Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 First Signatories Name Surname 1 Michael Antoniou 2 Arnaud Apoteker 3 Elena Avarez-Buylla 4 Carlos H. Avila-Bello 5 Susan Bardócz 6 Narciso Barrera Bassols 7 Fiorella Belpoggi 8 Charles Benbrook Qualification / Affiliation PhD, Gene Expression and Therapy Group, School of Medicine, King’s College London PhD in Applied Biology and physicochemistry UK PhD, Professor of Molecular Genetics, Development and Evolution of Plants, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico PhD, Professor of Ethnobotany and Agricultural Sciences, University of Veracruz PhD DSc on Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Professor of human nutrition, formerly at the Rowett Institute Aberdeen PhD, Professor of Geography, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) PhD, Director, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute PhD, Research Professor, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University Pullmann JD, Professor Emeritus, Technology and Public Policy, University of Washington / Vice-President Washington Biotechnology Action Council PhD, Founding Director Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad / Padma Bhushan Award 1986 PhD in Environmental Sciences, Board Member ENSSER Country Belgium Mexico UK Mexico Italy USA 9 Philip Bereano 10 Pushpa Bhargava 11 Rosa Binimelis 12 Eckart Boege PhD, Professor Emeritus, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico 13 Tom Børsen PhD, Associate Professor, Aalborg University Denmark *View notification at the bottom of the document USA India Norway Page 1/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 14 15 Gianluca Marcello Brunori Buiatti PhD, Professor PhD, Professor Emeritus MD, Medical Doctor, Professor, Molecular Embryology Laboratory, University of Buenos Aires Italy Italy 16 Andres Carrasco 17 Bert Christie PhD PAg, Research Scientist in Agriculture and Agri-Food, retired Canada 18 E. Ann Clark PhD in Crop Production and Physiology, Associate Professor, University of Guelph, retired Canada 19 Joe Cummins PhD, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario Canada 20 Silwan Daouk 21 Béla Darvas 22 23 24 John Luigi James M. Day de Andrea Diamond PhD, Environmental Geochemistry, Laboratoire Côntrole Qualité, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève PhD in comparative Physiology and Toxicology, Professor, Chairman of Hungarian Society of Ecotoxicology MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Expert in Biosafety Issues MD, Medical Doctor, American Academy of Pediatrics 25 Richard Doherty MD, Medical Doctor, Professor Emeritus, University of Rochester 26 Paul Dorfman 27 Steven M. 28 Alejandro 29 30 John Eric A. 31 Doug PhD, Senior Research Associate, Energy Institute, University College London Druker JD, Executive Director, Alliance for Bio-Integrity PhD, Professor of Genetics, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Espinosa Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) Fagan PhD, Earth Open Source Goewie D.Eng, Professor, Entomologist PhD in Plant Pathology, Senior Scientist with the Union of Gurian-Sherman Concerned Scientists Food and Environment Program *View notification at the bottom of the document Argentina Switzerland Hungary USA Switzerland USA USA UK USA Mexico UK The Netherlands USA Page 2/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 32 Andrew Paul Gutierrez 33 Michael Hansen 34 Jack Heinemann 35 Hans Rudolf Herren 36 Angelika Hilbeck 37 Mae-Wan Ho 38 Frieder Hofmann 39 C. Vyvyan Howard 40 Don M. Huber 41 Ketil Hylland 42 Marcia Ishii-Eiteman 43 Jonathan Latham 44 Enrique Leff 45 Carlo Leifert 46 Deborah Letourneau 47 Les Levidow 48 Robert Mann PhD, Crop System Analysis, Professor in the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley PhD PhD, Professor of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Centre for Integrated Research in Biosafety, University of Canterbury PhD, Founder and President Biovision Foundation / Right Livelihood Award 2013 / World Food Prize 1995 PhD, Chair of ENSSER PhD, Geneticist, Biosafety Expert, Quantum Biologist, Institute of Science in Society Biologist, Ecology Office (Ökologie Büro) PhD, Professor, Nano Systems Biology, Centre for Molecular Bioscience, University of Ulster / Medically qualified Toxicopathologist PhD, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University PhD, Professor of Toxicology and Integrative