January 2015 • Tevet/Shevat 5775
Kol Yisra’el
The Voice of Temple Israel
Temple Israel’s Joys of Jewish Learning
Adult Education Program invites you to join us for
World Renowned Lecturer and Author
Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Lapid-Shapiro Scholar-in-Residence
Re-Imagining Judaism for the 24th Century
Friday, January 9 – Sunday, January 11
Shabbat Services
Friday, January 2
7:00 p.m. Family Shabbat Service
Saturday, January 3
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Sabbath Fellowship
Friday, January 9
Rabbi Rami Shapiro
Lapid-Shapiro Scholar-in-Residence
6:00 p.m. Ruach Shabbat
Saturday, January 10
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, January 16
6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat
7:00 p.m. Got Shabbat!
Saturday, January 17
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, January 23
6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, January 24
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Bar Mitzvah of Sebastian Lopez
Friday, January 9 at 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Services followed by Dinner & Teaching
Saturday, January 10 at 8:45 a.m.
Torah Study and Shabbat Services, followed by Lunch & Learn
Sunday, January 11 at 9:45 a.m.
Learning & Discussion
Please RSVP for Shabbat Dinner ($18) and Shabbat Lunch ($12)
by Monday, January 5, to the Temple Office (562) 434-0996 or [email protected]
Underwritten through the generosity of Temple Israel Foundation’s
Lapid-Shapiro Lectureship Fund
Friday, January 30
7:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service
Saturday, January 31
8:45 a.m. Torah Study
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Bar Mitzvah of Noah Shafton
Table of Contents
Shabbat Services Cover
Foundation’s Message/ B’nai Mitzvah Page 4
President’s Message
Page 3
Torah CenterPage 5
SisterhoodPages 6
Journey to Judaism
Page 7
Library / Purim
Page 9
SCIC/ Anniversaries
Page 8
JJL Page 10
to join (or start) discussions with other
Temple Israel members with similar interests?
Photography, a playgroup, a restaurant group...
you can do it!
YahrzeitPage 12
a professional referral and would like to hire
someone affiliated with Temple Israel?
Shabbat ShaPark/ Tot Shabbat
Page 11
ContributionsPgs. 13-16
SponsorsPgs. 16-20
Get Well Wishes To...
Shirley Blumberg
Judy Cooper
Bruce Dahl
Pat Glow
Chuck Leff
Shirely Loeb
Barbara Miller
Charles Samuel
Dorothy Samuel
Burt Schild
Sid Schulman
Dan Spellens
Edna Statman
Kol Yisra’el is a monthly newsletter published August - June
by Temple Israel (a member of the Union for Reform Judaism).
The deadline for submission of all material for the newsletter is the
10th of the preceding month prior to publication.
Professional Staff
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz • David York, Organist
Eric J. Shatzkin, Executive Director • Sharon Amster Brown, Educator
Our Mission Statement:
To actively engage in a journey of Jewish spiritual, educational
and social growth.
Our Vision Statement
A vibrant, caring Reform congregation of living Judaism
that embraces the rich legacy of Jewish thought, practice and
to meet more Temple Israel congregants
with similar interests? Looking for a family hike,
someone to join you for a movie or go for a run?
to let other Temple Israel members know
what you do for a living or offer them a discount?
(Take 30 seconds to list your business connections
for possible referrals.)
Receive personal notifications of Temple events
relevant to you!
tilbConnect is a PRIVATE platform (unlike Facebook)
that provides customized access to Temple Israel
congregants. tilbConnect shows you events,
discussions and other members with similar interests.
It also lets you communicate directly with any
congregant whenever you want.
It’s easy to get started. All it takes is a quick sign
up and you’ll be on your way!
Just visit:
Board of Directors 2014 - 2015
Jonathan Kass
Seth Goldman
Joanne Levy
Steven Keiles
VP Ritual Practices
Deborah Lewis
Amy Lipeles
VP Education
Past President
David Philips
Mark Beizer
VP Membership
Foundation President
Ed Green
VP Programming
Evan Braude, Rick Burney, Leslie Ciletti, Martha De Young,
Deborah Fabricant, Joyce Feldman, Gail Freedman,
Steve Gordon, Danny Levy, Dove Mayo, Barry Mitnick,
Joel Perler, David Tillman, Frank Weinberger
President’s Message
Another Teacher of Torah
By Jonathan Kass, Temple President
As I write, we’re about halfway through
Chanukah. As a congregation, we just
shared another wonderful “Chanukah
Chanukkiot lighting the Kogan/Lipeles
social hall, and of course an inspired
reading of “The Chanukah Guest” by
Rabbi Moskowitz. Personally, around
the Kass household, while it may
not have been Thanksgivukah again,
we were happy to mark the holiday
together, with Sara, our oldest, back
home after her first semester away at college. We’ve had candles,
latkes, company, and I’m savoring the end of this family holiday.
I hope you all had a great Chanukah, and a wonderful New Year!
Another activity kicking back in to high gear in November and
December is our Cantor search process. There is a season to the
Cantorial search, much like the holidays, and ours began this
year full speed when the committee received its first application
in early November.
As a reminder, we are engaged with the American Conference
of Cantors (ACC) to find a Cantor, ordained in the Reform
Movement, to join us as a full time member of our senior staff.
The Cantor’s role is envisioned to complement and partner with
Rabbi Moskowitz, Sharon Amster-Brown, and Eric Shatzkin,
in delivering spiritual, educational, and social programming and
services to our congregation and community. We are looking for
an individual who will complement our already rich and diverse
musical offerings at Temple Israel.
In addition, by engaging a full time Cantor on our already
strong senior staff team, our hope is to continue to expand our
programs and services, reaching out beyond our four (beautiful)
walls even further, lowering the barriers between Temple Israel
and any in our community looking to connect with the wisdom
of our traditions.
TO The
search began in our 2013-14 congregational year, and while
Rabbi Moskowitz has, of course, been the spiritual advisor to
the committee throughout its journey. As we began this second
season in the search, Bill reached out to Rabbi, asking if Rabbi
had any thoughts about whether the committee should be
looking differently at candidate qualifications and experiences.
Rabbi shared a vision that for me brings together what we
as a search committee have learned both about ourselves as a
congregation, and about what we’re looking for as we continue
the search. Rabbi wrote:
“What we are really looking for is another teacher of Torah,
understood as a path of living life in a fulfilling and sacred
manner, and whose primary, but not exclusive, medium for
teaching Torah is music. “
Rabbi has beautifully captured both the simplicity and complexity
of our search. The committee will be hard at work this winter as
the applications continue to arrive, and we will keep you posted
as the process unfolds.
May 16, 2015
Temple Israel’s
Annual Gala
we had a number of promising applications, and several onsite
interviews and musical offerings, we ended that first search year
having gathered great experience, but not having engaged a new
The 2014-15 search process began with a re-kickoff, led by chair
Bill Shafton, who gathered our committee to review the first
applicant for our process.
The search committee is engaged and excited about the
opportunities the search will bring this year. Already we’ve
receive multiple applications, and completed a full interview
process with our first candidate of the season. While that process
did not lead to filling the position, it was a great opportunity to
meet a candidate and relight the flame of the search itself.
