Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 22823 ACCT 222 M01 Managerial Accounting 22971 ACCT 316 M01 Intl Acc for Global Organization MW 1400 1515 PRH 11 Laura Muro 3 3 24301 ANAT 100 M01 Basic Human Anatomy MW 1400 1515 SIH B Anya Hillery 3 3 22824 ART 200 M01 Drawing I MW 1400 1645 SIH ART Óscar Sánchez 3 3 SPEN 22825 ART 210 M01 Design MW 1000 1245 PAH 24 Juan Massana 3 3 SPEN 22961 ART 215 M01 Color Theory TR 1530 1815 SIH ART Juan Massana 3 3 SPEN 22826 ART 220 M01 Painting I TR 1430 1715 SIH ART Juan Massana 3 3 SPEN 24576 ART 293 M01 Special Topics: Sculpture I MW 1700 1945 SIH ART Óscar Sánchez 3 3 SPAN 24315 ART 300 M01 Drawing II MW 1400 1645 SIH ART Óscar Sánchez 3 3 SPEN 24273 ART 320 M01 Painting II TR 1430 1715 SIH ART Juan Massana 3 3 SPEN 28907 ARTH 101 M01 History of Art MW 1400 1515 PRH 6 Fabiola Martínez 3 3 24542 ARTH 218 M01 History of Spanish Art TR 1430 1545 PRH 1 Curra Vericat 3 3 29364 ARTH 218 M02 History of Spanish Art MW 1700 1815 PRH 5 Jorge Fernández-Santos 3 3 28908 ARTH 230 M01 Ancient Art Survey TR 1100 1215 PRH 6 Curra Vericat 3 3 0930 1045 Building 1350 PRH 5 PRH 8 PAH 25 Min. Credits R T 1300 Max. Credits MWF Instructor's Last Name Laura Muro 3 3 Kirk Tennant 3 3 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Financial Accounting Room Number M01 Course Meeting Days End Time 220 Course Title Begin Time Section Number ACCT Subject 29027 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 24363 ARTH 400 M01 Art History Internship 28993 ARTH 481 M01 Modern Art in Latin America 29374 ARTH 495 M01 Senior Residency 29397 AS 101 MKG Study Abroad: Kansai Gadai, Japan 12 12 29398 AS 101 MPU Study Abroad: PUC Rio, Brazil 12 12 22827 BIOL 104 M01 Principles of Biology I MWF 1000 1050 PAH 20 María José Morell 4 4 22828 BIOL 104 M36 Principles of Biology I Lab M 1530 1820 PAH 22 Francisco Amaro 0 0 22829 BIOL 106 M01 Principles of Biology II TR 1600 1715 PAH 24 Richard Williams 4 4 22830 BIOL 106 M36 Principles of Biology II Lab R 1230 1520 PAH 22 Richard Williams 0 0 28226 BIOL 304 M01 Cell Structure & Function TR 1600 1715 PAH 20 Francisco Amaro 3 3 26519 BIZ 400 M01 Business Capstone T 1730 1845 PAH 24 Dave Howden 1 1 23581 CHEM 163 M01 General Chemistry I Lecture MW 1400 1515 PAH 24 Tania de la Fuente 3 3 23583 CHEM 164 M01 General Chemistry II Lecture TR 0930 1045 PAH 24 Tania de la Fuente 3 3 23582 CHEM 165 M36 General Chemistry I Laboratory W 1830 2120 PAH 22 Carl Saluste 1 1 23584 CHEM 166 M36 Gen Chemistry II Laboratory R 1900 2150 PAH 22 Carl Saluste 1 1 22831 CHEM 343 M01 Prin Organic Chemistry II TR 1430 1545 PRH 10 Tania de la Fuente 3 3 22832 CHEM 345 M36 Organic Chem Lab II M 1830 2120 PAH 22 Emilio Pérez 1 1 End Time 1230 1345 PRH 6 TR 1630 1745 PRH 12 Building Begin Time TR Fabiola Martínez 3 3 Fabiola Martínez 6 0 Fabiola Martínez 3 3 0 0 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute ST: Mod Art in Spain & France Instructor's Last Name Min. Credits M01 Course Meeting Days Max. Credits 393 Course Title Room Number Section Number ARTH Subject 28910 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 CHIN 115 M01 Communicating In Chinese II 28257 CHIN 115 M36 Communicating Chinese II Lab 22833 CMM 100 M01 Human Comm and Culture 22834 CMM 120 M01 22835 CMM 120 M02 29326 CMM 120 24283 CMM 25380 28123 2150 PAH 22 Emilio Pérez 1 1 TR 1600 1715 PRH 15 Li-Wen Fu 3 3 W 1530 1630 PAH 20 Li-Wen Fu 0 0 TR 1430 1545 SIH B Delia Dumitrica 3 3 Intro to Public Speaking TR 1100 1215 PRH 1 Daniel Chornet-Roses 3 3 Intro to Public Speaking TR 1730 1845 PRH 1 Marjory