PA (continued)
915 Gessner, #250
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 467-6474
Dunn, Steven, MD‹
Gonzales, Carlos, MD‹™
Harris, Lindsey, MD‹
Lee, Bailey, MD‹
Lim, John, MD‹
Musgrove, Kathryn, MD‹
Ou, Richard, MD‹™
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
Vital, Mark, MD‹
Wilkins, Robert, MD‹™
Houston Oculoplastic Associates
1913 Canterbury St.
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 868-3938
Chaudhry, Imtaiz, MD
Methodist Eye Associates
6560 Fannin Ste 450
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-8843
Beaver, Hilary, MD
Coburn, Amy, MD
Dublin, Allison, MD
Key, James, MD
Lee, Andrew, MD
Pandit, Rahul, MD
Yalamanchili, Sushma, MD
Plastic Eye Surgery Associates
3730 Kirby Dr. Ste 900
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 795-0705
Sami, Mirwat, MD
Soparkar, Charles, MD, PH.D.‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Retina & Vitreous of Texas
2727 Gramercy St. #200
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 799-9975
Chang, Emmanuel, MD‹
Holz, Eric, MD‹
Khawly, Joseph, MD‹
Kukuyev, Alla, MD‹
Lambert, Harry, MD‹
Rahman, Hassan, MD
Randolph, Jessica, MD
Willis, Arthur, MD‹
Retina Consultants of Houston
11460 Space Center Blvd #2
Houston, TX 77059
(713) 524-3434
Brown, David, MD
Chen, Eric, MD™
Fish, Richard, MD‹™
Kim, Rosa, MD
Major, James, MD™
O'Malley, Ronan, MD‹
Schefler, Amy, MD™
Vance, Sushma, MD
Wong, Tien, MD‹
Wykoff, Charles, MD™
17030 Nanes Dr. #214
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 587-1987
Chen, Eric, MD™
Fish, Richard, MD
Vance, Sushma, MD
Wong, Tien, MD‹
6560 Fannin #750
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 524-3434
Brown, David, MD‹
Chen, Eric, MD™
Fish, Richard, MD‹™
Kim, Rosa, MD
Major, James, MD™
Schefler, Amy, MD™
Vance, Sushma, MD
Wong, Tien, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Retina Consultants of Houston
6560 Fannin #750 (continued)
Retina & Vitreous of Texas
750 Westgreen Blvd #250
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 799-9975
Chang, Emmanuel, MD‹
Holz, Eric, MD‹
Khawly, Joseph, MD‹
Willis, Arthur, MD‹
Wykoff, Charles, MD™
902 Frostwood #280
Houston, TX 77024
(832) 358-9306
Benz, Matthew, MD‹™
Brown, David, MD
Kim, Rosa, MD
Major, James, MD™
Vance, Sushma, MD
Whitsett Vision Group
23510 Kingsland Blvd. Ste 200
Katy, TX 77497
(713) 365-9099
Woon, Cybele, MD
University Eye Associates
6400 Fannin, # 1800
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 704-1777
Butner, Robert, MD‹
Ciudad de Pasadena
Whitsett Vision Group
1237 Campbell Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 365-9099
Woon, Cybele, MD
Ciudad de Tomball
Houston Eye Associates, PA
13414 Medical Complex Dr. #4
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5468
Dunn, Steven, MD‹
Miller, Aaron, MD‹
Sheffield, Hayne, MD‹
Thung, Elaine, MD
Verstringhe, III, Louis, MD
Ciudad de Humble
Houston Eye Associates, PA
9810 FM 1960 Rd. W Ste 250
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-9333
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
Ciudad de Katy
Houston Eye Associates, PA
1331 W. Grand Parkway North #120
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 347-0176
Chang, Victor, MD‹
Khalil, Sherif, MD
Porias, Mitchell, DO‹™
Retina & Vitreous of Texas
455 School Street #47
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-7483
Willis, Arthur, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Houston Eye Associates, PA
5125 Fairmont Parkway
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 477-6929
Alexander, Larry, MD‹™
Zuckerbrod, Steward, MD‹™
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Verstringhe, III, Louis, MD
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Ciudad de Conroe
Plastic Eye Surgery Associates
920 Medical Plaza Dr. Ste 490
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(713) 795-0705
Sami, Mirwat, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Houston Eye Associates, PA
333 N. Rivershire Dr. #160
Conroe, TX 77025
(936) 441-4020
Chen, Carolyn, MD
Fish, Susan, MD™
Hyde, Kenneth, MD‹
Jenkins, Mark, MD™
Price, Charles, MD™
Thung, Elaine, MD
Verstringhe, III, Louis, MD
Retina Consultants of Houston
17350 St. Lukes Way #120
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 273-6620
Benz, Matthew, MD‹™
Brown, David, MD
Chen, Eric, MD™
Major, James, MD™
Schefler, Amy, MD™
Wong, Tien, MD‹
Wykoff, Charles, MD™
Retina & Vitreous of Texas
100 Medical Center Blvd. #210
Conroe, TX 77304
(713) 799-9975
Chang, Emmanuel, MD‹
Holz, Eric, MD‹
Khawly, Joseph, MD‹
Lambert, Harry, MD‹
Cirugía Maxilofacial
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
Ciudad de Cypress
Houston Eye Associates, PA
22999 Hwy 59 N #108
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 348-3375
Thomas, Justus, MD™
Urso, Richard, MD‹
Bruce Smith, DDS
21216 NW Frwy, Ste 370
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 469-1911
Smith, Bruce, DDS
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Ciudad de Houston
Houston Eye Associates, PA
1699 Research Forest Dr. Ste 150
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(281) 363-2155
Chen, Carolyn, MD‹
Fish, Susan, MD™
Jenkins, Mark, MD™
Miller, Aaron, MD‹
Price, Charles, MD™
Thung, Elaine, MD
Donald F. Cohen, DDS Inc.
6560 Fannin # 1522
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-6477
Cohen, Donald, DDS
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
John D. Smith, Jr. DDS
11455 Fallbrook #302
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 890-1158
Smith, Jr., John, DDS™
6410 Fannin #800
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-0031
Smith, Jr., John, DDS™
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Baylor College of Medicine
15200 Southwest Fwy. Ste 175
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 494-0550
Hunt, III, Thomas, MD‹
Southwest Orthopedic Group, LLP
20403 University Blvd. Ste 400
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 494-1314
Kaldis, Michael, MD‹
Terry D. Taylor, DDS, MS
6515 Fannin St., # 614
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-1995
Taylor, Terry, DDS
Ciudad de Bay City
Donald F. Cohen, DDS Inc.
4040 Avenue F
Bay City, TX 77414
(979) 245-4746
Cohen, Donald, DDS
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
4000 Garth Rd. Ste 200
Baytown, TX 77521
(713) 441-9000
Cosculluela, Pedro, MD‹
4201 Garth Rd. Ste 107
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 427-7400
Edens, Mark, MD
Pyle, James, MD
Cirugía ortopédica
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Bone and Joint Clinic of Houston, PA
8619 West Broadway #105
Pearland, TX 77584
(832) 736-9779
Brown, Taylor, MD‹
Sassard, Walter, MD‹
Siff, Sherwin, MD‹
Smith, Roy, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
16651 SW Freeway Ste 400
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 441-3535
Incavo, Stephen, MD‹
Matagorda Condado
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. #1325 - Orthopedic Surgery
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-6016
Bashir, Rubin, MD
Reitman, Charles, MD‹
6620 Main St. 13th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-7390
Athiviraham, Aravind, MD‹
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-6016
Ahuero, Jason, MD‹
Athiviraham, Aravind, MD‹
Bashir, Rubin, MD
Dawson, John, MD‹
Hanson, Darrell, MD
Harrington, Melvyn, MD
Hunt, III, Thomas, MD‹
Karistinos, Anastassios, MD
Palisch, Catherine, MD‹
Reitman, Charles, MD‹
Bone and Joint Clinic of Houston, PA
6624 Fannin, # 2600
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-1818
Brown, Taylor, MD‹
Granberry, William, MD‹™
Greider, Thomas, MD‹
Labbe, Marc, MD‹
Palmer, Kenneth, MD
Sassard, Walter, MD‹
Siff, Sherwin, MD‹
Siff, Todd, MD‹
Smith, Roy, MD‹
Watters, William, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
915 Gessner #560
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 353-5770
Dice, Jr., David, MD
Granberry, William, MD
Greider, Thomas, MD‹
Labbe, Marc, MD‹
Palmer, Kenneth, MD
Sassard, Walter, MD‹
Siff, Todd, MD‹
Smith, Roy, MD‹
Watters, William, MD‹
Fondren Orthopedic Group, LLP
18220 Tomball Parkway # 330
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 807-4380
Warnock, II, Kenneth, MD‹
7401 S. Main
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-2300
Brown, Barrett, MD‹
Edwards, Thomas, MD‹
Kevin Moran, MD
845 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 444-9898
Moran, Kevin, MD‹
KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A.
17270 Red Oak Drive # 200
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-6960
Cartwright, Thomas, MD‹
Cuellar, Alberto, MD‹
Dean, Stewart, MD‹
Fitzgerald, Ray, MD‹
George, Michael, MD‹™
Kant, Andrew, MD‹
Nash, Edward, MD‹
Rosen, Alan, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
KSF Orthopaedic Center, P.A.
18220 State Highway 249, Ste. 200
Houston, TX 77070
(832) 912-7804
Cartwright, Thomas, MD‹
Cuellar, Alberto, MD‹
Dean, Stewart, MD‹
Fitzgerald, Ray, MD‹
George, Michael, MD‹™
Kant, Andrew, MD‹
Nash, Edward, MD‹
Rosen, Alan, MD‹
Southwest Orthopedic Group, LLP
6560 Fannin, Ste. 1016
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 610-4260
Esses, Stephen, MD‹
Kaldis, Michael, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Fondren Orthopedic Group, LLP
18411 West Lake Houston Pkwy #550
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 312-3820
Korthauer, Ken, MD‹
Muscat, Joseph, MD‹
Scobercea, Razvan, MD‹
Stanislaw, Scott, MD
9522 N Sam Houston Parkway Ste 2350
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 359-5115
Korthauer, Ken, MD‹
Muscat, Joseph, MD‹
Scobercea, Razvan, MD‹
Stanislaw, Scott, MD
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
13802 Centerfield Dr Ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-0999
Caldera, Plinio, MD
Hanson, Travis, MD
Hwang, HoSun, MD
Jafarni, Kourosh, MD
Le, Daniel, MD
Moseley, James, MD‹
Seaberg, John, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Reconstructive Orthopaedic Center of
Houston, PA
1200 Binz #100
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 520-1210
Levaro-Pano, Fernando, MD‹
Masson, Marcus, MD‹
18220 Hwy 249 Ste 400
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 737-0999
Moseley, James, MD‹
3100 Timmons Ln Ste 120
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 441-3560
Lintner, David, MD‹
6550 Fannin Ste 2600
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-9000
Bryan, William, MD‹
Cosculluela, Pedro, MD‹
Harris, Joshua, MD
Incavo, Stephen, MD‹
Liberman, Shari, MD
Mathis, Kenneth, MD‹
McCulloch, Patrick, MD‹
Varner, Kevin, MD
Weiner, Bradley, MD
Winston, Leland, MD‹
6560 Fannin Ste 410
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-9000
Collins, Evan, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Comprehensive Pain Center of Texas
11920 Astoria Blvd. #130
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 922-0400
Hamid, Basem, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
Fondren Orthopedic Group, LLP
601 Rockmead Dr.
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-5115
Korthauer, Ken, MD‹
Muscat, Joseph, MD‹
Scobercea, Razvan, MD‹
Stanislaw, Scott, MD
Henderson, Kimberly, MD, PA
10311 S Post Oak
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 697-0776
Henderson, Kimberly, MD‹
1315 St. Joseph's Parkway Ste 1003
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 659-2666
Henderson, Kimberly, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Bone and Joint Clinic of Houston, PA
17198 St. Luke's Way #370
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 321-8000
Dice, Jr., David, MD
Labbe, Marc, MD‹
Price, Eric, MD
Pain and Spine Care
11790 FM 1960 West
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 970-0500
Ahmed, Masroor, MD
TMHPO Neurology Department
6560 Fannin Ste 802
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3780
Satija, Pankaj, MD
Tratamiento del dolor
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Henderson, Kimberly, MD, PA
1515 Alexander St. Ste. 115
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 422-3619
Henderson, Kimberly, MD‹
Medician física y Rehabilitación
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Ciudad de Houston
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
16902 Southwest Fwy. #100
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 527-0120
Abdelsayed, Michael, MD‹
Baylor College of Medicine
1200 Binz St. #1470
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 798-2759
Basava, Veena, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Nelson V. Valena, MD, P.A
2101 Crawford Ste 300
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 861-2022
Salmeron, Eva, MD‹
Shi, Hong, MD‹
Valena, Nelson, MD‹
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
1333 Moursund
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-5929
Ivanhoe, Cindy, MD‹
Kothari, Sunil, MD
6620 Main St. #1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6198
Kerstman, Eric, MD‹
Kothari, Sunil, MD
Pu, Yi-Wen, MD
Smith, Barry, MD‹
Tastard, Luz, MD
Vennix, Michael, MD‹
Wenzel, Lisa, MD
6620 Main St. Ste 1325
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6198
Bloodworth, Donna, MD‹
John, Jocelyn, MD‹
Mirabi, Batool, MD‹
Pandit, Sindhu, MD‹
Tan, Faye, MD
6624 Fannin #2330
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4061
DiTommaso, Craig, MD‹
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6198
Benny, Benoy, MD‹
Grabois, Martin, MD
Harrell, John, MD
Smith, Barry, MD‹
Vennix, Michael, MD‹
Ciudad de Humble
Emile Mathurin, MD
9810 FM 1960 W. Bypass #115
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-4429
Mathurin, Emile, MD‹
Ciudad de Webster
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Agana Rehab Associates
9200 Pinecroft Ste 360
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 419-3366
Agana, Benjamin, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Michael J. Rosenblatt, MD and Kathryn A.
Zidek, MD, PA
655 E. Medical Center Blvd., # 255
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 218-8797
Rosenblatt, Michael, MD‹
Zidek, Kathryn, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Baytown
Mark A. Schusterman, MD, P.A.
1200 Binz Ste. 1200
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 794-0368
Schusterman, Mark, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
2800 Garth Road Ste. Q
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 837-5966
Petrungaro, Jason, MD‹
Michael J. Streitmann, MD, P.A.
5009 Caroline Street, # 105
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 667-4600
Streitmann, Michael, MD
Ciudad de Houston
Norris Plastic Surgery
6400 Fannin, # 2130
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 383-6400
Norris, Morgan, MD‹
Cirugía Plástica
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Harris Condado
Baylor College of Medicine
1977 Butler Blvd., Ste E6.100
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6141
Aguilar, III, Eugenio, MD‹
Brown, Rodger, MD‹
Buchanan, Edward, MD‹
Izaddoost, Shayan, MD
Lee, Edward, MD‹
Rodgers, Bruce, MD
4140 Southwest Fwy. #510
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 798-6141
Aguilar, III, Eugenio, MD‹
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-6016
Stafford, James, MD
Plastic Surgery Specialists
6624 Fannin, #1600
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 795-4448
Madjidi, Azita, MD
Reisman, Neal, MD
Rock, Craig, MD
TMHPO Institute for Reconstructive
6560 Fannin Ste 2200
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-6106
Chevray, Pierre Yves, MD‹
Dinh, Tue, MD‹
Spiegel, Aldona, MD‹
David T. Netscher, MD
6624 Fannin Ste 2730
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-8090
Netscher, David, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Mark Edelman, MD
9055 Katy Fwy
Katy, TX 77024
(713) 365-9990
Edelman, Mark, MD
Edward Berzin, MD, P.A.
6560 Fannin Ste. 1804
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 722-0111
Berzin, Edward, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Guy, Elizabeth, MD
Hanania, Nicola, MD
Kao, Christina , MD‹
Katz, Marcia, MD
Lan, Charlie, DO
Lazarus, Donald, MD‹
Levine, Robert, MD
Nair, Kiran, DO
Ong, Philip, MD
Parulekar, Amit, MD‹
Safdar, Zeenat, MD
Shaib, Fidaa, MD‹
Sista, Ramachandra, MD‹
Suryakanta, Velamuri, MD‹
Trammell, Aaron, MD
Wilgus, May-Lin, MD
Ciudad de Kingwood
Edward Berzin, MD, P.A.
2300 Green Oak Dr. #200
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-2348
Berzin, Edward, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Baylor College of Medicine
1111 Medical Plaza Dr. #250
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(713) 798-6141
Aguilar, III, Eugenio, MD‹
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Methodist Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
4780 Sweetwater Blvd Ste 150
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 242-2444
Shah, Bhadresh, MD
Harris Condado
Medical Chest Associates, P.A.
902 Frostwood, #172
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 467-8888
Jain, Ajay, MD‹
Keith, G. Thomas, MD‹
Tran, Minh, MD‹
Pulmonary Clinic of Northwest Houston
11720 FM 1960 Rd. W
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 955-1012
Singla, Neeta, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Alapat, Philip, MD‹
Bandi, Venkata, MD
Dronavalli, Goutham, MD‹
Frost, Adaani, MD
Guerra, Diana, MD
Guntupalli, Kalpalatha, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Fort Bend Condado
Houston Pulmonary Medicine Associates
11914 Astoria #320
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-9369
Ahmed, Razuiddin, MD
Alnas, Majd, MD
Chandrasekhar, Krisha, MD
Patel, Mayank, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep
Medicine Consultants
6624 Fannin Ste 1730
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 255-4000
Colomer, Alberto, MD‹
Connolly, Timothy, MD‹
Dahlbery, Carl, MD‹
Doerr, Clinton, MD‹
Herlihy, James, MD‹
Kopas, Lisa, MD‹
Manian, Prasad, MD‹
Murthy, Jayasimha, MD‹
Santa Cruz, Jose, MD
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Respiratory and Sleep Disorders
17350 St. Luke's Way #470
Conroe, TX 77384
(936) 321-5100
Ambarbir, Matatewal, MD‹
Mathew, Jefy, MD‹
Siddiqi, Ather, MD‹
Ciudad de Kingwood
Alexander Tiu, MD, PA
22999 Hwy 59N Ste 214
Kingwood, TX 77339
(832) 777-6921
Tiu, Alexander, MD‹
Respiratory and Sleep Disorders
1125 Cypress Station Dr. Ste. E
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 537-6300
Asi, Wael, MD‹
Bajwa, Mohsin, MD‹
Ghobrial, Salah, MD‹
Mathew, Jefy, MD‹
Mattewal, Amarbir, MD
Rhoton, William, MD‹
Siddiqi, Ather, MD‹
20207 Chasewood Park Dr. #203
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 537-6300
Bajwa, Mohsin, MD‹
Pulmonary & Sleep Disorders
Consultants, PA
22999 Highway 59N #214
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-5010
Luu, Kham, MD‹
Ciudad de Spring
Respiratory and Sleep Disorders
1111 Medical Plaza Dr., # 250
Spring, TX 77380
(281) 296-8788
Asi, Wael, MD‹
Ghobrial, Salah, MD‹
Mathew, Jefy, MD‹
Rhoton, William, MD‹
Siddiqi, Ather, MD‹
TMHPO Neurology Department
6560 Fannin Ste 802
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3780
Holland, Venessa, MD
Ciudad de Katy
Medical Chest Associates, P.A.
701 South Fry Rd. Ste 116
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 646-0220
Jain, Ajay, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
TMHPO Neurology Department
6560 Fannin Ste 802
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-3780
Verma, Amit, MD
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Eduardo Chang, MD PA
3115 College Park Dr. #110
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 447-9351
Chang, Eduardo, MD
Medicina deportiva
Fort Bend Condado
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Baylor College of Medicine
15200 Southwest Fwy. Ste 175
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 494-0550
Shybut, Theodore, MD‹
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
1977 Butler Blvd. E2.100
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6100
Rizvi, Tara, MD‹
6620 Main St. #1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-3390
Agarwal, Sandeep, MD‹
Rizvi, Tara, MD‹
6620 Main St. Ste 1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-3390
Appleyard, Joan, MD‹
Sohail, Huma, MD‹
Harris Condado
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. 13th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-6016
Shybut, Theodore, MD‹
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 986-6016
Shybut, Theodore, MD‹
Medician del sueño
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Houston Pulmonary Medicine Associates
11914 Astoria #320
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-9369
Gupta, Sandeep, MD
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
13802 Centerfield Dr Ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-0902
Rand, Scot, MD
Schupp, Christian, MD
Seelhoefer, Gregory, MD
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 520
Houston, TX 77094
(832) 522-8280
Campbell, Winfield, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Houston
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
TMHPO Orthopedics Department
3100 Timmons Ste 120
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 441-3560
Jotwani, Vijay, MD
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Cypress
Northwest Houston Surgical Associates
21216 Northwest Fwy #250
Cypress, TX 77429
(713) 426-2400
Amir, Ziad, MD
Levia, Jorge, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Ahmad, Ata, MD
11740 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 970-8484
Ahmad, Ata, MD‹
Southwest Surgical Associates
16651 Southwest Frwy #360
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 491-6200
Aramburo, Charles, MD
Dempsey, Kelly, MD
Fisher, John, MD
Lee, Thu Ha Liz, MD
Moore, Thomas, MD
Ngo, Dieu, MD
Ponce De Leon, Guillermo, MD
Wood, Michael, MD
17510 W. Grand Parkway S. #490
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 342-8932
Aramburo, Charles, MD
Dempsey, Kelly, MD
Farrow, Buckminster, MD
Hillery, Robert, MD
Lee, Thu Ha Liz, MD
Moore, Thomas, MD
Ngo, Dieu, MD
Ponce De Leon, Guillermo, MD
Wood, Michael, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Colon and Rectal Clinic, PA
6550 Fannin #2307
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-9250
Bailey, H. Randolph, MD‹
Das, Bidhan, MD‹
McKnight, Scott, MD‹
Skakun, Gary, MD‹
Snyder, Michael, MD‹
Thompson, David, MD‹
800 Peakwood, #2C
Houston, TX 77090
(713) 790-9250
Butts, Donald, MD‹
Chen, Lisa, MD‹
Newton, Thomas, MD‹
Pidala, Mark, MD‹
915 Gessner #600 Bldg. 3
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 464-1758
Cali, Joseph, MD‹
Madriz, Omar, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Gretchen M. Zimmerman, MD, PA
6624 Fannin #2180
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-9500
Zimmerman, Gretchen, MD
Timothy J. Sehorn, MD, PA
6624 Fannin #2180
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 797-9151
Sehorn, Timothy, MD
Memorial and Katy Surgical Specialists
1140 Business Center Dr. #400
Houston, TX 77043
(713) 464-1981
Ruttman, Cameron, MD‹
Wheeler, Kevin, MD‹
Transplantation and General Surgery
Associates, P.A.
6624 Fannin #1200
Houston, TX 77030
(281) 795-8994
Barakat, Omar, MD‹
Ozaki, Claire, MD
Wood, R. Patrick, MD‹
Memorial Hermann Medical Group
11914 Astoria Blvd. #575
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 929-4420
Berbel, German, DO
Garner, Glen, MD‹
Voloyiannis, Theodoros, MD‹
Ciudad de Katy
Southwest Surgical Associates
7737 Southwest Frwy. #100
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-1200
Aramburo, Charles, MD
Bluhm, Joey, MD
Fisher, John, MD
Lee, Thu Ha Liz, MD
Ngo, Dieu, MD
Ponce De Leon, Guillermo, MD
Wood, Michael, MD
Southwest Surgical Associates
23920 Katy Frwy #560A
Katy, TX 77479
(281) 693-3500
Bluhm, Joey, MD
Farrow, Buckminster, MD
Hillery, Robert, MD
Lee, Thu Ha Liz, MD
Moore, Thomas, MD
Ngo, Dieu, MD
Texas Surgical Associates, LLP
6560 Fannin, #1836
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 776-0655
Ramchandani, Mahesh, MD
Ciudad de Tomball
Ahmad, Ata, MD
506 Graham, #220
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 970-8484
Ahmad, Ata, MD‹
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Memorial and Katy Surgical Specialists
18400 Katy Fwy #420
Katy, TX 77094
(713) 464-1981
Ruttman, Cameron, MD‹
Wheeler, Kevin, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
6620 Main St. #1375
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-6376
Sugarbaker, David, MD
6620 Main St. #1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-5700
Tsai, Peter, MD
6620 Main St. Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-9910
De la Cruz, Kim, MD‹
Preventza, Ourania, MD
Rosengart, Todd, MD‹
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Colon and Rectal Clinic, PA
9200 Pinecroft #320
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 367-7288
Newton, Thomas, MD‹
Pidala, Mark, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
James A. Field, MD
9200 Pinecroft #250
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 419-8400
Field, James, MD
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5200
Kim, Min Peter, MD
Lafuente, Javier, MD
Jason Balette, MD
9200 Pinecroft Ste 250
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 419-8400
Balette, Jason, MD
Petar Turcinovic, MD
9200 Pinecroft #250
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 419-8400
Turcinovic, Petar, MD
Surgical Associates of Texas, PA
1101 Bates # P514
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 355-4900
Frazier, O., MD‹
Cirugía del tórax
TMHPO Surgery Department
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5151
Khaitan, Puja, MD
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6565 Fannin #A979
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-3155
Noon, George, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Ciudad de Webster
Surgical Specialist of Clear Lake, PLLC
450 Medical Center Blvd., Ste 600
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-4596
Katsigiannis, Christos, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
16605 Southwest Frwy #250
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 325-1090
Axelrad, Samuel, MD™
Champion, Paolo, MD™
Hananel, Alan, MD™
Nickell, Kevin, MD™
Schiffman, Zvi, MD™
Cirugía de transplante
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
TMHPO Surgery Department
6550 Fannin Ste 1601
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-5151
Ghobrial, Rafik, MD
Texas Oncology
1350 First Colony Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 277-5200
Sukin, Steven, MD™
17510 W. Grand Parkway Ste 420
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(832) 449-5700
Mucher, Zachary, MD
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Pearland
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Texas City
Texas Oncology
6807 Emmett F. Lowery Expressway Ste 304
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 935-2863
Rodriguez, Gabriel, MD‹
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Richmond
Houston Metro Urology, P.A.
1601 Main #210
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 344-0049
Champion, Paolo, MD™
Hananel, Alan, MD™
Nickell, Kevin, MD™
Schiffman, Zvi, MD™
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. Ste 1325
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4001
Guilherme, Godoy, MD‹
6624 Fannin St. #1700
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4001
Lipshultz, Larry, MD
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Houston Metro Urology, P.A.
15200 SW Freeway #380
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-3569
Ogletree, Carl, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Texas Oncology
10970 Shadow Creek Parkway Ste 280
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 436-7500
Rodriguez, Gabriel, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Baylor College of Medicine (continued)
7200 Cambridge St. 10th Flr
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4001
Amiel, Gilad, MD
Coburn, Michael, MD
Guilherme, Godoy, MD‹
Jones, Jeffrey, MD‹
Kadmon, Dov, MD
Khera, Mohit, MD
Lerner, Seth, MD
Link, Richard, MD, PhD
Smith, Christopher, MD
Smith, III, Thomas, MD‹
Houston Metro Urology, P.A.
