Harmony Baptist Association NEWS Dr. Daryl R. Stagg, Director of Missions Anita C. Jordan, Administrative Assistant Volume 56 Issue 2 February 2015 HOW TO REACH US Harmony Baptist Association 660.826.2070 P.O. Box 1810 Sedalia, MO 65302 [email protected] www.hbamo.org 1950 Hwy TT Sedalia, MO 65301 Administrative Assistant’s New Office Hours Sunday School Conference March 14 - 8:00 am to 1:30 pm at First Baptist Church, Warsaw The conference is titled “Ed in the Congo” - (Education in the Congregation). Pre-register by March 6 by contacting Fellowship Baptist Association at 660-438-6678 or email at [email protected]. Registration begins at 8:00 am. The conference starts at 8:30 am. There will be break-out sessions for each age group, general officers, and pastor/staff. Please bring current Sunday School material you are using in your Sunday School class. This conference is geared for smaller congregations. There will be an additional break-out session for churches with only one children’s class and one adult class for their Sunday School. The break-out sessions will end at noon. There is no charge for the conference, but please pre-register to help us plan effectively. A “Subway” lunch is available for $5, if you plan to stay for lunch. Following the lunch, there will be a Q&A time with conference staff. The staff will answer questions folks have about Sunday School and conclude by 1:30 pm. Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Mexico Mission Trip 12:00 - 12:30 (lunch) July 25 - August 3, 2015 Nurio Michoacán, Mexico Inside this issue: Furnace 2015 MO State Evangelism 2 “NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES” 3 Churches to elect Messengers 4 Prayer Commitment 5 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering 6 Cost: approximately $1300 per person including air and ground transportation, lodging and meals. Meals in transit are at each team member’s additional expense. Deposit due by March 16. An informational meeting will be held at Primera Iglesia Bautista, 600 South Summit, at 6:00 pm on Thursday, February 12. If you feel called to go on this Mexico Mission Trip, contact Dave Hague 660-221-0746 for more information. Harmony Baptist Association is continuing to reach the Lost in the region of south-central Mexico, known by the International Mission Board as Mexico’s “Heart of Darkness.” Our Prayer is to field between 8-12 missionaries from HBA to work with indigenous church planters in Nurio, Mexico. This will be HBA’s second trip, partnering with Primera Iglesia Bautista of Nurio and Primera Iglesia Bautista of Sedalia. Continued on page 6. V OLU M E 5 6 ISSU E 2 PAGE 2 N E WS CALENDAR February 2 Adult Bible Study & Music @ Calvary - 10:00 am Adult Planning 11:30 am Pastors Fellowship - Bandana’s - noon Associational Coordinating Team - 1:30 pm 4 Winter Bible Study (Week 1) - Providence and Mt Herman - 6:30 pm 5-6 MBC State Evangelism Conference, Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Springfield 10 Maplewood Association - 7:00 pm 11 Winter Bible Study (Week 2) - Smithton and Sedalia Harmony - 6:30 pm 12 Project Parachute Meeting - 6:00 pm Mexico Mission Trip Planning/Info MeetingPrimera Iglesia Bautista - 6:00 pm 16 President Day (Holiday) Mission Office closed 18 Winter Bible Study (Week 3) - Broadway and Antioch - 6:30 pm 20 NEWS items due 21 Prayer Commitment at local church - 7:00 am to 10:30 pm 23 Kamp Meeting - 6:00 pm 25 Winter Bible Study (Week 4) - Lamine and Camp Branch - 6:30 pm 26 Label NEWS - 8:00 am All meetings at Mission Office unless otherwise indicated Church Anniversaries Jon Church .