Weekly Bulletin - First Presbyterian Church

February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday After The Epiphany
Holy Communion
20 Robert Street East, Penetanguishene, Ontario L9M 1K9
Church: 705 549 2776
Rev. Mark Wolfe: 705 794 9106
Shirley Spearn - Clerk of Session: 705 549-8516
Organist - Ross Compton
Choir Director - Vicki Thompson
We are called to be a Christian community who worship God
by means of education, outreach, and service with love,
compassion and enthusiasm in a changing world.
LEADING WITH CARE - The Leading With Care Policy is in effect in our church. This policy is
to ensure that all persons, and in particular all children, youth and vulnerable adults, who
participate in the church's programs and/or use the church's facilities, will be cared for with
Christian compassion and will be safe.
In the unlikely event of a fire, parents are reminded NOT to attempt to retrieve their children
from the Church Hall as this will greatly impede their evacuation. Instead, please meet them at
the Georgian Manor parking lot across the street where they will be assembled. Thank-you for
your co-operation in ensuring a safe and healthy environment at First Presbyterian Church.
Parking At First
Additional Sunday parking is available in the Georgian Bay Retirement Home parking lot on
Harriet St. as well as at the Penetanguishene Public Library - both a short walk from First.
For your convenience we have large print Bibles, Hymn books and Bulletins
and assisted hearing devices! Ask an usher for assistance.
First Presbyterian Church is wheel chair accessible
with a lift at the front side door.
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday After The Epiphany
Holy Communion
Announcements and Prayer Requests (10:25 am)
The Call to Worship
Hymn # 338: Let all things now living
The Greeting and the Peace
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Hymn # 476: Amigos de Cristo/Friends of the Lord
Children’s Message
Ministry of Music
Prayer of Illumination
God of all mercy,
in Jesus Christ you have promised liberation
and transformation to all people.
Set us free from our bondage,
and set our hearts and hopes
upon the One who never fails;
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hebrew Scriptures
Responsive Psalm
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Psalm 111
(p.174: OT)
Praise the LORD!
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart,
in the company of the upright, in the congregation.
Great are the works of the LORD,
studied by all who delight in them.
Full of honour and majesty is his work,
and his righteousness endures forever.
He has gained renown by his wonderful deeds;
the LORD is gracious and merciful.
He provides food for those who fear him;
he is ever mindful of his covenant.
He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the heritage of the nations.
The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are trustworthy.
They are established forever and ever,
to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
He sent redemption to his people;
he has commanded his covenant forever.
Holy and awesome is his name.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
His praise endures forever. R
1 Corinthians 8:1-6
Mark 1:21-28
(p. 171: NT)
(p.35: NT)
“Real Authority”
Hymn # 729: Silence! Frenzied, unclean spirit (Tune: Ton Y Botel)
Prayers of the People
Doxology # 830: Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Offertory Prayer
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
Communion Hymn: # 542: Let all mortal flesh keep silence
The Apostles’ Creed: # 539
The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving: # 564
The Lord’s Prayer
Prayer after Communion
Hymn # 651: Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
The Blessing
The Parting Song: “Go Now In Peace” (Besig/Price)
Go now in peace, never be afraid;
God will go with you each hour of every day.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong, and true;
Know He will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love, and show you believe;
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there, watching from above;
Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Bible Study
Office Hours
Stitch & Chat
Family Skate
Annual Meeting
Week of Guided Prayer
Wed. Feb. 4th
10 am (Covenant)
By appointment, due to construction
Thu. Feb. 5th
10 am- 2 pm
Sun. Feb. 8
12:30-1:50 pm
Sun. Mar. 1
12:15 pm
Sun. Mar.22 – Sat. Mar. 28th
Please join us downstairs following today’s service where a delicious lunch has
been prepared for us. All are welcome!
For those looking for a Sunday parking spot, do consider using the parking lot half
way up Harriet Street (on the left hand side) in what is now the Georgian Bay
Retirement Home (formerly, the Georgian Manor). We have permission to park here
on Sundays and it is in close proximity to the church.
