January 2015, Volume 1 Issue 4 - Devon Aire K

The Aire Archives
January 2015
Devon Aire K-8 Center
10501 SW 122 Avenue
Miami, FL 33186
Career Day
~Brittney Alvarez
you an opportunity to learn about
some of the careers your family may
have. Career Day takes place here at
Devon Aire on January 30, 2015.
There will be lots of people showing
how their careers work and how
those careers affect the world around
Stick around for Career Day around
the Aire. We have lots of amusing
things planned!
Get ready! Soon it will be Career
Day here around the Aire!
Your future career may be in a
long time from now, but that
doesn't mean you shouldn't start
thinking a little about career options. Career Day might just help
you find something that will interest you. Career Day also gives
A Good Way to
Get an A
~Madison Soltis
In the past, there have been helicopter pilots, police officers, paramedics, lawyers, doctors, high school
teachers, zoologists, and many more.
8th grader, Brianna Alvarez stated,
“I think it’s great for the kids, so that
they can find their career, and it’s a
really fun day!
concentrate only makes it more difficult. By doing so, you program
your mind to lack concentration and
attention. Whenever you need to
focus your mind, tell yourself over
and over again that you can concentrate. Tell yourself that you can develop this ability.” said Remez Sasson, founder of the Success Conscious Articles.
If you are struggling with getting
good grades, then there is a way to
fix that! To get your grades up, the
easiest thing to do is to study. Studying might seem boring and wearisome but the outcome is signifi- When studying from a notebook or
textbook, make sure to take your
There are many different ways to time when reading and search up
study, such as: from your notebook words that you are unfamiliar with.
or textbook, use the internet to Reading aloud can also help you
research the topic you are studying review for your test. Highlighting
or to watch educational videos like important information while reading
can assist in memorizing critical
Brain Pop or Khan Academy.
material such as italicized words and
Concentration is the key part to
complex mathematical and scientific
successfully studying. Some ways
to maintain concentration would be
to not go on your phone, and you Brain Pop and Khan Academy are
can also distance yourself from all not only educational sites, but they
of the distractions around you. are also fun for kids.
Distractions might be television, www.brainpop.com
video games, noisy siblings, or
friends dropping by.
Studying could not only make you a
“Don’t say you cannot concentrate.
better student, but also it will help
Telling yourself that you cannot
you get your grades up!
Did You Know Even
Martin Luther King,
Jr. Was Bullied?
~Valeria Berrondo
today are bullied,
just like the legendary hero Martin
Luther King, Jr.
was long ago. He stood up for himself and others; Martin is and will
always be a great example for
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born
January 15, 1929. He was born in
Atlanta, Georgia and turned into a
civil rights activist. He was mostly
known for his “I Have a Dream”
speech. Even though Dr. King was
standing up for an amazing cause,
it brought him a lot of trouble.
Dr. King was bullied a lot because
of segregation. “When King was a
child, he befriended a white boy
whose father owned a business
near his family's home. When the
boys were 6, they attended differ-
ent schools, with King attending
a segregated school for AfricanAmericans. King then lost his
friend because the child's father
no longer wanted them to play
“Love is the only force capable
of transforming an enemy into
friend.” said, Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968 in Tennessee.
Even though he died, his
memory still lives on. He will
forever be known as a strong
American symbol for equality.
Martin Luther King, Jr. helped
change many people’s views
about segregation. Let us live in
memory of Martin Luther King,
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate
cannot drive out hate; only love
can do that.” said, Martin Luther
King Jr.
Jaguar Sports
Football season has started, and if you want
to learn more, then keep on reading!
There are nineteen players on the team. Mr.
Alvarez is the football coach who helps the
players to excel at the sport, and sometimes
Coach Bronis helps the team as well.
Practices that help the football players are sprints, running in place,
and scrimmage games.
So far, the football team has won three games and there are
more games to come. CONGRATS!
“Play smart, focus, and run good routes.” ~Coach Alvarez
Visit us online at http://devonaire.dadeschools.net/theairearchives.htm.
~Valeria Vidal
Ms. Crider’s
~Keara Turano
Most students that I have spoken to
don’t agree with the use of uniforms, “I would rather show my
personality by my clothes versus
just from my sweater,” said Kayla
Sanchez, an 8th grade student.