………………………..17 years, February 15 Pastor - Katy Park Bill McDowell ……………………….3 years, February 19 Pastor - Memorial Tim Smith…. ………………………..4 years, February 20 Pastor - Hughesville Receipts from our churches Church December 2014 YTD Antioch ·························· 398.62 ··············· 2480.05 Bethlehem ······················ 467.99 ··············· 4939.34 Bethany ························· 250.00 ··············· 3000.00 Broadway ······················· 128.04 ··············· 2162.52 Calvary ·························· 729.28 ··············· 6712.71 Camp Branch ·················· 544.36 ··············· 7300.21 Cornerstone ························· .00 ················· 795.96 East Sedalia ···················· 155.36 ··············· 8047.75 Emmet Avenue ················ 100.00 ················· 700.00 FBC, Sedalia ················· 2114.08 ············· 21932.58 Flat Creek ······················ 634.47 ··············· 6494.09 Green Ridge ························· .00 ··············· 1084.00 Hopewell ····························· .00 ··············· 4806.93 Houstonia, FBC ··············· 183.60 ··············· 2285.39 Hughesville ······················ 88.08 ················· 727.53 Katy Park ····················· 1066.75 ············· 10174.36 Lamine··························· 309.39 ··············· 2935.17 LaMonte ························· 186.06 ··············· 2138.07 Memorial ···························· .00 ··············· 2075.70 Mt. Herman ···················· 750.00 ··············· 2645.00 New Hope ···························· .00 ··············· 4675.64 Olive Branch ··················· 152.45 ··············· 1573.39 Primera Iglesia Hispana ········ .00 ·················· 30.00 Providence ··························· .00 ················· 520.00 Sedalia Harmony ·············· 75.00 ················· 900.00 Smithton ····························· .00 ················· 750.00 Syracuse ······························ .00 ················· 900.00 Vision ····························· 85.34 ················· 750.04 Checking -Beginning Balance - December 2014.…. $1,720.95 Undesignated receipts……………………………………. 8,418.87 Other receipts……..……………………………………….. 1,461.73 Transfer to Designated…………………………………… .00 Less Expenditures…………………………………………. (9,425.68) Ending Balance.………………………..….……………… $ 2,175.87 Reserve Fund — December 2014 Beginning Balance.……………………………………… $1,592.76 Interest earned.……………………………………………… .07 Ending Balance.…………………………………………… $1,592.83 Mission Trip Fund—December 2014 Beginning Balance ..…………………………………… $ 1,146.l7 Receipts……………………………………………………….. .00 Less Expenditures………………………………………… 00 Ending Balance...………………………………………… $1,146.l7 Ridgecrest Baptist Church, 2210 W. Republic Road, Springfield February 5-6, 2015 Pastors, staff, church leaders, DOMs, and spouses are invited to register and attend. It includes a strong Conference Leadership Team and 15 breakouts that will be used of the Lord to encourage you as you evangelize for Jesus in the world’s furnace. Register at www.mobaptist.org/ evangelism events. Designated Funds - December 2014 Balance……………………………………………………… $ 14,486.90 Receipt………………………………………………………. 1,610.00 Expenditures……………………………………………… (1,856.00) Transfer from General Fund…………………………. .00 Ending Balance……………………………………………. $14,240.90 2014 required monthly receipts-------------$ 9,844.00 December undesignated receipts—— (8,418.87) Amount above or (below) to meet budget ($1,425.13) Mission Statement: Equipping churches in partnership to achieve healthy Kingdom growth Vision Statement: Healthy churches on mission for Christ “NEWS FROM OUR CHURCHES” Antioch: We hosted this year’s Winter Bible Study Rally on January 28 and participated in the study of Deuteronomy as it continued in February. We ask that you to pray for our deacon, Charles Elliott, who is now home from the hospital but is undergoing radiation treatments. Our pastor began a series of messages called, “What We Believe,” eventually taking us through the Baptist Faith and Message in the new year. We observed the Lord’s Supper on the 18th and had an enjoyable fellowship following the service. Bethany: The saints look forward to another year of fruitful service. We shared the Lord's Supper on the 11th. We enjoyed a soup and chili fellowship on the 18th, followed by our first quarter congregational meeting. Our ladies gathered for a fried chicken dinner on the 22nd. Our men travelled to the Ironmen Summit in Emporia, Kansas on the 24th. We served a meal at the Community Café on the 29th. Bethlehem: Our Christmas Program was wonderful and well attended. This year is going well with the youth. The youth attended a music concert on January 25. A youth mission trip is planned in June. Bible Study and activities are on Sunday evening at 5:00 pm. The younger children met on Sunday evening at 4:00 pm for Bible Time and music. The Women’s