Rev. Joseph T. Brennan, OSFS Pastor In Residence: Rev. J. Christian Beretta, OSFS Rev. Patrick J. Kifolo, OSFS Rev. Brian D. Zumbrum, OSFS Deacon William Johnston Permanent Deacon Mr. Kevin Mucchetti Director of Music Mrs. LaVaida White Parish Nurse Mrs. Cathy Jones Administrative Assistant Ms. Tina Donald Bookkeeper Mr. Pablo Gonzalez Maintenance Supervisor 2810 N. Monroe Street • Wilmington, DE 19802 302-762-4140 • Fax: 302-762-8414 • Liturgical Schedule: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Weekday: 8:00 a.m. Monday - Thursday Holy Days: Consult the bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:30 p.m. Or by appointment Baptism: Please make arrangements by calling the Parish Office. Marriage: Please make arrangements with priest or deacon at least one year in advance of desired date. Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Registration: We welcome all new members of our parish family. To register, please call the Parish Office for a Census Form. Email Contact Information: Rev. Joseph T. Brennan, O.S.F.S. [email protected] Deacon Mr. William Johnston: [email protected] Mrs. LaVaida White: [email protected] Mrs. Cathy Jones: [email protected] Ms. Tina Donald: [email protected] Founded in 1926, Christ Our King gathers together people of different backgrounds, cultures and ages as a Gospel people. This small parish in an urban community offers a beautiful environment in which the family of Christ Our King welcomes all who long for God to join us in worship, in prayer and in community activities to nurture body and soul. As a community of faith, we serve Jesus’ poor, alienated and all who seek the Lord. We proclaim the good news of Salvation through our care and concern for those we know, for the “invisible” in our community and those we hope to know. We share our faith in word and deed, celebrating God’s continued love for us in Eucharist. We extend this love to others as we take time individually and as a community to heal, console, listen, learn and share our resources. February 1st, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Let us remember in prayer the homebound parishioners and those who are sick, especially: Tom Anderson, Paul Brady, Tom Brown, Barbara Cannatelli, Bill Cortese, Peg Daniels, Marcel Dawson, John Diggins, Maureen DiLuchio, Nicole Hartnett, Stanford House, James Kelly, Ryan Kenton, Regina Lacroix, Ellen Laskowski, John and Paula Maiorano, Marge McLaughlin, Suzanne McLaughlin, Anne Meginniss, John O’Brien, Leonard Quinn, Mark Rice, Rick Shick, Maureen Sullivan. WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Monday – 2/2 8:00 + Catherine Gettings Kathleen & Tim Patterson Tuesday – 2/3 Parishioners of Christ Our King 8:00 Wednesday – 2/4 8:00 + Deceased Oblates of St. Francis de Sales If you have a family member or know of anyone who is Home bound and would like to receive communion please call the parish office, 762-4140. Thursday – 2/5 8:00 + SALESIAN SUNDAY RELFECTION Saturday – 2/7 4:00 + Deacon William Maloney When was the last time that you or I were ‘astonished’ or ‘amazed’ when faced with Jesus – in the Scriptures or in Eucharist? When have we prepared ourselves to come to Eucharist to experience the mystery unfolding from the hand of our Father? Perhaps the daily celebration of Eucharist has become too routine: familiar Scripture readings, the same bread and wine. Even the new sound of our praying can be a distraction. It’s too easy to forget that we are invited to Eucharist, invited to experience the continuing mystery of God’s great love for us: Sunday – 2/8 9:00 + Mary Malloy Margaret Kenney 6:00 + Parishioners OUR WEEKLY OFFERTORY Attendance 154 Sunday, January 25 Catholic University/ Catholic Communication x a mystery that draws us into the intimate mystery of our salvation and redemption: the death and rising of Jesus. x a mystery that expresses our God’s desire that you and I be one with him by sharing in the Body and Blood of his Son Jesus; x a mystery that makes us more fully the Body of Christ, the Church; x a mystery that continues to transform you and me in our efforts to be the Savior walking the earth today. Collection $1,937.00 $ 269.00 PLEASE REMEMBER CHRIST OUR KING PARISH IN YOUR WILL AND ESTATE PLANNING Special Collection – February 7th/8th Fuel I was awakened again to this sense of ‘mystery’ as I was reading an article entitled: “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.” The writer offered me a thought that has led me to some prayerful reflection: “The invitation that comes to us again and again in Scripture, directly or indirectly, is to consent to a relationship with the Lord of Mysteries and the God of Surprises, who waits patiently for us with open arms (and delights we can’t even guess at), while demanding that we put away our childish cravings for smaller securities so as to enter into a wider, richer, more complex intimacy” – into mystery. THOUGHTS FROM SALESIAN SPIRITUALITY Trees bear fruit only because of the presence of the sun. We are very fortunate to be able to remain in the presence of God; so let us be content that He will make us bear our fruit sooner or later, every day or only occasionally, according to His good pleasure to which we should be fully resigned. St. Francis de Sales (McEntyre, Weavings, Jan-Feb 2006) As I continued to read today’s Gospel, I was struck by the words of the unclean spirit: “I know who you are, the Holy One of God!” It’s possible to know Jesus without really knowing Jesus in the Scriptural sense. When we really encounter Jesus, our hearts are changed, transformed. When Jesus encounters us in the mystery of the Scriptures and Eucharist, we are invited into mystery – a moment of intimate encounter with our God who is loving us into a deeper union with him. The more willing we are to entrust our heart to God, the more God is able to mold us more fully into the image of his Son Jesus. BIRTHDAY WISHES We extend Birthday Wishes and Blessings to the following who are celebrating a birthday during the month of February: Florence Barczewski, Casey Brooks, Edward Conlin, Lucy Finocchiaro, Roland Harbin, Ceil Haywood, John Kane, Robert Kok, Jr., John Maichle, William Maichle, Mabel Russ, Kathleen Winchell and Meghan Winchell, Once again, you and I are invited into the mystery of this Eucharist. Jesus is present in his Word and will be present in Sacrament. Will we be open enough to being “astonished” and “amazed” during this encounter? Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS Executive Director of the De Sales Spirituality Center 1 313 CHRIST OUR KING PARISH LENTEN PROJECT Sojourners’ Place provides shelter and an array of individualized services for homeless men and women that empowers their residents to return to the community as independent citizens. During Lent we will be collecting the following items to help their mission. Liquid soaps (bath & hand) Shaving Cream Disposable Razors Assorted Shampoos Bath Towels REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE! The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couple have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13th-15th in the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our website at or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. Toilet Papers Paper Towels Tissues Assorted Deodorants Bed Pillows. NOT NEEDED: Toothpaste & Toothbrushes BIC IN CLAYMONT AND GEORGETOWN! Building Intercultural Connections (B.I.C.), a program developed by the U.S. Bishops’ Conference to provide church leaders with cultural training for the growing diversity in the Church, will be presented on Saturday, March 7th from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary, Claymont and Saturday, May 16th at St. Michael the Archangel, Georgetown from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Both conferences will conclude with a multicultural mass. The outstanding curriculum is thought provoking and challenging. One recent participant stated that BIC is the, "most informative and honest conference I have ever attended." Admission is free. A 5$ donation will be requested for a magnificent multi-cultural lunch. This conference is for clergy, religious, lay leaders, liturgists, educators, outreach coordinators, and all interested faithful. To register or seek further information, contact Br. Chris Posch, ofm at (302) 6550518 or [email protected], or go to our diocesan web site The registration deadline for the first BIC is February 24th and for the second BIC is May 4th. Space is limited, so register today. SANDWICH DAY Friday, February 6th is Sandwich Day for the Emmanuel Dining Room! We are in need of Sandwich makers. Sandwiches can be any combination lunchmeat, peanut butter, jelly, or tuna fish. We are asked not to use any kind of condiment. Individually wrap the sandwich and place back in the bread sleeve or a container. Please label the kind of sandwich. Sandwiches can be dropped off to the back of Church on Thursday, February 5th between the hours of 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. or Friday morning between the 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Many thanks for your assistance with this ministry. KEVIN SULLIVAN FOOD CLOSET CATHOLIC COMMUNICATION Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05 a.m. on 1150AM WDEL and Next Sunday, February 8th, Diane Householder, President of the Community of Mary, Third Order of Disacalced Carmelites and Kate Meire, Minister of the St. Clair Secular Franciscan Fraternity will discuss Third Order Religious Communities. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook at Our Food Closet is open each Thursday from 10 a.m. - 12 Noon to feed those in need. Why not help feed our brothers and sisters? Buy one get one free items are great items for our food closet. Pick-up something you enjoy and give the second one to our food closet. You may place food in the food baskets located in the vestibule. pasta sauce cereal tuna canned ravioli canned meats canned fruits peanut butter jelly VOCATION REFLECTION Through Moses, the Lord promised to raise up additional prophets from among the people. Today, the Lord calls religious sisters and brothers as well as priests and deacons from among the people. Could He be calling you to serve in one of these exciting vocations? If you think so, please speak with your pastor or call or write Father David Kelley, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113 or [email protected]). Be sure to visit our website:! KINGERS IN ACTION nd On Thursday, January 22 , the volunteers of the Kevin Sullivan Food Closet distributed 10 bags to those in need in our community. FAMILY PROMISE SUPPORT AT PENINSULA MC CABE st Please consider volunteering during the week of February 1 th 8 , by signing up at for anyone without computer access, please use the sign-up sheet located on the literature table at the back of the church. For additional questions, contact the parish nurse at 762-4140 ext. 101. Saturday, February 28th, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Celebrate our Catholic Faith with a day of spiritual renewal. The price includes coffee, light breakfast items, a hot lunch and all day beverages plus over 15 courses in adult religious education. Reconciliation begins at 3:15 p.m. and Sunday Mass at 4:00 p.m. Cost: $40. Register at WALK TO JERUSALEM PILGRIMS Please register you and your family to participate in the virtual WALK TO JERUSALEM during our Lenten Journey this year. Participants will receive materials as we walk and pray for our neighborhood, community and city. A signup sheet is available at the literature table at the back of the church. 2 313 Limestone & Milltown Rds Wilmington, DE 19808 302.654.3005 Fax: 302.652.7020 ~ 703 North Broom St. Wilmington, DE 19805 302.652.5913 Toll Free: 800.608.3533 [email protected] RUDY’S FREE INSPECTION AUTO BODY SHOP Licensed & Insured 3900 Governor Printz Blvd. DE Lic. #2008602594 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Free Estimates Call: 302-427-2424 764-5677 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 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Readers save and refer to their bulletins throughout the week. • Customers are local. You never pay for advertising beyond your market. Your message gets to hundreds, sometimes thousands, of households. • Customers are loyal. Parishioners are grateful for your support of their bulletin and become loyal “repeat” customers. • Church bulletins effectively reach the affluent and ever growing retirement population. • In addition to the advertising benefits, your support helps make the bulletins possible, and parishioners appreciate it. PROVEN RESULTS... A recent University of Missouri survey indicates that of the families surveyed: 97% Take at least one church bulletin home each week. 74% Read every church bulletin. 74% Regularly patronize church hurch bulletin advertisers. 70% Consciously ously look at the t advertising section of the bulletin. 68% Patronize Patron a bulletin advertiser over a non-bulletin advertiser. 62% Keep the bulletin all week for reference. 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