PICS-AICS AP 2015_Poster Presentation List Listing Names in Alphabetical Order Ref. No. PC-010 OA1-005 OA6-003 OA6-004 OA1-004 PC-004 OB3-002 OA2-002 PA7-001 OA6-002 OA4-003 OC-012 E-012 E-010 E-008 PC-011 E-032 OB1-006 PC-009 OA6-007 OA2-008 OA3-008 OA1-002 E-002 PB1-001 E-031 PA7-002 PC-001 E-009 OB1-001 OA7-008 OB1-002 PA7-004 OA3-003 OA3-004 E-020 E-024 OA6-006 PC-006 OB1-003 E-023 PA7-008 PA7-005 OA3-001 OA3-007 PA7-009 OA7-006 PA1-001 E-034 OC-002 PA7-003 OA2-001 OA4-001 PC-007 OB2-002 PC-003 PC-005 OB1-005 PA2-002 PA3-001 E-003 OA1-001 Presenting Author First Name Ventricle Septal Defect Occlusion with Amplatzer Duct Occluder II in Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Indonesia Mahrus Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defect with Inferior Vena Cava Rim Deficiency: Reconsideration of Anatomical Teiji Indication Transcathter Closure of Large Coronary- Cameral Fistulae Hamid Transcatheter Embolization of Collateral Vessels by Using N-Butyl 2-Cyanoacrylate in Functional Single Ventricle Kentaro Short, Intermediate and Long Term Follow Up of Device Closure of Atrial Septal Defect (SECUNDUM) Cases: Thirteen Nurun Nahar Fatema Years Experience with Special Reference to Complications Survivor of Fulminant Myocarditis Post Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- A Case Report of Children Hong-Keong Severe Hypoxia due to Early Development of The Collateral Systemic Vein after Bidirectional Glenn Shunt Operation: Jeng-Sheng Report of One Case The Efficacy and Safety of Amplatzer Duct Occluder in Transcatheter Closure of Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Fonglin Defects: Short-term Results Transcatheter Device Closure of Systemic Venous Collateral in a Patient after Total Cavopulmonary Connectuion Hsin-Chia Outcomes of Transcatheter Closure in Children with Congenital Coronary Artery Fistula Rui Eliminating Stent Slippage: Use of a Novel Combined Balloon Sheath System (NUDEL) to Deliver Stents James Yashu Problems Encountered Preparing for Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement James Yashu THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSCATHETER CLOSURE OF VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECTS IN 322 CASES LS COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TRASCATHETER CLOSURE,OPEN-HEART SURGICAL REPAIR AND HYBRID PROCEDURE FOR FF TREATMENTS OF VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT IN CHILDREN Urgent or emergency surgical treatment for VSD in critically ill infants Li The Unexpected Journey of the Balloon Cap Lucy Youngmin Broken piece of a ruptured balloon catheter during percutaneous dilatation of right ventricular outflow tract; Kee Soo Successful retrieval by a stepwise approach Intracardiac Echocardiography-guided Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus by Amplatzer Duct Tomohiro Occluder without Contrast Media: A Case Report Balloon Atrial Septostomy in Patient with D-Transposition of Great Artery Taufiq Transcatheter Closure of Coronary-cameral Fistulas Using Vascular Plug in Chonburi Hospital Wasana Real Time 3-dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Guidance of Transcatheter Closure of Perimembranous Kai-Sheng and Muscular Ventricular Septal Defect: Initial Experience Evaluation of Arterial Duct in Severe Congenital Heart Diseases- What Mtat? Kai-Sheng Improvement of Heart Size and Pulmonary Pressure after Transcatheter Closure of Atrial Septal Defect in Children Min-Ling Clinical Study of Prenatal Transplacental Digoxin Therapy for Fetal Heart Failure Yimin Transesophageogram Identifies Guide Wire Impingement on The Tricuspid Valve Chordae During Transcatheter Yu-Chih Closure of The Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect Percutaneous treatment of Scimitar syndrome associated