Some students and families are
strapped for money and even with
uniforms supposedly helping to get
rid of that gap caused by clothing
because of their income; it forces
everyone to spend more than necessary for no reason. This puts extra
strain on any family, no matter their
standing… especially, when they
need to purchase school supplies as
If there were no uniforms, what
would kids dress like? I interviewed
multiple students on what they felt
would be appropriate. “Clothes that
are not too casual, but clothes that
are comfortable and that I can move
around in,” said Juliette Guerra an
eighth grade student. Others agreed
with her. Megan Wee Tom, a 7th
grade student in Devon Aire, said
she would just wear jeans and a tshirt to school. There would still be
a need for regulations on what
could be worn, but not a uniform,
just a dress code like the one we
have now to ensure there aren’t any
inappropriate clothing on campus.
This would be a good way for students to express themselves, and it
would also be a way to cut down
costs for the families that attend
~Natasha Taylor
Back to the Past
I thought about getting to know
more about Ms. Crider, who is Have you ever made a time capsule,
a 2nd grade teacher. As she was put items into it, and buried it to be
growing up, she wanted to be a found later?
teacher, mostly inspired because her mother was a teacher
The use of uniforms is justified by
our administration because of security reasons. Many people believe
that students would bully each other
because of what they wear. I believe that this happens normally,
and the uniforms do nothing to stop
In a public school a lot of students
meet outside of school grounds and
do not wear uniforms. If adults have
learned to not be rude because of
what colleagues are wearing, then
kids should learn that early on without the use of uniforms.
World News
found in the capsule dates back to
I asked one of my fellow students
how they felt about this amazing
discovery. “It is an amazing feat to
preserve these things through the
weather,” said Valeria Vidal, an 8th
grade student.
So now you can go out and make a
time capsule and maybe in a few
hundred years someone will find it.
Check out these sites for more information.
Ms. Crider was born in Jamaica; she loves all types of Jamaican foods, and prefers reading.
She also has two daughters and
four grandchildren. She spends
her free time with her grandchildren telling them stories
and cooking for them. For a
hobby, she prepares programs
for church. Her role models are
the elderly because they contain
plentiful wisdom, like her
grandparents who had lots of
strength. She has traveled to
Bermuda, Caribbean Islands,
South America, Alaska, and
Europe, and wants to travel to
Asia (China) since there’s family business over there. She
considers that being beautiful is
possessing love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, faithfulness,
and gentleness. One of her
favorite quotes is, “The greatest
want of the world is the want of
men- who will not be bought or
sold; men who are true and
honest and who will stand for
the right though the heavens
fall.” – Ellen G. White
“Having lived on this Earth for
almost 55 years, I still have so
many things that I still need to
learn; however, I am learning to
be more tolerant of others and
am not so quick to judge others,
as I have not walked in their
shoes.” – Ms. Crider, 2nd grade
Ms. Crider is an interesting
On January 7th, 2015, a 220-year-old
time capsule was found at the Massachusetts State House. Things that
were found in the capsule were five
newspapers, 23 coins, a silver plate
made by Paul Revere, and a bronze
medal depicting George Washington.
Also, one of the coins that were
Ask Yang
~Yang Cabrera
Sometimes we mess up and hurt a
friend by accident. Those are the times
when we wish we could just press some
magical undo button, and thought we
can’t. We can at least apologize.
If you are friends with someone long
enough, you'll probably have an occasion where you need to apologize. Perhaps you had a big blow up and realized later on that you reacted poorly, or
maybe you just didn't show support
when you needed to. Whatever the
reason, apologizing can help you both
heal and move on from the situation.
Apologizing can be difficult. It can take
time to do it right. It is always different
depending on the situation. But it can
be done by following some simple
First, request their attention. Ask to talk
about what happened. You could say
something along the lines of, “I wanted
to talk to you about what happened last
night.” Remember to say it differently
to adjust to your situation.
Next, acknowledge what happened. Let
them know that you understand what
you did was wrong. Say something
like, “I know I hurt your feelings when
I said (or did)_________.” Basically,
you are acknowledging what you did.
The views and opinions ex- person, and I believe that she
pressed in this editorial are not will soon do the many things
necessarily the views or opin- she wants to do.
ions of The Aire Archives or
Then, just be sincere while saying you
did something wrong. Tell them “It was
anyone affiliated with DAK-8!
wrong of me to say (or do) that. I’m
sorry.” Honesty is the best policy.
That is why this part is so important.
Remember that apologizing involves
taking responsibility. Never apologize as a way to "shut someone up"
when they are saying you hurt their
feelings and you don't think you did.
If you really believe you did nothing
wrong, you should talk things
through with your friend until you see
why they are hurt or how you came
You should always avoid saying
things like:
“I’m sorry if I hurt you.” In this situation, the “if” means you are not taking responsibility and your friend
knows it.
