Analysis of statistics 2014 January 2015 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Table of Contents Overview of the Court’s statistics in 2014 .............................................................................................. 4 A. Number of new applications ...................................................................................................... 4 B. Applications disposed of judicially and pending applications .................................................... 4 C. Processing of applications .......................................................................................................... 4 1. Pre-allocation .......................................................................................................................... 4 2. Inadmissibility or strike out decisions .................................................................................... 4 3. Communicated applications ................................................................................................... 5 4. Judgments ............................................................................................................................... 5 5. Requests for interim measures (Rule 39 of the Rules of Court) ............................................. 5 D. Priority policy ............................................................................................................................. 5 General information ............................................................................................................................... 6 Number of applications allocated to a judicial formation ................................................................ 7 Processing of applications ................................................................................................................ 9 Country-specific information ................................................................................................................ 14 Albania ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Andorra ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Armenia .......................................................................................................................................... 16 Austria ............................................................................................................................................. 17 Azerbaijan ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Belgium ........................................................................................................................................... 19 Bosnia and Herzegovina.................................................................................................................. 20 Bulgaria ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Croatia............................................................................................................................................. 22 Cyprus ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Czech Republic ................................................................................................................................ 24 Denmark ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Estonia ............................................................................................................................................ 26 Finland ............................................................................................................................................ 27 France ............................................................................................................................................. 28 Georgia............................................................................................................................................ 29 Germany ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Greece ............................................................................................................................................. 31 Hungary ........................................................................................................................................... 32 Iceland............................................................................................................................................. 33 Ireland ............................................................................................................................................. 34 Italy ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Latvia ............................................................................................................................................... 36 Liechtenstein ................................................................................................................................... 37 Lithuania ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Luxembourg .................................................................................................................................... 39 Malta ............................................................................................................................................... 40 2/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Republic of Moldova ....................................................................................................................... 41 Monaco ........................................................................................................................................... 42 Montenegro .................................................................................................................................... 43 Netherlands .................................................................................................................................... 44 Norway ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Poland ............................................................................................................................................. 46 Portugal........................................................................................................................................... 47 Romania .......................................................................................................................................... 48 Russian Federation ......................................................................................................................... 