with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT) Seokwon Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty to The Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Artery~ Investigation of Different Mizuhiko Types of Devices~ Blurred Vision after Transcatheter Closure of Vsd Using an Ado: A Rare Complication of Branch Retinal Artery Sheng-Ling CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 10 CASES WITH THROMBOCYTOPENIA AFTER INTERVENTIONAL POSTOPERATIVE OF DD CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE Procedural Guidance Using a Fused Fluoroscopic/ Echocardiography Imaging Systme in Congenital Heart Disease Pei-Ni Efficacy of Catheter Intervention of Systemic Venous Collaterals Developed after the Fontan Operation Tomohito Simultaneous Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation and Percutaneous Coronary Revascularisation in Patients with Elena Severe Aortic Stenosis Associated with Coronary Heart Disease Effects of Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty as Preoperative Palliation in Tetralogy of Fallot Hyoung-Doo Stenting of Patent Ductus Arteriosus as an Alternative to Blalock-tuassig Shunt in Univentricular Heart with DuctSarin Dependent Pulmonary Circulation A Potential Method for Transcatheter Patent Ductus Arteriosus Occlusion Using Transthoracic Echocardiography Shujuan Instead of Angiography: Initial Experience Transcatheter treatment of an aortic coarctation combined patent ductus arteriosus with covered NumedCP stent Wei Transcatheter closure of atrial septal defects in 1091 cases Yongmei A Comparison of Clinical Outcome Between Surgical Repair and Transcatheter Occlusion of Congenital Coronary Fang Artery Fistula 18 Months Follow-up of Cover Stent for a Giant Aneurysm of Left Descending Coronary Artery in Kawasaki Disease- Yi-Ching Case Report And Article Reviewing Micro-Tee Guided Mitral Valve Repair after Balloon Dilation for Aortic Valve Stenosis in a Small Infant Xiao-Jing Effects of levosimendan on the level of sFas/sFasL of plasma in congenital heart disease complicated with pneumonia Ling and heart failure One-lung Fontan Operation: Follow-up in a Single Cardiac Institute Su-Jin Pathogens Distribution and Drug Resistance of Infective Endocarditis in Children with Congenital Heart Disease Jing Comparison of Clinical Outcome between Transcatheter Closure with Device and Surgical Closure of Large Patent Radityo Ductus Arteriosus with Pulmonary Hypertension Catheter Closure of an Adult Patient with Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Case Li An One-Day-Old Female Newborn with Critical Pulmonary Stenosis with Hypoplastic Right Ventricle Yeak Wun Prevalence of Congenital Heart Disease at Live Birth in China: Based On a Large Prospective Multicenter Screening Zhao Analysis of Myocardial Injury and Inflammatory Reaction after Transcatheter Clousure of Atrial Septal Defects Jiang INTERVENTIONS FOR NEWBORNS WITH PULMONARY ATRESIA AND INTACT VENTRICULAR SEPTUM – CURRENT Merchant-Soomar OPTIONS AND OUTCOMES – A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Transcatheter Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty in Ebstein's Anomaly with Pulmonary Atresia/ Intact Ventricular Ankavipar Hybrid Procedure for Congenital Heart Disease Single Institution Experience Yusuke Transcatheter Device Closure of Gerbode Shunt Jinyoung Immediate and Mid-Term Outcome of Balloon Valvuloplasty in Infants with Critical Pulmonary Stenosis I-Hsin First Experiences of Penumbra Coil 400 in Small Children: Two Cases Report Manabu Primary Hypoplasia of Aortic Arch- A Treatable Cause of Hypertension in the Young Adult Kl Aortic Annulus Rupture after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Successful Rescued by Extracorporeal Chen-Ling Membrane Oxygenation in a Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction Patient Nightmare Case of Tandem