A Dynamic, Welcoming, Faith Community Committed To Inspiring & prayerful worship · Quality, lifelong, religious education for everyone In the spirit of our Patron, loving service to those in need 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 8:15 am, 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm Weekdays: 6:45 am and 8:15 am (Monday - Friday) RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm Sundays 10:00-10:30 am PRIESTS: Rev. Daniel J. Kampschneider Pastor Rev. Kevin Joyce Associate Pastor February 7 & 8, 2015 We celebrate as a Parish Family the 17th Anniversary of the Dedication of our Church this weekend. We continue our ritual of reverencing the altar after the homily at all Masses in remembrance of the dedication of the altar by Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss in 1998. Pease see page six of the bulletin for more information. 2 St. Vincent de Paul Parish PARISH NEWS Monday, February 9 6:45 am † Georgia Fay 8:15 am † Francis Wilger Tuesday, February 10 6:45 am † Mark Ferguson 8:15 am † Virginia Holoubek Wednesday, February 11 6:45 am † Betty Jackson 8:15 am † Thomas Harn (K-8) Thursday, February 12 6:45 am † Theresia Horrum 8:15 am † Dr. Chuck Rush Friday, February 13 6:45 am In thanksgiving to Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 8:15 am † Lillian Sutton Saturday, February 14 8:15 am † Peg Dineen 5:00 pm † John & Virginia Pichler Sunday, February 15 7:30 am Our Parish Family 9:00 am † Earl Duignan 10:45 am † Bill Ramaekers 5:00 pm † Lorraine Bochinecek ABIDE & PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION—All are invited to ABIDE a special hour of Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday, February 22nd at 7:00 pm with Praise and Worship music, a teaching from Fr. Kevin, and time for personal prayer. SAVE THE DATE FOR THE PARISH LENTEN MISSION - Discipleship: Carrying God’s Love into the World. This year’s mission will be held March 9-11, Monday through Wednesday, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in Church. Our presenter will be Deacon Mark Cesnik, OP from the Catherine of Siena Institute. Rooted in Scripture and Church Teaching, Deacon Mark presents Jesus’ invitation to discipleship in ways that are personal, fresh, engaging, and often surprisingly amusing! Look for additional details in upcoming bulletins and on the parish app. WOMEN’S MORNING OF REFLECTION FOR LENT - JOURNEY TO JOY—Journey to Joy is an invitation this Lent to travel more intentionally as a Beloved child of God. Retreat leader and spiritual director Margie Walker will guide us in this morning of reflection on Saturday, February 28th from 9:00 am to Noon in Hanneman Hall. Margie grew up overseas as one of 12 children and delights in the pilgrim path wherever she lands. She jokes that she is a "gypsy for Jesus" and views accompanying others on their way as all privilege. Cost is $15 and includes a light breakfast. Register by calling 402-493-1642 or emailing [email protected]. JOURNEY OF DISCIPLESHIP – MINISTRY GUIDE—You should have received our Ministry Guide from Guide Book Publishing in the mail. Please take time to pray and discern about your Time, Talent and Treasure commitment for 2015. Complete the Blue Sign up Form inserted in the Guide and drop it in the weekend collection basket or mail to the parish office by February 28th. You may also complete the form online by going to the parish website (www.svdpomaha.org). Once there, click on “Help Us! Complete Time/Talent Form” along the right side of the page and follow the instructions. Thank you to all the parishioners who have made a commitment for 2015 and sent in your form! If you have questions, please contact Wendy in the parish office at [email protected] or Bob Verkuilen at [email protected] or 402-4967988. We will also have a procession following ABIDE into the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for the start of our newly organized PARENTS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN—The Parents with Young Children Perpetual Euchagroup is having a Valentine's Day Party on Saturday, February 14th at 9:30 am ristic Adoration. in Hanneman Hall. We will have sugar cookie decorating, valentines, and Welcome packets games. To help us know how many children to expect for adorers and for the party, please RSVP to [email protected] or substitutes can be picked up after Mass join the event on our Facebook page: SVdP Omaha in the gathering space of church the Parents with Young Children (PYC). We look forward weekend of February 14 & 15. The to seeing you there! packets will have your names on them. 3 A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR Do you remember receiving a wrapped Christmas gift when you attended the Christmas Eve and Day Masses? 