1140 Westmont #425
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-4395
Lord, Brian, MD
12121 Richmond Ave #112
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 493-9966
Champion, Paolo, MD™
Hananel, Alan, MD™
Hoang, An, MD‹
Nickell, Kevin, MD™
Schiffman, Zvi, MD™
4223 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 634-4416
Goldfarb, David, MD
Gonzalez, Ricardo, MD™
Mineo, Michael, MD
Tibbs, Rita, MD
Van, Thanh, MD
6560 Fannin #1440
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-9700
Goldfarb, Richard, MD
Lapin, Stephen, MD
Lewitton, Michael, MD™
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
6560 Fannin St. #2030
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-9779
Gonzalez, Ricardo, MD™
Powers, Brian, MD™
Sutton, Mark, MD™
6560 Fannin St. 1900
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9900
Delhey, Karen, MD™
Light, Robert, MD™
Mineo, Michael, MD
7777 Southwest Freeway #1032
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 771-3340
Baum, Lawrence, MD
Champion, Paolo, MD™
Hananel, Alan, MD™
Hoang, An, MD‹
Nickell, Kevin, MD™
Schiffman, Zvi, MD™
915 Gessner #370
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 634-4441
Hester, Gregory, MD‹
Irving J. Fishman, MD PA
6624 Fannin Ste 2180
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-1800
Fishman, Irving, MD
Methodist Urology Associates
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 350
Houston, TX 77094
(713) 441-6455
Ekeruo, Wesley, MD
Mobley, David, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Urology Associates
6560 Fannin Ste 2100
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-6455
Boone, Timothy, MD
Goh, Alvin, MD‹
Khavari, Rose, MD
Mayer, Wesley, MD
Miles, Brian, MD‹
Stewart, Julie, MD
915 Gessner Ste 720
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 830-9100
Anhalt, Melvyn, MD
Cook, Paul, MD
Hoang, Thomas, MD
Kalish, Mark, MD
Kent, David, MD
Krishnan, Ramesh, MD
Lim, David, MD
Mucher, Zachary, MD
Selzman, Andrew, MD
Skolnick, Alan, MD
Urology Associates of Houston, P.A.
11914 Astoria #520
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 481-2804
Barnes, Nathaniel, MD‹
Dow, Douglas, MD‹
Hoggatt, Matthew, MD‹
Hurwitz, Gary, MD‹
Nguyen, Thanh, MD
Ciudad de Katy
Texas Oncology
18400 Katy Fwy Ste 420
Katy, TX 77094
(281) 492-4616
Cook, Paul, MD
Kent, David, MD
Krishnan, Ramesh, MD
Lim, David, MD
Nwokeji, Cordel, MD
23920 Katy Fwy Ste 380
Katy, TX 77494
(713) 830-9100
Cook, Paul, MD
Kalish, Mark, MD
Kent, David, MD
Krishnan, Ramesh, MD
Selzman, Andrew, MD
Skolnick, Alan, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Texas Oncology
13215 Dotson Rd.
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 517-0808
Schraudenbach, Penner, MD
Winkel, III, E. C. "Chip", MD‹
Zykorie, Stuart, MD‹
13300 Hargrave Rd. Ste 190
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 894-8822
Cook, Paul, MD
Hoang, Thomas, MD
Kent, David, MD
Krishnan, Ramesh, MD
Mucher, Zachary, MD
Nwokeji, Cordel, MD
Selzman, Andrew, MD
17070 Red Oak Dr. Ste 200
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 537-6211
Berardinucci, Don , MD‹
Lippman, Howard, MD
Winkel, III, E. C. "Chip", MD‹
Zykorie, Stuart, MD‹
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Pasadena
Montgomery Condado
Urology Associates of Houston, P.A.
3315 Burke Rd. #201
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 910-9428
Barnes, Nathaniel, MD‹
Dow, Douglas, MD‹
Hoggatt, Matthew, MD‹
Hurwitz, Gary, MD‹
Nguyen, Thanh, MD
Ciudad de Kingwood
Northwoods Urology of Texas, PLLC
350 Kingwood Medical Drive Ste 140
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-1911
Giannakis, John, MD
Graham, Michael, MD
Henry, Ronald, MD
Kenworthy, Paul, MD
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Tomball
Texas Oncology
506 Graham Dr. Ste 150
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5174
Schraudenbach, Penner, MD
Sukin, Steven, MD™
Zielie, Patrick, MD
Texas Oncology
22751 Professional Dr. Ste 270
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-0171
Nwokeji, Cordel, MD
Ciudad de Webster
Northwoods Urology of Texas, PLLC
135 Vision Park Blvd.
Shenandoah, TX 77384
(281) 404-3000
Giannakis, John, MD
Graham, Michael, MD
Henry, Ronald, MD
Kenworthy, Paul, MD
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Urology Associates of Houston, P.A.
250 Blossom #220
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-0202
Barnes, Nathaniel, MD‹
Dow, Douglas, MD‹
Hoggatt, Matthew, MD‹
Hurwitz, Gary, MD‹
Nguyen, Thanh, MD
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Texas Oncology
17198 St. Luke's Way #410
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 444-7077
Berardinucci, Don , MD‹
Lippman, Howard, MD
Sukin, Steven, MD™
Zielie, Patrick, MD
Liberty Condado
Ciudad de Cleveland
Texas Oncology
203 N. College Street. Ste 2002
Cleveland, TX 77327
(281) 358-0171
Nwokeji, Cordel, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Ciudad de Houston
Walker Condado
Baylor College of Medicine
6620 Main St. #1475
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-5700
Kougias, Panagiotis, MD
7501 Fannin St. #650
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 798-8412
Matos, Jesus, MD
Ciudad de Huntsville
Northwoods Urology of Texas, PLLC
100 Medical Center Pkwy., Ste 600
Huntsville, TX 77340
(936) 435-9200
Giannakis, John, MD
Graham, Michael, MD
Henry, Ronald, MD
Kenworthy, Paul, MD
Cirugía vascular
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
4301 Garth Rd Ste 212
Baytown, TX 77521
(832) 556-6625
Nurko, Jacobo, MD
The Vein Center at The Woman's Hospital
of Texas
7400 Fannin Ste 1250
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 796-9352
Duffy, Patrick, MD
‹Proveedor de Medicaid
™Se Habla Español
Proveedores afiliados bajo contrato
Methodist Cardiovascular Surgery
13300 Hargrave Rd Ste 390
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 737-2918
Lee, Richard, MD
6550 Fannin Ste 1401
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 441-1520
Bismuth, Jean, MD
Davies, Mark, MD
El Sayed, Hosam, MD
Hospitalización aguda
Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital
7789 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77074
Hospitalización aguda
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital
17500 W. Grand Parkway South
Sugar Land, TX 77479
St. Luke's Sugar Land Hospital
1317 Lake Pointe Parkway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Woman's Hospital of Texas
7600 Fannin
Houston, TX 77054
Ciudad de Humble
Memorial Hermann Northeast Hospital
18591 N. Memorial Drive
Humble, TX 77338
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
CHI St. Luke's Health Baylor College of
Medicine Medical Center
6720 Bertner Avenue
Houston, TX 77030
Hospitalización aguda
St. Luke's Hospital at The Vintage
20171 Chasewood Park Drive
Houston, TX 77070
Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
Ciudad de Katy
Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital
23900 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77493
Ciudad de Pasadena
St. Luke's Patients Medical Center
4600 East Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
Memorial Hermann Memorial City
921 Gessner Drive
Houston, TX 77024
Ciudad de Tomball
Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital
1635 North Loop West
Houston, TX 77008
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
11800 Astoria Blvd.
Houston, TX 77089
Tomball Regional Medical Center
605 Holderreith Blvd.
Tomball, TX 77375
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands
9250 Pinecroft Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Hospitalización aguda
St. Luke's Lakeside Hospital
17400 St. Luke's Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital
17200 St. Luke's Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Hospitalización aguda
Transporte en ambulancia
Transporte en ambulancia
Galveston Condado
Transporte en ambulancia
Ciudad de Texas City
A-Med Ambulance, Inc.
9002 E F Lowry Expressway
Texas City, TX 77591
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
American Medical Response
7509 South Freeway
Houston, TX 77021
Bayou City EMS
8399 Almeda Rd. Ste M
Houston, TX 77054
Best Care Ambulance Service, Ltd
4040 Willowbend Blvd.
Houston, TX 77025
Willowbrook EMS
12112 Almeda Rd. Bldg. B2
Houston, TX 77045
Zap Medical Services, Inc.
P. O. Box 301278
Houston, TX 77230
Servicios de cateterismo cardíaco
Servicios de Cateterización cardíaca
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Travis Center Angiography
2130 W. Holcombe Blvd, #800
Houston, TX 77030
Servicios de cateterismo cardíaco
The Diagnostic Heart Center of St. Luke's
6620 Main, #1520
Houston, TX 77030
Radiología de diagnóstico
Ciudad de Houston
Radiología de diagnóstico
Ciudad de Pearland
Eastside Imaging
10912 East Freeway
Houston, TX 77029
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic at The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
Pearland MRI & Imaging Center
8633 Broadway #109
Pearland, TX 77584
13114 FM 1960 West
Houston, TX 77065
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold-Downtown at the Shops
1221 McKinney #300
Houston, TX 77010
Fort Bend Imaging, Inc.
14835 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Kelsey-Seybold-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe
Houston, TX 77025
Kelsey-Seybold-Fort Bend Medical and
Diagnostic Center
11555 University Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Kelsey-Seybold-Meyerland Plaza Clinic
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
MHHS Southwest-Sugar Land
16550 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Kelsey-Seybold-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Dr. #100
Houston, TX 77014
PET Imaging of Sugar Land
17320 West Grand Parkway South Ste. A
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Kelsey-Seybold-St. Luke's Medical Tower
6624 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
Radiología de diagnóstico
Fort Bend Condado
1111 Augusta
Houston, TX 77057
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Universal MRI - Baytown MRI
4310 A Garth Rd.
Baytown, TX 77521
Kelsey-Seybold-Woman's Center
7900 Fannin #2100
Houston, TX 77054
Radiología de diagnóstico
MHHS Medical Center-Greenpark
7515 S. Main #190-360
Houston, TX 77030
Universal MRI - Normandy MRI &
12747 I-10 East
Houston, TX 77015
MHHS Memorial City Hedwig Village
9418 Gaylord Dr.
Houston, TX 77024
Ciudad de Humble
Kelsey-Seybold-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E
Humble, TX 77396
MHHS Memorial City-Willowbrook
7520 FM 1960 West
Houston, TX 77070
MHHS Southeast-East Houston/Baytown
13525 I-10 Highway East
Houston, TX 77015
Universal MRI - Humble MRI &
19007 Highway 59 #100
Humble, TX 77338
Ciudad de Katy
PET Imaging of Houston
2493 A South Braeswood
Houston, TX 77030
Kelsey-Seybold-Katy Clinic
21660 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
PET Imaging of Willowbrook
13300 Hargrave Road, #130
Houston, TX 77070
Ciudad de Kingwood
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
South Loop MRI, Inc.
2616 South Loop West #170A
Houston, TX 77054
Ciudad de Pasadena
Steeplechase Diagnostic Center
10694 Jones Road, #150
Houston, TX 77065
5001 E Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
Universal MRI - Champions MRI &
14405 Walters Road, Ste. A
Houston, TX 77014
MHHS Southeast-Pasadena
3620 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
Radiología de diagnóstico
MHHS Southwest-Richmond Avenue
2900 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77098
MHHS Northeast-Humble
9767 FM 1960 West
Humble, TX 77338
Radiología de diagnóstico
PET Imaging of the Woodlands
3091 College Park Drive, #340
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Ciudad de Tomball
Tomball Medical Imaging
425 Holderrieth #104
Tomball, TX 77375
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
Radiología de diagnóstico
Lakeside Open MRI & Diagnostic Center
17360 Hwy 3
Webster, TX 77598
MHHS Southeast-Clear Lake
16915 El Camino Real
Webster, TX 77058
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
MHHS The Woodlands-Conroe
1150 Loop 336 West
Conroe, TX 77301
Universal MRI - Conroe MRI-Diagnostics,
200 River Pointe, #130
Conroe, TX 77304
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Kelsey-Seybold-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Kelsey-Seybold-The Woodlands Ob/Gyn
17198 St. Luke's Way #540
The Woodlands, TX 77385
Equipos médicos duraderos/Ortopedia y Prótesis
City Brace Co Inc
1015 Swanson St
Houston, TX 77030
Equipo médico duradero/
Ortopedia y prótesis
Fort Bend Condado
DiBello's Dynamic Orthotics and
1718 Fry Rd. , Ste 405
Houston, TX 77084
Ciudad de Stafford
DiBello's Dynamic Orthotics and
4915 S Main Ste 115
Stafford, TX 77477
DiBello's Dynamic Orthotics and
11155 S Main
Houston, TX 77025
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Health Management Services
9100 Southwest Fwy #114
Houston, TX 77074
Dibello's Orthotics and Prosthetics
7320 US Hwy 90A Ste. 150
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
845 FM 1960 W Ste 105
Houston, TX 77090
Galveston Condado
Medical Plus Supplies
13529 S. Post Oak
Houston, TX 77045
Ciudad de Galveston
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
625 University Blvd
Galveston, TX 77550
Memorial Hermann Home Medical
8585 Commerce Park Dr. #550
Houston, TX 77036
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Galveston
Preferred Homecare
4007 Bellaire Blvd. Ste G
Houston, TX 77025
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
17324 B Hwy 3
Galveston, TX 77598
Second Silhouette
17000 El Camino Real, Suite 106
Houston, TX 77058
Ciudad de Houston
Apria HealthCare
9400 Kirby
Houston, TX 77054
Equipos médicos duraderos/Ortopedia y Prótesis
Altus Medical Equipment
12615 W. Airport Blvd. #700
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Equipos médicos duraderos/Ortopedia y Prótesis
Second Silhouette
2331 University Blvd.
Houston, TX 77005
Ciudad de Cleveland
Theraputic Comfort
9894 Bissonnet St Ste 100R
Houston, TX 77036
J & B Medical
117 North San Jacinto Ave
Cleveland, TX 77327
Liberty Condado
Equipos médicos duraderos/Ortopedia y Prótesis
1000 South Loop West #150
Houston, TX 77054
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Women's Health Boutique
14048 Memorial Dr.
Houston, TX 77079
DiBello's Dynamic Orthotics and
19221 I-45 N Ste 110
Conroe, TX 77385
Women's Health Boutique
5020 FM 1960 West, #A-2
Houston, TX 77069
8000 Highway 242 Ste. 100
Conroe, TX 77385
Ciudad de Spring
1614 Louetta Rd. Ste. E
Spring, TX 77388
Ciudad de Webster
Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics
17490 Highway 3 #100A
Webster, TX 77598
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
16888 Hwy 3
Webster, TX 77598
Atención médica en el hogar
Total Home Health & Rehab Services
2550 North Loop W Ste 220
Houston, TX 77092
Atención médica en el hogar
Brazoria Condado
Transition Home Healthcare
11205 S. Main #105
Houston, TX 77025
Ciudad de Angleton
A-Med Home Health
600 East Cedar
Angleton, TX 77515
Ciudad de Pasadena
Ciudad de Texas City
A-Med Home Health
4008 Vista Ste. 200B
Pasadena, TX 77504
A-Med Home Health
8900 E. F. Lowry Expressway #102
Texas City, TX 77591
United Houston Home Care, Inc.
4008 Vista Ste. 200B
Pasadena, TX 77504
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Tomball
Harris Condado
Tomball Regional Home Health
13530 Michel Rd.
Tomball, TX 77375
Ciudad de Houston
Avida Care Services
5003 South Loop West #320
Houston, TX 77054
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
ATC Home Health, Inc
804 West Dallas #2
Conroe, TX 77301
Home Health Resources
18338 Kingsland Blvd., Ste. 100
Houston, TX 77094
HealthSouth Home Health Agency of
North Houston
18550 I-45 South
Conroe, TX 77302
Memorial Hermann Home Health
920 Frostwood Suite 7.100
Houston, TX 77024
Ciudad de Montgomery
Merida Health Care Group
10518 Kipp Way Dr. Suite A-1
Houston, TX 77099
Alpha Omega Home Health Services, Inc.
10461 Commerce Row #101
Montgomery, TX 77356
Atención médica en el hogar
Evangel Home Care Services
7155 Old Katy Rd. #S210
Houston, TX 77024
Atención médica en el hogar
Ciudad de Porter
Atención médica en el hogar
ATC Home Health, Inc
20345 River Ridge Dr.
Porter, TX 77365
Infusión en el hogar
Infusión en el hogar
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Preferred Homecare
4007 Bellaire Blvd Ste G
Houston, TX 77025
Infusión en el hogar
Walgreen's Infusion & Respiratory
9030 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX 77054
Servicious de laboratorio
Kelsey-Seybold-O'Quinn Tower
6624 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
Servicios de laboratorio
Brazoria Condado
Kelsey-Seybold-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Dr. #100
Houston, TX 77014
Ciudad de Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr.
Pearland, TX 77584
1111 Augusta
Houston, TX 77057
Fort Bend Condado
Servicious de laboratorio
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Kelsey-Seybold-Fort Bend Medical and
Diagnostic Center
11555 University Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold-Woman's Center
7900 Fannin #2100
Houston, TX 77054
St. Luke's Medical Center
6720 Bertner Avenue
Houston, TX 77030
Woman's Hospital of Texas
7600 Fannin
Houston, TX 77054
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic at The Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Parkway
Houston, TX 77070
Ciudad de Humble
13114 FM 1960 West
Houston, TX 77065
Kelsey-Seybold-Downtown at the Shops
1221 McKinney #300
Houston, TX 77010
Kelsey-Seybold-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe
Houston, TX 77025
Kelsey-Seybold-Summer Creek
8233 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E
Humble, TX 77396
Ciudad de Katy
Kelsey-Seybold-Katy Clinic
21660 Kingsland Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
Ciudad de Kingwood
Kelsey-Seybold-Meyerland Plaza Clinic
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
2755 West Lake Houston Parkway
Kingwood, TX 77339
Servicious de laboratorio
Ciudad de Pasadena
5001 E Sam Houston Parkway South
Pasadena, TX 77505
Ciudad de Webster
Kelsey-Seybold-Clear Lake
1010 South Ponds Dr.
Webster, TX 77598
Montgomery Condado
Kelsey-Seybold-The Woodlands
106 Vision Park
Shenandoah, TX 77381
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Kelsey-Seybold-The Woodlands Ob/Gyn
17198 St. Luke's Way # 540
The Woodlands, TX 77385
Servicious de laboratorio
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Cuidados agudos a largo plazo
Cuidado agudo a largo plazo
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kindred Hospital Houston
6441 Main St.
Houston, TX 77030
Cuidados agudos a largo plazo
Kindred Hospital Houston Northwest
11297 Fallbrook Dr.
Houston, TX 77065
Select Specialty Hospital Houston Heights
1917 Ashland
Houston, TX 77008
Select Specialty Hospital Houston
Medical Center
2130 West Holcombe
Houston, TX 77030
Select Specialty Hospital Houston West
9430 Katy Freeway
Houston, TX 77055
Ciudad de Pasadena
Kindred Hospital Bay Area
4801 E. Sam Houston Parkway
Pasadena, TX 77505
Terapia ocupacional
Terapia ocupacional
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Select Physical Therapy Cyfair
17360 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040
Ciudad de Spring
Select Physical Therapy Cypresswood
8111 Cypresswood, #102
Spring, TX 77379
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
Terapia ocupacional
Select Physical Therapy Kingwood
605 Rockmead Dr.
Kingwood, TX 77339
Diálsis para pacientes ambulatorios
Diálisis de pacientes ambulatorios
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Dickinson
Brazoria Condado
Dialysis Services of Dickinson
3800 Hughes Court
Dickinson, TX 77539
Ciudad de Alvin
Alvin Dialysis Center
2625 S. Loop 35, Suite 154
Alvin, TX 77511
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Ciudad de Pearland
Baytown Dialysis Center
2202 Rolling Brook
Baytown, TX 77521
FMC Dialysis of Pearland
1830 Broadway
Pearland, TX 77581
Ciudad de Crosby
Fort Bend Condado
Diálsis para pacientes ambulatorios
Ciudad de Houston
Fresenius Medical Care Pamela Heights
15917B S. Post Oak Rd.
Houston, TX 77053
Ciudad de Missouri City
Fort Bend Dialysis
3819 Cartwright Rd.
Missouri City, TX 77459
Dialysis Services of Crosby
6107 FM 2100
Crosby, TX 77532
Ciudad de Deer Park
Dialysis Services of Deer Park
4621 Center Street
Deer Park, TX 77536
Ciudad de Houston
Dialysis Services of Meyerland
10311 South Post Oak
Houston, TX 77035
Missouri City Dialysis
1673 Cartwright Place
Missouri City, TX 77459
East Central Houston
6830 Capitol Street
Houston, TX 77011
Ciudad de Rosenberg
Rosenberg Dialysis Facility
4519 Reading Road, Suite 18
Rosenberg, TX 77471
Fifth Ward
2133 Lockwood Dr.
Houston, TX 77020
Diálsis para pacientes ambulatorios
FMC Fondren
7435 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77074
Southeast Kidney Center
8537 Bldg. A Gulf Freeway
Houston, TX 77017
FMC of Mission Bend
6886 Hwy. 6 South
Houston, TX 77083
Southwest Houston Dialysis
8303 Creekbend
Houston, TX 77071
FMS Sunnyside
8340 Coffee
Houston, TX 77003
West Houston Dialysis Center
9623 Long Point Road
Houston, TX 77055
Medical Center Kidney Center
2254 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030
Westminster Dialysis Center
12121 Westheimer, Suite 138
Houston, TX 77077
Midtown Kidney Center
2616 Blodgett #4407
Houston, TX 77006
Ciudad de La Porte
La Porte Dialysis
1307 W. Fairmont Parkway Ste A
La Porte, TX 77571
Moody Park Dialysis
2920 Fulton
Houston, TX 77009
Ciudad de Pasadena
Museum District Dialysis Center
4407 Yoakum Blvd.
Houston, TX 77006
Ciudad de Webster
North Houston Dialysis Center
5435 Aldine Mail Route
Houston, TX 77039
Clear Lake Kidney Center
1550 Live Oak
Webster, TX 77598
Northwest Houston Dialysis
8925 Highway 6 N. #100
Houston, TX 77095
Ciudad de The Woodlands
RCG Downtown Dialysis Center
1914 Caroline Street
Houston, TX 77002
Cypress Creek Dialysis
9449 Grogans Mill Road
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Montgomery Condado
Diálsis para pacientes ambulatorios
Bayshore Dialysis Center
4300 Fairmont Parkway Ste A
Pasadena, TX 77504
Infusión/Quimioterapia para pacientes Infusión/Quimioterapia para pacientes ambulatorios
Infusión/quimioterapia ambulatoria
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Kelsey-Seybold-Main Campus
2727 West Holcombe
Houston, TX 77025
Kelsey-Seybold-Spring Medical and
Diagnostic Center
15655 Cypresswoods Medical Drive #100
Houston, TX 77014
Preferred Homecare
4007 Bellaire Blvd. Ste G
Houston, TX 77025
Select Physical Therapy Hedwig Village
9055 Katy Freeway, Ste 440
Houston, TX 77024
Brazoria Condado
Select Physical Therapy Heights
4000 Washington Ave. Ste 302
Houston, TX 77007
Ciudad de Pearland
Select Physical Therapy Pearland
2637 Lazy Bend Street Ste 101
Pearland, TX 77584
Select Physical Therapy Northshore
5810 E. Sam Houston Parkway N. Ste K
Houston, TX 77049
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Select Physical Therapy Red Oak
17270 Red Oak Dr. Ste 180
Houston, TX 77090
Select Physical Therapy Shepherd Plaza
2158 Portsmouth Street
Houston, TX 77098
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Ciudad de Humble
Select Physical Therapy Baytown
3711 Garth Road
Baytown, TX 77521
Select Physical Therapy Atascocita
5514 Atascocita
Humble, TX 77346
Ciudad de Houston
Select Physical Therapy Humble
18648 McKay Blvd. Ste 210
Humble, TX 77338
Select Physical Therapy Astrodome
8455 Fannin Street, Ste B
Houston, TX 77054
Ciudad de Katy
Select Physical Therapy Cyfair
17360 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77040
Select Physical Therapy Katy
810 South Mason, Ste 101
Katy, TX 77450
Select Physical Therapy Fondren
2500 Fondren, Ste 302
Houston, TX 77063
Ciudad de Pasadena
Select Physical Therapy Greenspoint
15311 Vantage Parkway W., Ste 130
Houston, TX 77032
Select Physical Therapy Pasadena
4500 East Sam Houston Parkway Ste 215
Pasadena, TX 77505
Select Physical Therapy Sugarland
4971 Sweetwater Blvd.
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Ciudad de Spring
Select Physical Therapy Champion Forest
8111 Cypresswood, Ste 102
Spring, TX 77379
Ciudad de Webster
Select Physical Therapy Clear Lake
711 Bay Area Boulevard, Ste 608
Webster, TX 77598
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
Select Physical Therapy Kingwood
605 Rockmead Dr. Ste 200
Kingwood, TX 77339
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Select Physical Therapy Woodlands
1011 Medical Plaza Drive, Ste 150
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Laboratorio de función Laboratorio de función pulmonar
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Gulf Coast Lung Center, Inc
364B FM 1959 Rd.
