From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. Determination of Human Platelet Antigen Frequencies in the Dutch Population by Immunophenotyping and DNA (allele-specific restriction enzyme) Analysis By S . Simsek, N.M. Faber, P.M. Bleeker, A.B.J. Vlekke, E. Huiskes, R. Goldschmeding, and A.E.G.Kr. von dem Borne Platelets from 200 random Dutch blood donors were typed for the human platelet alloantigens HPA-1 to -5 recognized at present and for Nak”. Nak” is an epitope on glycoprotein IV, not expressed on the platelet of individuals with hereditary GP IV deficiency. Platelet immunofluorescence and monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigens (MAIPA) were applied for this purpose. The observed phenotype frequencies were 97.86% and 28.64% for HPA-1a and -1b, 100%and 13.15% for HPA-2a and -2b. 80.95% and 69.84% for HPA-3a and -3b. 100%and 0%for HPA-4a and -4b. 100%and 19.7% for HPA-5a and HPA-5b, respectively. Plateletsfrom all donors reacted with the anti-Nak” antibodies. To determine the gene frequencies for the HPA-1, HPA-2 and HPA-3 systems directly, DNA from 98 of these donors was isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear leucocytes and specific fragments were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The fragments were analyzed using allele-specific restriction enzymes (ASRA). In all amplified PCR products an ”internal control” for each assay, ie, a restriction site for the applied enzyme independent from the phenotype of the donor was present. In all donors tested, phenotypes, as determined by serological methods and genotypes, directly determined by the ASRA, were identical. Thus, the PCR-ASRA described in this report is a practical and reliable technique for the determination of alleles that code for platelet antigen allotypes, at least in the Dutch population. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. H Serological Characterization UMAN PLATELET alloantigens are of importance in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAITP), refractoriness to platelet transfusion therapy, and post transfusion purpura (PTP).’ To date, five distinct biallelic platelet “specific” alloantigen systems have been described.2“ In four, it has been shown that a single base pair substitution leads to a single amino acid difference in the respective glycoprotein (GP).’-’O Table 1 summarizes the glycoprotein location and the amino-acid polymorphisms of the HPA-1 (Zw), HPA-2 (KO),HPA-3 (Bak), and HPA-4 (Yuk) systems. The mutations responsible for the HPA- 1, HPA-2, HPA3 and HPA-4 systems turned out to be associated with recognition sites for restriction enzymes in the DNA in one of the two alleles. The genomic organization of the DNA coding for GP IIIa (HPA-I and HPA-4), GP Iba (HPA-2), and GP IIb (HPA-3) is known.”-13Thus, it is possible to determine the genotype of an individual for the HPA- 1, HPA-2, HPA3 and HPA-4 systems by allele-specific restriction enzyme analysis (ASRA) using genomic DNA. We did not apply this technique for the HPA-4 system for reasons stated below. We developed procedures for the amplification of gene fragments for the relevant glycoproteins, which could be performed on DNA from purified mononuclear blood cells. Only restriction enzymes were applied that have a target site in the amplified fragment independent of the allotype (internal control). In this report we show that the genotypes for HPA1, HPA-2 and HPA-3, determined in this way, are strictly concordant with the phenotypes established by serologic methods. The ASRA analysis described is quick, reliable, and easy to perform. Therefore, it may be of great value in typing for alleles that encode platelet alloantigens when no platelets are available, eg, in cases of suspected PTP and in fetuses at risk for NAITP.’4s’5 MATERIALS AND METHODS Blood From 200 volunteer blood donors, 20 mL of blood was