Salt Fork Arts & Crafts 2015 F E S T I V A L ARTIST APPLICATION Name Address City ______________________ State ______ Zip _____________ Phone ______________ Cell ___________ E-mail Address No. of Booths Required [ ] Need Electricity Check One: [ ] New Artist [ ] Need Water [ ] Returning Artist [ ] RV/Camper Hook Up* Years as SFACF Exhibitor Description of your art or craft, medium or technique. Price range for your work. $ to $ Guilds/Organization Memberships Training Recent Awards Special Needs * There are a limited number of RV hook ups and will be allotted in order of application Fees: $20 Jury Fee (new Artists Only $165 Booth Fee (10’ x 10’) $265 Booth Fee (10 ‘ x 20’) Application Deadline: August 1, 2015 (postmarked) All fees paid: August 5, 2015 New Artist: A $20.00 Jury Fee must accompany application. Make checks payable to: OHIO ARTS & CRAFTS FOUNDATION Mail your completed application along with your $20 check, 3 photos/CD of your work, plus 1 photo of your booth set up to: Ohio Arts & Crafts Foundation, P.O. Box 250, Cambridge, OH 43725 SaltForkArts&CraftsFestival,P.O.Box250,Cambridge,OH43725 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts 2015 F E S T I V A L F E S T I V A L I N F O M A T I O N • The Standards Committee of the 2015 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival will review all Artisan’s booths during the festival. The Committee reserves the right to request the removal of any work found to be substandard and not representative of the work submitted for approval or in violation of the rules of the festival. It is the responsibility of the Standards Committee to reflect the overall purpose of the Ohio Arts & Crafts Foundation to present an annual festival that offers arts and crafts of the highest possible quality. • All booths and merchandise set ups must be complete prior to the opening of the festival at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, August 7, 2015. • Artists are encouraged to present periodic demonstrations related to their arts or crafts and are required to occupy their booths each day of the festival. They must be sole exhibitors unless a co-exhibitor is approved in advance by the jury. Sharing a booth with another artist that is accepted by the jury is allowed. • Subletting or exchanging of booth location is not allowed. • There is paid security protection provided on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. However, the festival cannot be responsible for property loss or damage. Artist exhibitors should provide their own insurance. • Exhibitors will be allowed to bring their vehicles into the park for the purpose of unloading their tents and merchandise. After unloading everything they will be required to move their vehicle to the parking area reserved for exhibitors. Exhibitors will be provided with a parking pass. Vehicles are not allowed in the park for any reason during the festival. • Exhibitor spaces are 10’ x10’ or 10’ x20’ or 20’ x 20’. Exhibitors must supply their own tents. • Upon request a Festival Volunteer Ambassador will be provided to sit with your booth for a period not exceeding 20 minutes • No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the festival grounds at any time during the festival. • All Exhibitor’s must have valid vendor’s license. • There will be EMT services available during the days and hours of the festival. • Only original work handcrafted by the artists and craftsmen listed on the application is permitted. No kits or bazaar items are allowed. No commercial advertising is to be done and no commercial art or craft supplies are to be sold by any exhibitor. In specific cases where commercial accessory items are to be sold in conjunction with the art or craft work, it must be clearly stated on the application form. All decisions concerning what accessories are eligible will rest with the Standards Committee. SaltForkArts&CraftsFestival,P.O.Box250,Cambridge,OH43725 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts 2015 F E S T I V A L B I O G R A P H Y Please provide the festival staff a detailed biography to be used as part of the promotion of the Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival. In addition please include a photo of yourself. Thank you. _____________________________________________________________________ SaltForkArts&CraftsFestival,P.O.Box250,Cambridge,OH43725 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts 2015 F E S T I V A L L e g a l A g r e e m e n t I am applying to be an exhibitor in the 2015 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival (herein referred to as “the Festival”) and agree that acceptance commits me to participate in the Festival. I have read all the rules and agree to abide by them, as well as any other rules as may be established. I understand that failure to do so may result in the loss of my space at the Festival, forfeiture of my registration fee and liability for any actual or consequential damages. I certify that all work submitted and displayed works will be original and produced solely by myself. I understand that all buy-sell items are strictly prohibited. I understand that the festival staff reserves the right to use the images of my submitted photos for promotional purposes. I understand that the Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival, Ohio Arts & Crafts Foundation, the City of Cambridge, all sponsoring organizations and their directors, officers, employees, agents and volunteers are not responsible for any loss or damage to property owned, displayed or sold by the registrants of the Festival and any injury resulting to others. I agree to hold each of them harmless from any such claims for damage, loss or injury arising out of my participation in the Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival. I understand that there are no refunds or rain checks due to inclement weather or other acts of nature. . Applicant Signature Date SaltForkArts&CraftsFestival,P.O.Box250,Cambridge,OH43725 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts 2015 F E S T I V A L A g r e e m e n t I, __________________________________having been accepted as an exhibitor at the 2015 Salt Fork Arts & Crafts Festival to be held Friday, August 7, from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday, August 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, August 9 from 10:00 4:00 the Cambridge City Park, Cambridge, Ohio in Guernsey County, agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set down by the Board of Trustees of the Ohio Arts & Crafts Foundation, the parent organization of the festival. I certify all my work to be exhibited and offered for sale is original and hand- crafted by me. I understand that the festival will provide me with an assigned 10’ x 10’ space or 10’ x 20’ for my booth, free exhibitor designated parking, special requirements such as electricity and water as needed and that registration/entry to the park will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 6. I can enter the park with my vehicle for the purpose of unloading my tent and artwork. I will move my vehicle to the designated exhibitor parking area as soon as I’ve finished unloading. I also understand that I must be with my booth during the festival hours, but that a festival volunteer will be available for short periods of time should I need to take a quick break. Breakdown of my exhibit may not begin until the festival has closed a 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 9. Should an emergency arise making it impossible for me to participate in the festival I will notify the festival director no later than July 20, 2015 in order to receive a refund for my booth. No refunds will be given after that time. I also understand that the festival will provide security service for Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings during the festival from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and that the Ohio Arts & Crafts Foundation may not be held liable for any loss of work or materials incurred during the festival. I can certify that I am a licensed vendor and understand that I am responsible for collecting applicable Ohio Sales Tax of 7.25%. Signature Date Exhibitor Fee enclosed in the amount of: Make checks payable to: Ohio Arts and Crafts Foundation Mail to : Ohio & Crafts Festival, P.O. Box 250, Cambridge, Ohio 43725 SaltForkArts&CraftsFestival,P.O.Box250,Cambridge,OH43725
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