Biology, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network North America PhD, Virologist/ Molecular Biologist, Executive Director, The Bioscience Resource Project PhD, Professor of Environmental Sociology and Economics, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) PhD, Dean of Business Development and Professor for Ecological Agriculture, University of Newcastle PhD, Professor of Environmental Studies PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Technology, Open University PhD, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and in Environmental Studies, University of Auckland, retired *View notification at the bottom of the document USA USA New Zealand Switzerland Switzerland UK Germany Ireland USA Norway USA USA Mexico UK USA UK New Zealand Page 3/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 49 Jan Diek van Mansvelt PhD, Professor Emeritus, Organic Agriculture The Netherlands 50 Terry Marsden PhD, Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Director of the Sustainable Places Research Institute, Cardiff University UK 51 52 Lyla Leonardo Mehta Melgarejo PhD, Fellow in Development Studies PhD in Production Engineering, Argonomist UK Brazil 53 Martha Mertens PhD, Expertise: Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants/ Genetic Engineering, Institute for Biodiversity Network Germany 54 Hartmut Meyer 55 Erik Millstone 56 PhD, Member of ENSSER PhD, Professor of Science and Technology Policy, University of Sussex Germany Rubens Onofre Nodari PhD, Professor Brazil 57 Eva Novotny UK 58 Leon Olive 59 Mathias Otto PhD in Astronomy, University of Cambridge, retired PhD, Professor of Philosophy, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) PhD, Biologist, Member of ENSSER 60 Thibaud d' Oultremont PhD, Modeling and Simulation of Water and Land Ecosystems Belgium 61 Jean-Michel Panoff 62 Bas Pedroli 63 Ivette Perfecto 64 Michel Pimbert 65 Alma Piñeyro-Nelson PhD France PhD, Associate Professor, Land Use Planning Group, Wageningen The Netherlands University PhD, Professor of Natural Resources and Environment, University of USA Michigan PhD, Centre for Agroecology and Food Security, Coventry UK University PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher in Plant Sciences, University of USA California, Berkeley *View notification at the bottom of the document UK Mexico Germany Page 4/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 66 Luigi Ponti PhD, Research Scientist in Agroecology/ Crop System Analysis, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA) 67 Arpad Pusztai PhD on biochemistry, protein chemistry, Fellow of the Royal Society UK of Edinburgh, formerly at the Rowett Institute Aberdeen 68 Paulo Cezar Mendes Ramos 69 Leda Raptis 70 Irina Rodriguez de la Flor 71 Suman Sahai 72 Peter Saunders 73 David Schubert 74 Gilles-Eric Seralini PhD, President of the Scientific Council of the Comité de Recherche France et d'Information Indépendantes sur le génie GENétique (CRIIGEN) 75 José-Antonio SerratosHernández PhD, Expertise: Biotechnology/ Biosafety/ Community Health, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) 76 Vandana Shiva 77 78 Av Eva Singh Sirinathsinghji Italy PhD, Environmental Analysist, Chico Mendes Biodiversity Conversation Institute/ Member of the National Biosafety Technical Brasil Commission PhD in Molecular Cell Biology, Professor, Cancer Researcher, Canada Queen's University JD, Health Defense Organization PhD in Genetics from the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi / Gene Campaign PhD, Professor Emeritus in Applied Mathematics, King’s College London / Co-Director Institute of Science in Society PhD, Professor and Director of Cellular Neurobiology, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies Ph.D. in Foundations of Quantum Theory, Navdanya /Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology PhD PAg, Just Us! Centre for Small Farms PhD, Molecular Biologist, Institute of Science in Society *View notification at the bottom of the document Spain India UK USA Mexico India Canada UK Page 5/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 79 Gerald Smith 80 81 Ricarda A. Mark Steinbrecher Stemen 82 Andy Stirling 83 Peter Stonehouse 84 Beatrix Tappeser 85 Antonio Turrent 86 John Vandermeer 87 88 89 Christian Henk Hermann Vélot Verhoog Waibel 90 Tom Wakeford 91 Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker 92 Fern Wickson 93 David S. Williams 94 Peter R. Wills 95 Allison