harlton J.CPUBLISHING Ltd. JCHARLTON PUBLISHING LTD. Spring 2015 AN ARROW IN MY HEART 9781926476018 Book $23.00 101 pages 2015 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing A First Nation Woman’s Account of Survival from the Streets to the Height of Academia By (author): Sharon L. Acoose, PhD Within this heart wrenching yet hope filled autobiographical account of her life, Dr. Sharon L. Acoose (allows us to walk with her, on her healing journey, through what was a life of despair (Associate Professor of Indigenous Social Work, First Nations University of Canada) a life steeped in sexual abuse, family abandonment, life on the street, addictions, prostitution, violence and incarceration), to a fulfilling life grounded within sobriety and personal achievement. Importantly, Dr. Acoose discusses lessons she learned along the way that may serve as signposts for those who are battling similar demons to the ones she had to overcome. 9781926476001 Book $30.00 185 pages 2014 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing Interpretations of Indigenous Thought By (author) Jay Hansford C. Vest, PhD Native American Oralcy: Interpretations of Indigenous Thought is a work of criticism designed to challenge the misadventures of modernity in its divorce from the organic world. Engaging Native American / First Nations oral traditions as they embrace an paradigm of thought that engenders accord with nature, this study challenges the creeping ideological abstractions that ensue with the mindover-matter mentality of the Western literary paradigm. It is an insight into the once and future wisdom essential to earth care. 9780991944156 Book $30.00 216 pages 2014 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing NATIVE AMERICAN ORALCY MY PEOPLE’S BLOOD Indigenous Sexual Health Recovery By (author) Josie C. Auger, PhD (Mistahi-Aski Iskwew) Colonization has impacted the gender roles and sexuality of Indigenous peoples. Through unhealed molestation and abuse First Nations communities are seeing the impact of HIV/AIDS. A series of three plays were developed with a group of First Nation youth and Elders to address the impacts of the virus that causes AIDS in an Indigenous community. My People’s Blood is about giving voice to those stories that hurt, blame, and shame. Healing from historical trauma and reclaiming who we are as Indigenous peoples will help recovery. The stories are weaved together with kindness, honesty, caring and strength with the help of Grandmother Spider and the Indigenous Iterative Web created as an Indigenous research method from this popular theatre and action research project. www.jcharltonpublishing.com pg 1 www.jcharltonpublishing.com 9780991944187 Book $32.00 195 pages 2014 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944194 Book $32.00 192 pages 2014 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944163 Book $45.00 352 pages 2014 9.5in x 6.5in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing pg 2 ACCESS, CLOCKS, BLOCKS AND STOCKS Resisting Health Canada’s Management of Traditional Medicine By (author) Michael Hankard, PhD Written from a First Nations perspective, Access, Clocks, Blocks and Stocks offers an understanding pertaining to how the Canadian healthcare system is actively undermining and transforming traditional medicine; and by extension, culture. No longer is the process organized around tobacco, gifts, and traditional protocols. Access to traditional medicine has now become a process implemented under surveillance and regulated by bureaucratic texts, managerial systems and accounting practices. From this process, we are beginning to witness differential access for on- and off-reserve First Nation individuals. As such, Health Canada policy is dividing First Nation communities. NATIVE NATIONS The Survival of Fourth World Peoples By (editor) Sharlotte Neely, PhD Within Native Nations: The Survival of Fourth World Peoples, Dr. Sharlotte Neely (Professor of Anthropology and Director, Native American Studies, Northern Kentucky University) has put together an impressive examination pertaining to the survival strategies employed by Indigenous peoples, within the world’s most advanced nations, in order to discern how Native peoples have maintained their traditional culture, language, sacred lands, and identity. EXPLORING INDIGENOUS SOCIAL JUSTICE By (editor) John G. Hansen, PhD Exploring Indigenous Social Justice is an edited text, comprising seventeen chapters, in which Dr. John G. Hansen (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Saskatchewan) has compiled an extensive, international, and impressive examination pertaining to the what, where, and how of Indigenous social justice issues. JCHARLTON PUBLISHING LTD. 9780991944170 Book $32.00 224 pages 2014 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944149 Book $38.00 295 pages 2014 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944132 Book $32.00 232 pages 2014 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing Spring 2015 KITASKINO: Key Issues, Challenges and Visions for Northern Aboriginal