Houston, TX 77034
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Laboratorio de función pulmonar
Conroe Regional Medical Center
504 Medical Center Boulevard
Conroe, TX 77304
Centros de radioterapia
Ciudad de Nassau Bay
Centros de radioterapia
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Richmond
M. D. Anderson Radiation Treatment
Center at Fort Bend
1705 Jackson Street
Richmond, TX 77469
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Tomball
Tomball Regional Medical Center
605 Holderreith Blvd.
Tomball, TX 77375
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de The Woodlands
CyFair Cancer Center
10650 Steepletop Dr.
Houston, TX 77065
Centros de radioterapia
M. D. Anderson Radiation Treatment
Center in the Bay Area
18100 St. John Dr.
Nassau Bay, TX 77058
M. D. Anderson Radiation Oncology
17198 St. Luke’s Way, Suite 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe
Houston, TX 77030
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands
9250 Pinecroft Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77380
St. Luke's Diagnostic and Treatment
Center- Kirby Glen
2457 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77030
Ciudad de Humble
Memorial Hermann Northeast Hospital
18591 N. Memorial Drive
Humble, TX 77338
Ciudad de Katy
M. D. Anderson Radiation Treatment
Center in Katy
19770 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
Terapia respiratoria
Terapia respiratoria
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Apria HealthCare
255 Pennbright, #240
Houston, TX 77090
Apria HealthCare
9400 Kirby
Houston, TX 77054
Terapia respiratoria
Hospitales de rehabilitación
Ciudad de Webster
Hospital de rehabilitación
Fort Bend Condado
Hospitales de rehabilitación
Ciudad de Sugar Land
HealthSouth Sugar Land Rehabilitation
1325 Highway 6
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Cypress
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of
13031 Wortham Center Dr.
Cypress, TX 77065
Ciudad de Houston
Memorial Hermann TIRR
1333 Moursand St.
Houston, TX 77030
Ciudad de Humble
HealthSouth Rehabilitation HospitalHumble
19002 McKay Dr.
Humble, TX 77338
Ciudad de Katy
Memorial Hermann Rehabilitation
Hospital Katy
21720 Kingsland Blvd.#102
Katy, TX 77450
Kindred Rehabilitation Hospital Clear
655 East Medical Center Blvd.
Webster, TX 77598
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital-The
18550 I-45 South
Conroe, TX 77384
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Ciudad de Richmond
Centro de enfermería
Sava Senior Care Brazosview Healthcare
2127 Preston
Richmond, TX 77469
Brazoria Condado
Ciudad de Alvin
Galveston Condado
Laurel Court
3830 Mustang Rd.
Alvin, TX 77511
Ciudad de League City
The Colonnades at Reflection Bay
12001 Shadow Creek Parkway
Pearland, TX 77584
Harbourview Care Center
300 Enterprise Ave
League City, TX 77573
Tuscany Village
2750 Miller Ranch Rd.
Pearland, TX 77584
Regent Care Center of League City
2620 W. Walker St.
League City, TX 77573
Fort Bend Condado
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Katy
Spanish Meadows Nursing & Rehab
1480 Katy Flewellen
Katy, TX 77494
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de Missouri City
Ashford Gardens
7210 Northline Drive
Houston, TX 77076
HMG Park Manor of Quail Valley
2350 FM 1092
Missouri City, TX 77459
Brookdale Place Willowbrook
13500 Breton Ridge
Houston, TX 77070
Sava Senior Care First Colony Health and
Rehabilitation Center
4710 Lexington Blvd
Missouri City, TX 77459
Brookdale Plaza Galleria
2929 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77056
Garden Terrace Alzheimers Center of
7887 Cambridge St.
Houston, TX 77054
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Baywind Village Care Center
411 Alabama
League City, TX 77573
Ciudad de Pearland
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Heartland Healthcare Center - West
2939 Woodland Park Drive
Houston, TX 77082
Legend Oaks North Houston
12921 Misty Willow Dr.
Houston, TX 77070
Manor Care Health Services - Sharpview
7505 Bellerive
Houston, TX 77036
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Heartland Healthcare Center at
13631 Ardfield Drive
Houston, TX 77070
Memorial Hermann University Place
7480 Beechnut
Houston, TX 77074
HMG Park Manor of CyFair
11001 Cresent Moon Dr.
Houston, TX 77064
Sava Senior Care Cypresswood Health
and Rehabilitation Center
10851 Crescent Moon Drive
Houston, TX 77064
HMG Park Manor of Cypress Station
420 Lantern Bend Drive
Houston, TX 77090
HMG Park Manor Of South Belt
11902 Resource Parkway
Houston, TX 77089
Sava Senior Care Jacinto City Healthcare
1405 Holland Avenue
Houston, TX 77029
HMG Park Manor of Westchase
11910 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77082
Sava Senior Care Memorial Health and
Rehabilitation Center
1341 Blalock Drive
Houston, TX 77055
Legend Oaks Healthcare & Rehabilitation
Center-East Houston
15880 Wallisville Rd.
Houston, TX 77049
Legend Oaks Healthcare & Rehabilitation
Center-West Houston
7107 Queenston Blvd.
Houston, TX 77095
Legend Oaks Healthcare & RehabilitationNorthwest Houston
8902 West Rd
Houston, TX 77064
Sava Senior Care Northwest Health and
Rehabilitation Center
17600 Cali Drive
Houston, TX 77090
Sava Senior Care Spring Branch
Healthcare Center
8955 Long Point Rd.
Houston, TX 77055
Sava Senior Care Westchase Health and
Rehabilitation Center
8820 Town Park Drive
Houston, TX 77036
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Solera at West Houston
2101 Greenhouse Road
Houston, TX 77084
The Courtyards at Pasadena
4048 Red Bluff
Pasadena, TX 77503
The Buckingham
8580 Woodway Dr.
Houston, TX 77063
Ciudad de Tomball
HMG Park Manor of Tomball
250 School Street
Tomball, TX 77375
The Concierge
2310 South Eldridge Parkway
Houston, TX 77077
Ciudad de Webster
Villa Toscana at Cypress Woods
15015 Cypress Woods Medical Dr.
Houston, TX 77014
Woodwind Lakes Health & Rehab Center
7215 Windfern Rd.
Houston, TX 77040
Ciudad de Humble
HMG Park Manor of Deerbrook, LLC
9250 Humble-Westfield Rd.
Humble, TX 77338
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
HMG Park Manor of Conroe
1600 Grand Lake Dr.
Conroe, TX 77301
Ciudad de Kingwood
Regent Care Center of Kingwood
23775 Kingwood Place Dr.
Kingwood, TX 77339
HMG Park Manor of Humble
19424 McKay Dr.
Humble, TX 77338
Ciudad de The Woodlands
HMG Park Manor of The Woodlands, LLC
1014 Windsor Lake Blvd.
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Ciudad de Katy
Legend Oaks-Katy
21727 Provincial Blvd.
Katy, TX 77450
Ciudad de Pasadena
Sava Senior Care Faith Memorial Nursing
811 Garner Road
Pasadena, TX 77502
Regent Care Woodlands
10450 Gosling Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Centros de enfermeria especializada
Regency Village
409 W. Greene
Webster, TX 77598
Centros del sueño
Centro del sueño
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Apnix Sleep Diagnostics
17115 Red Oak Dr. #212
Houston, TX 77090
Apnix Sleep Diagnostics
475 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Centros del sueño
Apnix Sleep Diagnostics
7505 Fannin St. #420
Houston, TX 77054
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic Sleep Center
3900 Essex Lane #500
Houston, TX 77027
Terapia del habla
Terapia del habla
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Nancy L. Foreman MS CCC & Assoc
13313 SW Freeway #108
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Bellaire
Nancy L. Foreman MA CCC & Assoc.
4545 Bissonnet #250
Bellaire, TX 77401
Terapia del habla
Servicios quirúrgicos
Kelsey-Seybold Ambulatory Surgery
2727 West Holcombe
Houston, TX 77025
Servicios quirúrgicos
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Richmond
Kelsey-Seybold Ambulatory Surgery
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Drive #300
Houston, TX 77014
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
1517 Thompson Rd #100
Richmond, TX 77469
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital
17500 W. Grand Parkway South
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Surgical
16906 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Servicios quirúrgicos
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center Sugar
17510 West Grand Parkway, Suite 200
Sugar Land, TX 77479
St. Luke's Sugar Land Hospital
1317 Lake Pointe Parkway
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Memorial Hermann Endoscopy & Surgery
Center North Houston, LLC
275 Lantern Bend #400
Houston, TX 77090
Memorial Hermann Endoscopy Center
North Freeway
7333 North Freeway, Ste 400
Houston, TX 77076
Memorial Hermann Hospital
6411 Fannin
Houston, TX 77030
Memorial Hermann Memorial City
921 Gessner Drive
Houston, TX 77024
Memorial Hermann Memorial Village
Surgery Center
1120 Business Center Dr. Ste 110
Houston, TX 77043
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Houston
CHI St. Luke's Health Baylor College of
Medicine Medical Center
6720 Bertner Avenue
Houston, TX 77030
Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital
1635 North Loop West
Houston, TX 77008
Servicios quirúrgicos
Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital
11800 Astoria Blvd.
Houston, TX 77089
United Surgery Center Southeast
12700 Featherwood Drive, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77034
Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital
7789 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77074
Woman's Hospital of Texas
7600 Fannin
Houston, TX 77054
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
1631 North Loop West, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77008
Ciudad de Katy
Memorial Hermann Katy Hospital
23900 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77493
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
7789 Southwest Freeway, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77074
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center Katy
23920 Katy Freeway, Suite 200
Katy, TX 77494
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center Texas
Medical Center
6400 Fannin, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77030
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
21720 Kingsland Blvd. Ste. 101
Katy, TX 77450
Memorial Hermann Texas International
Endoscopy Center
6620 Main St. Ste 1500
Houston, TX 77030
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Kingwood
Memorial Hermann Specialty Hospital
300 Kingwood Medical Dr.
Kingwood, TX 77339
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center The
9200 Pinecroft, Suite 200
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Memorial Hermann TOPS Surgical
Specialty Hospital
17080 Red Oak Drive
Houston, TX 77090
Servicios quirúrgicos
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center West
970 Campbell Rd
Houston, TX 77024
Servicios quirúrgicos
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
Woodlands Parkway
1441 Woodstead Ct. #100
The Woodlands, TX 77380
St. Luke's Lakeside Hospital
17400 St. Luke's Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Servicios quirúrgicos
St. Luke's The Woodlands Hospital
17200 St. Luke's Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Centros de cuidado Centros de cuidado urgente
Fort Bend
Next Level Urgent Care-Memorial Park
5535 Memorial Dr. Ste B
Houston, TX 77007
Next Level Urgent Care-Cinco Ranch
10705 Spring Green Blvd. Ste 600
Katy, TX 77479
Ciudad de Spring
Ciudad de Missouri City
Next Level Urgent Care-Sienna Plantation
8720 Highway 6 Ste 400
Missouri City, TX 77459
Ciudad de Richmond
Next Level Urgent Care-Long Meadow
7101 W Grand Parkway S Ste 180
Richmond, TX 77407
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Next Level Urgent Care-Sugar Land
16902 Southwest Frwy Ste 108
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Ciudad de Houston
Next Level Urgent Care-Clear Lake
2323 Clear Lake City Blvd. Ste 130
Houston, TX 77062
Next Level Urgent Care-Copperfield
8100 Highway 6 N. Ste E
Houston, TX 77095
Next Level Urgent Care-Champions
15882 Champion Forest Dr.
Spring, TX 77379
Centros de cuidado urgente
Next Level Urgent Care-Meyerland
4936 Beechnut St.
Houston, TX 77096
Ciudad de Katy
Cuidado de heridas
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
2150 Richmond Ave. Ste 102
Houston, TX 77098
Cuidado de heridas
Fort Bend
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
3531 Town Center Blvd. Ste. 103
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Cuidado de heridas
Ciudad de Texas City
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
6502 Memorial Dr.
Texas City, TX 77591
Lymphedema & Wound Care Institute of
Texas, Inc.
10023 S. Main St. Ste C-8
Houston, TX 77025
St. Luke's Diagnostic and Treatment
Center- Kirby Glen
2457 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77030
Ciudad de Katy
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
777 South Fry Rd. Ste 102
Katy, TX 77450
Ciudad de Houston
Ciudad de La Porte
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
10023 South Main St. Ste. C-8
Houston, TX 77025
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
401 W. Fairmont Parkway Ste C
La Porte, TX 77505
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
1800 West 26th St. Ste. 150
Houston, TX 77008
Ciudad de Pasadena
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
20320 Northwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77065
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
5010 Crenshaw Rd Ste 150
Pasadena, TX 77505
Cuidado de heridas
Ciudad de Conroe
Lymphedema & Wound Care Consultants
of America, Inc
8000 Highway 242 Ste 112
Conroe, TX 77385
Cuidado de heridas
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Zaki, Ateka, MD
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 103
Richmond, TX 77406
(281) 872-6060
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Katy
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
24044 Cinco Village Center Blvd Ste 100
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 644-0093
Ciudad de Stafford
Michael, Brad, PHD
10701 Corporate Dr Ste 220
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 494-4304
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Ciudad de Missouri City
Anglada, Miguel, MSW
6701 Hwy 6 Ste 140
Missouri City, TX 77459
(832) 483-5806
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Bevan, Jay, PHD
101 Southwestern Blvd Ste 109
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-1970
Clansy, Carolyn, PHD
4501 Cartwright Rd Ste 705
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 969-8235
Bush, Gordon, PHD
14023 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 325-4100
Kiss, Christine, MSW
4501 Cartwright Rd Ste 103
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 552-7087
Carlson, Joanne, MSW
50 Sugar Creek Center Blvd Ste 250
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 646-0228
Simmons, Kevin, MD
4501 Cartwright Rd Ste 505
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 849-8079
Cox, Charles, PHD
50 Sugar Crk Ctr Blvd Ste 250
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 265-4566
Velasquez, Carol, MSW
8255 Camp Sienna Trl
Missouri City, TX 77459
(713) 203-3529
Funchess, Alexandra, MSW
101 Southwestern Blvd Ste 113
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 825-6974
Ciudad de Needville
Cardinal, Sherry, MSW
4310 Horseshoe Dr
Needville, TX 77461
(713) 594-0859
Halverson, Jayna, PHD
101 Southwestern Blvd Ste 109
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-1970
Ciudad de Richmond
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
1120 Soldiers Field Dr
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2113
Moin, Zaki, MD
7790 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 103
Richmond, TX 77406
(281) 872-6060
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
DeWolfe, Stephanie, MSW
1506 Winding Way Dr Ste 204
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-9222
Patel, Nilesh, MD
3533 Town Ctr Blvd S Ste 300
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 313-4666
Kearns, Brian, PHD
150 W Shadowbend Ave
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 993-1999
Rathjen, Eric, PHD
3 Sugar Creek Center Blvd Ste 100
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 729-7302
Qayyum, Mohsin, MD
341 E Parkwood Ave
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 993-3733
Ribarne Pasztor, Gabriella, MD
3531 Town Center Blvd S Ste 101
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(409) 457-7213
Qureshi, Salah, MD
1505 Winding Way Dr
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 816-5930
Seetepalli, Deepa, MSW
15200 Southwest Fwy Ste 240
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 826-2583
Swanson, Sharon, PHD
1500 Sunset Dr
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 992-4300
Stadler, Jenny, PHD
101 Southwestern Blvd Ste 109
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(832) 236-3550
Westhoven, Venette, PHD
150 W Shadowbend Ave Ste 100
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 576-9343
Zaki, Ateka, MD
15200 Southwest Fwy Ste 240
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-5400
Willbanks Larriviere, Lisa, MSW
150 W Shadowbend Ave Ste 100
Friendswood, TX 77546
(832) 754-1134
Ciudad de Galveston
Galveston Condado
Nieto, J Felipe, MD
2217 Broadway St # R
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-6252
Ciudad de Dickinson
Wildey, Constance, MSW
5501 Sycamore Dr
Dickinson, TX 77539
(281) 534-3113
Wildey, Constance, MSW
2200 Market St Ste 412
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 765-6321
Ciudad de Friendswood
Alvarez, Mary, PHD
1506 Winding Way Dr Ste 210
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-0801
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Moin, Zaki, MD
15200 Southwest Fwy Ste 240
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-5400
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Ciudad de League City
Harris Condado
Ahmed, Syed, MD
1301 Highway 96
League City, TX 77573
(281) 554-6232
Ciudad de Baytown
Ahmed, Mohamed, MD
4201 Garth Rd Ste 212
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 837-6465
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Browne, Pamela, PHD
216 N Michigan Ave
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-5100
Azhar, Rukshan, MD
2802 Garth Rd Ste 105
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 428-7997
Hirsch, Victor, PHD
1025 E Main St Ste 100
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-3852
Beaupre, Michelle, RN
4201 Garth Rd Ste 212
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 837-6463
McElroy, Sandra, MD
612 W Main St Ste C101
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-4673
Feldman, Denis, PHD
606 Rollingbrook St Ste 1G
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 427-3257
Middlebrooks, Mark, MSW
614 W Main St Ste 102
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-4396
Johnson, Patricia, PHD
3722 N Main St
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 428-7039
Pugh, Mark, MD
2925 Gulf Fwy S Ste B-361
League City, TX 77573
(713) 493-2593
Krell, Ted, MD
1600 James Bowie Dr Ste C106
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 427-0222
Saeed, Mohammad, MD
501 Gulf Fwy S Ste 105
League City, TX 77573
(281) 554-0123
Little, Karley, MD
1770 Hillcrest St
Baytown, TX 77520
(734) 355-0946
Tirandaz, Houshmand, MD
109 Marshall St
League City, TX 77573
(281) 286-0000
Smith, Kevin, PHD
4201 Garth Rd Ste 212
Baytown, TX 77521
(713) 795-5151
Ciudad de Texas City
Hirsch, Victor, PHD
1718 N Amburn Rd Ste B
Texas City, TX 77591
(281) 332-3852
Ciudad de Bellaire
Busch, Gerald, MD
6900 S Rice Ave
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 665-9000
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Degner, Eugene, MD
6565 West Loop S Ste 525
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 661-7888
Ciudad de Deer Park
Townsend, Janice, MSW
201 E San Augustine St Ste A
Deer Park, TX 77536
(281) 479-2295
Feldman, Denis, PHD
5959 West Loop S Ste 595
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 669-0444
Ciudad de Friendswood
Hungerford, Lynn, PHD
1560 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 351
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 218-7900
Lippold, Stephen, PHD
1560 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 305
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 218-8181
McLeod, Kenneth, MSW
5909 West Loop S Ste 480
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 628-1776
Norris, Amanda, PHD
1560 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 270
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 480-0200
Meltzer, Sari, PHD
5909 West Loop S Ste 370
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 626-8750
Ciudad de Houston
Polk, Dan, PHD
6750 West Loop S Ste 1000
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 628-4700
Abbott, Karen, MSW
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 200
Houston, TX 77024
(832) 358-5555
Simon, Sonia, PHD
6300 West Loop S Ste 508
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 669-1878
Abbott, Karen, MSW
955 Dairy Ashford St Ste 110
Houston, TX 77079
(832) 358-5555
Watkins, Lynne, MSW
5959 West Loop S Ste 260
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-6067
Acosta Granger, Mary, MSW
3701 Kirby Dr Ste 1014
Houston, TX 77098
(210) 378-3864
Williams, Wright, PHD
6300 West Loop S Ste 215
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 661-5179
Aponte, Miriam, MD
2211 Norfolk St Ste 140
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 385-4229
Ciudad de Cypress
Arene, Ifeoma, MD
12828 Willow Ctr Ste E
Houston, TX 77066
(281) 893-3656
Keller, Harold, MSW
16602 Rose Bay Trl
Cypress, TX 77429
(302) 547-9957
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Loughhead, Stephen, PHD
4747 Bellaire Blvd Ste 570
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 795-4580
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Arney, Angela, MSW
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 135
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 932-1066
Boskovitz, Madeleine, PHD
3400 Bissonnet St Ste 270
Houston, TX 77005
(832) 496-8405
Ayoub, Mohammed, MD
17625 El Camino Real Ste 490
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 984-7450
Boudreaux Kraft, Diane, PHD
1200 Binz St Ste 1470
Houston, TX 77004
(281) 997-7001
Bacon Jr, Robert, MD
19500 SH 249
Houston, TX 77070
(512) 850-4300
Brackins, Doris, MSW
515 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 215
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 272-1115
Bacon Jr, Robert, MD
5225 Katy Fwy Ste 215
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 655-9410
Brackins, Doris, MSW
6250 Westpark Dr Ste 305
Houston, TX 77057
(281) 272-1115
Barber, Michael, MD
2180 North Loop W Ste 450
Houston, TX 77018
(832) 384-1560
Brady, C Patrick, PHD
2211 Norfolk St Ste 500
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 526-6085
Baron, Jason, MD
5500 Guhn Rd
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 783-8889
Brintz, Susan, MSW
5629 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 218
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 397-8181
Barton, Alton, PHD
5625 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 214
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 583-5005
Brown, William, MD
1809 Benbow Way
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 459-0321
Bellamy, Janee, MSW
2211 Norfolk St Ste 140
Houston, TX 77098
(832) 452-3855
Brown, Larry, PHD
3801 Kirby Dr Ste 730
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 533-1559
Bettison, John, MSW
888 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 225B
Houston, TX 77042
(281) 853-6790
Burckhardt, Nina, MSW
1345 Spc Park Dr Ste C
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 335-1846
Boone, Beth, PHD
2626 S Loop W Ste 435
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 568-9506
Burckhardt, Nina, MSW
18607 Martinique Dr
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 335-1846
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Casazza, Ralph, PHD
6614 Hornwood Dr
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 271-0000
Butera, Patricia, MSW
1801 Lexington St
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 524-0142
Casazza, Ralph, PHD
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 312
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 463-9449
Buttar, Gurdip, MD
6006 Bellaire Blvd Ste 230
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 272-9297
Chen, Frank, MD
17750 Cali Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(832) 384-1560
Caid, Charlene, PHD
2524 Nottingham St
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 526-3218
Chen, Frank, MD
2180 North Loop W Ste 450
Houston, TX 77018
(832) 384-1560
Callahan, Steven, PHD
2450 Fondren Rd Ste 312
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 789-7560
Clansy, Carolyn, PHD
8303 Southwest Fwy Ste 640
Houston, TX 77074
(281) 969-8235
Callahan, Steven, PHD
4101 Greenbriar St Ste 115
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 526-5149
Cleveland, Charles, PHD
2211 Norfolk St Ste 140
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 398-5303
Candley, Barbara, MSW
3003 South Loop W Ste 475
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 383-0888
Cole, David, PHD
5330 Griggs Rd Ste A112
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 649-8840
Carlson, Joanne, MSW
16300 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77094
(281) 646-0228
Coleman, Joseph, MSW
2814 Aldine Bender Rd
Houston, TX 77032
(281) 442-4900
Cartmell, Betty, PHD
2500 Tanglewilde St Ste 350
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 789-4411
Coppedge, Woodrow, MD
1002 Gemini St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 218-8181
Corning, Sheri, PHD
1110 Nasa Pkwy Ste 307
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 956-1032
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Busick, Carole, PHD
804 W Main St
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 942-9747
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Couch, Cynthia Ann, MSW
8582 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 613-5200
Eisenberg, Nancy, MSW
12345 Jones Rd Ste 101
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 890-5334
Couch, Cynthia Ann, MSW
9950 Cypresswood Dr
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 613-5200
Farag, Wafaa, MD
1648 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 522-0606
DAngelo, Robert, PHD
3303 Main St Ste 304
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 898-0661
Feroleto, Maria, PHD
1501 Crocker St Apt 1
Houston, TX 77019
(713) 630-0701
De Silva, Sriya, MD
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 110
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 481-4646
Flowers, Larry, MD
1125 Cypress Station Dr Bldg B
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 586-7880
Degner, Eugene, MD
3043 Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 329-7272
Frakes, Janet, MSW
9950 Cypresswood Dr Ste 160
Houston, TX 77070
(832) 347-4363
Dhatt, Ajinder, MD
6260 Westpark Dr Ste 105
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 781-9800
Funchess, Alexandra, MSW
7707 Fannin St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-0745
Drell, William, MD
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 283
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 464-4455
Ganc, Jaime, MD
5500 Guhn Rd
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 783-8889
Earle, Robert, MD
1002 Gemini St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 218-8181
Gluzkater, Sophie, MSW
7505 Fannin St Ste 510
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-0745
Edd, Nicholas, PHD
11767 Katy Fwy Ste 715
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 558-6231
Gluzkater, Sophie, MSW
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 312
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 603-0999
Edwards, Karen, MSW
13231 Champion Forest Dr Ste 212
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 880-9080
Gorsuch, Tom, PHD
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste 1010
Houston, TX 77002
(281) 705-0996
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Homsy, Paul, MD
7825 Highway 6 N Ste 101
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 500-6970
Guerra Jr, Carlos, MD
9701 Richmond Ave Ste 200
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 840-7956
Hutchison, James, PHD
5311 Kirby Dr Ste 219
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 521-1556
Guerrero, Rafael, MD
5151 Katy Fwy Ste 305
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 880-9500
Jefferson, Robert, MSW
5625 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 520
Houston, TX 77069
(713) 785-0038
Guirguis, Nabil, MD
14340 Torrey Chase Blvd #160
Houston, TX 77014
(281) 580-8086
Jenkins, Rosell, PHD
507 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 215
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 447-9355
Gutierrez, Jose, MD
7500 Beechnut St Ste 214
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-6519
Jenkins, Sheila, PHD
5821 Southwest Fwy Ste 380
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 266-9837
Hartson, Tyler, MSW
627 W 19th St Ste 203
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 408-6655
Johnson, Myra, MSW
1002 Gemini St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 218-8181
Henao, Wanda, MD
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 135
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 467-2800
Kaiser, David, MD
1120 Cypress Station Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 893-7200
Hill, Debra, MSW
3321 Dixie Dr
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 440-0913
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
1438 Campbell Rd Ste 106
Houston, TX 77055
(281) 409-2958
Hill, Debra, MSW
4400 Town Plz Dr
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 723-2090
Kambhampati, Krishna, MD
15111 Coral Oak Ct
Houston, TX 77059
(713) 589-3320
Hill, Debra, MSW
4833 Kingfisher Dr
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 240-1601
Keene, Linda, MSW
4606 FM 1960 Rd W Ste 400
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 537-1867
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Grimes, George, MSW
1345 Spc Park Dr Ste D
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 333-3246
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Keller, Wayne, MD
17750 Cali Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 586-7600
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 219
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 270-6207
Kellerman, Alan, PHD
50 Briar Hollow Ln Ste 650E
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 623-2861
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
13192 Bellaire Blvd Ste C
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 495-1675
Ketchum, Roberta, MSW
2425 Fountain View Dr Ste 275
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 780-4644
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
3949 Braxton Dr
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 778-9300
LaGrone, Don, MD
2246 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 630-0930
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
4600 Highway 6 N Ste 270
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 859-8672
Lanier, Jacqueline, PHD
17214 Mercury Dr Ste 200
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 480-7999
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
5901 Cypress St
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-1961
Largen, John, PHD
1020 Holcombe Blvd Ste 1304
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-2818
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
6610 La Granada Dr
Houston, TX 77083
(713) 507-0267
Lea, Melinda, PHD
17045 El Camino Real Ste 210
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-0615
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
8300 Bissonnet St Ste 315
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 995-4060
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
9898 Bissonnet St Ste 590
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 289-8085
Loos, Victor, PHD
2524 Nottingham St
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 526-4751
Lourie, Richard, PHD
2500 Tanglewilde St Ste 310
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 780-9062
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Mock, Lou Ann, PHD
1807 Lexington St
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 802-3839
Lu, Tzu, MD
427 W 20th St Ste 212
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 868-9177
Moore, Terry, MSW
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 324
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 824-9444
Markowitz, Michael, PHD
11721 Fuqua St
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 217-7761
Moore, Antonia, MSW
7505 Fannin St Ste 310
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 349-9796
Marullo Jr, Sam, PHD
17045 El Camino Real Ste 210
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-0615
Nathan, Stuart, PHD
2450 Fondren Rd Ste 312
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 789-7560
Mehra, Vikram, MD
10101 Southwest Fwy Ste 310
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 777-9900
Nieto, J Felipe, MD
3208 Broadway St
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 641-5656
Mehra, Vikram, MD
6300 Hillcroft St Ste 509
Houston, TX 77081
(832) 831-2277
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
550 Westcott St Ste 520
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 864-6694
Mendia, Enrique, MD
6500 Hornwood Dr
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 473-3523
Okotie Eboh, Angela, RN
6300 Hillcroft St Ste 509
Houston, TX 77081