Foundation’s Message / B’nai Mitzvah
By Mark Beizer, Foundation President
Temple Israel’s Foundation plays
an important on-going role in the
financial health of the congregation.
About half of our $1.7 million in assets
are “unrestricted”, i.e., not set aside for a
specific purpose. This money is instead
used to provide an annual allocation to
the temple operating budget – in fact,
80% of each year’s yield (investment
income) goes directly to supplement
the temple budget. The other half pays
for special programs with dedicated
funds that have been established through the generosity of
several temple families. These funds include:
yy Lapid-Shapiro – this fund is used to support the Torah
Center along with a lectureship program. This year’s Joys
of Jewish Learning/Lapid speaker will be Rabbi Rami
Shapiro, with the focus on “Redefining Judaism for the
24th Century,” coming up quickly January 9-11.
yy Ruth and Louis Davis Scholarship – this fund provides
scholarships to offset the cost of Torah Center fees for
families in need.
significant annual returns when invested. If you have questions
or are interested in creating a dedicated fund, please talk to Eric
Shatzkin or any member of the Foundation Board.
This Month’s B’nai Mitzvah
My name is Sebastian Lopez. I am
an 8th grader at Brookhurst Middle
School in Anaheim. I am an honors
student and I love playing drums for
the school band. On January 24, I
will be called to the Torah as a Bar
For my Mitzvah project, I have been
volunteering with Monday Night
Picture Removed Mission. It’s an organization that
meets every weeknight to feed our
for Web
Sebastian Lopez homeless brothers and sisters on Skid
row. My Dad and I prepare food with
January 24, 2015
the other volunteers and then help to
feed many hungry people. I have been studying very hard for my
Bar Mitzvah and want to thank everyone who has helped me
prepare for my important day. I can’t wait to share the day with
my friends and family.
yy Pilger Lectureship - established by Irv and Dolores Pilger,
this fund pays for an annual lecture by prominent Jewish
scholars/speakers. This year the Pilger fund will be bringing
Rabbi Geoff Mitelman, Executive Director of “Sinai and
Synapses” will be here to share with us: “How Do We Talk
About Science and Religion?”, the weekend of March 27-29.
yy Speizer Youth Enhancement – this fund established by
Mark and Nancy Speizer provides moneys for camperships
and other youth activities, including the annual 8th grade
trip to Jewish New York. This year the Speizer Fund is
helping us send our Youth Director, Kara Liu, to the NFTY
Convention in Atlanta.
yy Weil Educator – created by Tilly Weil to support the
Temple Educator position.
yy Lemmerman camperships – established by the
Lemmerman family to provide scholarships for camping
and other youth activities.
The Foundation invests the moneys (principal) in these funds
and uses the resulting income to support the purposes indicated.
You can support these funds, as well as the overall Foundation
endowment, through your gifts and bequests to the Foundation.
You can designate your gift/bequest to supplement one of these
existing funds, or other temple-related purpose you may have in
mind, although we obviously appreciate unrestricted gifts which
can support the annual allocation. You can even create a new
designated and named fund with a gift large enough to generate
Hello, my name is Noah Shafton. I
am a 7th grade honors student at Oak
Middle School. I play competitive club
soccer and I enjoy it a lot. I have been
kicking a ball around since I was a
young toddler, and I loved it even then.
I like almost anything that is related
to soccer. I also enjoy basketball and
being with my friends.
My mitzvah project is called
Kids4Peace which is a non-profit
organization that helps bring together
kids from Israel with different
religions and teaches tolerance to the
next generation. Kids4Peace is dedicated to ending conflict in
the hope that one day, there will be peace in Israel and people
will know how to co-exist with each other. Please check out
their website for my project at www.k4p.org.
Picture Removed
for Web
Noah Shafton
January 31, 2015
My Bar Mitzvah date is January 31, 2015 and I am proud that
between all of my activities and everything I do, I still managed
to complete my studies. I want to thank everybody that has
supported me get to where I am, and everybody coming from
near and far away to share this special day with me.
Torah Center
Our 5th Grade Social Action Trip
Save the Date
Temple Israel’s
April 10-12
Our high schoolers made mini
travel menorahs
ANDI - Temple Israel’s 9-12 Grade
Youth Group
∙∙ Meet new friends and connect with old friends
∙∙ Celebrate Shabbat in the beautiful hills of Malibu
∙∙ Explore being Jewish through creative programs
∙∙ Hiking, Basketball, Gaga, Tennis, and other fun games
∙∙ Fitness and Cooking classes
∙∙ Arts and Crafts
∙∙ Enjoy relaxing free time
∙∙ Talent Show
∙∙ Enjoy campfires and smores
∙∙ Havdallah under the stars
∙∙ Create memories
By Kara Liu, Youth Advisor
December has been a busy month for ANDI. We have had a
lot going on! One highlight was the ANDI “lock in” we hosted
here at Temple Israel. It was lots of fun sleeping over at the
temple with our WAFTY (our sister NFTY youth group from
Temple Beth David) friends. Next month, we plan to go to the
NFTY SoCal Winter Kallah. It will be four days long, making
it the longest kallah yet. We plan to have many kids there from
Temple Israel and we’ll get to see our regional NFTY friends
again as well. Finally, we are continuing to sell ANDI t-shirts
for $15 (crew neck) and $20 (v-neck). If you are interested in
purchasing one, please feel free to contact any of the ANDI
Board Members or our Advisor Kara Liu.
TI Sisterhood
A Rose By Any Other Name...
By Joanne Levy, Newsletter & Publicity
Let’s just get this out of the way… Mea culpa is the Latin phrase
that translates into English as “through my fault”. While its
origin is from the confessions of the Catholic Mass, in the
popular vernacular, the expression mea culpa is an admission
of having made a mistake, one that could have been avoided
if the person had been more diligent. In last month’s Kol
Yisra’el, I inadvertently attributed the origins of Sisterhood’s
upcoming Super Bowl Sunday Lox Box fundraiser to the wrong
organization, Carmel Haddassah. Not knowing the history, I
omitted the name Sharon from the chapter Sharon-Carmel and
wish to offer up a correction and a Mea Culpa to the fine women
of the Sharon-Carmel Haddassah chapter.
During December, Sisterhood committees were busy organizing
the Lox Box fundraiser for February, collecting recipes to
create a cookbook, as well as planning our annual Membership
Appreciation Brunch, coming up in March. Meanwhile, on
Sunday December 7th, Lena Shupper, with the assistance of
Deb Lewis and Laurie Gerstman, guided 19 temple women in
creating beautiful Tree of Life beaded necklaces for gifts or to
wear proudly. Rabbi Moskowitz’s d’rasha on Eitz Chaim set the
mood for a morning of creativity and camaraderie.
Our Sisterhood continued to be mindful of Tzedakah during
this season. Several members partnered with Jewish Family and
Children Services ( JFCS) to provide families in need with gifts
to celebrate their holidays. Meanwhile, we hope you will donate
any gently worn coats or other “winterwear” to the boxes that will
continue to be located in the foyer through the end of January.