"I'm sorry you feel that way." Again,
you're not taking responsibility here,
and instead belittling the hurt your
friend feels.
"I'm sorry you think I did that”. Even
if your friend is mistaken about
something you've done, discuss it
further, so you are both on the same
page rather than make this statement.
Lastly, give your friend time to forgive you. The amount of time it takes
your friend to forgive will depend on
what happened. Ideally, if you sincerely apologize, your pal should be
able to put it behind him/her fairly
The Taste
~Kayla Sanchez
Crumbly Scrumptiousness
The Class Clown Public Safety
~Melanie Bergunker
Haha! I’m dying of laughter over
here from all these hilarious jokes.
This New Year has brought such a
great new start for new material!
Welcome to the New Year with delicious foods and treats that will make
your stomach jump with joy! Take a
look at this column to find out how
to make some crumbly cookies.
Q: Why couldn’t the girl go watch
the Pirate movie?
A: Because it was rated Rrr! –
Layla Mahmoud, 4th Grade
Cookies! How does that sound?
Good right? Well, these golden biscuit-like cookies originated in Scotland but are similar to biscuits in
Sweden, Denmark, and Ireland. John
Quigley, a Scottish chef, describes
shortbread to be “the jewel in the
crown” of Scottish baking.
Q: Why did the Marlin cross the
A: To get to the other tide! - Anonymous
cup butter, softened
cup confectioners' sugar
teaspoon vanilla extract
cup all-purpose flour
teaspoon salt
cup semisweet chocolate chips
teaspoon shortening
Q: What does a snow man eat for
A: Frosted flakes! –Alyssa
Guardado, 4th Grade
Q: Why did the coach go to the
A: To get his quarter back! –Lyan
Franjul, 5th Grade
Come on Middle School, I know
you’re funny. Send in some of
your great jokes! Thanks for all
these jokes! Remember next time
to send in a joke to the Joke Box in
the media center, room 901. Also,
remember to put your full name
and grade on the paper with your
~Xavier Clough
You know that we
have a code yellow and a code red,
but do you know what they mean?
They both have very important
meanings, and we need to follow
A code red lockdown is initiated
only when there is an imminent
and major danger to school safety.
During a code red lockdown, the
school becomes an emergency site
under the authority of the local
police service. To initiate a lockdown, the main office must be
notified at the first indication of a
major incident, and the lockdown
commences immediately.
A code yellow is a hold and secure.
It is initiated when a threat is proximate to, but not in the school building. This threat poses no immediate danger to students or staff, unless they leave the building.
So when there is a code yellow or
red, do what your teacher tells you
to do and don’t play around because you never know… it could
be real, or it could be a drill. Don’t
talk when there is a drill because
your teacher is giving you some
very important instructions to keep
you safe.
In a small bowl, cream butter and
confectioners' sugar. Beat in vanilla;
mix well. Combine flour and salt;
gradually add to creamed mixture
and mix well.
Shape into 1-in. balls. Place 2 in.
apart on ungreased baking sheets;
flatten slightly with a glass dipped in
Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes or
until edges are golden brown. Immediately remove to wire racks to cool.
For drizzle, in a heavy saucepan
or microwave, melt the chips and
shortening; stir until smooth. Remove from the heat. Drizzle over
Yield: 18 cookies
Crumble away the bad things that
might of happened last year and keep
looking forward… Forward to those
Celebrate a King for
His Good Doings
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
people celebrated with a parade
on January 19.
It was celebrated from 11:00AM
-6:00PM. The people in the
parade were high school marching bands, athletes, and cheerleaders on foot, floats, cars, and
fire trucks bearing local politicians, union leaders, and activists. Carnival dancers took to the
streets in a colorful dance and
music performance.
an important time to reflect on the journey our nation has taken towards freedom and equality, and to look at the
work that still lies ahead. As chief
spokesman of the movement to end
racial discrimination in state and federal laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, Dr.
King organized several marches and
peaceful protests. In 1963, he organized
the famous March on Washington.
Here Dr. King delivered his iconic, “I
Have A Dream” speech.
~Isabel Conde
Do you want a nice, cute
little pet but don’t know what pet
fits best for those characteristics?
Let me give you a hint!
That pet is a small, stretched out
mammal that can be running all
around, and it is also very furry.
Take a minute and think, you
guessed it right! It’s a ferret!!
Did you know that female ferrets
are called “jills,” male ferrets are
called “hobs,” and baby ferrets
are called “kits?”
