THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 Volume 139 ~ Issue 6 BOOTHBAY REGISTER/WISCASSET NEWSPAPER Public and Legal Notices Public and Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF SOUTPORT Nomination Papers for the following office will be available starting February 5, 2015. Papers must be returned no later than 1:00P.M. on March 17, 2015. -- Trustee of the Boothbay Region Water District, At Large (3-Year Term) The election to vote for this office will be held on Friday, May 1, 2015, at the Southport Town Hall. E1-29-2t Town of Boothbay Planning Board Meeting Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Agenda 6:30 PM • CALL MEETING TO ORDER • ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS • OLD BUSINESS • NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF BOOTHBAY HARBOR The Boothbay Harbor Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing February 9, 2015 at 7:00P.M., on the following application for Liquor license: Renewal: Layfayette Boothbay Inc. d.b.a. Tugboat Inn 80 Commercial Street Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538 Malt, Spirituous & Vinous • COMPLETENESS REVIEW: (The Planning Board, if Planning Board approval is required, shall notify the applicant either that the application is complete, or, if the application is incomplete that additional material is needed to make the application complete. Upon determination that an application is complete, the Board may proceed directly into application review. The Board may or may not take action at this meeting.) • Applicant: Dana & Melissa Whiteley • The applicant proposes to construct a PT wood 4’ x 6’ access platform, 4’ x 20’ access stairs, 6’ x 25’ pier, 3’ x 26’ ramp, 10’ x 16’ float, and a 6’ x 25’ timber frame float haulout. • Applicant: Caryn Colombo & Carol Morgan ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BOOTHBAY REGION WATER DISTRICT 184 ADAMS POND ROAD BOOTHBAY, ME 04537 Sealed BIDS for the construction of the Southport Interconnection Project Contract #3 – Southport Water Tank will be received by the Boothbay Region Water District at the Water District Office in Boothbay, Maine until 9:00 A.M. on February 18, 2015. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time and place. The work under this contract is generally described as the construction of a pre-cast wire wound concrete water storage tanks in Southport, Maine. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations: -Associated General Contractors of Maine, 188 Whitten Rd., Augusta, ME 04332 -Construction Summary of Maine, 734 Chestnut St., Manchester, NH 03104 -Dirigo Engineering, 2 Dirigo Drive, Fairfield, ME 04937 Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the office of Dirigo Engineering located at 2 Dirigo Drive, Fairfield, Maine 04937, upon payment of $100.00 for each set plus an additional $10.00 for postage and handling. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of 5% of the Total Bid Price as outlined in the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. No Bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. A pre-bid conference will not be held. Disclaimer - Any Contract awarded under this Advertisement for Bids is expected to be funded in part by the United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development. This Contract contains USDA-Rural Development requirements. Neither the USDA-RD nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this Contract. Award of any Contract will be contingent upon final financial agreements between the Owner and USDA-RD. The project scope may be adjusted to match available funding. January 29, 2015 Date Dirigo Engineering 2 Dirigo Drive Fairfield, ME 04937 1. The appeals process 2. Restrictions on buildings in the 75-foot setback from high water 3. Rules on cutting of trees in the Shoreland Zone 4. Definition of Disability 5. Update the Southport Floodplain Ordinance and Floodplain Maps for the National Flood Insurance Program 6. Proposed changes to the Shellfish Conservation Ordinance 7. The request by Oliver’s Restaurant to serve hard liquor C1-29-2t Town of Boothbay Harbor 11 Howard Street Boothbay Harbor, Me. 04538 Request for Proposals for Financial Auditing Services The Town of Boothbay Harbor invites qualified independent public accounting firms and individuals to submit proposals for the performance of an annual audit of its financial accounts and records covering a three year period July 1, 2014-June 30, 2017 for the purpose of rendering an auditor’s opinion regarding compliance with applicable legal provisions and with generally accepted accounting standards. Detailed bid specifications are available at either the Town Office, the town website or they can also be sent via email if requested at [email protected] on Friday, May 1, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Town meeting will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Boothbay Region Elementary School. ALL PROPOSALS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE TOWN MANAGER BY 4:00 P.M. ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 20TH, 2015 • Mailing Address: 56 Belleau Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10204 • Tax Map/Lot: U04/0003 • Property location: 81 Van Horn Rd., East Boothbay, ME 04544 • Zone: Special Residential District, Shoreland zone A1-29-2t • The applicant proposes to construct a PT wood 6’ x 70’ pier, with 3’ x 14’ access stairs to the shore; a 3’ x 36’ ramp, and a 10’ x 20’ float. • Applicant: Boothbay Sea and Science • Mailing Address: PO Box 513 East Boothbay, ME 04544 • Tax Map/Lot: UO4/0044 and 0042 • Property location: 216 Ocean Point Rd, East Boothbay, ME 04544 • Zone: Maritime Commercial, Shoreland Zone • The applicant requests approval for a non-profit maritime activity classified under Parks and Recreation. • Applicant: Hoyt Walbridge represented by Whitten Architects NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF ALNA TOWN OF BOOTHBAY HARBOR TITLE 38 § 1022 The Alna First Responders will cease responding to medical calls in the Town of Alna as of 12:01A.M., March 1, 2015. The Wiscasset Ambulance Service will continue to respond to 911 calls for medical assistance in Alna C2-5-1t Town of Boothbay Planning Board Workshop Monday, February 9, 2015 Agenda 6:30 PM • CALL MEETING TO ORDER • ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS • OLD BUSINESS • NEW BUSINESS • Mailing Address: 139 Two Lights Rd, Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 • Tax Map/Lot: U15/0011 • Property location: 102 Murray Hill Rd, East Boothbay, ME 04544 • Zone: General Residential, Shoreland Zone • COMPLETENESS REVIEW: (The Planning Board, if Planning Board approval is required, shall notify the applicant either that the application is complete, or, if the application is incomplete that additional material is needed to make the application complete.) • The applicant requests approval to develop in the Shoreland zone. • OTHER BUSINESS: • PRE-APPLICATION: (Pre-application Meeting. An applicant may appear informally at a regular meeting of the Planning Board to informally discuss a proposed development. No fees shall apply and no binding commitment shall be made between the applicant and the Planning Board.) • APPROVE MINUTES: Meeting minutes January 21st • ADJOURN MEETING: B2-5-1t The Town of Southport will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 11,2015 at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall to discuss amendments to the Town Ordinances and Town ByLaw regarding: The full text of all changes are posted at the Town Hall and are on the Town website • Mailing Address: Mailing 400 Barters Island Rd., Boothbay, ME 04537 • Tax Map/Lot: R01/0010A • Property location: 400 Barters Island Rd., Boothbay, ME 04537 • Zone: Special Residential District, Shoreland zone THE APPLICATION(S) ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW AT THE TOWN OFFICE, 11 HOWARD STREET, BOOTHBAY HARBOR, DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS (8:30 P.M. TO 4:30 P.M.), OR AT THE HEARING. D1-29-2t PUBLIC NOTICE E2-5-2t • OTHER BUSINESS: Continuation of proposed ordinance changes. • PRE-APPLICATION: (Pre-application Meeting. An applicant may appear informally at a regular meeting of the Planning Board to informally discuss a proposed development. No fees shall apply and no binding commitment shall be made between the applicant and the Planning Board.) • APPROVE MINUTES: • ADJOURN MEETING: D2-5-1t Notice to the abutting property owners, owners of Fish Weirs or Traps and others, including navigational needs. In response to the following application(s,) pursuant to Maine Law Title 38 M.R.S.A. § 1022; on February 17, 2015, the Boothbay Harbor Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on site, and for the purpose of review the proposed placement of the following structure(s) in the waters of Boothbay Harbor. The hearing will be at the following time and location: 2:45 P.M. Gretchen Lauriat, Map #16 Lot #140, 88 Lobster Cove Rd., Boothbay Harbor, is proposing to construct/ repair/rebuild a 6’ x 148’ rip rap/shoreline stabilization system, repair/rebuild an existing 4’ x 36’ platform and stairs system, repair/rebuild an existing 12.5’ x 9’ fish house, construct a pressure treated or aluminum 4’ x 30’ pier and a 3’ x 36’ ramp, a pressure treated wood 10’ x 20 ‘ float and a 8’ x 40’ timber frame float haulout in the waters of Boothbay Harbor, Maine. 3:30 P.M. Christopher Connors, Map #14, Lot #5A, 6 Ships Point Lane, Boothbay Harbor, is proposing to construct a 4’ x 50’ pressure treated wood or aluminum pier, a 3’ x 50’ aluminum ramp, a 10’ x 20’ pressure treated wood float, and an 8’ x 30’ pressure treated wood timber frame haulout in the waters of Boothbay Harbor, Maine. The/se application(s) is/are available for viewing at the Municipal Offices, 11 Howard Street, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Comments or questions may be directed to the Code Enforcement officer any time before the start of the hearing, or to the Board of Selectmen at the public hearing. Written comments need to be addressed to, Wharves and Weirs, Board of Selectmen, Town of Boothbay Harbor, 11 Howard Street, Boothbay Harbor, Maine 04538. Comments must be received, on/at or before the time and date of the hearing. A2-5-2t
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