49 San Marino ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Serbia .............................................................................................................................................. 51 Slovakia ........................................................................................................................................... 52 Slovenia ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Spain ............................................................................................................................................... 54 Sweden ........................................................................................................................................... 55 Switzerland ..................................................................................................................................... 56 “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”.............................................................................. 57 Turkey ............................................................................................................................................. 58 Ukraine ............................................................................................................................................ 59 United Kingdom .............................................................................................................................. 60 3/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Overview of the Court’s statistics in 2014 The Court’s statistics for 2014 disclose some significant differences when compared with previous years and notably a lower number of incoming cases allocated to a judicial formation. This is partly the result of a new approach to Rule 47 of the Rules of Court, which determines what applicants are required to do for their application to be allocated for judicial decision. However, there is also an indication of a falling off in demand with a lower number of cases coming into the system. This has helped the Court to reduce the stock of pending cases since the number of applications disposed of exceeds the volume of incoming cases. As the backlog of inadmissible cases is progressively eliminated so the spectacular increases of recent years are no longer achievable. As the Court focuses on other categories of cases, productivity will tend to remain more stable, with fluctuations depending on when large groups of cases are processed and adjudicated. A. Number of new applications In 2014 56,250 applications were allocated to a judicial formation, an overall decrease of 15% compared with 2013 (65,800). 43,450 of these were identified as Single-Judge cases likely to be declared inadmissible (a decrease of 16% in relation to 2013). 12,800 were identified as probable Chamber or Committee 1 cases (a decrease of 11%). It is the first time since 2003 that the number of allocated cases has decreased. B. Applications disposed of judicially and pending applications 86,063 applications were disposed of judicially, a decrease of 8% in relation to 2013 (93,401). The number of cases disposed of therefore exceeded those allocated by approximately 29,800 (i.e. a monthly surplus of almost 2,500). As a result, the stock of allocated applications pending before the Court decreased over the year, by 30% from 99,900 to 69,900. C. Processing of applications 1. Pre-allocation As at 31 December 2014 the number of applications pending at this pre-judicial stage stood at 19,050, a decrease of 13% in relation to the same date the previous year (21,950). The number of applications disposed of administratively in 2014 was 25,100, an increase of 84%. Half of these files were disposed of under Rule 47. 2. Inadmissibility or strike out decisions In 2014 83,675 applications were declared inadmissible or struck out of the list of cases by a Single Judge, a Committee or a Chamber, a 7% decrease compared with 2013 (89,740). The Single-Judge formation decided 78,660 cases in 2014, a decrease of 2% compared with 2013 (80,583). The number of applications struck out, in a decision or a judgment, following a friendly settlement or a unilateral declaration, increased by 16% in 2014 (2,198 compared to 1,890 in 2013). Friendly settlements (1,696) increased by 15% (1,481 in 2013) and unilateral declarations by 23% (502 compared to 409 in 2013). 1 Committee competence provided for in Article 28 § 1 b) of the Convention. 4/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 3. Communicated applications Where an application is not on its face inadmissible, it is communicated to the respondent Government. In 2014 7,897 applications were communicated (roughly equivalent to 2013 when 7,931 applications were communicated). 4. Judgments Judgments were delivered in respect of 2,388 applications (compared with 3,661 in 2013 – a decrease of 35%). A significant proportion of these applications were joined with the result that the number of judgments actually delivered was 891, a decrease of 3%. 209 judgments (in respect of 1,410 applications) were adopted by a three-judge Committee formation. These judgments accounted for 59% of the applications decided by a judgment (75% in 2013). 5. Requests for interim measures (Rule 39 of the Rules of Court) The total number of decisions on interim measures (1,929) increased by 20% compared with 2013 (1,608). The Court granted requests for interim measures in 216 cases (an increase of 100% compared with 108 in 2013) and dismissed them in 783 cases (4% less than the 818 in 2013). The remainder fell outside the scope of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. The increase in the number of requests granted can be explained by 110 cases linked to the conflict in Ukraine. D. Priority policy 2 The essence of this policy is to concentrate more resources on the most important cases, namely the cases falling within the top three categories (“priority applications”). At 31 December 2014 there were 7,386 applications in these categories. The number of priority applications dealt with at different stages of the procedure in 2014 increased by 32% compared to 2013. 34% more priority applications were communicated to the respondent Governments in comparison with 2013. The number of priority applications declared inadmissible or struck out of the list of cases by a Chamber or Committee increased by 36%. The number of priority applications struck out following a friendly settlement or a unilateral declaration rose from 247 in 2013 to 326 in 2014. The number of priority applications giving rise to a judgment increased by 21% in 2014. 