The Insight From the President Thank you for electing me to serve in 2015 through January 2016 as President of the Congregation. I am looking forward to sharing the living faith in Jesus Christ with each of you this year as we move ahead with the outcomes from the 2014 strategic planning process. These outcomes are: Building and sustaining relationships through small group and intergenerational activities; enhancing worship and music; reviewing the governance structure; and a capital campaign to retire the debt. All of these outcomes are inter-related and will have productive outcomes with input, engagement, and participation from each of you. Please know that the Council values your input. The Council will provide the guidelines, but we depend on each of you to step up and assist with implementation strategies. A retreat is planned for Ascension Council Members on February 13-14. The purpose of the retreat is team building and leadership skill enhancement. Jim LaDoux from Vibrant Faith will facilitate the discussion at the retreat. Mr. LaDoux will continue as a leadercoach for one year for members serving on the Council. Volume L Issue 2 February, 2015 Inside this issue: From Pastor Rhonda 2 Meet Sandy Olson 3 Wednesdays in Lent 3 From Pastor Dennis 4 Love & Logic 5 Stewardship 6-7 Christian Education 8 Please note that I plan to have a cup of coffee and be available between services on Sunday in the Gathering Area. If you have compliments, questions or suggestions for what is happening at Ascension please sit down with me to share your ideas. I look forward to the discussion. I can also be reached at home at 692-8533. If there is a concern, let me know, but also understand that I will ask you for your assistance in finding a solution. Cross-Generational 8-9 My husband, David, and I have been Ascension members since March 1994. I served as Council President in 2004 during the expansion of the Sanctuary and addition of the offices and workroom. I retired in July 2013 after serving nearly 20 years as Dean of Nursing at SDSU. Prior to 1994, David and I lived in St. Louis, MO; Overland Park, KS; and Houston, TX. David and I are native South Dakotans. I grew up on a farm near Groton and David in Groton. We have two sons and three grandchildren. Membership & Financial 10 Volunteer List 11 Calendar 12 Ministry List 13 WELCA 9 Feeding Brookings 9 I invite you to review and understand the Mission of Ascension: Purpose, Passion, and Power. Information about Ascension is on the web site Ascension Lutheran Church is a house of hospitality built on the foundation of sharing the living faith in Jesus Christ at home, in the congregation, and community. Roberta K. Olson, President New Members to be received: If you are interested in joining Ascension, please contact the office, 692-6565 or [email protected]. New members will be received in worship February 21 & 22. Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM February 2015 The Insight Page 2 From Pastor Rhonda Dear Friends, Lent is the season when the daylight lasts longer each day. During this lengthening, trees begin to awaken from their long winter’s nap. Roots reach deeper into the soil, drawing up water and nutrients. Soon, sap begins to rise, buds appear and, before long, leaves unfurl. The wonder and beauty of it all is breath taking. Our faith lives are similar to the life of trees. The means of grace—God’s word and the holy sacraments—plant us firmly in this world. Our roots reach down into the word of God, quenched by the waters of baptism and fed on the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. The life of Christ rises within us. With the light of Christ shining upon us, we grow in faith toward God and in fervent love toward one another. The branches of our lives stretch up from the trunk of our identity in Christ Jesus and spread out in all directions. Our works of love and mercy multiply, like leaves on those branches, providing beauty to others. This year, the season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 pm. It will include the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance and cleansing, and the sharing of the Holy Supper. After Ash Wednesday, our midweek services will use Marty Haugen’s “Unfailing Light” liturgy and will focus on the Tree of Life. We will “grow” a tree of life throughout the weeks of Lent, beginning with the trunk and branches. New leaves will appear weekly. Choirs will provide special music, and there will be a community of faith activity that will “leaf” you wondering at the beauty of it all. “Wooden” that be fun?! (I hope that’s not too sappy.) Come, and grow with us! Pastor Rhonda The Diaper Project: There are many families in Brookings who have difficulty purchasing diapers and wipes due to financial strain. To ease this strain, the