2,000 individually gift-wrapped books were given out to adults. We had an anonymous donor pay for all the books with the hope that this book would bring some people back to the Catholic Church. The donor had his life changed when he read this book: Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly. Have you had a chance to read the book? Have you talked to anyone who has read the book? For people who are reading the book, it is renewing their Catholic faith. It has strongly impacted their spiritual lives. I want to share the story of a parish family member who had written to me recently about this book. I gave the Rediscover Catholicism book by Matthew Kelly to my brother for his birthday in November. While purchasing the book for him and reading the back cover, I thought to myself that I really wanted to read the book too; but didn't give it much thought after that. Imagine my surprise when on Christmas Day you announced to the parish that an anonymous donor wanted to give the book as a gift to each parish family! I was thrilled! That afternoon I saw my brother at our family Christmas gathering and told him what happened at Mass that morning. I told him that I wanted him to let me know when he started reading the book so that I could read it at the same time as him. My brother lives 6 hours away in Illinois so we don't get to see each other very often but talk on the phone on a weekly basis. I thought this would be a great way for us to discuss and share our faith with each other. I also thought it would be cool knowing that as I was reading it, he was too! My brother and I discussed chapters 1-3 tonight over the phone for almost 40 minutes. We felt even in the first few chapters there was so much to this book already! We discussed many relevant points made in those first few chapters about Jesus, faith, and Catholicism. We ended our phone call eager to continue reading and discussing again this weekend. I feel I have already learned so much about myself, my brother, our faith, God, and Catholicism in these first few chapters and it has allowed for amazing conversations between my brother and I. I can't wait to continue reading! I would love for the anonymous donor to know how thankful our parish members are for the gift of the book for Christmas. I would love for him or her to know what a touching gesture and gift it has been to our parish members. This book has truly blessed my brother, myself, and our faith! Please let me know or tell others in the parish family what you have discovered with this book. During Lent, Matthew Kelly is offering: Have you ever had a lifechanging Lent? You can sign-up to receive daily short videos and inspiration from Matthew that explain the blessings of Catholicism. It’s simple and completely free with the only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent. If you want to sign up, go to http://dynamiccatholic.com/bestlentever/. Make Lent more special than ever this year! Fr. Dan Kampschneider [email protected] February 7 & 8, 2015 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Parish Office Phone: 402.496.7988 Priest House (Rectory): 402.498.8425 PRIESTS: Rev. Daniel J. Kampschneider Pastor Rev. Kevin J. Joyce Associate Pastor DEACONS & WIVES: Deacon Bill and Virginia Barnes Deacon Richard and Janet Jizba Deacon Jay and Mary Ann Reilly PARISH STAFF: Wendy Everson, Pastoral Minister Jenni Vankat, Pastoral Minister Kathy Mayer, Director of Worship Bob Verkuilen, Development Director Deacon Bob McClellan—Director of Operations Deacon Don Clausen—IT Director SCHOOL: Dr. Barbara Marchese, Principal Phone: 492-2111 Web: www.svdp-school.org RELIGIOUS FORMATION: Vicki Smith, Director Religious Education Jenni Vankat, Dir. Adult Formation Steve Nespor, Dir. Youth Ministry Phone: 402.493.1642 BULLETIN DEADLINE: Bulletin Editor: Kathy Wilhelm Articles due by Noon on Monday E-mail: [email protected] PASTORAL COUNCIL: Adam White, President [email protected] BAPTISMS: Contact the Parish Office at 402.496.7988. MARRIAGE: Contact Parish Office at least 6 months in advance; at least 3 months registration required before setting date. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 PARISH NEWS TOTUS TUUS ~ “TOTALLY YOURS” Totus Tuus is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. Our week-long Parish Summer Catechetical Program assists parents and parishes in the evangelizing and catechizing of their youth by supplementing the work they are already doing. The structure, content, and enthusiasm of Totus Tuus is concerned not only with teaching the faith, but also igniting the hearts of the team members and young people. The result has been the formation of young adults who continue to dedicate themselves to the Church’s mission of evangelization. The Archdiocese of Omaha has a team of seminarians and Focus volunteers who rotate to parishes who come in and facilitate the week. The mission of Totus Tuus is to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion, and openness to their vocation by constantly challenging them to give themselves entirely to Christ through Mary and by continually strengthening their prayer lives in imitation of Her. THE FIVE MARKS OF TOTUS TUUS 1. Proclamation of the Gospel...to arouse faith. 