(832) 831-2277
Merkel, Lynn, MSW
820 Gessner Rd Ste 750
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 973-2445
Palmer Jr, Richard, MD
12345 Jones Rd Ste 101
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 469-2181
Miekka, Jacqueline, PHD
950 Echo Ln Ste 335
Houston, TX 77024
(281) 394-8876
Parker, Kim, MSW
7026 Belgold St
Houston, TX 77066
(713) 291-2272
Miekka, Jacqueline, PHD
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 312
Houston, TX 77024
(281) 394-8876
Penn Benson, Virginia, PHD
1800 Augusta Dr Ste 109
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 781-1669
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Loya, Altaf, MD
11920 Astoria Blvd Ste 110
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 481-4646
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Pentony, Carole, PHD
8303 Southwest Fwy Ste 216
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 271-4161
Rabon, Dorothy, MSW
2600 S Gessner Rd Ste 314
Houston, TX 77063
(281) 799-9555
Perez, Francisco, PHD
6560 Fannin St Ste 1810
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 790-1225
Rabon, Dorothy, MSW
9950 Cypresswood Dr Ste 160
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 799-9555
Pesikoff, Richard, MD
19 Briar Hollow Ln Ste 102
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 795-5424
Raichman, Jorge, MD
7500 Beechnut St Ste 214
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-6519
Pesikoff, Richard, MD
24 E Greenway Plz Ste 1204
Houston, TX 77046
(713) 795-5424
Rathjen, Eric, PHD
2616 South Loop W
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 729-7302
Pham, George, MD
1570 S Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 120
Houston, TX 77077
(713) 981-4081
Rathjen, Eric, PHD
3200 Southwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 729-7302
Pham, Tony, MD
7707 Fannin St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-0745
Rathjen, Eric, PHD
4801 Woodway Dr Ste 300
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 729-7302
Pickens, Marilyn, MSW
10914 Bridlepark Cir
Houston, TX 77016
(832) 272-5800
Rathjen, Eric, PHD
5615 McKnight St
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 729-7302
Poage, Jan, MD
3100 Weslayan St Ste 360
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 528-4080
Reed, Jesse, PHD
2211 Norfolk St Ste 505
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 268-4452
Polk, Dan, PHD
18333 Egret Bay Blvd Ste 305
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 333-5740
Rodriguez, Tomas, RN
1919 North Loop W Ste 130
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 523-4333
Prabhu, Manjeshwar, MD
2020 North Loop W Ste 150
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 960-0344
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Scott, Robert, MSW
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste 1500
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 757-0894
Rooney, Mary, MSW
5906 Winsome Ln Apt A
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 953-1769
Scott, Robert, MSW
3000 Weslayan St Ste 300
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 665-2569
Root, Lawrence, MD
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste 1500
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 757-0894
Sethna, Jimmy, PHD
17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 220
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 397-0200
Rosin, Lindsay, PHD
3730 Kirby Dr Ste 825
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 523-0000
Shoaib, Arif, MD
2411 Fountain View Dr Ste 217
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 660-8877
Ross, Nancy, MSW
2500 Tanglewilde St Ste 350
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 789-4411
Shoaib, Arif, MD
6500 Hornwood Dr
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 660-8877
Rubashkin, Boris, MD
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 312
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 463-9449
Shrallow, Sherry, MSW
701 N Post Oak Rd Ste 7
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 416-2907
Samuels, Douglas, MD
4550 Post Oak Pl Dr Ste 248
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 627-9400
Silverman, Seth, MD
4203 Montrose Blvd Ste 310
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 528-1188
Santos, George, MD
5151 San Felipe St Ste 1470
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 622-4499
Slaughter, Rustin, MD
5500 Guhn Rd
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 783-8889
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
902 Frostwood Dr Ste 283
Houston, TX 77024
(281) 654-4390
Smith, Kevin, PHD
4318 Stanford St
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 795-5151
Scardino, Felix, MSW
1801 Lexington St
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 524-0142
Snellgrove, Robert, MSW
4617 Montrose Blvd Ste C206
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 659-2300
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Rooney, Mary, MSW
2400 Augusta Dr Ste 370
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 953-1769
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Solomon, Jay, PHD
7887 San Felipe St Ste 248
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 710-7715
Thompson, James, PHD
2600 Gessner Rd Ste 286
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 690-2955
Solway, Kenneth, PHD
3000 Weslayan St Ste 335
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 552-9559
Tonkin, Phyllis, MSW
2500 Tanglewilde St Ste 310
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 668-6666
Spector, Ivan, MD
3100 Weslayan St Ste 350
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 963-0769
Trenchard, James, MSW
3316 Mount Vernon St
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 449-4806
Sprabery, Scott, MD
3701 Kirby Dr Ste 570
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 527-8448
Unger, Michael, PHD
8303 Southwest Fwy Ste 216
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 988-4418
St John, Martha, MD
11767 Katy Fwy Ste 364
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 497-3500
Utecht, Peggy, MSW
3701 Kirby Dr Ste 890
Houston, TX 77098
(832) 452-0155
Starbranch, Eileen, MD
2600 Gessner Dr Ste 280
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 468-6538
Uzokwe, Festus, MD
9100 Southwest Fwy Ste 121
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 360-7972
Suleman, Mumtaz, MD
2060 Space Park Dr Ste 404
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 316-6501
Uzzell, Barbara, PHD
7777 Southwest Fwy Ste 900
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-4600
Tarbox, Arthur, PHD
2211 Norfolk St Ste 805
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 529-3712
Valdes, Luis, PHD
3314 Mercer St
Houston, TX 77027
(281) 489-1290
Thapar, Renu, MD
12121 Richmond Ave Ste 114
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 556-6188
Valdes, Ignacio, MD
3519 Blue Bonnet Blvd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 661-1887
Thomas, Michael, MSW
4615 Southwest Fwy Ste 430
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 623-2984
Vroulis, George, PHD
1220 Blalock Rd Ste 200
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 447-8977
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Kulkarni, Sharad, MD
1802 Snake River Rd Ste C
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 829-3332
Weaver, Lisa, PHD
701 N Post Oak Rd Ste 320
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 781-2220
Lockwood, Kirk, MSW
5444 N Fry Rd Ste E
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 861-6506
Wood, Edwin, MD
3759 Tangley Rd
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 667-1830
Shoaib, Arif, MD
21715 Kingsland Blvd Ste 101
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 599-9520
Wright III, James, MD
14340 Torrey Chase Blvd Ste 325
Houston, TX 77014
(281) 586-0747
Simon, Sonia, PHD
5713 5th St
Katy, TX 77493
(713) 669-1878
Ciudad de Humble
Stroud, Nancy, MSW
810 S Mason Rd Ste 160
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 409-0370
Braaten, Peggy, MSW
7702 FM 1960 Rd E Ste 208
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 812-7220
Surya, Ramana, MD
21308 Provincial Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(832) 321-5180
Coaxum, Florence, MSW
17810 Springtree Dr
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 454-7023
Ciudad de Kingwood
Heald, James, MD
2001 Ladbrook Dr
Humble, TX 77339
(281) 626-1425
Kaiser, David, MD
2001 Ladbrook Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 404-1001
Sunkureddi, Krishna V R, MD
8530 FM 1960 Rd E
Humble, TX 77346
(832) 777-6230
Roll, Brooks, MSW
1420 Stonehollow Dr Ste C
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 812-7529
Ciudad de Katy
Roy, Pradeep, MD
2330 Timber Shadows Dr Ste 106
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-4747
Cook, Anne Marie, MSW
21830 Kingsland Blvd Ste 106
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 645-6487
Salaam, Pamela, MSW
1210 Stonehollow Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(832) 330-2567
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Walling, Vernon, MD
5151 San Felipe St Ste 1470
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 622-4499
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Tayi, Sudha, MD
2313 Timber Shadows Dr Ste 200
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-1001
Nathoo, Mansur, MD
450 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste 520
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-2290
Trenchard, James, MSW
2313 Timber Shadows Dr Ste 103
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 540-1470
Silverblatt, Alan, PHD
17448 Highway 3 Ste 130
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-2500
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Ciudad de Pasadena
Montgomery Condado
Mendia, Enrique, MD
908 Southmore Ave Ste 220
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 473-3523
Ciudad de Conroe
Flowers, Larry, MD
100 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste 106
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 441-7555
Ciudad de Spring
Brown, Linda, MSW
326 1/2 Noble St # B
Spring, TX 77373
(281) 740-8392
Massey, Ronald, PHD
333 N Rivershire Dr Ste 210
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 539-2903
Schloneger, Kevin, PHD
20615 Nannette Ln
Spring, TX 77388
(281) 651-1700
Quijano, Walter, PHD
901 N Thompson St
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 539-2226
Ciudad de Tomball
Torres, Fernando, MD
2006 S Loop 336 W Ste 400
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 647-3510
Frakes, Janet, MSW
13415 Medical Complex Dr
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 347-4363
Van De Laar, Brechtje, MSW
112 W Pauline St
Conroe, TX 77301
(281) 358-5701
Tullidge, Archer, MD
402 Florence St
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 290-8730
Venkatesh, Athi, MD
100 Medical Center Blvd Ste 116
Conroe, TX 77304
(281) 352-5701
Ciudad de Webster
Ahmed, Mohamed, MD
330 E Medical Ctr Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 837-6463
Ciudad de Kingwood
Brown, Ayanna, MD
19701 Kingwood Dr Bldg 3
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5701
Beaupre, Michelle, RN
330 E Medical Center Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 837-6463
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Coburn, Dennis, PHD
1600 Lake Front Cir Ste 150
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-5664
Pollard, Susan, PHD
19701 Kingwood Dr Bldg 3
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5701
Ghanem, Missid, PHD
26515 Oak Ridge Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-0328
Raj, Bharath, MD
19701 Kingwood Dr Bldg 3
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5701
Kaiser, David, MD
8701 New Trails Dr Ste 150
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 367-1015
Van De Laar, Brechtje, MSW
19701 Kingwood Dr Bldg 3
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5701
Rayha, Linda, PHD
10655 Six Pines Rd Ste 180
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 292-1000
Venkatesh, Athi, MD
19701 Kingwood Dr Bldg 3
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5701
Saussy Keel, AnnMarie, MSW
9303 Pinecroft Dr Ste 340
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(619) 807-0425
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Vick, Jo Ann, MSW
2441 High Timbers Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-2337
Myer, Kelly, MSW
19221 Interstate 45 S
Shenandoah, TX 77385
(832) 367-4486
Ciudad de Spring
Rall, Pamela, MSW
431 Nursery Rd Ste B700
Spring, TX 77380
(281) 433-5012
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Boone, Beth, PHD
26022 Oak Ridge Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 236-3989
Bosquez, Lourdes, MD
9006 Forest Xing Ste C
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 364-9884
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica independiente
Heald, James, MD
22999 Hwy 59 N
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 626-1495
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Missouri City
BHC Behavioral Health Consultants Inc
8955 Camp Sienna Trail
Missouri City, TX 77459
(713) 395-0225
Velasquez, Carol, MSW
UT Physicians
8810 Highway 6 Ste 100
Missouri City, TX 77459
(713) 486-1200
Dhayer, Susan, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ciudad de Rosenberg
MHMRA of Harris County
4910 Airport Ave
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-6384
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Texana Center
4910 Airport Ave Ste A
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 239-1388
Masha, Olajide, MD
Netscher, Ruth, MD
Ogebe, Ori, MD
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Rasheed, Shama, MD
5311 Avenue N
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(800) 633-5856
Masha, Olajide, MD
Netscher, Ruth, MD
Ogebe, Ori, MD
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Texana Center
2535 Cordes Dr
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 276-4400
Masha, Olajide, MD
Netscher, Ruth, MD
Ogebe, Ori, MD
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Dickinson
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Houston Center For Christian Counseling
402 Julie Rivers Dr
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-8811
Holland, Jeannette, MSW
Morris, Judith, MSW
Psychiatric Services
1201 Creek Way Dr Apt C
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 302-6636
Jain, Ashok, MD
1201 Creek Way Dr Ste C
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 302-6636
Davis, Byrolyn, MD
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
3828 Hughes Ct Ste 203
Dickinson, TX 77539
(281) 614-1246
Hewlett, Patricia, MSW
Ciudad de Friendswood
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
807 S Friendswood Dr Ste 5
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 993-3990
Baker, Jeffrey, PHD
Temple, Jeffrey, PHD
Ciudad de Galveston
Family Service Center of Galveston Co
2200 Market St Ste 600
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-8636
Purser, Julie, PHD
Willis, Phylette, PHD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Family Service Center of Galveston Co
2401 Termini St Ste C
Dickinson, TX 77539
(409) 938-4814
Purser, Julie, PHD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Krist Samaritan Center
427 Market St
Galveston, TX 77550
(281) 480-7554
Patelis, Athena, PHD
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
2200 Market St Ste 609
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 772-0770
Haque, Waheedul, MD
Hirschfield, Robert, MD
Levine, Ruth, MD
Meyer, Walter, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Silva, Mireya, MD
Stone, Michael, MD
Thomas, Christopher, MD
Wagner, Karen, MD
Wigg, Cindy, MD
Wolfe, Dwight, MD
301 University Blvd
Galveston, TX 77555
(409) 772-2222
Baker, Jeffrey, PHD
Fuller, Michael, MD
Goodwin, Jean, MD
Hansen, Mireya, MD
Haque, Waheedul, MD
Hewlett, Patricia, MSW
Hirschfield, Robert, MD
Levine, Ruth, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Malone, Josephine, MSW
McNeel, Linea, MD
Meyer, Walter, MD
Mize, William, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Rosenberg, Laura, MSW
Rosenberg, Marta, PHD
Silva, Mireya, MD
Smith, Karen, PHD
Stone, Michael, MD
Temple, Jeffrey, PHD
Thomas, Christopher, MD
Wagner, Karen, MD
Wigg, Cindy, MD
Wolfe, Dwight, MD
The Gulf Coast Center
123 Rosenberg St Ste 6
Galveston, TX 77550
(281) 585-7357
Aviles Roig, Francisco, MD
Barker, Charles, MD
Belz, Irving, MD
Brown, Suellen, MSW
Day, Melinda, MSW
Dubois, Holly, MD
Duty, Casey, MSW
Eades, James, MD
Emory, Lee, MD
Evans, Janine, MSW
Garvin, Jason, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Johnson, Neysa, MD
Jones, Sandra, MSW
Lowrimore, Patricia, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Nguyen, Nga, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Patterson, Sandra, MSW
Pugh, Mark, MD
Quintana, Humberto, MD
Rizzari, Amanda, MD
Rogers, Ronald, MD
Rustin, Terry, MD
Shafie, Taghi, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Sprabery, Scott, MD
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Tucker, Melissa, MSW
Walsh, Catherine, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Whitley, Jeff, PHD
Young, Patrick, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ciudad de League City
Devereux Texas Treatment Network
1150 Devereux Dr
League City, TX 77573
(281) 335-1000
Berno, Michael, MD
Hanna, Nancy, MD
Litsey, M Elaine, MSW
Raheem, Selma, MD
Villarrubia, Carolyn, MD
The Gulf Coast Center
305 E Main St
League City, TX 77573
(409) 763-2373
Aviles Roig, Francisco, MD
Barker, Charles, MD
Belz, Irving, MD
Brown, Suellen, MSW
Day, Melinda, MSW
Dubois, Holly, MD
Duty, Casey, MSW
Eades, James, MD
Emory, Lee, MD
Evans, Janine, MSW
Garvin, Jason, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Johnson, Neysa, MD
Jones, Sandra, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Lowrimore, Patricia, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Nguyen, Nga, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Patterson, Sandra, MSW
Pugh, Mark, MD
Quintana, Humberto, MD
Rizzari, Amanda, MD
Rogers, Ronald, MD
Rustin, Terry, MD
Shafie, Taghi, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Sprabery, Scott, MD
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Tucker, Melissa, MSW
Walsh, Catherine, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Whitley, Jeff, PHD
Young, Patrick, MD
4444 W Main St
League City, TX 77573
(409) 944-4452
Aviles Roig, Francisco, MD
Barker, Charles, MD
Belz, Irving, MD
Brown, Suellen, MSW
Day, Melinda, MSW
Dubois, Holly, MD
Duty, Casey, MSW
Eades, James, MD
Emory, Lee, MD
Evans, Janine, MSW
Garvin, Jason, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Johnson, Neysa, MD
Jones, Sandra, MSW
Lowrimore, Patricia, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Nguyen, Nga, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Patterson, Sandra, MSW
Pugh, Mark, MD
Quintana, Humberto, MD
Rizzari, Amanda, MD
400 Harborside Dr
Galveston, TX 77555
(409) 772-2222
Bondurant, William, MD
Fuller, Michael, MD
Hansen, Mireya, MD
Harvey, Edythe, MD
Hirschfield, Robert, MD
Malone, Josephine, MSW
Patterson, Guy, MD
6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100
Galveston, TX 77551
(409) 744-4030
Hewlett, Patricia, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Rogers, Ronald, MD
Rustin, Terry, MD
Shafie, Taghi, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Sprabery, Scott, MD
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Tucker, Melissa, MSW
Walsh, Catherine, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Whitley, Jeff, PHD
Young, Patrick, MD
Eades, James, MD
Emory, Lee, MD
Evans, Janine, MSW
Garvin, Jason, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Johnson, Neysa, MD
Jones, Sandra, MSW
Lowrimore, Patricia, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Nguyen, Nga, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Patterson, Sandra, MSW
Pugh, Mark, MD
Quintana, Humberto, MD
Rizzari, Amanda, MD
Rogers, Ronald, MD
Rustin, Terry, MD
Shafie, Taghi, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Sprabery, Scott, MD
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Tucker, Melissa, MSW
Walsh, Catherine, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Whitley, Jeff, PHD
Young, Patrick, MD
7510 FM 1765
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 935-6083
Aviles Roig, Francisco, MD
Barker, Charles, MD
Belz, Irving, MD
Brown, Suellen, MSW
Day, Melinda, MSW
Dubois, Holly, MD
Duty, Casey, MSW
Eades, James, MD
Emory, Lee, MD
Evans, Janine, MSW
Garvin, Jason, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Johnson, Neysa, MD
Jones, Sandra, MSW
Lowrimore, Patricia, MD
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
2240 Gulf Fwy S
League City, TX 77573
(832) 505-1000
Baker, Jeffrey, PHD
Temple, Jeffrey, PHD
2785 Gulf Fwy S Ste 200
League City, TX 77573
(409) 772-3695
Auslander, Beth, PHD
Mize, William, MD
Niebuhr, Virginia, PHD
Smith, Karen, PHD
Ciudad de Texas City
Kinghaven Counseling Group
1228 N Logan St
Texas City, TX 77590
(409) 942-1911
Gantt, Milton, MSW
Jain, Ashok, MD
The Gulf Coast Center
3201 FM 2004 Rd
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 763-2373
Aviles Roig, Francisco, MD
Barker, Charles, MD
Belz, Irving, MD
Brown, Suellen, MSW
Day, Melinda, MSW
Dubois, Holly, MD
Duty, Casey, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Mallett, Robin, MD
Nguyen, Nga, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Patterson, Sandra, MSW
Pugh, Mark, MD
Quintana, Humberto, MD
Rizzari, Amanda, MD
Rogers, Ronald, MD
Rustin, Terry, MD
Shafie, Taghi, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Sprabery, Scott, MD
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Tucker, Melissa, MSW
Walsh, Catherine, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Whitley, Jeff, PHD
Young, Patrick, MD
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
6400 Memorial Dr
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 938-8466
Niebuhr, Virginia, PHD
Harris Condado
UT Physicians
1602 Garth Rd
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 427-6757
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
Ciudad de Baytown
Jacinto Medical Group
1600 James Bowie Dr Ste C106
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 427-0222
Krell, Ted, MD
Young, Paul, MD
Young, Sara, PHD
Ciudad de Bellaire
Hauser Clinic and Associates
5959 West Loop S Ste 600
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 669-0303
Rios, Arturo, MD
Verlander, Cheryl, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Legacy Community Health Services
4301 Garth Rd
Baytown, TX 77521
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
6730 Independence Blvd # 301
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 421-9590
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
5959 West Loop S Ste 660
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 669-0303
Gerber, Bernard, MD
UT Physicians
6700 West Loop S Ste 520
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 486-1200
John, Vineeth, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ciudad de Friendswood
Bay Point Behavioral Health Service Inc
1560 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 110
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 480-2400
Higgins, Napoleon, MD
Muldrow III, Edward, MSW
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Ciudad de Galena Park
Baylor College of Medicine
1721 16th St
Galena Park, TX 77547
(713) 921-7361
Fink, Elyssa, MSW
Ciudad de Houston
Alternative Services Network
17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 119
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-6899
Miller, Gary Evan, MD
Noel, Richard, MD
Asian American Family Services
9440 Bellaire Blvd Ste 228
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 600-9400
Pham, Tony, MD
Yen, Jennifer, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
1100 W 34th St
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 861-3939
David, Elizabeth, MD
1502 Taub Loop
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 873-4901
Nguyen, Phuong, PHD
1502 Taub Loop Fl 2
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 873-4901
Aoshima Kilroy, Cristin, MD
Babbitt, Kriste, MD
Banu, Sophia, MD
Clionsky, Leah, PHD
Conner, Cynthia, MSW
Contreras, Valeria, MD
Du, Ye, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Han, Jin Yong, MD
Harris, Toi, MD
Idicula, Sindhu, MD
Jones, Kristin, MD
Li, Benjamin, MD
Livingston, Robin, MD
Martinez, Nereida, MSW
Matorin, Anu, MD
McGregor, Julianne, MSW
Moukaddam, Nidal, MD
Nazario, Michelle, MD
Pinell Midence, Octavio, MD
Ramani, Swapna, MSW
Salazar, Josephine, MSW
Shamim, Afroz, MD
Suszko, Joan, MD
Tamez, Jeannine, PHD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
Wilkes Requenez, Melissa, MD
Xu, Huiping, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
3601 N MacGregor Way Ste 202
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 873-4712
Sander, Angelle, PHD
3701 Kirby Dr Ste 100
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 798-7750
Bray, James, PHD
4755 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston, TX 77039
(281) 985-7600
Weinkauff, Catherine, MSW
6550 Fannin St Ste 1801
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8259
McCauley, Stephen, PHD
Strutt, Adriana, PHD
York, Michele, PHD
6550 Fannin St Ste 1903
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-8673
Bradshaw, Major, PHD
6620 Main St Ste 1225
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-2500
Caughlin, Angela, MSW
Osten, Lisa, MSW
6620 Main St Ste 1350
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4696
Levin, Harvey, PHD
7550 Office City Dr
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 495-3700
Conner, Cynthia, MSW
Weinkauff, Catherine, MSW
8901 Boone Rd
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 454-0500
Velasco, Sharlie, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
1502 Taub Loop Fl 4
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 873-4900
Anandan, Sharadamani, MD
Coverdale, John, MD
Cunningham, Leigh, MD
Flores, Araceli, PHD
Goodman, Heather, MD
Guirguis, Nabil, MD
Ostermeyer, Britta, MD
Ramos, Sarah, MD
Shah, Asim, MD
Swann, Alan, MD
1504 Taub Loop
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 873-4901
Garvin, Jason, MD
Seto, Elaine, MD
Williams, Laurel, MD
1615 N Main St
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 222-2272
Latino, Klair, MSW
Shah, Asim, MD
1977 Butler Blvd Ste E4.400
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 798-4857
Davidson, Joyce, MD
Flack, James, MD
French Rosas, Lindsay, MD
Goodman, Heather, MD
Harper, Robert, PHD
Horvath, Thomas, MD
Kassaw, Kristin, MD
Lawson, Karen, PHD
Swann, Alan, MD
Valentine, Lisa, MD
Williams, Laurel, MD
2015 Thomas St
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 873-4000
David, Elizabeth, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston, TX 77028
(713) 633-2020
Jones, Anthony, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
BHC Behavioral Health Consultants Inc
9525 Katy Fwy Ste 312
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 463-9449
Bitter, Edward, PHD
Edwards, Donna, RN
Granger, Rosslyn, MSW
Rubashkin, Boris, MD
Velasquez, Carol, MSW
Wayland, Clotie, MSW
Williams, Bernadette, RN
Deblin Health Concepts and Associates
13201 Northwest Fwy Ste 800
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 686-9194
Babin, Richard, MSW
Booker, Patrice, MSW
Cumming, Sue, MSW
Del Toro, Hanna, MSW
Dunbar, Philip, PHD
Eichhorn, Ardis, MSW
Hartson, Tyler, MSW
Helm, Scott, MSW
Jackson, Debra, MSW
Jacobs, Francis, MSW
Kakkanatt, George, MSW
Knewtson, Linda, MSW
Lawal, Adewale, MSW
Mears, Glen, MSW
Mehra, Vikram, MD
Oduola, Ezekiel, MSW
Oreardon, Carmel, MSW
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Rath, Mary, MSW
Rogoff, Barbra, MSW
Smith, Trina, MSW
Sokol, Ronald, MSW
14515 Briarhills Pkwy Ste 200
Houston, TX 77077
(713) 686-9194
Babin, Richard, MSW
Booker, Patrice, MSW
Cumming, Sue, MSW
Del Toro, Hanna, MSW
Dunbar, Philip, PHD
Eichhorn, Ardis, MSW
Hartson, Tyler, MSW
Helm, Scott, MSW
Jackson, Debra, MSW
Jacobs, Francis, MSW
Kakkanatt, George, MSW
Knewtson, Linda, MSW
Lawal, Adewale, MSW
Mears, Glen, MSW
Mehra, Vikram, MD
Oduola, Ezekiel, MSW
Oreardon, Carmel, MSW
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Rath, Mary, MSW
Rogoff, Barbra, MSW
Smith, Trina, MSW
Sokol, Ronald, MSW
7787 Pinemont Dr Ste B
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 686-9194
Babin, Richard, MSW
Booker, Patrice, MSW
Cumming, Sue, MSW
Del Toro, Hanna, MSW
Dunbar, Philip, PHD
Eichhorn, Ardis, MSW
Hartson, Tyler, MSW
Helm, Scott, MSW
Jackson, Debra, MSW
Jacobs, Francis, MSW
Kakkanatt, George, MSW
Knewtson, Linda, MSW
Lawal, Adewale, MSW
Mears, Glen, MSW
Mehra, Vikram, MD
Oduola, Ezekiel, MSW
Oreardon, Carmel, MSW
Raney Semien, Phaetra, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Rath, Mary, MSW
Rogoff, Barbra, MSW
Smith, Trina, MSW
Sokol, Ronald, MSW
7635 Canal St
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 660-1880
Ashraf, Deeba, MD
Martinez, Nereida, MSW
Salazar, Josephine, MSW
DePelchin Psychiatric Services
1300 Bay Area Blvd # A
Houston, TX 77058
(713) 730-2335
Garza, Maria, MD
4950 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 802-3800
Brams, Matthew, MD
Bukstein, Oscar, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Mao, Alice, MD
Sniff, Shannon, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
Zoch, Janet, MD
Everhealth PLCC
2600 S Loop W Ste 155
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 808-9781
Ndokama, Fidanis, MD
7324 Southwest Fwy Ste 640
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 484-5105
Nazarani, Mehboob, MD
El Centro de Corazon
412 Telephone Rd
Houston, TX 77023
(713) 660-1880
Ashraf, Deeba, MD
Martinez, Nereida, MSW
Salazar, Josephine, MSW
5001 Navigation Blvd
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 660-1880
Ashraf, Deeba, MD
Martinez, Nereida, MSW
Salazar, Josephine, MSW
7037 Capitol St
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 660-1880
Ashraf, Deeba, MD
Martinez, Nereida, MSW
Salazar, Josephine, MSW
Greater Houston Psyc Assoc PLLC
4888 Loop Central Dr Ste 510
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 346-1546
Edmondson, Stella, MSW
Levin, Vivian, MSW
Greenwood Psychological Services
2611 FM 1960 Rd W Ste D101
Houston, TX 77068
(281) 444-2208
Hall, Barbara, PHD
Interface Samaritan Counseling Center
4803 San Felipe St
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 626-7990
Garcia, Hilda, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Family Services
4625 Lillian St
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 861-4849
Christ Rice, Deniece, MSW
Hernandez, Cynthia, MSW
Kitt, Stephen, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
IntraCare Behavioral Health Clinic LLC
2626 S Loop W Ste 430
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 333-3771
Cheung, Ada, MSW
De Silva, Sriya, MD
Farag, Wafaa, MD
Funchess, Alexandra, MSW
Gluzkater, Sophie, MSW
Parikh, Ramesh, MD
Valdes, Ignacio, MD
Jewish Family Services
4131 S Braeswood Blvd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 667-9336
Bartlett, Terri, MSW
Gluzkater, Sophie, MSW
Kinghaven Counseling Group
9100 Southwest Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 457-4372
Gantt, Milton, MSW
Jain, Ashok, MD
Krist Samaritan Center
17555 El Camino Real
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 480-7554
Patelis, Athena, PHD
Legacy Community Health Services
10711 Kipp Way
Houston, TX 77099
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
1415 California St
Houston, TX 77006
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
3618 Mesa Dr
Houston, TX 77078
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
4610 E Crosstimbers St
Houston, TX 77016
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston, TX 77020
(832) 548-5400
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
6441 High Star Dr
Houston, TX 77074
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
6500 Rookin St
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 351-7350
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
8430 Westglen Dr
Houston, TX 77063
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
8440 Westpark Dr
Houston, TX 77063
(832) 548-5000
Berno, Michael, MD
Canty, Antoinette, MSW
Dougherty, Diane, PHD
Isern Jr, Raul, MD
Kober, Dana, MD
Morales Tymczak, Annette, MSW
Ochoa Perez, Melissa, MD
Samiuddin, Zishan, MD
Valdivieso, Jeanette, MD
Memorial Hermann Medical Group
2000 North Loop W Ste 200
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 812-7173
Thompson, Matthew, MD
3033 Gessner Rd
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 329-7515
Rocha, Donna, MD
MHMRA of Harris County
1425 La Concha Ln
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 970-8208
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Matthew Brams MD and Alice Mao MD
550 Westcott St Ste 520
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 864-6694
Brams, Matthew, MD
Mao, Alice, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
1502 Taub Loop
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 970-4600
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
2627 Caroline St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 970-7509
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
4414 Navigation Blvd
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 970-7000
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
3737 Dacoma St
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 970-7000
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