Harvest Table gives away diapers and wipe to their littlest guests. Recently, over only a two-month period, 20,020 diapers were distributed. The need is great! Last year, the Diaper Project made donations to the Harvest Table of 18,122 diapers, 100 boxes of wipes, and $1,752. Let’s expand the opportunity to give! Consider taking this opportunity to your place of work, service organization, social club, book group, coffee group, etc. Imagine how many families could be assisted if many groups in our community contributed. Corinne Stremmel and friends will be collecting donations of diapers and wipes from mid-January to mid-February. There will be a drop box at Ascension or you can make a cash donation (checks payable to the Harvest Table with Diaper Project in the memo). All sizes of diapers are needed, but the larger sizes are especially needed. Please help make a different in the lives of the babies of Brookings this Valentine’s Day. Thank you! If you have questions, email [email protected] and follow on twitter @diaperproject2. February 2015 The Insight Page 3 Meet Sandy Olson Director of Cross+Generational Ministries I am excited to meet you as the next Director of Cross+Generational Ministries. I have lived in Dell Rapids for the past 2 1/2 years with my husband, Rev. Michael Mortvedt, the Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Dell Rapids, and our dog Thor, a delightful Norwegian Elkhound. Together we have a blended family of four grown, married children, spread across the country, two grandchildren, both age two, and one more due in February. My paternal grandparents emigrated from Norway to the coal mines of southern Colorado, where I was raised. I began skiing when I was five years old and still enjoy downhill skiing when possible. In Dell Rapids, we cross-country ski on the Big Sioux River. Thor loves it. We also garden, hike, camp and travel. I played the piano for a High School choir across Europe, travelled and led tours to El Salvador, Jordan and Palestine, housed refugees from Rwanda, and led fifteen trips to Juarez Mexico with high school youth and families to build houses and relationships with those who are our neighbors. I have a degree from St. Olaf in voice and piano. I am an Associate in Ministry and have served Christ the Savior Lutheran in Aurora CO, Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit in Centennial, CO, and Lord of the Mountains in Dillon, CO, in the areas of education, youth and family ministry, social ministry, evangelism, worship, and pastoral care. I am a Spiritual Director and teach piano, voice, and guitar privately. I also served as National Director for Alternatives for Simple Living, an outreach of ELCA World Hunger for three years. In South Dakota, I have served at West Nidaros in Crooks as Youth and Family Interim, then directing the Choir, Praise Band and River Sounds String Band, working with Social Outreach, Evangelism and worship planning. The last six months in Dells, I have helped with confirmation, choir, office work and supply preaching. I enjoyed teaching guitar at Collision, a drop-in youth center in Sioux Falls and just completed a course through the Luther House of Studies in Lutheran Heritage. I enjoy learning and listening. Let’s discover together how we can build up the Body of Christ at Ascension. Midweek Lenten Meals & Worship February 18 Ash Wednesday worship at 7:00pm (no meal prior) Joy Singers sing Join us for a meal at 5:15pm and worship at 6:00pm on the following Wednesdays: February 25 Sloppy Joes and ice cream sundaes served by Corinne Stremmel and friends for the Diaper Project. Spirit Singers sing in worship. March 4 Chicken wild rice soup & ham sandwiches served by Christikon. Trinity Teens sing in worship. March 11 Meal served by Youth Gathering attendees. Joy Singers sing. March 18 Pulled pork & SDSU ice cream served by the Dan & Katie Tvedt family for Guatemalan Mission Trip. Spirit Singers sing. March 25 Meal served by Youth Gathering attendees. Trinity Teens sing. The Insight February 2015 Page 4 From Pastor Dennis Dear Friends in Christ, As many of you know, my wife, Mona, was hospitalized for 11 days in the middle of January with pneumonia. She is now home and doing better. The illness was probably brought on by the chemotherapy she was receiving. It knocked down her defenses to the point that she became very ill. We want to thank you all for your prayers and concern. We have felt the power of those prayers in her recovery and we know that you will continue to pray for both of us through this journey. I want to thank Pastor Rhonda and the staff for their understanding and support through this time. They have been wonderful to us! Yours in Christ, Pastor Dennis Hansen The 23 National Youth Gathering “Detroiters” continue to work hard to raise funds for next summer’s week-long experience. Maybe you’ve seen them at a Jacks game? Track their progress on the poster in the Gathering Area and consider making a donation to the cause. The cost of the trip, over and above the $250 already paid by each attendee, is $900 per person and it just happens to be 900 miles from Brookings to Detroit. Most of the people attending would not be able to go without the financial support of members of the congregation. Can you help with a donation of 1/3 ($300); 2/3 ($600) or 3/3 ($900) of the Youth Gathering experience? 