Stents Separation Takako Efficacy of Intracardiac Echocardiography During Atrial Septal Defect Device Closure in Pediatric Patients Hideaki Comparison of the Clinical Outcome and Cost of Transcatheter Device Occlusion and Surgical Closure of Isolated Bernadette Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) at Philippine Heart Center Clinical Outcome and Cost of Surgical and Transcatheter Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Among Pediatric Bernadette Patients at Philippine Heart Center Percutaneous transcatheter closure of congenital coronary artery fistulae with patent ductus arteriosus occluder in Chuan children: focus on the patients selection and intermediate term follow-up results Closure of Fenestrated Atrial Septal Defect by Amplatzer Cribriform Occluder in Children Jian Presented by PICS-AICS AP 2015 Abstract Title Presenting Author Last Name Abdul Rahman Akagi Amoozgar Aso Begum Chang Chang Chen Chen Chen Coe Coe Cui Dai Ding Eun Ha Hayashi Hidayat Hongkan Hsieh Hsieh Hsieh Hua Huang Huh Ishigaki Jan Jiang Jone Kogure Kovaleva Lee Lekchuensakul Li LI LIANG Liu Liu Ma Niu Park Peng Prakoso Qiangqiang Quek Qu-Ming Rong Sanah Saprungruang Shigemitsu Song Tai Takanashi Tan Tang Toda Ueda Valdez Valdez Wang Wang 2015/2/2 PICS-AICS AP 2015_Poster Presentation List Listing Names in Alphabetical Order Ref. No. Abstract Title OA6-001 E-027 OA4-002 PC-002 E-028 Initial Experience of Closing Coronary Artery Fistula by Amplatzer Duct Occluder II Interventional therapy of congenital heart disease: The advantages of a heart surgeon Evaluating The Risk Factors of Reintervention of Patients with Pa/Ivs and Cps/Ivs after Pbpv As Initial Intervention Occlusion of Left Lower Pulmonary Artery with 6 X 4 Mm Vascular Plug in a 5 Year Boy with Severe Congenital Left Pulmonary Vein Stenosis and Artery Hypoplasia Spontaneous Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus after Cardiac Catheterization- A Case Report Observation of efficacy and safety in low-body weight infants with PDA treated by transcatheter closure Risk Factors for Severe Pneumonia in Children with Ventricular Septal Defect Clinical Analysis in 53 Patients with Pulmonary Valve Stenosis Treated with Percutaneous Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty for Simple Pulmonary A Patient of Tetralogy of Fallot with Fifth Aortic Arch TREATMENT EXPERIENCE OF TRANSCATHETER CLOSURE IN 6 CASES OF PULMONARY ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA RETROGRADE TRANSCATHETER CLOSURE OF VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECTS The experiences of estimating the size of occluder of atrial septal defects precisely by transthoracic echocardiography in pediatrics TRANSCATHETER CLOSURE OF GIGANTIC MEMBRANOUS VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT USING DOUBLE OCCLUDERS IN 3 PATIENTS TRANSCATHETER CLOSURE OF VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT USING THE AMPLATZER DUCT OCCLUDER II The Relation Between Ventricular Late Potentials and Autonomic Function: A Single Center Study in Children with Vasodepressor Type of Vasovagal Syncope 先天性心脏病介入治疗并发症及处理 The development status of interventional treatment of congenital heart disease in China and the Children's Hospital of Hebei Province A beautiful scenery in China— The report of congenital heart disease screening and relief of Hebei province in China E-006 E-007 256层螺旋CT血管造影对重症婴幼儿法洛四联征诊断的价值 手术前机械通气支持治疗婴幼儿重症法洛四联症 PA3-002 E-025 PA2-001 PA4-001 PB4-001 E-015 E-011 E-026 E-013 E-014 OB3-001 E-019 E-029 Presented by PICS-AICS AP 2015 Presenting Author First Name Jian Jianming Qing Ken-Pen Presenting Author Last Name Wang Wang Wang Weng Chi-Lun Yanxia Wenhua Guiming Wu XU Yan Yang Ming-Chun YC JJ Xin Yang Yi Zhang Zhang LJ Zhao LJ Runmei Zhao Zou 王霄芳 丛力宁 石仲仁 董铭峰 董铭峰 2015/2/2
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