CARILLON A Free Publication of First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-963-3579 ~ [email protected] ~ Facebook: First United Methodist Church Santa Barbara January 27 2015 Healing Grace At Gracie's Feast this past Sunday, Scott rose to address the packed house. He thanked everyone for coming to support Grace and her family. He thanked Renato's Via Maestra 42 for providing all the food. He thanked the various businesses that also contributed. Members of the family and Debbie joined him on stage to express their heartfelt gratitude for the outpouring of love that had surrounded and upheld them, passing on to the crowd with their voices what Grace from her hospital bed could only mouth with her lips: "Thank you." Scott then concluded by saying, "We know the next steps in Gracie’s recovery are still emerging, and sometimes we wish we could do more. But something we all can do is to pray." Then he called on Pastor Mark to lead the crowd in prayer. There are two images that help me think about our praying for Gracie. One came on a sultry June evening many years ago at the University of Redlands Chapel. Hundreds of tired delegates from a long hot evening session were chatting as they poured down the front steps and into the night. Suddenly there was a cry and I could see one or two kneeling next to someone collapsed on the steps about half way down the broad concrete steps. The crowds kept coming, unaware. Then someone near the top saw what was happening and called out to the rest of us, "Grab a hand. Everyone, join hands! Link arms!" What happened next remains fixed in my memory. A large circle of hands, arms, and bodies quickly took form around the fallen person creating a buffer of safety for the victim, a sacred space for her and for those attempting to give care without causing further injury. A hush fell over the noisy crowd. Those providing immediate response were able to bring aid and comfort. Soon an ambulance arrived and the emergency medical workers moved freely through to the center to lift and deliver the direct assistance that was so needed while the rest of us held the space, maintaining that circle of caring. "Holding Space" is a term I first heard in the context of walking the Labyrinth. One walks down a winding, twisting path into the center where time can be spent in prayer and reflection. The Labyrinth can provide a sacred space for meditation, intercession, and healing. It offers support for the space inside ourselves. On one of my first experiences, I was walking the Labyrinth with a friend. She was ahead of me on the path as we left the center, and she exited the Labyrinth several minutes before I did. She waited silently for me at the entrance. When I inquired, she said it was called "holding space" for me in prayer until I emerged. Lauren Artress in Walking A Sacred Path says “sacred space” is often associated with church sanctuaries, but it can be anywhere and is everywhere. We are more aware of God's holy presence all around us and within us when we can let down our guard, remember who we are, and be open and receptive. You will find in this Carillon an invitation to pause daily for a time of prayer, but especially each Wednesday evening, to create a sacred space of your own for Grace; to breathe deeply, to envision Grace and her family surrounded by love and healing light. Those who wish are invited to Wesley Chapel from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Primarily this will be a time for silent prayer reserved for personal reflection and intercession. There will be some very brief sharing to help us get started. Grace and her family are entering a spiritual labyrinth of recovery and healing. They are in need of us linking arms, taking hands, and joining hearts, to "hold space" for her until she re-emerges from her journey. As Scott suggested, there is much we do not know about what the future will hold, but we know who holds the future, and we can all hold Grace in a gentle but firm and powerful circle of prayer. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SUNDAY A Community of Prayer On January 25th we celebrated United Methodist Women Sunday. UMW women participated in all facets of both services as greeters, ushers, and liturgists. Guest speaker, Mele Faiva Blagojevich, CalPac Conference UMW President, spoke on the message “We Are the Body of Christ.” Patty Bellinger gratefully acknowledged Annell Stewart, Sondra Eilers and Janice Fitzgibbons for their dedicated service to UWM. Please keep the following people in your prayers Diane & Dan Adamson, Patti Blatt, Anne Clark, Hayden Davidson, Aimee Dutch, Gracie Fisher and family, Randy Harper, Myra Hogan, David Holmes, Brigitte McKee, Joyce Richardson, Ruth Warkentin, Rev. Elwood Wissmann. In Remembrance