2 An explanation of the Court’s priority policy can be found on the Court’s internet site 5/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 General information Table 1 General statistical information 1. Applications allocated to a judicial formation 2014 2013 +/- Applications allocated 56250 65800 -15% 2. Interim procedural events 2014 2013 +/- Applications communicated to respondent Government 7897 7931 0% 3. Applications decided 2014 2013 +/- By decision or judgment 86063 93401 -8% - by judgment delivered 2388 3661 -35% 83675 89740 -7% [round figures (50)] - by decision (inadmissible or struck out) 4. Pending applications [round figures (50)] 31/12/2014 1/1/2014 +/- Applications pending before a judicial formation 69900 99900 -30% - Chamber (7 judges) 29650 39000 -24% - Committee (3 judges) 32050 34400 -7% 8200 26500 -69% - Single-Judge formation 5. Pre-judicial applications [round figures (50)] Applications at a pre-judicial stage Applications disposed of administratively 6/60 31/12/2014 1/1/2014 +/- 19050 21950 -13% 2014 2013 +/- 25100 13650 84% ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Number of applications allocated to a judicial formation 3 Chart 1 Applications allocated to a judicial formation per year 64300 64900 65800 70000 61100 57000 60000 56300 49700 50000 41600 39200 35400 40000 32500 28200 27200 30000 20000 13800 10500 10000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Chart 2 Applications pending before a judicial formation 160000 151600 139650 140000 128100 119300 120000 97300 99900 100000 79400 80000 66500 56800 60000 38500 40000 20000 69900 50000 29400 15900 19800 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Figures represent the total number of applications, including joined applications. The document generally gives round figures. The upsurge in applications allocated in 2002 was due to a change in working methods, transferring much of the screening of inadmissible applications from the administrative, pre-judicial phase to the judicial stage. 7/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Chart 3 High case-count States (more than 1,700 applications pending before a judicial formation) Slovenia 1700 2,4% remaining 37 States 13100 18,7% Ukraine 13650 19,5% Poland 1800 2,6% Hungary 1850 2,6% Georgia 2300 3,3% Serbia 2500 3,6% Romania 3400 4,9% Italy 10100 14,4% Turkey 9500 13,6% Russia 10000 14,3% Total number of pending applications: 69,900 Chart 4 The Court’s total caseload by stage of proceedings and judicial formation 4 Communicated 14736 21,1% Pending Government action 3130 4,5% Admissible 533 0,8% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 8317 11,9% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 43208 61,8% Total applications 69,900 4 The “Pending Government action” category was created to monitor applications following a judgment applying the pilot procedure. 8/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Chart 5 The Court’s total caseload by priority category Cat. V 35395 50,6% Cat. IV 18630 26,6% Cat. III 6405 9,2% Cat. VI-VII 8325 11,9% Cat. I 795 1,1% Cat. II 374 0,5% Total applications 69,900 Processing of applications Chart 6 Major procedural steps in processing of applications 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2000 Applications 757 judgment delivered Applications 1463 communicated Applications inadmissible 6779 or struck out 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 934 889 736 816 1208 1719 1734 1880 2393 2607 1511 1678 3661 2388 1573 1686 1717 2447 2956 3232 3456 4416 6203 6674 5360 5236 7931 7897 8992 17865 17272 20350 27612 28160 27059 30163 33067 38575 50677 86201 89739 83675 9/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Chart 7 Number of judgments since 2000 1800 1625 1560 1600 1503 1543 1499 1400 1157 1200 1000 800 1093 1105 888 916 844 703 695 891 718 600 400 200 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Chart 8 Applications in categories I, II and III processed from 2011 to 2014 1742 1800 1563 1600 1342 1303 1400 1200 1051 921 1000 800 771 communicated 573 600 623 546 decision 517 412 judgment 400 200 0 2011 2012 2013 10/60 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Table 2 Applications allocated per Contracting State and population State Applications allocated to a judicial formation Population (1000) Allocated/population (10000) 2011 2012 2013 2014 1.1.2011 1.1.2012 1.1.2013 1.1.2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium 84 8 173 387 501 251 111 6 238 377 342 268 106 2 196 437 324 270 83 5 154 315 403 159 2832 85 3263 8404 9111 11001 3195 85 3274 8443 9235 11041 2899 76 3027 8452 9356 11162 2896 76 3017 8508 9477 11204 0,30 0,94 0,53 0,46 0,55 0,23 0,35 0,71 0,73 0,45 0,37 0,24 0,37 0,26 0,65 0,52 0,35 0,24 0,29 0,66 0,51 0,37 0,43 0,14 Bosnia and Herzegovina 508 430 870 667 3843 3829 3829 3831 1,32 1,12 2,27 1,74 1200 1274 1209 1840 1186 1905 69 78 144 547 481 522 111 103 84 346 301 237 315 431 314 1594 1344 1536 367 157 395 1757 1492 1525 722 728 668 654 735 991 10 9 10 54 55 62 3180 4708 3246 291 286 322 9 16 7 428 305 373 24 31 38 50 22 26 Republic of Moldova 1017 934 1354 10 8 5 Monaco Montenegro 314 180 289 Netherlands 800 675 778 Norway 155 101 148 Poland 5022 4071 3968 Portugal 165 217 267 5124 6768 5413 Romania Russia 12454 10746 12328 San Marino 0 1 4 4894 5058 Serbia 3726 Slovak Republic 553 531 464 Slovenia 424 422 496 Spain 802 694 781 362 Sweden 1942 546 Switzerland 358 326 442 928 1095 55 369 65 187 186 1142 102 1027 585 2402 28 33 5476 298 12 387 23 39 1105 4 158 674 141 2761 252 4427 8952 5 2787 324 352 644 272 303 7369 4412 840 10487 5561 1340 5375 65048 4469 81752 11310 9986 318 4570 60626 2075 36 3053 512 415 3560 33 618 16656 4920 38530 10572 21414 142857 32 7276 5392 2050 46153 9416 7870 7327 4398 862 10505 5581 1340 5401 65398 4498 81844 11291 9958 320 4583 60821 2042 36 3008 525 416 3560 36 618 16730 4986 38538 10542 21356 143056 32 7241 5404 2055 46196 9483 7955 7285 4262 866 10516 5603 1320 5427 65579 4498 80524 11063 9909 322 4591 59685 2024 37 2972 537 421 3559 36 623 16780 5051 38533 10487 20020 143507 34 7182 5411 2059 46728 9556 8039 7246 4247 858 10512 5627 1316 5451 65857 4491 80780 10993 9879 326 4604 60783 2001 37 2943 550 425 3558 36 624 16829 5109 38496 10427 19943 143507 34 7147 5416 2061 46508 9645 8137 1,63 2,69 0,82 0,50 0,20 2,58 0,80 0,25 0,88 0,21 0,59 0,65 0,31 0,12 0,78 1,40 2,50 1,00 0,47 0,53 2,86 2,42 5,08 0,48 0,32 