The Catholic Community of St. John Neumann February 1, 2015 Volume 33, Number 5 A Christian Community of the Catholic Tradition Diocese of Metuchen Most Rev. Paul G. Bootkoski, Bishop Trustees: Mary Connolly Lyle Garcia Our Parish Rev. Abraham Orapankal, Ph.D. ...... .................................... Pastor Rev. J William Mickiewicz ................. ..... Founding Pastor Emeritus Earl Roberts .......................... Deacon Mailing Address: PO Box 455 Califon, NJ 07830 Mission Statement Catholic Community of St. John Neumann FOUNDED on the teachings of Jesus Christ, NOURISHED by the hospitality of the Califon Christian Communities, FORMED with a commitment to Social Ministry, and STRENGTHENED by the Holy Spirit The Catholic Community of St. John Neumann is a jubilant people on a continuing spiritual journey of hope: TO CELEBRATE and DEEPEN our faith TO SHARE our unique gifts, talents and treasures TO CHERISH all life TO LIVE in openness, acceptance and love. Annual Parish Goal Growing in the Love of the Lord Through the Faith Formaon of Each Member, We Will Give Witness To and Welcome All Segments of Our Larger Community Office Center: 398 County Route 513 Califon, NJ 908-832-2513 908-832-7618 fax Worshipping at: 398 County Road 513 (Church Center) Saturday Vigil Mass ...........5:30 p.m. Sunday ...............................8:00 a.m. Sunday .............................10:30 a.m. Weekday Masses *Check the bulletin for any changes* 390 County Road 513 (Neumann Residence) Tuesday .............................7:00 a.m. Friday .................................7:00 a.m. Reconciliation Saturday.................... 5:00-5:25 p.m. Or anytime by appointment. This Week at Saint John’s Mass Schedule—February 7/February 8 Mass Intentions Tuesday, February 3 NO MASS Friday, February 6 NO MASS Saturday, February 7 5:30 p.m. Rick McCloy, req. Mary & Mike Connolly Saturday 5:30 p.m. Celebrant ........................................................................... Fr. Abraham Orapankal Reader ............................................................................................ David Geerinck Altar Server ...................................................................... Geerinck/Torczon Family Gift Bearers........................................................................................ Zeolla Family Ministers of the Eucharist ............................................................... Donna Torczon ...................................................................... Mary Pat Mackenzie, Joann Gardner Sunday 8:00 a.m. Sunday, February 8 8:00 a.m. Eugene P. Blewitt, req. Murray Family 10:30 a.m. Mark Malone, req. Mark & Donna Zehnbauer Celebrant ........................................................................... Fr. Abraham Orapankal Reader ...................................................................................... Dorothy Waddleton Altar Server .................................................................................. Kucharski Family Ministers of the Eucharist ................................................................ Anita Sawczuk ................................................................................. Tom Klawunn, Jane Klawunn Sunday 10:30 a.m. Celebrant ........................................................................... Fr. Abraham Orapankal Deacon ................................................................................................ Earl Roberts Reader ....................................................................................................... Bill Hunt Altar Server .......................................................................................... Bush Family Gift Bearers........................................................................................ Staten Family Ministers of the Eucharist ....................................... Earl Roberts, Gloria Cucchiara .................................................Mark Brisson, Mike Pagliuca, Kathy Kelly Pagliuca Parish Calendar Saturday, Feb. 7 — Weekday Sunday, Feb. 1 — Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time / YBR Collection / Souper Bowl of Caring 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 p.m. 3:30 a.m. 1st Eucharist –Session #2 (Church Center) Mass (Church Center) Mass (Church Center) Children’s Liturgy (Narthex) Youth Leadership (Church Center) 5:30 p.m. Mass (Church Center) Sunday, Feb. 8 — Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Development of Peoples 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2 — The Presentation of the Lord 7:00 p.m. Fund Raising Meeting (Office Center Kitchen) Tuesday, Feb. 3 — Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, Saint Mass (Church Center) K-6 Catechesis (Church & Office Center) Mass (Church Center) Jr. High Catechesis (Church Center) Saint Ansgar, Bishop No Mass Remembered at Mass Wednesday, Feb. 4 — Weekday We stand together