The Black River Ripples Volume 14, Issue 6 February 2, 2015 Inside this issue: Parent Teacher Conference Information 2 New Student Enrollment 3 Testing Dates 5 Clubs & Help Sessions 8 ATTACHMENTS: February Breakfast Menu February Lunch Menu Carnival Poster Carnival Underwriter Sponsor Form “Boosted” Coffee Order Form Important Dates! Thursday, February 16, 2015 NO SCHOOL FOR K-12 President’s Day Thursday, February 26, 2015 DISMISSAL AT 1:26PM Teacher In-service Friday, February 27, 2015 NO SCHOOL FOR K-12 Thursday, March 12, 2015 1/2 Day of School (K-12) Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, March 13, 2015 NO SCHOOL FOR K-12 Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, April 3, 2015 NO SCHOOL FOR K-12 Spring Break Begins! CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE The extended Ehmann-Beltman family will be recognized as underwriters for one of our new elementary classrooms! Pictured are Bill Ehmann, Frank and Judy Beltman, and Kathy Ehmann. Not shown are Will and Gerry Ehmann. We are very grateful for their generous support of the campaign. Naming opportunities are a wonderful way to commemorate your family's positive impact on our school! Please contact Campaign Director Ruth Crouch ([email protected]) for information on available naming opportunities. If you do not have a pledge card or would like to pass a card along to a family member, friend or business, please contact Brenda Seymour at [email protected] or call 616-355-0055 ext. 197. Black River Public School Funding Update Goal: $4.87 Million Gifts & Pledges: $2.2 Million Savings: $1.6 Million Avail Building $$ $3.82 Million Percent of Goal 78.4% A non-profit, public school chartered by Grand Valley State University Black River Public School admits students of any race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, athletic programs and other school-administered programs. Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 2 SpringParentTeacherConferences SpringConferenceswillbeheldonThursday,March12from1:00–8:00pm,andFriday,March13from 8:00am–3:30pm.ConferencesignupwillbeavailableonlinethroughourwebsitebeginningWednesday,March4 at8:00am.ItisrecommendedthatparentsvisitourwebsitepriortoMarch4thtoreviewthesignǦupinstructions andfrequentlyaskedquestions. Forparentswithoutinternetaccessathome,orwhoaren'tcomfortablesigninguponline,youmaycometoschool asusualandastaơmemberwillassistyouinmakingyourappointmentbetweenthehoursof9–11am,or 12Ǧ2pm.Makesureyouhaveyourchild’sschedulehandybecauseyouwillneedtoknowthenamesoftheirteachers priortoschedulingaconferencetimeslot. ConferencetimeslotsareoơeredonaƤrstcome,Ƥrstservedbasis,soearlysignupisrecommendedfor parents.OnlinesignupwillendpriortoconferencesonTuesday,March10at2:00pm.Parentsneedingan appointmentafterthisdatewillbeaskedtocontactteachersdirectly. Inacontinuedeơorttoincreasethenumberofmiddle/highschoolconferenceslotsavailableforparentsand teachers,conferencetimeswillbeavailableattenminuteintervalsandprovideparentswithsevenminutesof conferencetimeandthreeminutesofpassingtime.Forexample,aconferencescheduledfora4:00pmtimeslot willlastfrom4:00–4:07pmandwillbefollowedbyathreeminutepassingtime.Wehopethatthisschedulewill providemoreparentswiththeopportunitytomeetwiththeirchilds’teacher(s). Parentswhoareunabletoscheduleanapptointmentduringconferencesarewelcometocontacttheirchilds’ teacher(s)toscheduleameetingoutsideoftheconferencedates. Carnival is Coming! Black River families...Step Right Up! The BR Big Top Carnival is Friday, March 27 from 6-8 pm. It takes a lot of Black River families to make the annual Carnival a success! Here are some ways you can help: 1. Sponsor a Game or be a Carnival Underwriter! Check out the form at the end of the Ripples. 2. Donate small game prizes. Dollar Tree, Target, Meijer or Wal-Mart party favors are perfect. Donations can be dropped off in the Main Office. Please label the bag so we can say thank you! 3. Volunteer! Email Sharon Barrett-Mills at [email protected]. We need cupcake bakers, parents to run games, and help with set-up. 4. Come have fun at the Carnival! Tickets will be on sale during conferences at the Main Office. Watch for the pre-order form in EL backpacks the week before the Carnival. Get your tickets early to avoid the line at the door! Calling All Black River Student Artists.... Here is your chance to help the Black River Carnival. Attached to the Ripples is a black & white Big Top Carnival poster for you to print, color and decorate in a Carnival theme! Draw your favorite carnival game or Big Top memory. Draw you and your family or friends having fun! Be sure to use bright colors and find all of the spaces you can decorate! Drop it in the Main Office or hang it outside your classroom for everyone to see! Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 3 2015-2016 New Student Enrollment Open Enrollment for the 2015-2016 academic year is currently underway and applications are being accepted for our lottery drawing. The deadline to apply is 3:00pm on February 25, 2015. Please note that in order to be considered for the lottery, an application must be filled out completely and submitted along with copies of the birth certificate, immunization record, and most recent report card (when applying for grades 1st - 9th) or transcript (when applying for grades 10th - 12th). To receive an application, please visit our website, contact Nicole Klunder at [email protected] or call (616) 355-0055 ext. 116. 2015 Black River Track & Field Team Information • • • • • • First practice is on March 9th. Must have a sports physical on file by March 9th to practice. Daily practices will be from 3:15-5:15 pm (Project Term 3:00-5:00 pm). Must be available to participate in all practices and meets. Rat Race 5k is on March 7th. Full teams - Recruit others athletes…we need high jumpers. CONDITIONING IS HAPPENING NOW! – Monday/Thursday in the Lyceum at 5:30-6:30 pm (Beginning on January 22nd). Tuesdays at 5:45 pm. Meet at Gazelle Sports to run downtown. Indoor Meets: 2/13 – Aquinas 2/21 – GVSU 2/28 – Indoor State Finals Contact Coach Jones to be added to the email list. Email – [email protected] Phone – 616.298.4040 Needed: Spanish Tutors Spanish Tutoring & Help Are you interested in tutoring at Black River? Need extra help with your Spanish Are you in Spanish III, IV, V or AP? assignments and studying? You can receive community service hours! You can receive one-on-one, after school help from experienced Spanish III, IV, V or AP students Contact Señora Wezeman ([email protected] or Señorita McLaughlin ([email protected]). You can also stop by room 121. Contact Señora Wezeman ([email protected]) or Señorita McLaughlin ([email protected]) Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 4 The Rat Race Planning Committee is looking for adult traffic control volunteers. The event will take place on Saturday, March 7th and volunteers must be 18 years or older. If interested, please contact Cessie Wright at [email protected]. Thank you! B O O K FA I R U P D AT E Thank you to everyone who participated in the Barnes and Noble Book fair! Black River earned over $1600.00 in gift cards through this event! The money will be used to purchase books and supplies for the classrooms. A big THANKS goes out to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped make the day such a success! Thank you! Congratulations to our 2015 School Geography Bee winner: Luke Ruiter. Second Place was Sam Lowry and Jaewoo Han came in third. Great job! Recently, the Upper Elementary went to GVSU to work with college students on their writing. See the link to an article about the trip in The Lanthorn (GVSU newspaper): TINY TRINKETS, TREASURES, BOOKS & CANDY WANTED FOR CARNIVAL! Cleaning out the toy bins and bookshelves? Your student can earn community service hours and the carnival can benefit! The Carnival committee is looking for LIKE NEW tiny trinkets and preschool to middle school-aged books that your student has outgrown. Birthday party favors, dollar store items, new packages of candy are all great ways to donate to the Carnival! Items will be used for carnival game prizes and can be brought to the Main Office during school hours. Volume 13, Issue 6 — Page 5 Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 5 2014-2015 Testing Dates Black River Testing Code: 231-963 ACT Register online at Test Date Deadline to Register April 18, 2015 March 13, 2015 June 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 SAT & SAT Subject Tests Register online at M-STEP—Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress March 3, 2015 ACT Plus Writing Grade 11* March 4, 2015 WorkKeys Grade 11* April 13-27, 2015 ELA: Math, Science & Grade 11** Social Studies ELA: Math & SS Test Date Deadline to Register March 14, 2015 February 13, 2015 May 2, 2015 April 6, 2015 April 13-27, 2015 June 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 April 27-May 11, 2015 ELA: Math & Science Grades 4, 7** May 18-June 1, 2015 ELA: Math Grades 3, 6** Grades 5, 8** *TesƟngwillbeheldatHollandFish&GameClub **OnlineTesƟng 2015 Advanced Placement Testing Test Date Test begins at 8:00 AM Test begins at 12:00 PM Monday, May 4, 2015 Chemistry, Environmental Science Psychology Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Calculus AB Wednesday, May 6, 2015 English Literature & Composition Thursday, May 7, 2015 Physics 1 Art History Friday, May 8, 2015 United States History European History Studio Art Portfolios are Due Monday, May 11, 2015 Biology Physics C: Mechanics Tuesday, May 12, 2015 U. S. Government & Politics Spanish Literature & Culture Wednesday, May 13, 2015 English Language & Compposition Statistics Thursday, May 14, 2015 Comparative Government & Politics Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 6 Save the Date: Family Sledding Event Come Sled with your Black River Friends at Teusink's Farm Date & Time: Saturday, February 7. 