1,30 0,16 2,39 0,87 0,00 5,12 1,03 2,07 0,17 2,06 0,45 1,74 4,33 0,90 0,52 0,18 2,25 0,58 0,21 0,82 0,18 0,64 0,74 0,31 0,12 0,53 1,40 4,44 1,24 0,59 0,63 2,62 1,39 2,91 0,40 0,20 1,06 0,21 3,17 0,75 0,31 6,76 0,98 2,05 0,15 0,58 0,41 1,66 4,32 1,66 0,46 0,15 1,80 0,58 0,23 0,35 0,19 0,66 1,00 0,28 0,14 0,53 1,59 1,89 1,44 0,71 1,19 3,80 2,78 4,64 0,46 0,29 1,03 0,25 2,70 0,86 1,18 7,04 0,86 2,41 0,17 0,38 0,55 1,28 2,58 0,64 0,35 0,12 1,42 0,34 0,17 0,23 0,13 0,53 2,43 0,86 0,07 0,90 1,49 3,24 1,31 0,42 0,92 3,11 1,11 2,53 0,40 0,28 0,72 0,24 2,22 0,62 1,47 3,90 0,60 1,71 0,14 0,28 0,37 "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" 382 2057 2060 2062 2066 1,71 1,70 2,59 1,85 3505 1589 13132 14198 908 720 73723 45598 62499 74724 45453 62990 75627 45373 63905 76668 45246 64308 1,17 1,01 1,20 1,71 0,46 2,89 0,21 3,14 64291 64937 65790 56275 819319 822271 820814 823700 0,25 0,78 0,27 0,79 0,14 0,80 0,11 0,68 Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Malta Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Total 352 350 8651 4614 1542 8986 7791 1702 535 SOURCES 2013 and 2014: Internet sites of the Eurostat service (“Population and social conditions” ) or from the United Nations Statistics Division. The Council of Europe member States had a combined population of about 824 million inhabitants on 1 January 2014. The average number of applications allocated per 10,000 inhabitants was 0.68 in 2014. 11/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Table 3 The Court’s total caseload by stage of proceedings and judicial formation State Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Republic of Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Chamber or Single Committee Judge or awaiting first Communicated Committee examination (cat. VI - VII) (cat. I - V) Pending Government action Admissible TOTAL 8 2 184 27 6 23 271 209 87 5 47 1 38 63 180 12 192 164 530 9 3 483 154 5 26 4 3 165 0 368 104 41 373 30 306 1535 2 903 22 72 139 13 46 181 0 774 57 1160 279 71 626 286 33 135 13 14 14 168 2117 97 667 1078 9 0 7198 99 2 162 1 40 724 1 92 167 20 1139 171 997 5500 6 652 113 162 20 4 55 173 2 78 42 233 54 13 122 168 30 27 11 12 22 122 145 40 354 203 3 0 2347 68 3 79 5 20 251 1 38 56 6 268 73 1692 2334 1 508 48 57 46 22 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 367 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 536 0 445 0 1406 0 0 0 4 0 4 2 5 11 6 12 8 1 12 1 3 2 20 2 6 17 19 1 0 22 11 0 8 0 2 13 0 1 2 2 17 8 57 85 0 15 15 3 4 7 8 366 4 1040 128 1404 367 728 969 549 69 221 26 67 101 490 2276 335 1202 1830 22 3 10087 332 10 275 10 65 1159 2 499 329 69 1797 282 3385 9990 9 2523 198 1700 209 46 147 "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" 25 135 75 0 3 238 Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom 442 930 65 7105 10793 71 1856 1894 1096 0 0 0 85 18 11 9488 13635 1243 ALL STATES 8317 43208 14736 3130 533 69924 12/60 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Table 4 Unilateral declarations and friendly settlements from 2012 to 2014 State Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Republic of Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland The form er Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Grand Total Unilateral declaration 2012 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 28 6 0 7 0 0 4 4 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 40 1 61 100 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 14 313 2 606 2013 Friendly settlement 2014 4 3 0 11 0 3 3 3 20 1 1 2 3 2 0 9 14 3 0 1 3 3 1 27 0 44 1 21 6 1 0 1 41 5 38 102 26 6 64 161 9 4 52 3 1 48 27 23 4 409 38 2 63 3 502 13/60 2012 1 0 0 1 1 0 43 85 18 0 4 6 0 8 2 4 2 3 53 0 1 117 1 0 0 0 0 13 1 1 1 0 111 10 35 3 1 415 9 1 0 1 0 67 99 178 7 1303 2013 1 2014 1 11 3 176 19 31 8 23 1 0 9 36 12 1 1 3 2 11 3 55 73 1 1 4 15 2 54 31 3 4 0 9 1 8 9 19 2 10 4 93 4 29 39 83 39 51 78 679 23 1016 9 1 1 55 86 28 5 1481 69 84 36 12 1696 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Country-specific information Albania Chart 9 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 4 1% Communicated 173 47% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 8 2% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 181 50% Total applications 366 Graph 10 Major procedural steps in processing applications 129 140 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 120 111 106 100 83 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 70 80 58 Applications communicated to the Government 60 48 39 38 40 21 Applications in which judgments delivered 10 20 9 0 2012 14/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Andorra Chart 11 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 2 50% Communicated 2 50% Total applications 4 Graph 12 Major procedural steps in processing applications 15 16 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 14 12 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 10 8 6 6 Applications communicated to the Government 5 6 4 Applications in which judgments delivered 2 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2012 15/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Armenia Chart 13 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 4 0,4% Communicated 78 8% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 184 18% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 774 74% Total applications 1 040 Graph 14 Major procedural steps in processing applications 250 238 229 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 196 195 200 154 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out Applications communicated to the Government 150 100 56 50 Applications in which judgments delivered 11 19 16 16 4 2 0 2012 16/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Austria Chart 15 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 27 21% Admissible 2 2% Communicated 42 33% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 57 44% Total applications 128 Graph 16 Major procedural steps in processing applications 700 611 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 549 600 500 437 387 377 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 400 315 Applications communicated to the Government 300 200 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 14 27 22 23 18 0 2012 17/60 2013 2014 7 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Azerbaijan Chart 17 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 5 0,4% Communicated 233 16,6% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 6 