After church on Sunday, February 8th, we will be having a family skating party at
the Penetanguishene Arena from 12:30 pm-1:50 pm. Cost is $2.25 per adult/high
school aged youth and $1 for children. Following our skate, we will return to First
Church for hot chocolate. Do invite a friend and come and enjoy a fun time with
your family of faith!
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 1st following our
service of worship and lunch. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this
important meeting in the life and mission work of our church.
Also, to all committee chairs, please submit your reports by no later than Sunday,
February 8th to Becky Heacock. Reports should be sent via email to
[email protected] or placed in Becky’s mailbox at the church. Thankyou for your assistance!
Please remember in your prayers this week:
Joan S., Evan S., Adam L., Fred A., Shirley A., Alex H., Tom S., Rob S.,
Ben C., Murray S., Marlene N., Audrey W., Emily C., Elaine C., Kathy D.,
Dorothy T., Corinna N., Bob C., Ann B., Bruce L., Lysa M., Darla B., Karen A.,
Sana K., Gary B., Toni B., John C., Betty S., Bruce S., Jim K., Ingrid M.,
Shirley S., Grace Mac W., Barb, Lynda W., Building Committee and Church
Construction Workers.
May God bless you richly as you pray for others!
Presbyterian congregations across Canada are
supporting effective programs which share the
good news of the gospel in word and deed. Use
these Mission Moments to highlight the mission
and ministry that we are doing together in
Canada and around the world. Print them in your
Sunday bulletin or church newsletter, project
them on a screen, integrate them into a
presentation or use them on your church bulletin
January 4 – Your voice is powerful. Let it be heard!
Take part in the Harvest of Letters campaign and write to your MP urging the Canadian
government to invest in smallholder agriculture in developing countries. Up to 80 per cent of
the world’s poor depend on farming to feed their families year round. With changing weather
patterns, drought and the rising cost of seeds, farming is becoming more difficult and
unpredictable, leaving smallholder farmers vulnerable to hunger. Financial support for
innovative farming practices is one of the best ways to alleviate hunger and can make a big
difference in the lives of farmers, their families and their communities. For more information
visit WeRespond.ca.
PWS&D supports the needs of small-scale farmers
January 11 – Preserving PCC history
Your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support the work of Kim Arnold and Bob Anger in the
Presbyterian Church Archives office. Kim and Bob work to collect, preserve and make
available to researchers the significant collections of records generated by our Church, its
officials, ministers, congregations and organizations. Archives holdings date from 1775 to the
present and consist of documents, photographs, audio visual recordings, architectural plans
and microfilm. The facility is used by over 3,000 researchers annually. Please pray for Kim
and Bob as they work diligently to preserve the records of the life and work of The
Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Presbyterians Sharing supports the work of the PCC Archives
January 18 – Proud to Send My Daughter to School
Sayed Mohammad makes bricks to support his family. He works during the hot summers, as
well as the cold winters. For a time, his ten-year-old daughter, Saima, worked alongside him.
Through a Presbyterian World Service & Development project in Afghanistan, Sayed learned
that his daughter was too young to be doing hard labour at the brick factory and that it was his
responsibility to send her to school. “I feel really proud of myself now, because everyone at
home appreciates that I am sending my daughter to school.” Not only is Sayed sending his
enabling his daughter to pursue an education, he is working hard to raise awareness about
how education can change children’s futures. Since PWS&D started supporting the girls’
education project in Afghanistan, over 4,000 girls have been enrolled in school.
PWS&D is helping vulnerable girls receive an education
January 25 – Serving in Ukraine
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support David and Anna Pandy as they serve with the
Reformed Church of Sub-Carpathian Ukraine, a church of ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine. Anna
is a teacher and is principal and founder of Nagybereg Reformed Church secondary school.
David coordinates four Christian secondary schools and helps supervise RCCU missionaries.
Making personal connections is an important aspect of this work. David shares, “We
exchange news within our immediate family and within our larger church family on both sides
of the Atlantic by means of internet communication. In the mission field, in our endeavours to
build God’s family, we communicate mostly in person, which takes more time and more
energy but decidedly is also more rewarding.”