Baby It’s Cold Outside
While we live in a “temperate” climate, there are those among
us who do not have anything to keep them warm and dry.
Please join Temple Israel Sisterhood’s mitzvah project,
collecting Clean GENTLY WORN:
Coats, Jackets, Sweaters, Neck Scarves, Gloves/mittens
(no hats or head wear)
Bring clothing to Temple Now – January 31
All sizes needed • Tell your friends • Collect at work or school
Rachel Farrell and Karen Calechman
Welcome to Our Newest Member!
Sunelei Meylor
Keep Sending us those Recipes
Send them to Elyse Gordon
3434 McNab Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90808
or [email protected]
Women’s Night Out
Thursday, January 22 at 6:30 p.m.
Nomad Asian Bistro • 6563 E. PCH, Long Beach Market Place
$23 per person
Please RSVP by January 15 to the Temple Office
Family Style Meal Starters: Wonton Soup (Chicken, ) Sizzling
Rice Soup (Vegetarian,) Thin Sesame Flatbread, Chinese Chicken Salad
Main: Cashew Chicken, Sole with Snow Peas, Tofu with Seasonal
Vegetables, Handmade Chow Mein, Steamed and Brown Rice
Beverages: Hot or Iced Tea • Coffee • Sodas
(Menu subject to change)
Don’t Be Left out!
Order your Lox
Box today!
Lox, Bagels, & More…delivered to your door!
LOX BOXES - $25 each Includes 6 bagels, 6 oz. of lox, cream
cheese, 4 delicious danish, a tomato, and an onion. Such a deal!
NOSH BOXES - $20 each Same wonderful items, without the lox.
All boxes will be delivered to your door on the morning of
Orders must be received NO LATER THAN
Saturday, January 17th
Questions? Elyse Gordon (562) 429-8626 or [email protected]
(Sharon-Carmel Hadassah is no longer offering this fundraiser)
Save the Date
Sisterhood Membership Appreciation Brunch
March 22 at 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a delicious brunch to say “Thank you” to our many
loyal paid-up Temple Israel Sisterhood Members
Not yet a member? Join TI Sisterhood at the brunch!
The always popular, Dr. Susan Mathieu, will speak on
“Dream Big and Dare to Smile”
Sisterhood Gift Shop
Thank you to everyone for their support during this Chanukah
season! We appreciate your continued support and look forward
to seeing you for that special occasion.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah parents, we have beautiful
new tallitot straight form Israel.
Journey to Judaism
The Torah is a story about hearing God’s call and choosing to
embrace a sacred destiny. It is a story about journeys into a life
of holiness. Every year Temple Israel conducts an Introduction to
Judaism class, which offers those not born into Judaism a portal
into a life of spiritual and ethical meaning framed by the wisdom
of Jewish tradition. It is a profoundly transforming experience,
not only for those who take the class but also for all of us as we
are inspired by their sense of spiritual renewal through Judaism.
One young woman who took the class said: “I was a seed. With
Judaism I’ve become a rose.” Through this regular column,
Journeys to Judaism, come to know the rich and vibrant garden
that is blossoming here at Temple Israel through our Introduction
to Judaism program.
~ Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Our Journey to Judaism
By Petra Elliott
I suppose that all of you readers
out there are on pins and needles
ruminating on one essential question:
why did Petra Elliott convert to
Judaism? Well, I’m here to answer
all of your subconsciously pondered
questions. Don’t worry, my answer
won’t be particularly verbose or longwinded. In fact, I’ll keep it as concise as
I possibly can: I didn’t choose.
I of course wanted to convert- and I did. I had the Beit Din eight
days after my birthday and the Mikvah a mere five or six hours
after that.
And here’s where the story ends... Well, at least this story. I’m
going to take more classes, particularly the Hebrew classes and
hopefully some Torah study. I’m going to have fun celebrating
every holiday that comes along, and I’m going to be Jewish.
Torah Study
With Rabbi Moskowitz
Saturday Mornings
8:45 - 10:00 a.m.
Rabbi Moskowitz facilitates this participatory weekly Torah
study. Each week, this enthusiastic group examines the parashat
hashavuah (weekly Torah portion) and discusses its meaning
and relevance through the use of traditional commentaries and
personal reflection.
This Torah study is for everyone. No previous background or
knowledge of Hebrew is required.
Come one time or every week!
That is to say, ever since my stepmom converted when I was eight and
brought Judaism into the house, I’ve
felt that this religion was just innately part of my identity; the
fact that I wasn’t born into a Jewish family nor had any previous
significant encounters with Judaism simply had no bearing on
it. Of course, a deciding factor most certainly could’ve been the
decision to start explaining my Star of David necklace not as
“My Jewish step-mom gave to me” (as I’d previously done) but as
“I’m Jewish”. The simplified explanation served on some level to
fully integrate my conceptions of what my religion was without
the fuss of introspection and soul-searching.
Petra Elliot
While I’d always vaguely assumed that one day when I was an
adult I would convert fully, I suppose I hadn’t seriously considered
doing it while I was younger- in fact, I doubt I even knew that
option was available. In the meantime, I took the Introduction to
Judaism class more out of interest and an urge to assimilate with
Temple Israel than out of any grandiose plans to take the courses
necessary to convert. Needless to say, I loved the class and took a
following book class analyzing the book God Was In This Place
And I, i Did Not Know by Lawrence Kushner, which in turn
analyzes the line by the same words in Genesis 28:16. During
the course of these two classes, I learned that I could convert that
very same year owing to the sole fact that I took the Intro class.
Upon learning that conversion did not necessitate years of study
and practice like a Bar or Bat Mitzvah as I’d previously thought,
The Story Continues:
Prophets & Proverbs
Thursdays at 10:15 a.m.
Facilitator: Joan Leb
The Tanakh class that began in October, 2013 has studied the
history of Israel from the entry into the Promised Land through
the return from the Babylonian exile as written in Joshua, Judges,
Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. The group is now studying the
Prophets. Since this is a lay-led group, everyone will have an
opportunity to participate. No previous knowledge or experience
is necessary; just a desire to learn. Come and join us.
by Roni Love, member of the South Coast Interfaith Council
Immigration and citizenship remain hot button
issues that should cause each of us to reflect and
search our hearts as we begin 2015, enabling us
to develop an understanding which is both just
and humane.
In August, the Religious Action Center
(RAC) of the Union for Reform Judaism
(URJ) published an article titled, Jewish Values, shared here.
Jewish Values
Since its inception in 1873, the Union for Reform Judaism has spoken
out repeatedly in support of a generous, fair and non-discriminatory
immigration policy. Our people were and continue to be immigrants
to the United States and Canada. We are especially aware that
generous immigration policies have benefited Jews fleeing persecution
and economic hardship, and we remember painfully the times when
these policies have been unfairly restrictive. Having struggled to
adjust to a society that did not always welcome our arrival, we
understand the problems faced by today’s immigrants as well as the
difficulties attributable to illegal immigration.
Our faith demands of us concern for the stranger in our midst.