2. Explanation...examination of the reasons for our beliefs. 3. Christian Witness...an experience of Christian living. 4. Celebration of the Sacraments...especially Holy Eucharist and Confession. 5. Active witness of the Missionary Nature of the Catholic Church. Fall 2015—Grades 1-6 program runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 2:30 pm. Fall 2015—Junior high and high school program runs Sunday night through Thursday night from 7:00-9:00 pm. Our parish will participate the week of June 7 through 12. More information will be coming, please watch the bulletin. Registration will begin in April, stay tuned! This will be held in lieu of our customary Vacation Bible School week. Questions may be directed to the Religious Formation Office at 402.493.1642. NEW! PARISH ROSARY FOR CANCER—Do you know someone with cancer? Have you often wondered how you can help them? Prayer is an excellent way to help those you care about! Every Sunday a Rosary will be led in Our Lady Chapel after the 10:45 am Mass. We will pray together for all those affected by cancer: for those with cancer, their caregivers, those recovering from cancer, those in remission, those who have died, for the doctors and researchers fighting cancer. Everyone is welcome! There is no commitment to come each week. Extra rosaries will be available. Please join us as we seek God's blessings for our friends and families touched by cancer. Wednesday, February 18th Mass Times: 6:45 am, 8:15 am, Noon, 4:45 pm and 6:30 pm. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR 8:15 ASH WEDNESDAY MASS—Due to the high volume of traffic for school drop off, the main south entrance is EXIT ONLY from 7:30 to 8:00 am. If you arrive prior to 8:00 am you must stay in the traffic line that is entering the lot from the east from 143rd Circle Drive. Thanks for helping us be safe! Parking for the 4:45 and the 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday Masses is not allowed on the east side of 143rd Ave Circle. Additional parking is located in the parking stalls and basketball courts located on the north side of the school. FISH FRY FRIDAYS—The Knights of Columbus would like to invite family and friends to attend our Annual Fish Fry’s beginning Friday, February, 20th and running until Friday, March 27th. These six Fridays are a great way for parishioners to gather for good food and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there! February 7 & 8, 2015 5 ADULT FORMATION YOUNG ADULT WINTER STUDY – A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE—This eightpart video series, presented by Jeff Cavins, provides an excellent introduction and overview of Scripture from a Catholic perspective. The study begins on Sunday, February 15 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Media Center. Cost is $18. For more information or to register, contact Kurt Weidauer at [email protected]. MOTHERS IN FELLOWSHIP meets weekly on Mondays from 9 to 10:30 in the Family Room. Being a Mom is the most important mission you will have! Join other mom’s for speakers, friendships and prayer. Contact Angela Vogel, [email protected] or 651-3026 or Josie Weiland at [email protected] or 402-321-5452 to register or for more information. Childcare is available. A recommended donation of $30 per semester helps to cover childcare costs. February Schedule: Feb. 9 Meet Seminarian Joe Sund Feb. 16 No Meeting (President's Day) Feb. 23 Living Out God's Plan for your Marriage w/ Kathy Jones YOUTH MINISTRY Our L.I.F.E. YOUTH GROUP Sunday, February 8 when we will gather in the SVdP Room at 6:00 pm for Prayer Stations – a very interactive evening with several different prayer experiences for you to “test drive.” Each mini-session will involve a brief description and then an opportunity to enter into the form of prayer being explored. From the Five Finger Prayer to a Guided Meditation you can find via your smartphone, there will be a wide variety of styles to learn about and try out. 7TH AND 8TH GRADERS are invited to join our meeting on Sunday, February 15 in Hanneman Hall. We need the bigger space to host our Giant Games Night. Just like it sounds, an evening playing Giant Versions of popular games – Jenga with a tower made up of 2x4s, Pick Up Sticks using 3 foot “sticks,” and many more. During the month of February, 8th graders are invited to join us for any or all of our Sunday Night gatherings: Sunday, Feb. 8: Prayer Stations. Sunday, Feb. 15: Giant Games Night. Sunday, Feb. 22: ABIDE. See the app or website for more details. SVdP YOUTH MINISTRY IS ON THE PARISH APP. We are under the “Connect” button on the home page. You can also find information on the Youth Ministry Pages on the parish website at www.svdpomaha.org (hover over the Youth Ministry tab) PARISH NEWS WHO ARE THE ST. VINCENT de PAUL FAMILY CIRCLES? The Family Guild consists of groups with women and couples that provide opportunities for parishioners to get to know others in the parish and serve in the church. Are you or someone you know interested in fellowship with other St. Vincent parishioners? We would love for you to join the Family Guild. Our groups include couples, senior adult women, women with young children, and women with older children. Guilds meet on a monthly basis. If you would like more information contact Jeanne Farner at [email protected]. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT SVdP CARING PART-TIME CUSTODIAN WANTED to join our dedicated maintenance team. We will provide, competitive wages (scaled to experience) and supportive work environment. Duties include: care of school and church, mostly carpeted, flexible after school/evening schedule about 20 hours a week. Apply to: Bob McClellan, St. Vincent de Paul Church, 14330 Eagle Run Dr. Omaha, NE 68164, or at [email protected] CARING PART-TIME WEEKEND CUSTODIAN.—Duties include care for church restrooms on weekends, set-up & takedown for meetings, general care of the facility indoors and out, light maintenance, grounds care. Approximately 10 hours, some hours are flexible. Apply to: Bob McClellan, St. Vincent de Paul Church, 14330 Eagle Run Dr. Omaha, NE 68164, or at [email protected] 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 6 PASTORAL MINISTRY PARISHIONERS INTERESTED IN PLAYING BRIDGE? St. Vincent de Paul couples bridge group has an opening for subs for a Saturday night group. Call Irene at 402.333.8678 if you can sub. Currently, the group plays in their homes but we are looking for other players to bring the bridge playing to the parish! Are you interested in playing with this group (to include single players, too) at the parish on either Friday or Saturday evening or during the week? Contact Wendy at the parish office 402.496.7988 x.239 or email [email protected] and let us know you want this group to expand. SAVE THE DATE – Tuesday, February 17th Noon until 2:00 pm “Fat Tuesday” celebration before Lent in the St. Vincent Room! Potluck lunch, games, speaker and Mardi Gras beads for everyone. King cake will be served, too! Bring a dish to share. Get ready for Lent and enjoy good friends, fun and fellowship. Questions, contact Wendy in the parish office 402.496.7988 x.239 or [email protected]. PARISH NEWS LENT REFLECTIONS on your smartphone. We will again be featuring brief daily inspirational text messages for the season of Lent through our @iPray text messages. Text @iPray (all one word) to 23559 to receive these short daily reflections. @iPray goes year-round, but with a decidedly Lenten theme from Ash Wednesday through Easter. Join the hundreds of users already who get these daily 140 character texts sent at 7:30 am during the week and 10:30 am on weekends. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED, AND ESPECIALLY FOR: † John L. “Jack” Landen, stepfather of Kris Fischer and grandfather of Carroll Hacker † Tiffany Terry, parishioner † Philip Miller, father-in-law of Jeanne Miller † Daniel Johnston, son of George and Mary Jane and father of Corey May their souls and the souls of all the faithful receive the mercy of God. Amen. PARISH NEWS ANNIVERSARY OF DEDICATION OF OUR CHURCH—We celebrate as a Parish Family the 17th Anniversary of the Dedication of our Church! We continue our ritual of reverencing the altar by bowing, kissing or genuflecting after the homily at all Masses in remembrance of the dedication of the altar by Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss in 1998. VOCATIONS CRUCIFIX—Each week, one family or individual in our parish receives the traveling “Vocations Crucifix” to take home. This weekend we thank the Jim & Sabrina Schalley family for accepting the crucifix into their home. Parishioners pray together for discernment of the priesthood and religious life within their own family and in the family of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. If you are interested in receiving the Vocations Crucifix, please call 402.496.7988. THANK YOU—The Knights of Columbus would like to thank the parishioners of St. Vincent de Paul for their generous donations to the One Rose, One Life Campaign. We collected $3,923.00, which will help fund the pro -life activities sponsored by the Bishops’ Pastoral Plan in Nebraska, as well as local crisis pregnancy centers and the Pope Paul VI Institute. Thank you for supporting the sanctity of all human life. HOUR OF ADORATION—It is important that we come together in prayer to pray for peace within our hearts, the hearts of our loved ones, and all hearts throughout the world. Third Sunday Adoration gives us the opportunity to appeal to the Merciful Heart of Jesus, trusting in His Love and care for us. Plan to attend Holy Hour next Sunday, February 15th at 3:00 pm in our Church. 