in the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. The following will be remembered in the Eucharistic Prayer: Patricia Talias. Thursday, Feb. 5 — Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr 7:00 p.m. CPI Parent Candidate Meeting (Church Center) 7:30 p.m. Music/Bells (Church Center) Deceased: Patricia Talias, wife of Charles. May she find peace and comfort in the embrace of the Lord and may her family find strength in the Lord and comfort and support from family and friends. Friday, Feb. 6 — Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs No Mass 5:00 p.m. Cleaning (Church Center) 2 SMALL FAITH GROUP WITNESS (reference of “Comfort Zone” by Jim DeVito is in the bulletin of Jan. 18th) Written by: Annette Schettino Uss Piggy-backing on parishioner Jim Devito’s write-up on “Comfort Zone” in the bulletin 2 weeks ago, I, like Jim, have also been tasked by France Kennedy to write for the bulletin. My task was to encourage you all to join a Lenten faithsharing group. While writing is definitely not outside of my comfort zone, asking others to step outside of their comfort zones is! But, to quote Rohr (as Jim did), with a “joyous yes inside me,” I accepted. I can easily and wholeheartedly recommend and encourage you to join a small faith-sharing group because of the personal gains I’ve experienced from my participation. Reading and discussing Gospel scripture in a group brings Jesus’ teachings and experiences to life! I’ve gained so much insight on how to live my daily life the way God desires for me by the discussions we’ve had in our small group. Also, the small groups are a great way to meet and get to know your fellow parishioners. There are so many amazing people in our wonderful parish. The fellowship, friendship, and support gained from others on this faith journey are priceless. If small group sharing is not your “thing,” even quiet participation is beneficial. You’ll be opening yourself up to an opportunity for the Spirit to work in you. If carving out an hour or two from your week is difficult, weekly attendance is not mandatory, so come when you can. Even part-time participation is beneficial. If you’ve participated before and are yearning for a different experience, try a new group. If you’ve participated before and want to continue with the same group, continue to challenge yourselves to be open to God’s voice through each other. As Jesus said, “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst.” Make room for communion with Jesus as experienced with others this Lent!! Annette Schettino Uss Social Ministry FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” 1 Corinthians 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. SCRIP PROGRAM The scrip gift cards are still available. You can pick up Walmart, Dunkin Donuts, Home Depot and Amazon on weekends. You can also still order cards through the office and they will be ready for pick up the following week. Any questions contact Kerri 908-8322513. There are still a few Panera and Movie Cards left also. Parish Contact Information TWO OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS Everyone has heard about the fire that took place in High Bridge a couple of weeks ago, and it has taken awhile to get accurate information regarding the families that were displaced, but here is what we know: The Rescue Squad in High Bridge is coordinating all relief efforts and they have told us that furnishings are NOT needed. They suggest either monetary donations or gift cards from department stores; Home Depot, Lowes and Walmart. We have cards available for purchase either in the Narthex after the Masses or at The Church Office.The cards and monetary donations may be left in the Social Ministry donation box located in the Narthex. Kindly earmark any donations "High Bridge". As in the past , your generosity is greatly appreciated. Another opportunity exists to assist the homeless through the giving of your time at The Spruce Run Lutheran Church where The Interfaith Hospitality Network will be sending families for a week in February. As more information is gathered, we will provide it to you both in the bulletin and postings in the Narthex. Thanks for caring and keep walking with Jesus. Like us on Facebook! Find us as "St. John Neumann RC Church, Califon NJ" or follow the link from the home page of our website at 3 Office Center .......................... 908-832-2513 Fax ..................................... 908-832-7618 Email [email protected] Rev. Abraham Orapankal ...........................Pastor Email ........................ [email protected] Earl Roberts ..............................................Deacon Email .......................... [email protected] Sharon Janks .....................Pastoral Administrator Email ............................ [email protected] France Kennedy...................... Pastoral Associate Email [email protected] Kerri Caldaro .................... Financial Administrator Email [email protected] Wayne Infusino ................................ Maintenance Religious Education .............. 908-832-2162 Renee Ciszewski Director of Religious Education Email ............................. [email protected] Jo Ann Jarvis ........................ Office of Catechesis Email ............................. [email protected] Church Center ........................ 908-832-6343 Social Ministry [email protected] Anne Germino and Greg Wilson Bulletin ............................ [email protected] HS Youth Group [email protected] 652 Christian Formation - Catechesis 2015 SOUPER BOWL OF CARING 1ST EUCHARIST CLASSES Saturday, February 7, 3:30 p.m. First Eucharist session #2 will be on Saturday, February 7, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Church Center. 3RD/4TH GRADE INDIVIDUAL RECONCILIATION Class: Wed., February 11th, 7:00 p.m. Ceremony: Wed., March 4th, 7:00 p.m. The Individual Reconciliation instructional session for all third and fourth graders will be held on Wed., February 11th, in the Church Center at 7:00 p.m. The Sacrament of Individual Reconciliation will be celebrated with Fr. Abraham on March 4th* at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Center. All family members are encouraged and welcome to participate in this celebration. *Please not that this is a change in date. CLASS MASS GRADES 4 & 5 Thank you to all the fourth and fifth grade students who enthusiastically participated in the celebration of Mass on Sunday January 25, 2015. Please join us as for our next Class Mass on Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 10 a.m. celebrated with the 3rd Grade students. AUCTION DINNER DANCE We are looking for your help with the planning of the Auction. Although the Auction is scheduled for June 6, 2015, the planning starts NOW. Please contact the office if you might be interested or would like more information. January 31st & February 1st MORE THAN 20 YEARS AGO, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat.” Since that day, more than $100 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving. Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Weekend as you leave Mass. Our youth will greet you in the Narthex to collect your $ donations and cans of soup. This year we are collecting money to purchase ingredients to assemble 60 brown bag meals to be distributed by SHIP (Samaritan Homeless Interim Program in Somerville) via their mobile soup kitchen. Money collected above that amount will go towards St. John’s Social Ministry holiday food baskets. A local food pantry will receive the cans of soup collected. CPI PARENT/CANDIDATE MEETING Thursday, February 5, 7:00 p.m., Church Center There will be a CPI Parent / Candidate Meeting on Thursday, February 5, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Center. This is an introductory and welcoming meeting as our sixth graders begin to prepare for Confirmation. At least one parent should accompany their CPI student. . SAVE THE DATE! LENTEN SOUP SUPPER What: Meatless Soup Supper When: Friday, February 20, 2015 at 6PM Where: Church Center All parishioners are invited to join us for a simple meal of soup followed by Stations of the Cross. Please bring a pot of homemade meatless soup to share. Bread, salad and drinks will be provided. R.S.V.P. [email protected] or [email protected] if you plan to attend. Sponsored by Religious Education. QUOTE(S) OF THE MONTH: Pope Francis’ 2015 New Year suggestions to his staff. - “Take care of your spiritual life, your relationship with God, because this is the backbone of everything we do and everything we are.” - “Take care of your family life, giving your children and loved ones not just money, but most of all your time, attention and love.” - “Heal wounds of the heart with the oil of forgiveness, forgiving those who have hurt us and medicating the wounds we have caused others.” - “Look after your work, doing it with enthusiasm, humility, competence, passion and with a spirit that knows how to thank the Lord.” - “Watch our for anger that can lead to vengeance; for laziness that leads to existential euthanasia; for pointing the finger at others, which leads to pride; and for complaining continually, which leads to desperation.” - “ Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker … the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this.” 4 Parish News LIVING LENT We invite you to join us once again for six group sessions over lent. We have groups in the mornings and evenings. Fr. Abraham suggests you step out of your comfort zone and try one meeting. Groups will begin during the first week of Lent. Which is the third week of February. Please fill out a card or call France at the office if you are interested. The groups gather once a week for 6 weeks, and you do not have to attend them all – attend what you can. SHOP RITE, A&P & KINGS CARDS Thanks to the 13 families who purchased Shop