900 miles from Brookings to Detroit / $900 per person to attend Name_______________________________ Phone number_____________________________ I will support the Youth Gathering attendees by pledging or making a donation in the following amount: _____ $300 (1/3) _____ $600 (2/3) _____ $900 (3/3) _____ Other $__________ Please return this form to the office or leave in the offering plate. Checks can be made to Ascension with Detroit in the memo. February 2015 The Insight Page 5 Parenting Class to be offered at Ascension February 2015 The Insight Page 6 Stewardship One of the biggest joys of my life occurred in June 2001 when I was able to tour the D-day beaches in France. In case you aren’t a history buff like me, the D-day beaches are the area in northern France where the US and the other allies conducted an amphibious landing during World War II to open up the western front against Nazi Germany. The area of the beach that was code named Omaha was particularly hard for the invading troops due to bluffs abutting the beach. The Germans had all of their weapons on the bluffs looking down on the landing men. Compounding the difficulty, the landings took place on a rising tide (shortly after low tide) and Omaha beach is over ¼ mile wide at low tide. So the troops had to cross the ¼ mile wide beach with no place to hide from the enemy fire. When we visited Omaha beach in 2001, just by pure chance it was shortly after low tide so we got to see what it was really like for the landing troops. My niece wanted to touch the water of the English Channel so I walked out onto the beach with her. When I turned to walk back to our vehicle I imagined myself as one of the landing troops, which was pretty easy to do since the rusting war relics are still on the bluffs. I couldn’t believe the bravery of the veterans that landed on the beach. I am not sure if I would have been brave enough to cross that distance while under enemy fire. Since my visit I have read a few books and watched documentaries about the landings. When asked how they could be so Stewardship Highlight Organizations The Stewardship Board’s “Highlight Organizations” is a program to enhance Ascension’s understanding of the many different stewardship activities our members participate in and support with prayer, time, talents, and finances. Each month we will highlight an organization we support in our church newsletter. We are not asking for a pledge, rather prayerful consideration of ways you can help and become involved in this worthwhile activity. See the next page for this month’s Stewardship Highlight. brave, almost without exception the veterans said that they knew they had a mission to do so they did it. In a few weeks we will celebrate Ash Wednesday which starts Lent and leads us into Easter. One of my favorite parts of the bible is when Jesus had his moment of doubt in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night he was betrayed. I tend to forget that Jesus was totally human, just like you and I. The moment of doubt when the situation totally overwhelmed him and he cried so hard that tears of blood came out reminds me of his humanness which makes me feel closer to him. When this occurred, Jesus prayed about it and then, just like the World War II veterans, completed the mission that was before him. As we all know, the future of Ascension is a little up in the air. This is being written before the annual meeting so I don’t know the end result, but a tight budget is a major concern. Finding permanent replacements for our staff openings and the feeling that God is guiding us to enhance our music ministry despite the tight budget adds to the concern for the coming year. But using the example of the World War II veterans and Jesus we can pray about it and then complete the mission that God has set before us. Darrin Daggitt, Stewardship Board LUTHERANS OUTDOORS IN SD God’s Work. Our Hands. Lutherans Outdoors in SD is supported by Ascension’s contributions to the Synod and special designated offerings. At Lutherans Outdoors we provide opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to connect with one another. These connections allow each person to explore and play in a nurturing environment, which leads to a stronger faith foundation, discovering personal gifts, developing new skills, as well as building life-long relationships. Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota is dedicated to quality faith experiences and hospitality for youth and adults and has been for more than 65 years. Our Mission Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota welcomes all to explore and experience Christ’s love in community and creation. Our Vision We are your first choice for dynamic and innovative Christ-centered ministries: many sites, many seasons, many experiences. Each camp follows the standards of the American Camp Association (ACA) Joy Ranch is working toward the process of ACA accreditation and all other sites are currently accredited. LO staff is well-trained and offers signature hospitality. LO camps include diverse sites and programs. LO camps promote spiritual and personal growth. Learn more at: The Insight February 2015 Page 8 Christian Education Souper Bowl Sunday February 1! Sunday school children are encouraged to bring cans of SOUP for Feeding Brookings on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1. There will be a table in the hallway for your cans. THANKS! Sunday School Teachers are needed for all ages & workshops throughout the year. See the poster on the bulletin board and sign up today! Sunday School children sing in worship this year. Mark your calendars and plan to have your children join us in sharing music in worship on the following dates: February 22 at 11:00am: 3rd-6th grades sing March 29 at both services: preschool-6th grades sing for Palm Sunday April 26 at 11:00am: preschool-2nd grades sing MILESTONES “Just as the ancient roadways used stones to mark the miles traveled, so homes can use faith milestones to mark our journey.” Ascension Lutheran Church is committed to the vision God has placed before us of passing on faith in Jesus Christ. One way in which we do this is through Milestones Ministry. Milestones are identified moments that are right for a child's next step in his or her faith journey. By equipping families with education about the milestone, lifelong faith formation is developed! MILESTONE THIS MONTH: Wednesday, February 11 at 6:45pm – HS Freshmen “Lenten Bread Bakers” milestone Saturday, February 28 at 10:00am – 2nd Grade “Prayer” milestone Adult Sunday School Please join us in the Meeting Room Sundays at 9:45am. February 1st, 8th, & 15th Darrin Daggitt, John Miller, and Doug Malo will lead a discussion on Money Isn’t/Is Everything: What Jesus Said about the Spiritual Power of Money. February 22nd Lorraine Kracke and Kyle Kepner will talk about Mission Interpreters training. Beginning March 1, Duane Matthees will lead discussions on the early church. WAVE Wednesdays Are Very Exciting. The WAVE continues to roll! Children are learning about the Fruits of the Spirit this year. Please contact Melissa Waligoske at [email protected] if you have questions or would like to participate or help. Wednesdays ARE Very Exciting! Sign up for Camp! Youth as young as 1st grade can attend Lutherans Outdoors in SD camps, or families may go to Family Camp. Check out the LOSD summer schedule on their website, Talk to Darcie Bien if you have questions. High Schoolers are able to attend Christikon in Montana for a week of backpacking, August 2-9. See Talk to Rich Reid or Les Olive for more information on Christikon. As always, camperships are available. Cost should never be a factor in deciding if a child can go to camp. Talk to Pastor Rhonda if there is a need. February 2015 The Insight MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH Pizza and Sky Zone Event - February 8 Details: Join us for pizza at the church at noon. After we eat pizza we will head to the Sky Zone in Sioux Falls. We will leave the church at 12:45. Jumping at the Sky Zone will be from 2:00–4:00 p.m. The cost for this event is $15.00 per Ascension member jumpers/$20.00 for non-members and $2.00 for jump socks. If you already have jump socks be sure to bring them. Important: All of the attendees need to have a waiver filled out and signed by their parent or legal guardian if they are under 18 years of age. Waivers must be submitted electronically at Please submit waivers by Tuesday, February 3. Drivers will be needed for this event. Sign up at the kiosk or e-mail [email protected] to attend and volunteer to drive. Hope to see you there. Bring a friend too! Tuesday Bible Study Join together to look closely at the ending chapters of Matthew (beginning with Mt. 24) and explore what the words mean for us. The six-week class will meet 1:30 PM on Tuesdays, beginning Feb. 10. Everyone is welcome. The class will be led by Elaine Rietz. Knitting and Crocheting group Our group meets the third Tuesday each month at 7pm at Ascension. The purpose of our group is to