1:00pm-4:00pm Place: Teusink's Farm, 1468 W. 32nd Street, Holland Activities: sledding (bring your own sled), sleigh ride, hay maze, feed the animals, and refreshments in the warming hut. Parking: Please pull into the Park CRC parking lot and park toward the back. Volunteers Needed: Donate cookies, hand-out refreshments, or help welcome families & collect money. Please sign up on Shift board or contact Monika Krimendahl at (616) 283-0682. A Note from the Black River Parent Organization… Black River Parents: 2014 was a good year. Thank you for all your support with personal volunteer hours, shuffled schedules to participate in BR Parent Organization activities; donations for events with food, materials and labor; and an overall commitment to assist the PO in any way requested. We exist because you participate. We function when you respond to Shiftboard - or not. (Insert a big smile) Have you noticed the new Rat Blast coming from Shift Board? Our intent is to recap some of the available events and trigger your participation in the case you forgot or weren't aware. The Rat Blast will contain a list of items happening ASAP or within the coming month. Look for it in your email. To wrap up the year, the BR Parent Organization made a significant contribution to the BR building project for 2015. The Steering Committee voted $17,500 toward the overall project. The K5 PO contributed $7,500 of that total. Our fundraisers benefit all of the Black River community ranging from new Tubas to athletic equipment to academic enhancements and beyond. Thank you again for volunteering and offering your contribution of time and much more. Black River Parent Organization, Steering Committee Sharon Barrett Mills, 2014-2016 Chair Tina Amaya, High School Whitney Gasper, Middle School Zahabia Ahmed-Usmani and Kate Morgan, K5/El Tim Looman, Athletics Julie Ingrassia, Fine Arts Kelly Huggett and Chris McNaughton, Green Team (Kelli Heneghan, 2012-2014 Former Chair) Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 7 A Message from the Elementary Team Praise and Encouragement in the Montessori Classroom In Montessori classrooms we try to interact with children in ways that build their independence, responsibility, and confidence. Chick Moorman is an author who has some great insights and some practical advice. He has written many books including Spirit Whisperers: Teachers Who Nourish a Child’s Spirit and Parent Talk: How to Talk to Your Child in Language That Builds SelfEsteem and Encourages Responsibility. One piece of advice is using the words “next time” instead of “don’t”. Saying, “Don’t interrupt,” plants the picture of interrupting in the brain. Saying “Next time please stand quietly next to me until I am finished talking,” plants the picture of waiting patiently. “Don’t” suggests shame while “next time” involves role modeling and teaching. He also shares thoughts on praise. He groups praise into three general categories: evaluative, descriptive, and appreciative. Two types can often have positive effects while one type has less positive effects and sometimes negative effects. Evaluative: (least positive). Evaluative praise is the least positive. It evaluates with words such as good job, excellent, wonderful, and awesome. This kind of praise is good for the moment, but leaves us wanting more. Some researchers claim it actually decreases motivation over time. It is also easy to discount. This type of praise can also be manipulative. Descriptive: (more positive). With this type of praise you describe the good that you see which leaves room for the child to make an evaluation. This praise describes and affirms what has been done. An example would be, “I saw how you stood quietly by my side until I was done talking,” or “All your letters are between the lines and you left spaces between the words.” Appreciative: (more positive). This praise says thank you and tells the positive effect the action has on your life. An example would be, “Thank you for organizing the bookshelves. Now our books won’t get ruined and we can find the books we want,” or “Thank you for raking the leaves. You saved me an hour.” Using praise and encouragement carefully can help your child build responsibility and confidence. Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 8 Parents! Please see this short list of items the BRPO would like to help our teachers receive. PT Items can be dropped off in the Main Office! Bookshelf built into the window - approximately 16" deep. Please contact Mrs. Aumaugher directly at [email protected] Project term help needed with a home design class and a craft class. Please contact Mrs. Reinartz directly at [email protected] Volunteers needed to cut and laminate. Please contact Ms. DeHaan directly at [email protected] Project Term items: Hand mixers and cupcake decorating items including Piping bags, tips and Walton bags. Please contact Mrs. Kruithof directly at [email protected] Giant sticky notes and flag post-its. Hot Wheels track Look ! Her e Math Department Help Sessions: Mr. Schreuder (grades 6-9): Tuesdays, 3-4 pm or by appointment as needed by students. Ms. Nykerk (6th grade): Mondays, 3-4 pm. Mr. Johns (grades 7-9): Tuesdays, 3-3:30 pm; Fridays, 3-3:30 pm. Classroom Help Sessions: Mrs. Aumaugher Science Friday 3-4pm Rm 408 Mr. Bittrick Science Monday 3:15-4:15pm Rm 126 Mrs. Bishop Spanish After School By Appt Mrs. Hulst Science Wednesday 3:15-4:15pm Mr. Morse History Friday 3-4pm/appt Rm 129B Mrs. Stephens Social Studies Thursday 3-4pm/appt Rm 321 Mrs. Witvoet History Monday 3-4pm/appt Rm 317 Mr. Witvoet History After School By Appt. Rm 310 Mrs. Kane English Thursday Rm 229 3-4pm Rm 414 Rm 405 Ms. Laarman (grades 8-9) Mondays, 3-4 pm or by appointment as needed by students. Mr. Meyer (grades 7-12) Tuesdays, 3-4 pm. Mrs. Reinartz: Mondays, 3-3:30 pm; one additional day each week that alternates-see website. Mrs. Mousseau: Tuesdays, 3-4 pm, 9-12th grade math; Thursdays, 3-3:30 Psychology; after school as needed. Mrs. Pardue: TWRF: HS CAP; by appointment: W, F 3-4:00 pm. Volume 14, Issue 6 — Page 9 RATFEST WAS AMAZING! Thank you to all who donated, volunteered, performed and attended! We could not have done it without you! The mock rock challenge was so close, with Band beating out Orchestra by only four votes! All the performers were fantastic! There was art everywhere. We are already starting plans for next year. Stay tuned! Congratulations to our poster contest winner Aaryn Hans! See her poster in the Lyceum! UpcomingFineArtsEvents Friday,February6Ǧ Thursday,February12– ǡ Wednesday,February25Ǧ Sunday,March8–MSUandBRJazzBandcombinedconcert,withguestartistPeterBernstein,4pmat BlackRiver.Jazzlovers,youwillnotwanttomissthis! NeedCoffee???Wecanhelp! DzdzǤ ̈́ͳʹǤǤ 2015 SATURDAY BASKETBALL FOR BLACK RIVER BOYS and GIRLS IN 3rd, 4TH OR 5TH GRADE A 3-week Saturday morning program in which participants work on mastering basic skills and learning to play the game. Details: Coach: Tim Witvoet Dates: Saturdays, March 14th, 21st, 28th (3 Saturday Skill Clinics) Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Location: Black River Gym Cost: $25.00- check payable to: Black River Public School by Friday, March 6th ● Registration deadline: Space is limited to first 30 students, but program must have at least 18 ● Late Registration after March 6th- $30.00 · Questions? Email Coach Witvoet - [email protected] ● · · · ● ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM Player‛s Name:___________________________________ Age:_____ Current Grade: _________ 3rd/4th-5th Teacher: ____________________________ Parent‛s Name: ______________________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _______________________ Email Address: _____________________________ Emergency Contact (name/phone):________________________________________________ Medical Conditions ___________________________________________________________ I hereby authorize my child to participate in the BRPS Saturday Basketball Camp. I waive and release the camp, coaches and Black River Public School of all liability while at the camp. Signature of Parent/Guardian_________________________________ Date ______________ 2 9 A. Breakfast Sandwich B. Cereal & Toast C Frudel Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A. Breakfast Sandwich B. Cereal & Toast C Cini Mini Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 16 No School 23 A. Breakfast Sandwich B. Cereal & Toast C Cereal Bar & String Cheese Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice Breakfast Prices: Paid: $1.20 Reduced $.30 Milk $.50 3 10 17 24 A Cini Mini B Cereal & Toast C Cereal Bar Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Pillsbury Mini Pancakes B Cereal & Toast C Frudel Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A. Breakfast Sandwich B. Cereal & Toast C Cini Mini Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Pillsbury Mini Pancakes B Cereal & Toast C Muffin & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 4 A Frudel B Cereal & Toast C Muffin & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Frudel B Cereal & Toast C Pop Tart & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Breakfast Burrito B Cereal & Toast C Cereal Bar & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 5 12 19 26 A Breakfast Burrito B Cereal & Toast C Cereal Bar & String Cheese Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Breakfast Burrito B Cereal & Toast C Cereal