LASCAS 2015 – XXI Iberchip Conference Preliminary Program Montevideo – Uruguay, 24-7 February 2015 - Day 1 - LASCAS/Iberchip Program - Tuesday, 24th February 2015 LASCAS/Iberchip Registration 11:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 Tutorial 2 - Session 1: Tutorial 1 - Session 1: Carlos Galup Montoro and Marcio Cherem Schneider Subthreshold CMOS design Time for lunch 13:30 – 14:30 Tutorial 1 - Session 2: 14:30 – 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 Roberto S Murphy Characterization of Semiconductor Devices in the High-Frequency Regime Carlos Galup Montoro and Marcio Cherem Schneider Subthreshold CMOS design Tutorial 2 - Session 2: Roberto S Murphy Characterization of Semiconductor Devices in the High-Frequency Regime Coffee Break / LASCAS/Iberchip Registration Tutorial 4: Tutorial 3: 16:30 – 18:00 Manuel Delgado Restituto Implantable Neural Recording Interfaces Gordana Jovanovic, Jose M. de la Rosa, Gerardo Molina Salgado Comb-based Decimation Filters for Sigma-Delta A/D Converters: Algorithms and Implementation 17:30 – 18:30 LASCAS/Iberchip Registration 18:30 Welcome Cocktail - Day 2 - LASCAS/Iberchip Program - Wednesday, 25th February 2015 8:30 – 9:00 LASCAS/Iberchip Registration 9:00 – 10:40 Opening Ceremony Keynote – Franco Maloberti, Data Converters: the road from hundred of MS/s to many GS/s 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:40 Session I-A LASCAS Session I-B LASCAS Session I-C Iberchip Analog Circuits I Digital Filters CAD 12:40 Lunch 14:00 – 15:10 Industry presentations Session II-A LASCAS 15:10 – 16:30 16:30 – 17:20 17:20 – 19:00 Imaging Techniques Session II-B LASCAS Session II-C Iberchip Communication Systems & Signal Processing Embedded Systems & Computer Architecture Coffee break LASCAS Poster Session I – Iberchip Poster Session I Session III-A LASCAS Session III-B LASCAS Session III-C Iberchip Data Converters Test Techniques Sensors - Day 3 - LASCAS/Iberchip Program - Thursday, 26th February 2015 Session IV-B LASCAS 9:00 – 10:40 Digital Signal Processing Techniques I Session IV-A LASCAS Analog Circuits II Session IV-C Iberchip CAD & Digital Design 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:40 Panel “Electronic Industry in the Region: Status and Challenges” 12:40 Lunch 14:00 – 15:00 Keynote – David Atienza Designing Multi-Parametric Wearable Monitoring Systems for Scalable Healthcare Session V-B LASCAS Session V-A LASCAS 15:00 – 16:20 16:20 – 17:00 17:00 – 18:40 20:30 Pattern Recognition & Sensing Digital Signal Processing Techniques II Session V-C Iberchip Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks Coffee break Young Professionals/MSc/PhD Students Forum - Poster Session Session VI-A LASCAS Session VI-B LASCAS Session VI-C Iberchip RF Circuits & Systems Digital & ASIC Design Signal Processing in the Digital Domain Gala Dinner – Club Uruguay - Day 4 - LASCAS/Iberchip Program - Friday, 27th February 2015 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:50 Keynote – Sachin Sapatnekar Reliability Issues in CMOS, and Spin-Based Design Beyond CMOS Coffee break LASCAS Poster Session II – Iberchip Poster Session II Session VII-A LASCAS 10:50 – 12:30 Modeling & Simulation of FET Devices Session VII-B LASCAS FPGA-Based Applications Session VII-C Iberchip Analog & RF 12:30 Lunch 13:50 – 15:00 Embedded Tutorial – Maciej Ogorzalek 3D ICs – Challenges and Advantages Session VIII-A LASCAS 15:00 – 16:40 Analog & MixedSignal Circuits Session VIII-B LASCAS Biomedical & Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems 16:40 – 17:00 Coffee break 17:00 – 17:20 Closing Ceremony Session VIII-C LASCAS Computing Techniques - Keynote Speeches and Tutorials Wednesday 25th February, 9:30 - 10:40 Keynote 1 “Data Converters: the road from hundred of MS/s to many GS/s” Franco Maloberti University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. Data converters are essential elements for new advanced applications like gigabit Ethernet, optical communications, radar, set-top box, ultra wide band communications, broadband satellite receivers, and more. The resultant specifications establish an unprecedented combination of speed, resolution, and power efficiency. The use of modern nanometer CMOS technologies and digital assisted method are key for obtaining proper results, especially when the requirement is to operate at conversion speed in the GS/s range. For those extremely high-speed traditional power-hungry flash architectures have been recently replaced by time interleaving power effective A/D converters. The preferred single channel schemes are the SAR or the folding flash architecture. Therefore, presently, the road from hundred of MS/s to many GS/s ADC starts from high-speed SAR or equivalent power effective schemes and goes through techniques for making effective the interleaved architecture. Namely, methods for a suitable clock generation, its distribution and the correction of clock skew are necessary. This presentation discusses state-of-the-art silicon implementations of high-speed single channel ADC and presents analog and digital techniques used to make the interleaved scheme accurate and affordable. Thursday 26th February, 9:00 - 10:40 Keynote 2 “Designing Multi-Parametric Wearable Monitoring Systems for Scalable Healthcare” David Atienza Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), EPFL, Switzerland. Latest progress in microelectronics have enabled the miniaturization of processing elements, radio transceivers and sensing elements of a large array of physiological phenomena. This situation has made plausible to realize low cost, low power, miniaturized, yet, smart sensor nodes needed to develop