Group met on January 12 for a Secret Sister Reveal. A new Secret Sister began for the year. A community dinner was planned as a fundraiser for the youth to go on a mission trip. Broadway: The church family rejoiced with an adult baptism. The Pastor Search Committee evaluated the resumes and has narrowed it down to three. They expect to make a recommendation to the church soon. We completed our Discipleship Class held on Wednesday nights. We look forward to participating in the adult Winter Bible Study in February. Calvary: We appreciate Brother Ted and his wife, Judy, but is was sad saying good-bye. We wish them the very best blessings as they enjoy retirement. We appreciated all the decorations during the Christmas Season. Our church was bright and beautiful in praise of our Lord Jesus Christ’s birth. The Celebration of music and the fellowship with Calvary family was a blessing to all of us. The Men’s Breakfast will be the first Saturday of the month and Forever Young will again be the last Thursday of the month. The choir is working on the Easter Celebration. We are blessed to have Dr. Daryl Stagg fill the pulpit until the Pastor Search Committee finds God’s man for our church. We are enjoying the renovated sanctuary. We praise our trustees for all their work and time before, during, and after the remodeling. East Sedalia: Cameron and Mikayla Tucker welcomed their baby son, Deacon Tucker, into their family on January 12, 2015. Big brother is Asa Tucker. We exceeded our goal of $2500 for the Lottie Moon offering. The clothing closet was open on January 8 to give free clothes. The ladies luncheon was held January 20 at noon at Little Big Horn. Emmet Avenue: We welcomed Harvey Pace as our interim pastor the first of January. We look forward to new ideas, enthusiasm and growth in our church. FBC, Sedalia: Upward Basketball and Cheerleading games started on Friday night and Saturday, January 2 and 3. Games will be every weekend through January and February. Dr. Glenn Sparks came to FBC in view of a call as Senior Pastor on January 16-18. The church overwhelmingly voted in favor of the call, at 99.99%! We look forward to Brother Glenn and his family being on the field soon. We had a baptism on January 25. Flat Creek: Our Children's Church enjoyed a reward party at CoCoKeys in Kansas City. We served a meal at the Community Cafe the early part of January. On the 18th, the men prepared a delicious breakfast buffet for the rest of the church before Sunday School and then taught all classes. There was a men's choir and special music during worship service. Houstonia: We extend our sympathy to Kevin and Cory Anstine and family in the passing his sister. Katy Park: The Prayer Patrol attended the January 9 Smith-Cotton game. We welcomed our guest speaker, Chad Clement, from Mission Oklahoma City during Morning Worship on January 18. The ladies began a 5-week study of Priscilla Shirer’s book, “Breathe—Making Room for the Sabbath” on January 22. We hosted the TruthSticks Evangelism (Storying) Training on January 24. Jeff Page led a Sunday morning service at Fairview Nursing Home on January 25. Youth members attended the Winter Jam Conference at the Sprint Center in Kansas City on January 25. Lamine: We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! New Hope: We are prayerfully seeking a bi-vocational/part-time Director of Student Ministries (Youth Minister). The church has a Ministry Description and application available to anyone who is interested. You may contact Pastor Duane at [email protected], or call the church office at 660 826-6277 for more information. Olive Branch: We extend our sympathy to Jason and Michelle McClain in the passing of his grandfather. Providence: We had a Hallelujah Sunday, January 18! We had our first baptism in four years - a lady with a wonderful testimony of Jesus' saving Grace! We met at the Otterville Baptist Church for the baptism with a reception following. Family members and church members enjoyed the testimony of the new member, and cake and punch that followed. Sunday morning, January 11, we had an All-Church Breakfast, with special guests, Ben and Lorna Sparks, leading the Worship Service which followed at 9:00 a.m. Ben led us to sign a covenant