Nicki Hartfeld, January 4th Memorial at FUMC on February 7th at 2:00 p.m. From left to right: Annell Stewart, Mele Faiva Blagojevich, and SB President, Bev King. George Schlerf, January 24th Fay Smith, January 15th Service Personnel Damon Belanger, Ryan Hirschler, Sean Jones, Catherine Lily Karl, Scott McKee, Kevin Meinert, Alycia Porter, Timothy Radcliffe, Matthew Wissmann. “SOUPER” BOWL OF CARING SUNDAY ~ FEBRUARY 1ST Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of young people working to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the annual Super Bowl football game. They give 100% of their donation directly to the local hunger-relief charity of their choice. This year, the funds they collect will go for the SB Unity Shoppe, which operates a year-round “Free” grocery and clothing store so people can shop with dignity for their basic needs Next Sunday, the Sunday School children will hold empty soup pots at the doors as people leave the services asking for one dollar (or more) for the Unity Shoppe. Thank you for your support! BOY SCOUT SUNDAY: FEBRUARY 8TH FUMC is proud of the many scouts and their leaders who meet regularly at the church: Troop 1, the Webelos Scouts, as well as Pack 21 and parent meetings. Boy Scout Sunday will be celebrated February 8th. Scout Master Bobby Blessing and his team of Scout leaders, will again lead in worship. The Church’s Webelo unit, led by Thierry Broucqsault, will also be represented. Pastor Mark will bring the message of the day. FUMC is proud of sponsoring these dynamic youth programs. Troop 1 is the earliest Scout Troop west of the Mississippi!!! HOLDING SPACE/SACRED SPACE WEDNESDAYS IN WESLEY CHAPEL: 6:00 - 6:30 PM All are invited to set aside a time and place, or even just to pause for a moment of prayer each Wednesday evening for Grace and for any whose needs are upon your heart. For those who wish and are able to attend, Wesley Chapel will be open for prayer 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. While this will principally be a time for silent prayer, there will be a variety of prayer options offered including the reading of a scripture, a corporate prayer, a brief sharing, etc. However, this will not be a formal prayer service, and most of the time will be reserved for personal reflection and prayer to create a sacred space. "Holding Space" (a term from the Labyrinth movement) has obviously sprung from Gracie's circumstances, especially as she and her family prepare to travel out of town to a rehabilitation center in Denver. We will hold a sacred space for her and her family in our hearts and prayers until she returns, and may offer Holding Space at other times in the future. 2 Feast For Gracie Luncheon A Missions Committee Fundraiser for the Gracie Fisher Family Gracie Fisher and her family (parents, Deb and Bill, sister, Emily, and grandparents, Joyce and Norman Wieder) are known by many as active and faithful members of the FUMC church family. Gracie very recently and suddenly developed symptoms of body paralysis and has been diagnosed with Acute Flaccid Myelitis. She has a very long recovery road ahead of her. A benefit Luncheon was held on January 25th and over $33,000 was raised for the Gracie Fisher Fund which provides financial assistance for her medical care. A website has been set-up to provide updates on her progress and to allow the family to connect with all those who continue to pray for her recovery. If you would like to make a donation, you can do so online at the link above or mail your check made out to Gracie Fisher Fund to: Gracie Fisher Fund, 308 Paseo Del Descanso, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. The Fisher family gratefully acknowledges the prayers, love and outreach from all those in our church family and in the community who continue to pray and support them as they focus on Gracie’s recovery. Via Maestra 42 once again generously donated the food so that 100% of the proceeds went directly to fund Gracie’s continuing medical care. Our immense gratitude goes to Via Maestra owners and church members Renato and Lisa Moiso and to Scott Burns and the Missions Committee for organizing the fundraiser. Kudos also to Carol Schlerf for organizing the Opportunity Drawings and all those who contributed gift cards and certificates to the drawings. The Opportunity Drawings raised over $5,600 of the money collected during the Feast for Gracie. Lastly, our deep appreciation goes to Vince Schlerf for acting as Maitre D for the host of volunteers that made the event possible. Vince’s father passed away on Saturday and he flew out shortly after the Feast to join his family in Portland. Our immense gratitude goes out to all of the FUMC church family that volunteered or bought luncheon and drawing tickets. Praise