Rite, Kings and A&P gift cards the last week, totaling $1,975.00. The stores gave us $98.75. The cards are available after all the Masses or at the office during the week. YOUTH MINISTRY The Youth Group prepared meals last Saturday for February’s SHIP delivery on Feb 9. We still have to make mashed potatoes on the afternoon of February 8. And what potatoes they are! These are purple potatoes from the Project Earth Garden. Any youth from 8th grade thru high school is invited to help. Please call the office or email the youth group at [email protected] to sign up and find out the time. BISHOP BOOTKOSKI TO BE HONORED at Catholic School Education Dinner The Most Reverend Paul G. Bootkoski, Bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen, will be presented the St. John Neumann Award at the 2015 Catholic School Education Dinner being held on April 14th at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick. The award, which is named for the “Father of the Parochial School System,” is given to an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, commitment and dedication to promoting Catholic school education in the Diocese of Metuchen. “Bishop Bootkoski has made Catholic schools a priority in the diocese and continues to be a strong proponent,” said Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Corona, PA, KCHS, executive director of the diocesan Department of Education. “Our bishop is deserving of this honor which is also an expression of our gratitude for his ongoing support for the teachers, administrators, and most importantly the children attending our Catholic schools.” The proceeds from the Catholic School Education Dinner benefits the Foundation for Catholic Education Scholarship Fund which provides tuition assistance for low-income families whose children attend our diocesan Catholic schools. For dinner tickets, sponsorship opportunities and information about the basket auction and raffle, go to, Email [email protected] or call 732.562.2452. ST. MARY BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH TO SPONSOR SLAVIC DINNER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church will sponsor the Slavic Dinner on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The dinner will be held in the St. Mary Parish Center, 1900 Brooks Boulevard, Hillsborough, NJ. The cost is $13.00 for adults (ages 9 and up) and $5.00 for Children (8 and under) and includes all you can eat Pirohi, Stuffed Cabbage, Kielbasa and Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, salad, desert and beverage. A new feature of the dinner is a surprise entrée each month specially selected and prepared by St. Mary’s chef John Pagano. Dinners are held on the second Wednesday of every month throughout the year. Orders to go are available. For more information contact: St. Mary’s at 908-725-0615. The March dinner will be held on Wednesday March 11, 2015. 5 Sample Serve ...................... 20 Time & Talent Adult .......... 96 Time & Talent Youth ......... 11 Treasure ............................. 37 VOLUNTEER SCHEDULES Office Angels Tuesday, Feb. 10 D. Zigmantanis Wednesday, Feb. 11 S. Griffin Store Cards January 31 & February 1 5:30 p.m. E. McCabe 8:00 a.m. V. Santoro 10:30 a.m. R. McShane February 7 & February 8 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. B. Cestone J. Klawunn J. Varcadipane Church Center Plant Watering Week of 2/1 M. Cangelosi Week of 2/8 B. Sobey Church Center Cleaning January 30 Team A February 6 Team B 652 Parish News REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Joe Angeline Joyce Arrizza Marianne Bennett Eugene Cifranic Jean Crickenberger Ava DeTorre Sophia DeVita Anthony DeVito Paul Ditzel Neal Ercolano Paul Ferri Gordon Furlong Diane Jackson Jan McLeavey Michael McMahon Christine Meyer Evelyn Murray Fran Miceli Beau (Bernice) Mills Fr. John Negrotto Michael James Nonestied Mary Lou O’Brien Floyd Opdyke Nilsa Perez Parsons Geraldine Pellegrino John Pfeufer Bob Pocius Al Preziosi John Ryder Christi Sarubbi Bob Simms Julie Suplee Brian Travis Sherry Whitford Josh Wilkes Caden Zane Jill Zane Joey Zieba Donna Zigmantanis MILITARY PERSONNEL If you have someone in the military that you would like us to remember in our prayers, call the office or drop the name into the collection basket. As military personnel leave the Service, please notify us so that we can remove them from the list. Please remember the following in your prayers: Captain Baumann, Katherine, U.S. Army HM Bullis, Christopher, U.S. Navy Private, Linzer, Matthew, U.S. Army Seaman, Linzer, Stephanie, U.S. Navy SR O’Leary, Thomas, U.S. Navy Captain Royal, Benjamin P., USMC Ensign Simila, Nicole, U.S. Navy REFLECTION: THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and said, "Quiet! Come out of him!" Mark 1: 21-28 "For sure . . . " Not a minute goes by that she does not think of her daughter. She was having coffee with friends, chatting away as if all was