Wilson PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan PhD, biologist and molecular geneticist, Director EcoNexus PhD in Environmental History, Associate Professor PhD, Professor of Science and Technology Policy, University of Sussex PhD, Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Guelph, retired PhD, Expertise: Ecology/Molecular Biology/Plant Physiology, Board Member Federation of German Scientists PhD, Professor in Agricultural Science, Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) PhD, Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan PhD PhD PhD, Professor PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Interdisciplinary Social Sciences in Health, University of Edinburgh PhD on zoology, Professor of Biology, Co-Chair International Resource Panel of the UN Environmental Programme / Co-President The Club of Rome PhD, Research Scientist, GenØk Centre for Biosafety PhD in Neurobiology, Cellular and Molecular Biologist, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Auckland PhD, Biologist and Molecular Geneticist, Science Director, The Bioscience Resource Project *View notification at the bottom of the document USA UK USA UK Canada Germany Mexico USA France The Netherlands Germany UK Germany Norway USA New Zealand USA Page 6/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 96 97 Madeleen Brian Winkler Wynne 98 José Luis Yela MD, Medical Doctor The Netherlands PhD, Professor of Science Studies, Lancaster University UK PhD, Entomologist, Professor of Zoology and Conservation Biology, Spain University of Castilla-La Mancha Scientists, physicians, social scientists (PhD and more) Name 99 Itziar Surname Qualification / Affiliation Country Aguirre Jimenez PhD, Professor, Agricultural Engineer, University of Sevillia Spain 100 Abelardo 101 Gerardo Agulto Alatorre MD, Medical Doctor PhD, University of Veracruz USA Mexico 102 Miguel Alexiades PhD, School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent UK 103 Kris 104 Elsa Alman Almeida MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Professor of Geography, University of Veracruz USA Mexico 105 Miguel Altieri PhD, Professor of Agroecology, University of California Berkeley USA 106 Jens-Otto 107 Marvin D. 108 Susan Andersen Anderson Armistead Denmark USA USA 109 David Ashton 110 Toni 111 Warren 112 Anette K. 113 Gregory J. Bark Bell Bender Bennett 114 Trude Bennett 115 Les Berenson PhD, Agronomist, Food Quality Researcher MD, Medical Doctor, Internist MD, Medical Doctor, Board Certified Internal Medicine DVM, Veterinary Doctor, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor DVM, Veterinary Doctor PhD in Maternal and Child Health, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill MD, Medical Doctor, GMO Free Washington *View notification at the bottom of the document UK USA Canada Norway USA USA USA Page 7/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 116 Roger C. 117 Kent H. 118 David Birosel Blacklidge Blue Philippines USA USA Borghi Bos PhD, Chemist, Biologist, Geneticist, Scitech consultant PhD in Genetics, Purdue University MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Professor, GenØk - Centre for Biosafety and University of Tromsø MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor 119 Thomas Bøhn 120 Laura 121 Arie 122 Broder Breckling PhD, Biologist, Senior Lecturer in Ecology, University of Vechta Germany 123 Bryan R. 124 Elisabeth Brunner Bücking Puerto Rico Germany 125 Timothy Bushnell 126 Amparo Caballero González PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Puerto Rico PhD, Biologist PhD, Director, Shared Resource Laboratories, University of Rochester PhD, Associate Professor at Autonoma University of Madrid Spain 127 John Cairns Jr. 128 Luz Maria Calvo 129 Judy Carman 130 Ignacio Chapela ColungaGarcíaMarín Concheiro Bórquez 131 Patricia 132 Luciano PhD, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Biology and Director Emeritus, University Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University PhD, Researcher, Mexico Centro de Investigacion Cientifica de Yucatan PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolic Regulation, Director, Institute of Health and Environmental Research / affiliated Associate Professor, Flinders University PhD, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley PhD, Professor, Natural Resources Department, Yucatan Center for Scientific Research PhD in Rural Development, Autonomous Metropolitan