let persons in the community know we care about them by giving them the items we have knitted or crocheted. Since we began in Sept., 2012, we have donated almost 200 items. If you are interested in joining us, please come to one of our meetings or call Nancy Nelson for more information at 692-5312. Page 9 Women of the ELCA February Bible Study Leaders meet with Elaine Rietz on Saturday, February 21 at 9:30am Dorcas Circle meets at 1:15 PM on the 4th Thursday each month. Contact Diane Olive at 692-1425. Esther Circle meets at 9:00 AM on the 4th Thursday each month. Contact Lois Bellows at 697-5084 or Mary Roe at 692-9325. Eve Circle meets at 6:00 PM on the 4th Monday each month. Contact Doris Brown at 692-5901 or Nancy Nelson at 692-5312. Mary & Martha Circle meets at 7:00 PM on the 4th Monday each month, except June & July. Contact Darcie Bien at 692-0802. Quilters meet at 9:00 AM on the 2nd, 3rd & 5th Thursdays each month. Contact June Wiesner at 696-9878 for more information. Feeding Brookings Feeding Brookings Grocery Distribution Thursdays 4-5pm Food of the Month: Pancake Mix Hygiene Items: Toilet paper & Facial tissue (Kleenex) Bar soap & Toothpaste & Shampoo Contact the church office with any questions you may have about this ministry, 692-6565, email [email protected] or visit Feeding Brookings is a United Way sponsored organization and an equal opportunity provider. The Insight February 2015 Page 10 Finance $680,000.00 $660,000.00 $640,000.00 December 2014 Financial Report $620,000.00 Annual Budgeted Income & Expenses for 2014 .......... $668,771.50 $600,000.00 % of Year Past............................................................................. 100.00% % of Budgeted Income Received YTD......... 96.60% ($646,046.80) $580,000.00 % of Budgeted Expenses Incurred YTD ...... 87.59% ($585,749.64) $560,000.00 Monthly Budgeted Income & Expenses ........................... $55,730.96 $540,000.00 2014 YTD 2014 YTD 2014 YTD Actual Actual Budgeted Income Expenses Income & Expenses December Actual Income ................................................... $67,336.65 December Actual Expenses ............................................... $67,510.02 2014 Income & Expenses, as of December 31, 2014 Membership Baptisms: Elsa Rose Clements-Johnson Budgeted Expenses Actual Income Actual Expenses $80,000.00 $75,000.00 $70,000.00 $65,000.00 $60,000.00 $55,000.00 $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $40,000.00 Jan Memorials Given by Clarke & Shirley Christianson, Dean & Siri Peterson, Murph Monahan in memory of Patti Monahan Given by Pat Collins in memory of Paul & Mickey Collins Given by Roberta Hansen in memory of Lois Meyer Given by Larry & Jan Fjeldos in memory of Millard Johnson Given by Signe Anderson, Raymond & Sylvia Ofstedal, Mary Wolpert in memory of Wesley Bugg Given by Paul & Winnie Johnson in memory of Caroll Hall Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Ascension Lutheran Congregation: Many thanks for your kind donation of gifts for the residents at the Neighborhoods at Brookview. The residents were excited to receive gifts after Christmas and were all very thankful for the very useful items. All of your kindness and generosity was/is greatly appreciated. Sometimes the “smallest” acts of kindness mean the most to people. Again, on behalf of the residents and staff at the Neighborhoods THANK YOU! Amanda Uecker Activities Coordinator The Neighborhoods at Brookview Dear Ascension Lutheran, Thank you for your gift of $700 to St. Dysmas on 12/9/2014. I’m so grateful for your support of St. Dysmas. Your gift has a real and significant impact. Because we are not on synod or church-wide budgets we depend on gifts like yours. Thank you for your generosity and entrusting us with your gift. We will honor your trust. May God’s blessings give you peace, hope, and joy, Rev. Bob Chell The Insight February 2015 Page 11 VOLUNTEERS FOR FEBRUARY 2015 SATURDAY (5:30) Worship Assistant/s Ushers SUNDAY Worship Assistant/s 8:30a 11:00a Greeters 8:30a 11:00a Ushers 8:30a 11:00a A/V 8:30a 11:00a Coffee Hosts 9:30a-11:00a SPECIAL SERVICES Worship Assistant/s Greeters Ushers A/V February 7th February 1st Phil & Roberta Wagner Carl & Nancy Fahrenwald Nancy Correll Irene Porter Matt & Sarah Dammen John & Kathy Miller Erling Engstrom February 14th February 21st Amy Pedersen Duane Matthees Dick & MaryJo Lee Steve & Ila Kool Harold Widvey Glen Nachtigal Lindsay & Judy Wollmann February 8th Steve & Anita Ust Les & Diane Olive Steve & Mary Kay Helling Dan & Katie Tvedt February 15th Jim & Charee Housiaux Merritt & Pam Warren Al & Linda Whitaker Bruce & Christine Kreutner Steve & Ila Kool Bruce & Vickie Newman February 22nd Randy & Sue Knutzen Bill & Nancy Flynn Dolores Ostroot Lois Bellows Nichole, Caitlin & Miranda Russell Brad & Kay Ruden Carol