wireless body-area sensor networks (WBSN). However, the inherent resource-constrained nature of these systems, coupled with the harsh operating conditions and stringent autonomy requirements, pose important design challenges to make them provide automated analysis for complex biological signals. This talk discusses the use of WBSN systems to build scalable healthcare ecosystems. Hence, it addresses system-level design of nextgeneration smart WBSN platforms for personal health monitoring systems, and highlights the unsustainable energy cost incurred by the relatively straightforward wireless streaming of raw sensor data. To achieve the extended autonomy required by long-term ambulatory monitoring, this talk advocates for enabling more embedded intelligence onboard these sensor nodes through a new system-level design approach. This approach exploits the bio-signals features to apply the new compressive sensing paradigm in the design of specialized near-threshold computing and memory blocks in order to deploy ultra-low power (ULP) multi-core processing architectures for automated bio-signals analysis on WBSN. To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, this talk focuses on cardiac and multi-parametric monitoring systems and show how it is possible to achieve wearable ULP electrocardiogram (ECG) arrhythmia detection systems and multi-parametric wellness monitoring devices that can operate autonomously for long periods of time and support a graceful quality degradation of the system output based on the available power in the system at each moment in time. Friday 27th February, 9:00 - 10:00 Keynote 3 “Reliability Issues in CMOS, and Spin-Based Design Beyond CMOS” Sachin Sapatnekar University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. As CMOS technologies have shrunk to the scale of about ten nanometers, reliability and aging problems have emerged as a major challenge in the design of parts used in the mobile infrastructure, server, and automotive segments. A true reliability solution must link device models to circuit techniques to architectural approaches. Current approaches based on projecting device-level models are often pessimistic (in some cases, by orders of magnitude) because they ignore the inherent resilience of circuits to reliability failures. At the other end of the spectrum, system-level models often ignore the physics of reliability. This talk will first discuss research that allows modeling, design, and design automation at various levels to meet in the middle to solve reliability problems at various levels of design abstraction. Even with enhanced reliability, further scaling of CMOS circuits is likely to eventually become impractical. In the final segment of this talk, we will discuss options for a post-CMOS era, with specific focus on spintronics, an exciting prospect for post-CMOS electronics. This model of computing is based on the use of electron spin as a state variable, instead of charge as in CMOS, and is based on switching nanomagnets. An overview of methods for building memory and logic devices using spin-based devices will be provided, with projections for future research in this area. Tuesday 24th February, 12:00–13:30 and 14:30-16:00 Tutorial 1 “Subthreshold CMOS design” Carlos Galup Montoro and Marcio Cherem Schneider Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. The main purpose of this tutorial is the design of integrated circuits for ultra-low-voltage and ultra-low-power operation. In order to focus on circuit design rather than on the complete MOSFET model, we will emphasize the subthreshold operation of the MOS transistor. Ultra-low-voltage circuits have gained considerable attention in recent years because of the emergence of small batteries and self-powered applications. The main solution to reduce the energy consumption of electronic circuits is to lower the supply voltage. Theoretically, the minimum supply voltage for a CMOS inverter is 2 (ln2) (kT/q) = 36 mV at room temperature, as shown by Swanson and Meindl in 1972. In this tutorial we analyze CMOS logic gates and the Schmitt Trigger circuit in weak inversion operation, and discuss circuit techniques to approach the theoretical low voltage limit. For analog circuits the minimum supply voltage is usually considered higher than the minimum necessary for the operation of digital circuits. Contrary to this common belief, we will show that analog circuits such as rectifiers and oscillators can operate with supply voltages below (kT/q). In the lecture we will discuss key concepts for ultra-low-voltage operation, such as MOS transistors with zero or near zero threshold voltage, modeling issues, and ultra-low-voltage biasing and building blocks. Finally, a section on ultra-low-voltage circuits for energy harvesting is presented. Tuesday 24th February, 12:00–13:30 and 14:30-16:00 Tutorial 2 “Characterization of Semiconductor Devices in the High-Frequency Regime” Roberto S Murphy Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica (INAOE), Tonantzintla, Puebla, México. The use of semiconductor devices and passive components such as antennas, inductors and transmission lines is everyday more important in the design and fabrication of integrated circuits for high-frequency applications. Circuit and system applications employing wireless communications are used nowadays for a wide variety of applications, and the trend clearly shows that these types of circuits will be needed for a host of novel applications in the years to come. This tutorial spans three fundamental aspects of semiconductor and passive devices for high-frequency applications; their underlying physics, modeling