collected in EDTA as an anticoagulant. All donors were white inhabitants of four small Dutch villages. Platelets were isolated by differential centrifugation.16 Mononuclear leukocytes were purified by density centrifugation over a Ficoll Isopaque layer. Pelleted leukocyteswere stored at -20°C until use. Blood. Vol81, No 3 (February 11, 1993: pp 835-840 The platelet-specific allo antisera applied were: anti-HPA- 1a, antiHPA- I b, anti-HPA-2a, anti-HPA-2b, anti-HPA-3a, anti-HPA-3b, anti-HPA4a, anti-HPA-Sa, and anti-HPA-Sb. Anti-HPA-3b and antiHPA-Sa sera were kindly provided by Dr C Mueller Eckhardt, Gies sen, Germany. Anti-HPA-4a and anti-Nak” were gifts from Dr Y. Shibata, Tokyo, Japan. The phenotype of the platelets was determined in the platelet immunofluorescence testI6 and/or the monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigens (MAIPA).” The monoclonal antibodies used in the MAIPA assay were MB45, against the CD42b antigen (GPIba); CLB-thromb/I and Y2/51, both against the CD61 antigen (GP IIIa); MB9, against the CD41 antigen (GP Ilb); and CLB-thromb/4, against the CDw49b antigen (VLA-2).’* The donors who were positive for the HPA-Sa antigen were also tested for the HPA-Sb antigen. Genetic Characterization Genomic DNA was purified from leukocytes according to the method described by Ciulla et aI.l9 Oligonucleotide primers selected for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to amplify those parts of the genomic DNA that contain the polymorphic sequences corresponding to the HPA- I, HPA-2, and HPA-3 alleles respectively. Sequence and genomic position of the oligonucleotide primers used for the PCR are shown in Table 2. PCR was performed on 0.7 p g genomic DNA template in a total volume of 50 p L with 20 pmol of the appropriate primers From the Department of Immunologic Haematology, Central Laboratory ofthe Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and Laboratory for Clinical and Experimental Immunology, University ofAmsterdam; and the Department of Haematology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Submitted April 13, 1992; accepted October 8, 1992. Address reprint requests to A.E.G.Kr. von dem Borne, MD, c/o Publication Secretariat, Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood TransfusionService, PO Box 9406, I006 AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The publication costs ofthis article were defiayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/93/8 103-0024$3.00/0 835 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. SIMSEK ET AL 836 with I U Msp I, Sfa NI, and Fok I (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Bethesda, MD) for the HPA-I, HPA-2 and HPA-3 systems respectively. Digests were analyzed on a 8% polyacrylamide (HPA1 and HPA-3) or a 2% agarose (HPA-2) gel. Fragments were visualized by U V illumination after ethidium bromide staining. Table 1. Molecular Basis of the Human Platelet Antigens System Antigens HPA-1 HPA-la HPA-1b HPA-2a HPA-2b HPA-3a HPA-3b HPA-4a HPA-4b HPA-2 HPA-3 HPA-4 Glycoprotein Location Amino Acid Substitution GPlla References Leucine33 Proline33 Methi~nine''~ Threonine'46 Isoleucinesu Serinew3 GlutaminelArginine143 GP Ib GPIlb Gp 'la 7 ASRA Analysis of PCR Products 8 HPA-I sysfem. The C + T substitution at base number 12,548 ofthe complete genomic DNA sequencecreates an Nci I and an Msp I restriction enzyme cleavage site in the HPA-lb GPllla DNA. We have chosen for Msp I restriction analysis for reasons stated below. The position of the Msp I restriction sites in the HPA-1 PCR product is depicted in Fig I A. HPA-2 sysfem. The C + T substitution at base 482 of the GP Iba gene creates an Sfa NI restriction site in the HPA-2b allele. The position of the Sfa NI restriction sites in the PCR product and the length of the fragments generated after digestion are schematically shown in Fig 2A. HPA-3 sysfcm. The G + T