to Seek The Lord. It was a special morning! We look forward to Winter Bible Study coming up in February! Sedalia Harmony: The Lord’s Supper was observed during the morning service on December 21. A family movie night was held on New Year’s Eve. A church Business Meeting was conducted on January 11. Several members volunteered their services at the Open Door Thrift Store throughout the month of January. The church will be participating in the Winter Bible Studies during the month of February. Smithton: We have a new pastor and would like to welcome Pastor John Barrett and his wife, Peggy! We are moving forward and would like to invite you to come and join us in worship and fellowship...anytime. Vision: We observed the Lord's Supper on January 11. We also had our quarterly Business Meeting. We served at the Open Door Food Pantry twice this month. The youth met twice this month. The ladies had a baby shower for a church member. The men met for breakfast and also did some mechanical work on members’ vehicles. We are collecting cans of soup to donate to the Open Door Food Pantry, for our First Souper' Bowl. H A R M O N Y B A P TI S T A S S O CI A TI O N P.O. Box 1810 Sedalia, MO 65302 February 2015 Non-Profit Org. Permit #302 U.S. Postage Paid Sedalia MO 65302 Address Service Requested Report from Executive Board Meeting January 12 27 people attended representing 17 churches Heard reports from: * Treasurer * Director of Missions * Church Ministry Teams (Discipleship/ Life Stewardship, Prayer, Leadership Development) * Missions Ministry Teams (Evangelism, Missions Activities) * Children’s Camp New Business: Passed Resolution for contractual obligations on behalf of the association to sell 3.16 acres of land. Passed Recommendation that the Orval Woolery Associational Offering to be used for Kids Kamp on June 15-19, 2015. Elected Dave Hague as Missions Activities Team Leader. Looking Ahead in 2015 April 21 - M & M Banquet, Theme: “Light of Love” and the supporting verse is: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105 June 15-19 - Kids Kamp at Heit’s Point, Theme: “Be Not Ashamed.” June 24-27 - mb125 at Skyline Baptist Church, Branson. Event information available at www.mobaptist.org/mb125 Churches to Elect Messengers In preparation for the April 13 Semi-Annual Meeting to be held at Katy Park Baptist Church and the September 13 Annual Meeting to be held at Calvary Baptist Church, churches need to elect messengers at a business meeting. According to the associational constitution, the formula is: The voting members of this association in its Annual/Semi-Annual Meeting shall be composed of messengers elected by the churches, which they represent. Each church may send its pastor, and mission pastors, and three other messengers, and an addition messenger for each fifty members or fraction part thereof, above seventy-five, provided that no church sends more than twelve messengers. PAGE 5 N E WS V OLU M E 5 5 ISSU E 11 Winter Bible Study – 2015 (EAST) “Deuteronomy: A Challenge to a New Generation” Date Location Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Providence Smithton Broadway Lamine Bible Study Leader John Dumsday Gary Payne John Barrett Leroy Moon Scripture Deuteronomy 1-6 Deuteronomy 7-18 Deuteronomy 19-28 Deuteronomy 29-34 Pastors’ Fellowship Monday, February 2 (WEST) Date Location Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Bible Study Leader Mt Herman Gary Palmer Sedalia Harmony Rob Ayers Antioch Richard Fisher Camp Branch Robert Sisney Deuteronomy 7-18 Deuteronomy 19-28 Deuteronomy 29-34 In the event of inclement weather, listen to KDRO (1490) or KSIS (1050) for cancelation information. Rotation will resume as printed above. Childcare – provided by host church Kids Kamp 2015 GREAT NEW'S IS A-COMING...for HBA Kids Kamp Dates are JUNE 15-19 - Camp Heit’s Point. Our staff (which consists of your Kabin Leaders from last summer) are very busy making new plans for OUR camp this summer. There will be some neat changes. Sooooooo if you are not already setting aside $ for your kids to go...you better start!!! YOU WILL NOT WANT YOUR KIDS TO MISS CAMP THIS YEAR.!! Jan McDowell at Bandana’s Deuteronomy 1-6 Schedule: 6:30 pm Snack Supper provided by the host