A Weekend With Our Stars 2015 SSLA Conference and Annual Meeting March 20 - 22, 2015 Mountain Lodge and Conference Center, Flat Rock, NC There is no better place on earth to watch the premier of “Llama Nation : The Documentary” than right here at our very own SSLA Annual Conference. Following our Awards Banquet Dinner, Llama Nation Film will be returning again, and this time, with the much anticipated documentary we all have been waiting for! Llama Nation introduced their vision of this film at our 2014 Conference and have spent the year filming farms, shows, trekking trips, and many of our SSLA “Star” llamas. Also returning to our Conference is Dr. Kristy Brown from Sparta, Wisconsin, with several informative classes along with her highly requested Conformation and Movement in Camelids presentation that many have asked for. Fiber Judge Terese Bohn Evenson will be presenting a workshop showing us how to prepare the fleece and process it, from the animal to the show table for judging. These are just a few of the great classes that will be offered this year. From new llama folks to old-timers, there is something for everyone. We want to showcase, through pictures, our special Stars at this year’s Conference. Perhaps you know a special herd sire or dam that just takes your breath away every time you see them float across the arena. Maybe it is a llama that does outstanding performances that spectators come every year just to watch. Or it might be a very special PR llama that has a special way to bring the best smiles out of those they greet. Whatever llama it may be, large or small, in the arena or at home, they all are special “Stars” in our lives. So get your cameras ready! We want you to put on your top hats and bow ties, feathers and bling! Get ready for some old-fashion Hollywood fun at this year’s SSLA Annual Conference as we celebrate “A Weekend With Our Stars”. See you all there, Greg and Maylene Hall, Tom Hudgin, Elizabeth Strub 2015 Conference Committee 2015 SSLA Conference Information March 20-22, 2015 Conference Chair Contact Information: Greg and Maylene Hall (336) 914-0050 or (336) 756-1320 [email protected] Send registration forms and auction donations to: Greg Hall, 880 Gillespie St., Dobson, NC 27017 SSLA Annual Meeting Contact Information: Tom Hudgin (423) 257-2868 [email protected] Cost $115 - Members postmarked before Feb. 15, 2015, $140 - Members Postmarked after Feb. 15, 2015 $185 - Non-Members registration available after Feb. 15 as Conference space is available $ 35 - Youth Members, $60 Non-Youth Members $ 55 - Awards Reception / Banquet Only (if space is available) ** ALL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 7, 2015 * * Cost includes classes, lunch, snacks, SSLA Awards Reception and Banquet Dinner. (Hot breakfast is provided by the hotel.) A small additional fee may be added for fiber classes. Because of limited Conference space available, we have restricted registration, and is only available to SSLA Members now through Feb. 15. Non-members will be able to register after Feb. 15 providing space is still available. If you have not joined or renewed, please contact Karen Oertley-Pihera at [email protected]. Location Mountain Lodge and Conference Center 42 McMurray Road, Flat Rock, NC 28731 Telephone Reservations: (828) 693-9910 http://mountainlodgeflatrock.com Mountain Lodge is a llama/pet-friendly non-smoking hotel located in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains near Hendersonville and Asheville. Please call directly with Mountain Lodge at (828) 693-9910 to make your hotel reservations for the Conference. Mention you are with the SSLA Conference to receive same rates as last year with prices ranging $109 - $129. See website for complete directions to the hotel. Conference Registration Check-In Conference Registration Table will be located in the business area on the left side of the fireplace as you come through the main hotel entrance. Registration will begin Friday at 1:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m., Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. and continue as needed throughout the day. Please note hotel check-is usually at 3:00 p.m. at the main desk. Please make arrangements directly with hotel management if you would like to arrange early arrival. What To Bring Mountain weather in the springtime can vary from cold wet mornings to warm sunny afternoons so plan accordingly. Outdoor classes, including those by Terese Bohn Evenson, will be held under a tent with the exceptions to the obstacle classes. Please check the weather reports in Flat Rock, NC area before you head this way for up-to-date information. Bringing Llamas: Mountain Lodge has been very gracious to SSLA and our wonderful llamas. We encourage you to bring a llama or two, and enjoy hands-on classes such as Obstacle training with Dorthe Peloquin, Clicker Training with Greg Hall, as well as joining early walkers as they go on a walk-about. There is plenty of room for a good cart ride around the property while gaining great conversations on different training technics. Bring your packs out to share what style you use and what the advantages are over another style. ** Health Papers are required for bringing llamas from out-of-state.