Leviticus commands, “When strangers sojourn with you in your
land, you shall not do them wrong. The strangers who sojourn
with you shall be to you as the natives among you, and you shall
love them as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt”
[19:33-34]. This principle permeates Jewish tradition and is echoed
35 times in the Torah. Reminded of this teaching and as inheritors
of an immigrant history ourselves, the Union for Reform Judaism
has passed several resolutions on immigration policy that call for
comprehensive immigration reform, including:
“...As new legislation is proposed to confront issues raised by
legal and illegal immigration, we support those efforts that
compassionately seek to regulate and to aid newcomers to this
land but we oppose those that will unduly restrict immigration
or burden the lives of legal immigrants.” (1995)
Both Temple Israel’s Social Action Committee and the South
Coast Interfaith Council’s Justice and Peace Action Team
encourage us to not stand idly by when our help is needed.
This new year, we can each fulfill Anne Frank’s words, How
wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
starting to improve the world by assisting immigrants filling
out naturalization applications leading to citizenship. I was
fortunate to have participated in a Naturalization Assistance
Workshop sponsored by Congress member Laura Richardson
and several others. I believe you would find both the people and
the experience heartwarming!
To volunteer, email [email protected] or call (888)
839-8682. Connect with Myron Wollin, Temple Israel’s Social
Action Committee chair and the SCIC’s Justice and Peace
Action Team chair, Jane Affonso, at [email protected].
peace, shalom, salaam, paz, shanti, her ping, achukma…
1 Joseph Ribakoff & Susan Solomon - 26 years
2 Bob & Eva Hirschorn - 22 years
John Burkholder & Barbara Pollack - 31 years
4 Marvin & Hannah Finnley - 29 years
5 Mort & Susan Stuhlbarg - 52 years
11 Gerald & Miriam Goldberg - 56 years
Glenn & Michele Newman - 12 years
15 Helene Ansel & Andrew Kincaid - 19 years
David & Cathy Gordon - 39 years
18 Paul & Martha DeYoung - 23 years
20 Kenneth & Sandra Gertz - 13 years
Daryl & Sandy Phillips - 42 years
Thank you to our
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors
Through December 12
Maggie Monroy
in appreciation of Torah Study
Sumiko Oberman
Rhoda Orenstein
Susy Oster
in loving memory of her husband, Harry Oster Jr.
David & Susan Philips
in loving memory of Susan’s sister, Natalie Miller
Madge Pizer
Harold & Janet Pottebaum
Nina Prays & Arcady Milrud
Roberta & Barry Rabin
in memory of Everett Carroll
Janneke Resnick
Dodie Robbins
Burrell & Marlene Ross
in honor of Emily & Ethan Barnhart-Ross
Carl & Janet Schultz
Harold & Gerda Seifer
Mark & Elizabeth Sharzer
Leon & Barbara Shoag
in honor of Torah Study
Mark & Nancy Speizer
Bob & Phyllis Wallis
in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips
Nadine Wener
Patrick & Madelyn West
Ilsebill Wolfe
Basha Yonis & Fritz Howe
Natalie Wossene
in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips
Rose Ziskrout
in loving memory of her mother, Goldie Obodov
Ed Zwieback & Mona Panitz
News From the Library
by Joan Leb
There are two exciting events happening in our community in
January 9-11, 2015 Rabbi Rami Shapiro will join us as the LapidShapiro Scholar-in-Residence. According to Rabbi Shapiro,
Judaism is an on-going product of the Jewish imagination,
dynamic and ever-changing. He will focus on three core themes:
God, Torah, and Israel.
To prepare for Rabbi Shapiro’s visit, here are some of his books
for you to read.
The Sacred Art of Loving Kindness 220 SHA
Minyan: Ten Principals for Living a Life of Integrity
175.01 SHA
Embracing the Divine Feminine (Song of Songs-Annotated and
Explained) 060.22 SHA
On January 20, 2015, Gene Lentzner will review A Guide for
the Perplexed by Dara Horn for the NCJW/Hadassah Shirley
Stein Book Review. The novel weaves together the modern
dot-com culture, Maimonides, and the discovery of the Cairo
Geniza. Here are some books to help you prepare:
The World of Moses Maimonides
173 MAI
Maimonides 799 MAI
Sex Ethics in the Writings of Moses Maimonides 173 ROS
The Guide of the Perplexed 173 MAI
Sacred Trash: The Lost and Found World of the Cairo Geniza
601.3 HOF
In the Image, by Dara Horn F HOR
All Other Nights, by Dara Horn F HOR
A Guide for the Perplexed, by Dara Horn F HOR
The Temple Israel Library and the Torah Center sponsored a
program for Jewish Book Month.
Any child in the Torah Center who read and reported on a book
during the month, November 16-December 15, received a gift
certificate to Baskin & Robbins. Next month I’ll report on the
young readers.
Women’s Book Club
The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman
Wednesday, January 14 at 7:30 p.m.
Discussion will be lead by Diane Fike
According to the Jewish historian Josephus,
two women and five children survived the
massacre at Masada in 70 C.E. Hoffman uses
this account to tell the stories of four women,
Yael, Revka, Shirah, and Aziza, whose different
paths brought them to Masada as they struggle
to leave the past behind and forge a new
society. The author “is painstakingly thorough,
crafting detailed accounts of each woman’s life
and infusing them with a timeless sensibility that resonates with a
modern audience.”
Preparing For Purim
Volunteers are needed for all of these activities!
Email Joyce [email protected]
to sign up for specific dates/times.
Bakers: it is nice to know you are coming in advance… but
you can just show up without an RSVP.
Hamentaschen Baking
With Joanne, Chana, Joyce and friends in the Temple Kitchen
Come anytime in the times shown, no experience necessary!
Bring a rolling pen, an apron and a FRIEND (if you can)
Sunday Mornings: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
January 11 and 25 • February 1, 8 and 22
Purim Bag Assembly
at the temple
Wednesday, February 25, 2:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Questions? Call Joyce Feldman (562) 972-7640
Or Email! [email protected]
Purim Bag Distribution
at the temple
Friday, February 27
9:00 a.m.-12 noon
6:00 p.m. (prior to Service)
Saturday, February 28:
8:15 a.m. (prior to Torah Study)
Sunday March 1:
9:00 a.m. (prior to Torah School)
Purim Bag Delivery
Take as many or as few as you like to deliver …
they do not need to be delivered all in one day!
Bags will be divided by zip code.
Goal is to have them all delivered by Wednesday, March 4
(Can be left on doorsteps.)
Bag Pick Up Time:
Sunday, March 1 – 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Monday, March 2 - pick up at Temple Office
Questions? Call Joyce Feldman (562) 972-7640
Or Email! [email protected]
Joys of Jewish Learning
Beginning Hebrew
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Beginning January 21
Instructor: Janet Liss
After this ten-week Beginning Hebrew class, students will be able
to recognize all the Hebrew letters and vowels, read on a beginning
level, follow along in the prayer book, and even read from the Torah
on the last day of class! The text we will be using will give students the
opportunity to practice reading Hebrew through the use of games,
puzzles, and various reading drills. If you want to learn Hebrew in
a warm, fun and non-threatening environment, this class is for you!
Cost: $100, including textbook
Screening of
The Komediant
and Havdallah
Saturday, January 24 at 7:00 p.m.
