The Amherst Wesleyan Church 21.62 6 Maltby Court Amherst, N.S. B4H 2L6 Church Office Telephone: (902) 667-9126 Church Telephone & Fax: (902) 667-0689 Our church exists to produce… Authentic Relationships – and a…Worship Experience – with a…Community Connection. “Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matt. 22:37-39 Website: Facebook: AWC – Amherst Wesleyan Church Twitter: @awc_amherst “stronger together” Sunday, February 1, 2015 Thank you for joining us today! If this is your first time attending our services, please sign the guest book in the foyer and fill out a guest card and place it in the offering plate. Email: [email protected] PASTOR: Rev. Raymond R. Fancy Cellular Phone: (902) 694-4931 Escape the winter cold & blues…at AWC!!!! We welcome you! Today: 9:30am – Adult Sunday School Class 10:15am – Children’s Church registration 10:30am – Morning Worship Service 2:30pm – Gables Lodge Service THIS Saturday, February 7th at 6:30pm in the church basement…lots of food, fun and even a Talent Show! Sign-up sheet in the foyer. We will need lots of participation AND your help to make this event a success. Sign up in the foyer or see Sharon Merrill for more information. The February Church Calendar is in the foyer. Get your copy today. Upcoming events include: - Feb. 16th – LBA Meeting (*note the change of date) th - Feb. 17 – Ladies Night Out with Sue Walker - Feb. 18th – Senior’s Luncheon - Feb. 22nd – Missionaries to Haiti, Robin & Beth Churchill, to share during the service An updated AWC TELEPHONE LIST available in the foyer. Feel free to pick up a copy. Check out the AWC church website for the most recent list of events: Wednesday: 2-4pm & 7-9pm – AWC Men’s Fellowship Saturday: 6:30pm – Hawaiian Party at the Church Next Sunday: 9:30am – Adult Sunday School Class 10:15am – Children’s Church registration 10:30am – Morning Worship Service with guest speaker Evan Jones followed by Communion HAND SANITIZER is available in the foyer and in the sanctuary. Everyone is encouraged to practice this preventative measure to stop the spread of germs. FINANCIAL UPDATE Regular – Last week: $1,786.25 - $6,873.71 (Needed weekly: $2,260.73, $81,294.76 YTD) Missions – Last week: $80.00 + $256.78 (Needed weekly: $100.19 $4,164.00 YTD) Building Fund - Last week: $57.00 + $440.75 (Needed weekly: $46.15, $2,183.60 YTD) Thank you for being faithful in the giving of our tithes and offerings. Pre-authorized payment is available for those who would like that option. If you would like an offering envelope number or if you have forgotten your number, see church treasurer, Marilyn Smith. Year-end tax receipts have been issued. Check the church mailbox for yours. *Sunday’s Children’s church is held in the office building. Parents are asked to drop their children there PRIOR to the service, at 10:15am. Parents are reminded to pick up their children in the upstairs of the office building following the service. No child will be dismissed without consent from the parent. PARKING LOT PAVING PROJECT As many of you are aware, the parking lot here at AWC is in dire shape and in need of repair and replacement. We have collected $3,837.55 so far, with an additional $2,000.00 pledged to see this project completed – total project cost exceeds $50,000!! Are you willing to make a donation – great or small – to see the AWC parking lot safe again? AWC EVERY Wednesday from 2-4pm & 7-9pm in the office basement meeting room. Fellowship, games, discussion – something different every week, come either time. ALL MEN are welcome & encouraged to attend. See Gary Vernon for more information. God is good all the time…all the time, God is good! We are accepting memorial and in honor of donations for the parking lot project. With any donation $50 or greater, the names will be placed on a plaque at the end of the campaign listing the donors and who it was placed in memory of or in honor of. Rescheduled to Saturday, Feb. 28th. More details to follow.
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