0,4% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 1160 82,6% Total applications 1 404 Graph 18 Major procedural steps in processing applications 694 700 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 600 500 403 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 400 Applications communicated to the Government 342 324 284 300 245 200 117 115 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 34 37 13 11 0 2012 18/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Belgium Chart 19 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Communicated 54 15% Admissible 11 3% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 23 6% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 279 76% Total applications 367 Graph 20 Major procedural steps in processing applications 468 500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 450 400 350 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 300 270 268 253 250 Applications communicated to the Government 200 159 145 150 100 37 Applications in which judgments delivered 27 50 22 9 6 0 2012 19/60 2013 2014 19 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Bosnia and Herzegovina Chart 21 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 271 37% Admissible 6 1% Pending Government action 367 50% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 71 10% Communicated 13 2% Total applications 728 Graph 22 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1185 1200 1019 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1000 870 800 667 600 430 Applications communicated to the Government 361 400 213 Applications in which judgments delivered 200 29 26 12 4 0 2012 20/60 2013 2014 11 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Bulgaria Chart 23 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 12 1% Communicated 122 13% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 209 21% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 626 65% Total applications 969 Graph 24 Major procedural steps in processing applications 3000 2552 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 2380 2500 2000 1425 1500 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 1274 1209 928 1000 500 85 72 77 44 26 0 2012 21/60 2013 2014 21 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Croatia Chart 25 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 8 1% Communicated 168 31% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 87 16% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 286 52% Total applications 549 Graph 26 Major procedural steps in processing applications 2392 2500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 2047 1905 1840 2000 1491 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1500 1095 Applications communicated to the Government 1000 500 Applications in which judgments delivered 142 59 115 24 22 0 2012 22/60 2013 2014 33 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Cyprus Chart 27 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 5 7% Admissible 1 1% Communicated 30 44% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 33 48% Total applications 69 Graph 28 Major procedural steps in processing applications 180 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 163 160 155 144 140 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 120 100 80 Applications communicated to the Government 78 55 55 60 40 Applications in which judgments delivered 20 2 0 3 3 1 0 0 2012 23/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Czech Republic Chart 29 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 12 6% Communicated 27 12% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 135 61% Graph 30 Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 47 21% Total applications 221 Major procedural steps in processing applications 900 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 827 773 735 800 700 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 600 547 481 500 369 400 Applications communicated to the Government 300 200 Applications in which judgments delivered 43 100 36 30 12 11 0 2012 24/60 2013 2014 13 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Denmark Chart 31 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 1 4% Admissible 1 4% Communicated 11 42% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 13 50% Total applications 26 Graph 32 Major procedural steps in processing applications 250 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 201 200 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 150 103 Applications communicated to the Government 84 100 88 65 60 50 Applications in which judgments delivered 8 6 1 5 0 0 2012 25/60 2013 2014 2 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Estonia Chart 33 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 3 4,5% Communicated 12 17,9% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 38 56,7% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 14 20,9% Graph 34 Total applications 67 Major procedural steps in processing applications 600 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 500 Applications in which judgments delivered 451 400 301 300 Applications communicated to the Government 533 269 237 187 200 100 8 8 9 9 6 0 2012 26/60 2013 2014 7 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Finland Chart 35 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 2 2,0% Communicated 22 21,8% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 63 62,4% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 14 13,9% Graph 36 Total applications 101 Major procedural steps in processing applications 700 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 615 600 500 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 400 Applications communicated to the Government 314 315 300 272 300 186 200 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 24 21 5 8 3 0 2012 27/60 2013 2014 12 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 France Chart 37 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 20 4% Communicated 122 25% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 168 34% Graph 38 Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 180 37% Total applications 490 Major procedural steps in processing applications 3000 2518 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 2391 2500 2000 1536 1344 1273 1500 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 1142 1000 500 45 89 74 36 32 0 2012 28/60 2013 2014 24 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Georgia Chart 39 