and characterization. During the first part, the particular structure is analyzed with the aim of identifying the physical mechanisms on which its performance is based, such as material properties, geometric factors and construction. A second part illustrates the different methodologies available to relate the physical phenomena to an electric equivalent circuit, addressing the need for reliable and trustworthy models for the simulation stages of these devices. The final part of the tutorial focuses on device measurement in the high-frequency regime, covering topics such as calibration techniques, de-embedding procedures, data transformation and interpretation. The tutorial concludes with general guidelines for the design and analysis of semiconductor and passive elements, including parasitic effects which affect the performance of these devices when the operation frequency is in the GHz range. Tuesday 24th February, 16:30 – 18:00 Tutorial 3 “Implantable Neural Recording Interfaces” Manuel Delgado Restituto Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (Univ. Sevilla - CSIC), Spain Besides fostering advances in neuroscience, wireless neural prostheses for the measurement of intracranial neural activity are expected to play a significant role in the development of novel treatments for some neurological diseases and in the implementation of untethered brain-machine interfaces. As long as these prostheses are implanted, they have to achieve and maintain stable long-term recordings so that the need for re-surgery is essentially eliminated. This poses important challenges on the hardware implementation of the prostheses as they have to exhibit ultra-low power consumption, not only to prevent from harmful effects in the brain but also to minimize energy requirements; low form factor; versatility, to prove useful in different scenarios as determined by neurologists; and adaptability to deal not only with the intrinsic statistical deviations of the fabrication process but also with the non-stationary nature of the electrode-tissue interface. This tutorial surveys some of the most recent advances in the implementation of wireless neural prostheses covering different disciplines; since the fabrication of microelectrodes, to the design of communication protocols, passing though the optimization of ultra-low power analog front-ends and power efficient data converters. As a demonstration vehicle, an integrated 64-channel neural recording sensor suitable for acquiring Local Field Potentials (LFPs) and Action Potentials (APs) will be described in detail. In this prototype, an on-chip dedicated processor defines the operation mode of the channels and implements a full-duplex protocol for data transmission through a wireless link. In one operation mode, the recording system can be configured to detect and compress neural spikes so that feature vectors instead of raw signal samples are transferred. In another mode, the system runs a self-calibration mechanism which automatically adapts the filter bandwidth and the gain setting of the channels. The sensor also offers different alternatives for raw data transmission in which the number of active channels and the effective sampling rate are traded-off. In all cases, the total throughput rate of the sensor keeps below 4Mbps as imposed by the wireless link. The sensor has been fabricated in a 0.13 µm standard CMOS process and consumes 330 µW from a 1.2 V voltage supply in the most power demanding mode. Tuesday 24th February, 16:30 – 18:00 Tutorial 4 “Comb-based Decimation Filters for Sigma-Delta A/D Converters: Algorithms and Implementation” Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek(1), Jose M. de la Rosa(2), Gerardo Molina Salgado(1) (1)Department of Electronics, Institute INAOE, Puebla , Mexico (2)Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (Univ. Sevilla - CSIC), Spain. In oversampled Sigma-Delta analog-digital converters (SD ADC) analog signal is sampled with the frequency much larger than the Nyquist frequency, which along with the quantization noise shaping, results in an high resolution compared with the traditional ADCs. This process is done in the modulator, which is the most critical block of the overall ADC. The sampling rate of the oversampled signal at the output of modulator, must be decreased to the Nyquist rate (decimated) and the out-of-band components of the quantization noise must be removed. However, the decreasing of the sampling rate may introduce the aliasing which must be eliminated in order to prevent the distortion of the oversampled signal. Consequently, the main part of the decimator is the digital filter, called decimation or antialiasing filter, which has to prevent the aliasing effect. The decimation is usually performed in different stages. The most critical is the first stage because it works at high input rate. Due its simplicity, comb filter structures are frequently used at the first stage of decimation. New demands on SD ADC pose the strong conditions for the comb decimation stage, requiring high decimation factor, low power and area consumption. Additionally, the magnitude characteristic must have high alias rejections and a low passband droop to avoid the degradation of the signal after decimation. In the first part, we will explain the effect of aliasing in the time and frequency domain and we will introduce comb filter, which is the simplest decimation filter. We will present the advantages and disadvantages of the comb filter and its two principal structures: recursive and nonrecursive. We will also introduce the polyphase decomposition, which is useful to move the filtering to lower rate. We will present principal methods for the improving the magnitude characteristic of the comb filter in the passband, the stopbands, and in both: passband and stopbands. In the second part, we will discuss the implementation issue and how to measure the consumed power and used area in comb-based structure. We will present power efficient and area efficient structures, as well as the structures with best trade-off between power and area efficiency. Friday 27th February, 13:50 - 15:00 Embedded Tutorial “3D ICs – Challenges and Advantages” Maciej Ogorzalek Department of Information Technologies, Jagiellonian University, Poland. The most significant challenge for continued integration of complex systems is energy efficiency. 