Communities in Canada By (editors) Herman J. Michell, PhD and Cathy H.G. Wheaton KITASKINO, (a Cree term that speaks to our collective responsibility as humans to ensure the protection of the earth, lakes, and rivers as they are foundational to Aboriginal worldviews, traditional values, ways of knowing, and languages), is a collection of northern-based articles designed to fill the need for northern-based authorship that highlights the social, historical, cultural, economic, political, and educational issues of concern to Aboriginal communities across Canada. Part-I provides current foundational issues for northern peoples. Part-II examines the impact change has and is having on northern peoples. Part-III provides current research findings, and suggests areas of need pertaining to future research endeavours. WALKING WITH INDIGENOUS PHILOSOPHY Justice and Addiction Recovery (2nd Edition) By (authors) John G. Hansen, PhD., Teresa A. Booker, PhD & John E. Charlton, DMin,RCC This book is a multidisciplinary, international and cross cultural examination of a restorative justice based approach, that at its heart draws upon the wisdom inherent within Indigenous cultures, in order to question hierarchical and heavily one-sided disease based understanding to addiction recovery. Walking With Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery advocates a model of restorative justice that is saturated throughout by an Indigenous philosophy of holism and healing through inclusion and education, when working with those upon the margins, in order to appreciate and honour the whole person. LIVING IN LIMBO WITH HOPE Sudanese Refugees and Social Injustice in Egypt By (author) Gamal A. Adam, PhD Dr. Gamal Adam explores the resilience and hope that Sudanese refugees exhibit despite the social injustice they experience, while living in Cairo, Egypt, on a daily basis. The book is not about refugee life in rural East Africa, but about refugee life in a major urban center. This differentiates Dr. Adam’s work, as the majority of existing research on East African refugees tends to concentrate upon camp life in rural areas. Dr. Adam accomplishes three crucial things. First, he describes coping strategies employed by urban Sudanese refugees. Next Dr. Adam examines emerging identities that urban Sudanese refugees are forming in result of their lived experiences of exclusion and exploitation. Finally, Dr. Adam explores what hopes urban Sudanese men, women and children have while living in Cairo. www.jcharltonpublishing.com pg 3 www.jcharltonpublishing.com 9780991944125 Book $32.00 193 pages 2013 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944118 Book $40.00 252 pages 2013 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780981151885 Book $32.00 220 pages 2013 9.5in x 6.5in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing pg 4 PIMATISIWIN The Good Life, Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems By (author) Priscilla Settee, PhD Drawing upon her own life, scholarly work and a in-depth review of the relevant literature, Priscilla Settee delivers a perspective of what it means to be alive while, at the same time, furthering Indigenous-based struggles for decolonization, social justice and intellectual thought. Dr. Melissa Nelson (San Francisco State University) notes: “Pimatisiwin skillfully interrogates the hegemony of power and politics in higher education and offers clear case studies and tools to speak truth to power, build learning alliances, and protect indigenous knowledge for the well-being of all humanity and the Earth.” SWAMPY CREE JUSTICE Researching the Ways of the People (2nd Edition) By (author) John G. Hansen, PhD In this updated and expanded second edition, Dr. Hansen builds upon his original exploration of the concept of Indigenous/First Nations justice by incorporating discussions with three Omushkegowuk (Swampy Cree) Justice Committee members to the stories and explanations originally provided by the six Omushkegowuk elders indigenous to northern Manitoba. In so doing, Dr. Hansen provides an example of how the philosophy of Omushkegowuk justice, (a concept of justice undergirded, and impregnated with, a belief in education and healing), is being implemented in praxis. THE LEGACY OF COMMUNITY JUSTICE Edited By (editors) Sandra Pavelka, PhD., Anne Seymour & Barry Stuart This book is a tribute to the late Dennis “Denny” Michael Maloney. Under Dennis’ leadership, Deschutes County’s (Bend, OR), Juvenile Justice System became a national model for community justice. As Dr. Pavelka notes, “[t]he county’s success at charting the course of national trends serves as an inspiration for other local communities...” (p. 37). Throughout all eleven chapters, the reader is introduced to current justice reforms, the thinking which underlies some of those reforms, and to whom Dennis Maloney, the charismatic and tenacious impetus behind many of these reforms, was. JCHARLTON PUBLISHING LTD. 9780981151892 Book $23.00 98 pages 2013 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780991944101 Book $23.00 86 pages 2013 