Presbyterians Sharing supports David and Anna Pandy in Ukraine
February 1 – PWS&D Sunday
February 1 is PWS&D Sunday – a time to remember the work of our church in supporting
marginalized and vulnerable people through programs in international development and
emergency relief. Today, think of those who struggle for basic necessities such as nutritious
food, clean water, adequate health care, quality education and basic human rights. Inspired by
God’s promise of abundant life, PWS&D envisions a sustainable, compassionate and just
world. By participating in the work of PWS&D and its global partners, we do what Jesus taught
us and help to make this vision a reality. We respond together.
PWS&D responds to need around the world
February 8 – Mentoring vulnerable youth
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support Kenora Fellowship Centre as it offers shelter and
comfort to vulnerable, disadvantaged and displaced people in downtown Kenora, Ontario. It is
the only place in this area offering people refuge from the streets. Its mentorship program
offers hands-on experience to young people like Donovan. Youth help with the daily lunch
program and take care of the elders, among other tasks. Donovan and others in the
mentorship program enjoyed helping establish a vegetable garden, working alongside three
elders who helped till and prepare the earth. An Ojibway elder blessed the garden and made
suggestions on how to plant according to his teachings. Please pray for KFC as it reaches out
to vulnerable youth and young adults through its mentorship program.
Presbyterians Sharing reaches out to vulnerable people
February 15 – Typhoon Haiyan Survivors Moving Forward
Hanie Ablona looks at her freshly harvested rice stalks with happiness—her rice and corn
crops have almost doubled in size this year. Providing a much-needed source of food and
income, the seed for her crops was provided through a Presbyterian World Service &
Development project helping recover livelihoods in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan. Many
farmers lost all of their planted crops and available seed but are now starting to recover
thanks to the project. Communities like Hanie’s are also receiving assistance in reconstructing
homes and ensuring that they will be resistant to future natural disasters. Communities are
starting to see great progress and PWS&D continues to support long-term rehabilitation and
recovery in response to the typhoon.
PWS&D provides support after natural disasters
February 22 – Equipping congregations
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing help equip and strengthen congregations through workshops
and events. In the past year, Stewards By Design helped congregations discover how
stewardship connects to all aspects of a congregation’s mission and ministry. Dr. Stanley Ott’s
workshops helped congregations learn basic strategies for growing disciples. PCC ministers
and lay leaders attending the Ecumenical Stewardship Center’s leadership seminar explored
generational differences and how they impact stewardship and philanthropy. As congregations
grow and learn together, mission happens!
Presbyterians Sharing equips congregations
March 1 – Experiencing God’s transforming love
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa’s Theological Education by Extension program in
Kenya provides practical, interactive theological courses to help lay leaders understand
scripture, apply it to their context and put it into practice. The course is also offered to
prisoners who are eager to learn about God and turn their lives around. Joseph Wanyama,
who is serving a life sentence for robbery in Kingongo Maximum Prison,was one of the first
inmates to enroll in the course at Kingongo. He became a Christian on his graduation day.
Joseph shares, “This course has both liberated and transformed me. I now feel freer inside
this prison than I felt before I was imprisoned. I am happy that I can now understand God from
my own perspective.” Presbyterians Sharing helps people like Joseph experience God’s
transforming love.
Presbyterians Sharing is transforming lives
March 8 – International Women’s Day
Zahida is an accomplished teacher at a high school in Afghanistan, where not long ago
cultural norms forced her to abandon her dream of teaching. After graduating, she pursued a
teaching career and got married shortly thereafter. While her husband initially supported her
choice to work, he soon worried what his friends and family would think about her career and
Zahida was forced to quit. Thankfully a Presbyterian World Service & Development program
working to change cultural attitudes and raise awareness about the importance of education
interceded. After explaining to Zahida’s family about how important her work is, Zahida was
able to return to the school. “Teaching is not just a job for me, but it is my dream to help
children learn. Through the support of this project, I am once again living my dream,” she
PWS&D supports women’s empowerment
March 15 – Connecting through music
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing help share the gospel with Korean immigrants in North York,
Ontario. Sohrae Church, which was started with support from Presbyterians Sharing, is well
known to the community for its work with the Sohrae Youth Orchestra. The orchestra, which
began as an ensemble that played during Sunday worship, soon grew into an independent
non-profit organization. It develops and realizes the musical talent of Korean youth, and allows
them to serve the local community with a Christian spirit. A recent concert raised $4,000 for
three charities. Sohrae’s music classes also reach out to and build connections with the
community. The majority of students come from outside of the Sohrae congregation, and
some of the students’ families have started to attend Sunday services.