The Komediant is an Israeli
documentary film of 2000 directed
by Arnon Goldfinger which recalls
the life, and careers of the Burstein
family of Yiddish theatre: Pesach
Burstein, his wife Lillian Lux, his
son Mike Burstyn and daughter
Susan Burstein-Roth. It received
the prestigious Israeli Academy’s
Best Documentary Award, and
chronicles one of the most visible
families of the Yiddish theater in
America. The film was made in
honor of the 100th anniversary of
the birth of Pesach Burstein in 1996. It contains rare footage
of Yiddish theater from the 1930s onwards (especially of the
productions of Megilla of Itzik Manger, and A Khasene in
Shtetl) and has several guest narrators, including Lillian Lux,
Mike Burstyn, and Fyvush Finkel.
Cost: None
Advance Directives:
Conversation and Action
Sunday, January 25 at 9:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Mark Dressner
Whether single, a new parent, or a new great grandparent we
all need advance directives. What are your wishes if you stop
breathing or your heart stops? Who will make decisions for you
if you cannot? We will participate in a variety of exercises to help
clarify your choices and choose who would make decisions for
you. There will be forms available and anyone can witness forms
that you fill out or have already filled out. This will be practical
and fun for ages 18-100.
Cost: None
Tu B’Shevat Seder And Dinner
Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30 p.m.
The holiday of Tu B’Shevat marks the
new year or the birthday of the trees
in Israel. Tu B’Shevat translates as
the 15th day of the Hebrew month
of Shevat; Tu is not a word, but a
representation of the number 15.
A harbinger of spring, Tu B’Shevat
usually falls between the end of January
and the middle of February. It is during
this time that trees in Israel begin to
bud. Tu B’Shevat is believed to have the same meaning for trees
as Rosh Hashanah does for people; on this day God decides how
bountiful the trees will be in the coming year.
The Tu B’Shevat seder is a beautiful way to celebrate this holiday.
Based on the Passover seder, the Tu B’Shevat seder was instituted
by the Kabbalists, who connect each segment of the ritual to a
different mystical teaching about the body and spirit. During the
seder, we will drink four glasses of wine (or juice), read 13 Biblical
verses about agriculture and vegetation in Israel, recite special
blessings over different groupings of fruits and nuts, and enjoy
dinner together.
Join us for this unique learning and social opportunity.
Cost: $18/person for dinner
Please RSVP to the Temple Office by January 27
Friday, January 16 ~ 6:00 p.m.
Led by Kelly Cooper Perler
Our Tot Shabbat is a fun,
Shabbat Service, designed
especially for children, ages
newborn to elementary
school age and their loved
ones. Through songs, prayers,
stories, and Torah time,
children love this Service.
Tot Shabbat Services will
be followed by challah and
grape juice, and a FREE
pizza dinner!
10:00-11:00 a.m.
(First Saturday of every month)
Marina Vista Park Playground
(near the tennis courts)
Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 14
by calling Michelle (562) 434-0996, ext. 101
or email [email protected]
Come join us for our next Shabbat ShaPARK Shalom! This
gathering at Marina Vista Park is designed for families with
young children, ages newborn – 4 yrs. old. Come meet other
parents and celebrate Shabbat with us at the playground. Kids
can play. Parents can chat. Shabbat singing and challah too!
See you at the park!
All are welcome to attend.
Free of charge
Mazel Tov to Gail & Tom Levy on
the birth of their granddaughter,
Mabel Lilyan Sauro born on
November 22, 2014. weighing 7
lbs. 1 oz. and 19 in. long.
Mazel Tov to Paddy Kaller
on the birth of her greatgranddaughter, Clara Beth
Jennings born on November 25,
2014 weighing 7 lbs. 9 oz. and
19 in. long
Y ahrzeit O bservance
“Zecher Tzadik Livracha”
The memory of the righteous are a blessing
December 31- Jan. 6
Marilyn Adams
Morris Albert
Ruth Bair
Andrew Baratelle
Louis Barnet*
Richard Becker
Fannie Berman
Marvin Black*
Bruce Brown*
Ann Rabenn Bursak*
Rose Cohen*
A. Estin Comarr*
Max Coonen*
Harry Cramer*
Benjamin Crystal*
Adelaide Dickter*
Miles Efron
Raymond Fields*
Norm Fiffer
Leo Fishbein*
Joseph Gaster
Sarah Goldberg*
Henry Goldstein*
Abram Goreshter
Annette Grawoig
Harry Hiken*
Edmond Hirsch
Molly Sugar Kornsweit*
Sari Perlin Kozoll*
Miriam Lazzar*
Sylvia Leibelshon
Gwen Levey
Rose Feldman Levine*
Dorothy Levitt
Cecilia Levy
Anne Licht
Roy Lurie
Milton Mandel
Julia Moreno
Lillian Nagel*
Albert Palmer
Paul Phillips*
Edith Brodsky Rothstein
Min Sachs
Annie Saltzman
Julius Saltzman
Helen Samuel*
Fred Schwartz*
Adolf Stone*
Abraham Sugar
Helen Sugar
Joseph Sugar
Rose Sugar
Shim Tesser
Thomas Thompson*
Jacob Vedinsky
Sidney Weinberg*
Alice Wolff
Morris Wolff
Ruth Wolfson
Wallace Wright
Guy Wyman
Isadore Zamost
January 7-13
Laurette Abraham*
Evelyn Ackerman
Harold Bernstein
Emil Mendel Butler
Isabel Buyer
Malka Chester*
Barbara Cogert
Bill Copeland
Rose Czeiler
Edward Elfman*
Simon Fleyshman*
Goldie Garfield
Bernard Gasman
Neal Gertz
Morris Gold
Don Gordon
Irene Gordon
Joan Gordon
Stan Gould
Zigmore Harris*
Cheryl Ito
Ruth Katz
Hannah Pearl Kogan
Dora Kornblum
Donald Leff*
Marilyn Sue Leff*
Rose Levin*
Sam Lilien
Hannah Marks*
Sherman Moreno
Bennett Olins*
Barbara Penn*
Olivia Perbohner
Isaac Pieser*
Libbie Rabenn*
Lynn Raphael
Max Ritter
Roberta Rosenbloom*
Lewis Roth
Ben Rubin
Zachary Clak Ruchames
George Shemin
Adolph Shiman
Martha Silver
Jack Spiegel
Mendel Turner
Andrew Valencia
Hassia Weiner
Max Wisotsky
January 14-20
George Albert*
Herman Alevy*
Adolf Aron*
Irving Axel
Ben Balan*
Michael Bennett
Donna Berger
Irving Blatt
Peggy Brown
Lena Butler
Edward Cameron
Sam Cardenas
Esther Duberstein*
Ted Ellis
Jack Friedman*
Rosa Glaser
Marilyn Gotz*
Francis Gundry
Bernard Haas*
Ludvig Hammer
Louis Hoffman*
Nathan Isaacson
Sara Kaiser
Maureen Klein