5901 Long Dr
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 970-7000
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
7011 Southwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 970-7000
Abdulla, Amina, MD
Akhtar, Nadeema, MD
Alam, Akhtar, MD
Barnes, Carlin, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Byron, Michelle, PHD
Chacko, Reeba, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
De Silva, Sriya, MD
DeJean, Guerline, RN
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Flack, James, MD
Flick, Sarah, MD
Flores, Roberto, MD
Garner, Felecia, MD
Garza, Maria, MD
Gately, Kathleen, MD
Georges, Danae, MD
Gordon, Mollie, MD
Grimes, Sandra, MD
Hein, Catherine, MSW
Janarthanan, Vasanthi, MD
Jemison, Ada, MD
Johnson, Christopher, MD
Joseph, Dominic, MD
Kalimuddin, Malik, MD
Kamble, Madhuri, MD
Kapoor, Vinay, MD
Kopecky, Charles, MD
Malseed, Lynn, MD
Mazcuri, Riaz, MD
McGee, Clifton, MD
Mcginnis, Michael, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mitki, Jillian, MSW
Moomaw, Ronald, MD
Morman, Mark, MD
Muzquiz Drummond, Sylvia, MD
Nayeemuddin, Inayath, MD
Nithianantham, Sowmini, MD
Parikh, Mina, MD
Rasheed, Shama, MD
Reich, Lydia, MD
Sadberry, Faye, MD
Salser, Debra, MSW
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Sathees, Chiyyarath, MD
Scardino, Gerard, MD
Schmalstieg, Linda, MD
Seplowitz, Rhoda, MD
Sepulveda Torres, Walfrido, MD
Simmons, Kevin, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Sriram, Pankajam, MD
Suhr, Melanie, MD
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Tayi, Sudha, MD
Thacker, Seema, MD
Vavasseur, Chantee, MD
Viltz, Anna, MD
Warneke, Kimberly, MD
Wheatley, Marsha, MD
Whiteside, Sheila, MD
Wright, Robbie, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Montrose Counseling Center Inc
401 Branard St Fl 2
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 529-0037
Burch, Brittany, MSW
Hergenroeder, Robert, MSW
Higgs, Jeanne, MSW
Howell, Toby, MSW
Long, Susan, MSW
Luong, Kim, MSW
Musquiz, Richard, MSW
Nelson Turnier, Dian, MSW
Romanelli, Susan, MSW
Siard, Cheryl, MSW
Utecht, Peggy, MSW
Ware, Keville, MSW
Washington, Shelley, MSW
Weitenhagen, Erin, MSW
Wolk, Nathalie, PHD
701 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 529-0037
Utecht, Peggy, MSW
7505 Fannin St Ste 310
Houston, TX 77054
(214) 348-5557
Glezen, Alison, PHD
Psych Management Solutions
2425 West Loop S Ste 200
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 961-4805
Bartley, John, MSW
Powers Family and Recovery Medicine
7324 Southwest Fwy Ste 1050
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 981-9971
Powers, Jason, MD
7777 Southwest Fwy Ste 900
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 981-9971
Powers, Jason, MD
907 Marshall St Ste D
Houston, TX 77006
(713) 933-0665
Powers, Jason, MD
PSY - MED, Inc
2616 S Loop W Ste 608
Houston, TX 77054
(214) 348-5557
Moore, Antonia, MSW
University of TX Health Sciences Ctr
2211 Norfolk St Ste 140
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 385-4229
Aponte, Miriam, MD
2800 S Macgregor Way
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 741-5000
Moin, Zaki, MD
3610 Willowbend Blvd
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 500-8800
Schatte, Dawnelle, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Red Oak Psychiatry Associates
17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 109
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 893-4111
Funke, Veronica, MSW
Ginsberg, Lawrence, MD
Hugg, Terry, MD
Jones, Jeffery, PHD
Norman, Carol, RN
Wampler, Patricia, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Schatte, Dawnelle, MD
Schneider, Laurie, MD
Shah, Nurun, MD
Siddiqui, Samina, MD
Smeal, Janis, MD
Vujanovic, Anka, PHD
4755 Aldine Mail Rte
Houston, TX 77039
(281) 985-7600
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
5656 Kelley St
Houston, TX 77026
(713) 500-4472
Person, Cheryl, MD
Taylor, Andrea, PHD
5870 Highway 6 N
Houston, TX 77084
(713) 873-6860
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
6411 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 500-5486
Barr, Jeffrey, MD
818 Ringold St
Houston, TX 77088
(281) 448-6391
Herrera, Emiliano, MSW
Memon, Naim, MD
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
9105 N Wayside Dr
Houston, TX 77028
(713) 633-2020
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
UT Physicians
1941 East Rd
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 486-2590
Bruce, Erica, MSW
Claghorn, James, MD
Dhayer, Susan, MSW
Gajwani, Prashant, MD
Guynn, Robert, MD
Herrera, Emiliano, MSW
John, Vineeth, MD
Jones, Anthony, MSW
Loveland, Katherine, PHD
Massie, Dorothy, MSW
Memon, Saba, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Mills Johnson, Donna, MSW
Nix, Bobby, MD
1941 East Rd
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 486-2700
Patterson, Guy, MD
1941 East Rd
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 486-2588
Pearson, Deborah, PHD
Santos, Cynthia, MD
Schatte, Dawnelle, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
Taylor, Andrea, PHD
Trinidad, Antolin, MD
Vujanovic, Anka, PHD
2800 S MacGregor Way
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 741-5000
Cowan, Katherine, MD
Daniel, Vivi, MD
Fernandez, Jose, MD
Harper, R, MD
Krajewski, Kenneth, MD
Malkina, Svetlana, MD
Mendez, Ruben, MD
Pigott, Teresa, MD
Saunders, Ann, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
2200 Nasa Pkwy Ste 210
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 333-2273
Auslander, Beth, PHD
Smith, Karen, PHD
Psych Management Solutions
825 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 943-2267
Bartley, John, MSW
Brams, Matthew, MD
Koppersmith, Daniel, MD
Ciudad de Humble
Ciudad de Spring
UT Physicians
1712 1st St E Ste M20
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-4139
Jones, Anthony, MSW
Memon, Saba, MD
Tanner, Chrysaundra, MSW
Behavioral Services of Houston
17207 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 100
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 374-8555
Guerrero, Rafael, MD
Ruiz Nazario, Javier, MD
Ciudad de Katy
Ciudad de Pasadena
Ciudad de Tomball
Baylor College of Medicine
3925 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 873-6300
Garland, Beth, PHD
Harris, Toi, MD
927 E Shaw Rd
Pasadena, TX 77506
(713) 982-5900
David, Elizabeth, MD
Everhealth PLCC
14011 Park Dr Ste 205
Tomball, TX 77377
(281) 290-8188
Nazarani, Mehboob, MD
28439 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 290-8188
Ndokama, Fidanis, MD
BHC Behavioral Health Consultants Inc
4001 Preston Ave Ste 147
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 395-0613
Granger, Rosslyn, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Houston Center For Christian Counseling
609 Park Grove Ln Ste B
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 277-8811
Morris, Judith, MSW
Interface Samaritan Counseling Center
6823 Cypresswood Dr
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-8006
Chiari, Tracy, MSW
Grindon, Angelina, MSW
Richter, Terry, MSW
Swanson, Jack, MSW
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ciudad de Webster
103 N Thompson St
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 521-6260
Bogan, Robert, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Bragg, John, MSW
Harrell, Angelica, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Payne, Janet, RN
Sneed, Jonathan, MD
Vachhani, Ashokkumar, MD
Winaker, Kenneth, MD
706 Old Montgomery Rd
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 538-1102
Bogan, Robert, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Bragg, John, MSW
Harrell, Angelica, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Payne, Janet, RN
Sneed, Jonathan, MD
Vachhani, Ashokkumar, MD
Winaker, Kenneth, MD
UTMB Faculty Group Practice
400 N Texas Ave Ste A
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-2798
Fuller, Michael, MD
Hansen, Mireya, MD
Haque, Waheedul, MD
Harvey, Edythe, MD
Hirschfield, Robert, MD
Levine, Ruth, MD
Mallett, Robin, MD
Malone, Josephine, MSW
Meyer, Walter, MD
OBoyle, Michael, MD
Patterson, Guy, MD
Silva, Mireya, MD
Stone, Michael, MD
Wagner, Karen, MD
Wigg, Cindy, MD
Wolfe, Dwight, MD
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Ciudad de Shenandoah
Tri County Mental Health Mental
Retardation Services
1020 Riverwood Ct Ste 3
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 521-6100
Bogan, Robert, MD
Boyd, Lisa, MD
Bragg, John, MSW
Harrell, Angelica, MD
Hostetter, Robin, MD
Payne, Janet, RN
Sneed, Jonathan, MD
Vachhani, Ashokkumar, MD
Winaker, Kenneth, MD
Greater Houston Psyc Assoc PLLC
9191 Pinecroft Dr Ste 250
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 465-9300
Iyer, Vaidyanath, MD
Ciudad de Spring
Greenwood Psychological Services
25010 Oakhurst Dr Ste 100
Spring, TX 77386
(281) 444-2208
Hall, Barbara, PHD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Bricken Associates PC
25810 Oak Ridge Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 364-0067
Bricken, Glenn, PHD
Tipton, Gary, PHD
Family Psychiatry of the Woodlands PA
8701 New Trl Dr Ste 150
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 367-1015
Keller, Wayne, MD
Lucas, Marshall, MD
Proveedores de salud mental-Práctica grupal
Family Services
719 Sawdust Rd Ste 309
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(713) 861-4849
Kitt, Stephen, MSW
Greenwood Psychological Services
1610 Woodstead Ct Ste 365
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 444-2201
Hall, Barbara, PHD
25511 Budde Rd Ste 1902
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 444-2208
Hall, Barbara, PHD
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Ciudad de Mont Belvieu
Corporate Eye Care PC
9550 Spring Green Blvd Ste 434
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 394-7773
Eye Excellence PA
3650 Eagle Creek Dr
Mont Belvieu, TX 77523
(281) 385-2020
Crystal Eyecare PA
27110 Cinco Ranch Blvd Ste 400
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 394-5222
Chambers Condado Dollak & Associates PC
1534 W Grand Pkwy S
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 693-3937
Fort Bend Condado
Ciudad de Houston
Klein Vision Group
8751 Highway 6 S Unit A
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 498-1381
Dr Susan Moss
23701 Cinco Ranch Blvd Ste 170
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 347-3937
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Vision Corner LTD LLP
8751 Highway 6 S Unit A
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 498-1381
Eye Concepts Conroe LLC
23702 Westheimer Pkwy Ste C
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 391-2020
Vision Corner Post Oak
8751 Highway 6 S Unit A
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 498-1381
Ciudad de Katy
Heights Eyecare and Contact Lens Center
23108 Seven Meadows Pkwy Ste 250
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 371-3937
Ann Cherian OD and Associates Inc
2750 FM 1463 Rd Ste 230
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 665-3274
Houston Optic PLLC
1251 Pin Oak Rd Ste 128
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 665-3521
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
6725 S Fry Rd Ste 400
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 394-7886
Inspiring Vision Eye Care LLC
10605 Spring Green Blvd #400
Katy 77494
(281) 394-2877
Birds Eye View Optometry PLLC
6734 Westheimer Lakes N Dr 111
Katy 77494
(281) 347-0004
Ltw Vision Empire PA
22762 Westheimer Pkwy Ste 405
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 395-2010
Corporate Eye Care 2 PC
1534 W Grand Pkwy S
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 693-3937
Memorial City TSO
9727 Spring Green Blvd Ste 300
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 969-3931
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Misa Trang Huynh OD PA
5560 S Peek Rd
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 693-5550
Dr Amit Shah and Associates
10330 Highway 6 Ste E
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 431-1000
Mostaghimi Group PLLC
23701 Cinco Ranch Blvd Ste 170
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 347-3937
Hieu T DO
4725 Highway 6
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 261-2647
Ravindra Kankaria OD PC
22132 Westheimer Pkwy
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 828-1010
Liaqat A Khalfe OD PC
2755 Texas Pkwy Ste 104
Missouri City, TX 77489
(281) 416-7077
Tyler Family Eyecare PLLC
5205 S Mason Rd Ste 160
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 829-5256
Mann Eye Center PA
9119 Highway 6 Ste 200
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 778-9912
University of Houston College of
1534 W Grand Pkwy S
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 693-3937
Memorial Eye PA
6134 Highway 6
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-2020
Texas State Optical Aldine Westfield PA
6701 Highway 6 Ste 140
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 208-5999
Wishnow Vision Associates
22762 Westheimer Pkwy Ste 405
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 395-2010
Todays Vision Sharpstown PC
8817 Highway 6 Ste 100
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 416-2010
Ciudad de Missouri City
Bay Vision
5201 Highway 6 Ste 700
Missouri City, TX 77459
(832) 539-6448
University of Houston College of
6134 Highway 6
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-2020
Charles A Garcia MD PA
10330 Highway 6 Ste E
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 431-1000
William G Richey OD PC
6026 Highway 6
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-2600
Chris L Warford OD PA
6026 Highway 6
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-2600
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Sienna Eye Associates PA
8880 Highway 6 Ste 200
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 778-2020
Wishnow Sugar Vision Group PC
22132 Westheimer Pkwy
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 828-1010
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Healthworks Med Group
4000 Avenue I
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-4664
Ciudad de Richmond
Dimple Patel Arya PLLC
7909 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 280
Richmond, TX 77407
(832) 916-2020
James Kong OD PA
5101 Avenue H Ste 67
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-7747
James A Oevermann OD PC
1848 FM 359 Rd
Richmond, TX 77406
(281) 232-8257
Mann Eye Center PA
5101 Avenue H Ste 67
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-7747
University of Houston College of
5610 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 500
Richmond, TX 77406
(281) 232-2024
Ciudad de Sugar Land
An Nur Vision PA
1480 Highway 6
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 240-4448
Vision Source Copperfield
8019 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 1065
Richmond, TX 77407
(281) 232-9161
Andrew Mann Optometrist PA
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Ciudad de Rosenberg
Bruce Wick OD PhD PA
4000 Avenue I
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-4664
Bellaire Optometry Clinic PC
1480 Highway 6
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 240-4448
Colony Eye Care Center LLP
5101 Avenue H Ste 67
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-7747
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
11579 S Highway 6
Sugar Land, TX 77498
(281) 565-3937
Eyes For U Inc
24200 Southwest Fwy Ste 102
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-3554
Bright Eye and Vision Consultants PA
4427 Highway 6 Ste L
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-1810
Faris Ohan
4000 Avenue I
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-4664
Charles A Garcia MD PA
1437 Highway 6 Ste 400
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 265-9090
Florence D Wooten MD
4000 Avenue I
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 342-4664
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
16200 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2000
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Linh Tran Le OD No 2 PA
13425 University Blvd Ste 800
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 240-9668
Dst Group Corporation
636 Highway 6 Ste 800
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-5595
Mann Eye Center PA
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
Eagle Eye Center LLC
1730 Williams Trace Blvd Ste J
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 491-2199
Pasadena Optical
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
Edward Chan Medical Group LTD LLP
4675 Highway 6 Ste B
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-6100
Pickering and Pickering Inc
1429 Highway 6 Ste 102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Eyecare For You PC
16568 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 240-9545
Pramukh Drashti PA
1429 Highway 6 Ste 102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Hopping Eye Associates LTD LLP
15337 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-2020
Russell J Malik OD
16103 Lexington Blvd Ste I
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 242-1331
Houston Optic PLLC
1429 Highway 6 Ste 102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Sairah I Malik OD PA
15337 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-2020
James Eye Associates PLLC
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
Sec Signature Eye Center LLC
4511 Sweetwater Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2020
Lexington Eye Care LLC
1429 Highway 6 Ste 102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Southern Vision Center
15920 Lexington Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-3937
Liaqat A Khalfe OD PC
736 Highway 6 Ste 101
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 240-0478
Summit Eye Associates PA
17428 W Grand Pkwy S
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 342-1000
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Corporate Eye Care PC
1437 Highway 6 Ste 400
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 265-9090
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
The Vision Source Kingwood
4511 Sweetwater Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2020
West Vision Inc
520 Highway 6 Ste 300
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 243-2020
Todays Vision Baybrook Associates PA
4511 Sweetwater Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2020
Westheimer Vision Associates PC
4511 Sweetwater Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 491-1037
Todays Vision Rice Village PC
4427 Highway 6 Ste L
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-1810
Willowbrook TSO PC
520 Highway 6 Ste 300
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 243-2020
Todays Vision Sharpstown PC
13879 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-3100
Galveston Condado Ciudad de Dickinson
League City Texas State Optical
3010 Gulf Fwy S Ste L
Dickinson, TX 77539
(281) 534-4600
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Todays Vision Sugarland PC
15337 Southwest Fwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 242-2020
Ciudad de Friendswood
Tomball Texas State Optical PC
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
Exquisite Eye Care PA
305 W Parkwood Ave Ste 305
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-2015
University of Houston College of
16200 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 265-2000
Hopping Eye Associates LTD LLP
421 E Parkwood Ave
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-2030
Urban Eyes Inc
15999 City Walk
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(713) 580-2525
105 E Parkwood Ave Ste 107
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 648-1910
Vic Kimball OD
1429 Highway 6 Ste 102
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 565-2020
Tam Kim Tran OD
132 W Parkwood Ave
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 819-0132
Vision Source Greenway Galleria PA
736 Highway 6 Ste 101
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 240-0478
Vision Max Baytown PA
1102 S Friendswood Dr Ste A
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-0066
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Klein Vision Group
192 Gulf Fwy S Ste C2
League City, TX 77573
(281) 554-7080
Ciudad de Galveston
Elite Vision Care LLC
6191 Central City Blvd
Galveston, TX 77551
(409) 744-4940
Lifetime Eyecare Associates
1100 Gulf Fwy S Ste 114
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-3937
Houston Optic PLLC
2302 Avenue P
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 765-6324
Ravindra Kankaria OD PC
2945 Gulf Fwy S Ste C
League City, TX 77573
(281) 309-9700
Memorial City TSO
2115 Broadway St
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-2020
Scrc Management Inc
2640 E League City Pkwy Ste 104
League City, TX 77573
(281) 538-0022
Premium Eyecare PLLC
2115 Broadway St
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-2020
Texas State Optical of Baybrook Inc
2700 Marina Bay Dr Ste A
League City, TX 77573
(281) 535-8876
Ravindra Kankaria OD PC
515 22nd St
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-8679
University of Houston College of
515 22nd St
Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 762-8679
Ciudad de League City
Bright Eye and Vision Consultants PA
1100 Gulf Fwy S Ste 114
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-3937
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
2951 Marina Bay Dr Ste 100
League City, TX 77573
(281) 334-5277
Vision Source Copperfield
910 W Main St
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-1041
Zeinep O Echetebu OD PhD PC
3510 W Main St
League City, TX 77573
(281) 724-3040
Ciudad de Santa Fe
Meyerland TSO Inc
13135 Highway 6
Santa Fe, TX 77510
(409) 925-2506
Elite Vision Care LLC
192 Gulf Fwy S Ste C2
League City, TX 77573
(281) 554-7080
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
University of Houston College of
1100 Gulf Fwy S Ste 114
League City, TX 77573
(281) 332-3937
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
University of Houston College of
13135 Highway 6
Santa Fe, TX 77510
(409) 925-2506
University of Houston College of
301 W Texas Ave
Baytown, TX 77520
(281) 427-7374
Ciudad de Texas City
Vision Max PA
4750 East Fwy
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 421-2020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Baybrook Vision Center Inc
9300 Emmett F Lowry Expy Ste 190
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 986-6936
Ciudad de Bellaire
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
6807 Emmett F Lowry Expy Ste 102
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 945-2269
Enclave Vision Associates PLLC
5001 Bissonnet St Ste 107
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-8087
Houston Optic PLLC
7111 Medical Center Dr
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 938-8437
Eyefinity Inc
5001 Bissonnet St Ste 107
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-8087
Texas State Optical of Santa Fe PA
2702 Palmer Hwy
Texas City, TX 77590
(409) 948-1311
Melissa M Sommers OD PC
4710 Bellaire Blvd Ste 160
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-6565
Moffatt Wagner PC
5001 Bissonnet St Ste 107
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-8087
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Baytown
Crystal Eyecare PA
2802 Garth Rd Ste 101A
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 839-7660
Ciudad de Crosby
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
14405 FM 2100 Rd Ste C
Crosby, TX 77532
(281) 328-8899
Mira Eyecare PLLC
6956 Garth Rd
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 421-1243
Todays Vision Bunker Hill PA
14700 FM 2100 Rd Ste 3
Crosby, TX 77532
(281) 328-8393
6956 Garth Rd
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 421-1243
Ciudad de Cypress
Barker Cypress Vision PC
9740 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 112
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 550-7900
San Jacinto Reg Eye Center
4301 Garth Rd Ste 100
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 422-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Memorial Eye PA
12320 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 400
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 373-1020
DST Group Corporation
9740 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 112
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 550-7900
Todays Vision Missouri City PA
24120 Northwest Fwy Ste 600
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 758-3083
Eye Excellence PA
7035 Barker Cypress Rd
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 550-4141
Total Eye Care PA
12320 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 400
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 373-1020
Eyecare Leaders PA
13040 Louetta Rd Ste 232
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 370-9890
Town Square Eye Associates PA
12320 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 400
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 373-1020
Eyescript Vision Care PC
12630 Huffmeister Rd Ste C
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 469-5151
Vision Trends Louetta PA
17445 Spring Cypress Rd Ste G
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 373-3063
Houston Eyedeal Eyecare PA
12344 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 170
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 373-1163
Ciudad de Deer Park
Dr Lam and Associates PA
310 W San Augustine St
Deer Park, TX 77536
(281) 930-0020
Houston Optic PLLC
11115 McCracken Cir Ste A
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 469-7610
University of Houston College of
2009 Center St
Deer Park, TX 77536
(281) 479-4570
Hung Le Eye Center PA
13611 Skinner Rd Ste 155
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 304-5060
Ciudad de Friendswood
Icare Boutique PC
13611 Skinner Rd Ste 155
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 304-5060
Bellaire Eye Care Inc
1520 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 1
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 488-7033
Kim H Nguyen OD PC Dba Cypress Vision
26321 Northwest Fwy Ste 500
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 758-0008
Elda Lauras Optical Latina LLC
3670 E FM 528 Rd
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-9992
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Bellaire Eye Care Inc
12361 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 300
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 758-2128
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Friendswood Eye Center LLP
3141 E FM 528 Rd Ste 324
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 316-0333
Allan J Panzer OD
2055 Westheimer Rd Ste 135
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 520-6600
Kevin Katz OD PC
19052 Gulf Fwy
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 486-5043
Allen H Chin OD PC
6910 Bellaire Blvd Ste 3
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 774-1124
Memorial Eye PA
1520 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 1
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 488-7033
Alpha Eyecare Associates PLLC
12401 S Post Oak Rd Ste D
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 721-9000
Rakhi Patel OD PA
3670 E FM 528 Rd
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 482-9992
Andrew Mann Optometrist PA
1250 Uvalde Rd
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-2972
Vision Trends Louetta PA
1520 W Bay Area Blvd Ste 1
Friendswood, TX 77546
(281) 488-7033
Augustine K Mabatah
9211 West Rd Ste 137
Houston, TX 77064
(832) 237-8088
Ciudad de Houston
Aurea I Rivera OD
2323 Clear Lake City Blvd Ste 150
Houston, TX 77062
(281) 480-1002
A At T Eyecare P A
1412 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste B
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 893-8027
B J Garner OD
13147 Nw Frwy Ste 100
Houston 77040
(713) 460-5210
Access Eye Care PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Barker Cypress Vision PC
2855 Gramercy St
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 668-1828
Acuvision Inc PC
590 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 782-4406
Bay Vision
1616 Clear Lake City Blvd Ste 103
Houston, TX 77062
(281) 286-4343
Advances In Vision PLLC
1445 North Loop W Ste 950
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 868-3895
Baybrook Vision Center Inc
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Alex Ly O D
8300 Homestead Rd
Houston, TX 77028
(713) 635-5935
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Charles A Garcia MD PA
10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 105
Houston, TX 77072
(713) 774-3211
Bella Vista Eyecare Associates PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Christina De La Pena
6100 Westheimer Rd Ste 138
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 785-2022
Bellaire Eye Care Inc
1701 Sunset Blvd Ste 6207
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 592-6550
Christine A Tyler OD PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Christine C Castillo & Associates PLLC
12710 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste F
Houston, TX 77044
(281) 436-1800
Better Vision PC
9620 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 975-9393
Christys Eye Associates LLC
6624 Fannin St Ste 2105
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9494
Briargrove Eye Center PA
910 S Wayside Dr Ste 400
Houston, TX 77023
(713) 921-0233
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Bruce Wick OD PhD PA
13615 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 933-3446
Colony Eye Care Center LLP
12804 Gulf Fwy Ste 700A
Houston, TX 77034
(832) 886-0080
Caribe Optometric Services
2855 Gramercy St
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 668-1828
Corporate Eye Care 2 PC
6970 FM 1960 Rd W Ste A
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 469-2020
Central Eye Associates PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
D G Blair Jr OD
1350 Fry Rd
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 828-2020
Champions Eyecare PC
5774 FM 1960 Rd W
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 440-5887
David L Bridges OD
21642 State Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 370-9931
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Beechnut Eye Docs PC
1560 Eldridge Pkwy Ste 136
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 531-7020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Dennis Leung OD PLLC
5125 Fairmont St
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 477-6929
Eagle Family Vision Inc
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Direct Eye Care PC
10603 Fuqua St Ste A
Houston, TX 77089
(713) 947-8718
East Texas Eye Center PA
13615 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 933-3446
Doan Anh Pham OD PLLC
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Edward Chan Medical Group LTD LLP
7737 Southwest Fwy Ste 850
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 271-2271
Don Norcini OD
12200 Northwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 688-5777
Ehsia Ung Wang OD PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Donna M Jaszkowski OD Inc
9614 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 890-7595
Elissa R Wedemeyer OD PLLC
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 110
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 795-4500
Downtown TSO
12122 Greenspoint Dr
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 875-5439
Enclave Vision Associates PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Dr Crosby Wallace
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Enhance Eye Care PA
2026 Wirt Rd Ste 102
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 956-2197
Dr Esther Kovacs PLLC
1229 Campbell Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 467-6600
Executive Eye Care PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Dreams Eye Associates PLLC
5324 N Fwy Ste 150
Houston 77022
(713) 694-3937
Expo Vision PLLC
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Eagle Eye Center Bellaire LLC
9188 Bellaire Blvd Ste I
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 270-9188
Eye Care Associates
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Eyeworks Inc
11169 Beechnut St Ste H
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 530-3331
Eye Impact PA
3137 W Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 349-9292
Family Eye Health Solutions PA
5505 W Orem Dr Ste 400
Houston, TX 77085
(713) 487-2020
Eye Needs LLC
8200 Wilcrest Dr Ste 9
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 530-0300
Faz Eyecare PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Eye Q Global PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Fk Manuel OD PC
13349 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 469-7722
Eye To Eye PA
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
For Eyes Inc
1140 Eldridge Pkwy Ste 120
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 759-3937
Eyecare Clinics of Texas LLC
7007 North Fwy Ste 125
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 697-7500
Frazier Eye Center PLLC
12280 Westheimer Rd Ste 200A
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 589-2020
Eyecare Houston Associates LLC
8498 S Sam Houston Pkwy E 1300
Houston 77075
(713) 991-4100
Friendswood Vision PLLC
11209 Bellaire Blvd Ste C9A
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 988-8722
Eyecare Leaders PA
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Futureyes Inc
238 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 771-2020
Eyecare Professionals PA
12122 Greenspoint Dr