substitution at base 13,962 of the genomic GP Ilb DNA sequence is responsible for the loss of an Fok I site in the HPA-3b allele. The position ofthe Fok I restriction 9 10 and 2 U of Taq DNA polymerase in the buffer recommended by the manufacturer (Promega, Madison, WI). Thirty-three cycles of amplification were performed, with denaturation for I minute at 95°C. annealing for 2 minutes at 62"C, and extension for 2% minutes at 72OC. Restriction-enzyme digests of the amplification products were performed under conditions recommended by the manufacturers A 0 GP Ills: 2 1 I I 111 I 1111 I I 0 111 111 I I I I ' 3 I I I I 40kb I 4 L 2 Msp I(only in HPA-lb) 279 D * 4 106 -4 Msp I .. -t I 173 1 197 197 D 4 HPA-la HPA-lb 40 2 4 27- 1974 1 7 b 10- Fig 1. (A) Diagramatic representation of the genomic organization of glycoprotein Illa. The PCR product has a length of 482 bp. The Msp Irecognition sites, which are present in both alleles, are shown. Also the Msp 1, which is created by the C + T transition in the HPA-1b allele and the actual fragments after digestion with Msp I are also shown. (B) The 482-bp PCR products in the HPA-1(a+,b-), HPA-1(a+,b+), and HPA1(a-,b+) phenotypes were digested with Msp 1 and electrophoresed through a 8% polyacrylamide gel. M is a marker. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 837 HPA FREQUENCIES IN THE DUTCH POPULATION Table 2. Sequence of Oligonucleotide Primers Selected for the PCR OlioonucleotideSeauences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Localizationtntl References 12447 12923 57 765 13834 14281 11 5ATAAGCTTAGCTATTGGGAAGTGGTAGGGCCTG3’ 5 CTTCTGACTCAAGTCCTAACG3’ 5ATAAGCTTGCTGCTCCTGCTGCCAAGCC3 VTAGAATTCAGCATTGTCCTGCAGCCACG3 5 TGGAAGAAAGACCTGGGAAGG3’ 5 CTCCTTAACGTACTGGGAAGC3 12 13 Primers 1 and 2 were used for the HPA-1 PCR. Primers 3 and 4 were used for HPA-2 PCR. Primers 5 and 6 were used for the HPA-3 PCR. The position of the 5 end of the primers in the gene sequence is indicated. sites in the HPA-3 PCR fragment and the length of the digestion fragments are shown in Fig 3A. in the PCR productsofall three systems for the A S m analysis an “internal control” for the efficiencyofthe enzyme is present, ie, the enzyme used in the assay has another target site in the pCR fragment, which is present in both alleles. RESULTS Plufelef phenolyping. Platelets from 200 donors were phenotyped for the antigens of the HPA-I, HPA-2, HPA-3, and HPA-4 SyStems in the platelet i~mUnOflUOreSCenCetest and in the MAIPA. The HPA-5 system was tested in the A GPlb : I I PCR-tragmonta: 192 . 627 192 279 (a+,b-) H PA-2 (a+,b+) HPA-2 (a-,b+) - - - H PA-2 B SfaN1 + bP Fig 2. (A) The PCR strategy to a m p l i i a region in the genomic glycoprotein Iba in which the HPA-2 polymorphism is located and the fragments after digestion with Sfa N1 are shown. The Sfa N1 site, which is created by the C + T substitution is located at base 471 in this PCR product. (B) Ethidium bromide staining after a 2% agarose gel electrophoresis of the digested samples in the HPA-Z(a+,b-), HPA-S(a+,b+). and HPA-P(a-,b+) phenotypes isshown. M1 and M 2 are markers. 719 527 L 279 248 192 248 - -1 2% agarose + + . M1 HPA-2. HPA-20 M2 From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. 838 SIMSEK ET AL 26 &//\ II 111 100 I okl 4 Fokl 191 149 30 I Fig 3. (A) The genomic organization of glycoprotein Ilb and the 448-bp PCR product is shown. The HPA-3 polymorphism is attributable to a G + T substitution leading t o the loss of a recognition site for Fok Ilocated at 108 bp in this PCR product. (6)The PCR product of the HPA-3(a+,b-), HPA3(a+,b+), and HPA-B(a-,b+) phenotypes were electrophoresed through a 8% polyacrylamide gel after digestion with FokI. 448bp PCR fragments: 149 299 B Fok I HPA-3(a+,b-) - + HPA-3(a+,bt) - + HPA-3(a-,b+) - + be - 448 - 299 -191 -1 4 9 - 108 MAIPA only. Results are shown in Table 3. No discrepancies were observed