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 2 0,1% Communicated 145 6% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 12 1% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 2117 93% Total applications 2 276 Graph 40 Major procedural steps in processing applications 579 600 521 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 500 400 367 273 300 Applications communicated to the Government 157 200 102 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 30 38 28 2 12 0 2012 29/60 2013 2014 3 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Germany Chart 41 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 6 2% Communicated 40 12% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 192 57% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 97 29% Total applications 335 Graph 42 Major procedural steps in processing applications 3500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 3033 3000 2468 2500 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 2000 1525 1492 Applications communicated to the Government 1182 1500 1027 1000 Applications in which judgments delivered 500 22 24 23 25 13 7 0 2012 30/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Greece Chart 43 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 17 1% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 164 14% Communicated 354 29% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 667 56% Total applications 1 202 Graph 44 Major procedural steps in processing applications 861 900 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 800 722 728 700 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 585 554 600 472 500 400 Applications communicated to the Government 268 300 188 200 126 93 Applications in which judgments delivered 58 100 43 0 2012 31/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Hungary Chart 45 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 530 29% Communicated 203 11% Admissible 19 1,0% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 1078 59% Total applications 1 830 Graph 46 Major procedural steps in processing applications 2402 2500 2260 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 2000 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1500 991 1048 Applications communicated to the Government 1000 840 735 500 Applications in which judgments delivered 210 124 106 60 42 27 0 2012 32/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Iceland Chart 47 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 1 4% Communicated 3 14% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 9 41% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 9 41% Total applications 22 Graph 48 Major procedural steps in processing applications 28 30 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 25 20 17 15 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 11 10 9 10 10 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 2012 33/60 2013 2014 1 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Ireland Chart 49 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 3 100% Total applications 3 Graph 50 Major procedural steps in processing applications 70 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 60 63 62 63 55 51 50 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 40 Applications communicated to the Government 33 30 20 8 Applications in which judgments delivered 10 2 2 0 2 0 2012 34/60 2013 2014 1 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Italy Chart 51 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 22 0% Pending Government action 37 0,4% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 483 5% Communicated 2347 23% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 7198 71% Total applications 10 087 Graph 52 Major procedural steps in processing applications 9625 10000 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 9000 8000 7000 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 5476 6000 5000 Applications communicated to the Government 4000 3246 2693 3180 2872 3000 1763 2000 Applications in which judgments delivered 1000 62 78 148 122 145 0 2012 35/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Latvia Chart 53 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 11 3% Communicated 68 21% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 154 46% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 99 30% Graph 54 Total applications 332 Major procedural steps in processing applications 484 500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 450 400 350 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 322 286 308 298 296 300 250 Applications communicated to the Government 200 150 100 Applications in which judgments delivered 16 14 50 27 19 10 0 2012 36/60 2013 2014 19 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Liechtenstein Chart 55 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Communicated 3 30% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 5 50% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 2 20% Graph 56 Total applications 10 Major procedural steps in processing applications 16 16 15 14 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 14 12 12 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 10 8 7 8 Applications communicated to the Government 6 3 4 Applications in which judgments delivered 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 2012 37/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Lithuania Chart 57 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 8 3% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 26 9% Communicated 79 29% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 162 59% Total applications 275 Graph 58 Major procedural steps in processing applications 800 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 705 700 600 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 500 428 373 416 387 356 400 Applications communicated to the Government 300 200 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 26 12 26 15 12 0 2012 38/60 2013 2014 5 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Luxembourg Chart 59 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 4 40% Communicated 5 50% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 1 10% Total applications 10 Graph 60 Major procedural steps in processing applications 38 40 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 35 31 31 30 30 23 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 26 25 20 Applications communicated to the Government 15 10 Applications in which judgments delivered 