Bar Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Pop Tart B Cereal & Toast C Muffin & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Muffin & String Cheese B Cereal & Toast C Frudel Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 2015 6 13 A Cini Mini B Cereal & Toast C Frudel Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Pop Tart B Cereal & Toast C Muffin & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 27 No School 20 A Pop Tart B Cereal & Toast C Scrambled Eggs Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice February 11 18 25 A Cheesy Scrambled Eggs & Toast B Cereal & Toast C Pop Tart & Yogurt Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice Black River – Breakfast A variety of fresh and canned fruit are offered with each meal. The fresh fruit offered daily is Apples, Bananas, Pears, & Oranges. Canned fruit offered is applesauce, peaches, pears, & pineapple Fat-Free Milk is offered with each meal. Did you know according to new state regulations, each student must take a fruit or juice with their breakfast. 2 9 16 23 A. Domino’s Pizza Tossed Salad Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A. Domino’s Pizza Veggies & Dip Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice No School President’s Day A. Domino’s Pizza Veggies & Dip Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice Lunch Prices: Lunch $2.50 Reduced $.40 Milk $.50 3 A. Domino’s Pizza Tossed Salad Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Bosco Stick w/ Marinara Sauce B Corn Dog Steamed Broccoli Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A 1 Bosco Stick w/ Chicken Noodle Soup B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Green Beans Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 10 17 24 A Bosco Sticks w/ Marinara Sauce B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Green Beans Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 5 27 No School A French Toast Sticks w/ Sausage Links B Hamburger or Cheeseburger on WG Bun Hash Brown Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Chicken Patty on WG Bun B Corn Dog Sweet Potato Tater tots Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Hot Dog on WG Bun w/ Baked Beans B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 20 13 6 2015 19 A Walking Taco w/ Refried Beans B Hamburger or Cheeseburger on WG Bun Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice 12 26 A Mac & Cheese w/ WG Garlic Toast B Corn Dog Steamed Broccoli Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Pillsbury Mini Pancakes w/ Sausage Links B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Carrot Coins Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice Lunch Menu February 4 A Chicken Tenders w/ Mash Potatoes & Gravy B Hamburger or Cheeseburger on WG Bun Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Chicken Nuggets w/ Mash Potatoes & Gravy B Corn Dog Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice A Popcorn Chicken w/ Mash Potatoes & Gravy B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Fresh or Canned Fruit Mil//Juice 11 18 25 A Ravioli w/ WG Garlic Toast B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Steamed Broccoli Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice WG=Whole Grain A Popcorn Chicken w/ Mash Potatoes & Gravy B Chicken Patty on WG Bun Fresh or Canned Fruit Milk/Juice Black River ~ Lunch More Info… Don’t Forget our C, D & E Choices! C. Variety of Deli Subs, Wraps & Sandwiches D. Chips & Cheese E. Fruit & Veggie Bar w/ PB&J A variety of fresh and canned fruit are offered with each meal. The fresh fruit offered daily is Apples, Bananas, Pears, & Oranges. Canned fruit offered is applesauce, peaches, pears, & pineapple Salad Bar is offered with each meal. Salad Bar has a variety of fresh veggies, Romaine Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Green Peppers, Broccoli, Tomatoes, & Broccoli. Fun Food Stay tuned for zGzG_aZWG tGsGnGMGj GjG t SGqG_SGYWX\G `GoGzG iGy˅GG XGhGnGvG SAVE THE DATE & Prizes more details! BLACK RIVER BIG TOP CARNIVAL NEEDS YOU!!! BR Carnival is on Friday, March 27th DID YOU KNOW? IT TAKES OVER 60 VOLUNTEERS TO RUN THE SCHOOL CARNIVAL! We hope lots of our MS & HS parents volunteer. This will leave our BR moms & dads with elementary-aged students able to enjoy the evening activities together as a family! When are you available to help with the Carnival (check all that apply): ○ Committee/Planning **WE NEED PLANNERS!!