Hutchison 3 3 M03 Intro to Public Speaking TR 1100 1215 PRH 4 Ryan Day 3 3 200 M01 Communication Theory MW 1530 1645 PAH 24 Daniel Chornet-Roses 3 3 CMM 206 M01 Media and Society TR 1100 1215 PAH 20 Delia Dumitrica 3 3 CMM 207 M36 Media and Society Lab M 1130 1245 PAH 25 Ricardo Checa 1 1 22836 CMM 255 M01 Photographic Img & Digital Mnp MW 1400 1515 PAH 25 Luana Fischer 3 3 22962 CMM 255 M02 Photographic Img & Digital Mnp MW 1530 1645 PAH 25 Luana Fischer 3 3 25381 CMM 280 M01 Communication Research MW 1400 1515 PRH 10 Brian Goss 3 3 22972 CMM 311 M01 Feature Writing TR 1230 1345 PRH 15 Dale Fuchs 3 3 22837 CMM 330 M01 Intercultural Communication TR 1430 1545 PRH 2 Daniel Chornet-Roses 3 3 27495 CMM 347 M01 Political Communication TR 1600 1715 PRH 7 Brian Goss 3 3 28375 CMM 393 M01 ST: International Cinema MW 1700 1900 PRH 10 Brian Goss 3 3 28388 CMM 393 M02 ST: New Media & Culture Indust MW 1400 1515 PRH 14 Delia Dumitrica 3 3 Course Meeting Days T Building 1900 Course Title Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute 23758 Min. Credits Organic Chem Lab II Max. Credits M37 Instructor's First Name Section Number 345 Room Number Course Number CHEM End Time Subject 29316 Begin Time Course Reference No. Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 Communication Internship 24307 CMM 495 M01 Senior Residency Daniel Chornet-Roses 0 0 22838 CSCI 150 M01 Intro Obj-Orient Program MTWR 1000 1050 PAH 19 Fairouz Medjahed 4 4 26564 CSCI 224 M01 Computer Architecture MW 1830 1945 PAH 20 Javier Romero 3 3 28225 CSCI 290 M01 Obj Orient Soft Design TR 1430 1545 PAH 25 Kirk Tennant 3 3 28227 CVNG 293 M01 Sustainability of Water Systems TR 1100 1215 PRH 3 Joshua Smith 3 3 22912 DANC 265 M01 Spanish Dance: Flamenco MW 1400 1645 SIH DANC Yolanda Granado 3 3 SPAN 22914 DANC 266 M01 Latin Rhythms and Dance TR 1400 1630 SIH DANC Susi Peces-Barba 3 3 SPEN 22915 DANC 266 M02 Latin Rhythms and Dance TR 1230 1345 SIH DANC Susi Peces-Barba 2 2 SPEN 29337 DANC 266 M03 Latin Rhythms and Dance TR 0930 1045 SIH DANC Susi Peces-Barba 2 2 SPEN 24282 DANC 267 M01 The New Flamenco Experience MW 1400 1515 SIH DANC Yolanda Granado 2 2 SPAN 22916 DANC 268 M01 Advanced Latin Rhythms & Dance TR 1100 1215 SIH DANC Susi Peces-Barba 2 2 SPEN 22913 DANC 368 M01 Adv Spanish Dance: Flamenco II MW 1230 1345 SIH DANC Yolanda Granado 2 2 SPAN 22839 EAS 101 M01 Earth's Dynamic Environment I TR 1430 1545 PRH 8 Jose Ignacio Escavy Fernández 3 3 TRIP 26575 EAS 102 M01 Earth's Environment I Lab W 1100 1250 PAH 20 Jose Ignacio Escavy Fernández 1 1 22840 EAS 105 M01 Introduction to Oceanography MW 1700 1815 PRH 16 Mónica Pérez 3 3 TRIP 24966 EAS 105 M02 Introduction to Oceanography TR 1430 1545 PRH 16 Mónica Pérez 3 3 TRIP 28536 EAS 193 M01 ST: Intro to Oceanography Mónica Pérez 1 1 Building Daniel Chornet-Roses 3 0 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute M01 Min. Credits 491 Instructor's Last Name Max. Credits Section Number CMM Room Number Course Number 24767 Course Meeting Days End Time Subject Course Title Begin Time Course Reference No. Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 M01 22841 EAS 325 M01 Global Change 24766 ECE 200 M01 Electrical & Computer Engr 24131 ECE 201 M36 Electrical & Computer Engr Lab M 26576 ECE 201 M37 Electrical & Computer Engr Lab M 1600 1750 PAH 21 Xabier Angulo 1 1 29454 ECE 201 M38 Electrical & Computer Engr Lab R 1830 2020 PAH 21 Usama Abou-Kheder 1 1 24550 ECE 203 M01 Engineering Circuits II TR 0930 1045 PAH 20 Taieb Gasmi 3 3 24551 ECE 204 M36 Electrical Science Laboratory M 1800 1950 PAH 21 Xabier Angulo 1 1 28228 ECE 205 M01 Digital Design TR 1600 1715 PRH 13 Usama Abou-Kheder 3 3 24568 ECE 317 M01 Computer Architecture & Org MW 1830 1945 PAH 20 Javier Romero 3 3 24948 ECE 420 M01 Automatic Control Systems MW 1700 1815 PAH 20 Usama Abou-Kheder 3 3 22842 ECON 190 M01 Principles of Economics MWF 1100 1150 PRH 16 Dave Howden 3 3 22843 ECON 312 M01 Intrmd Macro European Emphasis TR 1230 1345 PRH 16 Pablo Swedberg 3 3 29363 ECON 312 M02 Intrmd Macro European Emphasis MW 1530 1645 SIH C Antonio Martuscelli 3 3 22844 ECON 314 M01 Intermediate Microeconomics MWF 1300 1350 PRH 8 Dave Howden 3 3 29371 ECON 314 M02 Intermediate Microeconomics MWF 1200 1250 PRH 8 Dave Howden 3 3 22845 ECON 379 M01 Economies of Latin America TR 1600 1715 PRH 10 Aránzazu Narbona 3 3 24311 ECON 431 M01 Exchange Rates and Global Econ MW 0930 1045 PRH 8 Dave Howden 3 3 3 3 1530 1645 PRH 7 Iván TR 1600 1715 PRH 14 Iván Sánchez 3 3 TR 1430 1545 SIH A Taieb Gasmi 3 3 1800 1950 PAH 21 Xabier Angulo 1 1 MW Building End Time Sánchez Begin Time ST: Envrn & Devel Latin America Course Meeting Days Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Section Number 293 Min. Credits Course Number EAS Instructor's Last Name Max. Credits Subject 22963 Course Title Room Number Course Reference No. Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 Course Number Section Number Begin Time End Time Max. Credits Min. Credits ECON 445 M01 Economics of Intrntl Migration TR 1100 1215 PAH 24 Pablo Swedberg 3 3 22973 ECON 456 M01 Economic Development TR 1430 1545 PRH 7 Pablo Swedberg 3 3 23759 ECON 495 M01 Senior Residency Pablo Swedberg 0 0 28437 EDI 435 M01 Intercultural Seminar & Practi MW 1700 1815 SIH B Anne McCabe 3 3 22846 ENGL 1500 M01 The Process of Composition MWF 1000 1050 PRH 1 Marjory Hutchison 3 3 22847 ENGL 1500 M02 The Process of Composition MWF 1200 1250 SIH B Hilary Plass 3 3 22848 ENGL 1900 M01 Adv Strategies Rhetoric & Research MWF 1100 1150 SIH B Andrew Power 3 3 22849 ENGL 1900 M02 Adv Strategies Rhetoric & Research TR 0930 1045 PRH 6 Anne Dewey 3 3 22850 ENGL 1900 M03 Adv Strategies Rhetoric & Research TR 1730 1845 SIH B Marta Fernández 3 3 24316 ENGL 1920 M01 Adv Writing for Professionals MWF 1100 1150 SIH B Andrew Power 3 3 24317 ENGL 1920 M02 Adv Writing for Professionals TR 0930 1045 PRH 6 Anne Dewey 3 3 24318 ENGL 1920 M03 Adv Writing for Professionals TR 1730 1845 SIH B Marta Fernández 3 3 28365 ENGL 2250 M01 Conflict, Social Justice & Lit MWF 1100 1150 PRH 1 Marjory Hutchison 3 3 28436 ENGL 2350 M01 Faith, Doubt and Literature TR 1100 1215 PRH 13 Paul Vita 3 3 28366 ENGL 2450 M01 Nature, Ecology & Literature MW 1400 1515 PRH 2 Andrew Power 3 3 28443 ENGL 3610 M01 The City in American Lit TR 1600 1715 PRH 2 Anne Dewey 3 3 29336 ENGL 4020 M01 History of Rhetoric I MW 1715 1845 PRH 15 Paul Lynch 3 3 29255 ENGL 4070 M01 Adv. Creative Writing Drama TR 1430 1545 PRH 11 Cary Barney 3 3 Building Course Meeting Days Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Subject 24546 Course Title Room Number Course Reference No. Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Feb 16May 15 Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 28368 ENGL 4690 M01 ST: European Modernism 28444 ENGL 4890 M01 ST: The City Amer Lit & Cult 24308 ENGL 4950 M01 Senior Residency 22852 ENGL 5010 M01 Teaching Writing MW 1530 1645 SIH B Anne McCabe 3 3 28596 ENGL 5020 M01 History of Rhetoric II MW 1715 1845 PRH 15 Paul Lynch 3 3 24309 ENGL 5950 M01 Special Study for Exams Anne Dewey 0 0 24526 ENGL 5990 M01 Thesis Research Anne Dewey 6 0 24310 ENGL 5CRE M90 Master's Degree Study Anne Dewey 0 0 28438 ENGL 6150 M01 Playwriting: Theory & Practice TR 1430 1545 PRH 11 Cary Barney 3 3 22853 ESCI 102 M01 Computer Aided Design W 1800 1950 PAH 25 Héctor Barrio 1 1 22854 ESCI 211 M01 Dynamics TR 1230 1345 SIH C Francisco Prieto 3 3 24967 ESCI 220 M01 Thermodynamics MW 1530 1645 PRH 16 Héctor Barrio 3 3 22855 ESCI 310 M01 Mechanics of Solids TR 0930 1045 PRH 16 Javier Oliva 3 3 24739 ESL 100 M01 Business English TR 1600 1715 PRH 1 Marjory Hutchison 3 3 22856 ESL 101 M01 Adv Intermed Integrated Skills TR 0930 1045 PRH 13 Roswitha Casmier 3 3 22857 ESL 102 M01 Adv Interm Written Expression MWF 1000 1050 PRH 13 Hilary Plass 3 3 29089 ESL 105 M01 Reading to Write TR 1730 1845 PRH 13 Hamish Binns 3 3 3 1645 PRH TR 1730 1845 SIH A Matthew Kineen 3 3 TR 1600 1715 PRH 2 Anne Dewey 3 3 Anne McCabe 0 0 MW Building End Time 3 Begin Time Power 1530 Course Meeting Days 14 Andrew Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Later Shakespeare Min. Credits M01 Instructor's Last Name Max. Credits 4320 Course Title Room Number Section Number ENGL Subject 28367 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. TRIP Feb 16May 15 Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 Course Number Section Number 22858 ESL 111 M01 Advanced Integrated Skills 22859 ESL 112 M01 Advanced Written Expression 29090 ESL 115 M01 Grammar II 22860 FIN 301 M01 Principles of Finance MW 24313 FIN 363 M01 Equity Securities & Markets MW 1400 1515 PRH 12 Paolo Saona 3 3 22861 FREN 115 M01 Communicating in French II TR 1100 1215 PRH 15 Roswitha Casmier 3 3 28258 FREN 115 M36 Communicating in French II Lab W 1700 1800 PRH 4 Roswitha Casmier 0 0 22862 GK 110 M01 Reading Greek I MW 1230 1345 PRH 6 Susana Torres 3 3 22863 GK 115 M01 Reading Greek II 1100 1215 PRH 15 Susana Torres 3 3 22864 GR 115 M01 Communicating in German II 1530 1645 PRH 11 Roswitha Casmier 3 3 28259 GR 115 M36 Communicating in German II Lab W 1100 1200 PRH 15 Roswitha Casmier 0 0 22865 HIST 111 M01 Origins Mod World to 1500 TR 1230 1345 PRH 8 Almudena Olondo 3 3 24306 HIST 111 M02 Origins Mod World to 1500 TR 1100 1215 SIH C Francisco García-Serrano 3 3 22866 HIST 112 M01 Origins Mod World 1500 to Present MW 1400 1515 SIH C Kevin Ingram 3 3 22867 HIST 112 M02 Origins Mod World 1500 to Present TR 1430 1545 PAH 24 Almudena Olondo 3 3 22975 HIST 112 M03 Origins Mod World 1500 to Present MW 1700 1815 PRH 8 Chris Ealham 3 3 28389 HIST 309 M01 The Age of Renaissance MW 1530 1645 PRH 13 Kevin Ingram 3 3 End Time Max. Credits Min. Credits 1045 PRH 14 Katherine Smith 3 3 MWF 1000 1050 PRH 14 Hamish Binns 3 3 TR 1230 1345 PAH 20 Katherine Smith 3 3 1530 1645 SIH A Paolo Saona 3 3 TR M W MW Building Begin Time 0930 Course Meeting Days Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Subject Course Title Room Number Course Reference No. Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. SPAN Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 Early Modern Hist Spain:1469-1818 24676 HIST 372 M01 Cultural Encounters TR 1430 1545 24677 HIST 376 M01 Medieval Spain TR 0930 1045 28231 HMP 130 M01 Contemp Challenges Health Care MW 1700 1815 25486 HR 190 M01 Crossroads: Intro to Honors TR 1430 1545 19190 HR 484 M01 Honors Research 22976 HR 490 M01 25462 HR 495 22868 IB 22869 IB 27169 3 3 PRH 13 Francisco García-Serrano 3 3 SIH C Francisco García-Serrano 3 3 PAH 24 Elvira Pértega 3 3 PRH 15 Anne Dewey 3 3 Daniel Chornet-Roses 3 3 Honors Senior Capstone Paul Vita 3 3 M01 Honors Senior Residency Paul Vita 0 0 200 M01 Intro to International Bus