5 1 2 2 3 2 0 0 2012 39/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Malta Chart 61 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 3 5% Admissible 2 3% Communicated 20 31% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 40 61% Total applications 65 Graph 62 Major procedural steps in processing applications 50 50 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 45 39 40 32 35 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 30 25 Applications communicated to the Government 26 20 20 15 12 15 12 9 10 8 10 Applications in which judgments delivered 3 5 0 2012 40/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Republic of Moldova Chart 63 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Pending Government action 6 1% Admissible 13 1% Communicated 251 22% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 165 14% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 724 62% Total applications 1 159 Graph 64 Major procedural steps in processing applications 3143 3500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 3000 2500 1905 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 2000 1341 1354 Applications communicated to the Government 1500 934 1105 1000 Applications in which judgments delivered 500 56 85 19 32 73 25 0 2012 41/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Monaco Chart 65 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 1 50% Communicated 1 50% Total applications 2 Graph 66 Major procedural steps in processing applications 10 10 10 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 9 8 7 7 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 6 5 5 5 5 Applications communicated to the Government 4 4 3 3 2 2 Applications in which judgments delivered 1 0 0 0 0 2012 42/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Montenegro Chart 67 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 92 18% Communicated 38 8% Admissible 1 0% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 368 74% Total applications 499 Graph 68 Major procedural steps in processing applications 446 450 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 400 342 350 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 289 300 250 200 Applications communicated to the Government 181 180 158 150 100 Applications in which judgments delivered 50 4 15 15 29 3 1 0 2012 43/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Netherlands Chart 69 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 2 0,6% Communicated 56 17% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 104 32% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 167 51% Total applications 329 Graph 70 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1389 1400 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 1200 1000 800 Applications communicated to the Government 859 796 778 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 674 675 600 400 Applications in which judgments delivered 200 37 42 7 25 1 0 2012 44/60 2013 2014 3 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Norway Chart 71 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 20 29% Communicated 6 9% Admissible 2 3% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 41 59% Total applications 69 Graph 72 Major procedural steps in processing applications 180 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 165 158 148 160 141 140 115 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 120 101 100 80 Applications communicated to the Government 60 40 Applications in which judgments delivered 17 20 2 1 4 4 0 2012 45/60 2013 2014 4 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Poland Chart 73 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 17 0,9% Communicated 268 14,9% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 1139 63,4% Graph 74 Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 373 20,8% Total applications 1 797 Major procedural steps in processing applications 8000 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 7283 7000 5388 6000 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 5000 4071 3968 4000 2761 Applications communicated to the Government 2565 3000 2000 Applications in which judgments delivered 1000 154 192 74 193 23 0 2012 46/60 2013 2014 28 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Portugal Chart 75 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Communicated 73 26% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 30 11% Admissible 8 3% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 171 60% Total applications 282 Graph 76 Major procedural steps in processing applications 300 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 267 239 250 252 236 217 186 200 150 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 91 100 37 25 50 26 22 13 0 2012 47/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Romania Chart 77 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Pending Government action 333 10% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 306 9% Admissible 57 1,7% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 997 29% Communicated 1692 50% Total applications 3 385 Graph 78 Major procedural steps in processing applications 12000 10066 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 10000 7697 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 8000 7096 6768 5413 6000 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 4427 4000 2000 869 439 384 166 155 127 0 2012 48/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Russian Federation Chart 79 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 85 0,9% Pending Government action 536 5,4% Communicated 2334 23% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 1535 16% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 5500 55% Total applications 9 990 Graph 80 Major procedural steps in processing applications 23845 25000 22142 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 20000 15574 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 15000 12328 10746 8952 Applications communicated to the Government 10000 5000 Applications in which judgments delivered 796 1101 699 257 216 0 2012 49/60 2013 2014 218 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 San Marino Chart 81 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 2 22% Communicated 1 11% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 6 67% Graph 82 Total applications 9 Major procedural steps in processing applications 5 5 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 4,5 4 4 3,5 