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 875-5439
Garcia & Associates East Houston PA
1315 St Joseph Pkwy Ste 1205
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 659-3937
Eyewear Concepts Inc
6340 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste L
Houston, TX 77041
(713) 849-9968
Garcia Nguyen Associates
11408 Hughes Rd
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-2020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Eye Excellence PA
4603C FM 1960 Rd W
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 893-1233
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Gilbert B Cohen OD
909 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 112
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 497-6688
Healthy Eyes Optometric Clinic PLLC
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 110
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 795-4500
Gina T Huynh OD PLLC
142 Vintage Park Blvd Ste J
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 357-5868
Hi Q Vision Inc
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Golds Optical Or Marc B Gold OD
711 Shotwell St
Houston, TX 77020
(713) 673-6355
Hieu T DO
11210 Bellaire Blvd Ste 149
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 498-2788
Greenspoint TSO PC
365 Greens Rd
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 875-6800
Hoang Yen OD PLLC
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 271-6567
Greenspoint Vision Center Inc
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Hopping Eye Associates LTD LLP
1234 Bay Area Blvd Ste E
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-2020
Gulf Vision PLLC
6888 Gulf Fwy Ste 614
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 641-5353
Houston Optic PLLC
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Hands On ComPAnies
6624 Fannin St Ste 2105
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 791-9494
Ic Eye Care PC
316 Gray St
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 942-9080
Harone PA
1140 Eldridge Pkwy Ste 120
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 759-3937
Imperial Vision PLLC
10101 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 777-2020
Harvey W Sturdevant OD
12970 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-3521
InwoOD Eye Care Inc
11509 Veterans Memorial Dr 900
Houston 77067
(281) 580-3937
Healthworks Med Group
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Isabel A Cruz OD PA
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
K & B Associates PA
1250 Uvalde Rd
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-2972
James D Winter & Associates PC
5649 Beechnut St
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 771-1206
Karl E Hormann III OD
1171 Edgebrook Dr
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 941-7190
James Kong OD PA
12970 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-3521
Katy Fry Road TSO PA
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 781-3517
Jeffrey M Penn OD PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Katy Vision Associates PA
1202 Elgin St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 739-9008
Jerrad S Mills OD
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Kaufman Eye PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Jerry D Hyder OD
1909 Taylor St Ste B
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 862-3937
Keith Fredericks OD
1740 W 27th St Ste 180
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-8652
Jesse Benavides OD
340 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 261
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 447-0244
Kelly T L Tran OD PA
12194 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77067
(281) 781-8724
John D Chatelain OD PA
8100 Highway 6 N Ste A
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 550-2020
Kevin Katz OD PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Jonathan T Wong OD PC
255 Westlake Park Blvd
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 310-5022
Kevin Lin Gee OD PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Joseph S Goetz MD
6328 Telephone Rd
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 644-0486
Klein Vision Group
6970 FM 1960 Rd W Ste A
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 469-2020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
J Floyd Williams OD
18333 Egret Bay Blvd Ste 101
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-5169
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Kvt Vision LLC
8717 Highway 6 N
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 859-8000
Louetta Family Vision Care
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
L A Spitzberg OD PA
7115 Sw Fwy
Houston 77074
(713) 981-6021
M & M Optical
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Larry D Cohen OD
1000 Main St Ste T10
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 658-8301
M Eye Vision LLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Larry Wilkinson OD
13147 Northwest Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 462-2010
Maianh Tran OD PC
21642 State Highway 249
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 370-9931
Lhn Vision PA
13615 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 933-3446
Mann Eye Center PA
11510 SPAce Center Blvd Ste B
Houston, TX 77059
(281) 991-9300
Liaqat A Khalfe OD PC
3418 Highway 6 S Ste 3
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 589-2955
Marc Bernard Gold OD
10728 Eastex Fwy
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 697-7875
Lifetime Eyecare Associates
5614 E Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 678-8288
Marc R Sanders MD PA
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 781-3517
Linh Tran Le OD PA
5136 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77056
(281) 888-9035
Martha Diaz OD PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Lon D Cartwright
4009 S Braeswood Blvd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 667-2010
Martha Gallia OD PC
12970 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-3521
Lone Star Eye Care PA
3405 Edloe St Ste 300
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 797-1500
Mason Village Optical PC
1005 Blalock Rd Ste I
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 467-8818
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Michelle Eva Lamb
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Maxwell A Olumba OD PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Mini John OD PLLC
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Mc Best Glasses and Contact Lenses
8412 Winkler Dr
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 644-0269
Mira Eyecare PLLC
8410 Fondren Rd
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 271-6567
Melissa M Sommers OD PC
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 781-3517
Misa Trang Huynh OD PA
5141 FM 1960 Rd W
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 583-7070
Memorial City TSO
12122 Gulf Fwy
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 944-3826
Modern Eyes Vision Center PC
12334 Gulf Fwy Ste A
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 941-1082
Memorial Eye PA
1200 McKinney St Ste 411
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 759-9449
Moes R Nasser OD PC
10850 Louetta Rd Ste 1000
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 370-3030
Memorial Park Vision PA
12710 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste F
Houston, TX 77044
(281) 436-1800
Moffatt Wagner PC
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Meyerland TSO Inc
1635A S Voss Rd
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 954-2020
Morrow and Brooks PA
11510 SPAce Center Blvd Ste B
Houston, TX 77059
(281) 991-9300
Mia Mio Inc
11159 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 978-7504
Mostaghimi Group PLLC
2464 Highway 6 S
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 558-2010
Michael Ray Gerdts LTD
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Museum District Texas State Optical
4850 Main St
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 523-5109
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Matthew Carey Snyder
8506 Highway 6 N
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 550-3600
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
N Jean Robinson OD PA
6737 Stella Link Rd
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 432-1137
Northwest Eye Optical
1740 W 27th St Ste 180
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-8652
Nelson Juarez OD PA
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Optica Latina Inc
11159 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 978-7504
Neurosensory Center of Bellaire PA
1701 Sunset Blvd Ste 6207
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 592-6550
Optimal Eye Care PC
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 550
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 977-8464
New Wave Optical PLLC
22513 State Highway 249 Ste 123
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 205-7433
Optimax Vision Care PA
1337 W 43rd St Ste B
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 686-3221
Ngala OD PC
11509 Veterans Memorial Dr 900
Houston 77067
(281) 580-3937
Optomedica Eye Consultants LLC
2430 Fry Rd
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 829-2020
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 781-3517
Pasadena Eye Associates
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Nguyen & Tran OD PA
365 Greens Rd
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 875-6800
Pasadena Optical
9950 Katy Fwy Ste A
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 468-7631
Nicole S Brassell OD PC
10130 Louetta Rd Ste B
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 251-8133
Pasadena TSO PC
365 Greens Rd
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 875-6800
Northline TSO
4400 North Fwy SPC B300
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 697-2081
Pearland Eye Associates LLC
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Northshore TSO Inc
1250 Uvalde Rd
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-2972
Pham Vision Inc
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Phuong Nguyen Inc
10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 105
Houston, TX 77072
(713) 774-3211
Rd Le Inc
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Pickering and Pickering Inc
13427 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 450-2020
Reneau Eye Association
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
2519 University Blvd
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 526-1718
Revolution Eyes PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Pope Enterprises LLC
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Rhodes Bagwell PLLC
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 550
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 977-8464
Preferred Eye Care Professional
2323 Clear Lake City Blvd Ste 150
Houston, TX 77062
(281) 480-1002
Richard L Scott OD
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Rita Medrano
10555 Pearland Pkwy Ste D
Houston, TX 77089
(713) 991-5522
6839 Highway 6 N
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 859-9136
Robert Thuan Nguyen OD PA
8300 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 248
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 568-8787
R J Rippey OD PA
550 Heights Blvd Unit B
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 862-3149
Rq Optometry
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Ramirez Family Eyecare Inc
5819 Gulf Fwy Ste 700
Houston, TX 77023
(713) 926-6567
San Jacinto Reg Eye Center
415 W Little York Rd Ste E
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 699-2020
Ravindra Kankaria OD PC
5164 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston, TX 77039
(281) 449-7400
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Richard Redfield OD PC
5419 FM 1960 Rd W Ste C
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 894-2020
R B Matocha Optometrist Inc
2106 Yale St
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-5421
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Scrc Management Inc
5177 Richmond Ave Ste 780
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 349-0224
Stephen A Ditta OD
10100 Beechnut St Ste 26
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 575-8100
SCRC Management Inc
5177 Richmond Ave Ste 780
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 349-0224
Strong Vision Center PA
13615 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 933-3446
Sheena L Garner Baber OD PLLC
3100 Weslayan St Ste 400
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 526-1600
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center PA
1229 Campbell Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 467-6600
Shirley K Pannapara OD
4760 Beechnut St
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 664-4760
Sylvia R Morales OD PLLC
4899 Griggs Rd Ste A
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 748-5000
12918 Malcomson Rd
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 357-9220
Tara B Bailey OD PA
5158 Buffalo Speedway
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 838-2020
Spectrum Eyecare
6815 Southwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 952-3937
Texas State Optical
11550 Fuqua St Ste 205
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 669-3600
Spring Branch Eye Care Center LLC
12970 East Fwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 453-3521
The Vision Source Deerbrook
3800 Southwest Fwy Ste 112
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 627-3937
Spring Eye Care PLLC
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
The Vision Source Kingwood
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Spring Vision Associates PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Thomas Bui OD PC
1828 Airline Dr Ste A
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 802-9963
Stacy M Sonik OD
3100 Weslayan St Ste 400
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 526-1600
Todays Vision Baybrook Associates PA
6815 Southwest Fwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 952-3937
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Todays Vision Missouri City PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Tuan K Le
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Todays Vision Rice Village PC
1616 Clear Lake City Blvd Ste 103
Houston, TX 77062
(281) 286-4343
University of Houston College of
10515 Bellaire Blvd Ste G
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 564-5588
Todays Vision Sugarland PC
1171 Edgebrook Dr
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 941-7190
Urban Eye Associates PC
5544 Airline Dr
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 692-0667
Todays Vision Tomball PA
6970 FM 1960 Rd W Ste A
Houston, TX 77069
(281) 469-2020
Vegas Vision Center PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Todays Vision Willowbrook
15080 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-0300
Vericare Vision PLLC
6737 Stella Link Rd
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 432-1137
Visible Eye Care PLLC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Total Eye Care PA
3221 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 522-7448
Vision Center of Magnolia PC
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Town Square Eye Associates PA
238 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 771-2020
Vision Corner LTD LLP
1234 Bay Area Blvd Ste E
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-2020
Tru Vision Inc
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Vision Corner Post Oak
3405 Edloe St Ste 300
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 797-1500
True Vision Family Eyecare
4400 North Fwy SPC A400
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 699-8443
Vision I Care Inc
515 Bay Area Blvd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 488-0066
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Tomball Texas State Optical PC
4400 North Fwy SPC B300
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 697-2081
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Vision Optique PC
5000 Westheimer Rd Ste 590
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 623-2000
Westheimer Vision Associates PC
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 580
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 781-3517
Vision Pro PA
11805 Westheimer Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-0689
Willowbrook TSO PC
17776 State Highway 249 Ste 15
Houston, TX 77064
(281) 890-8480
Vision Source
9865 Blackhawk Blvd Ste C
Houston, TX 77075
(713) 987-5555
Wishnow Sugar Vision Group PC
10260 Westheimer Rd Ste 550
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 977-8464
Vision Source Atascocita PA
2366 Rice Blvd Ste A
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 521-2020
Woodlands Eye Center PPC
13433 State Highway 249 Ste 9
Houston, TX 77086
(281) 272-2555
Vision Source Copperfield
2002 Gessner Rd
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 461-9927
Ciudad de Humble
Acuvision Inc PC
19623 Highway 59 N
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-0103
Vision Trends Kirkwood PA
127 Greens Rd
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 876-2021
Barbara A Higgins OD PC
18700 W Lake Houston Pkwy B101
Humble 77346
(281) 812-4000
Vision Trends Louetta PA
10603 Fuqua St Ste A
Houston, TX 77089
(713) 947-8718
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
7561 FM 1960 Rd E Ste 170
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 360-5151
Vision Trends Woodlands PA
432 W 19th St
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-8822
Charles A Garcia MD PA
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
Visionary Eye Care PA
12220 Jones Rd Ste B
Houston, TX 77070
(832) 912-1600
Clearview Vision PA
5514 Atascocita Rd Ste 100
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 548-2020
Vu Nguyen OD PA
505 J Davis Armistead Bldg
Houston, TX 77204
(713) 743-2020
Davida A Baxter OD PC
18700 W Lake Houston Pkwy B101
Humble 77346
(281) 812-4000
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
George C KauFMan III OD PC
19623 Highway 59 N
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-0103
Todays Vision Atascocita PA
6730 Atascocita Rd Ste 101
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 883-4774
Hopping Eye Associates LTD LLP
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
Tru Vision Inc
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
Houston Optic PLLC
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
University of Houston College of
20811 Highway 59 N Ste 300
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-2020
Insight Vision Care PC
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
Vision Source Atascocita PA
5514 Atascocita Rd Ste 100
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 548-2020
K & B Associates PA
19250 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste G
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 540-3937
Westheimer Vision Associates PC
5514 Atascocita Rd Ste 100
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 548-2020
Mann Eye Center PA
18850 S Memorial Dr
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-7900
Ciudad de Jersey Village
Moes R Nasser OD PC
20119A Highway 59 N
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-5800
Ciudad de Katy
Paragon Eye Care Inc
9701 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 100
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 360-2021
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
707 S Fry Rd Ste 480
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 579-6777
River Oaks Vision
19250 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste G
Humble, TX 77346
(281) 540-3937
Cindy Tu OD & Associates PA
750 Westgreen Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 580-2500
Texas State Optical Aldine Westfield PA
3103 FM 1960 Rd W Ste V
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 443-0340
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Urban Eyecare PA
17454 Northwest Fwy
Jersey Village, TX 77040
(281) 372-6686
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Dorsey C Blair OD
830 S Mason Rd Ste A2
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 392-9020
Lifetime Eyecare Associates
20220 Katy Fwy Ste D
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 492-6262
Eye Count Ventures LLC
24217 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 644-2010
Linh T Yee Young OD PA
1331 W Grand Pkwy N Ste 120
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 347-0177
Florence D Wooten MD
750 Westgreen Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 580-2500
Lisa Le OD PA
1101 S Mason Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 398-4000
Futureyes Inc
1540 S Mason Rd Ste C
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 693-1616
Lone Star Eye Care PA
707 S Fry Rd Ste 480
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 579-6777
Greenspoint Vision Center Inc
707 S Fry Rd Ste 480
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 579-6777
Ltw Vision Empire PA
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Houston Optic PLLC
1331 W Grand Pkwy N Ste 120
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 347-0177
Mann Eye Center PA
24217 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 644-2010
Katy Eye Care PLLC
5919 George Bush Dr
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 391-3013
Mc Best Glasses and Contact Lenses
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Katy Fry Road TSO PA
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Richard M Ullman OD PC
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Kemp & Peterson ODs PC
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Shah Eye Care PA
24441 Katy Fwy Ste 300
Katy, TX 77494
(281) 392-4010
Liaqat A Khalfe OD PC
20220 Katy Fwy Ste D
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 492-6262
Sharp Visions Inc
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Todays Vision Missouri City PA
21975 Katy Fwy
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 392-7010
The Vision Source Kingwood
1714 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-2020
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
University of Houston College of
1714 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-2020
University of Houston College of
1245 N Fry Rd Ste A
Katy, TX 77449
(713) 752-2020
Vision Trends Woodlands PA
4333 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 360-3762
Ciudad de La Porte
Davida A Baxter OD PC
1714 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-2020
Bub Lee Eye Center Inc
10411 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 991-6774
Dr Bruce A Hoff PC
1388 Stonehollow Dr Ste 1
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 358-5411
Houston Optic PLLC
9500 Spencer Hwy
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 476-5107
Eye To Eye PA
4333 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 360-3762
La Porte Vision Center
401 W Fairmont Pkwy Ste A
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 471-6546
Kaufman Eye PA
1714 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-2020
Louetta Family Vision Care
10411 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 991-6774
Kemp & Peterson ODs PC
1714 Kingwood Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-2020
Ciudad de Pasadena
Allsep Vision Center PC
5233 Fairmont Pkwy Ste G1
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 487-8100
Mark D Anderson OD
25 N Main St
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 361-2020
Bub Lee Eye Center Inc
1100 Pasadena Blvd Ste D
Pasadena, TX 77506
(713) 920-2020
Sugarland Eye & Laser Center PA
1110 Kingwood Dr Ste 111
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 359-5665
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Ciudad de Kingwood
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Charles A Garcia MD PA
4450 E Sam Houston Pkwy S
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 473-5715
Pasadena TSO PC
3405 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 875-2020
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
3333 Bayshore Blvd Ste 280
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 943-8671
South Shore Eye Center PLLC
3333 Bayshore Blvd Ste 280
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 943-8671
Downtown TSO
825 Southmore Ave
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 473-2020
Thanh Huynh OD PLLC
3917 Shaver St
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 941-6662
Houston Optic PLLC
4415 Crenshaw Rd
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 998-0500
Tomball Texas State Optical PC
3405 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 875-2020
Jenny Tran OD & Associates PC
5858 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 991-3937
Tv West Oaks Inc
1100 Pasadena Blvd Ste D
Pasadena, TX 77506
(713) 920-2020
Marvin L Baza Jr OD
4415 Crenshaw Rd
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 998-2020
University of Houston College of
3405 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 875-2020
Museum District Texas State Optical
825 Southmore Ave
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 473-2020
Vision I Care Inc
5150 Crenshaw Rd Ste B150
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 944-4828
Northshore TSO Inc
3405 Spencer Hwy
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 875-2020
Vision Trends Louetta PA
2777 Shaver St Ste A
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 941-7112
Omni Optical PLLC
825 Southmore Ave
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 473-2020
Ciudad de Spring
Bellaire Optometry Clinic PC
7312 Louetta Rd Ste B116
Spring, TX 77379
(832) 717-0900
Pasadena Optical
825 Southmore Ave
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 473-2020
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
18555 Kuykendahl Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 547-7477
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
8220 Louetta Rd Ste 112
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 370-2020
Neurosensory Center of Bellaire PA
6640 CypresswoOD Dr Ste 105
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 355-9090
David H Steed
6526 Louetta Rd Ste C
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-4551
Northshore TSO Inc
21195 Kuykendahl Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(832) 843-6369
Eye Styles PLLC
8765 Spring Cypress Rd Ste N
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 655-9595
Todays Vision Tomball PA
6603 FM 2920 Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 370-4444
For Eyes Inc
8220 Louetta Rd Ste 112
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 370-2020
University of Houston College of
6526 Louetta Rd Ste C
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-4551
Gr Beavers OD PA
2616 FM 2920 Rd Ste I
Spring, TX 77388
(281) 353-8300
Urban Eyes Inc
8765 Spring Cypress Rd Ste N
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 655-9595
Vision Trends Kingwood PA
4710 Louetta Rd
Spring, TX 77388
(281) 350-2067
ID Vision Center PLLC
6925 CypresswoOD Dr Ste A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 251-1120
Ciudad de Tomball
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
14030 FM 2920 Rd Ste E
Tomball, TX 77377
(281) 351-0744
Mann Eye Center PA
2616 FM 2920 Rd Ste I
Spring, TX 77388
(281) 353-8300
Dr Amit Shah and Associates
13414 Medical Complex Dr Ste 4
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5468
Memorial Vision PA
6526 Louetta Rd Ste C
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-4551
Jorclara Inc
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Michael Nell PC
6603 FM 2920 Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 370-4444
Katy Fry Road TSO PA
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Houston Optic PLLC
20920 Kuykendahl Rd Ste C
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 353-3937
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Misa Trang Huynh OD PA
1231 Alma St Ste O
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-7378
Ciudad de Webster
Clear Lake Eye Center
17040 Highway 3
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-8474
Northshore TSO Inc
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
555 E Medical Center Blvd Ste 101
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 488-7213
Rhodes Bagwell PLLC
23110 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 100
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 717-3937
Houston Optic PLLC
100 E Nasa Rd 1 Ste 70
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-0698
Tomball Texas State Optical PC
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Pasadena Eye Associates
17100 Glenmount Park Dr Ste B
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 488-0070
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
TSO Kingwood NorthPark PA
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Ronald A Sachs OD
1209 W Bay Area Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-1919
University of Houston College of
14030 FM 2920 Rd Ste E
Tomball, TX 77377
(281) 351-0744
Somji Eye Associates PLLC
100 E Nasa Rd 1 Ste 70
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-0698
Visual ComPAssion Inc
24914 Kuykendahl Rd Ste D
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 516-3111
Todays Vision Sharpstown PC
1209 W Bay Area Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 338-1919
Willowbrook TSO PC
28301 State Highway 249 Ste 700
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-2020
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Ciudad de Waller
Conroe Eye Clinic LLP
333 N Rivershire Dr Ste 160
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 441-2020
Conroe Vision Associates
31315 FM 2920 Rd Ste 19
Waller, TX 77484
(936) 372-3644
Conroe Vision Associates
1422 N Loop 336 W Ste B
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 539-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Gregory M Breaux
2257 N Loop 336 W Ste 150
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 788-2600
Westheimer Vision Associates PC
22741 Professional Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 319-4334
Houston Optic PLLC
333 N Rivershire Dr Ste 160
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 441-2020
Willowbrook TSO PC
25639 Highway 59 N Ste 109
Kingwood, TX 77339
(832) 810-2020
Katy Vision Associates PA
2210 Interstate 45 N
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 788-2020
Ciudad de Magnolia
FK Manuel OD PC
306 Magnolia Blvd
Magnolia, TX 77355
(281) 259-2020
Russell J Malik OD
3600 FM 1488 Rd Ste 220
Conroe, TX 77384
(936) 273-3937
Harrisburg Eye Clinic PA
6519 FM 1488 Rd Ste 503
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 946-2020
University of Houston College of
1422 N Loop 336 W Ste B
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 539-2020
Larry Wilkinson OD
18230 FM 1488 Rd Ste 104
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-6060
Moffatt Wagner PC
7025 FM 1488 Rd
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-5300
Vision Trends Greenspoint PA
1329 W Davis St
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 441-3939
Ravindra Kankaria OD PC
18230 FM 1488 Rd Ste 104
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-6060
Westside Eye Care LLC
2210 Interstate 45 N
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 788-2020
Ryan Nhan Vo OD
7025 FM 1488 Rd
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-5300
Ciudad de Kingwood
University of Houston College of
18230 FM 1488 Rd Ste 104
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-6060
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
22741 Professional Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 319-4334
Deborah A Thomas OD & Associates
22999 Highway 59 N Ste 108
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 348-3375
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Vision Source Greenway Galleria PA
1148 W Dallas St
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 756-8612
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Houston Optic PLLC
1699 Research Forest Dr # 150
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 363-2155
Ciudad de Montgomery
Cameron Optical PLLC
18438 Highway 105 W Ste A
Montgomery, TX 77356
(936) 448-1200
Michael Gerdts OD PA
1508 Research Forest Dr Ste 200
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(281) 466-1700
Dr Bruce A Hoff PC
123 Blue Heron Dr Ste 103
Montgomery, TX 77316
(936) 582-4200
Todays Vision Deerbrook PC
1120 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 320
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 363-2155
Ciudad de Pinehurst
Larry Wilkinson OD
32360 State Highway 249 Ste 200
Pinehurst, TX 77362
(281) 351-2332
Ciudad de Spring
Clearview Vision PA
9004 Forest Crossing Dr Ste A
Spring 77381
(281) 364-1981
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
University of Houston College of
32360 State Highway 249 Ste 200
Pinehurst, TX 77362
(281) 351-2332
Ciudad de Porter
Davida A Baxter OD PC
9004 Forest Crossing Dr Ste A
Spring 77381
(281) 364-1981
23128 FM 1314 Rd Ste A
Porter, TX 77365
(281) 354-0900
Scott M Ryf OD PA
580 Sawdust Rd
Spring, TX 77380
(281) 367-4966
Ciudad de Shenandoah
The Vision Source Deerbrook
2319 Rayford Rd Ste 200
Spring, TX 77386
(281) 601-1001
Conroe Eye Clinic LLP
1699 Research Forest Dr # 150
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 363-2155