** Unfortunately, llamas are not allowed in the rooms, (and that includes the restrooms Andie, Bailey, and Elizabeth ; -) and must be housed outdoors. This year, there will be no panels available and you must provide your own pen set-up, feed, mats, shelter, etc. Water is available outside of hotel. Most choose to stall their llamas in the rear of the hotel rather than in front where there is lighting and is more protected. There is no security for the llama area so you may consider placing animals back in trailer for the night although some attendees do camp back there as well. Hotel does not provide housekeeping for the llamas so each owner is responsible to clean-up during and after the Conference. Please be mindful that this is a hotel and will have other guest coming in and out during our time there. Friday Night Dining with the Board Potluck and Movie Night During our traditional Friday Night Potluck, we will have an open forum with SSLA Board Members to let them know what a great job they are doing and answer any questions you may have for them. Feel free to bring new ideas along with areas you would like to volunteer in for a bright future with SSLA. Following the Potluck, we will have some good old-fashion home movies featuring our “Llama Stars” in action. Send in your movie clips (about 1 1/2 mins long) and /or pictures to share. Limited show time so send them earlier to be included. Deadline for submissions is March 7. Send these to [email protected]. Lunch and Learn Lunch and Learn is a time for us to come together for a light lunch provided by SSLA during a special class presentation for all. This year, our special class is “Keeping Up With Kristy” by Dr. Kristy Brown. She will review with us some of the current topics from the International Veterinary Conference and Revisiting Refugia - applications of parasite management from other species for use in Camelid Herds. Llama Show and Tell Sunday afternoon from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M, several members have volunteered to be available to share their llamas with the public. We will be advertising a “Walk-A-Llama” locally and hope to have families come out and discover what great animals these llamas are. If you would like to participate, please let us know. We would love to have a nice group available. Sponsorships, Advertising, and Auctions, We have several ways to support our SSLA conferences to help keep the cost down while providing wonderful key speakers. No matter how small, all contributions work together to make our conferences a BIG success. Direct Sponsorship is available in a variety of exciting packages offered for you to choose from. A Star picture of your favorite llama must be sent through email in a camera-ready art work saved in a jpeg or png format. Please take time to read the Sponsorship Levels and be a sponsor! SSLA Conference Notebook advertising provides a wonderful avenue to advertise your farm or llama business long after the Conference is over. This year, our Conference Notebook will be available for downloading from the SSLA Website and from SSLA Facebook as well. Your advertisement will reach beyond our Conference attendees to all our SSLA friends across the states. For more information contact Maylene Hall at 336-914-0050. All advertising can be submitted as an attachment through email in a camera-ready black and white format such as pdf, png, or jpg format. High resolution will provide a better image. Business cards can be sent with your Conference Registration form to be scanned in. Full-page Black and White - $80 Quarter-page Black and White - $45 Half-page Black and White - $60 Business Card Black and White - $25 Annual Auction and Raffle ticket sales is another fun way to support our Conferences. We are hoping you will be able bring (or send) lots items to donate so we can provide a wide variety for all to enjoy bidding on. Donated items can be non- llama related items, gift certificates, handmade quilts and goodie treats, fiber items, or an all-decked out custom stock trailer or two. Perhaps a couple of farms would like to go together and purchase a larger item such as a flat scale, Amish shed, or a trip to Peru! Even if you are not going to be present at the Conference, but would still like to donate or would like to promote your llama-related business, you can send items to Greg Hall, 880 Gillespie St., Dobson, NC 27017. Vendor Space Vendor space is available free to SSLA Members, $50 to non-members for a standard 6 foot x 2 foot table. Set up is on Friday 10:00A.M.