MW 0930 1045 PRH 16 Paolo Saona 3 3 200 M02 Intro to International Bus MWF 1100 1150 PRH 5 Laura Muro 3 3 IB 314 M01 International e-Business MW 1900 2015 PRH 7 Pilar De Teran 3 3 23760 IB 480 M01 Internatl Business Internship Paolo Saona 6 0 24782 INTN 480 M01 International Internship Patrice Burns 5 0 29325 ISTD 110 M01 Introduction to International Studies David Borgmeyer 24768 ISTD 491 M01 Intern in International Studies Carolina Aznar 3 0 27759 ISTD 495 M01 Senior Residency Paul Vita 0 0 28212 ITM 200 M01 Intro to Info Technology Mgmt TR 1100 1215 PAH 25 Kirk Tennant 3 3 23685 ITM 200 M36 Intro Info Technology Mgmt Lab T 0800 0915 PAH 25 Kirk Tennant 0 0 1830 1945 Building Ingram MW End Time Kevin Course Meeting Days Begin Time B Course Title SIH Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute M01 Min. Credits Section Number 332 Max. Credits Course Number HIST Instructor's First Name Subject 28390 Room Number Course Reference No. Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. WEB Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 1230 1345 PAH 25 22870 LATN 110 M01 Reading Latin I MW 1700 1815 PRH 11 22871 LATN 115 M01 Reading Latin II 26909 MAT 100 M01 Intro to Athletic Training 24570 MATH 096 M01 Intermediate Algebra MWF 1200 1250 PRH 22872 MATH 120 M01 College Algebra MWF 1300 1350 PRH 28926 MATH 120 M36 College Algebra Lab W 1530 1620 25183 MATH 122 M01 Finite Mathematics MW 1400 24294 MATH 132 M01 Survey of Calculus MWF 24292 MATH 141 M01 Pre-Calculus MWF 22873 MATH 142 M01 Calculus I MTWF 1300 22874 MATH 143 M01 Calculus II MTWF 1300 1350 24673 MATH 244 M01 Calculus III MTWF 1200 1250 25427 MATH 311 M01 Linear Algebra for Engineers MW 1400 1515 22875 MATH 355 M01 Differential Equations I MWF 1000 29392 MATH 355 M02 Differential Equations I MWF 22876 MGT 218 M01 Legal Environment Bus MW 22877 MGT 300 M01 Mgt Theory & Practice MW M Kirk Building Tennant 3 3 Susana Torres 3 3 Susana Torres 3 3 Anthony Breitbach 1 1 16 María Félix 3 3 16 María Félix 3 3 PRH 8 Ana Granados 0 0 1515 PRH 15 María Félix 3 3 1000 1050 PRH 4 Marta Moreno 3 3 1100 1150 PRH 10 Anitha Srinivasan 3 3 1350 PRH 2 Anitha Srinivasan 4 4 PRH 3 Ana Portilla 4 4 PRH 2 Ana Portilla 4 4 PRH 5 Ana Granados 3 3 1050 PRH 5 Ana Granados 3 3 0900 0950 PRH 5 Ana Granados 3 3 1900 2015 SIH C Carlos Menor 3 3 1700 1815 SIH C Alesia Slocum 3 3 2010 2100 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute TR Min. Credits Spreadsheet & Database Product Instructor's Last Name Max. Credits End Time M01 Course Meeting Days Instructor's First Name Begin Time 250 Course Title Room Number Section Number ITM Subject 24312 Course Reference No. Course Number Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. WEB Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 MKT 300 M01 Intro to Marketing Management TR 27046 MLNG 110 M01 Contemporary Issues MWF 25154 MUSC 126 M01 Piano for Beginners I MW 1530 1620 24274 MUSC 201 M01 28551 MUSC 202 M01 28552 MUSC 203 29372 MUSC 293 23762 MUSC 342 M01 University Chorale F 1400 1630 SIH 28549 NURS 140 M01 Introduction to Nursing M 1300 1350 PRH 24567 NURS 243 M01 Human Dev Thru Life Span MW 1100 1215 PRH 28271 NURS 251 M01 Health Promotion Across Lifespan TR 1100 1215 25378 NURS 252 M01 Foundations in Nursing Care M 1400 1550 25379 NURS 252 M36 Foundations in Nursing Lab M 1600 25438 NURS 252 M37 Foundations in Nursing Lab T 25439 NURS 252 M38 Foundations in Nursing Lab 25440 NURS 252 M39 Foundations in Nursing Lab 24968 NURS 330 M01 Pharmaco for Nursing Care 1645 PRH 10 Alesia Slocum 3 3 1900 2015 PRH 