Vision Optique PC
9004 Forest Crossing Dr Ste A
Spring 77381
(281) 364-1981
Daniel Sun Jee
1120 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 320
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 363-2155
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Douglas R Fingold OD
1699 Research Forest Dr # 150
Shenandoah, TX 77380
(281) 363-2155
Berkeley Eye Institute PA
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Linh T Yee Young OD PA
1570 Lake Woodlands Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 681-3937
Coastal Eye Associates PLLC
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Mann Eye Center PA
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-2020
Doreck Vision LLC
3091 College Park Dr Ste 275
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 271-4444
Memorial City TSO
3091 College Park Dr Ste 275
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 271-4444
Eyecare Clinics of Texas LLC
1111 Medical Plaza Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 419-3355
Memorial Eye Care PC
4775 W Panther Creek Dr Ste 230B
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 367-5335
George C KauFMan III OD PC
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-2020
Pasadena Optical
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Invision Eyecare PLLC
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Scrc Management Inc
1001 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-2020
Joy Rosner
4775 W Panther Creek Dr Ste 230B
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 367-5335
University of Houston College of
1201 Lake Woodlands Dr Ste 1108
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 362-1888
Kaufman Eye PA
4775 W Panther Creek Dr Ste 230B
The Woodlands, TX 77381
(281) 367-5335
Vision Eye Max PLLC
10807 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 408
The Woodlands, TX 77382
(281) 298-8332
Leslie A Varkey OD PC
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Vision Trends Conroe PA
402 Sawdust Rd
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 367-5886
Lifetime Eyecare Associates
3091 College Park Dr Ste 275
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 271-4444
Vsp Retail Inc
6700 Woodlands Pkwy Ste 150
The Woodlands, TX 77382
(281) 363-4362
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Champions Eyecare PC
25248 Grogans Park Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 298-2020
Proveedores de servicious para la vista
Wishnow Sugar Vision Group PC
17450 St Lukes Way Ste 100
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(281) 363-3443
Ciudad de Willis
Proveedores de servicious par la vista
Todays Vision Willowbrook
12709 Interstate 45 N Ste 500
Willis, TX 77318
(936) 856-9400
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Pearland
Kelsey Pharmacy - Pearland
2515 Business Center Dr
Pearland, TX 77584
(713) 442-7272
Medlin Pharmacy
2755 Texas Pkwy Ste 101
Missouri City, TX 77489
(281) 437-1818
Fort Bend Condado
Quail Valley Pharmacy
2244 FM 1092 Rd
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-9300
Ciudad de Fulshear
Fulshear Pharmacy
29818 FM 1093
Fulshear, TX 77441
(281) 346-2020
Upshaw Pharmacy
7125 W Fuqua Rd
Missouri City, TX 77489
(281) 416-9123
Ciudad de Houston
JL Wellness Pharmacy
9210 Highway 6 S
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 741-1960
Ciudad de Needville
13500 Hwy 36
Needville, TX 77461
(979) 793-5534
Maximum Care Pharmacy
16251 S Post Oak Rd Ste A
Houston, TX 77053
(281) 438-6161
Ciudad de Richmond
Carter's Pharmacy Rx
1202 Lark Ln Ste 3
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 239-3238
Medx Pharmacy
8751 State Hwy 6
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 506-2453
Healthquest Pharmacy
22001 SW Frwy
Richmond, TX 77469
(832) 222-0100
Ciudad de Missouri City
Amazing Grace Pharmacy, Inc
1965 Texas Pkwy
Missouri City, TX 77489
(832) 230-0169
Lifechek Drug
1100 Jackson St
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 232-3529
Glenn Lakes Pharmacy, Inc
3640 Glenn Lakes Ln
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 261-8278
Mariste Pharmacy
8433 FM 1464 Ste G
Richmond, TX 77407
(713) 234-7190
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Healthscripts Of America-Southwest
Texas, LLC
2803 Dulles Ave Ste 2817
Missouri City, TX 77459
(832) 494-3210
Brazoria Condado
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Metscript Pharmacy
1300 Main St
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 277-2707
Ciudad de Stafford
3 Son's Pharmacy
13645 Murphy Rd Ste 219
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 208-3400
Metscript Pharmacy
7790 W Grand Parkway S
Richmond, TX 77406
(281) 762-6375
Dayspring Pharmacy And Medical
Supplies, Inc
12343 I Murphy Rd
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 530-4442
NBJ Pharmacy, Inc
7830 W Grand Pkwy S Ste 160
Richmond, TX 77406
(832) 222-9450
Pharmacy 4 Less
432 Murphy Rd
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 969-5077
Richmond Pharmacy
1601 Main St Ste 106
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 762-7462
PR Pharmacy, LLC
720 FM 1092
Stafford, TX 77477
(832) 230-8027
Ciudad de Rosenberg
C - Med Pharmacy And Health Care
Services, LLC
5633 Avenue I Ste C
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(832) 363-3787
Stafford Pharmacy & DME
2448 S Main St
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 969-5901
Joe's Pharmacy
1221 1st St
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 762-1231
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Accu-Care Pharmacy
4645 Highway 6 Ste J
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 494-0056
Rosenberg 9 Pharmacy
4114 Avenue H
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 762-0874
Admix Compounding Pharmacy
1403 Highway 6 Ste 300B
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(832) 532-3113
Trident Pharmacy
2307 4th St
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 238-8440
Campbell's Compounding Pharmacy
4760 Sweetwater Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 980-2555
Wellmeds Pharmacy
1316 7th St
Rosenberg, TX 77471
(281) 232-2850
Compound One
12560 Reed Rd
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 319-8312
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Physicians Pavilion Pharmacy
16902 SW Frwy Ste 106
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 325-6620
Emoss Pharmacy, LLC
13509 SW Frwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-7880
Pro Med Rx
13134 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste # 900
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-0730
Healix Therapeutics
14140 SW Frwy Ste 120
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 295-4292
Pro Pharmacy Health, Inc
14021 SW Frwy # 409B
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 491-0767
Health Check Pharmacy
3533 Town Center Blvd S Ste 500
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 201-8232
Sugar Land Compounding Pharmacy
14891 SW Frwy
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 302-6080
Healthscripts Specialty Pharmacy, LLC
13020 Dairy Ashford Ste 301
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(832) 494-3210
Texas Oncology Pharmacy
1350 First Colony Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 276-3467
Kelsey Pharmacy - Fort Bend
11555 University Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(713) 442-9475
Tex-Care Pharmacy
4660 Sweetwater Blvd Ste 180
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(832) 532-0135
Metscript Pharmacy
4888 Hwy 90 A
Sugar Land, TX 77498
(281) 277-2700
Vita Care Pharmacy II
1429 Hwy 6 S #100
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-2800
Normandy Rx, Inc
7320 US Hwy 90A
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(832) 999-4744
Vitamed Pharmacy
16126 SW Frwy Ste 180
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(281) 313-0234
Omni-One-Med Pharmacy Services, LLC
17310 W Grand Pkwy S Ste E
Sugar Land, TX 77479
(832) 554-5008
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Bacliff
Sullivan Pharmacy
1140 Grand Ave
Bacliff, TX 77518
(281) 339-4577
Pharmtrust Pharmacy
1111 Highway 6 S Ste 110
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 201-2627
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Deliverit Pharmacy, Inc
13303 W Airport Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-1071
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Dickinson
Harris Condado
Bay Colony Pharmacy
2251 FM 646 Rd W Ste 155
Dickinson, TX 77539
(832) 340-7021
Ciudad de Baytown
Birdsongs Pharmacy
4002 Garth Rd Ste 140A
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 628-7186
Ciudad de Friendswood
Parkwood Pharmacy
405 E Parkwood
Friendswood, TX 77546
(832) 569-4059
GR Cure
1658 W Baker Rd
Baytown, TX 77521
(281) 428-0009
Ciudad de La Marque
Ciudad de Bellaire
Hart Pharmacy
202 Hwy 3
La Marque, TX 77568
(409) 938-3787
Amex Pharmacy
5420 Bellaire Blvd
Bellaire, TX 77401
(832) 778-0400
Ciudad de League City
Custom Meds Pharmacy, Inc
4805 Bissonnet St
Bellaire, TX 77401
(832) 431-5449
Rx To Go Pharmacy
1100 Gulf Fwy S Ste 290
League City, TX 77573
(281) 557-0220
Healthscripts Of America - Houston
Galleria, LLC
6565 West Loop S Ste 110B
Bellaire, TX 77401
(832) 494-3213
Ciudad de Santa Fe
Medicine Man Pharmacy
13250 Highway 6
Santa Fe, TX 77510
(409) 927-1979
Healthscripts Of America - Pearland, LLC
6565 West Loop S Ste 109
Bellaire, TX 77401
(832) 494-3210
Ciudad de Texas City
Affordable Pharmacy, Inc
8030 FM 1765 Suite A104
Texas City, TX 77591
(409) 229-4636
Medley Compounding Pharmacy
5711 Bissonnet St Ste F
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 838-1500
Mainland Pharmacy
601 9th Ave N
Texas City, TX 77590
(409) 945-2368
Pin Oak Pharmacy
6700 W Loop S Ste 325
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 668-8686
Texas City Pharmacy
2506 25th Ave North
Texas City, TX 77590
(409) 655-3033
Platinum Rx
5420 W Loop S
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 667-6777
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Medi Pro International Pharmacy
13203 Fry Rd Ste 400
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 277-0111
Westlands Pharmacy
5819 Bissonnet St
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-1400
Medicine+ Pharmacy
10730 Barker Cypress Rd Ste C
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 724-5820
Ciudad de Channelview
North Cypress Village Pharmacy
21212 NW Frwy Ste 101
Cypress, TX 77429
(832) 912-6210
Channelview Pharmacy
441 Sheldon Rd
Channelview, TX 77530
(281) 457-0523
Rx One Pharmacy
9740 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 107
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 656-2000
Ciudad de Cypress
A Plus Pharmacy
8190 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 800
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 858-5353
Ciudad de Houston
1960 Pharmacy
830 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 893-6000
BC Pharmacy, Inc
14030 Telge Rd Ste E
Cypress, TX 77429
(832) 334-5695
Aapex Pharmacy
6065 Hillcroft Plaza
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 270-7771
Bgc Pharmacy, LLC
12101 Grant Rd
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 257-4299
Abbey Pharmacy
5351 Antoine Dr
Houston, TX 77091
(281) 888-4837
Cy Springs Pharmacy
7630 Fry Rd Ste 500
Cypress, TX 77433
(832) 427-6694
ABC Pharmacy
5700 S Gessner
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 777-1041
Cypress Pharmacy
17330 Spring Cypress Rd
Cypress, TX 77429
(281) 213-3490
Acariahealth Pharmacy
2301 Caroline St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 651-8001
Fairfield Pharmacy / Compounding
15201 Mason Rd Ste 700
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 758-4040
Accredo Health Group, Inc
9307 Kirby Dr
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 791-1552
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
St. Hope Pharmacy
6800 W Loop S Ste 590
Bellaire, TX 77401
(832) 319-7610
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Advance Pharmacy
909 Dairy Ashford St Ste 203
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 531-7933
Astoria Pharmacy
11003 Resource Pkwy Ste 102
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 922-4522
Ako Pharmacy
6263 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 541-1465
Astro Pharmacy, LLC
10530 Northwest Frwy
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 957-4600
Allcare Pharmacy, LLC
12579 Richmond Ave Ste 300B
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 558-8500
Awesome Care Pharmacy
5705 Fondren Rd
Houston, TX 77036
(281) 501-1008
Alliance Pharm D
13734 SH FM 249
Houston, TX 77086
(281) 591-0900
Azteca Pharmacy
3100 Broadway St
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 664-3600
Amex Pharmacy
12605 E Frwy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 451-8400
B.V.M. Pharmacy Inc.
9325 Kempwood Dr Ste B
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 460-5100
Amex Pharmacy
906 Wayside
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 457-9333
Baijes Bissonnet Pharmacy
9801 Bissonnet St Ste F
Houston, TX 77036
(281) 974-3573
Amex United Drug
3030 Canal St
Houston, TX 77003
(713) 237-9301
Ballem Pharmacy
3144 Southmore Blvd
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 520-6900
A-Plus Pharmacy
5700 S Gessner Ste G
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 750-9160
Bao Chau Pharmacy
12002 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77067
(281) 631-0600
Apotek Pharmacy
5103 Harrisburg Blvd
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 928-3210
Barker Cypress Pharmacy
1855 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 140
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 579-9393
Artemis Pharmacy
9640 Court Glen Dr
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 933-8888
Beechnut Professional Pharmacy
7500 Beechnut
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 988-1103
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Bizmart Pharmacy
9504 Long Point Rd Ste L
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 465-2300
Bellaire Pharmacy
9115 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 777-6251
Blue Mint Pharmacy
9888 Bissonnet St Ste 210
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 773-2535
Bemaj Pharmacy, Inc
10039 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 774-7200
Bluebonnet Apothecary Services
4712 Airline Dr Ste F
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 691-6200
Berks Pharmacy
7515 Main St Ste 160
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 360-7974
Botica Familiar Pharmacy
12333 S Main St
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 918-6402
Berry Professional
8520 Jensen Dr
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 697-9750
Bretshire Pharmacy, Inc
7030 Bretshire Dr
Houston, TX 77016
(713) 635-8800
Best Rx Pharmacy
13630 Beamer Rd Ste 103
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-0022
Briargrove Pharmacy
6435 San Felipe
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 783-5704
Bestcare Pharmacy
7338 Mchenry
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 644-2424
Bright Medical Supply And Pharmacy
9630 Clarewood Dr Ste A-14
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 772-7700
Big Tex Pharmacy
10900 Gulf Frwy Ste A3
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 283-1310
Broadway Pharmacy
3744 Broadway St C
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 454-0028
Biocare Pharmacy
10603 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 530-5800
Brushman's Pharmacy
6420 Hillcroft St Ste 115
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 981-4488
Biocure, LLC
8700 Commerce Park Dr Ste 241
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 360-2100
BWM Pharmacy And Medical Supply, Inc
11850 FM 1960 Rd W
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 469-1882
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Bellaire Discount Phy
10515 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 568-1888
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
BZ Pharmacy, Inc
15622 Silver Ridge Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(713) 973-7500
Central Pharmacy
2808 San Jacinto
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 759-0321
C & C Pharmacy
8208 Gulf Frwy
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 641-6300
Challenge Care Pharmacy
9009 North Loop E Ste # 120
Houston, TX 77029
(832) 487-9746
C And E Pharmaceutical
9627 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 272-6500
Choice Pharmacy
10026A Longpoint Rd.
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 461-3344
C&G Pharmacy Ldt
11618 Aldine Westfield Rd
Houston, TX 77093
(281) 442-4201
Choice Pharmacy
9207 Country Creek Dr Ste 202
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 778-0463
Canal Healthcare Solns, LLC
7648 Canal St
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 924-6067
9623 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 776-8200
Canal Pharmacy
2502 Canal St
Houston, TX 77003
(713) 227-5583
Citizens Professional Pharmacy
7333 North Frwy 110
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 695-7316
Canal Rx
3311 Canal St
Houston, TX 77003
(713) 547-0752
CK Pharmacy
5990 Airline Dr
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 697-0610
Care Plus Pharmacy
10301 Club Creek Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 778-1773
Claude's Pharmacy
5740 W Little York Rd
Houston, TX 77091
(281) 447-7648
Careplus CVS Pharmacy
6622 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 383-0591
Clinical Care Pharmacy
2770 N Sam Houston Pkwy W
Houston, TX 77038
(281) 272-8700
Cego Infusion Pharmacy
6300 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 541-6000
Community Express Pharmacy
9820 Gulf Fwy Ste A-10
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 974-5488
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Cunningham Airline Pharmacy
6033 Airline Dr
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 697-3261
Community, A Walgreens Pharmacy
4101 Greenbriar
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 521-1700
Cunningham Pharmacy Gulfbank
7101 Lawndale St
Houston, TX 77023
(713) 921-7500
Compounding Pharmacy Solutions
6105 Beverly Hill St
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 783-2836
Cunningham Pharmacy Northwest
2925 W TC Jester Blvd
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 683-8600
Compounding Shop Pharmacy
11851A Wilcrest Dr
Houston, TX 77031
(281) 495-2230
Cyfair Pharmacy
16506 FM 529 Rd # 108
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 550-0123
Compounding Solutions
11240 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77064
(281) 477-7686
Cypress Compounding Pharmacy
9511 Huffmeister Rd Ste 104
Houston, TX 77095
(832) 617-0290
Conversio Health
1050 N Post Oak Rd Ste 130
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 335-8880
Darcy Pharmacy
11210 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 988-8300
Cornerstone Rx Pharmacy
7255 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 771-8217
Dashwood Pharmacy, LLC
12450 East Frwy Ste 120
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 904-1720
Crysoncare Pharmacy, Inc
6200 Bellaire Blvd Ste M
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 995-7577
DB Pharmacy, PLLC
12100-E Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77067
(281) 397-7711
Cullen Care Pharmacy
5751 Blythewood St
Houston, TX 77021
(713) 747-2100
Dell's Pharmacy
8300 Homestead Rd
Houston, TX 77028
(713) 631-3117
Cullen Care Pharmacy
9406 Cullen Blvd Ste C
Houston, TX 77051
(713) 264-0699
Diamond Pharmacy, LLC
2900 Hillcroft St
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 339-2255
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Community Pharmacy
9894 Bissonnet St Ste 282
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 981-5353
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Dimension Pharmacy
8880 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 541-4700
E&E Pharmacy
7008 Woodridge Drive
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 847-8989
Discount Pharmacy
8449 W Bellfort # 222
Houston, TX 77071
(281) 962-7006
Eagle Pharmacy
1917 Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 827-1202
Distinguished Pharmacy
12134 Beechnut St
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 495-0201
Eco Pharmacy Of Willowbrook, LLC
13325 Hargrave Rd Ste 260
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 955-7500
Divine Pharmacy
7457 Harwin Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 988-1777
Econo Pharmacy 2
415 W Little York Rd Ste H
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 691-7068
DNA Pharmacy
9419 Mesa Dr
Houston, TX 77028
(713) 633-3362
Elite Pharmacy
11569 S Wilcrest Dr
Houston, TX 77099
(832) 230-5229
Dollar Rx Pharmacy
8721 Jensen Dr
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 694-1470
Ella Pharmacy
3444 Ella Blvd
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 956-1622
Dow Pharmacy
8800 Long Point Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 722-7999
E-Med Pharmacy, LLC
12638 Bissonnet St Ste G
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 741-5289
Dr Rita's Pharmacy Inc
12289 W Houston Center Blvd Ste B/C Houston, TX 77082
(281) 531-5965
Emerald Pharmacy
12863 Gulf Frwy
Houston, TX 77034
(281) 484-7100
Dream Pharmacy Memorial
1140 Business Center Dr
Houston, TX 77043
(713) 465-1117
Empirical Pharmacy
9715 Telephone Rd
Houston, TX 77075
(713) 991-0072
Dunamis Pharmacy
6611 Chimney Rock Rd Ste 2
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 661-3600
Ennis St Pharmacy
4702 Ennis St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 524-7600
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Family Care Pharmacies
12350 Westheimer Ste D
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 589-7670
Excel Pharmacy, Inc
8600 W Airport Blvd Ste B
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 995-1272
Family Pharmacy Care
12121 Richmond Ave Ste 126
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 315-3770
Experiancare Pharmacy, LLC
3730 Kirby Dr
Houston, TX 77098
(713) 524-3330
Familycare Pharmacy
12060 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 933-3573
Express Drugs
10909 I10 E
Houston, TX 77029
(713) 673-6060
Familyrx Pharmacy, Inc
9511 HufFMeister Rd Ste 103
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 855-4343
Express Family Pharmacy, LLC
10101 Fondren Rd Ste 106
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 636-9177
Farmacia Etc
6430 Hillcroft St Ste 100B
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 771-0061
Express Specialty Pharmacy
837 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 105A
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 453-7205
Farmacia Familiar De Harwin
7400 Harwin Dr Ste 130
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 469-3502
Fairway Pharmacy
4912 Telephone Rd
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 454-0211
Faust LTC Pharmacy, Inc
1051 Pineloch Dr Ste 800
Houston, TX 77062
(832) 284-4043
Falcon Pharmacy Of Texas, Inc
8145 Highway 6 S Ste 114A
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 776-9600
First Choice Pharmacy
6200 Hillcroft St Ste 110
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 779-7603
Fallbrook Pharmacy
11780 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77065
(832) 237-4800
Freedom Pharmacy
4521 Highway 6 N Ste D
Houston, TX 77084
(936) 334-8000
Famacia Del Sol, Inc
6300 Hillcroft 101
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 776-0806
Friendly Pharmacy, Inc
3533 S Dairy Ashford Rd
Houston, TX 77082
(832) 351-2000
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Evergreen Pharmacy
9180 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 541-1234
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Galaxy Pharmacy
12303 Westheimer Rd Ste D
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-6600
Healthco Pharmacy
8604 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Houston, TX 77033
(713) 640-5575
Genesis Drug, Inc
302 W Gulfbank Rd
Houston, TX 77037
(281) 999-4210
Heights Pharmacy
5225 Katy Fwy Ste 105A
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 487-3313
Grand Parkway Phcy And Med Supl
9634 S Kirkwood Rd
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 495-5777
Heights Studewood Pharmacy
427 W 20th St
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 869-2225
Greens Point Pharmacy
165 Greens Rd
Houston, TX 77060
(281) 872-4177
Hicare Pharmacy, LLC
7814 Almeda Rd
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 799-8880
Groveway Pharmacy
4501 Groveway
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 644-9400
Hillcroft Pharmacy
6400 Hillcroft
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 988-9996
HACS Pharmacy
2150 W 18th St
Houston, TX 77008
(832) 384-1423
Holman Pharmacy
10000 A Harwin
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 776-3500
Harrisburg Pharmacy, PLLC
7321 Harrisburg Blvd Ste C-1
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 928-2100
Hope Pharmacy
1919 N Loop W
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-0100
Health Fit Pharmacy
3620 Katy Fwy Ste A
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 802-2441
Houston Southside Pharmacy
2626 S Loop W
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 839-9400
Healthchoice Pharmacy
10001 W Bellfort St Ste K
Houston, TX 77031
(281) 741-8358
HPB Pharmacy
6410 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 799-1472
Healthco Pharmacy
5730 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 218-6337
IMC Pharmacy
17027 Nanes Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 587-0152
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Kelsey Pharmacy - Cypress
13114 FM 1960
Houston, TX 77065
(713) 442-4055
Inwood Pharmacy
13300 Hargrave Rd
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 664-8829
Kelsey Pharmacy - Houston Center
1200 Mckinney St Ste 417
Houston, TX 77010
(713) 442-6337
Irvington Family Pharmacy
3815 Irvington Blvd Ste E
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 694-8399
Kelsey Pharmacy - Main
2727 W Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 442-0079
J & I Pharmacy
13249 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 372-6526
Kelsey Pharmacy - Meyerland
560 Meyerland Plaza Mall
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 442-3200
J & J Pharmacy
13415 Woodforest Blvd
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 330-4400
Kelsey Pharmacy - Spring
15655 Cypress Woods Medical Dr
Houston, TX 77014
(713) 442-1779
Jacinto Pharmacy, Inc
10805 Market St Rd
Houston, TX 77029
(713) 455-1361
Kelsey Pharmacy - Tanglewood
1111 Augusta
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 442-2450
Jacks Apothecary
8109 Cullen Blvd
Houston, TX 77051
(713) 733-7424
Kelsey Pharmacy - Vintage
10701 Vintage Preserve Pkwy
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 442-1579
James Pharmacy
12950 S Post Oak
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 721-3800
Kim Long Pharmacy
7601 W Sam Houston Pkwy S
Houston, TX 77072
(713) 777-1414
Kase Rx Pharmacy
8353 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 777-9200
Kim Tam Pharmacy
11794 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 498-5000
Kashmere Pharmacy, Inc
6402 Lyons
Houston, TX 77020
(713) 674-6916
Kimmy Pharmacy, LLC
8388 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 186
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 564-5400
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Intracare Community Pharmacy
7707 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-7821
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Kings Rx Pharmacy
9501 Long Point Rd Ste J
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 465-6007
Life Drugs Rx
12015 Louetta Rd Ste 300
Houston, TX 77070
(713) 462-7029
Kingsbridge Rx Pharmacy
6720 Hwy 6 S
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 495-3500
Life Pharmacy
5800 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 665-5050
Kingsley Pharmacy
2626 S Loop W Ste 115
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 664-6333
Lifecare Pharmacy
7135 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-3000
Kremco Pharmacy, LLC
10815 Beechnut St Ste 125
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 564-7500
Lifetime Rx
4720 Aldine Mail Rd Bldg A
Houston, TX 77039
(832) 230-4026
Kwik Meds Pharmacy, LLC
6438 W Little York Rd
Houston, TX 77091
(713) 856-9444
Little York Pharmacy
7404 Airline Dr Ste E
Houston, TX 77076
(832) 767-2139
L And B Pharmacy
9898 Bissonnet St Ste 149
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 773-3688
Lotus Pharmacy
8200 Wilcrest Dr Ste 8
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 983-9382
La Plaza Pharmacy 1
6655 Hillcroft
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 541-6655
Lotus Rx Pharmacy And Medical Supplies
11704 S Wilcrest
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 983-0399
Lanrx Pharmacy
9555 Main St
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 662-0200
Loving Care Pharmacy
4406 Airline Dr
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 808-9103
Leadcare Pharmacy
9908 S Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 774-8180
Lyons Pharmacy
5602 Lyons Ave
Houston, TX 77020
(713) 675-9667
Leland Pharmacy
5412 Farmer St
Houston, TX 77020
(713) 673-8000
Main Medical Plaza Pharmacy
10019 S Main
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 667-5003
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Med Rx Pharmacy
4000 Fulton St Ste C
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 695-5000
Maritime Pharmacy
900 Broadway St
Houston, TX 77012
(713) 921-1052
Med Scripts Pharmacy
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 116
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 390-6337
Mas Pharmacy Rx
9355 Long Point Rd Ste L
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 465-6113
Med Solution Pharmacy
10680 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 890-9922
Mavis O Pharmacy
10080 Bellaire Blvd Ste 102
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 498-1133
Med Valt Pharmacy, LLC
9117 Stella Link Rd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 349-9882
Maxor Pharmacy
1046B Hercules
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 480-0327
Medalways Pharmacy
11211 Katy Fwy Ste 440B
Houston, TX 77079
(713) 465-8100
Maxor Pharmacy
1919 La Branch St
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 756-5300
Medcare Rx Pharmacy
7052 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 272-9600
Mayflower Pharmacy
8323 SW Frwy Ste 115
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 981-5900
Medco Specialty Pharmacy
10305 Round Up Ln Ste 200
Houston, TX 77064
(713) 980-2814
MCA Pharmacy, LLC
1201 Dairy Ashford Ste 200
Houston, TX 77079
(713) 482-4444
Medex Pharmacy
9600 Fondren Rd #B3
Houston, TX 77096
(713) 771-3800
Med Pharmacy
6001 Hillcroft Ave
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 774-8301
Medex Plus
5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 201
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 664-8800
Med Pharmacy I
3302 Orlando
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 694-4618
Medic Pharmacy
4040 S Braeswood
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 666-6353
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Manor Pharmacy
2056 Antoine Dr
Houston, TX 77055
(832) 582-8109
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Medical Plaza
2101 Crawford St
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 654-4137
Medworld Pharmacy, Inc
12390 Kingsride Ln
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 647-0200
Medical Square Pharmacy
8945 Long Point Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 468-3236
Memorial Care Pharmacy
11035 Resource Pkwy
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-1600
Medi-Script Pharmacy
10735 Gulf Frwy
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 910-3774
Memorial Compounding Pharmacy
2918 San Jacinto St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 523-7847
Meditex Pharmacy
3010 S Richey St
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 401-3536
Memorial Pharmacy
9055 Katy Fwy Ste 303
Houston, TX 77024
(832) 358-8500
Medplus Rx, Inc
5950 S Gessner Dr Ste D
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 779-5400
Mercury Drive Pharmacy
918 Mercury Dr
Houston, TX 77029
(713) 674-6122
Medrx Compounding & Pharmacy Limited
601 Wayside Dr Ste D
Houston, TX 77011
(832) 767-5466
Meyerland Pharmacy, LLC
10547 S Post Oak Rd
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 728-8000
Medsaver Pharmacy
10701 W Bellfort St Ste B # 172
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 988-0880
Midtown Specialty Rx
1701 Webster St Ste D
Houston, TX 77003
(713) 874-9190
MIT Pharmacy
11226 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77031
(281) 530-9050
Medshoppe Rx Pharmacy
14522 S Post Oak
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 492-0899
Mobilecare Pharmacy
3918 Leeland St
Houston, TX 77003
(713) 600-0075
Medstar Pharmacy
14629 Beechnut St
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 933-4449
Nahs Pharmacy
12000 Wilcrest Dr Ste 206
Houston, TX 77031
(281) 498-5700
Med-Tech Specialty Pharmacy, LLC
17215 Red Oak Dr
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 397-1476
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ocenie Drug Emporium
5003 Antoine Dr
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 290-8800
New Dimension Pharmacy
1102 Pinemont
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 263-7680
Omniplus Health Care L.P.