Holm Paul & Nancy Fixen Randy Knutzen Alan & Susan Mergen Family Paul & Mari von Fischer Family Rich & Kathy Reid Nels Granholm Kevin & Sarah Smith Family Merritt & Pam Warren Jamie Russell Jim Thvedt Matt Bien Paul Evenson Carl Fahrenwald Susan Kranz Nate Quam Steve Minor Kevin Sackreiter Lorraine Kracke Trudi Mofle Arne & Doris Brown Mark & Becky Ekeland Dianne Hoff Brenda Johnson Feb. 18 - 7:00p Ash Wednesday February 28th Feb. 25 - 6:00p Lenten Service Jerry & Mary Fiedler Ted & Lou Eggebraaten Mark & Becky Ekeland Bill Flynn Ron & Lois Ladegaard TBD TBD Andy Stremmel Terri Murfield Jeff Van Gerpen Dave Johnson LOCK-UP SCHEDULE: February 2-8: Doug Malo; February 9-15: Jim Thvedt; February 16-22: Jerry & Mary Fiedler; February 23-March 1: Merritt & Pam Warren If you are unable to serve on the date you are scheduled, please find a replacement and notify the church office at [email protected] or 692-6565. See Ascension’s website for updated Volunteer Listings and Instructions. February 2015 The Insight Page 13 Ministry List Ascension Staff (692-6565) Senior Pastor .............. Rev. Rhonda Hanisch, 697-7928 (H) [email protected] Interim Associate Pastor ...................... Rev. Dennis Hansen [email protected] Director of Cross-Generational Ministries ...... Sandy Olson [email protected] Admin/Financial Assistant .................... Lanita Vanderbush [email protected] Church Secretary ...............................................Gloria Smidt [email protected] Publications Secretary .........................................Darcie Bien [email protected] Custodian ............................................................ Anna Smith Joy Singers Choir Director ........................... Lori Bjorklund Trinity Teens Choir Director .............................Darcie Bien Spirit Singers Choir Directors . Lori Bjorklund, Katie Tvedt Executive Committee Congregational President ............. Roberta Olson, 692-8533 President-Elect ............................ Carl Fahrenwald, 693-6432 Secretary ......................................... Jennifer Soma, 692-5085 Treasurer ........................................ Gary Williams, 592-9033 Past President .................................Larry Osborne, 627-9169 Board Contacts Christian Education..................... Sarah Dammen, 651-2669 Church & Community ..................Mariah Weber, 370-8059 Finance ................................................ Kathy Reid, 692-8561 Membership Participation ...................................................... Operations & Maintenance............ Dennis Miller, 693-4161 Stewardship ......................................... Doug Malo, 692-4927 Worship & Music ..........................Becky Ekeland, 692-7934 Youth Ministry ................................Julie Hemmer, 691-3092 Office Hours Monday: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Tuesday: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Wednesday: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Thursday: 8:30 AM-3:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Lunch Hour: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM *Hours may vary occasionally. ALCW Co-Presidents .................................. Nancy Nelson, 692-5312 Shirley Nelson, 692-5351 Secretary ............................................. Elaine Rietz, 692-8373 Treasurer .............................................Darcie Bien, 692-0802 Quilters Bette Johnson .......................................................... 692-4148 June Wiesner ........................................................... 696-9878 Altar Guild Joan Riessen ............................................................. 692-8833 Communion Coordinators Becky Ekeland .......................................................... 692-7934 Sue Knutzen ............................................................. 692-7203 The Insight Volume L - Issue 2 February 2015 Return Service Requested 2030 Third Street Brookings, SD 57006 Phone: 605-692-6565 / Fax: 605-692-6808 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ascension is a house of hospitality built on the foundation of sharing the living faith in Jesus Christ at home, in the congregation, and in the community. Our Purpose is to be in relationship with God, the creation and one another. Our Passion is the love of Christ for all people. Our Power is the Holy Spirit gifting us to fulfill our purpose and passion. Ash Wednesday Worship Wednesday, February 18 - 7:00 PM All Board Meal & Meetings (No meal prior to the service) Tuesday, February 10 Wednesday Lenten Services February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 - 6:00 PM (Meals served at 5:15 PM) Meal at 6:00 PM - Meetings at 6:30 PM (Christian Education Board Serving)
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