be to God! 3 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY CELEBRATION CONTINUES AT FUMC SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER FEBRUARY 17TH IN FELLOWSHIP HALL The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper continues! You are invited to attend this year’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! All proceeds will go to the new Garden Preschool opened by FUMC last year. Shrove Tuesday marks the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The event will include the ever-popular cake walk, delicious pancakes and ham, Troop 1 scouts waiting tables, music to accompany your fine dining, art work by the preschool children and from Dana Petersen’s art class! What more could you ask! Plan now to donate a cake, pie or other delicacy for the cake walk! HEALTH MINISTRIES MESSAGE (modified from Dear Abby's column Jan 1, 2015) Just for today I will live through this day only. Just for today I will be happy. Just for today I will accept what is. Just for today I will improve my mind. Just for today I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. This year’s MLK Jr. Day Celebrations began with a Pre-March Program in De La Guerra Plaza, followed by a Unity March up State Street (left photo) to the Arlington Theater for a program relating to the theme “Drum Majors for Justice.” . FUMC continued its tradition of hosting the Community Luncheon in Fellowship Hall following the program at the Arlington. In the photo on the right, the Rev Wallace Shepherd, pastor of the SB Second Baptist Church, and Isaac Garrett, SB activist and onetime SB mayoral candidate, congratulate FUMC Community Luncheon Coordinator, Annell Stewart and her volunteers for a wonderful lunch reception in our Fellowship Hall. NEW STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING *Support in Times of Transition and Need * Just for today I will refrain from improving anybody but myself. People in times of trial say that the greatest failure of their friends is that they stay away! The truth is we all too often avoid people who are hurting, sick, or grieving and fail to express that simple human word of caring. Just for today I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions. COME TO THE TABLE OF GOODIES Walking into Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings to a hot cup of coffee and a variety of treats is no accident. There are numerous kind and generous angels amongst us who step up each week to donate the refreshments that create this warm and welcoming environment for our church family members, friends, and visitors. We are truly appreciative of our fellowship time contributors and to Wes Korpela who keeps the coffee flowing and our kitchen spic and span. The church trains and supervises lay persons to provide one-to-one caring outreach to people going through times of transition and need. Sometimes the need is during a crisis, loss, illness or injury. Other times the need is for a listening ear of assurance or encouragement. Stephen Ministry is for those who find themselves called to the caregiving role. The next training begins soon. Please contact Coventry Harris, Martha Saatjian, or Pastor Alan Strout for more information. LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART! SB MISSION AREA CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES Order your Valentine gift-package from the Youth Group this Sunday at the Valentine Table! Packages will be available for pick up Feb. 8th. The $12 donation goes for the youth summer work team. This year the Sierra Service Project is going to the Walker River site in Nevada. First UMC: 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. St. Mark UMC: 9:30 a.m. (3942 La Colina Rd., SB) Isla Vista University UMC: 11:00 a.m. (892 Camino del Sur, Isla Vista) 4 WILLBRIDGE SEEKS CVR COLLECTIONS AS FUNDRAISER FOR THE NON-PROFIT FUMC has begun to collect “redeemable” plastics, cans and glass as a fundraiser for the WillBridge, a local charity. WillBridge is a faithbased nonprofit founded in 2005 that provides refuge and assistance to the chronically homeless and mentally ill adults. The black barrel receptacle is a reminder that the church now has collection bins in the staff kitchen across from the office and in the Fellowship Hall kitchen for “redeemable” plastics, cans, and glass (not paper or cardboard). If you would like to contribute to this collection fundraiser, please bring your items to the office during the week or to Fellowship Hall on Sunday. Please note: Not all recyclables are useable to redeem for this fundraiser. Consumers pay California Redemption Value (CRV) when they purchase beverages from a retailer, and receive CRV refunds when they redeem the containers at a recycling center. Most beverages