3D heterogeneous stacking of diverse circuit blocks is one of the most promising solutions.The tutorial will focus on three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D lCs) consisting of multiple layers of systems connected vertically. We will discuss advantages and challenges of current 3D TSV-based technologies and other types of connections available in news technologies such as carbon nanotubes. One can exploit various options and choices for silicon and heterogeneous systems. Challenging questions include system types, functionalities, the variety of materials, TSV-based vertical integration technologies, 3D layout and routing, interconnect modeling, the system 3D architecture, energy efficiency, technological feasibility, and the multi-objective optimization. Comparisons between various solutions will be presented and discussed. An overview of current new concepts for construction of heterogeneous layers on chip containing such devices as energy scavengers and energy storing devices including hyper-capacitors and micro-batteries will be presented. Wednesday 25th February 11:00 – 12:40 LASCAS – Session I-A - Analog Circuits I 11:00 ID#96 “High Slew-Rate OTA With Low Quiescent Current Based On Non-Linear Current Mirror” Pablo Perez, Francisco Veirano, Pablo Castro Lisboa, Fernando Silveira 11:20 ID#79 “Resistorless Switched-Capacitor Current Reference Based on the MOSFET ZTC Condition” Pedro Toledo, Hamilton Klimach, David Cordova, Sergio Bampi and Eric Fabris 11:40 ID#125 “Design of CMOS Current-mode Multiplier-Divider circuits for type-2 FLC Applications” Rodrigo B Santos, Paloma Maria Silva Rocha Rizol and Leonardo Mesquita 12:00 ID#158 “A Low-Noise Fully Differential Recycling Folded Cascode Neural Amplifier” Sammy Cerida, Erick Raygada, Carlos Silva and Manuel Monge 12:20 ID#152 “A Novel and Highly Accurate Bandgap Monitor Circuit for Supply Sequencing” Ashish Khandelwal, Bharath Kannan and Joseph Khayat 11:00 – 12:40 LASCAS – Session I-B - Digital Filters 11:00 ID#105 11:20 ID#60 11:40 ID#132 12:00 ID#06 12:20 ID#142 “Design of Filterbanks Using a Fast Optimization Approach” Iman Moazzen and Panajotis Agathoklis “Signal Enhancement for Gunshot DOA Estimation with Median Filters” Angelo M. C. R. Borzino, José A. Apolinário Jr., Marcello L. R. de Campos and Luiz W. P. Biscainho “A Multi-Standard Interpolation Filter for Motion Compensated Prediction on High Definition Videos” Henrique Maich, Guilherme Paim, Vladimir Afonso, Luciano Agostini, Bruno Zatt and Marcelo Porto “Realization of 4D Ladder Structured Digital Filters” George Antoniou and Minas T. Kousoulis “On simple comb decimation structure based on Chebyshev sharpening” Miriam Guadalupe Cruz-Jimenez, David Ernesto Troncoso Romero and Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek 11:00 – 12:40 IBERCHIP – Session I-C - CAD 11:00 ID#46 11:20 ID#49 11:40 ID#03 12:00 ID#22 12:20 ID#51 “Desenvolvimento de uma Ferramenta para a Caracterização Temporal de Portas Lógicas CMOS” Ingrid Machado, Paulo Francisco Butzen, Cristina Meinhardt and Eric Fabris “Uma Abordagem Sistemática para Analisar e Otimizar os Efeitos da Eletromigração nos Sinais Internos das Células” Gracieli Posser, Vivek Mishra, Palkesh Jain, Ricardo Reis and Sachin Sapatnekar “Software Tool for the Analysis of Gate Activation in the ISCAS 85 Combinational Circuits” Alberto Palacios Pawlovsky “Uma Arquitetura para Exploração de Paralelismo Multinível utilizando Roteadores Processantes” Marcos Cruz, Monica Pereira and Marcio Kreutz “Synthesis by Optimized Direct Mapping of Extended Burst-Mode gC Finite State Machines” Duarte Oliveira, Lester Faria and Leonardo Romano Wednesday 25th February 15:10 – 16:30 LASCAS – Session II-A - Imaging Techniques 15:10 ID#69 15:30 ID#56 15:50 ID#35 16:10 ID#14 “Resonant Frequency Calculation of Square Diaphragms: A Comparison” Rayyan Manwar, Livingstone Arjunan, Majid Ahmadi and Sazzadur Chowdhury “Pathology Grading in Retina Digital Images Using Student-Adjusted Empirical Mode Decomposition and Power Law Statistics” Mounir Boukadoum and Salim Lahmiri “Image Filtering in a CMOS Analog CNN” Fabian Souza de Andrade, Ygor Oliveira Da Guarda Souza, Edson Pinto Santana and Ana Isabela Araújo Cunha “Influence of Cascode and Simple Current Mirrors in Inner Product Implementations for CMOS Imagers” Fernanda Oliveira, José Gabriel Gomes and Antonio Petraglia 15:10 – 16:30 LASCAS – Session II-B Communication Systems & Signal Processing 15:10 ID#91 15:30 ID#30 15:50 ID#145 16:10 ID#116 “Unconventional Signal Processing Architecture for Reconfigurable On-Chip Communication Systems” Jose Luis Vazquez, Remberto Sandoval, Blanca Isabel Gea, Ramon Parra and Mario Siller “Dynamic Resource Allocation in LTE Systems using an Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization and BetaMWM Network Traffic Modeling” Flávio H. T. Vieira, Bruno H. P. Gonçalves, Flávio G. C. Rocha, Luan L. Lee and Marcus V. G. Ferreira “Optimal location of reclosers in distribution systems considering reliability in communication channels” Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo, Ricardo A. Hincapié, Mauricio Granada and Andrés Alzate “A Comparison between RS+TCM and LDPC for Channel Coding” Marcos Yuichi Takeda, Fernanda Smith and Aldebaro Klautau 15:10 – 16:30 IBERCHIP – Session II-C Embedded Systems & Computer Architecture 15:10 ID#32 15:30 ID#48 15:50 ID#17 16:10 ID#44 “Uma Plataforma Multicore Compatível com O Modelo de Programação OpenCL” Ramon Nepomuceno, Jonatas Santos, Laysson Luz and Ivan Saraiva Silva “Inferring Custom Architectures from OpenCL” Krzysztof Kepa, Ritesh Soni and Peter Athanas “Desarrollo de un prototipo de sistema de cosecha de energía biomecánica aplicado a estudios neurocientíficos” Eduardo Queccara and José Alcántara “Sistema embarcado para detecção de direção rodoviária agressiva” Juan Diego Diaz Lopez, Mauro Miyashiro and Fabiano Fruett Wednesday 25th February 16:30 – 17:20 LASCAS Poster Session I ID#126 ID#72 ID#75 “Dynamically Reconfigurable NoC using a Deadlock-Free Flexible Routing Algorithm with a Low Hardware Implementation Cost” Ernesto Cristopher Villegas Castillo, Gabriele Miorandi, Davide Bertozzi and Wang Chau “Hardware Architecture of the EKF Prediction Stage applied to Mobile Robot Localization” Luis Federico Contreras Samame, Sérgio Messias Cruz, Carlos Humberto Llanos Quintero and José Maurício Santos Torres Da Motta “Area-oriented Iterative Method for Design Space Exploration with High-Level Synthesis” Jeferson S. Silva and Sergio Bampi ID#156 “An Analytical Timing-Driven Algorithm for Detailed Placement” Jucemar Monteiro, Marcelo Johann, José Luis Güntzel and Guilherme Flach ID#10 “A Basic Method for the Design of an Oscillator using an Electromechanical Resonator” William Toro, David Altamar, Jorge Martinez and Mauricio Pardo ID#22 ID#32 ID#112 ID#41 ID#58 “Hardware implementation of a single-cycle one-dimensional median filter” Alejandro Veiga and Grunfeld Christian “Advancing in knowledge of the Frobenius Spectrum” Jonas Augusto Kunzler, Rodrigo Pinto Lemos, Diego Fernando Burgos, Hugo Vinicius Leão E Silva, Yroá Roblêdo Ferreira, Paulo César Machado and Getúlio Antero de Deus Júnior “Analysis of two fault locators to different operating states in power distribution system” Juan David Ramírez Ramírez, Juan José Mora Flórez and Sandra Milena Pérez Londoño “Reducing the Signal Electromigration Effects on Different Logic Gates by Cell Layout Optimization” Gracieli Posser, Lucas de Paris, Vivek Mishra, Palkesh Jain, Ricardo Reis and Sachin S. Sapatnekar “FPGA Implementation of the CCSDS-123.0-B-1 Lossless Hyperspectral Image Compression Algorithm Prediction Stage” Ettore Napoli, Giorgio Lopez and Antonio G.M. Strollo 16:30 – 17:20 IBERCHIP Poster Session I ID#11 “LM-NoC: Uma Linguagem de Modelagem para Redes em Chip” Jonathan Wanderley, Ana Luisa Medeiros, Márcio Kreutz and Max Miller Silveira ID#18 “Paralelismo no Roteamento Global de Circuitos VLSI: Estado da Arte” Diego Tumelero, Vitor V. Bandeira, Guilherme Bontorin and Ricardo Reis ID#20 “Multiple bus low power processor design” Augusto Morita and Wilhelmus Noije ID#24 ID#27 ID#30 ID#31 “Fuente de alimentación embebida” Maria Isabel Schiavon, Daniel Alberto Crepaldo, Eduardo Bailón and Carlos Varela “A Comparison between Direct Digital Measurement Technique and Digital Quadrature Demodulation for Complex Bioimpedance Measurement Implementation in FPGA” Allan Oliveira, Raphael Pereira, Joao Dias and Andre Mariano “Implementação em FPGA de uma FIFO Assíncrona Robusta de Alto Throughput” Duarte Oliveira, Kledermon Garcia and Roberto D'Amore “Projeto de um Circuito Integrado para Auxílio ao Controle de Servomotores” Lucas Garcia and Roberto Neli Wednesday 25th February 17:20 – 19:00 LASCAS – Session III-A - Data Converters “An approach to the design of low-jitter differential clock recovery circuits for high performance ADCs” Juan Núñez, Antonio J. Ginés, Eduardo J. Peralias and Adoración Rueda “A Third-Order 1 MHz Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulator in a 130 nm CMOS Process” Paulo César C. de Aguirre, Hamilton Klimach and Altamiro Susin “On the Design of Incremental Data Converters with Extended Range” Mohammadreza Baghbanmanesh and Franco Maloberti 17:20 ID#47 17:40 ID#86 18:00 ID#50 18:20 ID#113 “MOS-only M-2M DAC for Ultra-Low Voltage Applications” Israel Sperotto, Hamilton Klimach and Sergio Bampi 18:40 ID#44 “Novel Two-Stage Comb Decimator with Improved Frequency Characteristic” Gerardo Molina Salgado, Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek and Jose M. De La Rosa 17:20 – 19:00 LASCAS – Session III-B - Test Techniques 17:20 ID#21 17:40 ID#82 18:00 ID#146 18:20 ID#24 18:40 ID#120 “Partial Triplication of a Sparc-V8 Microprocessor Using Fault Injection” Cyril Bottoni, Benjamin Coeffic, Jean-Marc Daveau, Lirida Naviner and Philippe Roche “On the Functional Test of the Cache Coherency Logic in Multi-core Systems” Julio Perez Acle, Riccardo Cantoro, Ernesto Sanchez and Matteo Sonza Reorda “Testing Fully Differential Amplifiers Using Common Mode Feedback Circuit: a case study” Isis Bender, Guilherme Cardoso, Tiago Balen, Arthur de Oliveira, Lucas Severo and Alessandro Girardi “Influence of supplies on fast transient burst test in microcontrollers” Yann Bacher, Cesar Gori, Nicolas Froidevaux, Henri Braquet, Gilles Jacquemod and Philippe Dupre “New Fault Location Method in Power Distribution Systems Using Additional Measurements” Juan David Ramírez Ramírez, Juan José Mora Flórez and Cristian David Grajales Espinal 17:20 – 18:40 IBERCHIP – Session III-C - Sensors 17:20 ID#14 17:40 