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 3 2,5 Applications communicated to the Government 2 1,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Applications in which judgments delivered 0 0,5 0 0 0 2012 50/60 2013 2014 0 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Serbia Chart 83 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 15 0% Pending Government action 445 17,6% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 903 36% Communicated 508 20% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 652 26% Total applications 2 523 Graph 84 Major procedural steps in processing applications 11427 12000 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 10000 8000 6000 Applications communicated to the Government 5058 4894 3685 4000 2787 1599 Applications in which judgments delivered 2000 1421 905 39 418 193 0 2012 51/60 2013 2014 63 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Slovakia Chart 85 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 22 11% Admissible 15 8% Communicated 48 24% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 113 57% Total applications 198 Graph 86 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1200 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1079 1000 800 684 531 600 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 464 354 324 400 200 43 56 23 28 16 0 2012 52/60 2013 2014 14 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Slovenia Chart 87 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 162 10% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 72 4% Admissible 3 0% Communicated 57 3% Pending Government action 1406 82,7% Total applications 1 700 Graph 88 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1517 1600 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 1400 1200 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 896 1000 800 Applications communicated to the Government 600 496 422 352 411 400 Applications in which judgments delivered 200 90 57 48 25 22 0 2012 53/60 2013 2014 30 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Spain Chart 89 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 4 2% Communicated 46 22% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 139 66% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 20 10% Total applications 209 Graph 90 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1200 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 1029 895 1000 790 781 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 800 694 644 600 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 400 200 26 42 11 14 35 13 0 2012 54/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Sweden Chart 91 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 7 15% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 13 28% Communicated 22 48% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 4 9% Total applications 46 Graph 92 Major procedural steps in processing applications 894 900 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 800 700 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 600 546 500 362 365 400 Applications communicated to the Government 272 311 300 200 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 32 15 10 16 4 0 2012 55/60 2013 2014 8 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Switzerland Chart 93 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 8 5,4% Communicated 38 26% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 46 31% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 55 37% Total applications 147 Graph 94 Major procedural steps in processing applications 1197 1200 Applications allocated to a judicial formation Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1000 800 600 Applications communicated to the Government Applications in which judgments delivered 442 326 400 403 341 303 200 23 24 13 8 9 0 2012 56/60 2013 2014 19 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 “The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” Chart 95 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 25 10% Admissible 3 1,3% Communicated 75 32% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 135 57% Total applications 238 Graph 96 Major procedural steps in processing applications 850 900 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 800 700 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 618 535 600 492 500 400 Applications communicated to the Government 382 350 300 155 200 126 73 Applications in which judgments delivered 100 10 9 8 0 2012 57/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Turkey Chart 97 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Admissible 85 1% Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 442 5% Communicated 1856 19% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 7105 75% Total applications 9 488 Graph 98 Major procedural steps in processing applications 10000 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 9000 8986 9011 7914 8000 7000 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 6000 5000 Applications communicated to the Government 3505 4000 2784 3000 1589 2000 Applications in which judgments delivered 1000 508 422 190 134 200 115 0 2012 58/60 2013 2014 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 Ukraine Chart 99 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 930 7% Admissible 18 0% Communicated 1894 14% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 10793 79% Total applications 13 635 Graph 100 Major procedural steps in processing applications 16000 14198 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 13132 14000 12731 12000 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 10000 8049 7791 8000 Applications communicated to the Government 7305 6000 2934 4000 Applications in which judgments delivered 2281 1032 301 2000 738 0 2012 59/60 2013 2014 1073 ECHR – Analysis of Statistics 2014 United Kingdom Chart 101 The Court’s caseload by stage of proceedings and decision body Single Judge or Committee (cat. VI - VII) 65 5% Admissible 11 1% Chamber or Committee awaiting first examination (cat. I - V) 71 6% Communicated 1096 88% Total applications 1 243 Graph 102 Major procedural steps in processing applications 2500 Applications allocated to a judicial formation 2047 1970 2000 1702 Applications declared inadmissible or struck out 1633 1500 1071 908 Applications communicated to the Government 1000 720 500 Applications in which judgments delivered 48 35 35 19 27 0 2012 60/60 2013 2014
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