Presbyterians Sharing builds community
March 22 – World Water Day
Access to clean water in Chimbonano village in southern Malawi used to be a huge challenge.
Community members had to drink from unclean water sources or travel far distances to
access clean water. Flonnie Mpunga knows how dangerous the situation was for her village.
“Waterborne diseases were common and we spent a lot of time nursing each other. We
couldn’t work hard in our fields, so we experienced food shortages.” But all that has changed
thanks to a Presbyterian World Service & Development program providing access to safe
water by digging boreholes and wells. Flonnie shares, “Our lives have improved. We no longer
spend long hours fetching water. I have enough time to prepare my field and take care of my
family. The well has improved my family’s health, as well as the health of the whole
PWS&D responds to provide clean water
March 29 – Serving congregations
Equipping congregations. Providing tools for growth and renewal. Encouraging generous
giving. Developing worship resources. Equipping leaders. Engaging in justice issues.
Supporting new ministers. And so much more! Your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support
staff at our national office as they work with ministers, lay leaders, treasurers, clerks,
presbyteries and synods across Canada in many ways. More than just an office, 50 Wynford
Drive is a meeting place where Presbyterians come together to plan, vision and share ideas.
Do you have a question about mission trips? Need information about General Assembly?
Want to make the internet work for your congregation? Are you running out of bulletin inserts?
Staff at our national church office are just a phone call or email away!
Presbyterians Sharing connects congregations
April 5 – World Health Day
Worldwide, women make up more than half of the 35 million people living with HIV around the
world. Frustina was in denial when she first started experiencing symptoms. Her husband had
died of AIDS seven years earlier and she was concerned that she might have contracted HIV.
Finally, Frustina was tested and it was confirmed that she was HIV positive. While she was
initially concerned about how her community would react, Frustina has been overwhelmed by
their support. Home based care volunteers— supported by a Presbyterian World Service &
Development program—came to help with household work, brought food and provided
medication for pain relief. She also joined an HIV support group that comes together and
supports and encourages each other. Frustina shares, “I am staying positive. I am healthy and
able to work on my own.”
PWS&D supports people living with HIV
April 12 – Being present with people
The Reverends John Wyminga and Shannon Bell-Wyminga find that it is often in the
unplanned, informal times that God works most effectively in Cariboo Ministry’s Nazko and
Area Dakelh Outreach. At a recent anniversary celebration, John and Shannon experienced
many opportunities to share and pray with people, who shared stories of grief, spiritual
concerns and thankfulness. Shannon shares, “No church building in sight, no formal worship
or organized programs. We were just present with people. Our presence is a reminder that
there is a Creator out there who cares for them and wants a relationship with them.” Gifts to
Presbyterians Sharing support this ministry in British Columbia’s remote Cariboo region.
Presbyterians Sharing reaches out to rural and remote regions
April 19 – Earth Day
Maria de los Angeles used to depend on purchasing expensive produce at the market in order
to feed her family. All that has changed now because of a Presbyterian World Service &
Development program working to help farmers in her region end hunger by planting new types
of fruits and vegetables and diversifying diets. The program is also ensuring that farmers know
how to deal with Nicaragua’s often-dry climate. Maria has learned how to collect and recycle
leaves to help trap moisture in the soil and make organic fertilizers. This resourcefulness is
allowing Maria and other farmers like her to succeed. Maria is careful to give back what she
takes, by helping to nurture her small piece of land by planting new trees and using
environmentally sustainable farming techniques—and sharing this knowledge with her
children and community to help ensure better futures for all.