Ernest Kunreuther*
Julius Lederer*
Sydelle Lemmerman
Larry Leonardo
Isaac Levin*
Phillip Levine*
Jack Medoff*
Fred Neuburger*
Flora Neumark
Heinrich Neumark
Lilly Neumark
Paul Phillips*
William Raatz
Anna Reed*
Maurice Rogers*
Pearl Ross
Bea Rubin
Jacob Gershon Sappell
Ines Sassoon
Charles Savitz*
Paul Schapiro*
Lewis Samuel Snyder
Ida Spiegel
Isadore Strenger
Rosemary Williams
Milton Winnik*
Melvin Witkin
Sadie Turk Zahler*
January 21-27
Mary Appeldoorn
Irene Baral
Dorothy Barra
Clifford Bleich
Edith Brodsly
William Brodsly
Herman Brozinsky
Graciela Cardenas
Sally Chasin*
Ella Cohn*
Jennie Crystal*
George Feldman*
Saul Feldman*
Virginia Garabedian
Norman Garfield
Saul Goodman
Natalie Gordon
Simon Hartstein*
Toni Horowitz*
William Jacoby
Rabbi Wolli Kaelter*
Jack Kaiser
Robert Kaller*
Julika Kelen
Toni Kuylman
Max Levin
Albert Liss
Jacob Locks*
Virginia Magazi
Solomon Miller
Charles Plotkin
Harry Pokras*
Gerald Ritter
Gottlieb Rosenfeld*
Paul Sacks
Barry Sanderson
Julia Saslow*
Shirley Schnee
Fannie Schumow
Jennie Schumow
Faye Shapiro
Natalie Shemin
Rose Silverman
Kate Stein
Morton Webber*
Bill Wood
Edythe Zelichick
Menchim Mendel Z’vi Watz*
January 28 - Feb. 3
Maurice Abramson*
May Lillian Albert
Sylvia Ash
Lena Bair
Jean Ball*
Joseph Beckerman
Cathenia Briggs
Minnie Coonen
Maurice Davis
Herbert Feibleman
Maggie Gay
Roz Godlas*
Ruth Gordon
Elizabeth Hirschfeld-Clark
Esther Hirschhorn
Fred Horn
William Ivler
Margaret Josephson
Sam Josephson*
Mary Kagia*
Vivian Kaufman
John Kerr
Laura Koch*
Sylvia Kurtz Lewis
Kathy Meltzer
Ralph Polsky
Julius Robbins
Murray Saltzman
Irving Schneider*
Aaron Schultz
Harold Spellens*
Harry Stenge*
Joseph Webster
Hyman Wisotsky
* These names will be permanently inscribed on Memorial plaques and are to be read in perpetuity.
Temple Israel Funds
Tzedakah is a central mitzvah of Judaism. It humanizes both the giver and the recipient.
It acknowledges an important occasion, honors a person for a job well done, or pays tribute in sympathy.
Torah Center Funds
Music Funds
Temple Israel Fund
‰‰ Rob & Debbie Feldman Family Got Shabbat
Funds quarterly Friday Shabbat alternative
music service.
‰‰ General Fund
For the support of on going congregational activities
Discretionary Funds
‰‰ Music Patrons
Funds musical programs
‰‰ Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Tzedakah projects at the Rabbi’s discretion
‰‰ Educator
For benefit of the Torah Center and its teachers
‰‰ President
For special projects at the President’s discretion
Community Funds
‰‰ Homeless Assistance
Helps those in need pay first and/or last month’s rent
‰‰ Caring Community
Funds programs for families in need
‰‰ Nancy Leff and Donald Leff Memorial
Purchases Hanukkah gifts for children of needy families
‰‰ Yad B’Yad
Purchases kitchen and catering supplies for Yad B’Yad
Book Fund
Camp Funds
‰‰ Michael Avchen Memorial Campership
Camp/trip program for children in financial need
‰‰ Lester Elbert and Corinne Van Boemel
Memorial Campership
Camperships for those in financial need
Miscellaneous Funds
‰‰ Rabbi Wolli Kaelter Sabbath Fellowship
For purchase of kitchen items and programming
‰‰ Stan Solomon Building
For building repairs
‰‰ A. Estin Comarr Memorial
Torah Scholarship
Funds scholarships for Torah Center
‰‰ Torah Center Scholarship
Assists with Torah Center fees and scholarships
‰‰ Roselle & Herbert Sommer
Scholarship Fund
Assists with Torah Center fees and camp scholarships
‰‰ Lipeles Family Camp & Adult Shabbaton
Fund for Families in need
‰‰ Jewish Campership
Camperships for those in need
Temple Israel Foundation
Endowment Funds
Please make checks payable to
Temple Israel Foundation
Programming Funds
‰‰ Jack Bard Memorial
For Jewish programs of interest to the congregation
‰‰ Social Action
For social action and programming needs
‰‰ Joys of Jewish Learning
Funds adult education programs at the Temple
‰‰ Library Fund
Purchase of library books
‰‰ HUM (Horim U’Morim)
Funds Torah Center projects
Torah Center Funds
‰‰ Torah Center Fund
‰‰ The Speizer Youth Development
Funds youth activities
‰‰ Pilger Lectureship
Funds annual guest speaker lectures
‰‰ Lapid-Shapiro
Funds annual lectureship programs and
Torah Center educational programs
‰‰ Syd Lemmerman Jewish Camping
and Youth Fund
‰‰ Polly Alevy Memorial Education
Funds for Torah Center
In support of Jewish camping, Israel experiences,
and other informal Jewish educational programs
To make a donation, please check off any fund above to which you would like to donate and fill out the form below.
Tear out this sheet and mail to: Temple Israel 269 Loma Avenue, Long Beach CA 90803
Donor Name:
Send Card To:
Credit Card #
Credit Card
Security Code:
Exp. Date:
Billing Address:
Phone #
Contributions Through December 10
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through generous contributions
Esther Albert in loving memory of her father, Morris Kadison.
Cindy & David Arana and Justin & Matthew Arana in memory of
Leo Jacobs, beloved father & grandfather.
Christine Bellettini & Timu Gallien in loving memory of Christine’s
mother, Maureen Bellettini.
Binnie & Jack Berro in loving memory of their favorite Uncle Ted Phillips.
Saul & Falina Budeshtsky in loving memory of Saul’s mother,
Gita Budeshtsky.
Elaine & Howard Davis in loving memory of Elaine’s mother,
Bella Lutzky.
Howard & Elaine Davis in loving memory of Howard’s mother,
Hannah Malin.
Matt Davis & Mark Dressner in loving memory of their sister-in-law,
Kathy Dixon.
Helga Fultheim in loving memory of her husband, Paul Fultheim.
Marv & Lory Glickman in loving memory of Marv’s mother,
Minnie Glickman.
Michelle & Steve Gordon in loving memory of Michelle’s brother,
Richard Bobb.
Sue Griffiths in loving memory of her mother, Gertrude Rosenstreich.
Jeanne & Dale Halliday in loving memory of Jeanne’s stepmother,
Ida Pinto Nahum.
Donna Hallwerck in loving memory of her husband, Don Hallwerck.
Pamela & Steven Keiles in loving memory of Pamela’s father,
Julius Eichler.
