Le Grand Concours The National French Contest of the American Association of Teachers of French What is Le Grand Concours? Le Grand Concours/The National French Contest, is an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French. It is a wonderful way to have students practice the Interpretive Audio and Written Modes of Communication for all levels in a standardized test format. At the national level, the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) determines placement rules, writes and prints the exams and answer sheets, creates the CDs, corrects the exams, ranks the results, and distributes medals, prizes, and scholarships. Students of French in grades 1-12, in all 50 states and abroad, take a written test and compete against students with similar educational background for prizes. Grades 1-6 participate in the FLES Contest and Grades 7-12 participate in the Secondary Contest. The test is 60 minutes long, including 30-60 items at the FLES level, and 60-70 items on the middle/secondary level test, and all levels include an audio section. In addition, FLES students may be eligible to take a speaking portion, depending on their results on the written exam. There is not a speaking option for secondary students. Students take the exam with their classmates at their own school on one of the dates within the national timeline for the contest. For more information and to determine the correct level for their students, teachers should consult the complete contest specifications, which are available on-line at www.frenchteachers.org/concours Why should we participate? From the perspective of: Students and Parents: opportunities for prizes, recognition and scholarships; sense of pride and accomplishment; and a benchmark for progress Schools, Departments & Teachers: a benchmark for progress and promotion of the French program How do I enter my students? Students enter via their French teacher and their Chapter Contest Administrator(s). All students are eligible; homeschool parents or private tutors can request information on participation from the nearest Chapter Administrator. Students of non-AATF members are also welcome to participate, although AATF members receive a discount on the cost of exams. When and how are results distributed? As soon as they are scored, Chapter results are sent to the Chapter Contest Administrators, who will forward them to the individual teachers. National results must wait until all students have been scored. Results will include chapter and national rankings, national percentile, and a student detail report for each student who took the exam. Page One FLORIDA ADMINISTRATION Florida Testing Dates for 2015 are the same as the National Dates: Grades 1-6 (FLES) may give the test between: February 14-28, 2015 Grades 7-12 (middle & high school 01-5) may give the test between: February 21-March 22, 2015 How to Order Tests All tests must be ordered and paid for through one of the two Florida Chapter Administrators. They will help you in any way possible with recruiting participants, taking registration and payment, ordering test materials from the National office, forwarding all test materials to your school, as well as distributing rankings and prizes, and printing and distributing certificates. Please remember who you first contact and register with, so that our records are not confused. Your Florida 2014-2015 Concours administrators are Cheryl Thingvold and Pat Lopez. Cheryl Thingvold is responsible for all FLES registrations in the state, as well as middle and high school students in the Panhandle, North Florida, the East Coast, and South Florida. Please contact her at: [email protected] Mailing address: 4776 Riverdale Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32210 Please note that the individual teacher is responsible for making arrangements within his/her school. It is up to the school, French teacher, proctor and school administration to decide the exact date of Concours within the set parameters at each school, and to arrange for proper test security and administration. Each teacher is responsible for correctly placing his/her students. Please refer to the website www.frenchteachers.org/concours for enrollment information to determine in which level and division each student belongs. Each Florida Concours administrator verifies that no student is placed in the same level/division two years in a row. Please e-mail Cheryl or Pat as soon as possible so that we can check our email distribution lists to make sure that they are accurate. If teachers have left your school, or if new teachers have come in, please share this information. Cost per student: $3.00 per test for students of teachers who are members of AATF, if registration is mailed by December 31, 2014. $4.00 per test for students of teachers who are members of AATF, if registration is mailed between January 2 and January 24, 2015 $6.00 per test for students of teachers who are not members of AATF. (must be mailed by January 24, 2015.) NEW members of AATF (membership processed before registration is sent for an on-time arrival) are entitled to a discounted rate of $1.65 per student for up to 10 students, plus one free CD. Please indicate this on your order form. NOTE: In order to receive the AATF member discount, the teacher must join AATF by December 31, 2014. All orders must be received by the appropriate Florida administrator by January 31, 2015. Any orders received after January 31, 2015, will be fulfilled, if possible. MAIL ORDER FORMS AND CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO "AATF-Florida Chapter/Grand Concours" to the appropriate Florida Administrator as listed above. Please do NOT send order forms or checks to the national AATF office. Page Two Le Grand Concours 2015 Order Form DUE: JANUARY 31, 2015 PLEASE COMPLETE 1 FORM PER TEACHER Please PRINT all information unless otherwise indicated TEACHER INFORMATION: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________ School Phone: ______________________ Level(s) of French: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date renewed AATF membership or became new member ___________________________________ (If date is after 12/20/14, please attach a copy of the on-line receipt from AATF) SCHOOL NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City, ZIP: _______________________________________________________________________ TEST ADMINISTRATOR: The test administrator must be a neutral party (guidance counselor, principal, etc.) He or she must count and verify materials and check for missing pages at least three days prior to test day and safeguard them until test day as well. He or she is also responsible for mailing the answer sheets to AATF by the deadline. The classroom teacher must have NO contact with the exams or answer sheets before, during or after testing. Test Administrator’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Position at school: ____________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________School Phone: ______________________ SIGNATURE of Test Administrator: ___________________________________________________ PROCTOR INFORMATION (if different from the Test Administrator): The contest proctor may NOT be the teacher of the students being tested. He or she may be another teacher, guidance counselor or other school employee. The Proctor is responsible for reading all the test directions PRIOR to testing and make sure that the teacher and school codes are available on test day as well. Proctor's Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Proctor's E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________________ If multiple proctors are needed, please list each additional proctor: __________________________________________________________________________________ TEST ADMINISTRATION DATE(S)_________________________________________ (Please be as specific as possible) NOTE: Please plan to test only students from the same level together. TENTATIVE DATE OF SCHOOL OR DEPARTMENT AWARD CEREMONY: ___________________________________ Page Three 2015 SCHOOL ORDER SUMMARY PLEASE COMPLETE ONLY ONE ORDER FORM AND REMIT ONLY ONE CHECK PER SCHOOL Checks should be made payable to "AATF – Florida Chapter/Grand Concours" School _________________________________________ Earliest Test Administration Date___________________ EXAMINATION BOOKLETS AND ANSWER SHEETS AATF Members Number of Copies Level Non-Members Number of Copies FLES 01 1 2 3 4 5 Total # of copies = @ $3.00 (before 12/31/2013) = @ $4.00 (after 12/31/2013) = TEST COPIES TOTAL $ = Total # of copies = @ $6.00 = TEST COPIES TOTAL $ = Audio Compact Disks (one per level minimum) Level Quantity FLES 01 1 2 3 4 5 # of disks = @ $7.00 each CDs TOTAL $ = Subtotal Member tests Subtotal Non-Member tests (Did not renew prior to January 1, 2015) Subtotal CDs Material Total Shipping - 10% of material total ($10 minimum) Total Due: $ $ $ $ $ $ Please attach lists of students who are taking the National French Exam by level and teacher. This will help with identifying answer sheets, reporting results, and preparing certificates and awards. You can make copies of the attached sheets and mail them with your registration, or send the information electronically to the appropriate test administrator. There is no requirement to register your students on line on the national AATF website. Page Four Page Five Page Six
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