PWS&D helps farmers care for creation
April 26 – World Malaria Day
Malaria is one of Africa’s most severe health challenges and one of its most prevalent
childhood diseases. Presbyterian World Service & Development is working to reduce the
incidence of malaria by teaching communities how to prevent the spread. Community leaders
are taking an active role in teaching about prevention and control of malaria. By teaching
people how to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds and how to properly use and care for bed
nets that provide protection while sleeping, communities are seeing fewer cases of the
disease. When someone does contract malaria, volunteers know how to respond quickly with
medical care in order to ensure fewer people die as a result of the disease.
PWS&D supports communities fighting malaria
May 3 – Partnering with Chinese educators
Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing send Canadian Presbyterians to help rural Chinese middle
school English teachers develop their listening and speaking skills. Last August, a team of
four representatives from Knox, Waterloo spent a month in Weifang, China with the Amity
Foundation’s summer English program. Both the Knox team and the Chinese students
learned from the experience. Athena, a grade one teacher in rural China, shares, “Learning
about the traditions and beliefs of Canadians and comparing them to Chinese practices has
shown that we are all similar; we all have the same goal, to share our love of language and to
help our students be the best they can be. Janice Harper adds, “My own approach to teaching
has even changed as a result of our experiences, and that is after being a teacher for 32
Presbyterians Sharing strengthens partnerships
May 10 – Families Find Shelter and Safety
The dire humanitarian and human rights situation in Iraq has left many families without access
to shelter or food. Many of the more than one million who have fled their homes left with
nothing but the clothes they wore and whatever they could carry with them. Presbyterian
World Service & Development has been supporting the provision of immediate assistance to
families fleeing violence and persecution. Families have received relief packages of food,
water, hygiene kits, pots and kettles. Sedardar Rashid fled his home with his wife and three
children and is now sheltering in a school. “It’s safe here,” he says. “We no longer have to fear
for our lives. We get food and water.” To learn more about how to support PWS&D’s response
to violent conflict, visit WeRespond.ca/be-a-peacemaker.
PWS&D responds to violent conflict
May 17 – Serving up food security
After many faithful years of serving with SOYNICA in Nicaragua, PCC Mission staff Denise
Van Wissen is now serving as a nutritionist with the Council of Protestant Churches of
Nicaragua, a long-standing partner of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Denise is assisting
with a new Food and Environmental Security project funded by Presbyterian World Service &
Development and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. She develops reference material and
facilitates continuing education around food and nutritional security with CEPAD staff. She is
also helping to strengthen and support families by bringing new ideas and resources to a
women’s project and culinary arts initiative. Presbyterians Sharing supports Denise as she
shares her gifts with CEPAD. Please pray for her as she settles into her new role.
Presbyterians Sharing strengthens partnerships
May 24 – Educating for Peace in Afghanistan
“I became a teacher to serve the country. After three decades of war, Afghanistan needs
reconstruction through education,” says Mirwas, the head teacher at a school in Laghman
province. Presbyterian World Service & Development’s girls education project in Afghanistan
is not only working to raise awareness about the importance of education for all children, it is
also building the capacity of students and teachers to handle social, political, cultural and
human rights issues. In a country struggling to rebuild after decades of conflict, female
students and their teachers are learning about child rights and human rights—an incredibly
important issue. The focus on education for girls is helping to raise a generation of young
leaders who want to be teachers, lawyers, human rights workers and politicians. These girls
will be forces of renewal and peace for their communities and their country.
PWS&D supports education and rights training
May 31 – Building a vibrant community
Presbyterians Sharing is helping Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre transform lives in
Montreal’s Little Burgundy neighborhoods. Through empowering programs, Tyndale is helping
each member of the community to have the opportunities and skills needed to realize their
potential. Volunteer and former Little Burgundy resident Idil shares that Tyndale made a
difference in her childhood and teen years. “Why do I volunteer at Tyndale? I do it because I
strongly believe in the power of community service and because I know what it did for me and
others.” A scholarship from the Centre helped Idil attend university and she has now started a
Masters degree in Social Sciences and Humanities. She shares, “I can honestly say I would
have never been able to do it without the support of my community.”