between the results of the platelet immunofluorescence test and those of the MAIPA (Table 4). Donor genofyping. ASRA analysis for the HPA- 1, HPA2, and HPA-3 system was performed on DNA derived from 98 of the 200 donors whose platelets were phenotyped. The genotype of the donors could be directly determined by the PCR-ASRA. The fragments obtained by Msp I (HPA-I), Sfa NI (HPA-2), and Fok I (HPA-3) digestions are shown in Fig IB, 2B, and 3B respectively. The digestion products are of the expected size. The digested fragments by the ASRA and the genotypes derived from these results are consistent with the observed phenotypes as determined by the PIFT and/or the MAIPA. Thus, the phenotype and genotype correspond in all 98 cases tested (Table 4). DISCUSSION Phenotyping of platelet alloantigens has so far depended on the availability of platelets and alloantigen-specific reagents. The technique most commonly used is the platelet immunofluorescence test. For the detection of platelet alloantigens (eg, HPA-5) present in low concentration on the platelet surface, a catching ELISA (MAIPA) has been developed." The platelets of 200 Dutch blood donors were phenotyped by these two serologic techniques. Table 3 shows the frequencies of the platelet alloantigens in the Dutch population. The phenotype frequencies for most of the HPA systems is comparable to the frequencies found in the white population described previously? In contrast, the phenotype frequency that is found for the HPA-3a antigen is lower than reported previously." This discrepancy is probably attributable to the presence of noncomplement fixing HLA antibodies, not detectable in the lymphocyte cytotoxicity test (LCT), in the Table 3. Human Platelet Antigen Frequencies in the Dutch Population Phenotype Frequency (%Y (n = 200) System HPA-1 [ZW, PIA] HPA-2 [KO, Sib] HPA-3 [Bak, Lek] HPA-4 [Pen, Yuk] HPA-5 [Br, Hc, Zav] Calculated Gene Frequency' (n = 200) Antigens Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI HPA-la HPA-1b HPA-2a HPA-2b HPA-3a HPA-3b HPA-4a HPA-4b HPA-5a HPA-5b 97.86 28.84 100 13.15 80.95 69.84 100 0 100 19.7 (94.43-99.05) (22.59-33.45) (97.65-100) (8.94-1 8.72) (74.67-85.92) (62.89-75.93) (97.65-100) (0-2.35) (97.65-100)t (14.56-25.95) 0.846 0.154 0.934 0.066 0.555 0.445 1,000 0,000 0.902 0.098 (0.787-0.891) (0.108-0.212) (0.888-0.96 1) (0.037-0.1 11) (0.483-0.624) (0.37545 16) (0.985-1 .000) (0.000-0.015) (0.849-0.936) (0.063-0.150) 95% CI,95% confidence interval of the frequencies. The calculated frequencies are based on immunofluorescence and MAIPA results. t Only HPA-5b+individualswere tested for HPA-5a expression. From by guest on February 6, 2015. For personal use only. HPA FREQUENCIES IN THE DUTCH POPULATION 839 Table 4. Concordance Between lmmunophenotyping and DNA Analysis ~ ~~ n 98 PIFT MAIPA ASRA HPA-1 (a+, b-) HPA-1 (a+, b+) HPA-1 (a-, b+) 62 35 1 62 35 1 62 35 HPA-2 (a+, b-) HPA-2 (a+, b+) HPA-2 (a-, b+) 86 12 86 12 86 12 - - - HPA-3 (a+, b-) HPA-3 (a+, b+) HPA-3 (a-, b+) 28 53 17 28 53 17 28 53 17 = 1 From the 98 donors from which DNA was purified to directly determine the genotypes, the results of the PIFT, MAIPA, and the ASRA were compared. only anti-Bak" (anti-HPA-3a) serum available at the time of the original study (unpublished observation). In the population studied in the present investigation, all donors were positive for the HPA-4a antigen. Previously, we also noted HPA-4b antigen negativity with all donors tested in the Dutch population, using anti-HPA-4b antibodies, testing a different group of 48 donors. Therefore, we decided not to perform genotyping for HPA-4 by molecular biological methods. However, this is also possible in ASRA by applying the restriction enzyme CviRI, which recognizes the -TGCA- sequence.20 Furthermore, there was no single person whose platelets did not react with the anti-Nak" isoantibodies, indicating that GP