You need to spend a lot of time
with your ferret each day… at
least an hour. Ferrets tend to
spend a lot of time sleeping.
You have to be aware of their
paws; therefore, you have to
check them regularly and clean
away the dirt that you see with a
clean cloth. Clip your ferrets nails
about every two weeks or so.
Brush their teeth often to prevent
gum, or mouth diseases.
Feed them with a balanced diet.
Recall that ferrets are carnivores,
which means they eat meat. Feed
them meat and lots of protein.
Ferrets are a great way to keep
kids entertained, and they are fun
to play with and cute. Give them
lots of love and care. They can
maybe even bring your family
together one day if you work
together to teach them tricks,
including jumping over objects,
running, building an obstacle
course, or maybe even a maze!!
According to Petco, “from being
delightful to watch and play with
to being smart and inquisitive,
ferrets make wonderful pet companions. Requiring well-balanced
ferret food and plenty of water,
ferrets also need regular exercise
and interaction with their pet parents outside of their ferret cages” ( www.Petco.com )
Well, hopefully you spend lots of
time with your ferret. Enjoy!
Once the parade reached the
park, watchers enjoyed food,
activities for kids, and a variety
of vendors and entertainment.
On the third Monday of January
every year, Miami joins in this
federal holiday with the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day Parade.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is
Pet Paradise
“When we allow freedom to ring, when
we let it ring from every village and
every hamlet, from every state and
every city, we will be able to speed up
that day when all of God's children,
black men and white men, Jews and
Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,
will be able to join hands and sing
in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank
God Almighty, we are free at last!"
If you want more info go to http://
App Happy
~Megan Weetom
Minute Quest
Looking for a game that’s addictive
and fun to spend your time on?
Well, Minute Quest is the game for
you. It’s as challenging as it is fun.
In Minute Quest, you are a knight,
and you set off on your journey to
battle monsters as you go through
the different lands. You are under a
king’s command to travel and patrol
those lands.
There is POW(power), SPD(speed),
(intelligence), LUK (luck). POW is
to increase the attack for more physical damage. SPD is to make your
character move faster. VIT is for
more health points, and LUK is for
a higher critical hit chance.
Minute Quest is a very unique game.
The game’s currency is gold, which
you can get when you defeat a monster. It also has a pet system. Sometimes when you defeat a monster,
you can obtain it as a pet. Also, every 0.3 meters, there’s a different
shop or NPC (non-playable character). It can be a house to heal your
HP (health points) fully for a small
fee. There are armor shops to buy
armor for your character. It can be
magic armor or metal armor. Magic
armor is for knights who have an
INT build. Metal armor is for POW
build knights. There are also weapon
shops. They can have bows, swords,
wands, staffs, or shields. Depending
on the build you have, depends on
what weapon is best for the build.
Staffs are recommended for INT
builds, and swords are recommended for POW builds. The other house,
or NPC, is an animal sanctuary
which tells you what stats your pet
Fashion and Entertainment
~Brianna Alvarez
The People’s Choice Awards
Did you watch The People Choice Awards? It’s ok if you didn’t because I will show you my favorite winners, the celebrities who won the
most awards, and my favorite looks.
The most awards were given to Taylor Swift, and she won favorite female artist, favorite pop artist and her song won favorite song. Great job
Taylor! Another amazing win was The Big Bang Theory. It won favorite
TV show and favorite Network TV Comedy. The Big Bang Theory is on
a roll this year. My favorite looks are:
Portia De Rossi’s
outfit was amazing.
I like how the dark
blue pants fit her
very nicely, and her
shoes match her
peach color pattern
on her top.
Hyland ‘s
dress looked stunning on her, and her
dress really made her
glow. I like the way
she put her hair, so
everybody is focused
on the dress.
Beth Behrs’
was very beautiful on
her and made her
really stand out. Her
pink lips really fit her
skin tone.
Hope you enjoyed my “favs” of the People’s Choice Awards!
gives you, and what they do to help
your knight.
As you progress through the game,
you battle harder monsters and
bosses. Most of the time, you encounter new monsters every 0.1
meters, and they are harder than the
previous stage. You also have a
chance to get that monster as a pet.
Usually, at the end of every land, a
boss appears. They’re the only
monster in the area, so it’s easy to
tell when it’s a boss battle. They
have a lot more HP than the other
monsters and attack harder. Unlike
the other monsters, there’s a 100%
chance of getting the boss as a pet.
Besides just the “Go Out” option,
option. Basically, you skip through
the stages you see at the top. Sometimes the monsters are harder, but
it’s a great challenge. You skip the
stage every time by 0.3 meters.