** Tuesday Eve. Meetings ○ Sell Tickets during the March Conferences ○ Set-up on Carnival day beginning after school (3:20-6:00 pm) ○ Help with Carnival activities on Friday Evening (5:30-8:30 pm) ○ Clean-up Friday Evening (8:30-9:30 pm) What areas of work would you be interested in? (check all that apply): ○ Run a Game Booth ○ Sell Tickets/Punch Cards ○ Bake for the Cookie or Cupcake Walk….not sure which one we are doing yet! ○ Face Paint ○ Make Balloon Animals (We’ll teach you how!) ○ Sell Concessions I can donate the following (check all that apply): ○ Game ○ Balloons or Banners ○ Miscellaneous Decorations like _____________________________________________ ○ Small Prizes ○ ______________________________________ (have an idea, we’d love to hear!) Questions? Email Sharon Barrett-Mills at [email protected] PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM ASAP TO THE MAIN OFFICE OR TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER The 2015 BRPS School Carnival is Coming Soon! BE A BLACK RIVER BIG TOP CARNIVAL SPONSOR Planning for the annual BLACK RIVER BIG TOP CARNIVAL is under way! The 2015 BR Big Top Carnival will be held on Friday, March 27 from 6-8 pm in the Main Building! The Carnival is a Parent Organization sponsored event designed to build community among our families and raise funds for student activities and classroom”extras” that have a real impact on our students learning! If you attended last year, you know it is an evening filled with games and fun for our BR little ones! It also provides our Upper school students with important service hours and a chance to have fun while volunteering with their friends and classmates at school! This year the Carnival Committee is looking for fifteen families or family businesses to be an Underwriter of the Carnival. As a Carnival Underwriter, your family’s name or business name will be prominently displayed in several areas throughout the carnival, be noted on the BR Facebook page and in the Black River monthly Ripples newsletter. The cost to be an Underwriter is a $100 donation to help cover carnival expenses. We are also looking for 40 families or family businesses that are willing to donate $25 to be a Carnival Game or Booth Sponsor. As a Carnival Sponsor your family name (or children’s names!) will be displayed on a 12 x 16 poster next to a carnival game or booth. This fun poster will be available for you to keep after the carnival is over as a way to thank you for helping us reach our goal. We are looking forward to planning the 2015 Carnival and hope to see you there! ○ YES! I would like to be a Carnival Underwriter for $100 (Thank you!!!) ○ YES! I would like to be a Carnival Game Sponsor for $25 (Thank you!!!) Please make checks payable to BRPS. You can mail your form to Black River Public School, Attn: Kelli Heneghan, Carnival Committee, 491 Columbia Ave., Holland, MI 49423 or drop it off in the Main Office. Forms are due by Thursday, March 12. Thank you for your support!! Child’s/Family/Grandparents Name and/or Business Name to appear on Poster: _____________________________________________________________________ Contact ___________________ Student Name/Grade ___________________________ Phone_____________________ Email _______________________________________ Questions? Please email Kelli Heneghan at [email protected] or call 616-886-5793 iAdelante! America The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and AT&T have chosen to work with Latin Americans United for Progress to conduct the ¡Adelante! America with AT&T and LULAC program for students in grades 8 and up. “Who is the Program for?” - Students in grades 8 and up are invited to apply. The program is designed for those students who can use the help of a structured program and key relationships in order to develop the motivation and vision to finish high school and pursue further education/training beyond graduation. “When and Where Will the Program Take Place?” - Students will meet weekly on Wednesday nights from 4:30 to 6:00. Meetings will be held at LAUP, 96 W. 15th Street, Room 101, Holland, Michigan or at specially planned locations. “What Will Students Do?” – At weekly meetings, participants will meet with Hispanic leaders and others from the community who will help them develop leadership skills and an understanding of different careers. Students will also participate in various service projects that address a need in the community. Additionally, students will plan the Annual LAUP Hispanic Youth Leadership Conference. Students who successfully complete the program will receive special recognition. “How Can a Student Apply?”– In order to apply students must: 1) fill out the attached application, and 2) submit a copy of their most recent school transcripts or report card (these records are not used to decide program acceptance, but as a basis to track future progress). Students are always encouraged to apply but send applications in as soon as possible. Student Application and Transcript/Report Card must then be submitted to: Latin Americans United for Progress 96 W. 15th Street, Suite 101, Holland, MI 49423 For more information, contact LAUP at (616) 392-5058 or see
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