University *View notification at the bottom of the document Norway Italy The Netherlands USA USA Mexico Australia USA Mexico Mexico Page 8/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 133 Winston Craig 134 Claire Hope Cummings 135 José Ricardo Cure 136 Bo Dahlin 137 J. Daniel Dahm 138 Nathan Daley 139 Geoffrey F. Davies 140 Phil Davies 141 Donald R. Davis 142 Georg Deichert del Carmen Huerta Crespo 143 Luz María PhD, Professor of Nutrition and Public Health, School of Health Professions, Andrews University JD, Lawyer, Author of books on GMOs, former Attorney of USDA Office of General Counsel PhD, Professor of Ecological Modeling and of biodiversity and ecology of wild Bumblebee bionomics, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada PhD, Professor of Education, Karlstad University PhD, Ecologist, Research Group Ethical-Ecological Rating, Goethe University Frankfurt MD, Medical Doctor, Master Public Health PhD, Geophysicist, Senior Fellow, Australian National University, retired PhD, Institute of Health and Environmental Research Inc. PhD in Chemistry, Biochemical Institute, University of Texas Austin, retired, Nutrition Research PhD, Rural Development Adviser PhD in Entomology USA USA Colombia Sweden Germany USA Australia Australia USA Ethiopia Mexico 144 Martin Donohoe 145 Larry Dossey 146 Jose Duarte Physician/Scientist, Portland State University, Physician, Adjunct Associate Professor MD, Medial Doctor of Internal Medicine, Executive Editor of Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing PhD in Biochemical Engineering, Senior Researcher, retired 147 Francisco Echegaray PhD, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 148 John 149 Philippe Ehrlich Elskens PhD in Microbiology PhD, Geneticist USA Belgium *View notification at the bottom of the document USA USA Portugal Page 9/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 150 Ossama El-Tayeb PhD, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Immunology, Cairo University, former Senior Program Officer for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology at the United Nations Environment Program 151 Mary Eubanks PhD, Professor in Biology with a Specialty in Maize Genetics, Department of Biology, Duke University USA 152 Ole Faergeman MD, Medical Doctor, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Emeritus of Preventive Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital Denmark 153 Maria Finckh 154 Hans-Jürgen Fischbeck PhD in Botany and Plant Pathology, Professor of Ecological Plant Protection, University of Kassel PhD in Physics 155 Gabriela Flores Ramírez PhD, Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences 156 Ian 157 Michael W. 158 Alan Forrester Fox Fredeen 159 Hugo Freije PhD in Biochemistry, Retired Canada PhD, DVM, Veterinary Doctor USA PhD, Haley Institute, Dalhousie University Canada PhD, Environmental Chemist, Professor at Universidad Nacional del Argentina Sur 160 Jaime E. García González PhD, Acricultural Scientist, Universidad Estatal a Distancia Costa Rica 161 Louise 162 Lode 163 Mazen Gaynor Gepts Ghani UK Belgium USA 164 Adrian Gibbs 165 Doug 166 Manuela 167 Michaela Gilbert Giovannetti Glöckler PhD in Neuroscience, University College London MD, Medical Doctor of Pulmonology MD, Medical Doctor PhD, in Plant Virology, Australian National University Emeritus Faculty, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science Scientist, Inventor, Physician PhD, Professor in Agricultural Microbiology, University of Pisa MD, Medical Doctor, Head Medical Section Goetheanum *View notification at the bottom of the document Egypt Germany Germany Slovakia Australia USA Italy Switzerland Page 10/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 168 Emmanuel PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher Molecular Genetics, Development González-Ortega and Evolution of Plants, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico 169 Rudolf Gorenflo PhD, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, Free University of Berlin Germany 170 Geoffrey M. Greenbaum Australia 171 Marija Gregori 172 Jeremy 173 Kerry Gruber Grundy 174 Xiulin Gu 175 Wilbert Himmighofen 176 Peter Hinderberger 177 Wilhelm 178 Johannes Höfer Hoffmann 179 F. Brian Holl 180 Steve 181 Muzammal Holzberg Hussain MD, Medical Doctor, retired PhD, Reserarch Unit Manager on Agroecosystem Behaviour and Organic Seed Production, Biotechnical Centre Naklo JD, President of Council for Responsible