There are no bosses in the
“Tunnel” option; instead, they’re
replaced by the harder monsters.
“It’s a cool game to play and
kind of addictive.” said Valeria
Vidal 8th grader.
Do you think you have what it
takes to beat the Minute Quest?
A Corner on Health
~Juliette Guerra
Dental Health
Do you take good care of your teeth? Most people
don’t consider the positive effects that result from
brushing and flossing your teeth properly.
Did you know that according to http://acceledent.com/
blog/10-fun-facts-about-teeth/, 50% of people surveyed said that a person’s smile is what they first notice about them?
You only have two sets of teeth for your entire lifetime, so you had better take good care of them!
Procedures on brushing your teethFirst, you need to be sure that you have the right tooth brush for
you. According to WebMD, having the right tooth brush will
help you brush your teeth more comfortably. Your tooth brush
should fit your mouth and shouldn’t be too big or small. The
type of bristles on the brush and the comfort in your mouth is
important as well. The size and bristle aren’t all that matters
though. It’s also the type of toothbrush that makes a difference. Using an electric toothbrush or a manual tooth brush is
up to you, but just know that electric brushes tend to do a better job at cleaning your teeth. (http://www.webmd.com/oralhealth/healthy-teeth-14/brushing-teeth-mistakes)
Michael Sesemann, DDS, former president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, says that brushing three times a day
is recommended, though normally people brush at least twice a
day. Sesemann also suggests you divide your mouth into four
parts and brush each part for 30 seconds. When you brush,
make sure to brush as much of your teeth as you can to prevent
cavities and gum diseases. Flossing and using mouthwash can
also prevent gum disease and cavities.
You should replace your toothbrush every three to four months.
This is because the more you use your brush, the more the
bristles on it get wasted and won’t clean your teeth as good as
a new brush. Keep your toothbrushes at home separate to reduce the chances of bacteria spreading. Keeping them together
will cause them to make too much contact and will spread
Brushing your teeth gives you a better, brighter smile and less cavities to
worry about. Now you can show off your great big smile to everyone!
Picture This DAK-9
~Ryan Garcia
Field Day
Field day was an event at Devon Aire K-8 Center from December 11th through the 18th. Kindergarten through 5th grade took part in a series of sports activities like tug of war, rope climb, and
long jump. Here are some pictures of the events, and congratulations to the winners:
Kindergarten: Mrs. Camps
1st Grade: Mrs. Lopez
2nd Grade: Mrs. Bostick
3rd Grade: Mrs. Wolff
4th Grade: Mrs. de la Torre-Hoadley
5th Grade: Ms. Pruna
Award Winning Photographer
Located in Devon Aire K-8 Center
~Jordi Gonzalez
A talented Devon Aire student won a prestigious photography award,
with his pawsitively wild picture, “Savage Beauty”
Zoo Miami’s Zoolens competition was created in 2010, “as a way of
fostering awareness among students.” You can learn more about that at
http://www.zoolens.com. In Zoolens, you take a photo of your favorite
animal and submit the photograph with a chance of winning a great
prize, which is just what Ryan Garcia, a talented Devon Aire Student
did; Garcia placed with the top thirteen in Zoolens, an incredible accomplishment.
Garcia’s picture is of an animal, the same animal that is the
mascot of our great school, the jaguar, but it should be noted
that this wasn’t the reason he took the picture. His picture,
shown to the left, was taken by him.
Garcia, when asked about his experience, said it was great.
In his words, “Zoolens was pretty cool, I enjoyed it a lot,
and it was a lot of fun.” When asked about why he took a
picture of a jaguar, Garcia said, “I don’t know, they look
cool.” Garcia wanted to tell the readers, “Even though it
sounds cliché, if you try your hardest, anything is possible.”
Garcia won as an honorable mention, and received a $100 Visa Gift
Card from Mercantil Commerce Bank. (You can view more information
at http://www.zoolens.com/prizecategories.html) What makes this even
more impressive is that Garcia was competing against over three hundred participants, placing Ryan near the top four percent of participants.
Ron Magill, Zoo Miami Curator, presents Ryan Garcia with
his awards.
His picture was anything but a catastrophe; black and white ink
doesn’t do it justice, and we hope you don’t paws and wait to
view his photo in color online. You can see Garcia’s photo in
color here: http://www.zoolens.com/popups2014/27-2014.html.
Anyone interested can read about Zoolens at http://
www.zoolens.com/, where you can view a catalog of pictures,
read the guidelines, and learn everything there is to know about