7 Gonzalo Moreno 3 3 1100 1150 PRH 13 Hilary Plass 3 3 Alberto Bosco 2 2 Applied Music: Voice Gudrun Olafsdottir 2 1 Applied Music: Piano Alberto Bosco 2 1 M01 Applied Music: Guitar F. Javier Jáuregui 2 1 M01 ST: Winds & Strings: Instrm Coaching Alberto Bosco 3 1 DANC Gudrun Olafsdottir 1 0 13 Diana Llamas 1 1 6 Anya Hillery 3 3 PRH 16 Heather Sañudo 3 3 PRH 8 Heather Sañudo 3 3 1750 PAH 17 Heather Sañudo 0 0 1000 1150 PAH 17 Heather Sañudo 0 0 T 1230 1420 PAH 17 Heather Sañudo 0 0 W 1400 1550 PAH 17 Heather Sañudo 0 0 MW 1230 1345 SIH C Anya Hillery 3 3 Course Meeting Days MW Building 1530 Course Title Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute 22878 Min. Credits Strategic Management & Policy Max. Credits M01 Instructor's First Name Section Number 400 Room Number Course Number MGT End Time Subject 23761 Begin Time Course Reference No. Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 M01 Pathophysiology MW 25828 NURS 404 M01 Critical Issues Evid Based NR T 25966 OPM 207 M01 Intro: Business Statistics MWF 25967 OPM 305 M01 Intro Mgt. Sci./Operation Mgt MWF 1100 1150 PRH 8 Marta Moreno 3 3 28904 PG 110 M10 Comm in Portuguese I&II-Intensive MW 1100 1250 PRH 11 Rejane Queiroz 3 3 28950 PG 115 M10 Comm in Portuguese I&II-Intensive TR 1230 1420 PRH 11 Rejane Queiroz 3 3 22883 PHIL 105 M01 Intro to Phil: Self & Reality TR 1600 1715 SIH B John Welch 3 3 23763 PHIL 105 M02 Intro to Phil: Self & Reality MW 1400 1515 PRH 4 Olga Ramírez 3 3 29394 PHIL 105 M03 Intro to Phil: Self & Reality MW 1700 1815 PRH 7 Olga Ramírez 3 3 22884 PHIL 205 M01 Ethics MW 1400 1515 PRH 13 Jawara Sanford 3 3 22885 PHIL 205 M02 Ethics MWF 1100 1150 SIH A Renzo Llorente 3 3 22886 PHIL 205 M03 Ethics TR 1430 1545 PRH 3 Jawara Sanford 3 3 29334 PHIL 205 M04 Ethics TR 1600 1715 PRH 16 Jawara Sanford 3 3 29623 PHIL 205 M05 Ethics TR 1600 1715 PRH 8 Francesco De Nigri 3 3 28391 PHIL 336 M01 Medical Ethics MW 1530 1645 PRH 1 Renzo Llorente 3 3 22977 PHIL 476 M01 Spanish Philosophy TR 1230 1345 SIH B John Welch 3 3 26563 PHIL 485 M01 Philosophy & Meaning of Life MWF 1200 1250 SIH A Renzo Llorente 3 3 1750 1850 1200 1250 Min. Credits 1700 1800 Max. Credits 1150 SIH C Heather Sañudo 4 4 SIH C Victoria Gómez 2 2 PRH 4 Marta Moreno 3 3 Building 1000 Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Section Number 360 Room Number Course Number NURS Course Meeting Days End Time Subject 24969 Course Title Begin Time Course Reference No. Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. SPAN Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 End Time Max. Credits Min. Credits M01 Introduction to Astronomy TR 1600 1715 PRH 3 Belén López 3 3 24569 PHYS 133 M01 Physics II TR 1100 1215 PRH 11 Francisco Prieto 3 3 22888 PHYS 134 M36 Physics II Laboratory M 1300 1520 PAH 21 Francisco Prieto 1 1 22889 PHYS 161 M01 Engineering Physics I MW 1400 1515 PAH 20 Francisco Prieto 3 3 22890 PHYS 162 M36 Engineering Physics I Lab T 1500 1720 PAH 21 Javier Gamo 1 1 29455 PHYS 162 M37 Engineering Physics I Lab T 1730 1950 PAH 21 Javier Gamo 1 1 22892 POLS 160 M01 Intro to International Pol TR 1100 1215 PRH 8 Laura Tedesco 3 3 23764 POLS 170 M01 Foundations of Pol Theory TR 1430 1545 PRH 5 Simona Rentea 3 3 29161 POLS 257 M01 Introduction to Latin Amer Pol TR 1430 1545 PRH 1 Laura Tedesco 3 3 29040 POLS 264 M01 International Terrorism MW 0930 1045 PRH 7 Barah Mikail 3 3 29162 POLS 293 M01 ST: Pols Middle East & N Africa MW 1530 1645 PRH 5 Barah Mikail 3 3 24547 POLS 300 M01 Methods in Political Science TR 1230 1345 PRH 4 Simona Rentea 3 3 22893 POLS 367 M01 