ID#42 18:00 ID#09 18:20 ID#12 “Sistema de control y sensado de policromador MEMS” Walter Aroztegui, Edgardo Ricci and José Rapallini “Una plataforma MEMS para la medición IN-SITU y en tiempo real de la tensión/esfuerzo inducido electroquímicamente en el electrodo de una batería de LITIO-ION” Sergio Baron “Optical characterization of uncooled bolometers based on La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films” Vanuza Nascimento, Bruno Guillet, Shuang Liu, Ammar Arian, Carolina Adamo, Darell Scholom, Raimundo Freire and Laurence Méchin “Sensor de Imagen CMOS con Detección de Color Sensible a la Polarización” José Antonio Rapallini, Jorge Rafael Osio, Mauro Escobar, Ariel Cedola, Cappelletti, Peltzer Y Blancá, Carbonetto and Lipovetzky Thursday 26th February 9:00 – 10:40 LASCAS – Session IV-A - Analog Circuits II 9:00 ID#23 “A Computer-Aided Approach for Voltage Reference Circuit Design” Fabián Olivera and Antonio Petraglia 9:20 ID#81 “A CMOS Low Noise Transconductance Amplifier for 1-6 GHz Bands” David Cordova, Eric Fabris and Sergio Bampi 9:40 ID#160 10:00 ID#99 10:20 ID#71 “Signal Processing for a Standard Harmonic Analyzer” Leonardo Trigo and Daniel Slomovitz “Configurable low noise readout front-end for gaseous detectors in 130nm CMOS technology” Hugo Hernandez, Wilhelmus Van Noije and Marcelo Munhoz “Simulation of MEMS energy harvesting generators based on bennet’s doubler” Antonio Queiroz and Luiz Oliveira 9:00 – 10:40 LASCAS – Session IV-B - Digital Signal Processing Techniques I 9:00 ID#34 9:20 ID#84 9:40 ID#136 10:00 ID#68 “A Comparative Analysis of Inclusion of PMUs in the Power System State Estimator” Miguel Yucra, Fabiano Schmidt and Madson Cortês de Almeida “S-GMOF: A Gradient-based Complexity Reduction Algorithm for Depth-Maps Intra Prediction on 3D-HEVC” Gustavo Freitas Sanchez, Mario Saldanha, Bruno Zatt, Marcelo Porto and Luciano Agostini “Analysis of source separation algorithms in industrial acoustic environments” Clevis Lozano, Alfonso Chacon, Fernando Merchan and Pedro Julian “Switched Reluctance Machine Fuzzy Modeling Applied on a MRAC Scheme” Arnaldo Matute, Julio Viola and Jose Restrepo 9:00 – 10:40 IBERCHIP – Session IV-C - CAD & Digital Design 9:00 ID#28 9:20 ID#29 9:40 ID#10 10:00 ID#52 10:20 ID#25 “LSPart: A Novel Tool for the Decomposition of Low-Power Gated-Clock Finite State Machines” Luiz Ferreira, Gabriel Dalalio, Duarte Oliveira and Lester Faria “An Approach for Design of Asynchronous Systems with Bundled-Data Implementation” Kledermon Garcia, Duarte Oliveira and Roberto D'Amore “Estudo e Implementação do Algoritmo Simulated Annealing para Posicionamento de Células utilizando LabVIEW” Walter Enrique, Calienes Bartra and Ricardo Reis “Jezz: An Incremental Legalizer” Guilherme Flach, Julia Puget, Jucemar Monteiro, Mateus Fogaça, Marcelo Johann, Paulo Butzen and Ricardo Reis “Digital IC Design Flow at IC-Brazil Training Program TC1” Lucas A. de Paris, Pedro Toledo, Jerson P. Guex, Henrique Fellini, Mauro A. Costa Jr., Antonio Felipe C. de Almeida, Everton Reckziegel, Thiago N. Oliveira and Eric E. Fabris Thursday 26th February 15:00 – 16:20 LASCAS – Session V-A - Pattern Recognition & Sensing 15:00 ID#53 15:20 ID#140 15:40 ID#133 16:00 ID#19 “Robust smartphone-based human activity recognition using a tri-axial accelerometer” Cesar Torres Huitzil and Marco Nuno Maganda “2D Amplitude-Modulation Frequency-Modulation - based Method for Motion Estimation” Victor Murray, Paul Rodriguez, Maria Noriega, Alvaro Dasso and Marios Pattichis “Pattern Recognition Applied to Identification of Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia” María Del Rocio Ochoa Montiel, Enrique Santamaría-Díaz, Carlos Sánchez-López, Federico Ramírez-Cruz and Francisco Javier Albores-Velasco “Motion capture sensor to monitor movement patterns in animal models of disease” Fabian Hoeflinger, Rui Zhang, Tobias Volk, Enrique Garea-Rodríguez, Adnan Yousaf, Christina Schlumbohm, Kerstin Krieglstein and Leonhard Reindl 15:00 – 16:20 LASCAS – Session V-B 15:00 ID#118 15:20 ID#144 15:40 ID#155 16:00 ID#05 - Digital Signal Processing Techniques II “Hardware Design of Fast HEVC 2-D IDCT Targeting Real-Time UHD 4K Applications” Ruhan Conceição, Ândrio Araújo, Marcelo Porto, Bruno Zatt and Luciano Agostini “Optimal Location and Sizing of Distributed Generators Using a Hybrid Methodology and Considering Different Technologies” Luis F. Grisales, Alejandro Grajales, Oscar D. Montoya, Ricardo A. Hincapié and Mauricio Granada “MIL-STD-1553+: Integrated Dual-Redundant Remote Terminal, Bus Controller and Bus Monitor at 100-Mb/s Data Rate” Prateek Pendyala “Black Hole Algorithm for Non-technical Losses Characterization” Douglas Rodrigues, Caio César Oba Ramos, André Nunes Souza and Joao Paulo Papa 15:00 – 16:20 IBERCHIP – Session V-C - Fuzzy logic & Neural Networks 15:00 ID#01 15:20 ID#40 15:40 ID#57 16:00 ID#08 “Simulation and implementation of controlled chaos and limit cycle oscillatory states, in a DC motor with a fuzzy logic controller using Concretion based on Boolean Relations” Andrés Camilo and Barragán Pinzón “Uso de un Sistema Neurodifuso para la Determinación del Contenido de Grasa en Ratas a Partir de su Impedancia Bioeléctrica” Emmanuel Ortega, Jeny Salazar-Anguiano, Esteban Ruíz and David Elías “Propuesta de una arquitectura para una red neuronal artificial RBF sobre un FPGA” Niels Prieto Bejar and Carlos Silva Cárdenas “Implementation of Embedded Systems for Hazardous Locations following Systems Engineering Methodologies with SysML” Ricardo Ramirez, Jessie D. Streater, Sharad K. Raj and J. Brent Welch Thursday 26th February 16:20 – 17:00 Young Professionals/MSc/PhD Students Forum