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780981151847 Book $23.00 112 pages 2011 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing Spring 2015 CREE WAYS OF KNOWING AND SCHOOL SCIENCE By (author) Herman Michell, PhD Drawing upon a variety of academic sources as well as personal and professional experiences, Dr. Michell, a member of the Barren Lands First Nation, offers a book designed to assist educators in coming to understand the larger frameworks of Cree ontology (ways of seeing the world and one’s place in it), epistemology (ways of understanding knowledge), and methodologies (ways of teaching). While Dr. Michell’s book is a specific example of Cree culture, from northern Saskatchewan, the message is most certainly transferable beyond the Barren Lands First Nation example, and as such, offers readers entry into thinking about how to make bridges between diverse ways of knowing that is applicable cross-culturally. WORKING WITH ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES IN PLACES OF HIGHER LEARNING By (author) Herman Michell, PhD Through this resource guide, readers will be introduced to Aboriginal people and their communities in Canada. Along this introduction, readers will be afforded the opportunity to enter a discussion that provides a broad overview of Aboriginal people’s social, historical, political, cultural, educational, and economic realities. Dr. Michell’s writing is guided by his own experience as a faculty member, and former department head, within the university system. Importantly, from his knowledge based upon direct experience, Dr. Michell seeks to provide information, suggestions, ideas, and practical strategies when working with Aboriginal communities. WORKING WITH ELDERS AND INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS: A Reader and Guide for Places of Higher Learning By (author) Herman Michell, PhD Dr. Herman Michell has produced a practical, easy to follow, reader designed to provide both examples and suggestions so as to allow readers the ability to establish “a starting base from which they can develop their own ways of working with Elders…” (p. ii). By exploring key Indigenous concepts, [i.e., definitions of Indigenous identity in Canada, Indigenous People and Indigenous knowledge; Indigenous worldview; who are Indigenous elders; etc.], Dr. Michell hopes to build cross-cultural bridges. This book is a must read for anyone wishing to quickly obtain an understanding of what underlies Indigenous ways of perceiving. www.jcharltonpublishing.com pg 5 www.jcharltonpublishing.com 9780981151854 Book $32.00 234 pages 2011 10.5in x 7in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing 9780981151816 Book $27.00 249 pages 2013 (3rd printing) 9in x 6in Pack Qty: 30 Social Science JCharlton Publishing pg 6 METIS HEALTH The Invisible Problem By (author) Carrie Bourrassa, PhD Dr. Carrie Bourassa has produced a Marxist analysis of Métis health status that makes this book a must read for anyone interested in Métis or social justice issues. Using 2010 government of Canada data, that drew upon the 2006 Census, Dr. Bourassa notes that, “the Métis population increased by 33% since 2001 and 91% since 1996” (p. x). While this is an interesting fact, by itself, it becomes a concerning fact when Dr. Bourrassa adds that, “[r]esearch has consistently shown that First Nations have a much shorter life expectancy than that for Canada as a whole… The pattern is similar for Inuit. However, mortality patterns among Métis are largely unknown” (p. xi). HER BELIEVABLE LIES Surviving Intimate Partner Violence By (author) Michelle-Meridith Wreggitt Michelle writes about the horrors of domestic violence from the perspective of the survivor. What sets this book apart is that not only is Michelle a survivor, but she is a survivor who, when she finally went for help, had to ask her victimizers’ friends and co-workers for that help. Michelle chronicles her story in a way that allows the reader, through italicized interjections throughout the book, to hear what she was thinking at the time. Quite simply, yet eloquently, Michelle has written a book that allows readers to get inside the head of an abused person in order to hear her thoughts. Her Believable Lies is a must read for anyone in an abusive relationship, or for anyone who knows of, or is helping, someone is such a relationship. JCHARLTON PUBLISHING LTD. Spring 2015 MISSION STATEMENT JCharlton Publishing Ltd. aims, through the publication of critical non-fiction, to offer informed debate, pertaining to social justice issues, within the public arena. Our goal is to challenge the status quo where injustice exists. MANUSCRIPTS JCharlton Publishing Ltd. is always willing to consider new book proposals that are non-fiction and offer informed debate pertaining to social justice issues. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please follow the guidelines below. A book prospectus of the following kind should be submitted irrespective of whether the book has already been written or not. 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