Pol Development in Contemp Spain TR 1230 1345 PRH 7 Laura Tedesco 3 3 25706 POLS 368 M01 Foreign Service Internship Laura Tedesco 6 0 23766 POLS 454 M01 EU: Politics & Political Econ MW 1700 1815 PRH 13 Barah Mikail 3 3 23664 POLS 461 M01 Intl Relations: Theory & Practice MW 1400 1515 PRH 7 Simona Rentea 3 3 23767 POLS 490 M01 Research Design Laura Tedesco 3 3 23768 POLS 491 M01 Political Science Senior Thesis Laura Tedesco 3 3 Building Course Meeting Days Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Begin Time 113 Course Title Room Number Section Number PHYS Subject 22887 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 101 M01 General Psychology TR 1600 1715 PRH 4 Eduardo Fernández-Cruz 3 PSY 101 M02 General Psychology TR 1600 1715 PRH 5 Teófilo García 3 3 28248 PSY 205 M01 Foundations of Res Meth & Stats MW 1530 1645 PRH 15 Andrea Pousada 4 4 29173 PSY 205 M36 Foundations of Res Meth & Stats Lab R 1600 1745 PAH 25 Andrea Pousada 0 0 24549 PSY 321 M01 Developmental Psych: Child TR 1100 1215 PRH 10 Laurie Mazzuca 3 3 24692 PSY 331 M01 Personality Theory TR 1230 1345 PRH 10 Laurie Mazzuca 3 3 26514 PSY 435 M01 Health Psychology MW 1400 1515 PRH 16 Emilija Georgievska 3 3 26515 PSY 446 M01 Marital Relations, Sexuality & Parenting MW 1700 1815 PRH 2 Eduardo Fernández-Cruz 3 3 29655 PSY 488 M01 Capstone Research Project Laurie Mazzuca 3 3 27760 PSY 495 M01 Senior Residency Laurie Mazzuca 0 0 25385 PUBH 235 M01 Contemp Issues in Global Health MW 1400 1515 PRH 3 Elvira Pértega 3 3 26526 SOC 224 M01 Archaeology TR 1430 1545 SIH C Mary Prendergast 3 3 26517 SOC 339 M01 Cultural Anth: Spanish Culture TR 1230 1345 PRH 5 Mary Prendergast 3 3 22896 SPAN 101 M01 Communicating in Spanish I MTWR 1000 1050 SIH B Araceli San Martín 3 3 22897 SPAN 101 M02 Communicating in Spanish I MTWR 1600 1650 PRH 2 Julio Lasarte 3 3 22898 SPAN 102 M01 Communicating in Spanish II MTWR 1100 1150 PRH 2 Verónica Azcue 3 3 22899 SPAN 102 M02 Communicating in Spanish II MTWR 1000 1050 SIH A Victoria Albornoz 3 3 Building Laura Tedesco 0 0 3 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute PSY 22895 Min. Credits 22894 Instructor's Last Name Max. Credits Senior Residency Room Number M01 Course Meeting Days End Time 495 Course Title Begin Time Section Number POLS Subject 23657 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. SPAN Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 MTWR 1000 1050 PRH 24544 SPAN 293 M01 Sp Topics: Spanish for Nursing MW 0900 0950 SIH A Victoria Albornoz 2 2 25692 SPAN 293 M02 Sp Topics: Spanish for Nursing MW 0900 0950 PRH 13 Julio Lasarte 2 2 22901 SPAN 301 M01 Written Communication MTWR 0900 0950 SIH B Araceli San Martín 3 3 22902 SPAN 302 M01 Oral Communication MTWR 1000 1050 PRH 2 Verónica Azcue 3 3 22903 SPAN 302 M02 Oral Communication MTWR 1300 1350 PRH 14 Aitor Bikandi 3 3 22904 SPAN 303 M01 Advanced Written Communication TR 1230 1345 PRH 1 Araceli San Martín 3 3 22905 SPAN 304 M01 Advanced Oral Communication MTWR 1100 1150 PRH 14 Olga Muñoz 3 3 22906 SPAN 304 M02 Advanced Oral Communication MTWR 1000 1050 PRH 10 Cristina Matute 3 3 26305 SPAN 400 M01 Advanced Spanish Grammar MW 1400 1515 PRH 1 Cristina Matute 3 3 22907 SPAN 416 M01 Business & Prof Spanish MW 1530 1645 PRH 3 Rafael Cabañas 3 3 22978 SPAN 420 M01 Introduction to Hispanic Lit TR 1100 1215 PRH 5 Ángeles Encinar 3 3 28213 SPAN 422 M01 Second Language Acquisition MW 1530 1645 PRH 4 Cristina Matute 3 3 28214 SPAN 426 M01 Latin American "Modernismo" TR 1230 1345 SIH A Olga Muñoz 3 3 28215 SPAN 433 M01 Latin Am Novel after 1970 TR 