ID#YP01 “Frame-level Redundancy Correction Technique for SRAM-based FPGAs” Jorge Tonfat ID#YP02 “A Study on Buffer Distribution for RRAM-based FPGA Structure Integrated System laboratory” Somayyeh Rahimian ID#YP03 “Reliability Evaluation of Combinational Logic Structures” Eduardo Liebl ID#YP04 “A Precision Flicker Noise Measurement Setup” Rafael Puyol ID#YP05 “Analysis of Optimization Algorithms for Sizing Analog Circuits” Robson A. Domanski ID#YP06 “Circuit Design for Sequential Logic Cells Validation” Helder H. Avelar ID#YP07 “A Programmable Interface for Extending Android ROM” Nouha Ghribi ID#YP08 ID#YP09 ID#YP10 ID#YP11 “Design and digital implementation of the MAC layer of the Bluetooth standard” Jorge Sanchez-Venegas “A New Approach for Designing Low Power, Low Noise Multi-GHz Phase Locked Loops in Deep Sub-μm Digital CMOS” Susan Schober “Special Signal Non-Default Routing Rules for Electromigration Improvement” Lucas de Paris “HW/SW Co-design of a Reconfigurable NoC for Telecommunication Algorithms” Blanca Gea Thursday 26th February 17:00 – 18:40 LASCAS – Session VI-A - RF Circuits & Systems 17:00 ID#16 17:20 ID#40 17:40 ID#151 18:00 ID#38 18:20 ID#70 “A Charge Transfer-Based High Performance, Ultra-Low Power PLL Charge Pump” Susan Schober and John Choma “A 0.55-V 1-GHz Frequency Synthesizer PLL for Ultra-Low-Voltage Ultra-Low-Power Applications” Omar Abdelfattah, Ishiang Shih, Gordon Roberts and Yi-Chi Shih “Design Optimization of a CMOS RF Detector” Nicolas Barabino and Fernando Silveira “Multimode 2.4 GHz CMOS Power Amplifier with Gain Control for Efficiency Enhancement at Power Backoff” Edson Santos, Bernardo Leite and André Mariano “A Digitally Controlled Oscillator for Fine-Grained Local Clock Generators in GALS MPSoCs” Guilherme Heck, Leandro Heck, Matheus Moreira, Fernando Moraes and Ney Calazans 17:00 – 18:40 LASCAS – Session VI-B - Digital & ASIC Design 17:00 ID#101 “ASIC Design and Prototyping for Education and Innovation with a Look on Latin America” Jacobus Swart and Carl Das 17:20 ID#83 “Overhead for Independent Net Approach for Global Routing” Diego Tumelero, Guilherme Bontorin and Ricardo Reis 17:40 ID#27 18:00 ID#93 18:20 ID#76 “A Design Methodology using Flip-Flops controlled by PVT variation detection” Alexandro Giron, Victor Avendano and Esteban Martinez “BAT-Hermes: A Transition-Signaling Bundled-Data NoC Router” Matheus Gibiluka, Matheus Trevisan Moreira, Fernando Gehm Moraes and Ney Laert Vilar Calazans “A Fast Pruning Technique for Low-Power Inexact Circuit Design” Johan Broc, Luca Amaru, Jaume Joven Murillo, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, Krishna Palem and Giovanni De Micheli 17:00 – 18:40 IBERCHIP – Session VI-C Signal Processing in the Digital Domain 17:00 ID#53 17:20 ID#26 17:40 ID#56 18:00 ID#36 18:20 ID#19 “Amplitude-transformed cosine compensator for CIC-based decimation filters” David Ernesto Troncoso Romero “Análise da Robustez a Falhas de um Filtro FIR” Helder Avelar, Denis Franco and Paulo Butzen “Síntesis e implementación de filtros adaptativos para reducción de ruido en señales de audio en un sistema embebido basado en arquitectura ARM CORTEX-M4” Juan Sebastian Rubiano Labrador, Héctor Leonardo Garzón, Jenny Zolanda Castellanos and Nubia Esperanza Aguilar “Modelo de referencia de un modulador de la norma DTMB de Televisión Digital” Reinier Díaz and Ernesto Fontes “High Performance 2D-DCT Architecture for HEVC Encoder” Maher Abdelrasoul, Mohammed Sayed, Maha Elsabrouty and Victor Goulart Friday 27th February 10:00 – 10:50 LASCAS Poster Session II ID#138 ID#141 ID#119 ID#77 ID#11 ID#65 ID#67 ID#92 ID#97 ID#147 “Automated RDSon Characterization for Power MOSFETS” Pedro J Escalona Cruz, Manuel A. Jiménez-Cedeño and Rogelio Palomera-García “Comparison of Alternatives for Voltage Sag Mitigation in Distribution Systems” Herbert Enrique Rojas, Audrey Soley Cruz and Harvey David Rojas “Design and construction of a prototype system for gait analysis for research in subjects with balance problems” Luis Anza, Enrique Ferreira and Hamlet Suarez “Estimating SEU Error Rate on Parallel Applications Implemented on Multicore Processors” Vanessa Vargas, Pablo Ramos, Raoul Velazco, Jean-François Méhaut and Nacer-Edine Zergainoh “Evaluation of the clustering of video frames using Rank and Histogram methods with Euclidean and City Block distance measurement for different levels of threshold” Eddie Galarza, Nicolás Guil and Julián Ramos “A novel Asynchronous Interface with Pausible Clock for Partitioned Synchronous Modules” Duarte Oliveira, Tiago Curtinhas, Lester Faria and Leonardo Romano “Graph - based Cellular Automata with life-like rules: Application to Maximal Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks” Antonina Tretyakova “Modeling the Impact of Heavy Ion on FDSOI NanoCMOS” Walter Enrique Calienes Bartra, Ricardo Reis and Andrei Vladimirescu “Real time image compression for eye tracking application” Frederic Amiel, Barry Boubaccar, Maria Trocan and Marc Swynghedauw “Design of an IDM-Based Determinant computing unit for a 130nm low power CMOS ASIC acoustic localization processor” Roberto Cerdas-Robles, Rodriguez Juan Agustin, Alfonso Chacon and Pedro Julian 10:00 – 10:50 IBERCHIP Poster Session II ID#33 ID#34 ID#35 ID#39 ID#43 ID#47 “Análise da influência da intensidade das forças de espalhamento no algoritmo SimPL” Mateus Fogaça, Cristina Meinhardt, Paulo Francisco Butzen and Guilherme Augusto Flach “Diseño y fabricación nacional de un circuito impreso multicapa con impedancia controlada y cupón de prueba asociado” Diego Brengi, David Caruso and Noelia Scotti “A Terahertz Focal Plane Array for Imaging Applications in 180nm