Joanne & Jerry Levy in loving memory of Joanne’s father,
William Schnee.
Alan & Robin Lilien in loving memory of Alan’s mother, Cecil Lilien.
Margaret Locke & Bill Giser in loving memory of Margaret’s father,
Robert Locke.
Eva & Harry Lowenstein in loving memory of Eva’s mother, Amalia Apel.
Barbara & Arthur Miller in loving memory of Barbara’s father,
Israel Willner.
Susan Balin-Peterson & Tad Peterson in loving memory of Susan’s
mother, Doris Levinson Balin.
Doris Ratner in loving memory of her husband, Howard Ratner.
Doris Ratner in loving memory of her mother, Rita Friedman.
Doris Ratner in loving memory of her daughter, Pam Ratner.
Bernice Schwartz in loving memory of her father, Harry Stern.
Gail Ann Sherain in loving memory of her mother, Grace Gilman.
Alain Silverston in loving memory of his father, Maurice Silverston.
Alain Silverston in loving memory of his grandmother, Bella Klotz.
Edna Statman in loving memory of her husband, Sol Statman.
Elaine Warren in loving memory of her mother & father, David &
Esther Lander.
Elaine Warren in loving memory of her brother, Arnold Harvey Lander.
Elaine Warren in loving memory of her mother-in-law, Rose Warren.
Barbara Wolfe in loving memory of her husband, Harry Wolfe.
Barbara Wolfe in loving memory of her mother-in-law, Fannie Wolfe.
Nina Wool in loving memory of her mother, Gertrude Wool.
Rose Ziskrout in loving memory of her father, Harry Obodov.
Rose Ziskrout in loving memory of her mother, Goldie Obodov.
Ed Zwieback & Mona Panitz in loving memory of Ed’s father,
Louis Zwieback.
Bill Giser & Margaret Locke.
Bethlaine Moreno in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter of
Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Carl & Janet Schultz in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Carl & Janet Schultz in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter
of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Leon & Barbara Shoag in honor of Reva Alban’s Birthday.
Ronald & Adele Banner.
Jackie & Tom Besley in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Jackie & Tom Besley in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter
of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Al & Rita Birch in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Denny & Judy Blumenthal in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved
daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of
Arlene Solomon.
Denny & Judy Blumenthal in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman,
beloved sister of Harriette Ellis.
Jim & Peggy Brady in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Jim & Peggy Brady in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter
of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Tila Carrol in honor of Torah Study.
Bill & Wynndi Dahlin in loving memory of their daughter, Hannah Dahlin.
Bill & Wynndi Dahlin in loving memory of their son, Josiah Dahlin.
Matt Davis & Mark Dressner & family in memory of Jack Miller,
beloved father of Susan Philips.
Lyn & Joel Epstein in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter
of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Daniel & Debra Felsenthal in appreciation.
Linda R. Fox in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter of
Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Kenneth & Sandra Gertz in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved
daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal.
Linda Gale Gordon in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Jeanne & Dale Halliday in loving memory of Jeanne’s father,
Enrico Nahum.
Dale & Jeanne Halliday in loving memory of Dale’s mother,
Ida May Golden.
Dale & Jeanne Halliday in memory of Kathryn Ruth Felsenthal,
beloved daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of
Arlene Solomon.
Dale & Jeanne Halliday in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Dale & Jeanne Halliday in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved
sister of Harriette Ellis.
Judith Gale Hardaker in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Alain & Tari Hirsch.
Paddy Kaller in loving memory of her daughter, Janet Kaller Stelling.
Paddy Kaller wishing Jackie Profeta a complete recovery.
Jonathan & Lynne Kass in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Susan Klieman.
Martine Korach & Steven Brenton in loving memory of Martine’s
father, Fred Korach.
Geraldine Landes in memory of Ray Alpert, beloved husband of
Barbara Alpert.
Geraldine Landes in memory of Paul Hillinger, beloved husband of
Arline Hillinger.
Geraldine Landes in honor of Jessie Butler special Birthday.
Geraldine Landes in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved daughter of
Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Joan Leb in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips.
Alan & Robin Lilien in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Eva & Harry Lowenstein in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Richard Mackay.
Laura J. Mathews in loving memory of John Alan Mathews.
Margo M. Miller in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Toby Richman to thank Rabbi Moskowitz for Torah Study.
Bernard & Lillian Sachs in loving memory of their son, Robin Sachs.
David & Sadie Sacks in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
David & Sadie Sacks in honor of the safe arrival of Paddy Kaller’s
great granddaughter, Clara Beth Jennings.
Gerda & Harold Seifer in honor of Joy & George Rosenthal’s
Wedding Anniversary.
Gerda & Harold Seifer in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved
sister of Harriette Ellis.
Bob & Phyllis Wallis in memory of beloved wife and mother, Nan Mackay.
Libby Wilson in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips.
Jerry & Joanne Levy in memory of Alfred Newman, beloved father of
Lidia Fahlk.
Ana & Steven Moskowitz in appreciation for all the wonderful meals
while healing.
Dodie Robbins in honor of Burt Schild to send him wishes for a
speedy recovery.
Helen Nagel Rosen in loving memory of her husband, Philip Rosen.
Allan & Cheryl Waterman in loving memory of Ida Feldman.
Allan & Cheryl Waterman in loving memory of Isaac Feldman.
Allan & Cheryl Waterman in loving memory of Ben Shreiber.
Robert & Jeannie Alban in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved
sister of Harriette Ellis.
Jean Feldman in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved sister of
Harriette Ellis.
John & Joy Fisher in memory of Kathryn Ruth Felsenthal, beloved
daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of
Arlene Solomon.
John & Joy Fisher send their belated Happy Birthday wishes to
Anne Gundry.
Linda R. Fox in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
Paddy Kaller in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved sister of
Harriette Ellis.
Paddy Kaller in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
Jonathan & Lynne Kass in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved
sister of Harriette Ellis.
Joan Leb in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action Committee’s
Christmas dinner.
David & Irene Leib in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
Fred Masback in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
Janneke Resnick in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
David & Sadie Sacks in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved
sister of Harriette Ellis.
Barbara & Leon Shoag in support of the Temple Israel’s Social Action
Committee’s Christmas dinner.
Elaine Warren in memory of Elizabeth Lieberman, beloved sister of
Harriette Ellis.
Elaine Warren in memory of Kathryn Ruth Felsenthal, beloved
daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of
Arlene Solomon.
Elaine Warren in memory of Nancy Mackay, beloved wife of
Richard Mackay.
Elaine Warren sends her wishes to Dr. Burt Schild to get well quickly.
Elaine Warren sends her wishes for a Happy Anniversary to
Barbara & Arthur Miller.
Elaine Warren sends her wishes to Barbara Miller to get well soon.
California Pizza Kitchen.
Gregg & Jeri Florence in memory of Dr. Paul Hillinger, beloved
husband of Arline Hillinger.
Al & Rita Birch in support of adult education at Temple Israel.
Iris Broyde in memory of Susanna Halpert Levitt, beloved sister of
Joan Halpert.
Barbara Crane in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved wife of Paul Levitt.