church 7:00 pm Bible Study (see leaders listed above 8:00 pm Dismiss Happy Valentines from us all..... at noon Scripture Light Up Missouri: God’s Plan for Sharing + One Million Bibles Servant evangelism projects continue through 2015 in Moments, Days, and Weeks of Service. Like “Light Up Missouri” on Facebook. For practical resources, visit www.mobaptist.org/light Prayer Commitment As the Prayer Coordinator for the association, I invite your church to participate in an Associational Wide Prayer Commitment. This will be held at local church from 7:00 am to 10:30 pm on Saturday, February 21, 2015. Please encourage your members to sign up to meet in corporate prayer. We are to pray for God to reveal ways He can use your church to demonstrate His love to others. Pray for our leaders, and our country. Pray for protection of our servicemen. Pray for Christians to stand strong and have unity with each other. Let me know if your church is willing to join with others on February 21. If you have any questions, call me at 827-2980. Pam Tull Prayer Coordinator V OLU M E 5 6 ISSU E 2 N E WS PAGE 6 Adult Bible Study and Music at Calvary We have free envelopes, prayer guide bulletin inserts and posters for promoting the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering which goes totally to support our nearly 5,000 North American missionaries. We would love to send these promotional materials to your church free of charge. The Week of Prayer for the North American Missions is March 1-8, and the prayer guide bulletin inserts have highlighted missionaries for each day of the week with their specific prayer needs. If you have not yet ordered your free promotional materials for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering to support our North American missionaries, please order online at www.mobaptist.org/wmu or call Sharon Paris at 573-636-0400, ext. 324 or email her at [email protected]. Also, if you did not receive the promotional DVD, please contact Sharon Paris to have one mailed to you free of charge. Please thank your church family for their generous giving to reach out with the good news of Jesus through our North American missionaries! It takes all of us working together to touch more lives for Christ, and without your church's assistance we would not be able to make a difference and keep America strong by sharing the love of our Savior with so many across North America. Monday, February 2, is our next Adult Bible Study and Music at Calvary Baptist Church, 1015 West 16th Street, from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Janice Naser will be the speaker. Joyce Lily (Katy Park) will lead the music and Sharon Klein (Calvary) will play the piano. Anna Lee Bail (FBC, Sedalia) and Daryl Stagg (Olive Branch) will provide the refreshments. Invite a friend to come with you! Continued from page 1. The mission trip will be “Two pronged!” First, we will conduct a week long, daily Vacation Bible School for both children and adults. We are blessed to have Giselle Baeza as the VBS organizer/director. Secondly, we will conduct a daily “wellness checkup Medical Clinic. We currently have one physician and one nurse on the team. Are we willing to “risk it all” to follow Him, in obedience? An informational meeting is scheduled at Primera Iglesia Bautista Sedalia located 600 S. Summit, Sedalia on Thursday, February 12, at 6:00 pm. We’ll cover itinerary, cost, meals; lodging, programs, followed by a time of Q&A and light snacks. We received the following letter from Chaplain Neitzke. Project Parachute The next Project Parachute Meeting is Thursday, February 12, at 6:00 pm at the Mission Office. Easter boxes for deployed soldiers will be packed on Thursday, March 12, at 6:00 pm at the Mission Office. I want to say THANK YOU for the wonderful gifts that you sent us. “When we are deployed so far from home, gifts like yours help to make the days more pleasant and the time pass quickly. While packages are filled with tangible items, they are valued more because they are a reminder that while we are far from home, we are not forgotten. Once again, on behalf of all of us, I assure you of our best wishes and heartfelt gratitude.
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