2626 S Loop W
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 796-1010
Niba II Pharmacy
1007 Edebrook
Houston, TX 77034
(713) 946-5343
Omniplus Pharmacy
4916 Main St Ste 100
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 874-0300
Nnwood Pharmacy, LLC
8240 Antoine Dr
Houston, TX 77088
(281) 448-8836
On Time Pharmacy
14455 Cullen Blvd
Houston, TX 77047
(713) 731-0880
Noela's Pharmacy
6423 Richmond Ave Ste G
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 789-0488
Orbit Pharmacy
3330 Hillcroft St
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 334-2900
North Houston Medical Pharmacy
7007 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 694-3131
Park Place Health Center Pharmacy
9809 Rowlett Rd
Houston, TX 77075
(713) 847-6800
Northwest Pharmacy
1445 N Loop W Ste 190
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 864-4449
Park Plaza Pharmacy
1213 Hermann Dr Ste 140
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 524-2828
O Na K Pharmacy
6609 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 98
Houston, TX 77072
(832) 831-0346
Patient Care Pharmacy
6366 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Houston, TX 77021
(281) 501-2325
OC Pharmacy
925 Gessner
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 275-3222
Pavilion Pharmacy
1740 W 27th St
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 868-1601
OC Pharmacy II
2130 W Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 600-0933
Pecan Park Pharmacy
906 Wayside Dr
Houston, TX 77011
(713) 861-4300
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Neighborcare Eagles Trace
14703 Eagle Vista Dr
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 249-7290
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Pediacare Pharmacy
13711 Wallisville Rd Ste 2
Houston, TX 77049
(832) 770-9383
Pharmserv Rx
6828 Ranchester Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 988-0883
Pharmacare Texas, Inc
9100 SW Frwy Ste 130
Houston, TX 77074
(832) 886-2357
Piney Point Pharmacy
2532 Fondren Rd
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 782-6212
Pharmacia Latina
1826 Wirt Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 683-6004
Platinum Rx North
5627 Aldine Bender Rd Ste 7
Houston, TX 77032
(281) 227-1010
Pharmacy 45
8221 Gulf Frwy Ste 550
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 847-9900
Plaza Pharmacy
17030 Nanes Dr Ste 106
Houston, TX 77090
(713) 697-1685
Pharmacy At Cullen Commons
12805 Cullen Blvd
Houston, TX 77048
(713) 731-7988
Power Center Pharmacy
12401 S Post Oak Rd
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 721-3303
Pharmacy Depot
11450 Space Center Blvd Ste 101
Houston, TX 77059
(281) 487-9090
Power Center Pharmacy
8803 Scott St
Houston, TX 77051
(713) 731-8999
Pharmacy Innovations
10130 Louetta Rd Ste C
Houston, TX 77070
(281) 251-0888
Precious Place's Pharmacy
11336 Beechnut St Ste A8
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 760-3660
Pharmacy Plus
6776 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 782-0558
Prestige Pharmacy, Inc
6550 Mapleridge
Houston, TX 77081
(832) 778-6552
1289 N Post Oak Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 680-1325
Primary Care Pharmacy, LLC
6612 Hornwood Ste C H
Houston, TX 77074
(832) 433-7346
Phar-Miles Pharmacy
10700 Richmond Ave Ste 259
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 636-3261
Prime Rx Pharmacy
902 Normandy
Houston, TX 77015
(713) 451-0200
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
QVL Pharmacy
850 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77090
(832) 249-8551
Pro Med Pharmacy
2711 Little York Rd
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 694-8933
R And Y Community Pharmacy, LLC
9573 S Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 777-7002
Procare Rx
16300 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 370
Houston, TX 77068
(281) 580-4500
RC 2 Pharmacy
9720 Jones Rd
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 477-7728
Proven Care Pharmacy, LLC
10950 Bissonnet St Ste 220
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 983-9333
RC Pharmacy
7515 Main St
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 831-4941
Prucare Pharmacy
9219 S Main St
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 661-7300
Recept Pharmacy
4126 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 627-2370
Public Pharmacy
6510 Hillcroft St Ste 100
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 663-7800
Regency Pharmacy
9898 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 800-0308
PVE Pharmacy
232 E Crosstimbers #E2
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 884-1443
Reliance Pharmacy
7707 Fannin
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 797-1107
Pyramids Pharmacy
1201 Dairy Ashford Rd
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 589-2400
Reliant Pharmacy
9219 S Main St
Houston, TX 77025
(832) 778-6500
Quality Rx Pharmacy
4711 Airline Dr
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 691-3330
Ritemed Pharmacy, LLC
10301 Harwin Dr Ste 3
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 772-4242
QVL Pharmacy
6711 Stella Link Rd
Houston, TX 77005
(713) 512-5998
Rosa Pharmacy
11002 Scarsdale Blvd
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 481-6602
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Primecare Pharmacy
5900 Chimney Rock Rd Ste Ac
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 661-7746
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Rose Pharmacy, LLC
7447 Harwin Dr Ste 188
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 952-9568
Save-Rite Pharmacy
1870 Barker Cypress Rd
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 578-8345
Rosewood Family Pharmacy, PLLC
2405 S Gessner Rd Ste B
Houston, TX 77063
(281) 857-8440
Script Link Pharmacy
13176 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste 1
Houston, TX 77044
(281) 458-1800
Rushmed Pharmacy, PLLC
5326 W Bellfort St Ste 101
Houston, TX 77035
(832) 582-8542
Script Solution Rx
2060 Space Park Dr Ste 108
Houston, TX 77058
(281) 549-6681
Rx Care Pharmacy
11511 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77067
(281) 444-6359
Sem Pharmacy & Medical Supply
16316 FM 529
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 861-7788
Rx Max Pharmacy
5858 S Gessner Dr Ste 124
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 772-1363
Silveridge Pharmacy, Inc
15626 Silver Ridge Dr Ste 103
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 444-7100
Rx Pharmacy
5600 S Willow Dr
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 723-4601
Simon's Pharmacy
3303 N Main St
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 222-6650
S & K Med Pharmacy
1396 Eldridge Pkwy Ste D
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 752-7244
Solutions In Pharmacy
7951 Katy Fwy Ste M
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 957-8000
Safeguard Rx
3121 W Orem Dr Ste C
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 433-1212
South Belt Pharmacy
12600B Scarsdale Blvd
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 481-6600
Sage Pharmacy And Stores, LLC
3730D S Gessner Rd
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 339-1855
South Post Oak Pharmacy, Inc
14206 S Post Oak Rd
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 433-7075
Sav Pharmacy
1823 Wirt Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 467-3311
Southend Pharmacy
10910 W Bellfort St
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 498-1450
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Star Pharmacy, Inc
8542 W Bellfort St
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 773-3015
Southside Pharmacy II
1200 Binz St Ste 260
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 660-8888
Star Rex Pharmacy, LLC
11110 E Frwy
Houston, TX 77029
(832) 767-0816
Southwest Community Pharmacy
9769 Beechnut St
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 272-7734
7227 Fannin St Ste 103
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 234-0045
Southwest Pharmacy
17115 Red Oak Dr Ste 105
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 893-8665
Steeplechase Express Rx
10694 Jones Rd Ste 115
Houston, TX 77065
(281) 894-9900
Southwest Pharmacy
8282 Bellaire
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 270-7366
Steeplechase Pharmacy
11037 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77065
(832) 237-9400
Southwest Regional Doing Business As 1st
Choice Pharmacy
8449 W Bellfort
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 777-6100
Sun Pharmacy
7021 Hwy 6 S
Houston, TX 77083
(281) 568-0628
Specialty Therapeutic Care
6610 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77041
(832) 300-1200
Supercare Pharmacy
13480 Veterans Memorial Dr
Houston, TX 77014
(281) 880-4800
Supreme Pharmacy
4544 Hwy 6 N
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 550-2100
SPG Pharmacy Care
6831 S Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 272-6400
Supreme Rx
12719 Bissonnet St Ste C
Houston, TX 77099
(832) 243-4581
Spring Branch Pharmacy
2600 Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77080
(713) 690-0001
Tabb Pharmacy
9730 SW Frwy Ste UC 100
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 772-8222
St Joseph Professional Pharmacy
2000 Crawford St
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 659-3030
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Southside Pharmacy
7700 Main
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 660-8890
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
TD Pharmacy
12319 Bellaire Blvd Ste 400
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 741-8472
Tidwell Rx
712 E Tidwell Rd Ste C
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 884-8020
Tejas Pharmacy
5228 Aldine Mail Rt
Houston, TX 77039
(281) 888-3694
TN Pharmacy
12989 Bellaire Blvd
Houston, TX 77002
(281) 561-0101
Texas Care Pharmacy
8990 Kirby Dr Ste 240
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 660-9920
Tonna Pharmacy
5225 Katy Frwy Ste 101A
Houston, TX 77007
(281) 953-0030
The Elixir Pharmacy
13948A Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77077
(281) 496-1488
Total Care Cac Pharmacy, LLC
14755 N Frwy Ste 200
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 377-8137
The Medicine Man Pharmacy
7652 Bellfort St
Houston, TX 77061
(713) 644-1343
Total Pharmacy Center One
4302 Center St
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 864-0808
The Peoples Pharmacy
8503 E Gulf Frwy
Houston, TX 77017
(713) 378-4450
Townwood Pharmacy
4420 W Orem
Houston, TX 77045
(713) 433-5656
The Pharmacy
6630 SW Frwy
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 266-5425
Trace Pharmacy
8104 SW Frwy Ste B
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 981-6600
The Rite Pharmacy
2600 S Loop W Ste 425
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 665-7483
Travelvax Pharmacy
14655 NW Frwy Ste 101
Houston, TX 77040
(832) 460-9003
Tidwell Pharmacy
509 W Tidwell
Houston, TX 77091
(713) 884-8807
Tricare Pharmacy
6121 Hillcroft St Ste J
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 995-5338
Tidwell Professional Pharmacy
2310 Tidwell Rd
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 694-5977
Trinity Med Rx
4101 San Jacinto St
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 874-1777
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Wallis Pharmacy
5620 E Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77015
(281) 457-3838
Truecare Allied Pharmacy And Medical
Supplies, Inc
3003 S Loop W Ste 450
Houston, TX 77054
(281) 652-8080
Washington Ave Phy Ctr
2515 Washington Ave
Houston, TX 77007
(713) 864-2401
Tx Rx Solutions & Compounding
7501 Fannin St Ste 701
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 790-1222
Wellness Pharmacy, LLC
1480 Wilcrest Dr
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 532-0008
Wellness Plus Pharmacy, Inc
8302 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste 200
Houston, TX 77041
(832) 604-7418
U.J. Pharmacy
6300 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 640-5353
Wesley United Pharmacy
921 FM 1960 W Rd
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 580-1408
Unicare Pharmacy, Inc
11847 Bissonnet St
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 498-1141
Westlake Pharmacy
255 Westlake Park Blvd Ste 200
Houston, TX 77079
(281) 496-1751
United Rx, Inc
6121 Hillcroft
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 496-1328
Westlake Pharmacy Services
2430 N Fry Road #104
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 579-1310
Uptown Pharmacy
1607 S Post Oak Ln
Houston, TX 77056
(713) 621-0621
Westview Pharmacy
2323 Wirt Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 365-9393
Valencia Pharmacy, Inc
7330 SW Frwy Ste A2
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 995-1900
Willowbrook Pharmacy/Compounding
8945 Hwy 6 N Ste 255
Houston, TX 77095
(281) 859-3103
Village Compounding Pharmacy
975 Corbindale Rd
Houston, TX 77024
(713) 464-5069
Winston's Pharmacy
8405 Almeda Genoa Rd Ste U and S
Houston, TX 77075
(713) 944-6000
Vita-Care Pharmacy
2500 Fondren
Houston, TX 77063
(713) 781-8675
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Triple A Pharmacy
2025 Mangum Rd
Houston, TX 77092
(281) 974-3713
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Xavier Pharmacy & Medical Supply
4040 Broadway St
Houston, TX 77087
(713) 645-3344
Humble Pharmacy
19333 Hwy 59 N
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 540-4441
Xavier Pharmacy III
96 Berry Rd
Houston, TX 77022
(713) 697-1400
Kelsey Pharmacy - Humble
8484 Will Clayton Pkwy
Humble, TX 77338
(713) 442-2079
Xpress Pharmacy
7555 Bellaire Blvd Ste B
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 541-3300
Thrifty Hlth And Compounding Phcy
211 FM 1960 Bypass Rd E
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-9191
Your Pharmacy
6500 N Frwy
Houston, TX 77076
(713) 691-8585
Ciudad de Jacinto City
Redi-Med Pharmacy, LLC
1520 Holland St
Jacinto City, TX 77029
(281) 428-1212
Your Pharmacy, Inc
7400 Harwin Dr Ste 253
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 781-1010
Ciudad de Jersey Village
Econo Pharmacy
20320 Northwest Frwy
Jersey Village, TX 77065
(281) 890-5612
Ciudad de Huffman
Lifechek Pharmacy
12315 FM 1960 Rd Ste A
Huffman, TX 77336
(281) 324-1960
Jersey Village Pharmacy-Compounding
17400 Hwy 290 Ste 400
Jersey Village, TX 77040
(281) 416-5800
Ciudad de Humble
Airport Mckay Pharmacy
18648 Mckay Dr Ste 110
Humble, TX 77338
(832) 644-1456
Ciudad de Katy
Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy Of Katy
5249 Franz Rd
Katy, TX 77493
(281) 391-7051
Deerbrook Pharmacy Services, LLC
9816 Memorial Blvd Ste 105
Humble, TX 77338
(281) 446-0061
Health-Rite Pharmacy
1801 N Mason Rd Ste B
Katy, TX 77449
(832) 437-2216
Doyfran Pharmacy
9701 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 110
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 973-8042
Helping Hand Pharmacy, LLC
529 S Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 492-0031
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Prudent Pharmacy
10407 W Fairmont Pkwy
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 867-0040
Katy Medical Complex Pharmacy
21700 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 829-6497
Ciudad de Pasadena
Amex Pharmacy
3316 Plainview St Ste B
Pasadena, TX 77504
(832) 767-5563
Katy Pharmacy I
20005 Katy Frwy
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 578-1515
Bayshore Pharmacy
4024A Brookhaven
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 944-8893
Kelsey Pharmacy - Katy
21660 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(713) 442-4179
Burke Family Pharmacy
4002 Burke Rd Ste 400
Pasadena, TX 77504
(281) 619-2130
Kingsland Pharmacy
21214 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 599-7880
Crenshaw Pharmacy
5010 Crenshaw Rd Ste 160
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 998-2777
Premier Pharmacy
3616 N Fry Rd Ste 220
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 579-0550
DT Pharmacy
3911 Woodlawn Ave
Pasadena, TX 77504
(832) 775-0060
Sina Pharmacy
3815 N Fry Rd Ste 600
Katy, TX 77449
(281) 717-4521
Ciudad de Kingwood
Family Pharmacy Care
4949 Fairmont Pkwy
Pasadena, TX 77505
(832) 900-7712
Kelsey Pharmacy - Kingwood
2755 W Lake Houston Pkwy
Kingwood, TX 77339
(713) 442-2179
Family Pharmacy, Inc
2418 Southmore
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 472-3138
Ciudad de La Porte
Kelsey Pharmacy - Pasadena
5001 E Sam Houston Pkwy S
Pasadena, TX 77505
(713) 442-7179
Deangelo Pharmacy
1309 W Fairmont Pkwy Ste P
La Porte, TX 77571
(281) 842-8500
Pasadena Medical Plaza Pharmacy
1430B Pasadena Blvd
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 429-1842
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
HQ Pharmacy
21214 Kingsland Blvd Ste B
Katy, TX 77450
(281) 579-2700
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
PCF Pharmacy
2615 Strawberry Rd
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 947-6767
Scripts Pharmacy
20423 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 250
Spring, TX 77379
(832) 610-3480
Pharmhouse Pharmacy
4500 E Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 100
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 998-9400
Ciudad de Tomball
First Care Pharmacy
24922 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 698-1532
Premiercare Pharmacy
5108 Fairmont Pkwy Ste A
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 991-1300
Gloyers Pharmacy, Inc
1010 W Main St
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5454
Strawberry Family Drug
1802 Strawberry Rd
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 740-9033
MS Pharmacy
27721 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 698-1565
Tejas Pharmacy
320 Southmore Ave Ste 325B
Pasadena, TX 77502
(713) 472-3736
Saddlebrook Pharmacy
25201 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 300
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 698-2104
Woodlawn Pharmacy
3801 Vista Rd
Pasadena, TX 77504
(713) 928-3044
Ciudad de South Houston
TMP Pharmacy
455 School St
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 290-7741
Niko Rx Pharmacy
207 Winton St
South Houston, TX 77587
(713) 510-5434
Tomball Health Mart Pharmacy
506 Graham Dr
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 559-6413
Ciudad de Spring
Tomball Pharmacy
28455 Tomball Pkwy
Tomball, TX 77375
(832) 843-7105
Better Balance Pharmacy, Inc
5834 Louetta Rd
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 205-7091
Tomball Professional Atruim Phrm
425 Holderrieth Blvd
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-8239
Budget Pharmacy
19786 Interstate 45
Spring, TX 77373
(713) 694-3785
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Webster
Integra Pharmacy
3074 College Park Dr Ste B
Conroe, TX 77384
(936) 321-5600
Clear Lake Professional Bldg Pharmacy
251 Medical Center Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-2496
Kelsey Pharmacy - Clear Lake MC
17448 Hwy 3
Webster, TX 77598
(713) 442-4360
Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Clear Lake
250 Blossom St
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-2213
Pyramids Pharmacy Webster
500 N Kobayashi Ste E
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 724-0531
Lifechek Drug
690 S. Loop 336 W Ste 100
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 539-4900
Lifechek Drug
900 W Dallas St
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 788-2255
Medicap Pharmacy
2105 W Davis St Ste A
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 494-4002
Richie's Specialty Pharmacy
12820 Highway 105 W
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 588-6337
Roberds Pharmacy, LP
503 Medical Center Blvd Ste 130
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 756-4254
Texas Oncology Pharmacy
501 Medical Center Blvd
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 316-4926
St. Hope Pharmacy
1414 S Frazier St Ste 105
Conroe, TX 77301
(936) 494-2455
Webster Pharmacy
15610 Hwy 3
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 886-7164
Village Pharmacy
404 River Pointe
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 756-7456
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Conroe
Ciudad de Kingwood
College Park Pharmacy
3115 College Park Dr
Conroe, TX 77384
(936) 321-4011
Greenpath Pharmacy
24000 Highway 59 N
Kingwood, TX 77339
(832) 445-0500
GHPMA Pharmacy
3251 I-45 N Ste 190
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 788-7700
Patient Direct Pharmacy, Inc
22710 Professional Dr
Kingwood, TX 77339
(281) 312-8590
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
A & W Pharmacy
435 El Dorado Blvd Ste 6
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 286-7710
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Farmacias minoristat-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Magnolia
Ciudad de Spring
B And B Pharmacy
18640 C FM 1488
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 356-4303
Assurance Consolidated Pharmacy
26202 Oak Ridge Dr
Spring, TX 77380
(832) 813-8199
Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy
18535 FM 1488
Magnolia, TX 77355
(281) 356-6103
Lifechek Drug
440 Rayford Rd # 155
Spring, TX 77386
(281) 367-2700
Magnolia Pharmacy
18230 FM 1488
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 356-9089
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Texas Professional Pharmacy- Magnolia
18602 FM 1488
Magnolia, TX 77355
(281) 356-2216
Triumph Pharmacy
6875 FM 1488 Rd Ste 300
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-4200
17521 St Lukes Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(936) 447-9432
Healthy Pharmacy Solutions
8021 Research Forest Dr Ste D
The Woodlands, TX 77382
(832) 585-0240
Ciudad de Montgomery
Houston Center For Infectious Diseases
1111 Medical Plaza Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 444-1303
Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy
1005 Eva St
Montgomery, TX 77356
(936) 597-8002
Kelsey Pharmacy - Woodlands
17350 St Lukes Way
The Woodlands, TX 77384
(713) 442-1975
Lakeside Pharmacy
16955 Walden Rd Ste 100
Montgomery, TX 77356
(936) 448-6337
Pinecroft Pharmacy
9305 Pinecroft Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 466-3650
Ciudad de New Caney
Texas Health Rx, LLC
26107 Interstate 45
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 419-8820
Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy
20185 Hwy 59 N
New Caney, TX 77357
(281) 689-3936
Ciudad de Willis
Ciudad de Shenandoah
502 W Montgomery
Willis, TX 77378
(936) 856-4594
Lifechek Drug
1490 Research Forest Dr
Shenandoah, TX 77381
(832) 948-1012
Farmacias minoristat de cadena-Medicamentos Parte B
Phone Number:1-800-607-6861
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Farmacias minoristat de cadena-Medicamentos Parte B
Phone Number:1-800-746-7287
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Phone Number:1-800-432-3113
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Phone Number:1-800-576-4377
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Medicine Shoppe
Phone Number:1-800-325-1397
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Phone Number:1-877-723-3929
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Phone Number:1-877-798-2743
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Website:www. target.com
Phone Number:1-877-250-5823
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Wal-Mart/Sam's Club
Phone Number:1-800-Walmart (925-6278)
TTY Relay:TRS Relay 711
Farmacias de infusión en el hogar-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Stafford
Cego Infusion Pharmacy
6300 Richmond Ave
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 541-6000
Nationsmed Healthcare
4677 Techniplex Dr
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 240-4144
Compounding Pharmacy Solutions
6105 Beverly Hill St
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 783-2836
Ciudad de Sugar Land
Compounding Solutions
11240 FM 1960 W
Houston, TX 77064
(281) 477-7686
Farmacias de infusión en el hogar-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Fort Bend Condado
Deliverit Pharmacy Inc
13303 W Airport Blvd
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 277-1071
Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services
10611 S Sam Houston Pkwy W
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 667-4010
Pro Med Rx
13134 Dairy Ashford Rd Ste 900
Sugar Land, TX 77478
(281) 313-0730
Medical Infusion Therapy
15340 Park Row Ste 100
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 398-9399
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Cypress
Omniplus Health Care L.P.
2626 South Loop West
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 796-1010
A Plus Pharmacy
8190 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 800
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 858-5353
Sam's Pharmacy, Inc
8300 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77074
(713) 779-2100
Ciudad de Houston
Amerita, Inc
4001 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77043
(713) 843-7700
Southside Infusion
7700 Main St
Houston, TX 77030
(713) 660-8888
Amex Compounding Pharmacy
10400 Westoffice Dr Ste 111
Houston, TX 77042
(713) 266-5253
Specialty Therapeutic Care
6610 W Sam Houston Pkwy N
Houston, TX 77041
(832) 300-1200
Carepoint Partners
1416 N Sam Houston Pkwy E
Houston, TX 77032
(281) 442-6532
Walgreens Infusion Services
9030 Kirby Dr
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 794-0599
Carepoint Partners
6105 Beverly Hill
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 782-4442
Farmacias de infusión en el hogar-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Ciudad de Webster
Medical Plaza Pharmacy At Clear Lake
250 Blossom St
Webster, TX 77598
(281) 332-2213
Montgomery Condado
Ciudad de Magnolia
Ciudad de The Woodlands
Houston Center For Infectious Diseases
1111 Medical Plaza Dr
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 444-1303
Texas Health Rx, LLC
26107 Interstate 45
The Woodlands, TX 77380
(281) 419-8820
Farmacias de infusión en el hogar-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Triumph Pharmacy
6875 FM 1488 Rd Ste 300
Magnolia, TX 77354
(281) 252-4200
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Los residentes de un centro de cuidado a largo plazo pueden acceder a sus medicamentos recetados
cubiertos bajo KelseyCare Advantage por medio de dicha farmacia del centro de cuidado a largo plaza, u
otra farmacia de cuidado a largo plazo de la red.
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Fort Bend Condado
Galveston Condado
Ciudad de Missouri City
Ciudad de League City
Ed's Pharmacy
3740 Cartwright Rd
Missouri City, TX 77459
(281) 499-4555
Devereux Texas Treatment Network
1150 Devereux Dr
League City, TX 77573
(281) 316-5428
Upshaw Pharmacy
7125 W Fuqua Rd
Missouri City, TX 77489
(281) 416-9123
Harris Condado
Ciudad de Bellaire
Westlands Pharmacy
5819 Bissonnet St
Bellaire, TX 77401
(713) 664-1400
Ciudad de Richmond
Healthquest Pharmacy
22001 SW Frwy
Richmond, TX 77469
(832) 222-0100
Ciudad de Cypress
Richmond State Supported Living Center
2100 Preston St
Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 344-4601
Ciudad de Stafford
A Plus Pharmacy
8190 Barker Cypress Rd Ste 800
Cypress, TX 77433
(281) 858-5353
Ciudad de Houston
Astro Pharmacy, LLC
10530 Northwest Frwy
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 957-4600
Advanced Pharmacy Svcs
12503 Exchange Dr Ste 536
Stafford, TX 77477
(713) 391-2200
Bemaj Pharmacy, Inc
10039 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 774-7200
Oasis Pharmacy
11929 W Airport Blvd
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 240-8111
Blue Mint Pharmacy
9888 Bissonnet St Ste 210
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 773-2535
Omnicare Of Houston
10650 W Airport Blvd Ste 150
Stafford, TX 77477
(281) 776-8860
Botica Familiar Pharmacy
12333 S Main St
Houston, TX 77035
(713) 918-6402
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Los residentes de un centro de cuidado a largo plazo pueden acceder a sus medicamentos recetados
cubiertos bajo KelseyCare Advantage por medio de dicha farmacia del centro de cuidado a largo plaza, u
otra farmacia de cuidado a largo plazo de la red.
Leadcare Pharmacy, Inc
9908 S Gessner Dr
Houston, TX 77071
(713) 774-8180
Diamond Pharmacy, LLC
2900 Hillcroft St
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 339-2255
Legends Pharmacy II
15015 Westheimer Pkwy Ste LL
Houston, TX 77082
(281) 496-0640
Divine Pharmacy
7457 Harwin Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 988-1777
Lotus Rx Pharmacy And Medical Supplies
11704 S Wilcrest
Houston, TX 77099
(281) 983-0399
Dollar Rx Pharmacy
8721 Jensen Dr
Houston, TX 77093
(713) 694-1470
Med Scripts Pharmacy
10039 Bissonnet St Ste 116
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 390-6337
Dunamis Pharmacy
6611 Chimney Rock Rd Ste 2
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 661-3600
Med Valt Pharmacy, LLC
9117 Stella Link Rd
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 349-9882
Healthco Pharmacy
5730 Chimney Rock Rd
Houston, TX 77081
(713) 218-6337
Medalways Pharmacy
11211 Katy Frwy Ste 440B
Houston, TX 77079
(713) 465-8100
Houston Medicine Chest
209 Brisbane St
Houston, TX 77061
(281) 464-6300
Medic Pharmacy
4040 S Braeswood
Houston, TX 77025
(713) 666-6353
Irvington Family Pharmacy
3815 Irvington Blvd Ste E
Houston, TX 77009
(713) 694-8399
9000 Hempstead Rd Bld C Ste 385
Houston, TX 77008
(713) 426-4800
Kingsley Pharmacy
2626 S Loop W Ste 115
Houston, TX 77054
(713) 664-6333
1289 N Post Oak Rd
Houston, TX 77055
(713) 680-1325
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
C And E Pharmaceutical
9627 Bissonnet
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 272-6500
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Los residentes de un centro de cuidado a largo plazo pueden acceder a sus medicamentos recetados
cubiertos bajo KelseyCare Advantage por medio de dicha farmacia del centro de cuidado a largo plaza, u
otra farmacia de cuidado a largo plazo de la red.
Pharmscript Of Texas, LLC
1718 Fry Rd
Houston, TX 77084
(281) 492-7220
Ciudad de Pasadena
Pharmhouse Pharmacy
4500 E Sam Houston Pkwy S Ste 100
Pasadena, TX 77505
(281) 998-9400
Farmacias de centro de atención de largo plazo-Medicamentos de la Parte B
Pharmserv Rx
6828 Ranchester Dr
Houston, TX 77036
(713) 988-0883
Ciudad de Tomball
Gloyers Pharmacy, Inc
1010 W Main St
Tomball, TX 77375
(281) 351-5454
Procare Rx
16300 Kuykendahl Rd Ste 370
Houston, TX 77068
(281) 580-4500
Montgomery Condado
Rxperts Pharmacy Texas, LLC
8700 Jameel Rd
Houston, TX 77040
(713) 460-5454
Ciudad de Conroe
Lifechek Drug
690 S Loop 336 W Ste 100
Conroe, TX 77304
(936) 539-4900
Script Link Pharmacy
13176 W Lake Houston Pkwy Ste 1
Houston, TX 77044
(281) 458-1800
Southside LTC Pharmacy
7700 Main St
Houston, TX 77030
(832) 553-1349
The Medicine Man Pharmacy
7652 Bellfort St
Houston, TX 77061
(713) 644-1343
Wellness Plus Pharmacy, Inc
8302 N Eldridge Pkwy Ste 200
Houston, TX 77041
(832) 604-7418
Ciudad de Humble
Doyfran Pharmacy
9701 N Sam Houston Pkwy E Ste 110
Humble, TX 77396
(281) 973-8042
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