CMOS Technology” Francisco Brito Filho “PyHDL - A Cross-compiler from Pure Python to Hardware Description Languages for Modeling and Simulation of Embedded Systems” Jaime-Alberto Parra-Plaza “Implementation a Current Mode Max-Min Circuit in CMOS Technology” Leonardo Mesquita “Metodologia gm/ID com Redes Neurais Artificiais para o Projeto de Circuitos Analógicos com Nanodispositivos” Tanísia Possani and Alessandro Girardi Friday 27th February 10:50 – 12:30 LASCAS – Session VII-A - Modeling & Simulation of FET Devices 10:50 ID#55 11:10 ID#157 11:30 ID#104 11:50 ID#29 12:10 ID#07 “Development of a Compact Model for Tunnel FETs Designed for Circuit Simulation” Matthias Schmidt and Carlos Galup-Montoro “A Complete Compact Model for Flicker Noise in MOS Transistors” Alfredo Arnaud and Alain Hoffmann “Threshold voltage extraction circuit for low voltage CMOS design using basic longchannel MOSFET” Luis Eduardo Toledo, Pablo Petrashin, Walter José Lancioni and Carlos Daniel Vazquez “Nanoscale FinFET Global Parameter Extraction for the BSIM-CMG Model” Alessandra Leonhardt, Luiz Fernando Ferreira and Sergio Bampi “Techniques for square ELT simulation” Pablo I. Vaz, Alberto Wiltgen Júnior and Gilson Inácio Wirth 10:50 – 12:30 LASCAS – Session VII-B - FPGA-Based Applications 10:50 ID#134 11:10 ID#08 11:30 ID#49 11:50 ID#33 12:10 ID#149 “Hardware Implementation of a FPGA-based Universal Link for LVDS communications” Giancarlo Patino, Luis Sanchez, Victor Murray and James Lyke “An FPGA-Based Time-Domain Frequency Shifter with Application to LTE and LTE-A Systems” Felipe Augusto Pereira de Figueiredo, Fabiano S. Mathilde, Fabrício L. Figueiredo and Fabbryccio A. C. M. Cardoso “A Study on Buffer Distribution for RRAM-based FPGA Structure” Somayyeh Rahimian Omam, Xifan Tang, Pierre-Emmanuel Gillardon and Giovanni De Micheli “Dedicated Hardware for FFT Based Fast Acquisition of GNSS Signals” Pablo Ezequiel Leibovich, Juan Gabriel Díaz, Javier Gonzalo García and Pedro Agustin Roncagliolo “Implementation of a digital integrated circuit for the detection of illegal hunting and logging” Carlos Salazar-Garcia, Jordan Montero, Pablo Alvarado-Moya, Rodriguez Juan Agustin and Alfonso Chacon 10:50 – 12:30 IBERCHIP – Session VII-C - Analog & RF 10:50 ID#58 11:10 ID#02 11:30 ID#21 11:50 ID#23 12:10 ID#50 “Una metodología para el diseño de filtros pasabanda asimétricos de alta Q y orden fraccional a partir de integradores de orden entero” Carlos Muñiz-Montero, Luis A Sánchez-Gaspariano, Carlos Sánchez-López and Alejandro Díaz-Sánchez “A Dual Reset D Flip-Flop Phase-Frequency Detector for Phase Locked Loops” Susan Schober and John Choma “Análise do Impacto da Variabilidade Física nas correntes ION e IOFF de dispositivos FinFET sub 20nm” Alexandra Lackmann Zimpeck, Cristina Meinhardt and Ricardo Reis “Efficient High-Frequency Spin-Torque Oscillators Composed of Two Three-layer MgOMTJs with a Common Free Layer” Guilherme Flach, Julia Puget, Jucemar Monteiro, Mateus Fogaça, Marcelo Johann, Paulo Alexander Makarov, Thomas Windbacher, Viktor Sverdlov and Siegfried Selberherr “A 2.4 GHz Differential Up-Converter Flipped Voltage Follower Harmonic Mixer” Gregorio Zamora-Mejía, José R. Cano-Martínez, Jaime Martínez-Castillo, and Alejandro Díaz-Sánchez Friday 27th February 15:00 – 16:40 LASCAS – Session VIII-A - Analog & Mixed-Signal Circuits 15:00 ID#98 “S-Plane Bode Plots - Identifying Poles and Zeros in a Circuit Transfer Function” Reza Hashemian 15:20 ID#48 “Design of an Integrated Sampling and Conversion System for Energy Meters” Evandro Cotrim, Luis Ferreira and Tales Pimenta 15:40 ID#80 16:00 ID#85 16:20 ID#122 “Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Set-Up of a Boost-Flyback Converter” Frank Florez, Juan Muñoz and Fabiola Angulo “High Stability Voltage Controlled Current Source for Cervical Cancer Detection using Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy” José Alejandro Amaya Palacio and Wilhelmus Van Noije “Predictive control of a three-phase power converter coupled with LCL filter” Julio Viola, Jose Restrepo and Flavio Quizhpi 15:00 – 16:40 LASCAS – Session VIII-B Biomedical & Neuromorphic Circuits and Systems “A study to implement a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based on Sensorimotor Rhythms” Israel S. Santos and Marilda M. Spindola “Single Frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography System with Offline Reconstruction Algorithm” Leonardo Cechet Moro and Rodrigo Wolff Porto “An RRAM-Based Oscillatory Neural Network” Thomas Jackson, Abhishek Sharma, James Bain, Jeffrey Weldon and Lawrence Pileggi 15:00 ID#20 15:20 ID#107 15:40 ID#135 16:00 ID#153 “Step Down DC/DC converter for Micro-Power Medical Applications” Matias Miguez, Alfredo Arnaud, Alejandro Oliva and Pedro Julian 16:20 ID#154 “A Safe MOSFET Driver for Stimulation of Biological Tissue” Joel Gak, Alfredo Arnaud and Pablo Mandolesi 15:00 – 16:20 LASCAS – Session VIII-C - Computing Techniques 15:00 ID#62 “Alchemy: An MSP430-based Reconfigurable Processor Architecture” Caio S. Oliveira and Diógenes C. Da Silva Júnior 15:20 ID#02 “Efficient Emulation of Quantum Circuits on Classical Hardware” Calebe Conceicao and Ricardo Reis 15:40 ID#90 16:00 ID#25 16:20 ID#159 “Towards reversible QCA computers: reversible gates and ALU” Jeferson Chaves, Douglas Silva, Victor Camargos and Omar Vilela Neto “TSV protection: Towards secure 3D-MPSOC” Martha Johanna Sepulveda, Guy Gogniat, Daniel Florez, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Ricardo Pires and Marius Strum “Multi-hop Collaborative Min-Max Localization” Alan Sá, Nadia Nedjah and Luiza Mourelle
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