IV-deficiency does not occur at a significant rate in the Dutch population. The molecular biological basis for the HPA-5 polymorphism has not yet been established, and for this reason this system cannot be included in the ASRA analysis. Reagents for immunotyping (serotyping) of the HPA- 1b, HPA-2a, HPA-2b, and HPA-3b antigens are rare and available only in a few specialized laboratories in small quantities. Moreover, in some clinical situations no platelets are available for phenotyping of the platelet alloantigens.I4,l5 In contrast, genotyping might be performed on any material from which DNA can be derived. We have designed PCR oligonucleotide primers applicable on genomic DNA. This eliminates the need for isolation of mRNA and reverse transcription into cDNA. Our methodology for platelet antigen genotyping can be applied and performed by anyone with basic experience in molecular biological techniques. We have compared the results of conventional phenotyping and of genotyping for HPA-1, HPA-2, and HPA-3 in 98 random donors of the Dutch population. Our results show that there is a perfect correlation between the serologic results and those obtained by the ASRA analysis. ASRA using Nci I to type for the HPA-1 system has been described by Newman et al.' However, this enzyme may give false positive results because of incomplete or failed digestion (unpublished observation). In contrast to Nci I, Msp I has the advantage that the PCR product used for the ASRA contains a restriction site for Msp I in both alleles. This provides an internal control for complete digestion in each assay. Similarly there are additional restric- tion sites in both alleles for the Sfu NI-ASRA in the HPA-2 PCR fragment and for the Fok I in both of the HPA-3 alleles. Other techniques for genotyping of allelic antigens to detect just one base-pair difference, such as the competitive oligonucleotide priming (COP) assay2' and allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) dot-blot hybridization22 have been described. In comparison with the PCR-ASRA analysis described in this report, the COP assay is time-consuming, requires radioactivity, and depends on critical conditions needed for allele-specific hybridization based on a single basepair difference. This last aspect also applies to the AS0 dotblot hybridization (radioactive or nonradioactive) technique. For these techniques, the hybridization temperatures for the respective oligonucleotide probes and the hybridization buffer (ASO) should be carefully controlled. The results may be affected by variations in sample condition or quality of the PCR products. Moreover, incorporation of an internal control in each AS0 or COP assay appears not to be feasable. In conclusion, we have determined the phenotype and genotype frequencies of the most important platelet specific alloantigens in the Dutch population. The PCR-ASRA analysis for genotyping of HPA alleles is a valuable tool to replace platelet alloantigen typing, especially in cases in which platelets for phenotyping are not available or difficult to obtain. Moreover, it eliminates the need for scarcely available antisera. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank B. Bossers, H. Bruinink, I. Damsma, L. Buddelmeijer, J. Heeremans, C. van der Meer, and K. van der Kolk for technical support. Furthermore, we thank Dr C.P. Engelfriet for critically reading the manuscript and Dr H.Th.M. Cuijpers for useful discussions. 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For personal use only. 1993 81: 835-840 Determination of human platelet antigen frequencies in the Dutch population by immunophenotyping and DNA (allele-specific restriction enzyme) analysis S Simsek, NM Faber, PM Bleeker, AB Vlekke, E Huiskes, R Goldschmeding and AE von dem Borne Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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