packaged in aluminum, glass, plastic, bi-metal containers are eligible for CRV. Exceptions are milk, wine, distilled spirits, which are not included in the CRV program, though still recyclable in your street barrel. GARDEN PRESCHOOL NEWS Garden Preschool is continuing with the Preschool Postcard Project. We are asking all friends, families, neighbors, church members, and anyone we know, to send postcards to the children at Garden Preschool. See all the postcards and where they are from on the board across from the preschool classroom. The preschool address is the same as the church: 305 East Anapamu Street, SB, CA 93101 The children will write back if a return address is included. Join the fun and adventure of new places and friends! YOUTH SUPER BOWL PARTY This year the youth group will gather at Siena Hogan’s family home, February 1st at 3:30 pm for BBQ and exciting trivia game competitions led by Gary Pitney. The youth are asked to bring cans of food for Unity Shoppe as their “admission” to the party. For information please see Izzy, Elizabeth, or Gary. LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAYS @ 6:30 P.M. IN ASBURY Pastor Mark leads a study of the scripture passages that will be the basis for the following Sunday sermon and worship service. The Weds. night study continues through February 4th, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Contact Pastor Mark ([email protected]) so he can email the study materials to you in advance of the class. Materials will also be available in class. Bring your Bible and a friend as we reflect on how these scripture passages speak to our lives today. All are welcome no previous Bible experience needed! Above, and on the left, United Methodist Women’s FUMC President Bev King welcomes Lynelle Williams, Executive Director of WillBridge. Also in the photo is WillBridge Board Member George Armstrong. George is also a faithful member of FUMC. 201 LENTEN ORGAN SERIES FREE RECITALS BEGIN FEBRUARY 22ND SUNDAYS AT 3:00 PM Our Lenten Organ recital series has moved to a new day and new time! There will be four Sunday recitals beginning on February 22nd, the first Sunday in Lent. The free, concerts begin at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Be sure to catch one or all of the recitals: BABY BOOK BASKETS Our congregation has been blessed with many new babies and we would like to be able to bless these families with Book Baskets. Please consider donating new (or gently used) baby and children’s books to be included in these baskets which will be given to these growing families. You may drop off your books in Aimee’s office or in the church office. This will be an ongoing collection, so please keep this ministry in mind throughout the year! Thank you from Children, Youth and Family Ministries 5 First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non profit organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Santa Barbara, CA 93101 PERMIT NO. 43 Dated Material January 27, 2015 First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara: How to Contact Us Church Office: Open Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (805) 963-3579 Caroline Kavanagh and Suzanne McAdams, Admin. Assistants [email protected] Pastors: Rev. Dr. Mark Richardson, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Dr. Alan Strout, Associate Pastor [email protected] Children & Family Ministries: Aimee Dutch, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator [email protected] Izzy Jarvis, Elizabeth Spencer, Youth Leaders [email protected] Garden Preschool: Heidi Casper, Director (805) 451-5487 [email protected] Membership: Sylvia Morikawa, Membership Coordinator [email protected] The following may be also reached through the church office:(805-963-3579) Music Director: Nathan Kreitzer Organist: Dr. Steve Hodson Weddings/Events: Marte Franklin, Toni Straka Daily Devotional - A different inspiring recorded message each day by Pastor Alan: 805-962-5697 The Carillon is published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise noted. The submissions are due to the office by the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. FUMCSB VISION STATEMENT The vision of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara is to provide a welcoming place where the congregation encompasses multiple generations, diversity is respected and celebrated, and commitments of faith lead to acts of mercy, social justice,and compassion. We encourage and support each person on their Christian journey of faith and offer a variety of ways of connecting with God through: Fellowship and Caring Ministries, Understanding through teaching and learning, Mission and Outreach, 6 Christian Faith. Creative expression of
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