-3:00 P.M. with take down by noon on Sunday. Space is very limited and will be on a first come, first serve bases, no exceptions. We will try to accommodate an area to fit your needs as best we can. Electricity will be available upon request but you must provide extension cords. For more information contact Maylene Hall at 336-914-0050. “Our Star Llamas are so bright, you gotta wear shades!” 2015 SSLA Conference Classes and Workshops Friday Early Bird Classes (beginning at 2PM) • Clicker Training Introduction - Greg Hall Greg will share his experiences with Clicker Training and how you can you use it to communicate more efficiently in working with your llama. • Weed Management and Seeding - NC Cooperative Extension Learn how to recognize and control weed problems in pasture and re-seeding options. • Working Towards Master Performance Level- Dorthe Peloquin Dorthe will share with us hand-on training / showing tips in training llamas from Novice to Master Performance Classes. • Open Cart Driving Show and Tell - Gather together and share training tips with other cart driving enthusiast. • Afternoon Spinning - Bring your spinning wheels and enjoy chatting by the fireplace demonstrating the new technics you have learned at various fiber festivals. Saturday Classes (beginning at 8:30 AM-4:30PM) • Lunch and Learn Class - Keeping Up With Kristy - Dr. Kristy Brown A review of current topics from the International Veterinary Conference and Revisiting Refugia - applications of parasite management from other species for use in Camelid Herds. • Managing our Aging Camelids - Dr. Kristy Brown A discussion of the changing needs in nutrition and management of our camelids as they grow older. • Digestive Disorders - Dr. Kristy Brown Unique features of the camelid digestive system and discussion of a few common digestive disorders. • Breeding as a Business- Cathie Kindler Cathie will host a roundtable discussion breeding males for all level of experiences. • Clicker Training Continue - Greg Hall Hands-On work session with your llama using clicker-training technics. • Obstacle Roundtable - Dorthe Peloquin Hands-on discussion of problem areas working with llamas over obstacles. Come and share what areas you have problems in training and solutions you may have found. • Winning the Award - Cheryl Lambert This is a great class for those who attend shows whether showing or just watching. Cheryl will take you through each show award such as the SSLA Sweepstake Trophy and explain which points are used toward what award as well as the different awards in ALSA and ILR organizations. • Llama Trekking as a Business - Mark and Sharon Berry Mark and Sharon have a successful trekking business at Divine Llama Winery in East Bend, NC . Come hear the ups and downs of a trekking business and how to get started. • From Llama to Show Table - Judge Terese Bohn Evenson Fleece Judge Terese Bohn Evenson will give hands-on demonstration as you learn to prepare fiber on and off your llama for entering the fleece in a fiber show. • Hook Knitting - Susan Gawarecki ($5.00 for supplies) Come and learn a new skill and give a try at Hook Knitting. • Open Fiber Sharing Great time for Show and Telling what projects you have been working on and different technics you have learned Sunday Morning Classes (beginning at 8:15 AM - 10:45 AM) • The importance of Conformation and Movement in Camelids - Dr. Brown A discussion of evaluating conformation and movement in camelids from the perspective of a sports medicine veterinarian. • Open Fiber and Textile Blending - Mary Lou Hassell and Debbee Perry Mary Lou will share with us ways to blend and play with different textiles in your roving with hands-on drum carding. Although not required, please bring your own carting machine if you have one. Debbee Perry will be also be demonstrating the use of a blending board. A Weekend With Our Stars 2015 SSLA Conference and Annual Meeting March 20 - 22, 2015 Mountain Lodge and Conference Center, Flat Rock, NC www.mountainlodgeflatrock.com Room reservations are to be made directly with Mountain Lodge and Conference Center (828) 693-9910. Farm: Name _____________________________________________________________________Member ___Y ___N Address ___________________________________________________________State ________ Zip _____________ Telephone: ______________________Email ___________________________________________________________ Adult Attending ________________________________________________________ Lunch and Learn ____ Y_____N Adult Attending ________________________________________________________ Lunch and Learn ____ Y_____N Youth Attending ________________________________________________________ Lunch and Learn ____ Y_____N (18 years and younger) Youth Attending ________________________________________________________ Lunch and Learn ____ Y_____N (18 years and younger) Youth Attending ________________________________________________________ Lunch and Learn ____ Y_____N (18 years and younger) Would you like vegetarian meals: Adult 1 __Yes Adult 2 __Yes Youth 1 __Yes Youth 2 __Yes Youth 3 __Yes Sponsorship Packages Available: Please check one or more packages you would like to sponsor. ______ The Star $150 * Full-page color picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition in Fireside area of hotel, back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * Name/ Farm sign on a Banquet Table * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * 10 tickets for Raffle Auction * Star Gift Basket * ______ The Marquee $125 * Full-page color picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition in Breakfast area of hotel, back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * Farm/ Name sign on a Lunch and Learn Table * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * 5 tickets for Raffle Auction * Marquee Gift Basket * ______ The Lights $100 * Quarter-page color picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition in Potluck area of hotel, on back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * 3 tickets for Raffle Auction * Lights Gift Basket * ______ The Camera $75 * Quarter-page color picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition on back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * Camera Gift Basket * ______ The Tux and Gown $50 * Quarter-page color picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition on back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * A Special Tux and Gown Gift * ______ The Paparazzi Youth Sponsorship $35 * Quarter-page black and white picture of your favorite “Star Llama” in Conference Notebook * Name/Farm recognition on back of Conference Notebook and SSLA Website * 1 free business card black and white ad in Notebook * A Special Paparazzi Gift * Notebook Advertising: Please check one or more options. All advertisement needs to be sent through email in a camera ready format prior to March 7, 2015 ____Full-page Black and White - $80 ____Quarter-page Black and White - $45 ____Half-page Black and White - $60 ____Business Card Black and White - $25 Yes, we would like to volunteer: ___ Class Greeter/host ___ Registration Table ___ Lunch and Learn ___ Pot Luck ___ Conference Decorations ___ Banquet Decorations ___ Raffle Ticket Sales ___ Vendor Table Coordinator ___ Auction Set-up and Sales ___ Photo Contest ___ Movie Night (Friday) ___ Reception (Sat. Night) Vendor Space: ____ Yes (6 ft. x 2 ft table) Electricity: ____ Yes Description of items: __________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes, we will be donating for the raffle/auction:_______________________________________________________ Conference Fee postmarked BEFORE Feb. 15, 2015 Number Attending Total Amount $115 per adult, Includes classes, snacks, lunch, reception, and banquet $ $35 per youth under 18 Includes classes, snacks, lunch, reception, and banquet $ $55 Banquet Only (as space is available) $ Sponsorship Package — — — — — — $ Notebook Advertising — — — — — — $ Vendor Space (Free for members, $50 for non-members — — — — — — $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ Conference Fee postmarked AFTER Feb. 15, 2015 Number Attending Total Amount $140 per adult member, $185 per adult non-member Includes classes, snacks, lunch, reception, and banquet $ $35 per youth under 18 members, $60 per youth non-member Includes classes, snacks, lunch, reception, and banquet $ $55 Banquet Only (as space is available) $ Sponsorship Package — — — — — — $ Notebook Advertising — — — — — — $ Vendor Space (Free for members, $50 for non-members — — — — — — $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ ** ALL REGISTRATIONS and PICTURES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 7, 2015 * * Please mail registration and check to: SSLA/ Greg Hall, 880 Gillespie St., Dobson, NC 27017 Send camera-ready pictures to [email protected]
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