well with the world, when she received the call. In an instant, those friends became her source of comfort and sharers in her grief. It has been a long year, she writes, a journey of grief, struggle and pain. But her thinking has begun to change: "For many months, my mind was flooded with If Only. If only I had called. If only she'd left her home a little later. If only her roommate had asked one more question, mentioned one more change of plans. If only it hadn't been a good beach day. If only her friend had been too busy to meet. If only she had been home safe with us, under our canopy of love and protection. "Lately, though, I'm struggling to put the If Only aside and focus on the For Sure. For sure she was living her life, doing what made her happy in a land far away, yet always close to our hearts. For sure she knew we loved her, felt loved by us. For sure we thought of each other when we heard or saw or smelled something we had shared - the inside jokes, the favorite foods. We'd phone each other with 'Guess where I am' or 'Guess what I'm doing' or ' . . . who I am with' or '. . . who I just saw.' "The For Sure is what keeps me upright, moving forward. It is what she would want me and her dad and sister and brother to do. To live our lives to the fullest. To look for and relish the For Sure. There is no use for If Only, she would admonish. I can hear her telling me that it gains us nothing. "Instead, she would remind us to find the beauty in a simple feather, a beautiful piece of glass or seashell or pebble on the beach. To breathe in the fresh air and exhale the sorrow, the hurt, the longing. Our daughter would tell us to be thankful for what we have and what we had. To love one another. To think of her often with joy and not sadness. To feel her presence and her love inside us for all our days." We can be destroyed by the "unclean spirits" of "If Only." We can be "possessed" by grief, disappointment, anger, outrage. But, as this grieving mom comes to realize over time, the Spirit of "For Sure" begins to lead us to healing, purpose and resolve. To cast out such "demons" is not easy - it means refocusing our attention from what is missing in our lives to what we have, from lamenting our regrets and disappointments to finding meaning in what we can do for others. "Unclean spirits" of anger, fear and hurt can "possess" all of us - but by his grace, God enables us to cast out the "demons" that isolate us, that mire us in fear and selfishness, that blind us to the love of God in our midst, and discover, instead, purpose in doing for others and meaning in being the means for God's healing and hope. CHRISTMAS CD GIFT If you were someone who really liked Matthew Kelly’s presentation you might want to consider seeing him at his live event, Living Every Day with Passion & Purpose. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in our diocese is hosting this event on April 19 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Old Bridge. Tickets are $39. See the flyer in the Narthex or contact us at the office for more information. We could get a group together to carpool. 6 Parish News VALENTINE DINNER DANCE Friday, February 13 from 7:00-10:30 (Snow date: Sunday, February 15 6:00-9:30) We’ll offer a delicious homemade Italian dinner buffet, yummy dessert assortment, rockin’ music from Mike Griffin’s band, the GB’s, and an interesting Silent Auction. Round up some friends and join us! The cost is $30 per person, $220 for a table of 8 and $275 for a table of 10. We are happy to help you make up a table. Contact the office or Jim Murray at 832-5273 or [email protected]. This event benefits teens from St. John’s, Immaculate Conception and from the local area who participate in the Catholic Heart Workcamp experience. This summer we have 55 volunteers traveling to Groton, MA. Our youth follow Pope Francis’ call to service! If you cannot attend the dance or would like to help in some other way, please consider: -Sponsoring a teen ($350) -Helping with set up/wait staff/clean up -Donating towards our transportation costs or partially sponsoring a teen -Donating to our Silent Auction. We love gently used items or even re-gifted items! For more information, contact Mary Connolly at [email protected] or 903-930-0784. DOVE CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES!! Thanks to Barbara Pannone there will be a special addition to our CHWC fundraiser! You can order the strawberries and pick them up at the dance or on Saturday, February 14 from 9:00am-6:30pm. They are $1 each and order forms are available in the Narthex. Delicious! BISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL Life-Changing Faith Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports the Office for MultiCultural Ministries which helps people of different ethnicities, cultures and tongues to remain connected to their Catholic roots by facilitating spiritual and pastoral care in a religious environment that is familiar to them. It also fosters among all Catholics a spirit of greater collaboration in living out the Catholic faith by promoting a greater respect and understanding for each other’s ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences. Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps to make Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers Workshops available for parish staff and volunteers. To date, the Development Department has received pledges totaling $ 33,018.99 and payments totaling $29,468.99 from 101 parishioners. This represents 85.5% of your $38,600.00 goal. FAMILY BOWLING The local Knights of Columbus (St. Joseph Council) is sponsoring a Family Bowling afternoon on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 1-3 PM at Oakwood Lanes in Washington. A suggested donation of $5 per person ($20 per family-max). Is requested! Come have an afternoon of family fun! Contact: Mark Kucharski by February 18th to reserve your spot. Phone: 908-638-4577. THE CURSILLO SIXTH ANNUAL ENCOUNTER WITH CHRIST The Cursillo Sixth Annual Encounter with Christ will be held at Mary, Mother of God Parish, 157 South Triangle Rd, Hillsborough, on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Our distinguished speakers will be Fr. Glenn Sudano, CFR of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (Most Blessed Sacrament Friary, Newark, NJ) and Sr. Francesca, CFR of the Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal (Convent of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bronx, NY). The theme of the Encounter will be the Holy Spirit in our Lives. Morning coffee and donuts as well as a light lunch will be served. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (with 6 priests); as well as celebration of the Mass. There is no charge for the event; but a free will offering will be accepted. ALL ARE WELCOME. To register, please RSVP to Marianne Kharé, Co-Chair of Fundraising and Special Events, Metuchen Cursillo Movement, 908-552-8173 or [email protected] 7 MEN’S DINNER SOCIAL Adult men are invited to a Dinner Social hosted by the local Knights of Columbus on Saturday February 21. It will be held at the St. Joseph Church Hall (lower level) starting at 6:00 to 6:30. Flyers are available in the Narthex. Requested contributions are $20 per person. Contact: Tom Klawunn at 908-246-3722 (cell), 537-6744 (home) or at “[email protected]”. WILLIE LYNCH BAND We are pleased to announce that the Willie Lynch Band is coming to St Johns on April 17 ! To make this event possible we are in need of a chair or co-chairs. Please contact the office. 652 Coughlin Funeral Home C Gary Deckhut, Manager NJ Lic. No. 2741 P.O. Box 294, 15 Academy St., Califon, NJ Practice Limited To Orthodontics Special Lic. #2875 Califon Orthodontics, L.L.C. John D. Hirce, D.M.D., M.S.D. 3A Sliker Rd., Califon, NJ 908-832-2461 RUDIN PAINTING & LANDSCAPING INTERIOR / EXTERIOR LANDSCAPING AND MAINTENANCE POWER WASHING AUTO DETAILING Coins-American & Foreign Scrap Gold Gold & Silver Paper Money Old Jewelry Tues-Fri 10am-5pm Estates Saturday 10am-3pm Collections or By Appt. 908-832-2414 FORTENBACKER ELECTRIC CO. LLC 56 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 800-819-9875 908-782-0840 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Domestic CHARLES F. FORTENBACKER HOUR E PARISHIONER SERVIC JASON RUDIN FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Enlightened CHRISTINA HAMLER Exercise Nutritional-Wellness Coach High intensity workouts 20 minute sessions, once a week One-on-one, private personal training Personal Trainer-Strength Coach Natural Food / Paleo Chef 908-713-0900 for a FREE consultation 908-892-5464 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. ELECTRICAL R CONTRACTOR 24 201-400-3318 Tree Removal • Tree Pruning • Stump Grinding 80 Foot Bucket • Land Clearing Gary Jordan - Your Local Neighbor 908-638-5678 OFFICE: 908.832.6228 CELL: 908.797.3866 Foreign Michael Brothers Automotive Maintenance & Repair N.J. State Inspection & Certified Repairs “Your Hometown, Hi-Tech Automotive Service Center” 270 County Rd. 513, Glen Gardner, NJ 908-638-8044 ELECT. LICENSE #10007 100 SLIKER RD. GLEN GARDNER, NJ 08826 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto Christopher J. Knoll Manager, NJ Lic. No. 4460 conveniently from your home or office. (908) 735-7180 Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 1761 Route 31, Clinton, New Jersey 08809 Please patronize the businesses and professionals that advertise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued support! Your advertisers make your bulletin possible. St. John Neumann is looking for a few more sponsors. Contact John Patrick Publishing Company 717-490-4558 or (800) 333-3166 ext. 162 652 The Catholic Community of St. John Neumann, Califon, NJ (B) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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