1100 1215 SIH B Victoria Albornoz 3 3 22908 SPAN 479 M01 Spanish Culture & Civilization MW 1700 1815 PRH 3 Aitor Bikandi 3 3 28216 SPAN 483 M01 El Cid / El Amor / La Celestina TR 1230 1345 PAH 24 Verónica Azcue 3 3 28217 SPAN 493 M01 ST: Spanish Narrative 1990-2014 TR 1430 1545 PRH 4 Ángeles Encinar 3 3 Building 3 Julio Lasarte 3 3 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute Inter Spanish: Lang & Culture Instructor's Last Name Min. Credits End Time M01 Course Meeting Days Max. Credits Begin Time 201 Course Title Room Number Section Number SPAN Subject 22900 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. TRIP Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 MW 1400 1515 SIH A 28548 SPAN 493 M03 English-Spanish in Translation TR 1730 1845 PRH 5 Rafael Cabañas 3 3 22910 SPAN 495 M01 Senior Residency Cristina Matute 0 0 27561 SPAN 498 M01 Adv IS: Internship in Trans TBA 1 1 28220 SPAN 526 M01 Latin American "Modernismo" TR 1230 1345 SIH A Olga Muñoz 3 3 28221 SPAN 593 M01 ST: Spanish Narrative 1990-2014 TR 1430 1545 PRH 4 Ángeles Encinar 3 3 28222 SPAN 593 M02 ST: Graphic Novel MW 1530 1645 PRH 6 Aitor Bikandi 3 3 28223 SPAN 593 M03 ST: Lat Am Writers & Sp Civ War MW 1400 1515 SIH A Olga Muñoz 3 3 29275 SPAN 593 M04 ST: Spanish 2nd Language Acquisition MW 1530 1645 PRH 4 Cristina Matute 3 3 22909 SPAN 595 M01 Special Study for Examinations Cristina Matute 0 0 22911 SPAN 5CR M90 Master's Degree Study Cristina Matute 0 0 24674 STAT 110 M01 Introduction to Statistics MWF 1000 1050 PRH 6 María Félix 3 3 24367 THEO 100 M01 Theological Foundations MW 1700 1815 PRH 5 James O'Leary 3 3 23769 THEO 100 M02 Theological Foundations MWF 1300 1350 SIH A James O'Leary 3 3 22979 THEO 210 M01 Old Testament MW 1700 1815 PRH 6 Sergio Rosell 3 3 28413 THEO 261 M01 Social Justice MWF 1100 1150 PRH 3 Melanie Mitchell 3 3 28392 THEO 275 M01 Jerusalem: City of 3 Faiths TR 1100 1215 PRH 7 Carolina Aznar 3 3 29335 THEO 275 M02 Jerusalem: City of 3 Faiths TR 1600 1715 SIH A Carolina Aznar 3 3 Olga Building Muñoz 3 3 Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute ST: Lat Ame Writ & Sp Civil War Instructor's Last Name Min. Credits End Time M02 Course Meeting Days Max. Credits Begin Time 493 Course Title Room Number Section Number SPAN Subject 28219 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. Saint Louis University – Madrid Campus Course Offerings for Spring 2015 – Updated February 5, 2015 M01 Liberation Theology TR 28414 THEO 379 M01 Studies: Non-Christian Religion MWF 1200 28906 THEO 393 M01 ST: The Qur'an and the Bible TR 1100 28564 THR 100 M01 Intro to Performing Arts MW 1700 1815 22980 THR 251 M01 Acting I: Fundamentals MW 1700 1815 SIH DANC Cary Barney 3 3 24296 THR 355 M01 Theatre Practicum MTWR 1900 2100 SIH DANC Cary Barney 0 0 25461 THR 356 M01 Theatre Workshop MTWR 1900 2100 SIH DANC Cary Barney 2 1 24325 WGST 197 M01 Intro: Women's & Gender Studies TR 1230 1345 PRH 13 Roswitha Casmier 3 3 Max. Credits Min. Credits Teófilo García 3 3 1250 PRH 3 Melanie Mitchell 3 3 1215 SIH A Carlos Segovia 3 3 SIH A Alberto Bosco 3 3 1430 1545 Building 14 End Time PRH Begin Time Course Meeting Days Instructor's Last Name Avenida del Valle, 34 - 28003 - Madrid, Spain Tel.: (+34) 91 554 58 58 Fax: (+34) 91 554 62 02 • [email protected] Attribute 369 Course Title Room Number Section Number THEO Subject 23770 Course Reference No. Course Number Instructor's First Name Search courses in Banner for class meeting times and days and most up-to-date information. SPAN
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