Genetics PhD, Member New Zealand Planning Institute (MNZPI) PhD, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics PhD, Acricultural Scientist MD, Medical Doctor, Physicians Association for Anthroposophic Medicine DVM, Veterinary Doctor PhD, Professor for Social Ethics and Economic Ethics PhD, in Fungal Genetics, Professsor Emeritus, University of British Columbia PhD in Plant Pathology MD, Medical Doctor, Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine 182 Federico Infascelli PhD, Professor of Animal Nutrition, University of Naples Federico II Italy 183 Sander Jacobs PhD, Ecologist, Research Institute for Nature and Forest 184 JoAnn Jaffe PhD, Professor of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina Canada 185 Christine Jasch PhD, Professor of Environmental Economics, Institute for Environmental Management and Economics, University of Vienna Austria 186 Brian John PhD, Durham University, retired UK *View notification at the bottom of the document Slovenja USA New Zealand China Germany USA Germany Germany Canada USA UK Belgium Page 11/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 187 Helmut 188 Hank 189 Mickelder Käss Keeton Kercy 190 Shumaisa Khan 191 Sayed K. Khattari 192 Paul G. King 193 Joanna Kirkpatrick 194 Theodoros Kokkorogiannis 195 Krisztina J. Kovács 196 Werner Kratz 197 Christophe Kreis 198 Ruben Kretzschmar 199 Sheldon Krimsky 200 Margaret P. 201 Karon Kuebler Kuindersma 202 Balkrishna Kurvey 203 Sándor 204 Gottfried Lakó Lange MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Farmer-Philosopher-Physicist MD, Medical Doctor, Public Health PhD in Natural Resources and Environment, Research Fellow, Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health Research Centre, University of Surrey Ph.D. in Agronomy, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Professor at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan PhD, Analytical Chemist PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Bennington College, retired Germany USA USA PhD in Biology , Farmer Greece PhD in Biology, Laboratory of Molecular Neuroendocrinology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, University of Budapest PhD in Ecology and Ecotoxicology PhD, Molecular and Developmental Biology, University of British Columbia PhD, Professor of Soil Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) PhD, Lenore Stern Professor Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Arts & Sciences and Adjunct Professor Public Health & Community Medicine, Tufts University Medical School JD, Attorney MD, Medical Doctor PhD, President, Indian Institute for Peace Disarmament & Environmental Protection PhD in Physics MD, Medical doctor *View notification at the bottom of the document UK Jordan USA USA Hungary Germany Canada Switzerland USA USA India Hungary Germany Page 12/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 205 206 207 208 209 Mary Antoinette Laura Tim Geoffrey Arnaldo LaRussa PhD in Mathematics and in science education, New Mexico Tech USA Lasater Laugherty Lawrence Llerena Pinto MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Pharmacist PhD, Professor of Sociology, University of Queensland MD, Medical Doctor PhD in Biochemistry, Former Director of Centre for Human Ecology, University of Edinburgh, retired PhD, Professor of Ehtnobotany and Rural Development, University of Veracruz PhD DSc, Aarhus University / Fujian University of Agriculture and Forestry PhD in Cancer Epidemiology, Postdoctoral Fellow at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington, USA PhD, Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, Fellow Royal Irish Academy, Professor of Zoology, University of Ulster PhD in plant molecular biology, Senior Research Fellow, King's College London PhD, Molecular Geneticist, UC Davis / Performed safety studies for the world's first GE crop: Flavr SavrTM tomato PhD, Molecular Biologist, University of Montevideo MD, Medical Doctor, Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, retired PhD, Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering PhD in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm) PhD in Biotechnology, consultant PhD in Environmental Science, Rearcher, Scottish Parliament USA 210 Ulrich Loening 211 Citlalli Lopez Binnquist 212 Gabor L. Lövei 213 Sarah Lowry 214 Amyan Macfadyen 215 Claire Marris 216 Belinda Martineau 217 Claudio Martinez 218 Rosemary Mason 219 Juanita Mathews 220 Marc Mathieu 221 