Shelly Dein in memory of Susanna Halpert Levitt, beloved sister of
Joan Halpert.
Lidia Fahlk in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips.
Ron & Diane Guest in support of adult education at Temple Israel.
Judith Gale Hardaker in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of
Susan Philips.
Patricia & Mitchell Hausman in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved
wife of Paul Levitt.
Bonnie Lowenthal & Evan Braude in memory of Susanna Levitt,
beloved wife of Paul Levitt.
Sharyn Malnati in memory of Susanna Halpert Levitt, beloved sister
of Joan Halpert.
Carol Masters in memory of Jack Miller, beloved father of Susan Philips.
Raymond & Ann Nagell in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved wife
of Paul Levitt.
Rob & Nora Platt in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved wife of Paul
Norman & Sheila Pokras in support of adult education at Temple Israel.
South Western Law Review in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved
wife of Paul Levitt, beloved mother of Annie Heller.
Janice Wood & Leon Neumann in memory of Jack Miller, beloved
father of Susan Philips.
Janice Wood & Leon Neumann in memory of Susanna Levitt, beloved
wife of Paul Levitt.
Jean Feldman in honor of Sidney Schulman to send him Get Well Wishes.
Binnie & Jack Berro send lots of Get Well Wishes to Shirley Blumberg.
Audrey Freedman-Habush in memory of Mary Duffy, beloved
grandmother of Gail Freedman, beloved great-grandmother of Joe &
Ben Freedman.
Jonathan & Lynne Kass in memory of Mary Duffy, beloved
grandmother of Gail Freedman, beloved great-grandmother of Joe &
Ben Freedman.
Jean Feldman in loving memory of her grandmother, Esther Kohut.
Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her mother, Ruth Newman
Dodie Robbins in loving memory of her mother-in-law, Ethel
Bonnie Lowenthal & Evan Braude in memory of Katy Felsenthal,
beloved granddaughter of Arlene Solomon.
Charles & Dorothy Samuel in memory of Katy Felsenthal, beloved
daughter of Dan & Debi Felsenthal, beloved granddaughter of Arlene
Lidia Fahlk in memory of her beloved husband, Rick Fahlk.
Our Condolences To...
Katy Bussi and August Bussi-Smith
on the death of mother and grandmother, Stephanie Bussi
Lidia Fahlk
on the death of her father, Alfred Neuman
Lisa Roselinsky Weller & Gary Weller
and Evan & Georgia Weller
on the death of mother and grandmother Edith Roselinsky
Temple Israel Recognizes Our Sustaining Members
Life Members
Reva & Seymour Alban
Barbara Alpert
Helen Barrad
Binnie & Jack Berro
Jean Feldman
Sylvia & Ron Hartman
Fred Masback
Sidney Schulman
Nancy & Mark Speizer
Karen Zoller & David Tillman
Honorary Life Members
Merv Lemmerman
Shirley Loeb
Minyan Circle
Arlene Solomon
Temple Dome
Beverly August
Elaine & Howard Davis
Howard & Nancy Epstein
Ronald & Diane Guest
Alain & Tari Hirsch
Alan & Robin Lilien
Richard & Amy Lipeles
Alexander & Ellen Polsky
Martin & Gloria Simon
Double Chai
Cathe & Mark Beizer
Harry Cohn
Marc Coleman
Gary & Judy Cooper
Clifford Corman &
Deborah Fabricant
Mark Dressner & Matthew Davis
Hank & Joyce Feldman
Seth & Amy Goldman
Carl & Elise Hartman
Jonathan & Lynne Kass
Steven & Pamela Keiles
Steven & Julie Kinsbursky
Seth & Vicki Kogan
Alan & Kathy Kreida
Michael & Cheryl Laven
David & Irene Leib
Arthur & Barbara Miller
David & Susan Philips
Daryl & Sandy Phillips
Mark & Liz Sharzer
Leon & Barbara Shoag
Shelly Spiegel-Coleman
Jan & Norma Stein
Morton & Susan Stuhlbarg
Barbara Wolfe
Menorah Circle
David & Cindy Arana
Michelle & Bruce Baral
J. Garth Begler & Laura Snyder
Michael & Elena Belkin
Thomas & Jacqueline Besley
Michele Berro
John & Marcie Blumberg
Denny & Judy Blumenthal
James & Peggy Brady
Joel & Edie Brodsky
Michael & Susanne Brodsly
Alan & Rosecarrie Brooks
John Burkholder & Barbara Pollack
Richard & Linda Burney
Fernando & Linda CalderÒn
Bill & Wynndi Dahlin
Brent & Erika Eastep
David & Joanne Feldman
Rob & Debbie Feldman
Gary & Lindsey Fields
Donald & Diane Fike
John & Joy Fisher
Richard & Arlene Freeman
Brian & Laurie Garabedian
Daniel & Felicia Gilboa
William Giser & Margaret Locke
Steve & Michelle Gordon
Jonathan & Cindy Gotz
Dawn Haldane & Art Lim
Daniel Hart & Sheila Carter-Hart
Arline Hillinger
Ruth Padway Kaller
Bob & Ronni Kaplan
Adam & Jodi Leiter
Eugene & Ann Lentzner
Gordon & Judith Lentzner
Mark Levinstein
Gerald & Joanne Levy
Thomas & Gail Levy
James & Nancy Linden
John & Joanne Lopez
Harry & Eva Lowenstein
Carol Masters
Marc & Diane Merrick
Arcady Milrud & Nina Prays
Bob Nakamura
Dave & Judy Ross
David & Sadie Sacks
Carl & Janet Schultz
Cindy Shilkret
Wayne Slavitt & Joanne Ratner
Melanie & Dan Spellens
Keith & Leticia Somers
Jeffrey & Sheryl Stewart
Howard & Ava Weiss
Libby Wilson
Janice Wood & Leon Neumann
Please Support our Sponsors
This Space could be yours
Don’t miss the opportunity to reach interested
members of our Temple Israel family and
the Long Beach Jewish Community.
Deadline is the 10th of the month.
For more information, please contact Michelle
in the Temple Office at [email protected]
This Space could be yours
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Please Support our Sponsors
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Barrad & Shilling
accountancy corporation
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of the Temple Israel Family
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Rabbi Bill Cutter Shabbaton
Healing and the Jewish Imagination
The Power of Science to Intervene The Power of Spirituality to Accept
Saturday, February 14
Torah Study at 8:45 a.m.
Shabbat Morning Services at 10:00 a.m.
Shabbat Brunch and Learning at 11:15 a.m.
Join us for an engaging Shabbat morning, as we welcome back longtime
friend of Temple Israel Rabbi Bill Cutter to share some of his current work.
Our morning session will focus on the poignant issue of end of life through
the lens of Jewish literature and poetry. After brunch, Rabbi Cutter will
guide us through an ethics-oriented session, one that captures our year’s
focus on science and spirituality. What is the role of spirituality in the face
of the increasing capacity of medicine to intervene at the threshold of death?
Alternatively, what does Judaism say about the quality of life versus the
extent of life?
Cost: $12/Shabbat brunch
Please RSVP for lunch to Charmaine at [email protected]