7a February 7 & 8, 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 17TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF THE CHURCH WORLD MARRIAGE DAY EXPECTANT PARENT BLESSING-LC PERPETUAL ADORATION SIGN-UP 9:00 am Catechesis Good Shepherd –SR3/MR 9:00 am Sunday School—MC/K1/K2/K3 10:00 am Perpetual Adoration mtg—StV 10:00 am Reconciliation—CH 11:45 am Rosary—LC 12:00 Noon Sports—MPR 12:00 Noon Perpetual Adoration mtg—StV 12:15 pm Baptism Service—CH 6:00 pm Sr High LIFE—StV 6:00 pm Jr. High Youth Night—HH 7:00 pm YA Bible Study—MC 7:30 pm Men’s Basketball—MPR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 9:00 am Mothers-in-Fellowship—StV/HH 3:10 pm Sanctuary—StV/StL/CR 6:00/7:30 pm Cub/Boy Scouts – HHc 7:00 pm SPREE Kick Off Mtg—MC 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study—StL 7:00 pm Seeking Truth—StV TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 7:15 am Women of the Well—StV 10:00 am Caregiver Solutions—StV 5:00 pm Sports—MPR 7:00 pm Inquiry Sessions—StV 7:00 pm Development mtg—StL 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus—HHc 7:00 pm Lord Teach Me to Pray—L 7:00 pm Fr. Barron Study—MC WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass – CH K-8 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group-StL 4:30/6:15 pm Rel Ed Classes 7:30 pm Adult Choir—CH 8:00 pm Sports—MPR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 9:15 am Adult Bible Study—StV/CR 5:00 pm Sports—MPR 6:00 pm Heavenly Dusters #4—CH 7:00 pm Perpetual Adoration mtg—MC 7:00 pm RCIA—HHb/CH FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 9:15 am Bible Timeline—StV 5:00 pm Sports—MPR SAURDAY, FEBRUARY14 6:15 am That Man Is You—L 8:00 am Sports—MPR 8:15 am Mass/Rosary—CH 8:30 am SVdP Society—StL 9:00 am PYC Valentine’s party—HH 10:00 am Rosary—LC 3:30 pm Reconciliation—CH ANNUAL APPEAL KICK-OFF 7b 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time SCHOOL NEWS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 20152016—Registration for Kindergarten in St. Vincent de Paul’s School for 2015-2016 has begun. The registration form and information will be available on the school website www.svdp-school.org. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Barbara Marchese or Michele Madrigal in the school office at 402.492.2111. SPRING TRACK REGISTRATION NOW OPEN—Online registrations for Spring 2015 Track are now being accepted. The online registration form can be accessed by clicking on the Sports Registration link found on the school homepage. Boys and girls in grades 6-8 are eligible to participate. Registration fees are $35.00 per participant; fees may be paid online or via check. The registration deadline is March 4, 2015. XIV ORDINARY SYNOD OF BISHOPS; LINEAMENTA QUESTIONNAIRE—Your feedback on family life is necessary for the upcoming XIV Ordinary Synod of Bishops. If you would like to offer input on the Fall Synod on the Family in Rome go to the questionnaire go to: https://adobeformscentral.com/? f=DR1spMD1gJfKhj9tmUpiJQ# You can complete all or part of it. Clergy are asked to share this information with their parishioners in order to receive responses that reflect the broad reality of the family life experience and outreach in the archdiocese. Responses will be incorporated into an executive summary for Archbishop Lucas to send to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops later this spring. 8 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time COMMUNITY NEWS DECLUTTER YOUR SPACE AND MIND FOR SPRING RENEWAL, Tuesday, February 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Knowles Mercy Center, Waterloo. This year as you prepare for lent, get a little help with your renewal from guest presenter Amy Tokos, a local certified professional organizer and family management expert with Freshly Organized. Fee: $40 includes continental breakfast and lunch. For more information or to register, call 402-3594288 or email [email protected]. Next CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CLUB meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 12 from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm at Westside Community Center. Members are free and guests $20.00. Guest speaker is National Executive Director of Boystown Fr. Steven Boes. Register or come check us out website:www.cpbcomaha.com MEN’S LENTEN OVERNIGHT RETREAT, Friday, February 20 at 6 p.m. to Saturday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m. at Knowles Mercy Center, Waterloo Open to men of all Christian faiths, this retreat provides opportunities for faith sharing and prayer during the Lenten season. Guest facilitator is Fr. Kevin Schneider SJ, assistant director of spiritual development at Creighton Prep. Fee: $95. For more information or to register, call 402-359-4288 or email [email protected]. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE 9 February 7 & 8, 2015
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