Heli 222 Rebecca Matilainen McKinlay *View notification at the bottom of the document Australia Spain UK Mexico Denmark USA UK UK USA Uruguay UK USA France New Zealand UK Page 13/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 223 Matthias Meier PhD in Environmental Sciences, Research Insitute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland 224 Dieter Meissner PhD, Professor of Chemistry, Tallinn University of Technology Estonia 225 Juliana Merçon PhD, Professor of Environmental Ethics, University of Veracruz Mexico 226 Robin 227 Wang 228 Niels Iver Mesnage Minglian Møller 229 Raul Montenegro PhD, King's College London UK PhD, College of Life Science & Bioengineering, Beijing University of China MD, Medical Doctor Denmark PhD, Professor of Evolitionary Biology, National University of Argentina Cordoba, Alternative Nobel Prize 2004 230 Adrian Müller PhD, Researcher, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) 231 Rainer Müller 232 Amar KJR Nayak MD, Medical Doctor, Professor, University of Bremen Germany PhD, Professor of Strategic Management, Chair Professor, National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development, Xavier Institute of India Management Bhubaneswar 234 John D. NegrerosCastillo Nelson Jr. 235 Pun Ngai 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 Nigh Olarieta O'Neill Opmeer Palerm Palmer Peña 233 Patricia Ronald Joserra Michele F.A. Jacinta John Devon G. Switzerland PhD in Forestry, University of Veracruz Mexico PhD, Microbiologist, retired PhD, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universtiy PhD in Ecological Anthropology PhD, Lecturer, Universitat de Lleida MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor, Biochemist & Pharmacologist PhD in Social Anthropology, Colegio des Postgrados PhD, Prof. Emeritus, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill PhD, Agroecologist, Professor at University of Washington USA *View notification at the bottom of the document Hong Kong Mexico Spain USA The Netherlands Mexico USA USA Page 14/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 243 Pietro Perrino 244 Grygorii 245 Bence 246 William Petjuch Petovari Pilgrim 247 Warren P. Porter 248 John D. Potter 249 Josep Puig 250 Jorge A. Quillfeldt 251 David Quist 252 Sagari R. Ramdas 253 Margaret Reeves 254 Ewa Rembiałkowska 255 James Roach Rodriguez Cervantes Rommel Roos Rountree Rubin 256 Silvia 257 258 259 260 Christopher Kyle Robert Sergio PhD in Agricultural Science, Former Director of the Germplasm Institute of the Italian National Research Council PhD, geneticist, Biotechnologist PhD, Agricultural Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biophysics, University of Ontario PhD, Professor of Zoology and of Environmental Toxicology , University of Wisconsin Madison PhD, MD, Medical Doctor, Division of Oublic Health Services, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center / Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology, University of Washington PhD, Engineer, Professor, Autonomous University of Barcelona PhD, Professor of Biophysics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul PhD, GenØk - Center for Biosafety DVM, Veterinary Doctor, Masters Degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics PhD in Agricultural Ecology, Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network PhD in Nutrition Ecology, Professor at Warsaw University of Life Sciences MD, Medical Doctor, University of Kentucky PhD, Professor Emeritus, Rural Sociology & Development Studies, National University of Costa Rica PhD, MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Pharmacist MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Associated Researcher, University of Gent *View notification at the bottom of the document Italy Ukraine Hungary Canada USA USA Spain Brasil Norway India USA Poland USA Costa Rica Germany USA USA Belgium Page 15/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 PhD, Master in Environmental Planning, Australian Catholic University MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Senior Scientist, Ecologist, University of Hamburg MD, Medical Doctor, Occupational Physician 261 Charles Rue 262 Larry 263 Gesine 264 S. Schneider Schütte See 265 Ramon J. Seidler PhD in Microbiology, Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University / USA Senior Scientist, Head of US EPA GMO Biosafety Program, retired 266 267 268 269 270 Stephanie Sha Hui-Shen Ilyas Margarida Roman 271 Andrzej Seneff Sha Shen Siddique Silva PhD, Senior Research Scientist, MIT PhD, Molecular Biologist, Post-Doctoral Reasearch Assistant PhD, Professor, Shanghai jiao Tong University PhD in Ecology, University of Queensland, Australia PhD, Molecular Biology, Assistant Professor USA China China Australia Portugal Sniady PhD in Agriculture Poland 272 Joachim H. Spangenberg 273 Fern 274 William W.M. 275 Klaus Günter Springs Steiner Steinhäuser 276 Jayne Steinmetz 277 Kees Stigter 278 Peter Stockdale 279 V.T. Sundaramurthy 280 Mary Kelly 281 Nancy Sutton Swanson PhD, Helmholtz Centre for Environment Research, Department of Community Ecology MD, Medical Doctor PhD in Genetics, retired PhD, Chemistry PhD in Nutritional Science, Professor at Food and Nutrition Department, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point PhD, Prof. Emeritus, Visiting Professor in Africa and Asia from Wageningen University PhD, DVM, Veterinary Doctor, Professor Emeritus, Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons PhD, Entomologist, Ex. Project Coordinator of National Research Project on Cotton MD, Medical Doctor PhD in Physics *View notification at the bottom of the document Australia USA Germany Malaysia Germany USA USA Germany USA The Netherlands USA India USA USA Page 16/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 282 R.B. 283 Margaret 284 Jie Taylor Thorp Tian PhD, Bristol University, retired DVM, Veterinary Doctor, Metropolitan Hospital Arkon PhD, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences UK USA China 285 Kemal Topac Ertan PhD, Biologist, specialized in Genetics and Evolutionary Biology Germany 286 Terje Traavik 287 Toyoko Tsukuda 288 Boldizsár Vajda 289 Hector Valenzuela 290 Ena Valikov 291 Evaggelos Vallianatos 292 Christina 293 Luc 294 Zoltán van Tellingen Vandecasteele Varga PhD, Professor of Gene Ecology, Genøk-Centre for Biosafety, University of Tromsö, Norway PhD, Molecular Biologist/Biochemist, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico Albuquerque PhD in Microbial Genetics, retired PhD, Professor and Crop Production Specialist, University of Hawaii at Manoa DVM, Veterinary Doctor, private practice clinician PhD, Former Environmental Analyst, US Environmental Protection Agency MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor PhD, DSc, Professor Emeritus, Department of Evolutionary 295 Alberta Velimirov PhD, Biologist, former food quality expert Austria 296 297 298 299 300 301 Verelst von Beesten Vrain Walker Walker Wall PhD in Philosophy of Science, Centrum Leo Apostel, Brussels Free MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Genetic engineer, retired MD, Medical Doctor MD, Medical Doctor PhD, Plant Pathologist, retired PhD, Professor, Chief scientist in biosafety, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences under Ministry of Environmental Protection of China PhD, Visiting Professor, Tianjin University Belgium Germany Canada USA USA Canada Karin Angela Thierry John D. Lesa R. Ronald E. 302 Changyong Wang 303 Daniel Weber *View notification at the bottom of the document Norway USA Hungary USA USA USA The Netherlands Belgium Hungary China Australia Page 17/ 18 Signatories* No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety as of 20 January 2015 304 Ileana 305 Gerd Wenger Winter 306 Martin Wolfe 307 Sum Tim 308 M.P. Wong Woodland 309 Yan Xie 310 Gastone Zanette 311 Tadeusz P. 312 Anna M. 313 Christof Zarski Zivian Zwart DVM, Veterinary Doctor PhD, Professor of Law, University of Bremen PhD, Professor Emeritus, Organic Research Centre, Wakelyns Agroforestry PhD, Professor in Food and Agricultural Genetics PhD in Microbial Biochemistry PhD, Expert on Biodiversity Conservation, Associate Research Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences MD, Medical Doctor, Assistant Professor of Anaesthesiology, Department of Neurosciences, University of Padova PhD, Professor, Warsaw University of Live Science PhD, Ocean Conservancy MD, Medical Doctor Canada Germany UK Taiwan UK China Italy Poland USA The Netherlands Notification: All signatories sign in an individual capacity and this statement reflects their personal views. There is no suggestion that the views expressed in this statement represent the views or position of any institution or organization with which the individuals are affiliated. *View notification at the bottom of the document Page 18/ 18
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